Bulacan Standard Academy, Inc.: Curriculum Map
Bulacan Standard Academy, Inc.: Curriculum Map
Bulacan Standard Academy, Inc.: Curriculum Map
Q1 Pre-colonial CONTENT A.1 Supply other Fill in the Blanks Virtual Oral Textbooks Retention skills
AUGUST Philippine STANDARD: words or Activity
2020 Literature The learner expressions that Constructed
demonstrates complete an Response Test
understanding of: analogy Critical Thinking
pre-colonial EN7-IV-c-23.1
Philippine literature
as a means of A.2 Identify the Reading Music Video Video and
connecting to the genre, purpose, Comprehension Scavenger Hunt Audio Clip
past; various reading intended audience Creativity
style; ways of and features of
determining word various viewed Textbooks and
meaning; the sounds texts such as movie Merriam
of English and the clip, trailer, Webster
prosodic features of newsflash, internet- Dictionary Confidence
speech; and correct based program,
subject verb documentary, video
agreement. EEN7VC-l-d-6
A.3 Use the passive Essay Writing On board Activity Literary Text Critical Thinking
and active voice
meaningfully in
varied contexts
A.4 Use the past Essay Writing Outline Making Graphic Organizing
and past perfect Organizer
tenses correctly in
varied contexts
A.5 Use direct and Fill in the blank Make meaning Textbooks Confidence
reported speech activity
appropriately in
varied contexts
A.6 Use phrases, Essay Writing Think-Pair-Share Venn Diagram Critical Thinking
clauses, and Composition
appropriately and
Scaffold 1:
Presenting a PERFORMANCE The teacher Video Clips Creativity
PERFORMANCE creative Vlog of TASK IN presents and
STANDARD: different places in GRASPS tells a Collaboration
The learner transfers the Philippines The Philippines humorous Feature articles,
vlogs Critical Thinking
learning by: showing using sentences joined the story.
appreciation for the pattern in speech. competition of The teacher Communication
literature of the past; Showing presenting the shows the
comprehending texts appreciation for the beautiful places in ways in
using appropriate literature of the own country. Your writing an
reading styles; past; tourist guides team effective
participating in comprehending are invited. As a speech,
conversations using texts using tourist guides, you elaborates
appropriate context- appropriate style are assigned to grammar.
dependent and using the present the The teacher
expressions; prosodic features of historical presents the
producing English speech effectively background, rubric.
sounds correctly and in various literature, ancient Scaffold 2:
using prosodic situations; and places and the The teacher
features of speech observing subject dialects of the presents a
effectively in various verb agreement. provinces. Which video about
situations; and aims to highlight different places
observing correct the beauty of in Philippines
subject-verb natural resources Students
agreement. does Philippines complete
had. Your the blanks
presentation must using
consider the prompting
following activities in
standards: use of writing a
effective script.
appropriate The rubric
grammatical is
signals or presented.
expressions. Scaffold 3:
The students
will compose a
short script
following S-V-
A Rules.
The students’
script will be
assessed through
peer feed backing
using the rubric.
Scaffold 3:
The students will
compose script
about their
chosen topic for
a debate.
The students’
speech will be
assessed through
peer feed
backing using
the rubric.
Q3 CONTENT A.1 Distinguish fact Oral presentation Debate Video Clips Excellence and
JANUARY Philippine STANDARD from opinion, fantasy Competence
2020 Literature in The learner from reality in the 1 Minute Speech Powerpoint
the Period of demonstrates text Presentation
Emergence understanding of: EN7RC-III-g-2.13
Philippine literature in EN7RC-III-h-2.13
the Period of
Emergence as a tool to A.2 Identify Identification Test K-W-L Chart Text Books Creativity
a assert one’s identity; collocations used in a Type
strategies in listening to selection Graphic
and viewing of EN7V-III-a-13.11.1 Organizers
informative and short EN7V-III-b-13.11.1
narrative texts; word EN7V-III-c-13.11.1
relationships and
associations; A.3 Determine words Brainstorming Pass the Message Text Books Critical Thinking
informative speech; or expressions with
and use of genus-species
direct/reported speech, (hyponymous)
passive/active voice, relations in a
simple past and past selection
perfect tenses, and EN7V-III-d-13.11.1
sentence connectors. EN7V-III-e-13.11.1
Words Strip
A.4 Compose a series Essay Writing Literary Text Communication
of journal entries
EN7W-III-c-2.8.5 Journal Documentary
A.5 Compose a Journal Think and Write Text Books Critical Thinking
personal letter to a
friend, relative, and Outline Making
other people
A.6 Use the passive Sentence Make Meaning Video clips Cross Cultural
and active voice Constructed Test Activity Understanding
meaningfully in Text Books
varied contexts
The rubric
Scaffold 3:
The students
will compose
an article, in
300 words or
less, a response
to the email
The students’
script will be
through peer
feed backing
using the
Q4 Contemporary CONTENT A.1 Determine the Compare and Research Engine Venn Diagram Excellence and
MARCH Philippine STANDARD truthfulness and contrast Test Chart Competence
2020 Literature The learner accuracy of the
demonstrates material viewed Creativity
understanding of: EN7VC-l-h-10
Critical Thinking
Philippine literature as
a means of responding A.2 Classify text Identification Test Find the missing Video Clips
to the demands of the types (narrative, type word Communication
global village; various expository, Flash Cards
extended text types; explanation, Critical Thinking
lexical and contextual recount, persuasive)
cues; appropriate and EN7LC-IV-a-8.1 Cross Cultural
polite oral language, Understanding
stance, and behavior; A.3 Discover Open forum Panel Discussion Text Books
and use of imperatives, through Philippine
prepositions, and literature the need Video Clips
appropriate and polite
to work
oral language, stance
and behavior in various cooperatively and
information-sharing responsibly in
formats. today’s global
A.4 Use
imperatives and Sentence Jigsaw Puzzle Graphic
prepositions when constructed test Organizer
giving instructions
A.10 Express
appreciation for Journal Literature Book
sensory images 1 minute talk
A.14 Formulate
who, what, when,
where, why, and Sentence Opinion Chart Graphic
how questions Constructed Test Organizer
The rubric
Scaffold 3:
The students
will create a
script that
captures the
attention and
has a well-
The students’
script will be
through peer
feed backing
using the