Bulacan Standard Academy, Inc.: Curriculum Map

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Poblacion, City of San Jose del Monte, Bulacan

A.Y 2020-2021


Subject: ENGLISH Subject Teacher: Mrs. Lovely A. Capobres

Grade Level: 7 Grading Period: 1st to 4th Quarter



Q1 Pre-colonial CONTENT A.1 Supply other Fill in the Blanks Virtual Oral Textbooks Retention skills
AUGUST Philippine STANDARD: words or Activity
2020 Literature The learner expressions that Constructed
demonstrates complete an Response Test
understanding of: analogy Critical Thinking
pre-colonial EN7-IV-c-23.1
Philippine literature
as a means of A.2 Identify the Reading Music Video Video and
connecting to the genre, purpose, Comprehension Scavenger Hunt Audio Clip
past; various reading intended audience Creativity
style; ways of and features of
determining word various viewed Textbooks and
meaning; the sounds texts such as movie Merriam
of English and the clip, trailer, Webster
prosodic features of newsflash, internet- Dictionary Confidence
speech; and correct based program,
subject verb documentary, video
agreement. EEN7VC-l-d-6

A.3 Use the passive Essay Writing On board Activity Literary Text Critical Thinking
and active voice
meaningfully in
varied contexts
A.4 Use the past Essay Writing Outline Making Graphic Organizing
and past perfect Organizer
tenses correctly in
varied contexts

A.5 Use direct and Fill in the blank Make meaning Textbooks Confidence
reported speech activity
appropriately in
varied contexts

A.6 Use phrases, Essay Writing Think-Pair-Share Venn Diagram Critical Thinking
clauses, and Composition
appropriately and

A.7 Use appropriate Comprehension Word Elimination Graphic

reading to meet Response Test Game Organizers
one’s purpose (e.g.
skimming, close
reading, etc.)

A.9 Observe correct Constructed Jump Start KWL chart

subject-verb Response Test Thinking
agreement- EN7G- Video
I-a-11 Presentation
Recognizing S-V-A Rules
Sentence Pattern
Test Textbooks

M.1 Expressing Text 1: The Cycle Video and Excellence and

CONTENT appreciation of the Sun and theEssential Question: Audio Clips Competence
STANDARD: sensory images, Moon “Why it is
The learner local color, important to have Pictures
demonstrates figurative language- Text 2: The Good truthfulness and Creativity
understanding of: EN7LT—I-C-2.2.1/ Prince Bantugan faithfulness to Graphic Images
pre-colonial EN7LT-I-d-2.2.2 one’s promise?
Philippine literature Text 3: The Money Text 1. Literary Text Critical Thinking
as a means of and the Turtle The Promise
connecting to the By: Marie Sexton
past; various reading Answer: Communication
style; ways of The speaker in the
determining word story state that
meaning; the sounds there are ways in Critical Thinking
of English and the fulfilling one’s
prosodic features of promise though
speech; and correct there are sayings
subject verb that promises are Cross Cultural
agreement. made to be broken. Understanding
Supporting Texts:
“Love has its own
way to fulfill a
promise. And when
happens, true love
finds a way”.
This line refers on
how we people
express themselves
in different way of
speeches where
they can give
meaning in words
to give color to
influence the
Text 2.
The Three
By: Krishna Rao
The speaker talks
about three
promises were
made by three lives
saved in the story,
but one of them
break his promise
to the person who
saved his life from
Supporting Texts:
“If I tell the king
that this young
man has killed the
prince, he will
definitely give me
the reward.”
Because of
greediness, there
are many people
who suffered from
Text 3.
By: Valerie
The speaker talks
about his dreams
and wants in life.
He loves to do
what makes her
happy, but because
of her disability
and weak body she
never does the
same thing she
want it to happen.
Contrary, she still
positive and
enthusiastic at the
end of the story.
Supporting Texts:
“Toby starts
spending time with
Pearl. From Pearl
he discovers the
beauty of poetry,
and from Blossom
he just might
uncover the
meaning of life.”
Sometimes we will
see the real values
when it was
already soon to
Common Ideas in
The stories are
about the value of
life. How to fulfill
one’s promise. And
also how will you
give color and
meaning in every
negative situation
we had.
Students will
understand through
text you will come
up with a creative
local color
sentences or

Scaffold 1:
Presenting a PERFORMANCE  The teacher Video Clips Creativity
PERFORMANCE creative Vlog of TASK IN presents and
STANDARD: different places in GRASPS tells a Collaboration
The learner transfers the Philippines The Philippines humorous Feature articles,
vlogs Critical Thinking
learning by: showing using sentences joined the story.
appreciation for the pattern in speech. competition of  The teacher Communication
literature of the past; Showing presenting the shows the
comprehending texts appreciation for the beautiful places in ways in
using appropriate literature of the own country. Your writing an
reading styles; past; tourist guides team effective
participating in comprehending are invited. As a speech,
conversations using texts using tourist guides, you elaborates
appropriate context- appropriate style are assigned to grammar.
dependent and using the present the  The teacher
expressions; prosodic features of historical presents the
producing English speech effectively background, rubric.
sounds correctly and in various literature, ancient Scaffold 2:
using prosodic situations; and places and the  The teacher
features of speech observing subject dialects of the presents a
effectively in various verb agreement. provinces. Which video about
situations; and aims to highlight different places
observing correct the beauty of in Philippines
subject-verb natural resources  Students
agreement. does Philippines complete
had. Your the blanks
presentation must using
consider the prompting
following activities in
standards: use of writing a
effective script.
appropriate  The rubric
grammatical is
signals or presented.
expressions. Scaffold 3:
 The students
will compose a
short script
following S-V-
A Rules.
The students’
script will be
assessed through
peer feed backing
using the rubric.

Think and Write

A.1 Use listening Constructed Textbooks Retention skills
Q2 Philippine CONTENT strategies based on response test
OTOBER Literature STANDARD: purpose, familiarity
2020 The learner with the topic and
demonstrates levels of difficulty
understanding of: of short texts listen
Philippine literature to Critical Thinking
during the Period of EN7LC-II-a-6 Differentiate
Apprenticeship as a Activity Library
means of examining A.2 Use card True or False Textbooks
conflicts; various catalog, the online
purposeful listening public access Creativity
and viewing catalog, or
strategies; difference electronic search
between literal and engine to locate
figurative language; specific resources-
ways to extract and EN7SS-II-a-c.1.5.3 Confidence
condense information Video log
based on library A. 3 Use a search Fill in the blanks Video
sources; verbal and engine to conduct a Presentation
non-verbal cues in guided search on a
oral communication; given topic
and types of phrases, EN7SS-II-c-1.5.3 Critical Thinking
clauses, and Audio Listening
sentences. A.4 Navigate a Sentence Audio
website using Constructed Test Listening,
essential features, Video
e.g. using headings, Presentation Organizing
links, etc.
Interview and Vlog
A.5 Research a Sentence
topic with support Completion Social Media Confidence
using two or three Website (News)
sources provided,
e.g. newspaper, News Paper
website, video, Essay Writing
images, podcast, Magazines
print based material Audio/Mp3
Predict what is to
A.6 Summarize key Eliminating Word happen Textbooks
information from a Test
A.7 Use analogy to Comprehension Activity Graphic
describe or make a Response Test Organizers
Pass the Message
A.8 Transcode Essay Writing Video
information from Presentation
linear to non-linear
texts and vice-versa
A.9 Note details, Comprehension Conversation
sequence, and Response Test
relationships of
ideas and events-
Mini story-telling
A.10 Narrate events Vocabulary
chronologically/ Building Test
Arrange ideas
logically based on a
material viewed- Writing
EN7VC-II-d-e-11 Composition

A.11 Predict the Film Strip

gist material viewed Identification Type Textbooks
based on the title, of Test
pictures, and
excerpts of the
material viewed-
Vlog Making
A.12 Discriminate Matching Type Textbooks
between literal and
figurative language-
Film Strip
A.13 Classify Multiple Choice Video Clip
sample texts into Textbooks
literal or figurative-
Graphic organizer
A.14 Identify Essay Writing Video
figures of speech presentation
That show
comparison (simile,
A.15 Discover the Essay Writing Activity Textbooks
conflicts presented
in literary selections
and the need to
resolve those
conflicts in non-
violent ways-
A.16 Identify the Comprehension Printed Poems
distinguishing Response Test Video
features of literature Presentation
during the Period of
Plug and Play
A.17 Identify the Matching Type Textbooks
features of poems
and short stories-
Vlog making
A.18 Explain how Essay Writing Textbooks
the elements
specific to genre
contribute to the
theme of a
particular literary
selection- EN7LT-
A.19 Explain Fill in the blank analyzation activity Graphic
appreciation for Organizers
sensory images-
Pass the message
A.20 Draw Essay Writing Idea Web
similarities and Graphic
differences of the Organizers
featured selections
in relation to the
A.21 Explain how a Presentation
selection may be Sentence through Zoom Textbooks
influenced by Constructed Test
culture, history,
environment, or
other factors-

A.22 Extract Picture Writing

information from a Essay writing Prompts Video
text using a Presentation
summary, precis, Audio Listening
and paraphrase-

A.23 Use verbal Textbooks

and non-verbal cues Sentence
in conversations, Constructed Test
dialogs, and

A.25 Use phrases,

clauses, and Essay writing
appropriately and
CONTENT M.1 Text 1: Essential Question: Literary Texts Critical Thinking
STANDARD: Reacting and sharing A letter to his parents How important is
The learner personal opinion by Jose Rizal acceptance in Collaboration
demonstrates about the ideas moving forward in
understanding of: listened to- Text 2: How My life? Competence
Philippine literature M.2 Brother Leon Text 1. The Leader
Developing a better Brought Home a of the People Creativity
during the Period of
understanding of the Wife by Manuel E. By: John Steinbeck
Apprenticeship as a
means of examining human condition Arguillo Answer:
conflicts; various through literature- The speaker
purposeful listening EN7LT-III-a-i-5 Text 3: rendered is youth
and viewing Dead Star (An and opportunities to
Excerpt) by Paz be both protector and
strategies; difference
Marquez Benitez conqueror.
between literal and Supporting Texts:
figurative language; Lines like “to be
ways to extract and more empowering
condense information than Realism it is
based on library better illustrates
sources; verbal and what is natural and
non-verbal cues in human conditions”
oral communication; Reason:
and types of phrases, These lines were
clauses, and used to describe how
important life is… to
be more productive
as individual
Text 2:
The Hero of The
By: Sandeep
We have to live a life
without regrets so we
must always look
forward for better
things to come.
Supporting Texts:
“Many of my fellow
soldiers were already
dead and the
remaining men were
falling in front of my
eyes. With each fall I
was losing courage.
Then came a time
where I had to
decide whether to go
forward and
complete the mission
given to me by the
army to save my
fellowmen who were
now prisoner of war”
This means the
speaker doubt not to
his obligation as an
TEXT 3: Strength
not in numbers, but
in yourself
By: Ms. Moem
The speaker
explicated and
justified that one’s
individual can stand
alone despite of
Supporting Texts:
“A single solitary
is as beautiful alone.
A meadow foam is
pleasurable but each
grows on its own.
Caterpillars are
as they retire to their
“ And regardless,
still they bloom.”
Ms. Moem explained
that an individual
could unfold his/her
skills and
capabilities by
oneself. Comparing
these nature’s
creatures, Ms. Moem
would like the
readers to understand
that an individual
could withstand
challenges regardless
of lacking of support
from the people near
Common Ideas in
Life may full of
obstacles. There are
ups and downs. But
learn how to keep on
moving forward.
Students will
understand the real
value of having an
opportunity to live a
life to the fullest so
they will not regret.
PERFORMANCE Compose a brief and PERFORMANCE Scaffold 1: Video Clips
STANDARD: creative script for TASK IN GRASPS  The teacher
The learner transfers forum or debate by The Philippines is presents and
learning by: resolving resolving conflicts currently facing a tells a humorous Feature articles,
conflicts presented in presented in literary number of socio- story. vlogs
literary selections; selections; using tools political upheaval  The teacher
using tools and and mechanism in and economic shows the ways
mechanisms in locating locating library disruptions. As a in writing a
library resources; resources; extracting member of forum script, elaborates
extracting information information and debate, you are sole
and noting details from noting details from tasked to organize characteristics
texts to write a precis, texts to write precise, and set-up a 6 to 8- and elements.
summary, or summary, or minute debate to
 The teacher
paraphrase; paraphrase; highlight the
presents the
distinguishing between distinguishing Philippines beliefs in
and using literal and between and using the role of nature
figurative language and literal and figurative during the
Scaffold 2:
verbal and non-verbal language and verbal occurrence of the
cues; use phrase, and nonverbal cues; aforementioned  The teacher
clauses, and sentences use phrase, clauses, conflicts. Your presents a video
meaningfully and and sentences debate must consider about forum or
appropriately. meaningfully and the following debate
appropriately. standards: use of  Students
effective paragraphs, complete the
appropriate blanks using
grammatical signals prompting
or expressions, activities in
prosodic features, writing a
stance and behavior. script.
 The rubric is

Scaffold 3:
 The students will
compose script
about their
chosen topic for
a debate.
 The students’
speech will be
assessed through
peer feed
backing using
the rubric.
Q3 CONTENT A.1 Distinguish fact Oral presentation Debate Video Clips Excellence and
JANUARY Philippine STANDARD from opinion, fantasy Competence
2020 Literature in The learner from reality in the 1 Minute Speech Powerpoint
the Period of demonstrates text Presentation
Emergence understanding of: EN7RC-III-g-2.13
Philippine literature in EN7RC-III-h-2.13
the Period of
Emergence as a tool to A.2 Identify Identification Test K-W-L Chart Text Books Creativity
a assert one’s identity; collocations used in a Type
strategies in listening to selection Graphic
and viewing of EN7V-III-a-13.11.1 Organizers
informative and short EN7V-III-b-13.11.1
narrative texts; word EN7V-III-c-13.11.1
relationships and
associations; A.3 Determine words Brainstorming Pass the Message Text Books Critical Thinking
informative speech; or expressions with
and use of genus-species
direct/reported speech, (hyponymous)
passive/active voice, relations in a
simple past and past selection
perfect tenses, and EN7V-III-d-13.11.1
sentence connectors. EN7V-III-e-13.11.1
Words Strip
A.4 Compose a series Essay Writing Literary Text Communication
of journal entries
EN7W-III-c-2.8.5 Journal Documentary

A.5 Compose a Journal Think and Write Text Books Critical Thinking
personal letter to a
friend, relative, and Outline Making
other people

A.6 Use the passive Sentence Make Meaning Video clips Cross Cultural
and active voice Constructed Test Activity Understanding
meaningfully in Text Books
varied contexts

A.7 Use correct and


CONTENT M.1 Inter thoughts Text 1: How can your

STANDARD and feelings in the Magindanao Pearls Communicative
The learner text listen to that by Isidro L. Retizos Competence is
demonstrates shows understanding Text 2: shaped? And what are
understanding of: in the meaning of the To My Native the morals that affect
Philippine literature in literary pieces.
Land by Trinidad its culture and beliefs?
the Period of
Emergence as a tool to M.2 Express ideas, Tarrosa Subido Text 1.
a assert one’s identity; opinions, feelings and Text 3: MAGINDANAO
strategies in listening to emotions during On the Three Evils PEARLS
and viewing of interviews, group/ by U Nu By: Isidro L.
informative and short panel discussions, Retizos
narrative texts; word forums/for a, debates, Answer:
relationships and etc. The story is about
associations; a pretty, young
informative speech; woman in Old
and use of Maynila before the
direct/reported speech,
Spaniards come to
passive/active voice,
simple past and past the Philippines. It
perfect tenses, and shows the details in
sentence connectors. the speech and
manner that are
typical of the
people during the
pre-Spanish period.
Supporting Texts:
Lines like “Sinag-
Tala shall grow
soft and delicate
like a lily” and
“Lilies you should
gather, nilad
flowers to adorn
your hair.” She
liked Magiting’s
word of
These lines were
used to describe
woman in the old
times and how they
themselves by
showing it through
their customs and
way of living.
Text 2:
The writer wants to
emphasize that you
have to love your
native land even
until the end of
your life.
Supporting Texts:
“Beloved Land, let
me explain to thee
why thought of
nearing death
provokes a pain;
‘Tis not that I
again shall never
see these orient
Isles of kindly sun
and rain;”
These lines talks
about to fight the
own land until the
last breath of life.
The author shows
how they express
his love to his land
and to his country.
By: U Nu
The speaker shows
that the people of
Myanmar are
peace loving and
hardworking. Most
of them live in
villages and work
as farmers. The
speech of former
Prime Minister U
Nu serves to
remind the
Myanmar people to
pursue peace and
unity among them.
Supporting Texts:
“Humanity has
been led astray by
thre evils—greed,
hatred, and
Whether we are
Buddhists, Hindus,
Animist, or
Atheists, we cannot
escape the three
inevitable: old age,
disease, death.”
The author speaks
about no matter
what your status in
life, whether your
rich or poor, same
religion or not
everyone will
come to an end like
an old age, disease
and death.
Common Ideas in
Cultures and
beliefs are based
on a particular
place or country
but the similarity
of these three texts
are about
leadership, love
and expression to
one’s belief and
Students will
understand that
there are different
perspectives to
what extent a
particular place or
country expresses
their cultures,
belief and

PERFORMANCE Compose a brief PERFORMANCE Scaffold 1: News Papers Creativity

STANDARD and creative TASK IN  The teacher
The learner transfers persuasive speech GRASPS presents and Collaboration
learning by: showing online based on an Your school tells a Feature articles,
ways of asserting one’s Critical Thinking
information essay premises humorous well-known
featuring used of conducting an story. journalist Communication
informative and short properly advocacy to show  The teacher
narrative texts using acknowledged love and respect in shows the
schema and appropriate information sources every student in ways in
listening and viewing and deliver it to your school. As a writing a
strategies; expressing share the inward journalist who persuasive
ideas, opinions, and thoughts through writes a column for speech,
feelings through writing in a news an online elaborates sole
various formats; and paper an advice newspaper. You characteristics
enriching written and column just received an and elements.
spoken communication
email from a
using direct/reported teenager whose  The teacher
speech, active/passive best friend has presents the
voice, simple past and recently become rubric.
past perfect tenses and involved in a gang.
connectors correctly The teenager is Scaffold 2:
and appropriately.
concerned and  The teacher
needs your help to presents an
persuade his/her example of
friend to stay out of News paper
gangs. Write an published by
advice column well known
persuading this new
teenager’s best publication
friend to stay out of
gangs. The space  Students
for your response is complete
limited and must be the blanks
300 words or less. using
activities in
writing a

 The rubric

Scaffold 3:
 The students
will compose
an article, in
300 words or
less, a response
to the email
 The students’
script will be
through peer
feed backing
using the
Q4 Contemporary CONTENT A.1 Determine the Compare and Research Engine Venn Diagram Excellence and
MARCH Philippine STANDARD truthfulness and contrast Test Chart Competence
2020 Literature The learner accuracy of the
demonstrates material viewed Creativity
understanding of: EN7VC-l-h-10
Critical Thinking
Philippine literature as
a means of responding A.2 Classify text Identification Test Find the missing Video Clips
to the demands of the types (narrative, type word Communication
global village; various expository, Flash Cards
extended text types; explanation, Critical Thinking
lexical and contextual recount, persuasive)
cues; appropriate and EN7LC-IV-a-8.1 Cross Cultural
polite oral language, Understanding
stance, and behavior; A.3 Discover Open forum Panel Discussion Text Books
and use of imperatives, through Philippine
prepositions, and literature the need Video Clips
appropriate and polite
to work
oral language, stance
and behavior in various cooperatively and
information-sharing responsibly in
formats. today’s global

A.4 Use
imperatives and Sentence Jigsaw Puzzle Graphic
prepositions when constructed test Organizer
giving instructions

A.5 Give and

follow instructions Yes/No cards Drill Flash Cards
and directions
Journal Word strips
A.6 Distinguish
between and among Mind Map Think-Pair-Share Graphic
a capsule Organizer
biographical sketch,
and feature article
Essay Writing Guess who?
A.7 Explain how
the elements Textbooks
specific to a genre
contribute to the Literary Pieces
theme of a
particular literary
K-W-L Chart Think-Pair-Share
A.8 Organize
information about a Word Mapping Graphic
chosen subject Organizer
using a graphic

A.9 Use verbs when

giving information Sentence Text Book
and making Constructed Test Vlog
explanations Powerpoint
EN7G-IV-c-5 Presentation

A.10 Express
appreciation for Journal Literature Book
sensory images 1 minute talk

A.11 Use correct

and appropriate Video Clips
multimedia Essay Writing Debate/ Panel
resources when Discussion Audio Clips
orally giving
information, Text Books
instructions, Brainstorm
explanations and
narrating events in
personal or factual

A.12 Give the

various meanings
of identified Fill in the Blanks Think-Pair-Share Word Chart
homonymous or
polysemous words Word Strips Text Book
or expressions
EN7V-IV-e-9 Dictionary

A.13 Make simple

inferences about
thoughts and Essay Writing Turn and Talk Word Diagram
feelings expressed
in the text listened Journal Making Podcasting

A.14 Formulate
who, what, when,
where, why, and Sentence Opinion Chart Graphic
how questions Constructed Test Organizer

A.15 Express Dramatic Mind Map Text Books

appreciation for Interpretation
entertaining texts Think-Ink-Pair- Video Clip
(anecdotes, jokes, Share
fables, myths, tales) Word Chart
by recognizing the
punch lines

A.16 Create or K-W-L Chart Word Strip Word Diagram

expand word clines
CONTENT M.1 Make simple Text 1: Essential Question:
STANDARD inferences about Bilaan (Mindanao) How do various
The learner thoughts and By: Mabel Cole individuals,
demonstrates feelings expressed Text 2: communities, and
understanding of: in the text listened How the world was groups describe the
to made characteristics of
Philippine literature as
a means of responding By: John Miller “culture”?
to the demands of the M.2 Express Text 3: Text 1: Bilaan
global village; various appreciation for The children of the (Mindanao)
extended text types; sensory images Limokon By: Mabel Cole
lexical and contextual used to determine By: Mabel Cole Answer:
cues; appropriate and tone, mood, This story is well
polite oral language, technique, and known among the
stance, and behavior; purpose of the Bilaan, who are
and use of imperatives, author one of the tribes
prepositions, and least influenced by
appropriate and polite
the Spaniards, and
oral language, stance
and behavior in various yet it bears so
information-sharing many incidents
formats. similar to biblical
accounts that there
is a strong
suggestion of
influence. It is
possible that these
ideas came through
the Mohammedan
Supporting Texts:
Lines like “Melu is
the most powerful
of the spirits and
the one to whom
the people resort in
times of danger“.
These lines were
used to describe
the various
attitudes and
moralities of
Bilaan people
through telling the
folk tales they had.
Text 2:
How the world
was made
By: Mabel Cole
As these stories are
only legends that
have been handed
down from remote
times, the teacher
must impress upon
the minds of the
children that they
are myths and are
not to be given
otherwise the
imaginative minds
of the native
children would
accept them as
truth, and trouble
would be caused
that might be hard
to remedy. Explain
then the fiction and
show the children
the folly of belief
in such fanciful
Supporting Texts:
“As these stories
are only legends
that have been
handed down from
remote times, the
teacher must
impress upon the
minds of the
children that they
are myths and are
not to be given
otherwise the
imaginative minds
of the native
children would
accept them as
truth, and trouble
would be caused
that might be hard
to remedy. Explain
then the fiction and
show the children
the folly of belief
in such fanciful
A lot of countries
struggling not only
by poverty and
corruption but also
by corrupting mind
and one’s emotion.
The Children of
by Mabel Cole
This origin story is
of a very different
type from those of
the Bukidnon and
Bagobo. While the
others show foreign
influence, this
appears to be
typically primitive.
Supporting Texts:
‘’The man lived
alone on the bank
of the river for a
long time, but he
was very lonely
and wished many
times for a
The author speaks
about no matter
what your difficult
circumstances may
come there is
always a rescue
whether it is your
flesh and blood or
Common Ideas in
Cultures and
beliefs are based
on a particular
place or country
but the similarity
of these three texts
are about
leadership, love
and expression to
one’s belief and
Students will
understand that
there are different
perspectives to
what extent a
particular place or
country expresses
their cultures,
belief and

PERFORMANCE Compose a script PERFORMANCE Scaffold 1: News Papers Creativity

STANDARD based on an TASK IN  The teacher
The learner transfers information essay GRASPS presents an Collaboration
learning by: explaining featuring used of Your class is idea about Feature articles,
the need to be Critical Thinking
properly producing a creating well-known
cooperative and
responsible in today’s
acknowledged television show scripts. journalist Communication
global village; using information sources called “Our Class.”  The teacher
appropriate strategies and deliver it to Prepare a script for shows the
to comprehend share the inward the television show ways on how
extended text types; thoughts through that will narrate to conduct a
using lexical and writing in a news what happens in play to be an
contextual clues to paper an advice your class during effective
understand unfamiliar column the school day. movie.
words and expressions; Your script should  The teacher
using imperatives, include dialogue
prepositions, and presents the
and show a rubric.
appropriate and polite
oral language, stance
and behavior in various sequence of events. Scaffold 2:
information-sharing  The teacher
formats. presents an
example of
story line or
 Students
the blanks
activities in
writing a

 The rubric

Scaffold 3:
 The students
will create a
script that
captures the
attention and
has a well-
 The students’
script will be
through peer
feed backing
using the

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