Design of Machine Elements: June 2015

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Design of Machine Elements

Book · June 2015


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2 authors:

Vijayaraghavan G.K. Vishnupriyan Sethumadhavan

Al Reef Institute of Logistics and Applied Technology College of Applied Sciences - Suhar


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Unit-1 Steady stresses and variable

stresses in machine members

Unit-2 Shafts and couplings

Unit-3 Temporary and permanent joints

Unit-4 Energy storing elements and

engine components

Unit-5 Bearings
Contents C-1


Unit 1
1.1. Introduction to design process
1 1.1
1.2. Design process 1.2
1.3. Optimum design 1.4
1.4. Factors influencing machine design 1.5
1.5. Selection of materials based on mechanical properties 1.7
1.5.1. Indian standards (BIS) for designation of steels 1.10
1.6. Preferred numbers 1.12
1.6.1. Geometric progression 1.12
1.6.2. Meaning of the designation 1.13
1.6.3. Step ratio and series formation 1.14
1.6.4. Special R series 1.14
1.6.5. Designation of some special cases in R series 1.14
1.6.6. Complete interchangeability 1.15
1.6.7. Advantages of interchangeable manufacture 1.15
1.6.8. Application area of R series 1.16
1.7. Limits, fits and tolerances 1.16

1.7.1. Terms used in limits and fits 1.16

1.7.2. Hole basic system 1.19
1.7.3. Shaft basis system 1.20
1.8. Fits 1.21
1.8.1. Clearance fits 1.21
1.8.2. Interference fits 1.22
1.8.3. Transition fits 1.22
C-2 Design of Machine Elements

1.8.4. Numerical examples of different types of fits 1.23
1.8.5. Applications of some types of fits 1.24
1.9. Tolerances 1.25

1.9.1. ISO (international organization for standardization)
system of tolerances 1.26

1.9.2. Calculation of tolerance grades 1.28

1.9.3. Calculation of fundamental deviation 1.30
1.9.4. Methods of indicating tolerances on drawing 1.33
1.9.5. Geometrical tolerances 1.35
1.9.6. Geometric characteristic symbols 1.35
1.9.7. Indication of geometrical tolerances 1.37
1.10. Factor of safety 1.37
1.10.1. Factors influencing in selection of a factor of safety 1.38
1.11. Design based on strength and stiffness 1.39
1.11.1. Strength based design 1.39
1.11.2. Rigidity based design 1.39
1.11.3. Impact based design 1.40
1.11.4. Designing for uniform strength 1.40
1.11.5. Design for tension and compression strength 1.40
1.11.6. Design for stiffness 1.41
1.12. Direct, bending and torsional stress equations 1.41
1.13. Solved problems on direct, bending and torsional stresses 1.45
1.14. Impact and shock loading 1.55

1.15. Solved problems on impact and shock loading 1.57

1.16. Principal stresses for various load combinations 1.61
1.17. Solved problems on principal stress 1.65
1.18. Eccentric loading 1.75
Contents C-3
1.19. Solved problems on eccentric loading
Design of curved beams – crane hook and c-frame
it 1.87
1.20. 1.83
1.21. Solved problems on curved beams

1 1.114
1.22. Theories of failure 1.111
1.22.1. Steps to solve problems

1.23. Solved problems on theories of failures 1.114

1.24. Stress concentration 1.119
1.25. Design for variable loading 1.124
1.25.1. Static stress 1.124
1.25.2. Varying stress 1.124
1.26. Soderberg and Goodman diagrams 1.130
1.27. Solved problems on variable loading 1.133

1.28. Solved Anna university problems 1.170

1.29. Two mark questions and answers 1.215

1.30. Solved questions 1.232

1.31. Problems for practice 1.234

Unit 2

2.1. Shafts 2.1

2.1.1. Types of shafts 2.1
2.1.2 shaft materials 2.2

2.1.3. Design of shaft based on strength against static loading 2.3

2.1.4. Design of shaft for rigidity 2.7
2.1.5. Critical or whirling speed of shaft 2.9
C-4 Design of Machine Elements

2.1.6. Design of shaft for variable loading 2.9
2.1.7. Solved problems on shafts 2.10
2.2. Design of keys and splines 2.63

2.2.1. Types of keys 2.63
2.2.2. Design of keys 2.68

2.2.3. Design of splines 2.70

2.2.4. Solved problems on keys 2.71
2.3. Design of rigid and flexible couplings 2.84
2.3.1. Types of couplings 2.84
2.3.2. Box or muff or sleeve coupling 2.85
2.3.3. Design of box or muff or sleeve coupling 2.86
2.3.4. Solved problems on box or muff or sleeve coupling 2.87
2.3.5. Clamp or split muff coupling 2.89
2.3.6. Design of split muff coupling 2.90
2.3.7. Solved problems on split muff coupling 2.90
2.3.8. Flange coupling 2.94
2.3.9. Solved problems on flange coupling 2.98
2.3.10. Bushed pin type flexible coupling 2.108
2.3.11. Design of bushed pin type flexible coupling 2.109
2.3.12. Solved problems on bushed pin type flexible coupling 2.111

2.4. Solved Anna University problems 2.123

2.5. Two mark questions and answers 2.189
2.6. Solved questions 2.198
2.7. Problems for practice 2.199
Contents C-5


Unit 3
3.1. Temporary joints
1 3.1
3.1.1. Threaded fasteners 3.1
3.1.2. Definitions 3.2
3.1.3. Designation of threads 3.3
3.1.4. Forms of screw threads 3.3
3.1.5. Comparison of thread forms 3.6
3.1.6. Application areas of thread forms 3.6
3.1.7. Differential and compound screws 3.7
3.1.8. Types of screw fastenings 3.7
3.1.9. Locking devices for nuts 3.9
3.1.10. Washers 3.11
3.1.11. Stresses in screw fastenings 3.11
3.1.12. Initial stresses 3.11
3.1.13. Stresses due to external forces 3.12
3.1.14. Preloading of bolt and combined stresses 3.13
3.1.15. Force-deformation diagram for a bolted joint 3.14
3.1.16. Bolts of uniform strength 3.16
3.1.17. Design of bolts for easy situation 3.17
3.1.18. Bolted joints with eccentric loading 3.17

3.1.19. Solved problems on threaded fasteners 3.24

3.2. Design of knuckle joints 3.50
3.2.1. Design of knuckle joint 3.51
3.2.2. Solved problems on knuckle joint 3.54
C-6 Design of Machine Elements

3.3. Design of cotter joints 3.58
3.3.1. Types of cotter joint 3.58
3.3.2. Design of socket and spigot joint 3.58

3.3.3. Solved problems on socket and spigot joint 3.61
3.3.4. Design of sleeve and cotter joint 3.65

3.3.5. Design of gib and cotter joint 3.65 Design procedure 3.66
3.3.6. Solved problems on gib and cotter joint 3.68
3.4. Design of welded joints 3.71
3.4.1. Types of welded joints 3.72
3.4.2. Basic weld symbols 3.75
3.4.3. Design of butt welds 3.76
3.4.4. Design of fillet welds 3.77
3.4.5. Design of tee joint 3.79
3.4.6. Strength of welded joints 3.87
3.4.7. Eccentrically loaded welded joints 3.88
3.4.8. Stress concentration factor 3.95
3.4.9. Fatigue strength of welding 3.96
3.4.10. Welding specification 3.97
3.4.11. Solved problems on welded joints 3.100
3.5. Design of riveted joints for structures 3.123
3.5.1. Method of riveting 3.124
3.5.2. Caulking and fullering 3.125

3.5.3. Types of riveted joints 3.126

3.5.4. Rivet terminology 3.128
3.5.5. Failure of riveted joints 3.129
Contents C-7
3.5.6. Efficiency of a riveted joint
it 3.133
3.5.7. Thickness of cover plates 3.133
3.5.8. Spacing between adjacent rows of rivets or back pitch (pb)

1 3.134
3.5.9. Diameter of rivet (d) and pitch (p) 3.134
3.5.10. Eccentrically loaded riveted joints

3.5.11. Design of riveted joint for pressure vessels 3.137

3.5.12. Design of longitudinal butt joint for pressure vessels 3.138
3.5.13. Design of circumferential joint for pressure vessels 3.140
3.5.14. Solved problems on riveted joints 3.141
3.6. Theory of bonded joints 3.171
3.6.1. Adhesives 3.171
3.6.2. Types of adhesives 3.171
3.6.3. Choosing an adhesive 3.173
3.6.4 Joint design 3.175
3.6.5. Surface preparation for bonded joints 3.177
3.6.6. Adhesive testing 3.178
3.6.7. Advantages and limitations of bonded joints 3.180

3.7. Solved Anna university problems 3.181

3.8. Two mark questions and answers 3.217
3.9. Solved questions 3.232
3.10. Problems for practice 3.234
C-8 Design of Machine Elements


Unit 4

4.1. Design of springs 4.1
4.1.1. Functions of springs 4.1
4.1.2. Classification of springs 4.2
4.1.3 Design of helical compression springs 4.4
4.1.4. Stresses in helical springs 4.6
4.1.5. Deflection of helical springs 4.10
4.1.6. Stiffness of spring (q) 4.11
4.1.7. Energy stored in spring (U) 4.11
4.1.8. Springs under impact loading 4.12
4.1.9. End conditions of helical spring 4.12
4.1.10. Helical springs of non-circular wires 4.13
4.1.11. Buckling of springs 4.16
4.1.12. Surge in springs 4.17
4.1.13. Springs in series and parallel 4.18
4.1.14. Spring materials 4.18

4.1.15. Concentric springs 4.20

4.1.16. Helical springs subjected to variable loading 4.23
4.1.17. Design of helical tension springs 4.25
4.1.18. Design procedure for helical spring 4.26
4.1.19. Solved problems on helical springs 4.28
4.1.20. Design of belleville springs 4.75
4.1.21. Solved problems on belleville springs 4.78
Contents C-9
4.1.22. Design of helical torsion springs
it 4.88
4.1.23. Solved problems on torsion springs 4.82
4.1.24. Design of leaf spring

1 4.92
4.1.25. Laminated leaf springs 4.91
4.1.26. Semi-elliptical leaf springs

4.1.27. Nipping of laminated leaf springs 4.93

4.1.28. Length of leaves of leaf spring 4.95
4.1.29. Radius of curvature (R) 4.96
4.1.30. Materials for leaf springs 4.96
4.1.31. Design procedure for leaf spring 4.97
4.1.32. Solved problems on leaf springs 4.99
4.2. Design of flywheels 4.115
4.2.1. Flywheel effect and co-efficient of fluctuation of speed 4.117
4.2.2. Coefficient of fluctuation of energy (Ke) 4.119
4.2.3. Stresses in flywheel rim 4.120
4.2.4. Stresses in arms 4.121
4.2.5. Design of flywheel shaft, hub and key 4.123
4.2.6. Solved problems on flywheel 4.123
4.3. Design of connecting rod 4.168
4.3.1. Stresses in connecting rod 4.169 Force due to gas pressure and piston inertia 4.170 Force due to inertia of connecting rod 4.170 Force due to friction of piston and piston rings 4.171 Friction of the two end bearings 4.172

4.3.2. Design of shank of the connecting rod 4.172
4.3.3. Design of pin for small end 4.173
4.3.4. Design of pin for big end 4.174
C-10 Design of Machine Elements

4.3.5. Design of bolts for big end 4.175
4.3.6. Design of cap of the big end 4.175
4.3.7. Solved problems on connecting rod 4.176

4.4. Design of crank shaft 4.202
4.4.1. Types of crankshaft 4.202

4.4.2. Materials for crankshaft 4.203

4.4.3. Stresses in the crankshaft 4.203
4.4.4. Design of overhung crank 4.203 When the crank pin at TDC position 4.204 Crank at an angle of maximum torque 4.208
4.4.5. Design of centre crank 4.213 When the crank at TDC position 4.213 Crank at an angle of maximum torque 4.215
4.4.6. Solved problems on crank shaft 4.218

4.5. Solved Anna university problems 4.245

4.6. Two mark questions and answers 4.291
4.7. Solved questions 4.305
4.8. Problems for practice 4.308
Unit 5


5.1. Bearings 5.1

5.1.1. Classification of bearing 5.1
5.2. Sliding contact bearings-journal bearing 5.3
5.2.1. Types of journal bearing 5.3
Contents C-11 Full journal bearing
it 5.4 Partial bearing 5.4 Fitted bearing

1 5.4
5.2.2. Types of lubrication 5.4 Thick film type Thin film type or boundary lubrication 5.4 Hydrostatic bearings 5.4 Hydrostatic theory of lubrication 5.4 Hydrodynamic bearing 5.5 Hydrodynamic theory of lubrication 5.5
5.2.3. Comparison of rolling contact and sliding contact bearings 5.7
5.2.4. Journal bearing terminology and design aspects 5.8

5.2.5. Petroff and Mckee’s equations for friction co-efficient () 5.11

5.2.6. Sommerfield number (s) 5.13

5.2.7. Raimondi and Boyd graphs 5.14
5.2.8. Operating pressure 5.17
5.2.9. Heat dissipation of bearings 5.17
5.2.10. Bearing materials 5.19
5.2.11. Journal bearing design 5.21
5.2.12. Bearing failure 5.23
5.2.13. Solved problems sliding contact bearing 5.24
5.3. Rolling contact bearing 5.49
5.3.1. Types of rolling contact bearing 5.50
5.3.2. Components of rolling contact bearings 5.50
5.3.3. Types of radial ball bearings 5.51 Deep groove ball bearing 5.51 Self-aligning ball bearings 5.51
C-12 Design of Machine Elements

Un Angular contact ball bearings 5.51 Filling notch bearing 5.52
it Counter bore bearing 5.52

1 Double row bearing 5.52
5.3.4. Types of thrust ball bearings 5.53

5.3.5. Roller bearings and their types 5.54 Cylindrical roller bearing 5.54 Needle roller bearing 5.54 Taper roller bearing 5.55
5.3.6. Standard dimensions and designation of bearings 5.55
5.3.7. Bearing life 5.56
5.3.8. Load rating 5.58 Basic static load rating 5.58 Dynamic load rating 5.58
5.3.9. Equivalent bearing load 5.58
5.3.10. Load-life relationship 5.60
5.3.11. Selection of rolling contact bearings 5.62
5.3.12. Bearings for cyclic loads – cubic mean load 5.63
5.3.13. Taper roller bearings 5.64
5.3.14. Solved problems on rolling contact bearings 5.65

5.4. Solved Anna university problems 5.90

5.5. Two mark questions and answers 5.108
5.6. Solved questions 5.117
5.7. Problems for practice 5.119


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