This document discusses several sociological theories and their application to education systems. It covers consensus theory, conflict theory, structural functionalism, and how schools function within each framework. Consensus theory sees shared values and agreement maintaining social order, while conflict theory emphasizes power struggles and social change through conflict. Structural functionalism views society's institutions as working interdependently to maintain social equilibrium. The theories provide different lenses for understanding the role of education in society.
This document discusses several sociological theories and their application to education systems. It covers consensus theory, conflict theory, structural functionalism, and how schools function within each framework. Consensus theory sees shared values and agreement maintaining social order, while conflict theory emphasizes power struggles and social change through conflict. Structural functionalism views society's institutions as working interdependently to maintain social equilibrium. The theories provide different lenses for understanding the role of education in society.
This document discusses several sociological theories and their application to education systems. It covers consensus theory, conflict theory, structural functionalism, and how schools function within each framework. Consensus theory sees shared values and agreement maintaining social order, while conflict theory emphasizes power struggles and social change through conflict. Structural functionalism views society's institutions as working interdependently to maintain social equilibrium. The theories provide different lenses for understanding the role of education in society.
This document discusses several sociological theories and their application to education systems. It covers consensus theory, conflict theory, structural functionalism, and how schools function within each framework. Consensus theory sees shared values and agreement maintaining social order, while conflict theory emphasizes power struggles and social change through conflict. Structural functionalism views society's institutions as working interdependently to maintain social equilibrium. The theories provide different lenses for understanding the role of education in society.
theories • Explain the relationship of the various social theories- the conflict, consensus, functionalism and interactionist theories- and educational systems • Discuss how the various social theories affect the functions of schools
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Page 4 Introduction:
• Sociology, the scientific
study of human social behavior. As the study of humans in their collective aspect, sociology is concerned with all group activities: economic, social, political, and religious. • Sociologists see education as one major institutions that constitutes society. Free Powerpoint Templates Page 5 While theories guide research and policy formulation in the sociology of education, they also provide logical explanations for why things happen the way they do. • These theories help sociologists understand educational systems.
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Page 6 Discussion: Consensus and Conflict Theory • Consensus is a general or widespread agreement among all members of a particular society. • Conflict is a clash between ideas and principles and people. Dahrendorf (1968 ) Ritzer (2000)
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Page 7 Discussion: CONSENSUS CONFLICT • Shared norms and • Emphasize the values as fundamental dominance of some to society social groups • Focus on social order • See social order as based on tacit manipulation and agreement control by dominant • Social change occurs in groups slow and orderly • Social change occurs fashion rapidly and in disorderly fashion as subordinate groups overthrow Free Powerpointdominant Templates groups Page 8 Discussion: CONSENSUS CONFLICT • Examine value integration • Examine conflicts of in society interest and coercion • Absence of conflict is that holds society seen as the equilibrium together sets on a society based • Can be COVERT or on a general or OVERT widespread agreement among all members of a • Focus on the particular society heterogeneous nature of society and the differential distribution of political and social Free Powerpointpower Templates Page 9 • Schools contribute to the Discussion: unequal distribution of What is the people into jobs in impact of conflict society. theory in the • Powerful members-best Philippine positions education system? • Less powerful groups (minority, ethnic, racial, women) - lowest rank
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Page 10 Discussion: • Education plays in maintaining the What is the prestige, power, role of education in and economic and assuming the social position of conflict the dominant group theory? in society.
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Page 11 • Max Weber- schools Discussion: teach and maintain Status cultures particular “status refer to groups cultures” in society with • Schools are similar homogenous in their interests and student bodies. positions in the • Education system trains status individuals in specialties hierarchy. to fill needed positions or prepare “cultivated individuals” Free Powerpoint Templates Page 12 • Conflict theory assumes Discussion: that social behavior is best understood in terms How do of conflict or tensions people or an between competing organization group. settle a • Conflicts need not be conflict ? violent; it can take the form of labor negotiations, party politics, competition between religious groups Free Powerpoint Templates Page 13 Discussion:
• The conflict theorists are interested in how
society’s institutions-the family, government, religion, education, and the media-may help o maintain the privileges of some groups and keep others in subservient position. • Emphasis on social change and redistribution of resources makes conflict theories more “radical” and “activist” » (Schaefer, 2003) Free Powerpoint Templates Page 14 Discussion:
• The consensus theory is a sociological
perspective or collection of theories, in which social order and stability/social regulation form the base of emphasis. • It is concerned with the maintenance or continuation of social order of society, in relation to accepted norms, values, rules, and regulations of society »
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Page 15 Discussion: The Conflict Model
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Page 16 Discussion:
The proponents of consensus and conflict
sociological and social theories are: Karl Marx Emile Durkheim Max Weber Talcott Parsons & Robert Merton Louis Althusser & Ralph Dahrendorf herbert Mead & Herbert Blumer Free Powerpoint Templates Page 17 Discussion: Structural Functionalism Structural Functionalism states that society is made up of various institutions that work together in cooperation. Parsons’ structural functionalism has four functional imperatives also known as AGIL scheme. Free Powerpoint Templates Page 18 Discussion: Structural Functionalism 1. Adaptation – a system must cope with external situational exigencies. It must adapt to its environment and adapt environment to its needs. 2. Goal attainment- a system must define and achieve its primary goals.
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Page 19 Discussion: Structural Functionalism 3. Integration- a system must regulate the interrelationship of its component parts. It must also manage the relationship among the other three functional imperatives (A,G,L) 4, Latency (pattern maintenance)- a system must furnish, maintain and renew both the motivation of individuals and the cultural patterns that create and sustain the motivation. Free Powerpoint Templates Page 20 Discussion: Structure of the General Action System (Ritzer 2000) Cultural system Social system (Latency Function) (Integration Function) providing actors with the controlling its norms and values that motivate them for action components parts
Action system Personality system
(Adaptation Function) (Goal Attainment) adjusting to and defining system goals transforming to the and mobilizing external world resources to attain them Free Powerpoint Templates Page 21 Discussion: Structural Functionalism Parson’s answer to the problem of order in Structural Functionalism 1. Property of order and interdependence of parts 2. Self-maintaining order or equilibrium 3. Maybe static or involved 4. Nature of one part has an impact on the forms that the other parts can take. Free Powerpoint Templates Page 22 Discussion: Structural Functionalism Parson’s answer to the problem of order in Structural Functionalism 5. Maintain boundaries with their environments. 6. Allocation and integration are two fundamental process necessary for a given equilibrium 7. Self-maintenance involving the maintenance of relationships of parts to whole
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Page 23 Discussion: Structural Functionalism Parson’s social system begins at the micro level with interaction between the ego and alter – ego, defined as the most elementary form of the social system. He was interested in such a large-scale components of social systems as collectiveness, norms and values. Parsons was not simply a structuralist but also a FUNCTIONALIST. Free Powerpoint Templates Page 24 Discussion: Structural Functionalism Functional Requisites of a social system 1.Social system must be structured so that they operate compatibly with other systems. 2.To survive, the social system must have requisite from other systems. 3.The system must meet a significant proportion of the needs of its actors. 4.The system must elicit adequate participation from its members. Free Powerpoint Templates Page 25 Discussion: Structural Functionalism Functional Requisites of a social system 5. It must have at least a minimum of control over potentially disruptive behavior. 6. If conflict becomes sufficiently disruptive, it must be controlled. 7. Finally, a social system requires a language in order to survive. -Talcott Parsons
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Page 26 Discussion: Structural Functionalism The functionalist perspective is primarily concerned with why society assumes a particular form. It assumes that any society takes its particular form because that form works well for the society given its particular situation. Societies exist under a wide range of environmental situations.
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Page 27 Discussion: Structural Functionalism Key principles of the functionalist theory by Farley 1990. 1.Interdependency 2.Functions of social structure and culture 3.Consensus and cooperation 4.Equilibrium
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Page 28 Discussion: Structural Functionalism Key principles of the functionalist theory by Farley 1990. 1.Interdependency – every part of society is dependent to some extent on the other parts of the society, so that what happens at one place in society has important effects elsewhere.
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Page 29 Discussion: Structural Functionalism Key principles of the functionalist theory by Farley 1990. 2. Functions of Social Structure and Culture Social Structure refers to the organization of society, including its institutions, its social positions and distribution of resources. Culture refers to a set of beliefs, language, rules, values, and knowledge held in common by members of a society. Free Powerpoint Templates Page 30 Discussion: Structural Functionalism Key principles of the functionalist theory by Farley 1990. 3. Consensus and Cooperation – societies have a tendency toward consensus; that is to have certain basic values that nearly everyone in the society agrees upon. Society tends toward consensus to achieve cooperation.
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Page 31 Discussion: Structural Functionalism Key principles of the functionalist theory by Farley 1990. 4. Equilibrium is a characteristic of a society when it has achieved the form that is best adapted to its situation. New technology, a change in climate, or contact with an outside society are all conditions to which a society might have to adapt. Free Powerpoint Templates Page 32 Discussion: Structural Functionalism The Structural- Functional Model ( Ritzer, 2000)
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Page 33 Discussion: Structural Functionalism • In the analysis of living organism, the scientist’s task is to identify the various parts (structures) and determine how they work (function). • In sociology, sociologist tries to identify the structure of society and how they function, hence the name structural functio-nalism. (Javier, et al., 1994)
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Page 34 Discussion: Structural Functionalism • The component parts of social structure: • Families • Neighbors • Associations • Schools • Churches • Banks • Countries Free Powerpoint Templates Page 35 Discussion: Structural Functionalism • Functionalist sociologists stress • interdependence of the social system • View society as a kind of machine • Maintain social order by stressing consensus and agreement • Understand that change is inevitable • Argue that without a common bond to unite groups, society will disintegrate Free Powerpoint Templates Page 36 Discussion: Structural Functionalism • Parsons believes that education is a vital part of modern society, a society that differs considerably from all previous societies. • Schooling performs an important function in the development and maintenance of a modern, democratic society, especially with regard to equality of opportunity for all citizens. Free Powerpoint Templates Page 37 Discussion: Structural Functionalism • Thus, in modern societies education becomes the key institution in a meritocratic selection process. • Education also plays a significant function in the maintenance of the modern democratic and technocratic society. • Schools teach work skills and teach students how to learn so they may adapt to new work roles and requirements. Free Powerpoint Templates Page 38 Discussion: Interactionist Theories • Interactionist theories are critiques and extensions of the functionalist and conflict perspectives. • This level of analysis helps us to understand education in the “ big picture”. • Interactionist theories attempt to make the “commonplace strange” by turning on their heads everyday taken-for-granted behaviors and interactions in schools. Free Powerpoint Templates Page 39 Discussion: Interactionist Theories
• Symbolic Interactionism views the self as
socially constructed in relation to social forces and social structures and the product of ongoing negotiations of meanings. • Thus, the social self is an active product of human agency rather than a deterministic Free Powerpoint Templates product of social structure Page 40 Discussion: Interactionist Theories • Symbolic Interactionists are not only interested in socialization but also in interaction in general which is of “vital importance in its own right”. • Interaction is the process in which the ability to think is both developed and expressed.
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Page 41 Discussion: Interactionist Theories Principles of Symbolic Interactionism 1.Human beings are endowed with the capacity for thought. 2.The capacity for thought us shaped by social interaction 3.In social interaction, people learn the meanings and the symbols that allow them to exercise their distinctively human capacity for thought. Free Powerpoint Templates Page 42 Discussion: Interactionist Theories Principles of Symbolic Interactionism 4. Meanings and symbols allow people to carry on distinctively human action and intercation. 5. People are able to modify or alter meanings and symbols that they use in action and interaction on the basis of their interpretation of the situation.
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Page 43 Discussion: Interactionist Theories Principles of Symbolic Interactionism 6. People are able to make these modifications and alterations because, in part, of their ability to interact with themselves, which allows them ton examine possible courses of action, assess their relative advantages and disadvantages, and then choose one. 7. The intertwined patterns of action and interaction make up groups and societies. Free Powerpoint Templates Page 44 Discussion: Interactionist Theories Mead’s differentiation between the basic forms of Social Interaction are: Non-Symbolic Interactionism does not involve thinking. Symbolic Interactionism requires mental processes
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Page 45 Discussion: Interactionist Theories Mead’s approach to symbolic interaction rested on three basic premises. 1. People act toward the things they encounter on the basis of what those things mean to them. 2. We learn what things are by observing how other people respond to them through social interaction. 3. The result of ongoing interaction we use in dealing with others acquire symbolic meanings that are shared by the people who belong to the same culture. Free Powerpoint Templates Page 46 Discussion: Interactionist Theories The importance of thinking to symbolic interactionists is reflected in their views on objects. Blumer differentiates among thee types of objects: 1. Physical objects- chairs, trees 2. Social objects- student, mother, teacher 3. Abstract objects- idea or a moral principle Objects are seen simply as things, the greatest significance is the way they are defined by actors. Free Powerpoint Templates Page 47 Discussion: Interactionist Theories Charles Horton Cooley developed a concept that has long been used by symbolic interactionist and it is the LOOKING- GLASS-SELF it means “that we see ourselves as others see us” We come to develop a self – image on the basis of the messages we get from others, as we understand them.
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Schools play a significant role in educating the
Filipino citizens . It is our duty as teachers to really inculcate the value of fairness and honesty to our students. We also need to teach them how to learn, so they may be able to adapt in any situations/events that they will be presented. The looking –glass-self simply tells us that we must be cautious in giving remarks to others. Let us all be generous in giving positive comments and lessen the words that will hurt others. Free Powerpoint Templates Page 49 LEARNING TASKS 1
1. Use a Venn diagram in comparing consensus
and conflict theories. 2. Define the following terms: structure, structural, structuralism ,function, functional and functionalism. 3. Interview a teacher or a friendon the influence of the conflict and consensus theories on his/her work as a teacher. Submit a write up of the interview
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1. Social Dimensions of Education, Violeta
A.Vega 2. Social Dimensions of Philippine Education, Dr. Adelaida Bago 3. 4.