Continuation Methods For Non-Linear Analysis: FR: Méthodes de Pilotage Du Chargement

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Continuation methods for non-linear

FR : Méthodes de pilotage du chargement

Code_Aster, Salome-Meca course material

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Definition of continuation methods

Theoretical elements for continuation methods

Solving non-linear problems with continuation methods

Using continuation methods in Code_Aster

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Definition of continuation methods

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Continuation method – What ?
Linear mechanical problem definition:
Unknowns: displacement, Lagrange multiplier for boundary conditions
Loadings : displacement (Dirichlet), forces (Neumann)
Unique solution (elliptical differential equation) : Ku  F si det K 0

Non-linear problem definition:

Unknowns: displacement, Lagrange multiplier for boundary conditions, temperature,
pressure, stress and internal variables
Loadings : displacement (Dirichlet), forces (Neumann), contact/friction
Parameterization: t is not real time (quasi-static problem)
Sequence of linearized solutions

General non-linear continuation method

Some external loading and prescribed displacements are partially unknowns by user:
directions are known, intensity are unknown -> continuation method

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Continuation methods

Example 1 : tensile stress test of the

notched specimen

Isotropic fragile damage law


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Continuation method – Where ?
Where to use :
1. External loading and prescribed displacements are
partially unknowns by user: direction, application are
known, intensity are unknown

2. Solution of an unstable problem =>

impossibility to follow system evolution continuously
=> Newton method fails

1 Experimental setup controlled by extensometer 2 Damage of the notched bar

B η.F sound state

Applied force at point A is controlled completely damaged
by displacement at point B state

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Continuation method – Loading control
Nooru-Mohamed concrete fracture test :
1) Loading is applied via rigid mobile platform by piston displacement
2) Efforts are controlled on the stable effort control cell
3) Unstable concrete fracture

Rigid mobile platform

Hydraulic Piston

Tested Sample

Effort control cell

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Continuation method – Instability = snap-back
Bi-material with close characteristics
In 1d tensile test “weak-chain” is damaged first

l1 l2 Solution post peak : equilibrium => stress equality

l1 l2
Simplified damage law :   Ee1  E (e f  e 2 ) ; e1  e2 
l1 l2
 l  l1  l2  l1 / E  l2 (e f   / E )
Bar I
Global post peak force-displacement response :
Bar II
  E ( l  l2e f ) /(l1  l2 )
e 
ec ef Snap-back if l1> l2

 Ee si e  ec l1<< l2
  l
 E (e f  e ) si e  e c
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Continuation method – Instability = snap-back

Damage of the bar

l1 Global force-displacement response :

Simplified damage law :

Elastic domain

ec ef Impossibility to follow the solution
after this charge level
 Ee si e  ec
 
 E (e f  e ) si e  e c
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Continuation methods : General FU curve
General form of the force-displacement curve
Example : Snap-through for shell buckling

BC Prescription: forces

F Multiplicity: one force ->

several displacements
BC Prescription: displacements
Multiplicity: one displacement
-> several forces
Horizontal tangent matrices:
u singular (slope vanishing)

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Continuation method – Why ?

Continuation method in non-linear problems:

Choosing a solution for incomplete model .Fpilo

F ext  Fimpo
 .Fpilo

Yield-point analysis : critical loading

Follow physical solution for “ill defined” problem :
K un n 1
R n
si det K  0
Multiple solutions coming from computation
From constitutive laws. Non-elliptic condition as softening, damage, geo-mechanic laws :
From equilibrium equations: buckling, structural instabilities
From Coulomb’s friction

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Continuation methods

Choosing single solution for partially defined loading

Partially unknown loadings: direction, application are known, intensity are unknown

u η.F
Unknown • Goal: u
force or
displacement • Parameter: intensity of force 
(intensity) • Direction of force: known !

• Goal: all domain  is plastified

Yield-point 
η.p • Parameter: intensity of pressure 
• Yield-point analysis

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Solving mechanical problems with continuation

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Solving linear problem with continuation
Electric pylon stability control
Boundary conditions: known and unknown parts of prescribed forces

u η.F
• Goal: u
• Parameter: intensity of force 
• Direction of force: known !

Linear Elasticity : Ku  F ext where F ext  Fimpo

 .Fpilo

Formal solution :
u  K 1Fimpo
 .K 1Fpilo
 uimpo  .u pilo
Cable length control  new equation for 
u  uimpo  .u pilo  Δτ crit

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Solving non-linear problems with continuation
How to find unknown load parameter  ?
Continuation equation:
Build on displacements, strain or stress
Should be easy to solve (linear, quadratic)
Using only one scalar parameter

Continuation methods list by goal function:

Degree of freedom: DDL_IMPO
Norm of displacement: LONG_ARC
u  uimpo  .u pilo  Δτ crit
Displacement jump: SAUT_IMPO (XFEM)
Norm of displacement jump: SAUT_LONG_ARC (XFEM)
Pu 
Work of exterior forces (yield-point analysis): ANA_LIM
Strain increment: DEFORMATION
Elastic prediction: PRED_ELAS C

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Solving non-linear problems with continuation

Continuation by degree of freedom - dof (DDL_IMPO)

Pu  u dof 

Using rules:
Control displacement increment of one dof
The controlled node must be important for movement
C is a constant given by user in STAT_NON_LINE

Good goal: what is  for a given

vertical displacement of A node ?
B Bad goal: what is  for a given
displacement of B node ?
B doesn’t move !

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Solving non-linear problems with continuation

Continuation by norm of displacement (LONG_ARC) – Extended

RIKS method (1972)
Pu  u 

Using rules:
Control norm displacement increment of several dof and several nodes
The controlled nodes must be important for movement
C is a constant given by user in STAT_NON_LINE
Resulted equation is quadratic: two solutions -> need selection criterion RESIDU,
ANGL_INCR_DEPL, NORM_INCR_DEPL (see documentation)

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Solving non-linear problems with continuation

Continuation by norm of displacement (LONG_ARC) – Extended

RIKS method

Arc-length: construct successive circles to follow loading path

Very useful for complex path (snap-through for instance)

 t 

P u  u  uimpo  .u pilo

2 Quadratic
 
C equation for 

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Solving non-linear problems with continuation

Continuation by strain increment (DEFORMATION)

Equation  ε g : Δε g  Δt
P u = Max  i 1 g =
gauss   C
 εi 1 

εig1 Strains at the previous load step

Δε g  Increment of strains at the current step
Using rules
At least, one point where strain is increasing

 
No indication on plasticity state
Need a reference state with deformation ( εig1  0 ): first computation without continuation
method to establish this state
Impossibility to follow the snap-back solutions : impossible loading-unloading transition.

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Solving non-linear problems with continuation

Continuation method by elastic prediction (PRED_ELAS)

Available for Yield function constitutive laws : plasticity, damage
Equations :

  Δt
P u = Max  gauss  d ig1 , εig1  Δε g  =
gauss C
for elasto-plasticity laws
  Δt 
P u = Max   gauss  d ig1  , εig1  Δε g   =0 for damage laws
  C 
εig1 Strains at the previous load step
Δε g  Increment of strains at the current step
dig1 Damage at the previous step
t control either magnitude of Yield function overflow, or damage

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Solving non-linear problems with continuation

Continuation method by elastic prediction (PRED_ELAS)

Using rules
At least, one point which passes through initial yield surface
Criterion C : increasing ratio of damage or strain
Resultant equation should have two solutions -> need selection criterion

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Using continuation methods in Code_Aster

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Using continuation methods in Code_Aster

As continuation methods is using parameter for determination of

loading path, you must avoid direct or indirect using of time in
your model:
No dynamic (only STAT_NON_LINE where t is pseudo-time)
No time for loadings: no FONC_MULT, no AFFE_CHAR_MECA_F with parameter INST
No « command variables » as temperature in AFFE_MATERIAU/AFFE_VARC

Contact/friction is not possible except for specific XFEM

methods (with CZM, see documentation) or discrete element

Line search is possible only for some continuation methods

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Using continuation methods in Code_Aster

Definition of loads in AFFE_CHAR_MECA

Definition of continuation load in STAT_NON_LINE/EXCIT


Definition of the parameters for continuation method in


Post-processing : parameter could been found in result


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Continuation method : command file

Fixed charge

Drived charge


Resulting charge


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Continuation methods : PRED_ELAS

Example 1 : tensile stress test of the

notched specimen

Isotropic fragile damage law


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Continuation methods : PRED_ELAS

Example 2 : Impact on damaged concrete

Anisotropic fragile damage law (ENDO_ORTH_BETON)

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Continuation methods : PRED_ELAS

Example 3 : tensile stress test for the perforated plate

Cohesive Zone Model (CZM)

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Continuation methods : LONG_ARC

Example 4

Buckling of a shell/column
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Continuation methods : DDL_IMPO
Example 5 : stability of the gravity dam

Applied pressure, Pa
upstream opening,m

Cohesive Zone Model (JOINT_MECA_RUPT)

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Using continuation methods in Code_Aster

General documentation about non-linear solver [R5.03.01]
General documentation about continuation methods [R5.03.80]
Using continuation method, syntax in [U4.51.03]
See [V6.03.114], forma03d test-case for general example
See [V6.01.101], ssna119b test-case for fragile damage (Elastic prediction)
See [V6.04.124], ssnv124 test-case for yield-point analysis
See [V6.05.101], ssns101 test-case for shell buckling (Riks method)

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End of presentation

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