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Organizational Set Up of Front Office

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Review of Front Office Department


1. Front Office Organization

2. Operating Units and Their Functions


Front Office Organization

One of the major sources of revenue for the hotel is room accommodation. The Rooms
Division or Rooms Maintenance Department is the unit that looks after all matters pertaining to
room bookings and hotel accommodation. It consists of three sections, namely; Front Office,
Room Sales, and Housekeeping. The Front Office attends to room bookings and registration of
hotel guests; the Housekeeping section looks after the cleanliness, ordeliness, and maintenance
of guest rooms, and public areas, as well as provision for linen/ laundry services; and the Room
Sales handles room reservations and sales. In smaller hotels and lodging houses, room sales are
handled by the Front Office.

TIME FRAME: 1 meeting


At the end of the chapter the learners are expected to:

1. Be familiar with the front office department

2. Arrange the proper front office organization


Organizational Set Up of Front Office

The Front Office operates throughsub-units, which include:

1. Front Desk –that looks after the registration of hotel guests and serves as communication
and information center.
2. Reservation Section –handles reservations for room bookings either through the
telephone or direct personal contact.
3. Bell Service –is responsible for escorting guests during check in and check out, attending
to their luggage and doing errands for the Front desk.
4. Telephone Exchange –handles the Telephone Communication System to include:
answering incoming calls, receiving and disseminating messages, giving information to
callers through phone, placing and receiving long distance and overseas calls, screening
calls and other related matters.
5. Front Office Cashiering –responsible for the settlement of guest bill
6. Concierge/ Guest’s Relations Assistance –is the section that attends to any kind of
guest assistance like tour and travel assistance, directions to point of interest,
confirmation of tickets and other services of this kind.
7. Airport/Trnsport Assistance –handles the transport of guests to and from the airport or
other transport terminal.
8. Business Center –handles all transactions in the business center including computer
services, fax, email, xerox, souvenir items, etc.

In large hotels involving large volume of transactions, usually servicing more than 100
rooms, there is a separate section handling each area of operations, under the command and
supervision of the section handling each area of operations. This is illustrated in the
organizational chart below.

Front Desk Supervisor Desk/ Info Clerk

F ro n t O ffi c e M a n a g e r

Reservations Clerk

Bell Captain

Chief Telephone
Telephone Operator

Chief Airport
Airport Representative

Concierge Clerk
Chief Concierge/Guest
Business Center Clerk

In smaller establishments with fewer rooms and less transactions to attend to the
organizational chart can be simplified to save on labor cost. This may involve the merging of
related functions. A desk clerk may also serve as the information and guest relations clerk; the
bellboy is also the doorman. When there are very few guests, some hotels may resort to having
an on-call bellboy who may come from the ranks of room attendants. The telephone exchange
can be handled by the Front desk if there are limited calls to attend to. This is illustrated in the
Organizational chart below.
Senior Dest Clerk Desk/Info Clerk
Front Office Supervisor

Sales and
Sales and Guest Reservations Clerk
Relations Officer Business Center
Front Office Telephone Driver/Airport
Cashier Operator Representative


Create your own organizational chart of hotel and make a job qualifications for each position.
(50 pts.)

Job Description of Front Office Personnel

The Front Office is a very critical service unit because first contact of guests and
prospective patrons in the hotel are the Front Office personnel. From this first contact the guest
makes his first and often times lasting impression about the hotel. The way patrons are initially
received and treated will condition their disposition to other hotel services. If they begin their
stay a pleasant frame of mind because of the front office hospitality, they will certainly feel more
at home and inclined to repeat the patronage.

TIME FRAME: 1 meeting


At the end of the chapter the learners are expected to:

1. Understand the job descriptions front office department

2. Perform each of the job descriptions of each staff


Front Office Manager or Supervisor

1. Prepares forecast of room occupancy; monitors actual occupancy against forecast,

prepares and submits daily occupancy report;
2. Prepares budget for front office operations;
3. Makes rounds and checks service of Front Office staff and calls their attention for
whatever deficiencies noted’
4. Personally meets and attends to VIP’s and other important guests;
5. Attends to guest’s complaints, inquiries and requests
6. Maintains a logbook on critical incidents and complaints of guests;
7. Coordinates with Security/Administration Office in the investigation reports concerning
security matters;
8. Supervises the checking of room discrepancies and inspection or preparation of rooms
blocked by the VIP’s;
9. Oversees the implementation of Front Office policies and procedures;
10. Coordinates closely with other departments to ensure prompt, efficient and satisfactory
service to hotel guests;
11. Serves as night duty manager; alternating with other managers;
12. Check guests folio or master folio whether all information are properly documented i.e.
bills, credit limit
13. Receive night report from the Housekeeping and Front Office regarding occupancy, out-
of-order rooms, inventory of supplies and other documents and makes a progress report
during operations meeting.
14. Calls for and presides over operational meetings among his staff.
15. Performs other duties as maybe assigned by superior.
Front Desk Supervisor or Senior Desk Clerk

1. Gives instruction to desk clerk regarding arrangement for bookings and blockings of
guestrooms and other front desk activities;
2. Assists the desk clerk in attending to the registration and reception of house guests;
3. Checks the daily arrival list and sees to it that the rooms assigned to those on the list are
made up and set up as indicated in the instructions of the Reservations clerk;
4. Attends to the registration and reception of VIP’s and other guests with special booking
5. Assigns rooms for house use and other in-house activities;
6. Check booking and reservations requiring room allocation
7. Coordinates with Housekeeping office for the preparation of check out rooms for
immediate occupancy.
8. Checks and updates reservations chart and room status indicator/chart; reconciles it with
the room status report of Housekeeping;
9. Attends to guest complaints, inquiries and complaints;
10. Assists in the settlement of guest’s bill in the absence of cashier;
11. Performs other related duties as may be assigned by his supervisors.

Sales/ Reservations Supervisor

1. Coordinates with the Front Office Manager for the finalization of the room rates,
discounts, and room amenities;
2. Plans, organizes and implements marketing strategies;
3. Mobilizes the sales force for sales blitz and follow up of accounts of clients;
4. Gives instruction to reservations clerk regarding arrangement for bookings of various
types of accounts;
5. Monitors the handling of room reservations and makes sure that reservations chart and
other required documents are updated;
6. Personally attends to bookings for VIP’s and special accounts;
7. Coordinates with the Housekeeping supervisor regarding room status;
8. Assigns rooms for house use and other in-house activities;
9. Checks and updates reservation chart and room status indicators;
10. Welcomes and personally attends to the reception of VIP’s
11. Double checks with Front desk regarding the blocking of rooms with reservations;
12. Attends to inquiries on room rates and arrangements as well as complaints involving
room reservations; and
13. Performs other duties as maybe assigned by superior

Reservations Clerk

1. Responds to inquiries on room rates and bookings;

2. Receives, processes, and confirms rooms reservations;
3. Maintains and updates reservation rack;
4. Files reservations card cards according to arrival dates and makes Arrival list a day prior
to arrival date;
5. Reconfirms arrival of guest in the arrival list;
6. Conducts show room to prospective patrons;
7. Makes follow up of client accounts as well as “no show” bookings;
8. Goes on sales blitz and assists in implementing marketing strategies; and
9. Performs other duties as maybe assigned by superior.

Desk Clerk

1. Allocates rooms for incoming arrivals, check ins, special request rooms and VIP’s;
checks whether requirements are prepared prior to arrival;
2. Updates room status indicator or room status chart;
3. Attends to guests’ registration;
4. Reviews all the names on record, evaluates double bookings and makes necessary
5. Checks with booking parties the status of “no show” bookings, makes follow-up, logs
down any cancellation and informs Housekeeping and the Front Office;
6. Prepares guest folio of guests who are about to check out;
7. Attends to inquiries at the Front desk;
8. Receive and secure guest keys;
9. Receives mails, messages, and packages of guests and makes sure that they are roperly
received by concerned guests;
10. In the absence of a telephone operator, and processes all incoming calls, including long
distance and overseas calls;
11. In the absence of a telephone operator, attends to wake up call requests;
12. In the absene of a Front office Cashier, prepares billing of guest account and processes all
13. Attends to guest complaints and requests, endorses them to the right person or department
when such action is called for;
14. Conducts briefing/orientation to group regarding group arrangements;
15. Coordinates with Housekeepig Unit in the reconciliation of room status, in conducting
room transfer and in preparing special arrangements for VIP’s;
16. Performs other related duties as may be assighned by hi/her superior.


1. Welcomes and greets incoming guest, opens the door of their vehicle, unloads their
luggage and leads them to the Front Desk for registration;
2. Receives rooming instructions from the desk clerk and escorts the guest towards his
3. Orients the guest about the facilities and amenities in the room and informs him of house
services and facilities;
4. Responds to desk clerk’s call for guest assistance including the delivery of guests mails,
FAX, packages and messages;
5. Assists the guest upon check out, carries his luggage, leads him to the Front Desk for
clearance and payment and escorts him towards his vehicle;
6. Assists a guest when a room transfer services is called for;
7. Attends to the safe and proper storage of guests valuables in the Bell Station as well as
their issuance to owners, following standard procedures;
8. Prepares errand report and other reports as maybe required by superior; maintains a
logbook of critical incidents and complaints;
9. Attends to guests’ inquiries, requests and complaints ; and
10. Performs other related duties as maybe assigned by superior.
Front Office Cashier

1. Prepare billing statement for guest and receives payment;

2. Receives bills of guest from the various outlets and enters them into the guest folio for
updating of charges;
3. Keeps track of consumption of guest and makes sure he does not exceed the credit
limit(if using a credit card or given a credit limit by the hotel);
4. Checks credit status of guest who are booking on charges; makes sure their account is
active, not cancelled nor suspended; checks and verifies the validity of credit cards and
other credit account of guest before proceeding to any credit transaction.
5. Communicates with various outlets regarding guest on cash basis and are not given
signing privilege as well as those given signing privilege;
6. Prepares daily cashier’s report;
7. Receives and accounts for change fund; and
8. Performs other duties as maybe assigned by superior.

Airport/Transport Representative

1. Receives instructions from superior regarding guests who are scheduled for arrival and
departure and need transport assistance;
2. Checks availability and conditions of vehicles assigned for transporting guests;
3. Responsible for the preventive maintenance of vehicles assigned to him;
4. Fetches arriving guests, welcomes them and brings them to the hotel;
5. Scouts for possible prospects or patrons at the airport and other terminal and offers them
accommodation in the hotel;
6. Coordinates with tour and travel agencies regarding arrangements for tourist and other
7. Provides tour and travel assistance to guests if assigned to do so;
8. Prepares and updates daily tour and itineraries of guests and prepares errand report; and
9. Performs other duties as maybe assigned by superior.

Guest Relations/Concierge Officer

1. Coordinates with the front desk regarding arrangement for the arrival of VIP’s and
special groups with special arrangements;
2. Personally welcomes and receives guests, especially VIP’s;
3. Maintains logbook and records of VIP’s arrivals;
4. Attends to guests with special problems and concerns like lost passport, lost ticket, airline
booking, tour and travel assistance;
5. Conducts show room of room facilities to interested patrons;
6. Assists in sales and marketing activities;
7. Provides orientation to groups with special arrangements;
8. Arranges tour and travel itineraries of guests and coordinates with tour and travel
agencies; and
9. Performs other guests relations functions as maybe assigned by superior;

Telephone Operator

1. Answers all incoming calls in accordance with standard procedures;

2. Receives and disseminates messages received by phone;
3. Transfers calls to guests after screening their calls;
4. Attends to emergency calls in accordance with prescribed procedures;

Business Center Clerk

1. Personally attend to all request involving fax, e-mail, xerox, printing, encoding and other
services provided by the business center.
2. Attends to the sale and disposition of souvenir items;
3. Prepares daily sales report;
4. Looks after the proper maintenance of all equipment at the center;
5. Makes inventory report of items and equipment submits inventory report; and
6. Performs other duties as maybe assigned by superior.

Sequence of Front Office Services

Receiving/ processing and documenting guests' reservations (Reservation Clerk)

Welcoming/ greeting the guest, opening the door of his vehicle; unloading the luggage
(Doorman/ Bellboy)

Attending to guest registration (Desk Clerk)

Settlement of guests' bill (Front Office Cashier)

Escorting guest to his room, carrying his luggage, explaining room facilities (Bellboy)

Updating roo status; preparing guest folio (Desk Clerk)

Attending to all service request of guests extending various froms of assistance like wake
up calls, delivery of messages, etc. (Desk Clerk)

Updating guest account, preparing billing statements; settlement of balance (Cashier)

Assisting guests for check out (Bellboys and Housekeeping Staff)

Bill settlement, giving clearance for check out (Cashier)

Bidding goodbye; thanking guest for patronage (All staff)

Directions: Write (1-11) according to the proper arrangement of the sequence of Front Office
Services on the blank provided before each statements. Match Column A with Column B.

_____ Bill settlement, giving clearance for check out ⸱  Reservation Clerk
_____ Assisting guests for check out ⸱  All Staff
_____ Settlement of guests' bill ⸱  Doorman/ Bellboy
_____ Updating roo status; preparing guest folio ⸱  Cashier
_____ Receiving/ processing and documenting guests' ⸱
 Desk Clerk
_____ Attending to all service request of guests extending ⸱
 Bellboy and
various froms of assistance like wake up calls, delivery of
messages, etc.
_____ Attending to guest registration ⸱  Bellboy
_____ Welcoming/ greeting the guest, opening the door of his ⸱

vehicle; unloading the luggage

_____ Updating guest account, preparing billing statements; ⸱
settlement of balance
_____ Bidding goodbye; thanking guest for patronage ⸱
_____ Escorting guest to his room, carrying his luggage, ⸱

explaining room facilities

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