Questions Often Sometimes Seldom Never

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The questionnaire aims to find out your English language background, exposure to the English

language and your point of view in learning English. The findings of the questionnaire will be
used as supportive data in analyzing a research report of second language learning. Please take
your time to complete the questions. Your cooperation is very much appreciated.

Section A

1. Class :______________________________________________
2. Age :______________________________________________
3. Gender : ______________________________________________
4. Race :______________________________________________
5. Occupation of Father :_______________________________________________
6. Occupation of Mother :_____________________________________________
7. What is the language you use at home?
8. Do you attend any language private tuition?

Section B

1. Please tick (/) in the appropriate column

Questions Often Sometimes Seldom Never

a) Do you speak English at home?
b) Do you speak to your classmates in English?
c) Do you speak to your teachers in English?
d) Does your English teacher use English to
conduct lessons?
e) Do you write in English? (Except writing
English essays at schools?)
f) Do you listen to English news?
g) Do you listen to English radio stations?
h) Do you listen to English songs?
i) Do you read English newspapers?
j) Do you read English magazines?
k) Do you read English books?
l) Do you watch English movies?
2. Please tick (/) in the appropriate column.

Questions Strongly Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly

Agree Disagree
a) Learning English is more
difficult than learning Bahasa
b) I have difficulties in
understanding how English
grammar works
c) I have difficulties in
understanding English tenses
d) My English teacher explained
clearly on how to use different
tenses in different situations
e) Knowing how to correct
grammar errors is important
f) My parents know that English
is important
g) My parents encourage me to
learn English
h) English is useful in job
i) I need to improve my English

3. Did you try to translate the sentences into Bahasa Melayu first before you try to identify
the correct answers for English grammatical errors?
4. In your opinion, how do you think your grammar proficiency level in English can be

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