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Mineralium Deposita (2002) 37: 249–282

DOI 10.1007/s00126-001-0237-4


Taihe Zhou Æ Richard J. Goldfarb Æ G. Neil Phillips

Tectonics and distribution of gold deposits

in China – an overview

Received: 30 November 2000 / Accepted: 10 October 2001 / Published online: 17 January 2002
 Springer-Verlag 2002

Abstract Gold exploration in China has expanded Indian cratons. Resulting collisions included deforma-
rapidly during the last two decades since a modern tion of accreted oceanic sequences between the cratonic
approach to economic development has become a na- blocks. The most important ore-forming orogenies
tional priority. China currently produces 180 tonnes (t) were (1) the late Paleozoic Variscan (405–270 Ma),
of gold annually, which is still significantly less than which led to amalgamation of the Angara, North
South Africa, USA, and Australia. However, China is China and Yangtze cratons, (2) the Indosinian (270–
now recognized as possessing significant gold resources 208 Ma), which led to the collision of North China and
in a wide range of mineral deposit types. Present esti- South China cratons, (3) the Yanshanian (208–90 Ma),
mates of gold resources in China exceed 4,500 t, which which was largely influenced by the subduction of the
comprise 60% in gold-only deposits, more than 25% in Izanagi–Pacific plates beneath eastern China, and (4)
base metal-rich skarn, porphyry, and vein deposits, and the Himalayan (<90 Ma) indentation of the Indian
more than 10% in placer accumulations. The major continent into Eurasia. No important Precambrian
gold provinces in China formed during the main epi- gold systems are recognized in China, mainly because
sodes of Phanerozoic tectonism. Such tectonism in- of reworking of exposed Precambrian rocks by these
volved interaction of China’s three major Precambrian younger orogenies, but there are a few Caledonian
cratons, North China, Tarim, and Yangtze (or South (600–405 Ma) gold-bearing systems in northern Xinji-
China when combined with Cathaysia block), with the ang. Most of China’s orogenic, epithermal, and Carlin-
Angara (or Siberian), Kazakhstan–Kyrgyzstan, and like gold deposits are in the reworked margins of major
cratonic blocks and in metasedimentary rock-domi-
nated fold belts adjacent to these margins. According-
ly, the major gold provinces are present along the
T. Zhou (&) northern, southeastern and southern margins of the
Great Central Mines Limited & North China craton, along the southwestern and
Centaur Mining and Exploration Limited, northwestern margins of the Yangtze craton, in the
210 Kings Way, South Melbourne,
Victoria 3205, Australia Tianshan and Altayshan orogenic belts in northern
E-mail: Xinjiang, and throughout the southeastern China fold
R.J. Goldfarb
belt. Gold-placer deposits derived from these primary
US Geological Survey, MS 964, Box 25046, deposits are concentrated in the northernmost part of
Denver Federal Center, Denver, northeastern China and along the northwestern margin
Colorado 80225-0046, USA of the Yangtze craton. The major provinces with sig-
G.N. Phillips nificant gold in porphyry-related copper systems and
CSIRO Exploration and Mining, P.O. Box 3, base metal skarns are present in the Yangtze River
Central Park, Victoria 3145, Australia area along the northeastern and southeastern margin of
R.J. Goldfarb the Yangtze craton, in the fold belt in southwestern
Centre for Global Metallogeny, China, and scattered through northern China. Three-
Dept. of Geology and Geophysics, quarters of the Chinese gold-only deposits occur within
University of Western Australia,
Crawley, WA 6009, Australia the North China craton margins. Half are located in
the uplifted Precambrian metamorphic rocks and most
Present address: T. Zhou
Sino-QZ Group, of the remainder are hosted in the Phanerozoic grani-
P.O. Box 2424, Mount Waverley, toids that intruded the reworked Precambrian terranes.
3149 Victoria, Australia The abundance of granite-hosted gold contrasts the

North China craton with other Precambrian cratons, deposits mainly is compiled from recent data and in-
such as those in Western Australia, central Canada, formation in Chinese government reports and both the
and Zimbabwe, where gold is mainly hosted in the western and Chinese literature, as well as from our re-
Archean greenstone belts. This difference may be ex- cent visits to China and the senior author’s work in
plained by the multiple episodes of Phanerozoic tec- China from 1974 to 1986. The paper emphasizes links
tonism along the North China craton margins resulting between gold deposit distribution and plate tectonics in
from the collision of the Angara, North China, and order to increase understanding of the regional genetic
South China cratons, and from subduction of the controls on the gold deposits of China.
Izanagi–Pacific oceanic plates underneath the eastern
China continent.
Gold exploration and the state of mining in China
Keywords China Æ Gold Æ Tectonics
China has been producing gold for more than 4,000 years (Xu et al.
1992). However, there were no detailed official records of gold
production before the establishment of the People’s Republic of
Introduction China in 1949. Gold exploration and China’s mining industry grew
slowly between then and the late 1970s, but growth has been sub-
stantial since economic development began to dominate China’s
China’s annual gold production has increased signifi- policies.
cantly during the last 20 years, from approximately The definition of gold ‘‘resource’’ and ‘‘reserve’’ in China is very
25 tonnes of gold (t Au) in 1980 to 180 t in 1999 (In- different from that in Western countries and this has typically led to
confusion when the resource/reserve figures are translated into
stitute of Geology, unpublished data; Cun and Ju 1999). English. In China, resources are divided into categories A through
More importantly, as major new gold resources have E according to the extent of knowledge of ore control. Although
been delineated in many parts of China, the country has categories A and B may sometimes be used to describe a ‘‘reserve’’
attracted growing interest from the international explo- in China, in general, only part of category A is used to indicate a
‘‘reserve’’ within a resource. Categories A to C mainly are used to
ration community. In addition, a better understanding define ‘‘resources’’ (e.g., measured, indicated, and inferred reserves,
of these resources is now possible because of the recent respectively), whereas categories D and E are geologically inferred
detailed reviews in English on the tectonics of China potential resources categories (e.g., undiscovered and speculative
(Wang and Mo 1995; Sengör and Natal’in 1996; Yin and resources, respectively).
Nie 1996; Zhao et al. 1996), and a few papers that have The total gold production in China has been more than 1,000 t
since 1949. Currently, combined gold resources (categories A
attempted to present some aspects of China’s gold re- through C) in China are more than 4,500 t (Cun and Ju 1999).
sources (Xu et al. 1992; Nie 1997). However, detailed These combined 5,500 t Au comprise about 60% (3,300 t) from
information on Chinese gold deposits is uncommon in gold-only deposits (e.g., epithermal veins, orogenic lodes, Carlin-
the international literature, and there have been no like deposits), 27% (1,500 t) from gold-enriched base metal-rich
deposits (e.g., skarn-Cu, porphyry-Cu deposits), and 13% (700 t)
comprehensive reviews in English relating regional ge- from placer gold deposits (Fig. 1a).
ology and plate tectonics to the distribution of different Gold exploration has traditionally been carried out by geolog-
types of gold deposits for the entire country. ical brigades from the Ministry of Geology and Mineral Resources
This paper provides a general overview of the distri- (MGMR), which is now a part of the Ministry of Land and Re-
sources (MLAR), the China National Nonferrous Corporation
bution of gold deposits in China, and specifically relates (CNNC), the Gold Bureau of the Ministry of Mining and Metal-
the deposits to orogenic episodes that define the tectonic lurgy Industries (MMI), and the Gold Army. There are approxi-
evolution of China. The geology of the Chinese gold mately 500,000 geologists that have carried out detailed surface

Fig. 1a–d. Gold resources of

China (data sources: Institute of
Gold Geology, unpublished
data; Cun and Ju 1999; Zhou
and Lü 2000). a Gold resources
in gold-only lodes, gold-base
metal lodes, and placers in
China; b gold resources of
major gold provinces in China;
c gold resources in different
mineral deposit types in China;
d gold resources in different
types of gold-only deposits in
China, with orogenic gold sub-
divided between granitoid-
hosted resources and resources
in metamorphic rocks of vari-
ous ages

Fig. 2. Provinces and geogra-

phy of China (the South China
Sea islands are not shown in the
map) and locations of some of
the surrounding countries

geological mapping at 1:200,000 scale over all of China and tions are open cut operations, particularly those mining oxide ores.
1:50,000-scale mapping has been completed for most of the eastern Some open pit mines have recently been installed with modern
areas. The total Chinese government budget for mineral explora- equipment in northeastern and northwestern China (e.g., the
tion is approximately US$1 billion annually (Chinese Geological Paishanlou[14] 1 and Axi[64] mines, respectively) and these are pro-
Survey 1999, personal communication) with most of the money ducing as much as 2–2.5 t Au annually. Most of the older and more
going towards salaries. Government-sponsored drilling has been established mines are underground operations that use longhole
very limited. Major exploration methods employed are surface open stoping, vertical crater retreat, and sub-level open stopping
geological mapping and geochemical exploration, which are occa- methods. Rail haulage is employed at virtually all operations. Ball
sionally combined with follow-up trenching and limited drilling. and SAG (i.e., semi-autogenous grind) mills and conventional
Airborne geophysical data also are available, but are coarse and carbon-in-leach and carbon-in-pulp processing are commonly used
used for geological mapping rather than for mineral exploration. for gold recovery. Tailings from these operations average 0.5 g/t
Geochemical data are extensive for most areas and excellent in Au, but most of the rural companies, and some local government-
quality, although data processing and interpretation may be in- operated mines, have serious gold recovery problems and, in these
complete. Most drill rigs are rather old and incapable of angle cases, the tailings may contain as much as 8 g/t Au. Recovery of
drilling. Compared with targets in Western countries, which are gold as a by-product from base metal ores (e.g., Cu-rich skarns)
characterized by an abundance of detailed geophysical data and remains problematic, with recovery rates averaging only 54%.
extensive drill hole information, many impressive gold targets in Consequently, gold from porphyry and skarn deposits comprises
China remain relatively unexplored. 28% of the total Chinese resource, but presently only accounts for
China has emerged as one of the major gold producers in the 15% of the total gold production. Recovery of sub-microscopic
world behind South Africa, United States, and Australia. Gold gold from Carlin-like deposits and fine-grained gold from epi-
mining was previously directly controlled by, and generally oper- thermal deposits is also problematic. Therefore, much of the hyp-
ated by, the central Chinese government, but this has changed ogene ores in these systems remain unmined. Bio-leaching
during the 1990s. Local governments and rural Chinese companies techniques have been tried within some of the major Carlin-like
now play a more important role and are responsible for 45 and deposits (e.g., Zimudang[56]), but with little success (T.Z. visited
38% of China’s annual gold production, respectively (Chinese Zimudang Mine 1996; J. Mao and W. Shen 1996–1998, personal
Institute of Gold Geology, unpublished data). communication). Pressure-leaching and roasters have rarely been
Unlike the other major gold producing countries, which have a used because of the lack of capital.
number of large gold mines producing as much as 20–30 t Au Gold mining was opened to foreign investment joint ventures
annually, most of China’s gold mines are small. The largest indi- for low-grade or refractory ores in 1994. However, gold exploration
vidual mines are in the Jiaodong (or East Shandong) gold province by foreign investment joint ventures was not introduced by law in
(Fig. 1b) in Shandong province (Fig. 2), which produce about 3 t China until 1996. Collaborating with some major mining industry
Au per year (G. Lü 1998, personal communication). There are and government representatives from western countries, the Chi-
approximately 1,000 operating gold mines across the country, as nese government updated its exploration and mining law, and
well as numerous very small local mines (treating <25 t rock per
day) that are not accounted for in government statistics (Institute
of Gold Geology, unpublished data). Many of the newer opera- The deposit number in Tables 2–4 and Figs. 4–6.

introduced detailed new regulations in February 1998 in order to

bring it into accordance with Australian and North American
standards. Three major changes have been introduced that provide
for regulations that are very similar to those of Australia and
North America: (1) regulation of mineral exploration licenses, (2)
regulation of the interests and rights of mining licenses, and (3)
regulation of the transfer of exploration and mining rights and
licenses (State Council of the People’s Republic of China 1998). At
the same time, the previous regulation that required a company to
sell gold at 90% of the world spot price has been abolished. Bullion
still has to be sold to the People’s Bank of China at about the world
spot price. This policy makes forward selling of gold impossible
and is of concern to some of the major mining companies. The
possibility of changing this policy is under discussion and consid-
eration. There is no doubt that the Chinese government is aiming
towards an open policy for foreign investment in gold exploration
and mining in China. However, China does not have an adequate
number of technical professionals to make thorough evaluations of
tenement and property values (MGMR 1998, personal communi-
cation). This has hampered joint venture investment negotiations.
Nevertheless, current Chinese exploration and mining regulations
and policies are encouraging to foreign investors. Moreover, geo-
logical settings and gold deposit distribution characteristics suggest
China may be very favorable for discovery of new, world-class gold

Tectonics of China
The tectonic framework of China is dominated by three global
orogenic systems, the Central-Asian or Paleo-Tethyan (Fig. 3a),
the Circum-Pacific and the Tethys–Himalaya systems (Guo 1987).
The Mesozoic–Cenozoic Circum-Pacific orogenic belt in eastern
China and the Tethys–Himalaya system in southwestern China are
the products of the subduction of Pacific Ocean floor beneath
China (Cox et al. 1989), and the indentation of the Indian conti-
nent into Eurasia (Figs 2 and 3; and Fig. 7 of Li 1998), respectively
(Fig. 3c). The Central-Asian geotectonic system in northern China
consists of a series of broadly E–W-trending fold belts, which,
from south to north, include the Kunlunshan–Qinling, Tianshan–
Beishan–Yinshan, and Altayshan–Xinganling belts. These fold
belts occur along the margins of the South China, North China,
Tarim, Kazakhstan–Kyrgyzstan, and Angara cratonic blocks
(Fig. 3). The fold belts are dominantly products of subduction and
accretion of oceanic complexes, and were the focus of deformation
in Paleozoic–Mesozoic cratonic collisions during final ocean clo-
sures. As is most commonly used in the Chinese literature, we
define orogeny between 600 and 405 Ma as Caledonian, 405 and
270 Ma as Variscan, 270 and 208 Ma as Indosinian, 208 and
90 Ma as Yanshanian, and <90 Ma as Himalayan (Wang and Mo

Major Precambrian continental blocks in China

The major Precambrian cratons in China are North China, South

China, and Tarim (Fig. 3). The easternmost part of the Kazakh-
stan–Kyrgyzstan Precambrian block terminates in the Yili area of
northwestern China, and is known there as the Yili block in China
(Fig. 3a). There are a few fragments of Precambrian micro-conti-
nents scattered across China, which include the Cathaysia block in
the southeast, the Tibet and Qiangtang blocks in the southwest, the
Qaidam block in the northwest, and the Jiamusi, Sanguan, Xin-
ganling, and Erguna blocks in the northeast. All the so-called
cratons in China are not strictly cratons; they have, instead,
undergone multiple tectonism since the late Paleozoic.

Fig. 3a–c. Tectonic evolution of the major Chinese Precambrian
blocks and evolution of gold systems since the Variscan.
a Variscan; b Indosinian; c Yanshanian

Table 1. Tectonic stages during

the crustal evolution of China
(modified from Wang and Mo

North China (Sino-Korean) craton Yangtze craton

The oldest rock (granite) in the North China craton has been In the northern Yangtze craton, (Qiu et al. 2000) have identified
identified in the Anshan area of eastern Liaoning province (Fig. 2) Archean basement older than 3.2 Ga. In addition, a Pb–Pb age of
with an age of 3.8 Ga (U–Pb in zircon, Liu et al. 1992; Chen 1994; about 2.9 Ga has been reported at Dukou (Fig. 2) in Sichuan
Fang 1994). Other Early Archean rocks also are scattered across province (Wang et al. 1990). The Kongling trondhjemite–tonalite–
the craton (CGMC 1990; Fang 1994; Wang and Mo 1995), par- granodiorite (TTG) gneiss in the Gorges area (Fig. 2) has an age
ticularly those of Middle and Late Archean age (ca. 3.5–2.5 Ga). of 2.8 Ga, and detrital zircons older than 2.8 Ga have also been
These Archean rocks were influenced by the Wutaian (ca. 2.5) and reported in southeastern and northern Guizhou province (Wang
Lüliangian (ca. 1.8 Ga) orogenies and were then cratonized for and Mo 1995). The Yangtze craton was consolidated into what is
more than 1 billion years (Table 1). The Precambrian sequences commonly referred to as the more extensive South China craton
were locally uplifted and exposed, especially along the margins of after the Jinning orogeny (ca. 1000–850 Ma), when it was amal-
the North China ‘‘craton’’ during a series of Phanerozoic oroge- gamated with the Cathaysia block on its southeastern margin
nies. Much of the Caledonian orogeny (e.g., from Middle Ord- (Li et al. 1996). Today, the Yangzte craton is separated from the
ovician through Silurian) involved the subduction of both the North China craton by the Qinling fold belt and from south-
Mongolian and Qaidam–Qilianshan–Qinling (Fig. 2) oceanic ernmost China and southeast Asia by the Southeast China and
plates under the North China craton from the north and the south, Sanjiang fold belts.
respectively. Many of the basement uplifts along the margins of the
North China craton occurred during the Variscan and Indosinian
orogenies, when the Angara and the South China blocks were Tarim craton
juxtaposed with northern China from the north and south, re-
spectively (Wang et al. 1990; Wang and Mo 1995; Zhou 1998, The main part of the Tarim craton is covered by the central part
1999). Some of the uplifts, however, are also clearly of later of the present Tarim basin (Fig. 2; Shen et al. 1994). The oldest
Mesozoic age (Griffin et al. 1998). exposed rocks are Middle Archean amphibolites (ca. 3.2 Ga) located

along the northeastern margin of the basin (Hu and Luo 1991). experienced extensive greenschist to granulite facies metamor-
Ages of 2.8–2.6 Ga are also reported from same area for a volcanic phism, intensive migmatization, and widespread magmatism. These
and clastic rock sequence that is metamorphosed to low amphib- Archean rocks were subsequently cratonized throughout much of
olite facies (Xinjiang Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources the Proterozoic.
1993). Small blocks of high-metamorphic grade Archean rocks (ca. From 2.5 to 1.0 Ga, the North China, Tarim and Yangtze
2.5 Ga), which occur in the Altayshan and Beishan belts (Fig. 3), cratons experienced little tectonism, although rifting took place
also may have been parts of the Tarim craton at one time (Liu et al. along the margins of these areas in the Paleoproterozoic and
1996). The Archean–Paleoproterozoic Tarim nucleus was craton- Mesoproterozoic. At about 1.8 Ga, Paleoproterozoic rocks, which
ized by the end of the Jinning orogeny (ca. 850 Ma) and became the are now exposed along the margins of the cratons, were deformed,
basement for an inland basin that formed during Late Carbonif- folded, and uplifted during the Lüliang (or Zhongtiao) orogeny
erous/Early Permian Variscan tectonism (Xinjiang Bureau of Ge- (Table 1). By Neoproterozoic time, the three cratons were very
ology and Mineral Resources 1993; Zhao et al. 1996). The collision close or partly connected in the supercontinent of Rodinia, as in-
into and subduction of the Indian continent under the Eurasia dicated from stratigraphic and paleomagnetic studies (Wang and
continent, and the uplift of the Tibet–Qinghai plateau (Fig. 2) since Mo 1995).
the Late Cretaceous, also may have been responsible for final Tarim The 1.0–0.85 Ga Jinning ‘‘Grenvillian’’ orogeny involved clo-
basin formation (Fig. 2). sure of the ocean basin at the southern margin of the North China
craton and accretion of the Qinling arc (Qinling belt area in Fig. 4).
Simultaneously, collisions occurred along both the northern and
Angara craton southern margins of the Tarim craton (already amalgamated with
the Qaidam block), with the southern suture now defined by the
The Angara craton (or Siberian platform) underlies Siberia Kunlunshan orogenic belt (Fig. 4; Wang and Mo 1995). By the end
(Fig. 3a) in an area roughly covering 2,500 km. Much of the craton of the Jinning orogeny, the Yangtze cratonic block had collided
is covered by Neoproterozoic to Phanerozoic sedimentary rocks. It with the Cathaysia block to form the so-called South China craton.
is immediately north of the east–west-trending Altayshan–Xin- These events are all part of Neoproterozoic supercontinent growth
ganling fold belts, which outcrop across northern China and much that led to formation of Rodinia (Li et al. 1996). Sinian (also
of Mongolia. These fold belts consist of Proterozoic to early Pa- known as ‘‘Zhendan’’ in China) rifting (850–600 Ma) resulted in
leozoic arc and metasedimentary rock terranes that were accreted the breakup of the Rodinia supercontinent and, locally, the sepa-
to the Angara craton during Mesozoic closure of the Mongolia– ration from this large amalgamation of the major Chinese cratonic
Okhotsk Sea (Fig. 21.53E of Sengör and Natal’in 1996). Craton- blocks, perhaps from eastern Australia (Li et al 1996), along old
ization occurred in the Paleoproterozoic, with rifted margins suture zones.
characterizing the period ca. 1650–800 Ma (Sengör and Natal’in
Caledonian (600–400 Ma)

Other Precambrian blocks By the Cambrian, subsequent to the Sinian rifting, the now sepa-
rated North China, South China, and Tarim cratons may each have
Additional, relatively-isolated outcrops of Precambrian rocks are been close to the Australian continent within the newly forming
scattered throughout Phanerozoic terranes over much of China. Gondwanaland. The Chinese and Australian land masses may have
The Yili block, in the western part of the Xinjiang Autonomous been proximal to each other until the Devonian (Li et al. 1996).
Region (Fig. 3a), is the easternmost exposure of a series of small During the Middle Ordovician to Late Silurian, the Mongolia and
Precambrian fragments that were joined together in the early Pa- Qaidam–Qilianshan–Qinling oceanic plates were subducted under
leozoic (Zonenshain et al. 1990). The block pinches out in central the North China craton from the north and southwest, respectively.
Xinjiang (Fig. 3a), between Paleozoic oceanic terranes of the north This led to the Caledonian uplift of a large part of the North China
and south Tianshan geologic provinces. The Cathaysia block, on craton, which acted as an eroding topographic high until the
the southern side of the Yangtze craton, has reported ages of ca. middle Carboniferous. To the northwest, a series of Late Ordovi-
2.5 Ga from the Zhejiang and Fujian provinces (Wang and Mo cian collisions formed the Kipchak arc (or Kazakhstania micro-
1995), where Paleoproterozoic amphibolite facies rocks are widely- continent) along the margin of the northern Paleo-Tethys ocean
distributed. The Cathaysia block collided with the Yangtze craton (Fig. 21.31 of Sengör and Natal’in 1996). Some of this event in-
during the early part of the Jinning orogeny (ca. 1.0 Ga), probably cluded formation of the older parts of the Altaids in northern
underwent partial rifting during the Sinian, and recollided with the Xinjiang (Altayshan belt in Fig. 3a). In southern China, the Yan-
Yangtze craton during a Silurian, late Caledonian event. Except for gtze and Cathaysia blocks, which had been rifted apart during the
the Jiamusi block, which has a Paleoproterozoic basement and may Sinian, collided for a second time and reformed the South China
have been a part of the North China craton, all other Precambrian craton.
blocks in northeastern China are Neoproterozoic, and are inter-
preted to be rifted pieces of the passive margin of the Angara Variscan (405–270 Ma)
craton (Wang and Mo 1995). In central China, to the northwest of
the Yangtze craton, the small Songpan-Ganzi block was probably The South Tianshan orogenic belt (Fig. 3a) developed during
part of the Yangtze craton that separated during the Paleozoic Variscan tectonism on the seaward side of the Caledonian Kip-
(Wang et al. 1990). Both the Tibet and Qiangtang blocks, in chak arc along the edge of the Paleo-Tethys Ocean (Fig. 21.31 of
southwestern China, show Australian (Gondwana) paleogeo- Sengör and Natal’in 1996). This was characterized by continued
graphic affinities and may have Precambrian basement (Wang and terrane collision and final accretion of the Tarim block to the Yili
Mo 1995), but they are generally poorly understood. and Junggar blocks ca. 300 Ma (Fig. 3a; Sengör and Natal’in
1996). Collapse of the Kipchak arc closed a back-arc ocean
between the Yili and Junggar blocks and formed the North
Tectonic evolution of China Tianshan orogenic belt (Fig. 3a). During late Variscan events, the
North China craton was amalgamated to the Tarim craton along
Precambrian tectonism the Altunshan strike-slip fault system (Fig. 3a). The diachronous
eastward continuation of the collision between the North China
The three major cratons in China (North China, Tarim, and and Angara cratons led to eventual establishment of the elongate
Yangtze) underwent at least three orogenies during the Archean, Tianshan–Beishan–Yinshan fold belts (Fig. 3a). Suturing proba-
widely-termed the Qianxian (ca. 3.2 Ga), Fuping (ca. 2.8 Ga), and bly continued until the Triassic, or even Early Jurassic, in
Wutai (ca. 2.5 Ga; Table 1). During these orogenies, rock units northeastern China.

Fig. 4. Distribution of different types of deposits with gold as the the Triassic to Jurassic Neotethys Ocean developed by opening of
main commodity. The tectonic framework is modified from Wang the Yaluzangbu and Bangong–Nujiang basins (now the Sanjiang
and Mo (1995). Data sources and deposit numbers are listed in fold belt area, Fig. 3c). After breaking away from Gondwanaland,
Table 2 the Indian plate began to drift northward (Fig. 3c) during the
Jurassic, and collided with the Eurasia continent by the end of the
Cretaceous or early Tertiary. The indentation of the Indian conti-
Indosinian (270–210 Ma) nent into the Eurasia continent caused intra-continental subduction
and convergence in western China, and led to more than 5 km of
The Yangtze craton began to move northward in the late Paleozoic uplift in the Tibet–Qinghai plateau (Fig. 2).
(Fig. 3a, b), which led to large-scale rifting and basalt eruption
along its western margin now within Sichuan and Guizhou prov-
inces. The collision between the North China and South China (or Major gold provinces of China
the amalgamated Yangtze and Cathaysia blocks) cratons was
diachronous, i.e., first in Shandong province during the Late
Permian, and later in the Qinling-Dabie area (Fig. 3b) in the Late Gold deposits are irregularly distributed across China.
Triassic (Yin and Nie 1993). This collision might have coincided More than 25% of the gold production and 20% of the
with development of the Tan-Lu fault system, which was contin- gold resource in China are in eastern Shandong province
ually active along the eastern margin of China during the middle
and late Mesozoic Yanshanian orogeny (Fig. 3b). The final suture (i.e., Jiaodong gold province), and about 12% of the
zone between the Yangtze and North China cratons is along the resource is in western Henan province (i.e., Xiao Qinling
South Qinling-Dabie zone (Fig. 3b), and the Eurasia superconti- gold province). The remaining gold resources are mainly
nent was formed near the end of the Indosinian events (Yin and Nie in the Shaanxi, Hebei, Liaoning, Jilin, Inner Mongolia,
1993; Wang and Mo 1995).
Guizhou, and Hunan provinces, with recent important
discoveries in the Xinjiang and Gansu provinces
Yanshanian (210–90 Ma) and Himalayan (<90 Ma) (Fig. 2). However, when the gold resource data are ex-
amined in a tectonic framework, most of the gold de-
During Jurassic and subsequent to it, oblique subduction of the
Izanagi–Pacific basin plates under the eastern edge of China led to
posits are located along margins of the larger
the formation of the NNE-trending Yanshanian magmatic belts Precambrian cratons and in the adjacent parts of
and faults along the Pacific continental margin. In western China, Phanerozoic collisional belts. Accordingly, gold in

China may be divided into the following major gold metamorphic rocks; Carlin-like and epithermal gold
provinces: deposits also are present in unmetamorphosed to
slightly metamorphosed rocks.
1. Jiaodong (or East Shandong) gold province (>20%
4. Yangtze River gold province (>20% resource) along
of gold resource in China) along the southeastern
the eastern edge of the Yangtze craton – gold-bearing
margin of the North China craton – most orogenic
skarn and porphyry copper deposits. Some of these
gold deposits cut Mesozoic granites, although a few
types of deposits, as well as epithermal gold deposits,
very small deposits are also hosted in Archean
continue northward along the western side of the
metamorphic rocks.
Tan-Lu fault into the western Shandong province
2. Northern China gold province (20% resource) along
(Figs. 4 and 5).
the northern margin of the North China craton –
5. Southeastern China gold province (2–3% resource)
orogenic gold deposits are present in both Precam-
along the southeast China fold belt– orogenic gold
brian metamorphic rocks and in Variscan and
and epithermal gold deposits are both present.
Yanshanian granites.
6. Dian–Gui–Qian gold province (<5% resource) along
3. Qinlingand Xiao Qinling gold provinces (20% re-
the southwestern margin of the Yangtze craton –
source) along the suture zone between the North
mainly Carlin-like and epithermal gold deposits.
China and Yangtze cratons and within the southern
7. Chuan–Shaan–Gan gold province (5% resource)
margin of the North China craton – orogenic gold is
along the northwestern margin of the Yangtze craton –
sited in Archean, Proterozoic, and Phanerozoic
mainly Carlin-like deposits and placer gold.
8. Northern Xinjiang gold province (<5% resource,
mostly new discoveries) within the Altayshan and
Tianshan orogenic belts and surrounding the Junggar
Fig. 5. Distribution of mineral deposits in China with base metals
as the major commodity, but in which gold is also at economic basin in northwestern China – mainly orogenic and
levels. The tectonic framework is modified from Wang and Mo volcanogenic massive sulfide deposits in the Altay-
(1995). Data sources and deposit numbers are listed in Table 3 shan and western Junggar, whereas epithermal vein,

gold-bearing copper porphyry, and granitoid-related North China craton, addition of potassium to rocks
replacement deposits are most abundant in the east- adjacent to ore zones is notable.
ern Tianshan and eastern Junggar. Most Archean cratons elsewhere in the world (e.g.,
9. Heilongjiang gold province (5% resource) the Xing- the Yilgarn craton in Australia and the Superior Prov-
anling and Jiamusi areas of northeastern most China – ince in Canada) are characterized by major gold deposits
mainly placer gold. in greenstone belts, which were formed during tectonism
in the Late Archean (ca. 2.7–2.6 Ga), and have been
isolated from further significant orogeny since that time.
The North China craton, however, is not a true Pre-
Main types of gold deposits in China cambrian craton because it has undergone multiple
tectonic and magmatic events along both its northern
Gold deposits in China have been typically classified by and southern borders since the late Paleozoic. Much of
host rock lithologies such as granite-hosted, volcanic- the gold along these margins is hosted in Phanerozoic
hosted, and sedimentary-hosted gold deposits (e.g., Tu granites that intruded the Late Archean and Paleopro-
1990, 1994; Nie 1997). Whereas this makes the classifi- terozoic rocks, making North China the most important
cation process easy and clear, it provides little infor- global example where granites that intruded into Pre-
mation on ore genesis and classification of Chinese gold cambrian crust contain substantial amounts of gold. The
deposits using common mineral-deposit models. There- spatial and temporal associations of gold and granites in
fore, in this paper, the gold deposits of China are defined gold provinces, such as Jiaodong and northern China,
only by the more common western terminology. Ac- suggest to some workers that the mineralized systems are
cordingly, the main gold deposits in China (Fig. 1c, d), intrusion-related gold deposits (e.g., Sillitoe and
and their approximate percentage of the nation’s total Thompson 1998; Thompson et al. 1999; Lang et al.
gold resources, may be classified as follows: orogenic 2000). However, as no genetic link has been demon-
gold (approximately 50%). Carlin-like gold (5–6%), strated, we prefer instead to treat all such Chinese de-
epithermal gold (4%), Skarn/porphyry Cu–Au and Au– posits as ‘‘orogenic’’ gold deposits, and argue that both
Cu (± other metals; 25%), placer gold (13%), and fluid (no matter what its source) and magma are simply
others, e.g., volcanogenic massive sulfide copper–gold, products of the same craton margin orogenic and ther-
magmatic nickel–copper–gold, replacement gold, and mal event.
regolith gold (3%).
Below, the distribution, common deposit features,
and regional characteristics of each of these gold deposit Jiaodong gold province
types in China are described. More specific descriptions
of important individual gold deposits are included in The Jiaodong gold province is the largest gold producer
the other papers of this thematic issue of Mineralium in China, yielding about 30 t bullion per year. More
Deposita. than 95% of the 850 t Au resource in the province is
hosted in Mesozoic Yanshanian granites that intrude
Late Archean metamorphic rocks. As stated above, this
Distribution of orogenic gold deposits in China predominance of granite host rocks for the orogenic
lodes contrasts with other large global gold provinces,
Orogenic gold deposits (also sometimes referred to as such as those of the Yilgarn craton, Zimbabwe craton,
mesothermal or shear-zone type gold deposits) contain Tasman Orogen, California Mother Lode, and Superior
about half of the total gold resource in China (i.e., Province, where syntectonic granites host less than 5–
2,700 t Au). Orogenic gold deposits are typically 10% of the total gold resource (Phillips and Zhou 1999).
spatially associated with regionally metamorphosed The Jiaodong gold province is on the southeastern
terranes, and formed during compressional to trans- margin of the North China craton immediately north of
pressional deformation processes at convergent plate the easternmost part of the ultra-high pressure belt
margins in accretionary and collisional orogenies (Figs 3c and 4) that marks the Late Permian to Early
(Groves et al. 1998). In China, they are distributed Jurassic suture between the Yangtze and North China
within the Jiaodong, northern China, Qinling, northern cratons (Yin and Nie 1993). During the Late Jurassic to
Xinjiang (e.g., Altayshan and western Junggar), and Cretaceous Yanshanian orogen, the Izanagi and Pacific
southeastern China gold provinces (Fig. 4). Here, as plates were obliquely subducted beneath the eastern part
elsewhere (e.g., Phillips and Groves 1983; Groves et al. of the China continent on the Eurasia plate. Granulite,
1987; Phillips 1993), ore genesis studies normally indi- gneiss, amphibolite, and biotite-bearing schist of the
cate CO2-rich (10–25%), low salinity (<10%), and Jiaodong Group, dated at 2.94–2.67 Ga (Yu 1984),
neutral to slightly alkaline ore fluids, with sulfur species comprise the basement to the gold province. The
involved in the complexing of the gold. Carbonization, Archean rocks are unconformably overlain by Paleo-
sulfidation, and silicification of wall rocks are consis- proterozoic ultramafic igneous, granulite, amphibolite,
tently associated with the orogenic gold deposits. In marble, and schist, and Neoproterozoic slate, phyllite,
addition, in the gold provinces along the margins of the and carbonate rocks. The Precambrian rock units are
Table 2. Characteristics of the major gold deposits in China

Gold province Deposit Tectonic Orogena Deposit Host rockc,d Igneous Resource Grade Major ore Alteration
(and no. setting typeb agee (Ma) (t Au) (g/t) mineralsf mineralsf
on Fig. 4)

Orogenic gold
1 Sanshandao Craton margin Yanshan shz J-K gr/Ar mm 160–1264 107 6.1 py, cp, ga, mt, apy mu, q, kf, cc, ank
2 Jiaojia Craton margin Yanshan shz J gr/Ar mm 160–1504 125+ 7.3 py, cp, ga, po, mt mu, q, kf, ab,
cc, sid, ch
3 Xincheng Craton margin Yanshan shz J-K gr/Ar mm 160–1264 85 7.2 py, cp mu, q, kf, cb
4 Linglong Craton margin Yanshan qv J-K gr 160–1504 125+ 9.7 py, cp, po, ga, mt mu, q, kf, cc,
ch, sid, ba
5 Fushang Craton margin Yanshan shz J-K gr 160–1504 43 6.3 py, ga mu, q, kf, ch, cb
6 Taishang Craton margin Yanshan shz J-K gr 160–1504 108 4.9
7 Daingezhuang Craton margin Yanshan shz J-K gr/Ar mm 160–1504 44 4.6
North China
8 Maoling Craton margin Variscan diss Pt phyl/schist 2082 25+ 3.2 po, apy, py, mt q, mu, ch, tu, cb
9 Wulong Craton margin Yanshan qv Pt gneiss 1604 40+ 7.3 py, bs mu, ch, cb
10 Cuocao Craton margin Yanshan qv Pr phyl/schist 20 10
11 Haigou Craton margin Yanshan qv J gr 144 30+ 6 py, ga, cp, po, ag q, mu, ch, tur, ep
12 Jiapigou Craton margin Yanshan qv/shz Ar mm 268–201, 1682 60 8.0 py, cp, po, sp, mt, q, mu, ch, ab, cc, sid
w, bs, ag
13 Erdaodianzi Craton margin Variscan qv Pz mm 40+ 6.4
14 Paishanlou Craton margin Yanshan qv/diss Ar mm 40+ 4.0 py, cp, apy, po q, mu, kf, cb, ch
15 Jinchangoliang Craton margin Yanshan qv/shz Ar mm 235, 135 50 12 py, cp, ga, sp,
sul 10–30%
16 Honghuagou Craton margin Yanshan qv/shz Ar mm 23+ 15.8 py, cp, sp, hem q, ch, mu, cc
17 Yuerya craton margin Yanshan qv J gr 165–1702 25 10.7 py, cp, ga, po, Mo q, mu, ab, cb
18 Baizhangzi Craton margin Yanshan shz J gr/dior 2224 206, 104 20+ 15 py, cp, ga, sp kf, ab, mu, q, cc
19 Niuxinshan Craton margin Yanshan qv/shz J gr /Ar amph 2293, 1743 20+ 20 py, cp, sp, ga q, ms, fl, ch, cb
20 Jinchangyu Craton margin Yanshan qv/shz Ar mm 199–1961,2,4 90 2 py, cp, ga, sp, te, q, mu, ab, cc, ch
mo, ag, Sb
21 Dongping Craton margin Yanshan qv/shz Pz syen/Ar mm 390–1502,3,4,5 100+ 6 py, mt, cp, ga, sp, te kf, mu, cb, q, ba
22 Xiaoyinpan Craton margin Variscan qv Ar mm 260–2352 68 9.7 py, cp, ga, te q, cc, kf, ank,
ch, mu
23 Saiyinwusu Craton margin Variscan shz/qv Pr ss/qtzite 270–2302,3 20 5–6 py, ga, apy mu, ch, cb
24 Hadamengou Craton margin Variscan qv/diss Ar mm 300–2702 60+ 8–9 py, mt, hem, te kf, cc, ank, mu, ch
25 Shihu Craton margin qv 20+ 12.6
Xiao Qinling
26 Laowan Craton margin Yanshan diss 24 5.1
27 Yindongpo Craton margin Yanshan qv/diss Schist 46 5.1 py, ga, sp, ag q, mu, cb
28 Kangshan Craton margin Yanshan shz Pr mvx 22 4–8 py, ga, cp q, kf, mu, cb, ch, ep
29 Shanggong Craton margin Yanshan shz Pr mvx 30+ 6.9 py, ga, cp, sp, te, ag q, cb, mu, ch, ab, tu
30 Dahu Craton margin Yanshan qv/bre Ar mm 177–1722,3 63 6.0 py, cp, ga, te q, mu, kf, cb, ch
31 Sifangou Craton margin Yanshan qv Ar mm 177–1722,3 37 10 py, cp, ga
32 Yangzaiyu Craton margin Indosinian? qv Ar mm 177–1722,3 50 11 py, cp, ga, sp, te q, kf, mu, cb, sh
33 Dongchuang Craton margin Yanshan qv/shz Ar mm 177–1722,3 55 7.0 py, ga, cp, te q, kf, mu, ch, cb
34 Wenyu Craton margin Yanshan shz/qv Ar mm 177–1722,3 50 6.5 py, ga, cp, sp, te mu, cb, q, kf, ch
35 Tongyu Craton margin Yanshan qv Ar mm 166, 123–1022,3 32 8–20 py, cp, sp, ga, mt q, mu, ch, ep, cb, bi
36 Maanqiao Fold belt Indosin/ diss Carb slate Early Mz 30 5.1
37 Shuangwang Fold belt Indosin/ bx Dev phyl 214–1983, 50 3.1 py, te, mt, po ab, ank, mu, cc, q
Yanshan 183–1685
38 Baguamiao Fold belt Indosin/ shz Dev phyl Early Mz 80+ 3.8–6 py, po, mt, cp, sb q, cb, ch, mu, ab, tu
39 Pangjiahe Fold belt Indosin/ diss Dev phyl Early Mz 40+ 6.0
40 Liba Fold belt Indosin/ qv Dev-Carb phyl Early Mz 25+ 4.0 py, apy, po, sp, ga q, mu
41 Tanjianshan Fold belt ? diss/qv Ord phyl Late Pz 20+ 4–5 py, apy, po, cp, ga q, mu, sid, ank
42 Hanshan Fold belt Indosinian qv/shz Ord mvx Ord, Perm 30+ 3–5 py apy, po, cp, te q, mu, ch, ank, sid
North Xinjiang
43 Kangguer E. Tianshan Variscan shz/qv E. Carb 2753 30+ 7 py, mt, po, cp, sp q, mu, ch, cc,
belt mseds ank, sid, ba
44 Duolanasaiyi Altay fold Variscan qv/diss Dev mseds 297–261 20+ 8.3 py, cp, bn, w, te, po q, cb, ch
45 Hatu Junggar Variscan qv E. Carb mseds 298–2853, 2561 30+ 7.5 py, apy, cp, sp q, mu, ch, cc
fold belt
46 Sawuyaerdun S. Tianshan Variscan/ diss L Sil mseds 100+ 3–5 py, po, apy, sb, cp q, mu, sid, cc, ch
belt Indosin
47 Wulonggou Fold belt Indosinian? shz/diss meta, mafic-inte 20 py, apy
SW China
48 Qiuluo Fold belt diss/shz c-shale-sil/T 26 16.2 py, sb, apy, cp, cin q, cc, ch, mu, cb
49 Gala Fold belt diss c-vol, slate/T 20 10 py, apy, sb q, mu, ch, cb
50 Zhenyuan Fold belt shzx 55 8.6
51 Jinchang Fold belt qv/shz Ultramafic-sed/ 27 4.2 py, hem, ga, sp q, dol, mup
SE China
52 Hetai Fold belt Cale/ shz/ml Pt mm 392, 197–190 50 10 py, cp, po, apy q, cb, ch
53 Zhilingtou Craton margin Yanshan shz/qv Pt gneiss 20 12 py, sp, ga, po, te q, rod
Yangtze River
54 Jinshan Craton margin shz/qv Pt mm 45 6.0 py, apy, mt, te, cp q, ab, mu, cb, ch
Yangtze craton
55 Woxi Craton margin Caledonian qv Slate 38+ 8.0 py, q, cb, ch
sb, w
Carlin gold
56 Zimudang Craton Yanshan diss/shz L. Perm/E. 60 5.0 py, apy, re q, cc, il, kao, wm
marine rift Tr clastics/lm
57 Lannigou Craton marine Yanshan diss/shz M. Tr clastics 80 7.0 py, apy, sb, cin, re q, cc, dol, wm, il, kao
58 Jinya Craton marine diss M. Tr 25+ 5.0 py, apy, q, dol, cc, il, kao, ch
rift Yanshan clastics cin,
re, sb
59 Gaolong Craton marine Yanshan diss M. Tr clastics 20+ 4.0 py, sb, cin q, cc, wm, il, dec
60 Getang Craton Yanshan diss L. Perm lm 22 6.2 py, sb, apy, cin, re q, cc, wm, ba, kao
marine rift
Table 2. (Contd.)

Gold province Deposit Tectonic Orogena Deposit Host rockc,d Igneous Resource Grade Major ore Alteration
(and no. setting typeb agee (Ma) (t Au) (g/t) mineralsf mineralsf
on Fig. 4)

61 Manaoke Basin margin Indosin/ diss Tr slate/lm 20 5.0 py, sb, apy, re q, cc, wm, ba
62 Dongbeizhai Basin margin Indosin/ diss Tr slate 50+ 6.2 py, sb, apy, re q, cc, wm, kao
Epithermal gold
North Xinjinag
63 Xitan E. Tianshan Indosinian diss/qv Perm bx pipe 293–2341,3 20 7.0 py, apy, cp, te cd, cc, wm, adu,
belt ba, alu
64 Axi W. Tian- Variscan qv E Carb vex 70 5.8 py, apy, ma cd, cc, wm, ch, alu,
shan belt adu
SE China
65 Jinguashi Oceanic arc Present-day qv /diss Pleist dacite 1.3–0.9 100 2.2 ena, luz, q, ba, alu,
py, sp, cin kao
Jamusi block
66 Tuanjiegou Fold belt Cal/ diss/bre Porphyry- 113–932 61 7.5 mar, py, sb, cd, adu, cc,
Yanshan vol/K cin, re ank, op, kao
67 Qiyugou? Craton margin Indo/ diss fels–bre–pip/K 102 22 7.4 py, cp, bs, te q, ch, pyr, ep
Skarn/Porphyry gold
Yangtze River
68 Jiguanzui Craton margin Yanshan ms/diss E. Tr lm/dol 1222 10 4.9 py, cp, bn, q, sid, wm, ch, ba
co, Mo
69 Jilongshan Craton margin Yanshan ms/diss Tr lm 138 30 (Au-Cu), 4.0, py, cp, bn, mt, co, gar, di, wo, tre, cb,
Cu:0.28Mt 0.7% hem, mo, falk ep, ch, kf, wm
70 Xinqiao Craton margin Indo/ ms/diss Sil–Tr lm 168 20 (Au-Cu), 6.1,0.78% py, po, cp, mt, cb, di, wo, ga
Yanshan Cu:0.5Mt gn, sp
71 Mashan Craton Yanshan ms/diss Sil–Tr lm 1432 32 (Au-Cu) 6.5 py, po, apy, cp, mt q, cb,
margin di.serp, tc
72 Kangjiawan Craton margin Cal/Indosin ms/diss arg–lim/P-C-g gd-143–150/127 34 (Au- 3.7 py, sp, ga, sk, q, wm, ch, cb
Pb-Zn) po, hem
Jamusi block
73 Laozhaishan Craton margin ms/diss 20 (Au-Cu) 7.4
North China
74 Xinancha Craton margin Va/Yan- qv/bre do–por/Va Va/Yansh/1312 38+ (Au- 0.1–0.5% 15% q, cb, wm, ch, ep, ac
shan Cu), cp,py,
Cu:0.18Mt po,1

Data sources: CAGS 1992; Chen 1994; Dong et al. 1994; Gan et al. 1994; Ge et al. 1992; Guo 1987; Hu et al. 2001, this volume; Ji et al. 1997; Li and Peters 1998; Lu et al. 1996; Lü and
Kong 1993; Miller et al. 1998; Naldrett 1997; Nie 1997; Pirajno et al. 1997; Qiu et al. 2002 this volume; Rui et al. 1984; Rui et al. 1994; Rui et al. 2002, this volume; Sengör and Natal’in
1996; Shen et al. 1994; So et al. 1998; Trumbull et al. 1992; Wang and Mo 1995; Wang et al. 1998b; Xie et al. 1994. Xinjiang Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources 1993; Yang and
Dong 1994; Yang and Lü 1996; Ye et al. 1994; Yin and Nie 1993, 1996; Zhai and Deng 1996; Zhang and Mao 1995; Zhang 1984; Zhou 1982, 1984, 1993, 1998; Zhou et al. 1998; Institute
of Gold Geology, unpublished data; and personal communication with Jingwem Mao, Zongyao Rui, Hongtao Zhang, Jianquan Mao, Wanjun shen; Guxian L€ u Jiqong Liu, Jidong
Sun, Dequan Zhang, Jishun Ren, Jun Zhou, Rongfu Pei, Fengiun Nie, Ken McQueen, Xuchang Xiao, Yuming Qiu, Zhengxiang Li, Quojian Xu

overlain by unmetamorphosed Mesozoic clastic and

gar garnet; hem hematite; il illite; kao kaolinite; kf K-feldspar; luz luzonite; ma marcasite; mo molybdenite; mt magnetite; mu muscovite; op opal; phl phlogopite; pyr pyrophylite; py pyrite; q
Ore and alteraton minerals: ab albite; ac actinolite; adu adrularia; ag argentite; alu alunite; ank ankerite; apy arsenopyrite; ba barite; bn bornite; bs bismutholamprite; cb carbonate;
cc calcite; cd chalcedony; ch chlorite; cin cinnabar; co chalcocite; cp chalcopyrite; dec decarbonitization; di diopside; ena enargite; ep epidote; falk falkenhaynite; fl fluorite; ga galena;
Host rock: amph amphibolite; arg argillite; c carbonaceous; clast clastics; do diorite; dolo dolomite; fels felsic; gr granite; gd granodiorite; gp granitic porphyry; int intermediate;

quartz; re realgar; rod rhodochrosite; sb stibnite; serp serpentine; sid siderite; sk skarn minerals; sp sphalerite; tc talc; te telluride; tre tremolite; tu tourmaline; w sheelite; wm white mica; wo
volcanic rocks. Yanshanian age plutons intrude all these
Orogenic gold in the Jiaodong province comprises
seven major deposits, i.e., Sanshandao[1] (including
Cangshang), Jiaojia[2] Xincheng[3], Linglong[4], Fushan[5],
Orogen: Cale Caledonian (Sinian-Ordovician); Var Variscan (Silurian-Carboniferous); Indo Indosinian (Permo-Triassic); Yanshan Yanshanian (Jurassic-Cretaceous)

lim limestone; mm metamorphic rocks; mz monozonite; mud mudstone; phyll phyllite; por porphyry; sed sedimentary rock; sil siltstone; sst sandstone; vol volcanics

Taishang[6], and Daingezhuang[7] (Table 2 and Fig. 4),

Age: Ar Archean; C Carboniferous; D Devonian; J Jurassic; K Cretaceous; Mio Miocene; O Ordovician; P Permian; Pt Proterozoic; Tr Triassic; Pz Paleozoic

and approximately 300 smaller deposits and prospects.

Almost all of these are hosted in granite. More than 85%
of the gold resources are spatially associated with the
Mesozoic Linglong and Guojialing granites in a 3,000-
km2 area in the Zhaoyuan-Yexian region (Zhou and Lü
2000; Qiu et al. 2002, this volume). Much of the
remainder of the gold is located in the Muping-Rushan
region, about 80 km east of Zhaoyuan-Yexian. Gold
deposits hosted by the Precambrian metamorphic rocks
define less than 5% of the total gold resource in the
province and are concentrated between the two above
main regions. Gold-forming events are tightly con-
strained to a period of 130–120 Ma, whereas much of the
Mesozoic magmatism is spread over a broader range of
165–125 Ma (Yang and Lü 1996; Wang et al. 1998b;
Zhou and Lü 2000; Qiu et al. 2002, this volume).
Texture: bre breccia; cont contact; diss disseminated; ml mylonite; ms massive; qv quartz vein; shz shear zone

There are primarily two subtypes of orogenic gold

deposits in the Jiaodong gold province, those dominated
by large quartz-vein systems and those defined by small
veinlets and disseminated ores along shear-zones. The
former includes the granite-hosted ores in mainly brittle
faults at the Linglong goldfield and, hence, these gold-
bearing quartz veins are locally termed Linglong-style
ores. The disseminated/stockwork type is best repre-
sented by the Jiaojia-Xincheng goldfield, and is often
Age determination: 1 U-Pb; 2 K-Ar; 3 Rb-Sr; 4 SHRIMP; 5 40 Ar-39 Ar; 6 Nd-Sm

termed Jiaojia-style disseminated ore. Many of the

Jiaojia-style ores are present in fault and shear zones
along granite–metamorphic rock contacts.
The Linglong goldfield comprises an area of about
75 km2. The major gold deposits are the Dongfeng,
Jiuqyu, Dakaitou, Shuangding, Dongshan, Linglong,
and Vein-108 deposits (Zhou and Lü 2000; Qiu et al.
2002, this volume). Gold occurs in large quartz veins
cutting the Linglong and Guojialing granites. Orebodies
are commonly localized at the intersections of NNE-,
NE- and ENE-trending shear zones and faults. More
than 540 major gold-bearing quartz veins have been
discovered that extend from 100 m to 5.8 km along
strike, are typically 1 to 10 m wide although locally
reaching 100 m, and extend 600 to 700 m down dip. Ore
grades of the veins vary from 3 to 32 g/t. Gold miner-
alization mainly occurs as gold or electrum in pyrite or
in quartz, with also pyrrhotite, and local chalcopyrite,
galena, and sphalerite. The major alteration minerals
include white mica, pyrite, and quartz, with lesser car-
bonate, chlorite, albite, and K-feldspar, typically sur-
rounding the veins for a few meters. During
hydrothermal activity, Ag, Cu, Rb, and Co were en-

riched in adjacent granite wall rock and Sr, V, and Zr

were depleted (Zhou and Lü 2000).
The Jiaojia-Xincheng goldfield comprises the Jiaojia,
Xincheng, Wangershan, Hedong, and Hexi deposits.



These deposits are located in the contact zone of the the Mongolia–Okhotsk ocean between the Angara and
Linglong and Guojialing granites with the Archean am- North China cratons (Fig. 3a, c).
phibolite, gneiss and schist. They are controlled by The distribution of Variscan and Yanshanian plutons
moderately-dipping, NNE- and NE-striking faults and differs across the northern China gold province, and this
brittle–ductile shear zones. The major orebodies are highlights the varied locations of tectonothermal events
1.2 km long, 2 to 4 m thick, approximately 850 m deep, that are also associated with orogenic gold formation.
and mainly formed by dilational events along the faults. Variscan granites trend parallel to and across the entire
Gold grades vary from 3 to 50 g/t, averaging about 10 g/t. E–W-striking fold belt, and are generally no farther in-
Mineralization occurs as stockworks and veinlets, or is land within the North China craton than 100 km of its
disseminated in the altered wall rocks. Ore and gangue northern margin. Yanshanian granites, however, are
minerals in veinlets and altered granite include pyrite, distributed both along E–W- and NNE-striking struc-
pyrrhotite muscovite, and K-feldspar with lesser magne- tures from the craton border to as far south as Beijing,
tite, electrum, gold, silver, chalcopyrite, galena, sphale- about 350 km into the craton. They are concentrated in
rite, chlorite, siderite, ankerite, and epidote. Arsenopyrite the more easterly of the basement uplifts within the
only occurs locally. Secondary epidote and chlorite form northern part of the craton. Compositions of both the
broadest alteration halos, extending for tens of meters Variscan and Yanshanian granites vary from calc-alka-
from the ore-related shear zones. line to alkalic, but are mainly the former. Pinkish K-
feldspar phenocrysts, a few centimeters in length, are
common in felsic rocks from both intrusion generations
Northern China gold province (Miller et al. 1998).
From west to east, gold deposits in the northern
A resource of approximately 800 t Au is recognized China gold province occur discretely in the Daqingshan
across the province. Gold occurrences along the north- (e.g., Hadamengou[24], Saiyinwusu[23]), Yanliao (e.g.,
ern margin of the North China craton occur in both Dongping[21], Xiaoyingpian[22], Jinchangyu[20], Hon-
areas of abundant Archean (± Paleoproterozoic) base- ghuagou[16], Jinchanggouliang[15] and Paishanlou[14]),
ment (e.g., Dongping[21], Hadamengou[24], and Jin- and Changbaishan (e.g., Jiapigou[12]) areas (Figs. 2 and
changyu[20]), and in areas of Proterozoic country rocks 4, and Fig. 1 of Miller et al. 1998). Whereas a few de-
(Yuerya[17], Baizhangzi[18], Wulong[9], Haigou[11], and posits (e.g., Shihu[25], Fig. 4) occur as far inland as the
Maoling[8], Table 2 and Fig. 4). In addition, both Vari- area southwest of Beijing, most of the major deposits are
scan and Yanshanian orogenic gold deposits and plu- located within 100 km of the northern edge of the North
tons are common within the province (Hart et al. 2002, China craton. Most deposits are associated with large
this volume). About 70% of the gold resource is hosted east–west structures, but exceptions include the Jin-
by Precambrian rocks, in contrast to the Jiaodong gold changyu[20] deposit controlled by regional NNE-striking
province, and some 30% by Variscan and Yanshanian structures, and the Shihu deposit related to the NNW-
granites. trending faults. Generally, orogenic gold deposits are of
The northern China gold province is a 1,500-km- Variscan age to the west, both Variscan and Yanshanian
long, E–W fold belt along the northern margin of the in the center, and solely Yanshanian in the eastern side
North China craton (Fig. 4), extending from the middle of the gold province (Hart et al. 2002, this volume). In
of Inner Mongolia, through northern Hebei and Lia- all areas, most gold is in quartz- and quartz–K feldspar
oning, to Jilin province. Basement uplifts of Archean veins, although disseminated gold in altered wall rock
and Paleoproterozoic gneiss, schist, granulite, amphib- makes up a significant part of the resource at many of
olite, and banded iron formation outcrop over one-third the deposits.
of the area and are sites of most of the mineralization. In the Daqingshan Mountain area (Fig. 2) in the
Slightly metamorphosed Mesoproterozoic to Neoprote- western side of the gold province, mineralization, such as
rozoic shallow marine quartzite, slate and limestone, at the Hadamengou deposit[24] (Table 2 and Fig. 4), is
and Paleozoic to Cretaceous shallow marine to conti- controlled by secondary structures in Archean basement
nental sedimentary rocks, surround the uplifts. Gold rocks. These structures are related to the regional E–W-
deposits and granites are associated with both Variscan striking folds and faults. The deposits are hosted in high-
and Yanshanian tectonism, but broad-scale regional grade metamorphic rocks, but commonly are only a few
deformation is mainly Variscan. It is best characterized kilometers from Variscan granites. No significant gold, so
by E–W-striking folds and fault zones formed during far, has been discovered in the igneous rocks in the area.
Permian early stages of ocean closure between the North Variscan mineralization is prominently characterized by
China and Angara cratons (Fig. 3a). Locally, in the pinkish K-feldspar–quartz veins, rather than simple
eastern part of the gold province, the Variscan structures quartz veins that are predominant in many of the other
are overprinted by Yanshanian NNE-trending strike- vein-type gold deposits of the province. Telluride minerals
slip faults. The Late Jurassic–Early Cretaceous Yansh- are common in deposits of the Daqingshan area, and
anian tectonism could have been caused either by the proximal alteration zones may contain in excess of 6%
oblique subduction of the Izanagi oceanic plate under- K2O. The largest deposit in the Daqingshan area is Ha-
neath the North China craton and (or) final closure of damengou, which is located 20 km west of the city of

Baotou. The deposit contains over 60 t Au grading 8–9 complex (Zhao et al. 1994). The batholith intruded
g/t. An E–W-striking, 10-km-long and 100- to 400-m- along a group of E–W-trending structures that are
wide mylonite zone is exposed in the mine area (Gan et al. parallel to, and about 10 km south of, the trans-crustal
1994). K-feldspar–quartz veins, quartz veins, and altered Shangyi–Chungli–Chicheng deep fault zone, which di-
rocks parallel the zone and the more regional E– vides the Archean and Proterozoic rocks on the south
W-trending structures. Individual veins normally are 200– and north, respectively. Gold mineralization occurs
500 m long, but some extend for 3 km. They average in pinkish, K-feldspar–quartz veins, quartz veins, and
2–3 m in width, and have been mined to a depth of 400 m, altered wall rock, and is localized by NE- and
with little change in ore grades. In the west, the Sayin- NNE-trending, west-dipping shear zones. The individual
wusu[23] deposit is only a few kilometers south of the gold-bearing veins may be as much as a few kilometers
northern edge of the North China craton. A few tens of long, continue to a 600-m depth, and average 3 m in
kilometers north of Hademengou[24], within Proterozoic width (Zhang and Mao 1995; Miller et al. 1998). The
metamorphic rocks, the combined resource of the Sai- K-feldspar–quartz veins and quartz veins contain pyrite,
yinwusu[23] (Table 2 and Fig. 4) and nearby Bayan Obo calaverite, galena, chalcopyrite, gold, and abundant
gold deposits (close to the large Bayan Obo REE–Nb–Fe hematite. Less voluminous mineralization continues into
mine) is >20 t Au. Variscan gold mineralization, in as- the Archean country rocks.
sociation with abundant arsenic- and antimony-bearing In the Changbaishan Mountains area (Fig. 2), within
sulfide phases, occurs in quartz veins and, less commonly, the eastern part of the northern China gold province,
is disseminated in mylonitic volcanic rocks, along a series regional structures are dominated by NNE-striking
of E–W- and NE-trending, steeply-dipping shear zones. faults or shear zones, although E–W-trending folds and
Most of the major orogenic gold deposits in the faults may be locally recognized. Yanshanian granites
northern China gold province are concentrated in the dominate, but Variscan granites are also present in some
Yanshan Mountain area (Fig. 2), where regional struc- mining districts. Jiapigou[12] (Table 2 and Fig. 4) is the
tures include both NNE-striking faults and shear zones, most important deposit (>60 t) in the Changbaishan
and E–W-trending folds and faults. Potassic alteration mountain area, and was responsible for almost half of
in the area is generally dominated by white mica, al- China’s gold production during the 1960s. Gold min-
though quartz–K feldspar veins are abundant at a few of eralization is hosted in ca. 2.6 Ga plagioclase–amphi-
the larger deposits. Both Variscan (e.g., Xiaoyinpan[22] bole gneiss, which underwent high-grade metamorphism
(Table 2 and Fig. 4) and Yanshanian (Dongping[21]) at 2.27 Ga (Chen and Zhu 1993). A group of subverti-
gold deposits and granites are sited in the western part of cal, NW-striking thrust faults and shear zones control
the Yanshan area, but only Yanshanian gold ores (e.g., the gold ore zones. Late(?)- to post-Variscan biotite–
Jinchangyu[20], Honghuagou[16], Jinchanggouliang[15], granites (268–201 Ma, Chen and Zhu 1993), Yansha-
and Paishanlou[14]) are present to the east. The larger nian syenite (168–149 Ma) and many mafic to felsic
deposits are typically associated with the younger dyke systems are present near the Jiapigou deposit. The
Yanshanian hydrothermal systems. The >100-t Au orebodies are 450–770 m long, 2–17 m wide, and con-
Jinchangyu[20] deposit, about 180 km ENE of Beijing, tinue to depths of at least 670 m. Early stage quartz
has been mined for more than 1,000 years. Jinchangyu, veins contain scheelite, magnetite, and less abundant
and a few associated deposits, are localized within a 6- sulfide minerals with minor gold; the younger, main
km-long by 1-km-wide, NNE-trending fault in Archean stage quartz veins contain pyrite, gold, and Bi-bearing
metamorphic rocks. Clusters of quartz veins and quartz– minerals; and the late stage quartz veinlets and stock-
albite veins are a few tens of meters wide, as much as works contain sulfide minerals with local enrichment of
300 m long, and continue to a depth of 550 m. The veins gold and rezbanyite (Cu–Pb–Bi sulfide). The gangue
mainly contain pyrite, lesser gold, electrum, chalcopy- minerals are quartz, siderite, ankerite, calcite, muscovite,
rite, galena, pyrrhotite, magnetite, molybdenite, and and chlorite. The Maoling[8] and Caocuo[10] (Table 2
trace amount of telluride minerals. and Fig. 4) deposits are hosted in schist, phyllite, and
Many other deposits in the Yanshan area show a slate of the Proterozoic Liaohe Formation. Orebodies
spatial association with granites of both orogenies. are localized by NE-trending shear zones, and intersec-
These include the Dongping[21], Yuerya[17], Niuxin- tions with secondary faults and folds. Ores contain a
shan[19], Baizhangzi[18], Wulong[9], and Haigou[11] (Ta- high proportion of arsenopyrite, pyrite, lesser pyrrho-
ble 2 and Fig. 4) deposits, which all contain >20 t Au tite, galena chalcopyrite, and sphalerite (Yang and Liu
and are all at least partly hosted by granites. As with the 1994).
deposits hosted in metamorphic rocks of the Yanshan
area, the granite-hosted deposits also are structurally
controlled, and commonly localized by secondary Xiao Qinling and Qinling gold provinces
structures related to the major regional fault or shear
zones. The >100-t Au Dongping[21] deposit, about The Xiao Qinling gold province, located between
140 km northwest of Beijing, is the largest of these de- Tongguan in Shaanxi and Lingbao in Henan province
posits. Yanshanian gold mineralization occurs in the (Fig. 2), is currently the second largest gold producing
327 Ma Shuiquangou syenite to monzonite batholith area in China (Mao et al. 2002a, this volume). Annual

production is about 15–23 t Au. The Xiao Qinling area In the Qinling gold province, to the west of the Xiao
is underlain by gneiss, marble, quartzite, migmatite, and Qinling gold province, many recently discovered
amphibolite of the Late Archean Taihua Group. Indo- orogenic gold deposits occur in the Qinling Mountain
sinian alkalic porphyries and dykes (213–202 Ma) and (Figs. 2, 3, and 4). The ores are confined to an ENE-
Yanshanian granites are widespread. The Wenyu granite trending belt of Devonian and Carboniferous flysch,
(just west of Tongguan, Fig 2; 130–106 Ma, K–Ar, Chen which was highly-deformed and regionally-metamor-
and Fu 1992) intruded the central part of the gold-rich phosed during Indosinian collision between the North
area, and is exposed over an area of about 20 km2. China and Yangtze cratons (Mao et al. 2002b, this
Regional structures are dominated by the E–W-trend- volume). Granites, mainly granodiorites and monzog-
ing, north-dipping, >60-km-long Maxundao deep fault ranites, also were intruded throughout the western
zone (from Tongguan to Lingbao, Fig. 2). It was origi- Qinling province between 240 and 180 Ma. The belt
nally a compressional feature, but shows evidence for extends from near Lixian in Gansu Province to Zhenan
late extension. A series of large gold deposits, with total in Shaanxi Province (Fig. 11.2.1 of Yu et al. 1994), over
resources of 300–450 t Au, occur at intersections of an area 600 km long and 3 km wide. A resource ex-
second-order WNW–EW-striking faults with NE- and ceeding 300 t Au has been identified in the Liba[40],
NW-striking faults to the north of the first-order Max- Pangjiahe[39], Baguamiao[38], Shuangwang[37], and Ma-
undao fault zone (Fig. 11.1.1 of Xie et al. 1994). anqiao[36] orogenic gold deposits (Table 2 and Fig. 4), as
From west to east in the Xiao Qinling gold province, well as in the many smaller deposits. The major ore-
gold deposits hosted in rocks of the Taihua Group are bodies are localized by the intersection of NE and NW
concentrated in three goldfields within a 60·15 km structures with the regional EW–WNW-striking fold
corridor, 2–15 km north of the Maxundao fault: i.e., the and shear zones, mostly dipping 50–70N. Gold occurs
Tongyu (e.g., the Tongyu[35] and Yanzhihe deposits), in small quartz stockworks and veinlets along major
Wenyu (e.g., the Wenyu[34], Dongchuang[33], Sifan- ductile shear zones (e.g., Baguamiao[38]), disseminated in
gou[31], and Yangzhaiyu[32] deposits) and Dahu (e.g., the wall rocks along brittle fractures in hornfels zones (e.g.,
Dahu[30] and Linghu deposits) goldfields (Table 2 and Liba[40]), or in large breccia zones (e.g., Shuangwang[37]).
Fig. 4). A series of 4- to 20-m-wide and >4-km-long In some literature, Baguamiao[38] and other gold de-
quartz veins lie within second-order faults. Lesser posits within the deformed late Paleozoic clastic rocks in
amounts of gold occur in altered rocks along ductile– the western part of the Qinling gold province are clas-
brittle shear zones and in breccia bodies. More than sified as Carlin-like gold deposits (Li and Peters 1998),
1,200 gold-bearing quartz veins have been discovered in but the features of these ores (e.g., Mao et al. 2002b, this
this part of the Qinling gold province. Ores are noted to volume) are more typical of orogenic gold lodes.
contain pyrite, galena, sphalerite, and minor magnetite, Baguamiao[38] (Table 2 and Fig. 4) is the largest
scheelite, wolframite, molybdenite, stibnite, pyrrhotite, orogenic gold deposit in this part of the Qinling gold
and gold. The gangue minerals comprise quartz, calcite, province with a resource of approximately 80 t Au, and
ankerite, minor rutile, barite, siderite, and fluorite. The with a main ore zone about 1.7 km long, 50–160 m wide,
alteration halos around quartz veins or shear zones and a 0.5 km down-dip. The major ore minerals, com-
comprise mainly quartz, sulfide minerals, white mica, prising about 5% of the hydrothermal phases, are pyr-
and carbonate minerals, with lesser chlorite, epidote, rhotite, pyrite, and secondary pyrite (marcasite) with
and biotite (Chen and Zhu 1993; Xie et al. 1994). lesser sphalerite, galena, tellurobismuth, and gold. Al-
A few large gold deposits in areas of Proterozoic teration halos around the orebodies are characterized by
basement in the Xiao Qinling area, i.e., Kangshan[28], a broad bleaching zone of white mica and ankerite, and
Shanggong[29], and Qiyugou[67] (Table 2 and Fig. 4), are a proximal zone of silicification and abundant sulfide
controlled by a group of NE-striking faults and shear minerals. Biotite, albite, and tourmaline are locally de-
zones, which are the second-order structures to another veloped (Yu et al. 1994; Zhong and Zhang 1997).
major E–W-striking fault zone. The Shanggong[29]
(>30 t Au) and Kangshan[28] (>20 t Au) deposits are
located in the 33-km-long, NE-trending Kangshan–Qil- Southeastern China gold province
iping ductile–brittle shear. Mineralization is hosted in
Mesoproterozoic felsic to intermediate volcanic rocks. Hetai[52] and a few associated orogenic gold deposits in
The steeply dipping orebodies are 250- to 750-m-long the southeastern China fold belt are located about 100 km
and 1- to 2.8-m-wide veins filling brittle structures, lenses northwest of the Guangzhou city (Figs. 2 and 4). Min-
in tension gashes, alteration bands along shear zones, eralization is distributed along the NE-trending regional
and brecciated country rock. The ores commonly structures, which are parallel to the Pacific margin sub-
contain anomalous Ag, Te, and Pb concentrations. duction zone. Hetai[52] is one of the largest gold deposits in
Alteration halos around the orebodies are characterized southeastern China, containing 50 t Au. Regional rock
by a 1- to 3-m-wide proximal sulfide–ankerite–muscovite units comprise Neoproterozoic schist, phyllite, and gne-
zone, a 1- to 20-m-wide pyrite–ankerite–muscovite– iss, Paleozoic sedimentary rocks, and Mesozoic tuff and
chlorite transitional zone, and a 50-m-wide distal sedimentary rocks. Caledonian, Indosinian, and early
chlorite–calcite zone. Yanshanian (186 Ma, Rb–Sr, Wu 1994) granites are

widespread in this region. The Hetai deposit is located at eroded (Rui et al. 2002, this volume; see below dis-
the intersection of the NE-trending Luoding–Guangning cussion on placer gold). Many of the deposits (e.g.,
and N-trending Wuchuan–Sihui faults. The Indosinian Duolanasayi[44], Saidu, Taerde, Kabenbulake to the
Yunlougang biotite granodiorite (241 Ma) and Wucun northwest; Akexibe, Shaerbulake, Kelasayi to the
biotite granite (210 Ma, Wu 1994) are exposed to the southeast) are located along second-order faults within
northwest and northeast of the deposit, respectively. Gold 5 to 10 km of the NW-trending Irtysh fault zone (Rui
mineralization is hosted in the mylonitic Neoproterozoic et al. 2002, this volume). The gold-hosting faults cut
metamorphic rocks. The ore zones contain gold, pyrite, greenschist facies Devonian and Early Carboniferous
pyrrhotite, chalcopyrite, and minor galena and sphalerite. clastic rocks and Variscan granites. Gold is present
The main gangue minerals are quartz and muscovite, with both in quartz veins and disseminations in wall rocks.
lesser carbonate minerals and feldspar (Wu 1994). The Some deposits (e.g., Duolanasayi[44], Table 2 and
area underwent multiple tectonism and magmatism dur- Fig. 4) also show skarn-like mineralization along thin
ing the late Paleozoic to late Mesozoic. There are no direct carbonate layers in parts of the Paleozoic sedimentary
age data on gold mineralization, although it is suggested rock sequence.
that at least some of the gold was formed during the early Similar late Paleozoic orogenic gold deposits are sited
Yanshanian (Wu 1994). farther south in the western Junggar area, mainly along
the NE-striking Dalabute fault zone approximately
20 km north of Karamay (Fig. 4). These include the
Northern Xinjiang gold province deposits of the Hatu[45] (Table 2 and Fig. 4) and Saer-
tuohai districts, which are located on the northern side of
The northern part of Xinjiang province has become one the fault zone. The deposits in the Hatu district have been
of the most significant exploration targets for gold in mined since the 1300s and still contain a resource of
China because of the recognition of many large Variscan >30 t Au. Country rocks that host ore at Hatu include
orogenic gold systems in the stratigraphically similar Early Carboniferous metasedimentary rocks and tholei-
Paleozoic marine sedimentary rocks to the west in the itic basalts. In addition, a 300–250-Ma alkalic batholith
Central Asian republics. As a result, a series of new is located about 5 km from the gold ores (Jin and Zhang
discoveries have been made in western China in the last 1993), and could have been emplaced coevally with the
decade. Most of these are hosted in Devonian and orogenic gold veins. Saddle-reef structures characterize
Carboniferous sedimentary and volcanoclastic rocks. many of the ore zones in the Hatu district. Gold occur-
They occur in the Altayshan (e.g., Duolanasaiyi[44]), rences in the Saourtuhai district, 60 km to the northeast,
Junggar (e.g., Hatu[45]) and Tianshan (e.g., Sawuyaer- are hosted in NE-trending shear zones within mafic and
dun[46]) fold belts (Table 2 and Fig. 4), which underwent ultramafic rocks that outcrop along the Dalabute fault
intensive tectonism as a result of the convergence be- zone (Rui et al. 2002, this volume).
tween the Angara and Tarim cratons and the Yili-
Junggar blocks (Fig. 3a; Rui et al. 2002, this volume).
The Sawuyaerdun[46] (Table 2 and Fig. 4) deposit in Other orogenic gold deposit districts
the southwestern part of China’s Tianshan orogen con-
tains more than 100 t Au, and has an inferred resource Orogenic gold deposits in the N- to NNW-trending
exceeding 300 t Au. The orebodies are hosted in Late Sanjiang fold belt mainly occur in secondary structures
Silurian slate and carbonaceous phyllite, along two re- related to the major sutures formed in the accretionary
gional faults that form a 70-km-long and 50- to 600-m- belt between the colliding Yangtze craton and Gondw-
wide shear zone, which is part of the south Tianshan ana supercontinent (Dong et al. 1994), with the fold belt
fold belt. Disseminated gold mineralization in mylonite commonly referred to as the eastern Tethyan orogeny
includes pyrite, arsenopyrite, and pyrrhotite, as well as (e.g., Yang 1996). Most of the gold deposits are present
lesser stibnite, chalcopyrite, sphalerite, and galena. The east of the Jinshajiang (suture) and northeast of the
main gangue minerals are quartz, white mica, siderite, Ailaoshan suture (Figs. 2 and 4), with the later perhaps
calcite, and chlorite. Gold ores in, or immediately north a southern extension of the former (Metcalfe 1996), al-
of, the south Tianshan orogenic belt continue westwards though some of the largest deposits are very close to the
into Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan, where they include the main fault zones (e.g., no. 48-51 in Fig. 4). Much of the
large Kumtor, Zarmitan, and Muruntau deposits (Rui Sanjiang fold belt (Fig. 4) is composed of a Triassic
et al. 2002, this volume). melange of late Paleozoic sedimentary rocks and oceanic
In northernmost Xinjiang Autonomous Region, crust. Gold deposits, of probable early Mesozoic age,
orogenic gold deposits occur within the accreted terr- are hosted in the Triassic melange (e.g., Jinchang[51] and
anes of the Altayshan along the seaward side of the Qiuluo[48] deposits), often within serpentinized ultra-
Angara craton (Figs. 2, 3, and 4). Most of the late mafic bodies along major N-trending fault zones. Most
Paleozoic orogenic gold deposits are recognized in the of these deposits are small, but a few contain >20 t Au,
lower elevations of the southern Altayshan region such as the Zhenyuan[50], Jinchang[51], Gala[49], and
(Figs 2 and 4); deposits in the more northern part of Qiuluo[48] deposits (Table 2 and Fig. 4). The latter two
the accretionary complex appear to have been highly are defined as Carlin-like deposits by some workers

(Yang and Dong 1994; Li and Peters 1998) because of samples of muscovite (K–Ar) from the disseminated ores
their disseminated, fine-grained nature and the common are about 214 and 224 Ma (Mao et al. 2000). Therefore,
occurrence of stibnite with minor cinnabar. A detailed if these are actual dates for ore formation, and not
mineralogical and geochemical study (Dong et al. 1994), cooling ages, orogenic gold formation was extremely late
however, suggests that both of the deposits are more like in the tectonic evolution of the Qilianshan.
‘‘metamorphic type’’ gold (i.e., orogenic gold model).
The Qiuluo[48] and Gala[490 deposits are hosted in ul-
tramafic rocks and/or carbonaceous sedimentary and Distribution of Carlin-like gold deposits in China
volcanic clastics, and are very typical of shear zone-
hosted lodes. Pyrite is the predominant sulfide mineral Identified Carlin-like gold deposits in China contain
within the deposits of the Sanjiang fold belt, with also more than 450 t Au, making China second to the USA
common stibnite, arsenopyrite, and chalcopyrite, plus in importance for this type of gold deposit. Although
minor pyrrhotite, sphalerite, and cinnabar. Extensive one of us (GNP) would suggest that the Carlin deposits
alteration halos with quartz, white mica, carbonate themselves may be genetically linked to the broad crustal
minerals, and chlorite are common surrounding the hydrothermal systems that form the orogenic gold de-
orebodies. posits (e.g., see Phillips and Powell 1993; Phillips et al.
The NW-striking Qilianshan fold belt (Fig. 4) is in- 1998), most workers define Carlin-like ores as a separate
terpreted as the eastern part of a latest Proterozoic gold deposit type, and a similar approach is followed
through late Paleozoic, southerly growing convergent here.
margin (Sengör and Natal’in 1996), thus spanning Cal- Carlin-like deposits in China are concentrated along
edonian and Variscan tectonic episodes (Wang and Mo the southwestern and northwestern margins of the
1995; Zhou 1998). High-grade metamorphic Mesopro- Yangtze craton, i.e., the Dian–Gui–Qian and Chuan–
terozoic to Neoproterozoic basement is overlain by less- Shaan–Gan areas. Along the former, deposits occur at
metamorphosed marine strata and amalgamated with the boundaries of Yunnan (i.e., Dian), Guangxi (i.e.,
terrane fragments rifted from approaching Gondwana- Gui) and Guizhou (i.e., Qian) provinces (Figs. 2 and 4).
land to the south. Paleozoic granites are widespread This area contains more than two-thirds of the gold
throughout the Qilianshan fold belt, with ages younging resource in Carlin-like deposits in China. Along the
southward. Although favorable for the existence of latter, and extending into the Songpan-Ganzi block,
orogenic gold lodes, only a few large deposits (e.g., Carlin-like gold occurs at the boundaries of Sichuan
Hanshan[42] and Tanjianshan[41], in Table 2 and Fig. 4) (i.e., Chuan), Shaanxi (i.e., Shaan), and Gansu (i.e.,
in Ordovician metasedimentary and metavolcanic rocks Gan) provinces, i.e., the Chuan–Shaan–Gan area.
have been discovered because of the high relief of the Small Carlin-like deposits are also reported from east-
mountain range and the severe weather conditions. ern Hebei in northern China (Y. Qiu and W. Yang,
These deposits contain gold ore in both quartz veins and 1997 unpublished data) and from a few other areas of
as disseminations in wall rocks. China. Both the Dian–Gui–Qian and Chuan–Shaan–
The Tanjianshan[41] deposit (Fig. 4) is located about Gan areas are believed to have undergone regional
200 km northwest of the city of Golmud, between the rifting during gold deposition, a tectonic feature that
Qaidam basin (Fig. 2) to the southwest and Qilianshan may have been important in the Carlin trend in
Mt. (Fig. 2) to the northeast. Tanjianshan, and numer- Nevada, USA (Roberts 1960; Berger and Bagby 1991;
ous surrounding prospects, were discovered in the mid- Li and Peters 1998).
dle 1990s, and the former is now recognized as Most of the Carlin-like gold deposits in China are
containing over 20 t Au. Gold mineralization is hosted related to short-axial folds or domes, which are inter-
in mylonitized and carbonaceous schists and phyllites. sected by high angle faults, particularly in the Dian–
The orebodies, controlled by both NW- and NE-striking Gui–Qian area. For example, the Banqi deposit is re-
ductile–brittle structures, are exposed over an area of lated to the Naban fold, the Lannigou[57] deposit occurs
about 300·30 m, and continue to a depth below 200 m. in the Laiziashan dome, and the Zimudang[56] deposit
Gold is associated with pyrite and arsenopyrite, with (Table 2 and Fig. 4) is controlled by the Huijiapu anti-
minor pyrrhotite, chalcopyrite, galena, and tennantite. cline (Li and Peters 1998). These short-axial anticlines
The Hanshan[42] gold deposit (Table 2 and Fig. 4) is are generated by the intersection of two fold systems.
situated on the northwestern margin of the Qilianshan High-angle brittle fault zones with extensive brecciation
fold belt in a WNW-trending shear zone that is a 15-km- and detachment faults commonly host gold deposits on
long and 400-m-wide subsidiary structure of the the axes of the domes and are similar to features
Altunshan strike-slip fault system (Figs. 3a and 4). described in the Carlin trend of Nevada (Poole 1991;
Mineralized zones, within mafic volcanic rocks, are Prihar et al 1996). In both the Dian–Gui–Qian and
1,500 m long and as much as 1–15 m thick, with a Chuan–Shaan–Gan areas, gold ores commonly are
WNW trend and dip 50–70N. Pyrite is the dominant hosted by carbonate, siliciclastic, and tuffaceous sedi-
sulfide mineral, with most of the gangue being quartz, mentary rocks, particularly argillaceous limestone,
calcite, and muscovite. Oxidized ore comprises the upper calcareous siltstone, and silty argillite of early Paleozoic
50 m of the ore deposit. Age determinations on two to Triassic age (Li and Peters 1998; Hu et al. 2002, this

volume). Pyrite, arsenopyrite, realgar, orpiment, (Zhou et al. 1998). This supergene type of gold deposit is
stibnite, cinnabar, quartz, barite, calcite, and clay min- characterized by high recovery at very low cost and in-
erals are the most common minerals associated with the dividual resources are as large as 20 t Au. It is called
gold, the latter occurring as submicroscopic inclusions in ‘‘red earth/soil gold’’ by the Chinese geologists because
arsenic-bearing pyrite. Alteration is characterized by of the reddish color of the oxidized sulfide material. The
pervasive silicification, carbonate dissolution, and surface to near-surface orebodies range from a few me-
kaolinitization. An important difference between the ters to more than 50 m in thickness. The main exposures
Chinese and Nevada Carlin gold deposits is that the occupy an elongate belt about 80 km long and 20 km
oxidized zones are much more developed in Nevada wide within Guizhou and Yunnan (Zhou et al. 1998;
than in China (Li and Peters 1998). Therefore, the McQueen et al. 1999). Exploration of more than 30
Chinese examples are economically less favorable be- geochemical anomalies in the early to middle 1990s
cause of the lesser proportions of free-milling oxide ores. identified ten ‘‘red soil’’ regolith gold deposits and
prospects, including the Shengjingguan, Qincaiping,
Shachang, Shaguochang, Shuiyantang, and Laowan-
Dian–Gui–Qian gold province chang[122] areas (Zhou et al. 1998). Laowanchang[122]
(Fig. 6), located approximately 180 km southwest of the
In the Dian–Gui–Qian area, Carlin-like gold mineral- city of Guiyang, is the largest of these with about 20 t
ization occurs along a NW-striking rift fault system. Au. The deposit occurs in a 2-km-long and 1-km-wide
This Indosinian to Yanshanian Youjiang rift (Figs. 14 hilly karst zone within the Early Permian Maokou
and 15 of Li and Peters 1998) is interpreted as a post- limestone. Ores are localized in the red soils and clays,
compression, extensional structure, which crosses the which occur in the karst depressions, and on the north
ENE–NNE-striking boundary between the Yangtze slopes of the karst hills. Five orebodies, mined during
craton and Youjiang orogenic belt (Ye et al. 1994; Li the 1990s, range from 200 to 300 m in length 20–100 m
and Peters 1998), both of which host the gold deposits. in width, and extend to 50 m below surface. The size and
The contact between the two tectonic units is a series of shapes of the orebodies vary depending on the charac-
large-scale thrust faults (see Figs. 11–15 of Li and Peters teristics of the underlying karst topography. The soils
1998). From northwest to southeast, the major deposits consist of red, yellow, brown with minor gray and pallid
(>20 t Au) include Getang[60], Zimudang[56], Lanni- silty clays, clayey silts, and soils with fragments of tu-
gou57], Jinya[58], and Gaolong[59] (Table 2 and Fig. 4). ffaceous mudstone, tuff breccia, sandstone, limestone,
Lannigou[57] is currently the largest Carlin-like deposit and some intensively oxidized ferruginous pebbles. Most
in China with resources >60 t Au. The regional struc- of the fragments are angular and unsorted, and appear
ture around Dian–Gui–Qian is characterized by large to be locally derived. Detailed XRD analysis of the soils
thrust blocks and folds within the Youjiang rift fault and clays from the orebodies indicates that the soils and
zone. Gold mineralization is present along a high-angle, clays are mainly composed of quartz, kaolinite, illite,
NNW-trending and steeply-dipping fault, which tran- lesser gold, goethite, anatase, and some chlorite (Zhou
sects the eastern limb of a major anticline. The host et al. 1998; McQueen et al. 1999).
rocks are Triassic clastic rocks and limestones, well-
exposed in oxidized zones along the surface. The few-
meter-wide zones typically contain 30 g/t Au, but may Chuan–Shaan–Gan gold province
locally contain as much as 200 g/t Au and 40 ppm Hg to
depths of more than 30 m (K. McQueen, 1992 unpub- The Chuan–Shaan–Gan area is a triangle-shaped region
lished report). Hypogene mineralization occurs in vein- of relatively low relief surrounded by the Yangtze
lets or is disseminated in highly-faulted, calcareous craton, Qinling fold belt, and Sanjiang fold belt (Fig. 4).
Triassic clastic rocks. The main orebody is >700 m The lowland is interpreted to have been formed during
long, averages 10 m in width (locally 40 m), and con- Late(?) Triassic extension, subsequent to the amalgam-
tinues to a depth of >540 m. The gold ores contain ation of the three tectonic units during the earlier
pyrite, arsenopyrite, marcasite, cinnabar, and realgar, Variscan to Indosinian collisions (Yang and Dong
with gangue minerals including ankerite, muscovite, and 1994). Many Carlin-like deposits have been discovered
quartz. Gold is associated with, or occurs as submicro- in this area with the largest being the Dongbeizhai de-
scopic inclusions within arsenic-bearing pyrite rims of posit (>50 t Au). The Carlin-like deposits cluster in two
earlier pyrite. Alteration is characterized by silicification, locations: within the western Qinling belt (e.g., La’erma,
carbonization, and sulfidization. Ages for these Carlin- Manaoke[61], Jiuyuan, Pingding, Shijiba) and northeast
like deposits are uncertain, but they are possibly late of the Songpan-Ganzi basin (Fig. 2) e.g., Dashui,
Yanshanian (Hu et al. 2001, this volume) to early Dongbeizhai[62] (Table 2 and Fig. 4), and Qiaqiaoshang
Himalayan. (Mao et al. 2002b, this volume). Most of these contain
Gold in the weathered zone, or regolith, is extensively <20 t Au.
developed in fine-grained clastic rocks within this karst The Carlin-like gold deposits in the western Qinling
terrane of the Dian–Gui–Qian gold province, and was belt are hosted by early Paleozoic, Devonian, and Tri-
first identified as an important resource in the 1990s assic clastic and carbonate sedimentary rock sequences

Fig. 6. Distribution of the main placer gold and regolith gold

deposits in China. The tectonic framework is modified from Wang whereas the footwall comprises brecciated and faulted
and Mo (1995). Data sources and deposit numbers are listed in
Table 4. Large, primary lode gold deposits are also shown for carbonaceous and calcareous Middle Triassic clastic
comparison of locations rocks. The major orebodies are hosted in the footwall,
are more than 5 m thick and 1 km long, and are typi-
(Mao et al. 2002b, this volume). Most of the ores occur cally distributed parallel to the strike of the thrust in
along a large fault zone located between the Lixian- brecciated mudstone. The ores contain pyrite, realgar,
Shanyang and Mianlue fault systems. Although pos- arsenic pyrite, and stibnite, with lesser scheelite,
sessing many Carlin-like features, this cluster of gold sphalerite, marcasite, chalcopyrite, and cinnabar. The
deposits are also distributed along brittle–ductile shear main gangue minerals are quartz (jasperoid), ankerite,
zones and thus possess some affinity to the above dis- calcite, barite, kaolinite, white mica, illite, and leucox-
cussed orogenic type gold deposits. The La’erma de- ene. The more recently discovered Dashui deposit con-
posit, which is the largest resource with approximately tains oxidized ores to depths of more than 300 m (Mao
20 t Au, lies in a large anticline within early Paleozoic et al. 2002b, this volume) and is hosted along a fault in
carbonaceous clastic rocks. Gold occurs with barite and limestone, rather than in clastic rocks.
stibnite in zones of pervasive silica as large as 1 km in
length, 35 m in width, and 150 m in depth (Mao et al.
2002b, this volume).
Triassic clastic and carbonate rocks host all Carlin- Distribution of epithermal gold deposits in China
like gold deposits in the Songpan-Ganzi basin (Figs. 2
and 4). Gold mineralization at Dongbeizhai[62], known Epithermal gold deposits collectively contain at least
since the late 1970s, is localized in the 6-km·100-m, N- 200–250 t Au in China, although individual deposits are
trending and W-dipping Kuashiya thrust fault. The relatively small. The epithermal deposits are spatially
hanging wall of the fault is composed of the folded scattered and do not form an important gold province
Carboniferous and Early Permian carbonate rocks, within China. They are most commonly distributed in
Table 3. Some characteristics of the major gold enriched deposits (i.e., gold as by-product) in China. Deposit numbers are continued from Table 2. Abbreviations and data sources as
in Table 2
Gold Deposit Commodity Tectonic Orogeny Host Igneous Resource Grade Major ore Alteration
province setting rock/age age (Ma) (t Au) (g/t) minerals minerals

Skarn deposits
Yangtze River
75 Qixiashan Pb–Zn–Au Craton Indo/ g-dol-lim/T q-do/Yanshan 21 1.0 py, cp, mt, co, kf, di, gar, phl
margin Yanshan hem, serp, ch, cb
76 Tongguanshan Cu–Au Craton Indo/ g+lim/P-C q-do/Yanshan 33 1.4 po, py, mt, cp, Mo gt, di, wo, serp,
margin Yanshan co, ga, sp, apy, sb ep, wm, q, ch, tc
77 Fenghuangshan Cu–Au Craton Indo/ 20 0.7
margin Yanshan
78 Shizishan Cu–Au Craton Indo/ g-lime/C gd-q-d/Yanshan 46.3 0.3 po, py, cp, sk, q, wm, ch, ep
margin Yanshan mt, sp, ga
79 Xinqiao-b S–Au Craton Indo/ 105 0.3?
margin Yanshan
80 Chengmenshan Cu–Au Craton Indo/ g+lim/P gd/1532–1183 69.7 0.4 cp, py, hem, sp, mo gar, di, sid, cc
margin Yanshan
81 Wushan Cu–Au Craton Indo/ 40 0.3
margin Yanshan
82 Tonglushan Cu–Au–Fe Craton Indo/ g+dol- q-do/157–137 69 1.2 mt, hem, cp, bn, q, dio, gar, phl,
margin Yanshan lim/T mo, py tre, ac, cb
Cu: 1 Mt+ >1%
83 Qibaoshan Cu–Pb– Craton g+dol- g-por/Indo 26.3 cp, py, ga, sp, mt wm, q, cb, sk
Zn–Au margin lime/C
84 Tianpashan Cu–Au 22.3 0.1
Porphyry deposits
Yangtze River
85 Yingshan Pb–Zn– Craton Indo/ phyll-vol-gp gp/Yanshan 48 0.87 ga, sp, py, cp, apy wm, ch, q
Cu–Au margin Yanshan
Cu: 0.45 Mt 0.79%
86 Tongchang Cu–Au Craton Indo/ phyll-tuff-gd gd/168/1122 190 0.16 py, cp, Mo, bn q, wm, il, ch, cb
margin Yanshan
Cu: 5.2 Mt 0.5% (Tongchang +
87 Fujiawu Cu–Au Craton Indo/ phyll-tuff-gd gd/157/ 27 0.1 py, cp, mo, bn q, wm, il, ch, cb
margin Yanshan 1212
88 Lengshuikeng Ag–Pb– Craton Cale/ g-por/vol/J gp/136.5 50 0.2 py, sp, ga, ag, mt wm, ch, cb
Zn–Au margin Yanshan
Sanjiang belt
89 Yulong Cu–Au Fold belt Himalayan shale-lim/T q-mz-g/ 28.6 0.2 py, hem, kf, sk, wm, q
38–552 co, mo
Cu: 6.5 Mt 1% bn, mt
Mo: 0.15 Mt 0.028%
Mo: 0.15 Mt 0.028%
90 Duobaoshan Cu–Mo–Au Block Variscan gd-porphyry gd-por/ 73 0.14
margin 292–2832
Table 3. (Contd.)

Gold Deposit Commodity Tectonic Orogeny Host Igneous Resource Grade Major ore Alteration
province setting rock/age age (Ma) (t Au) (g/t) minerals minerals

Epithermal deposits
SE China
91 11.Zijinshan Cu–Au Craton Yanshanian dacitic por, 125–1053 10 5.0
margin vol/K
Cu: 1 Mt 1%
VMS deposits
North Xinjiang
92 Ashele Cu–Au–Zn Back-arc Hercynain 14.3 1.0
Cu: 0.7 Mt 0.7%
93 Baiyinchang Cu–Pb– Rift Caledonian vol/Cm-O bi-ab-g/Cale 14.6 1.0 py, cp, sp, ga, mt q, wm, ch, ba, ep
Zn–Au zone
Cu: 4 Mt 1.17–2.84%
94 Xiaotieshan Cu–Pb– Rift Caledonian vol/Cm-O bi-ab-g/Cale 19 2.3 py, cp, sp, ga, mt q, wm, ch, ba, ep
Zn–Au zone
North China
95 Hongtoushan Cu–Zn–Au Back-arc Archaean vol-gneissss/ 15.2 0.8 py, po, sp, cp q, tre, wm, ch
basin Ar
Cu: 0.36 Mt 1.8%
Zn: 0.47 Mt 2.4%
Sanjiang belt
96 Dahongshan Cu–Au Rift Proterozoic vol-vol. 17 0.12 py, cp, mt, ab, sid, q, ank
clast/Pt bn, Au
Ni–Cu–Au deposits
North China
97 Jinchuan Ni–Cu–Au Rift zone Caledonian Ultramafic/Pt 15006 75+ 0.1–0.6
Ni: 5.46 Mt 1.06%
Cu: 3.49 Mt 0.24–2.37%

four tectonic belts: in the late Paleozoic island-arc terr- contains high silver grades, chalcedony, adularia, and
anes within the northern Xinjiang gold province (e.g., alunite gangue minerals. This part of the mountain belt
Axi[64] and Xitan[63]), in the Mesozoic continental mar- appears to represent a region of relatively limited un-
gin belt of the southeastern China gold province (e.g., roofing since late Paleozoic collisional tectonism.
Zijinshan[91]; Table 3 and Fig. 5; and Babaoshan), Along the eastern part of the Tianshan, Kanggur[43]
within the Mesozoic continental margin belt in north- (Table 2 and Fig. 4) and a few nearby deposits are lo-
eastern China (e.g., Wufeng and Ciweigou), and in the cated about 60 km east of the Xitan[63] epithermal de-
Cenozoic island-arc belt along eastern Taiwan (e.g., posit. Gold mineralization is present on both sides of the
Chinkuashih or Jinguashi[65]; Table 2 and Fig. 4). There Yamansu fault, which is a regional fault, located 10–
are many small epithermal Au–Ag deposits especially in 40 km S of, and subparallel to the Kanggur fault. The
the former two areas. In addition, the Dian–Gui–Qian Kanggur[43] deposit, which herein also includes the ad-
gold province contains some small epithermal Au–Hg– jacent Matoutan deposit about 5 km along strike, is
Sb deposits that are spatially associated with Carlin-like located on the south side of the Yamansu fault and has a
deposits and epithermal veins associated with shoshon- resource of about 30 t Au. Mineralization occurs in
itic igneous systems occur in the western Shandong three E-striking, subvertical shear zones, which are 100’s
province (Qiu et al. 1999). Most of the epithermal de- to 1,000 m long, 10–100 m wide, and continue to a
posits in China are of the low-sulfide type, except for the depth of 400 m. The orebodies are hosted in volcanic
Zijinshan(17) (SE China), Chinkuashih[65] (Taiwan), and and clastic rocks along mylonitic shear zones. Gold
Jinshangou (northern Xinjiang) high-sulfidation depos- mineralization is associated with sulfide minerals, and is
its. Epithermal gold mineralization, transitional to either disseminated in the altered rocks, or occurs in
deeper porphyry copper mineralization, is described at quartz veins. The ores contain 5–25% pyrite (Pirajno
the Zijinshan(17) Cu–Au deposit (Zhang et al. 1992; So et al. 1997) and lesser magnetite, chalcopyrite, pyrrho-
et al. 1998). tite, galena, sphalerite, and gold. The main gangue
minerals include quartz, chlorite, white mica, calcite,
ankerite, barite, and siderite. Although there has been
Northern Xinjiang gold province some debate as to the classification of the Kanggur de-
posit (Shen et al. 1994; Ji et al. 1997; Pirajno et al. 1997),
A few epithermal deposits are scattered in northern its features are most consistent with those of an Fe–Cu–
Xinjiang, and include the Jinshangou deposit in east Au replacement deposit that was emplaced at deeper
Junggar, the Xitan[63] deposit in the eastern Tianshan, crustal levels than nearby epithermal deposits such as
and the Axi[64] deposit in the Yili block (Table 2 and Xitan (Rui et al. 2002, this volume).
Fig. 4). All the deposits are spatially associated with
extensional features, commonly including calderas, and
are hosted in volcanic and volcaniclastic rocks. Axi[64] is Northeastern China
the most important epithermal deposit in the province,
with a reserve of 42 t Au and inferred resources of >70 t There are a few small epithermal gold deposits in the
Au (Rui et al. 2002, this volume). The deposit is located Mesozoic volcanic and volcaniclastic rocks to the
along the northern side of the regional Keshi River fault northeast of the North China craton (e.g., the Ciweigou
zone within Early Carboniferous dacitic to basaltic and Xiangluwanzi deposits). The Ciweigou deposit, and
volcanic rocks. Mineralization is controlled by radiating a few nearby deposits (e.g., Wufeng and Naozi), are
and circular faults of a caldera and the orebodies are hosted in late Jurassic felsic volcanic units, with gold
localized by regional NWW- and N-striking faults. Gold occurring in calcite–quartz veins and disseminated in
occurs in quartz veins, altered volcanic rocks and breccia altered rocks along NE-striking faults. The ores contain
zones, with pyrite, marcasite, arsenopyrite, minor chal- pyrite, argentite, electrum, chalcopyrite, and galena, and
copyrite, galena, and sphalerite. The gangue minerals the alteration is characterized by quartz, white mica,
are quartz, chalcedony, calcite, white mica, chlorite, adularia, and calcite. Most of the epithermal deposits in
alunite, and adularia. northeastern China have resources less than 5 t Au.
The Xitan[63] (or Shiyingtan) deposit in the eastern One rare large deposit, Tuanjiegou[66] (60 t Au,
Tianshan is located within a 200·40 km E-trending zone Table 2 and Fig. 4), has been classified as a subvolcanic
between the first-order Aqikkuduk and Kanggur (or porphyry (Xu et al. 1992; Chen and Zhu 1993). How-
East Tianshan, Fig. 2) faults. The latter is interpreted as ever, its mineral assemblages, alteration styles and ore
the Variscan suture between the Junggar and Tarim textures are all characteristic of typical epithermal
blocks. It encloses Carboniferous felsic to mafic volcanic systems. Tuanjiegou is located about 400 km NNE of
and volcaniclastic rocks, which are intruded by Variscan the city of Harbin, only 40 km from the Russian bor-
granites (287–272 Ma, Ji et al. 1997) and overlain by co- der. The deposit is situated between a local Mesozoic
magmatic Permian andesites. The Xitan deposit is con- graben and a Proterozoic basement uplift. Mineraliza-
trolled by the intersection of the regional faults and a tion is hosted in a subvolcanic granitic porphyry that
caldera in the andesite. The orebodies are localized by was emplaced into a Mesozoic caldera, which is local-
the ring structures surrounding the caldera. The ore ized by the intersection of NNE- and EW-trending

structures. Gold mineralization is mainly disseminated east from the Tongshi subvolcanic alkalic intrusive
in breccia within the porphyry or along its margin. The complex (Chen and Zhao 1998). The cause for local-
major orebodies strike WNW and dip 40–50 to the ization of alkalic magmatism and associated shallow
north. They are 250–725 m long, 11–68 m thick, and hydrothermal events is uncertain, but most likely relates,
continue to depths of 110–375 m. The main ore min- to some degree, to a period of transtension along the
erals are pyrite and marcasite with lesser stibnite, major Tan-Lu fault system located a few tens of kilo-
chalcopyrite, galena, cinnabar, realgar and orpiment. meters to the east.
Alteration minerals are characterized by low tempera-
ture assemblages of chalcedony, adularia, opal, anke-
rite, calcite, and kaolinite. Gold mainly is associated
with pyrite and chalcedony.
The largest epithermal gold deposit in China is
Chinkuashih (or Jinguashi)[65] (Table 2 and Fig. 4),
Southeastern China gold province located in Cenozoic island arc rocks on eastern Tai-
wan. The deposit has had a long mining history, and
Many epithermal gold deposits are present in the from 1935 to 1941 it produced 2–2.5 t Au and 6,000–
Mesozoic volcanic and intrusive rocks in the south- 7,000 t Cu annually (Tu and Jin 1994). Total gold
eastern China fold belt. Most, however, are very small, production and remaining resources may be about
with Zijinshan[91] (Table 3 and Fig. 5) being the largest 100 t. Gold mineralization is hosted in a 1-km diameter
(10 t Au and 1 Mt Cu). The Zijinshan deposit is one subvolcanic dacite pipe, which intruded Cenozoic
of the few known high-sulfide type epithermal gold sandstone and shale. The orebodies are localized by a
deposits recognized in China. Mineralization occurs large, N-striking, normal fault and secondary faults,
mainly in a subvolcanic pipe and, partly, in a 140-Ma which also trend north–south, dip subvertically to the
biotite granite that intrudes Proterozoic and Paleozoic east, and continue to 700 m depth. Mineralization
strata along the axis of a NE-trending anticlinorium. shows a zonation from gold to copper with depth. The
The subvolcanic pipe, about 700 m in diameter, occurs ores contain mainly pyrite and enargite, lesser chal-
in the center of a 125-Ma calc-alkaline trachydacitic– copyrite, chalcocite, sphalerite, and gold, and traces of
dacitic porphyry, which was emplaced along regional marcasite and cinnabar. The main alteration minerals
NW-striking extensional structures that cut the biotite are quartz, alunite, kaolinite, barite, and carbonate
granite (Chen and Zhu 1993; So et al. 1998). Circular minerals (Tan 1991).
and radial structures surrounding the pipe are now filled
with copper- and gold-rich hydrothermal breccias and
veins. The breccias consist of fragments of altered and
Distribution of gold-bearing skarn and porphyry
mineralized wall rocks, which are normally less than
deposits in China
5 mm in diameter. The matrix is mainly composed of
very fine-grained quartz, alunite and minor pyrite, cov-
Total resources exceeding 1,200 t Au are contained in
ellite, enargite, digenite, gold, and hematite (Zhang et al.
China’s porphyry and skarn deposits. Most of the gold is
1992; So et al 1998). Between depths of 400 and 650 m,
defined as a byproduct from mining of base metal
gold grades decrease and copper-bearing sulfide miner-
resources, but a few small copper skarns are economic
als become more abundant. At about 800 m depth, the
primarily as gold deposits. The majority of these deposits
pipe merges downward into a potassically-altered 105-
are located in eastern China, particularly along the
Ma granodiorite with porphyry-type copper mineral-
northeastern and southeastern margins of the Yangtze
ization (Zhang et al. 1992; So et al. 1998).
craton, i.e., the Yangtze River gold province (Pan and
Dong 1999). A few deposits occur to the northeast of the
Western Shandong province North China craton (e.g., Xinancha[74] and Laozhai-
shan[73]; Table 3 and Fig. 5). Some large and gold-en-
Early Jurassic gold–tellurium breccias and stockworks riched copper porphyry and related skarn deposits occur
within alkalic, shoshonitic intrusive bodies are impor- in the Sanjiang fold belt (e.g., Yulong[89] and Mala-
tant recent exploration targets in the western Shandong songduo). Additionally, small deposits also are scattered
province (Qiu et al. 1999). The igneous rocks were em- in other areas including the Qinling gold province, Qil-
placed into lower Paleozoic carbonates and sandstones ianshan gold district, and northern Xinjiang gold prov-
that overly rocks of the North China craton. The most ince (Fig. 4). Apart from a few gold-dominated skarn
important of these discovered to date is the low-sulfi- and porphyry deposits, most of the byproduct gold
dation epithermal deposit at Guilaizhuang, which has deposits are of low grade, normally less than 1 g/t Au.
been producing about 30,000–40,000 oz Au/year, for the Some of the gold grades are as low as 0.1–0.2 g/t
last 5 years, and has a total resource of about 35 t Au at (Table 3), and recovering such gold remains difficult.
an average grade of 8.2 g/t (World Wide Minerals Ltd., Most of the gold-enriched skarn and porphyry de-
press release). The deposit is hosted in a crytobreccia posits in China formed during the Yanshanian (Guo
zone along a series of E–W-trending faults, which extend 1987; Zhai and Deng 1996), and are mainly related to

the subduction of the Pacific ocean basin plates. There of kilometers from the Jilongsang deposit; Zhou 1995,
are, however, some exceptions. The large Duobao- 1998). The Jilongshan porphyritic granodiorite (138 Ma,
shan[90] (Table 3 and Fig. 5) Cu–Mo–Au deposit (73 t U–Pb; 113 Ma, K–Ar) was emplaced into Triassic lime-
Au as a byproduct from copper production) in the stone and argillaceous dolomite along the axis of a syn-
Xinganling block of northeastern China occurs in a cline. Irregularly-shaped orebodies are concentrated
290-Ma granodiorite porphyry (Rui et al. 1984). In along contacts between granodiorite and country rock.
northwestern China, most of the small gold-enriched The ores contain chalcopyrite, pyrite, bornite, chalcocite,
skarn and porphyry deposits formed in migrating is- molybdenite, magnetite, hematite, and falkenhaynite
land-arcs or in the continental margin during, or just (Sb–Cu sulfide), with minor galena, sphalerite, gold,
subsequent to, collisions between the Tarim, Yili, and electrum, orpiment, and realgar. The gangue minerals
Angara cratonic blocks. In southwestern China, the comprise garnet, diopside, wollastonite, actinolite, epi-
major gold-enriched porphyry and skarn deposits dote, carbonate, quartz, feldspar, and lesser chlorite,
formed during the Himalayan orogeny (<90 Ma) as a white mica, fluorite, and orthoclase (Daye Nonferrous
result of the collision between the Indian and South Corporation, 1981 unpublished company report; Zhou
China cratons. 1982; Ge et al. 1992).
There are about 30 gold-rich copper skarn deposits
known in the Yangtze River gold province, with
Yangtze River gold province Tonglushan[82] (Table 3 and Fig. 5) being the largest
with 1.1 Mt Cu and 70 t Au. Tonglushan is located at
More than 80% of the recognized gold resource in the westernmost end of the gold province. Well-pre-
skarn-porphyry deposits (i.e., >1,000 t Au) is concen- served underground mining tunnels and equipment,
trated in the Yangtze River gold province. The province more than 3,000 years old, were discovered during
extends for more than 600 km between Wuhan and mining in 1981. The 157–137-Ma Tonglushan porphy-
Shanghai (Fig. 5) in the Yangtze River trough (Fig. 5) ritic quartz–monzodiorite (Ge et al. 1992) was emplaced
located in the eastern part of the Yangtze craton (Pan into Triassic dolomitic limestones within the southern
and Dong 1999). The trough is composed of a few limb of an anticlinorium. Mineralization is localized by
Mesozoic fault-bounded volcanic basins, with mainly ca. the intersections of NW-, NNE- and ENE-striking faults
135–127 Ma felsic to intermediate lower crustal melts with the fold, which forms three ore zones. The major
(Yangtze Igneous Group of Chen and Jahn 1998) em- ore zone dips subvertically, is about 2.1 km long and
placed along the basin margins and as zones of uplift 300–350 m wide. Mineralization occurs as massive or
within the basin. This tectonism may be the result of disseminated sulfides associated with retrograde altera-
back-arc, post-collisional extension that occurred sub- tion mainly within skarn, with minor mineralization
sequent to amalgamation of the North and South China along the intrusion margins and in the surrounding
cratons, and during subduction of oceanic plates un- marbles. More than 130 different minerals were reported
derneath eastern China. The gold-bearing skarns are in the ores and skarns (Ge et al. 1992), with the main ore
concentrated on the northeastern margin of the Yangtze phases being chalcopyrite, bornite, pyrite, magnetite,
craton, whereas the gold-enriched porphyries, with some hematite, chalcocite, molybdenite, sphalerite, gold, and
skarns, occur along the southeastern cratonic margin tennantite. The major gangue minerals include diopside,
(Fig. 5). This may be largely controlled by distribution garnet, calcite, dolomite, quartz, phlogopite, epidote,
of different country rock types and regional erosion white mica, chlorite, serpentine, tremolite, actinolite,
processes. and plagioclase. Gold is associated with sulfide minerals
Most of the deposits are copper-dominated with and quartz, commonly occurring as inclusions in pyrite
varying gold grades. However, a few skarn deposits, with and chalcopyrite.
gold as the main economic commodity, each contain Gold-rich copper porphyries are low grade compared
>20 t Au (i.e., the Jilongshan[69], Jiguanzui[68], Xin- with the gold-rich skarns in the Yangtze craton, and
qiao[70], and Mashan[71] deposits; Table 2 and Fig. 4). most porphyries are located within the southeastern
Jilongshan[69], located in the Fengshandong mining dis- margin of the craton. The majority are concentrated in
trict in the western part of the gold province, is best the Dexing area of Jiangxi province (i.e., the Yinshan[85],
classified as a gold–copper–molybdenum skarn. Mining Tongchang[86], and Fujiawu[87] deposits; Table 3 and
activities in the area started more than 1,000 years ago. Fig. 5). Dexing is the largest copper mining district in
In the early 1960s, three Cu–Mo skarn deposits, i.e., China, and the Tongchang[86] porphyry deposit contains
Fengshandong (0.67 Mt Cu), Jilongshan (0.28 Mt Cu), 5.2 Mt of Cu in rocks grading 0.45% Cu, and 190 t Au
and Lijiawan (0.15 Mt Cu), and a few prospects, were in rocks that average 0.16 g/t Au. The nearby Yin-
discovered within a 4-km2 area (Zhou 1982, 1984; Zhang shan[85] deposit contains much less copper, but the gold
1984; Ge et al. 1992; Z. Rui 1999, personal communi- grade is much higher (0.44 Mt Cu at 0.79%, and 48 t Au
cation). Since the late 1980s, significant gold resources at 0.87 g/t). Characteristics of these porphyries are de-
were discovered in association with these skarns includ- tailed by Rui et al. (1984).
ing at the Jilongshan[69] (30 t Au), Fengshandong (16.1 t The copper- and gold-rich skarn and porphyry de-
Au), and Lijiawan (6.5 t Au) deposits (both only a couple posits apparently continue as far north as the western

Table 4. Major placer gold deposits in China. Deposit numbers are continued from Table 3. Abbreviations same as Table 2
Gold province Deposit Tectonic setting Orogeny Resource Grade
(t Au) (g/t)

98 Xikouzi Arguna block Va/Caledonian 10 0.5
99 Gulianhe Arguna block Va/Caledonian 11 0.6
100 Dalahan Xinganling Hercunian 8.3 0.3
101 Hanjiayuanzi Xinganling Hercunian 8 0.3
102 Jilonggou Xinganling Hercunian 10.3 0.3
103 Xinglonggou Xinganling Variscan 15.6 0.3
104 Niqiuhe Xinganling Variscan 17.5 0.2–0.3
105 Huanan Jiahusi block Hercunian 30.3 0.3
North China
106 Liushuhezi Fold belt Variscan 10 0.2
107 Jinpen Craton margin Variscan 22 1.4–14.2
Yangtze River
108 Niluo Craton margin Caledonian 8.8 0.2
109 Shuitai Fold belt Va/Indosinian 8.2 0.2
110 Henghe Fold belt Va/Indosinian 14.8 0.1
111 Xiaojia Craton margin Va/Indosinian 9.7 0.3
112 Baishui Craton margin Va/Indosinian 8.7 0.4
113 Zhangla Craton margin Va/Indosinian 10.4 0.6
114 Jialing Craton margin Va/Indosinian 10.2 0.2
115 Hongyan Craton margin Va/Indosinian 12 0.3
116 Hutiao Craton margin Va/Indosinian 8 0.2
117 Longfeng Craton margin Va/Indosinian 8 0.2
118 Liuying Craton margin Va/Indosinian 12.5 0.3
119 Panlong Craton margin Va/Indosinian 9 0.2
120 Zhaduo Fold belt Va/Indosinian 8.6 0.6
North Xinjiang
121 Laojinggou Altay fold belt Variscan 2.7 0.4
122 Laowanchang Craton margin Her/Indosinian 20 3–6
123 Kangwan Craton margin 20+ 3–5
124 Shwushan 20+ 3–5

Data sources: CAGS 1992; Chen 1994; Guo 1987; Wang and Mo 1995; Zhou 1998; Zhou et al. 1998; Gold Geology Institute, unpublished
data; and personal communication with Jianquan Mao and Wanjun Shen, Guowei Xu

Shandong province. These deposits are associated with northeast of the North China craton, contains 38 t Au
Jurassic and Early Cretaceous shoshonitic volcanic and and 0.18 Mt Cu (Table 2). The major orebodies are
intrusive rocks along, and immediately west of, the Tan- hosted in early Yanshanian dioritic and granitic por-
Lu fault system (Qiu et al. 1999). phyries. To the north, the Laozhaishan copper–gold
skarn deposit[73] (Table 2 and Fig. 4) occurs in the
Jiamusi block.
Other areas In the Sanjiang fold belt, a series of large, gold-
enriched, copper ± molybdenum porphyry and skarn
A series of fault-bounded Mesozoic basins (Rui et al. deposits (e.g., Yulong[89] and Malasongduo) (Table 3
1984; Zhou 1995) were formed by the late Variscan and Fig. 5) formed along the edges of a few Tertiary
closing of the Solonkar Ocean (Fig. 3b) at the northern basins (Rui et al. 1984) during Himalayan tectonism.
boundary of the North China craton (Rui et al. 1984; Yulong[89] is the largest copper porphyry-skarn deposit
Miller et al. 1998) and Yanshanian subduction of the in China and contains 6.5 Mt Cu, 0.15 Mt Mo, and
Pacific Ocean plates under eastern China (Fig. 3c). 28.6 t Au grading 0.2 g/t (Table 3). In 1966, local resi-
These host several gold-rich copper skarn deposits. A dents reported an extensive gossan on a hill near Yu-
few of the copper skarn deposits in the Yan-Liao long, and the deposit was subsequently discovered
trough (Fig. 5) along the northern margin of the North during the 1970s. The Yulong deposit is located in a
China craton contain small enrichments of gold (Zhou 15- to 40-km-wide and 200-km-long, NNW-trending
1995). The Xinancha deposit[74] (Fig. 4), a large gold– corridor of a series of folds and faults. More than ten
copper porphyry in the Yanji depression, to the Cu–Mo–(±) Au porphyry and skarn deposits have been

discovered in the belt, and they include the Yulong, bodies vary from massive to laminated and stockworks
Duoxiasongduo, and Malasongduo deposits (Fig. 5), at in the core of an anticline underlain by a dolerite stock.
elevations between 4,600 and 4,900 m. The Yulong in- The north-trending ore zone is 1,000 m long, 30–150 m
trusion is a 40-Ma (Rui et al. 1984) biotite monzogranite wide, and continues to a depth of about 500 m. Major
porphyry that intruded Triassic clastic rocks and lime- ore minerals include pyrite, chalcopyrite, sphalerite,
stones along the axis of an anticline. The porphyry is galena, bornite and chalcocite, lesser pyrrhotite, arsen-
about 0.64 km2 on the surface, and is a mushroom- opyrite, jalpaite (Cu–Ag sulfide), tennantite, magnetite,
shaped, subvertical stock in cross-section. It has been and gold. The brecciated and faulted volcanic host rocks
intensively faulted and brecciated with intensive K- are intensively altered with quartz, white mica, alunite,
feldspar alteration in the center, and quartz and mica at chlorite, carbonate minerals, pyrite, and pyrophyllite.
the peripheries. Skarns, and propylitic and argillic al- The ores contain high Ga, Ge, In, and Se (Rui et al.
teration, are common distally. Disseminated and stock- 2002, this volume).
work mineralization occurs in much of the porphyry. Baiyinchang[93] is the largest copper VMS deposit in
The major ore minerals are pyrite, hematite, chalcopy- China, containing 1.14 Mt Cu, with grades of the ores
rite, molybdenite, and lesser chacocite, bornite, magne- varying between 1.17–2.84% Cu (Table 3 and Fig. 5).
tite, and gold. Significant gold resources were first recognized in the
Gold in regolith is extensively developed in some VMS ores in the late 1980s, and now are estimated at
skarn belts of southern China. Individual deposits, with 14.6 t Au grading 1 g/t at Baiyinchang, and 19 t Au
resources of over 20 t Au, are associated with gold-rich grading 2.3 g/t at the nearby Xiaotieshan deposit[94]
skarns in Hubei (e.g., Shewushan[124]) and Hunan (e.g., (Table 3 and Fig. 5). The Baiyingchang deposit is lo-
Kanjiawan[123]) provinces. At the Shewushan[124] deposit cated in an anticlinorium within the Qilianshan fold belt.
(Table 4 and Fig. 6), gold, absorbed on to clays, occurs The host rocks are early Paleozoic mafic to felsic vol-
in reddish silty clays and soils overlying Cambrian and canic rocks and associated marine sedimentary rocks
Ordovician limestone. The main orebody is 1,300 m deposited along a seafloor rift zone. The highly-faulted
long, 350 m wide, and 4–40 m thick, with a total re- deposit is composed of 100 different orebodies, with the
source of 20 t Au (Xu et al. 1992; G. Xu 1999, personal larger NW-striking orebodies being >1,000 m long, a
communication). few tens of meters thick, and continuing to a depth of
100–200 m. The ores show massive, disseminated,
stockworks, breccia, and replacement textures. The main
Distribution of gold-enriched VMS deposits in China ore minerals are pyrite, chalcopyrite, sphalerite, pyr-
rhotite, magnetite, arsenopyrite, galena, tennantite, and
There are many base metal-rich VMS (volcanogenic gold. The main alteration minerals are quartz, white
massive sulfide) deposits in China (Rui et al. 1984; Ge mica, chlorite, epidote, barite, and carbonate minerals.
et al. 1992), but most do not carry economic concen-
trations of gold. The few recognized gold-enriched VMS
deposits, which are widely distributed in various oro- Distribution of gold-enriched nickel–copper deposits
genic belts of China, are very small in terms of gold
resource. Only a few deposits contain 15 t Au and these China contains a few magmatic nickel–copper deposits
are of very low grade (Table 3). They include the Early in mafic to ultramafic intrusive rocks, and these mainly
to Middle Devonian Ashele[92] deposit in the northern are distributed along the southern (e.g., Jinchuan[97])
Xinjiang gold province, the early Paleozoic Baiyin- and northern margins (e.g., Hongqiling) of the North
chang[93] and Xiaotieshan[94] deposits in the Qilianshan China craton, respectively. Only the giant Jinchuan
fold belt, the Archean Hongtoushan deposits[95] along deposit along the southwestern margin of the North
the northern margin of the North China craton, and the China craton contains important gold resources. The
Proterozoic Dahongshan deposit[96] in the Sanjiang fold Jinchuan deposit[97], currently the third largest nickel
belt (Table 3 and Fig. 5). deposit in the world, well behind Noril’sk and Sudbury,
The Ashele[92] Fe–Cu–Zn VMS deposit (Table 3 and contains 5.46 Mt Ni grading 1.06%, and over 75 t Au
Fig. 5) is located near the border of China and Ka- grading 0.1–0.6 g/t (Table 3 and Fig. 5). The deposit
zakhstan, approximately 500 km NNW of Urumqi. It is occurs in a series of 1500-Ma mafic–ultramafic intru-
part of a belt of similar ores that continue to the sive bodies, which crystallized along a rift at the margin
northwest into adjacent Russia and Kazakhstan. Ashele of the North China craton (Chai and Naldrett 1992).
is the largest VMS deposit in Xinjiang, containing about The rifted zone consists of Paleoproterozoic migmatite,
1 Mt of 2% combined Cu–Zn, and precious metal gneiss, schist, and marble. The igneous complex of
grades of about 55 g/t Ag and 1 g/t Au (Table 3). The dunite, lherzolite, olivine, and websterite is 6.5 km in
deposit occurs in felsic to intermediate volcanic rocks of length, 2 to 500 m in width, and pinches out at a depth
an Early to Middle Devonian back-arc basin now ac- of 500–1,300 m. The ore types include net-textured
creted within the southern Altayshan (Wang et al. sulfides with olivine inclusions, disseminated sulfide
1998b). It is structurally controlled by the regional, NW- minerals, massive sulfide bodies that are a few hundred
tending Maerkakuli and Sareshuoke faults. The ore- meters long and a few centimeters to 20 m wide, and

‘‘contact ores’’ that are along the contact between the mining has been in operation here for 1,500 years. The
intrusive complex and the country rocks (Naldrett topography is characterized by mountains in excess of
1997). The major ore minerals are pyrrhotite, nickel- 3,000 m high, and deep valleys and basins. Gold placers
rich pyrite, chalcopyrite, and Ni–As–Co-bearing min- are recognized in alluvium, elluvium, and glacial out-
erals that contain minor gold. wash along the Hanshui, Minjian, and Jialingjiang
Rivers. Nine large placer operations and many smaller
deposits have been worked in this area (Fig. 6).
Distribution of placer gold deposits Within the Chuan–Shaan–Gan area, Zhangla[113]
(Table 4 and Fig. 6), which is located 240 km north of
Much of China’s 600–750 t Au resource in placer de- the city of Chengdu, was discovered in 1913. Approxi-
posits is associated with erosion of the orogenic lode gold mately 30 t Au were mined from there before 1949, and
deposits. Most individual placer gold deposits contain the remaining resources are about 10 t Au. The main
<2 t Au. The deposits are typically widespread in China, placer workings occur at the mouth of the Jinhe River,
but concentrations of these occur in the Xinganling and near its junction with the large Minjiang River. The
Jiamusi areas of the Heilongjiang gold province, the high-relief surrounding area, with Carlin-like lode gold
Chuan–Shaan–Gan gold province, the North China gold deposits, is part of the easternmost Tibet–Qinghai
province, the Yangtze River gold province, the Sanjiang Plateau (Fig. 2). Glacial and glaciofluvial sediments are
fold belt and the northern Altayshan area of the northern abundant. The deposit is in a 2-km2 area within a
Xinjiang gold province (Fig. 6). Quaternary basin, which formed at the intersection of
major fault zones that control flow directions of the two
Heilongjiang gold province rivers. The main gold accumulations occur in 5- to 70-m-
thick sequences of sediments within the side terraces of
Placer gold in the Xinganling and Jiamusi areas of the the valley. Gold occurs mainly as tabular grains and
Heilongjiang gold province is mainly distributed along flakes, with more than 90% of the gold larger than 1 mm
tributaries of the Heilongjiang River near the border in diameter. Associated heavy minerals include zircon,
with Russia (Figs. 2 and 6). It is economically the most rutile, leucoxene, and hematite, with minor tourmaline,
important placer gold region in China, with >200 t Au apatite, garnet, chromite, pyrite, and cinnabar (Xu et al.
mined from these placers since 1860. It is an area of 1992; Institute of Gold Geology, unpublished data).
rolling hills with relief of 20–500 m. Gold placers have
been developed along river valley floors and on adjacent
terraces. Eight placer deposits with >8 t Au, and many Other areas
smaller deposits, are presently operating in the Xin-
ganling and Jiamusi areas (Fig. 6). More than 70 t of gold occurs in placer accumulations
The Dalahan River[100] (Table 4 and Fig. 6), 45 km across the 1,500-km-long northern China gold province.
south of the Russian border, is one of the larger placer However, in the western part of the province, near the
fields in the region and contains 8 t Au. Six main placers city of Hohot in Inner Mongolia, placers are scarce. The
are distributed along a 25-km-long stretch of the Dala- Jinpen deposit[107] is the most important of these with a
han River, a third-order tributary of the Heilongjiang 22-t Au resource and some placer workings there
River. The area has undergone erosion following late reaching grades of 14 g/t (Table 4 and Fig. 6). Gold
Paleozoic uplift. The topography is characterized by a placers have developed mainly along river valley floors
series of 300- to 450-m-high, NW-trending hills, which and at the bottom of the adjacent first- to second-order
rise above a U-shaped valley with three levels of terraces terraces in Early Cretaceous sandstone and conglomer-
along both sides. Individual placer accumulations are ate. There are 12 to 16 placer orebodies averaging
100–250 m wide, about 6 m thick, and extend for a few 3,800 m in length, 160 m in width, and 0.5–2.0 m in
hundreds meters to >10 km in length. The alluvial gold thickness. The main associated heavy minerals are he-
particles are mostly tabular-shaped with lesser grains matite, ilmenite, and zircon. Gold mainly is present as
and flakes, and are typically 0.2–0.5 mm in diameter. tabular grains and flakes, with more than 65% of the
Some of the gold grains are enclosed in galena, or as- gold larger than 1 mm in diameter. Most of the gold
sociated with quartz. The gold fineness ranges from 807 placers in the Yangtze River gold province, Sanjiang
to 848. Other heavy minerals in the placers include fold belt, and Qilianshan area (Figs. 2 and 6) are smaller
garnet, amphibole, epidote, pyrite, and ilmenite. Garnet than 8 t Au. The northern part of the Altayshan in
is used as a major pathfinder for alluvial gold in this area northern Xinjiang has been mined for placer gold for
(Xu et al. 1992; Zhang and Zhang 1994). more than 100 years. From 1915 to 1942, >10 t Au
were mined in this area, and many more recent discov-
eries [e.g., the Laojingou[121] (Table 4 and Fig. 6) and
Chuan–Shaan–Gan gold province Xinjingou areas] now account for another total 30-t
placer Au resource. Most of the Altayshan gold placers
The Chuan–Shaan–Gan is the second largest placer gold occur along the Kalaerqisi River valley. Their distribu-
region in China, with an endowment of 150 t Au. Placer tion is controlled by the NW-striking orogenic lode gold

systems in the Altayshan. Topography is also one of the series of accretionary events that occurred for more than
major controlling factors because over 80% of the placer 200 million years along the southern margin of the
gold occurs in the mountain areas located 1,500– Angara craton during the growth of Pangea (Sengör and
2,700 m above sea level. Most of the gold placers occur Natal’in 1996). Gold-bearing VMS deposits that formed
in alluvial sediments, in river valley floors, and at the in the Early and Middle Devonian along near-shore
bottom of adjacent terraces, whereas a few also occur in spreading centers were added into the growing Altay-
glacial, slope wash and basin sediments. Gold fineness is shan accretionary complex within a few tens of millions
normally greater than 900 (Zhang and Zhang 1994; Liu of years after their deposition on the sea-floor (e.g.,
et al. 1996). Ashele[92], Table 3 and Fig. 5). This period of Late
Devonian to Carboniferous subduction–accretion was
also associated with the widespread formation of oro-
Temporal evolution of Chinese gold deposits genic gold deposits throughout these accreted terranes
now exposed in northern Xinjiang [e.g., Duolanasaiyi[44]
Despite a geological history dating back to the Early (Table 2 and Fig. 4), Saidu, Shaerbulake]. Immediately
Archean, the oldest, well-recognized, economically south of the Altayshan, simultaneous closures of marine
significant gold deposits in China formed at ca. basins, and accretion of the Yili Precambrian block and
350–300 Ma (Fig. 3a). A few Precambrian gold-enriched Tarim craton, led to additional deformation of marine
VMS deposits are scattered throughout China (e.g., sequences and emplacement of gold ores into what is
Hongtoushan[95], Dahongshan[96], Table 3 and Fig. 5), now the West Junggar region (e.g., Hatu[45]) and Tian-
but these are all minor deposits. The North China, shan (e.g., Sawuyaerdun[46]; Table 2 and Fig. 4). Less-
Yangtze and Tarim cratons underlie about half of Chi- unroofed parts of the Tianshan host more shallowly
na, and these cratons include large tracts of Late formed epithermal gold veins (e.g., Axi[64]) and re-
Archean and Paleoproterozoic rocks. Such Precambrian placement style ores (e.g., Kanggur[43]) that also evolved
units are important hosts for Precambrian orogenic gold in the late Paleozoic. Extending to the east of the
deposits throughout the world, but, to date, lack such Altayshan, Variscan closure of the Solonker Ocean
lodes in China. This reflects, in part, extensive Meso- (Sengör and Natal’in 1996) was accompanied by south-
proterozoic and younger cover. Furthermore, where the directed subduction of oceanic crust beneath the
Precambrian rocks are best-exposed, such as in uplifted obliquely colliding North China craton. The northern
blocks along the North China craton margin, Late margin of the craton was reworked such that a series of
Archean and Paleoproterozoic rocks have been exten- orogenic gold systems developed in the Late Archean
sively reworked and deeply eroded by Rodinian-age and and Paleoproterozoic rocks above the subducting plate
younger orogenies. Many of the resultant exposures are (e.g., Hadamengou[16], Xiaoyinpan[22]; Table 2 and
of high-grade metamorphic basement rocks located be- Fig. 4). To the east, within the closing basin, arc-related
low crustal levels that are favorable for orogenic and magmatism included formation of the gold-rich Duo-
more shallowly-emplaced types of gold systems (Groves baoshan Cu–Mo porphyry deposit[90] (Table 3 and
et al. 1998). These rocks may host gold deposits, but Fig. 5) and the emplacement of additional orogenic lode
such deposits are associated with tectonism of younger gold systems may have been significant. The latter are
Paleozoic orogenies and not Precambrian events. now mainly eroded to form some of China’s most
The three main cratonic blocks in China, subsequent productive placer gold fields (e.g., Xikouzi[98], Ni-
to Neoproterozoic rifting from Rodinia, occurred as qiuhe[104], Huanan[105], Table 4 and Fig. 6).
microcontinents within the Paleo-Tethys Ocean The Triassic was characterized by collisions along
throughout almost the entirety of the Paleozoic (Li et al. many of the margins of the Yangtze craton (Sengör et al.
1996; I. Metcalfe, 1997 unpublished report; Li 1998). 1993) and gold-depositing hydrothermal events occurred
Whereas active margins existed along both sides of the subsequently within the affected regions (Fig. 3b). To
North China craton, and the southern margin of the the north, ocean closure between the Yangtze and North
Yangtze craton, there is little evidence of significant China cratons was associated with the formation of
oceanic plate subduction (Li 1998). If gold deposits orogenic gold ores in accreted flysch and arc sequences
formed in these Paleozoic microcontinents, they would of the western part of the Qinling gold province (e.g.,
have most likely been shallow level epithermal and Baguamiao[38], Liba[40], Table 2 and Fig. 4) soon after
porphyry systems near their margins. It is suggested that the Jurassic. To the west, accretion of terranes rifted
such deposits might resemble those presently scattered from the Gondwanan supercontinent on to the Yangtze
throughout the southwest Pacific basin. Such deposits craton (I. Metcalfe, 1997 unpublished report), was fol-
would easily be lost to erosion during later accretion of lowed by Triassic orogenic gold formation along the
the North China and Yangtze blocks to the Pangea su- main sutures (e.g., Jinchang[51], Qiuluo[48]; Table 2 and
percontinent. Fig. 4). At about the same time, continued collision
The oldest important gold deposits in China are the beneath the Qaidam block and final tectonism in the
Variscan ores in northern Xinjiang and along the Qilianshan resulted in similar ore-forming processes to
northern margin of the North China craton (Fig. 3a). the north (e.g., Hanshan[42]). Late Paleozoic–Early Me-
They represent some of the later stages in a complex sozoic events along the south-central side of the Yangtze

craton are not well understood, but they also suggest tration of metalliferous felsic to intermediate intrusions
some type of active margin. This would have been occur along both sides of the Tan-Lu fault within the
characterized by collision of the Indochina block from northeastern corner of the Yangtze craton, between
the west and compression and subduction from the east Wuhan and Shanghai (Fig. 5). The majority of the di-
(Yin and Nie 1996), leading to emplacement of orogenic orite, quartz diorite and granodiorite stocks, which
gold ores that are now located west of Hong Kong (e.g., comprise the Yangtze Igneous Group, were emplaced at
Hetai[52]; Table 2 and Fig. 4). about 135–127 Ma into Proterozoic basement and un-
The temporal history of Carlin-like gold deposits in metamorphosed Paleozoic to Triassic clastic and car-
China is poorly understood, but a Jurassic age is favored bonate rocks (Chen and Jahn 1998). The magmatism
here for much of the ore formation. Because host rocks was associated with widespread formation of gold-
are as young as Triassic, many of the Carlin-like ores bearing iron–copper skarn, copper porphyry, and epi-
can be no older than Mesozoic. Structural relationships thermal veins. These have been long considered as I-type
and questionable isotope geochronological data have led intrusions, but recent radiogenic data indicate a large
Li and Peters (1998) to conclude that these deposits in crustal component to the ore-related granites (Chen and
the western Qinling and Dian–Gui–Qian provinces may Jahn 1998). Whereas the cause of the magmatism re-
have formed anytime between Devonian and Tertiary. mains debatable (Lapierre et al. 1997), the concentration
Hu et al. (2001, this volume) suggest that they formed in of igneous activity at the intersection of the southern tip
the Cretaceous. Following Mao et al. (2002b, this vol- of the crustal-scale Tan-Lu fault system with the east-
ume), we think the available data appear to be more ernmost part of the Qinling-Dabie suture is intriguing.
consistent with pre-Cretaceous gold-forming events. Early Cretaceous strike-slip motion along the Tan-Lu,
Along the northwestern margin of the Yangtze cra- as well as the westerly-directed Kula or Izanaji plate
ton, the most reliable dates are of Jurassic age from the subduction under southern China, may both have been
Dashui deposit, and tectomagmatic events in the adja- critical for the formation of the voluminous melt in this
cent Songpan-Ganzi basin are also Early to Middle region (Fig. 3c).
Jurassic (Mao et al. 2002b, this volume). There is no This Early Cretaceous tectonism also was very no-
evidence for later extensional tectonism. Therefore, as table along all margins of the eastern half of the North
Jurassic orogenic lode-gold deposits were being depos- China craton. Magmatism and gold-bearing zones of
ited into the Neoproterozoic and Paleozoic clastic se- Precambrian basement uplifts formed simultaneously
quences, adjacent carbonate platform rocks of the along the northern (Hart et al. 2002, this volume),
northwestern Yangtze craton probably were serving as eastern (e.g., Jiaodong Peninsula; Qiu et al 2002, this
selective host units for Carlin-like gold ores. The Early volume) and southern margins (e.g., Xiao Qinling; Mao
Mesozoic geologic history of the area is simply not et al. 2002a, this volume) of the craton. About 2,500 t,
known in enough detail, and reliable geochronological or more than three-quarters of the Chinese gold re-
data are lacking such that specific genetic relationships, sources in orogenic quartz veins, occur in the Precam-
if any, between the Carlin-like ores and orogenic lodes brian metamorphic rocks and Phanerozoic granites in
cannot be assessed. However, clearly there is a close these areas. It is critical to re-emphasize that the younger
spatial and temporal relationship between these ore de- ages of the gold in the North China craton than those in
posit types in southern China. This contrasts with the the other Precambrian cratons may be explained by their
western USA, where collision-related orogenic gold de- different tectonic histories. The North China craton is
posits formed in accreted terranes to the west of the not a true craton because its margins have been sub-
craton margin at about 130 Ma (Goldfarb et al. 1998) jected to multiple tectonic events. This contrasts with
and extension-related Carlin deposits formed some other Precambrian cratons containing abundant late-
100 million years later (Hofstra et al. 1999), and far Archean gold resources (e.g., the Yilgarn block in Aus-
inland, in the cratonic-margin carbonate rocks. tralia and the Canada Shield), which have been isolated
Age relationships are even more uncertain for the from further significant orogeny since the end of the late
Carlin-like gold deposits along the southwestern margin Archean.
of the craton, but a middle Mesozoic hydrothermal The ultimate controls responsible for the abundance
event is a distinct possibility. This was a time of exten- of orogenic gold deposits within the eastern North
sive folding and mainly thin-skinned thrusting in the China craton remain poorly understood. Whereas ages
carbonate platform rocks and foreland-basin clastic of veining, styles of mineralization, and ore fluid tem-
rocks (Hsu et al. 1990; Li 1998), which host the deposits perature–pressure–composition are very consistent in
of the Dian–Gui–Qian province deposits. It is uncertain individual areas, the host rocks vary from almost ex-
as to the reliability of a number of Middle Jurassic to clusively granite on the Jiaodong Peninsula to a mixture
Early Cretaceous isotopic dates reported from these of basement metamorphic rocks and granite along the
Carlin-like deposits (Hu et al. 2001, this volume). northern craton margin, and to almost all clastic base-
A major, mainly Early Cretaceous, mineralizing epi- ment sequences in the Xiao Qinling region (Fig. 4). This
sode characterized much of eastern China, with impor- suggests that, where granites host the ores, they are
tant events recorded in rocks of both the Yangtze and simply slightly older structural traps, and are not the
North China cratons (Fig. 3c). An important concen- direct cause of hydrothermal events. Magmatism and

hydrothermal fluid flow could both be products of Pa- systems are more concentrated in the eastern part.
cific plate subduction, but gold ores in Xiao Qinling are Yanshanian gold also occurs in the Mesozoic granites,
some 1,600 km inland from the Pacific subduction zone which intruded Archean metamorphic rocks along the
(Figs. 2, 3, and 4). One possibility is a model that in- southeastern margin of the North China craton, forming
vokes the combined effects of the westerly-subducting the largest granite-hosted gold province in the world in
Pacific plate and the northerly-subducting Australia– the Jiaodong province. In the Qinling gold province,
India plate (Xie et al. 1994), along with some type of Yanshanian gold occurs in the reworked Precambrian
intracratonic slab delamination (Chen and Fu 1992). metamorphic rocks along the southern margin of the
A second scenario may relate to Early Cretaceous North China craton. In all these cases, late Paleozoic
lithosphere erosion in eastern China. Griffin et al. (1998) and Mesozoic orogenic gold-lodes are spatially associ-
suggest a possible cause for the high heat flow and a ated with uplifted basement blocks of Precambrian
relatively positive regional Bouger gravity anomaly, lo- metamorphic rocks. In contrast to other auriferous Late
cated between the continental margin and the north– Archean cratons, all the ores are Phanerozoic and no
south gravity lineament (some 1,000–1,500 km inboard) Precambrian systems have been recognized. A few skarn
since the Cretaceous, was the removal of 80 to 140 km of and porphyry gold and copper–gold deposits also occur
Archean lithospheric keel. They argue that upwelling along the northern and southern margins of the North
asthenosphere would have caused a rise in the temper- China craton. However, most of these are relatively
ature at the Moho from 400 C, which characterized the small.
pre-Cretaceous, to temperatures at and above those re- Post-Triassic, Carlin-like gold deposits occur within
quired for crustal melts. Such an event would have also the northwestern (Chuan-Shaan-Gan) and southwestern
produced significant fluid volumes at the mid-crustal (Dian-Gui-Qian) margins of the Yangtze craton, form-
levels and these fluids could have transported the wide- ing the second largest Carlin-type gold province in the
spread gold. It is puzzling that the better exposures of world (Fig. 4). Early Cretaceous gold-enriched skarn
Archean crust and most of the gold deposits that rim the and porphyry copper (± base metals) deposits occur on
eastern part of the craton and late Mesozoic basins are the northeastern and southeastern margins of the Yan-
found farther inland in zones of highest heat flow. Per- gtze craton, including epithermal veins of the South
haps the margins to the craton represent a broad belt of China fold belt and the very productive Yangtze River
uplifted blocks adjacent to the widespread, interior re- Cu–Au province, respectively (Figs. 4 and 5). The total
gional basin subsidence, and major faults, such as the gold resource of the various deposits within the Yangtze
Tan-Lu and E–W zones along the northern and south- craton is more than 1,500 t. East of the craton, impor-
ern craton margins, were the focus of uplift and crustal tant gold-rich epithermal veins, and breccia pipes on
fluid migration. northern Taiwan are associated with modern-day arc
Neotectonics along the Taiwan-Luzon volcanic arc evolution in the South China Sea.
have led to formation of China’s youngest lode-gold Phanerozoic fold belts in China occur between, or
deposits. Important Au–Ag–Cu epithermal veins and along, the margins of the major Precambrian cratons,
breccia pipes are concentrated in the northeastern corner e.g., Yangtze, North China, Tarim, Kazakhstan–Ky-
of Taiwan, including the largest epithermal deposit in rgyzstan, and Angara (Figs. 3 and 4). They represent the
China at Chinkuashih[65] (Table 2 and Fig. 4). Subvol- subduction and accretion of oceanic complexes and in-
canic and extrusive dacites that are associated with the tracratonic collision zones that have been mostly active
ores range in age from 1.3 to 0.9 Ma, and ores are as- in the late Paleozoic and early Mesozoic. From the north
sumed to have formed almost immediately after crys- to the south, these auriferous belts include the roughly
tallization of the slightly older (i.e., 1.3–1.1 Ma) E–W-trending Variscan Altayshan (extending easterly
subvolcanic rocks (Tan 1991). This episode of arc for- through Mongolia and Russia)–Xinganling fold belt; the
mation in the South China Sea reflects the still ongoing Variscan Tianshan–Beishan–Yinshan (Xinjiang and In-
oblique subduction of the Philippine Sea plate below the ner Mongolia) fold belt; Caledonian through Indosinian
eastern margin of the Eurasian plate. Qilianshan, Qinling–Kunlunshan and Qinling–Dabie–
Sulu (Yin and Nie 1993) fold belts; and Indosinian
Sanjiang fold belt (Figs. 3 and 4).
Summary Variscan orogenic gold is widespread in the Altayshan
fold belt, but eastwards there are virtually no important
Orogenic gold deposits occur in reworked Precambrian gold-only lode deposits in the Xinganling belt. However,
metamorphic rocks and Phanerozoic granites, which the latter hosts the main placer gold resource in China
intruded the Precambrian rocks on the northern, (Fig. 6) indicating probable erosion of such gold types.
southern, and southeastern margins of the North China Significant Variscan orogenic and epithermal gold oc-
craton, Fig. 4). These contain about one half (i.e., currences are scattered along the Tianshan–Beishan fold
2,500 t) of the total gold resources in China. In the belts (Figs. 3a and 4). Eastwards along the trend, how-
northern China gold province, Variscan orogenic gold is ever, orogenic gold occurs in the uplifted Precambrian
distributed along E–W-striking structures mainly in the basement of the North China gold province, rather than
western part of the province, whereas Yanshanian gold in the accreted Phanerozoic sedimentary rocks. Some

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Acknowledgements There are too many scholars from China and Mantle dynamics and plate interactions in East Asia. Geody-
overseas to be listed for acknowledging supporting, discussions, and/ namics 27:107–126
or providing information as well as reference papers. However, we Groves DI, Phillips GN, Ho SE, Houstoun SM, Standing CA
would like to mention Dexiu Qu, Wenkui Guo, Zongyao Rui, Pin- (1987) Craton-scale distribution of Archean greenstone gold
glan Zhou, Jingwen Mao, Hongtao Zhang, Jianquan Mao, Yimin deposits: predictive capacity of the metamorphic model. Econ
Zhao; Xuchang Xiao, Jishun Ren, Rongfu Pei, Jiqing Liu, Guxian Geol 82:2045–2058
Lü, Wanjun Shen, Jidong Sun, Menggeng Liu, Lansheng Liu, Longri Groves DI, Goldfarb RJ, Gebre-Mariam M, Hagemann SG,
Min, Dequan Zhang, Jiashan Wu, Fengjun Nie, Jun Zhou, David Robert F (1998) Orogenic gold deposits: a proposed classifica-
Groves, Ken McQueen, Guoyi Dong, Yumin Qiu, Zhengxiang Li, tion in the context of their crustal distribution and relationship
Ian Metcalfe, Stephen G. Peters, and Guojian Xu. Critical reviews on other deposits. Ore Geol Rev 13:7–27
from David Groves, Julian Verncombe, Steve Peters, and Mark Guo W (1987) Guide to the metallogenic map of endogenic ore
Mihalasky are appreciated and have improved this paper. deposits of China (1:4,000,000). Cartographic Publishing
House, Beijing
Hart C, Goldfarb RJ, Qiu Y, Snee LW, Miller LD, Miller ML
(2002) Gold deposits of the northern margin of the North
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