Lecture 3: Electrochemical Energy Storage: I. Equivalent Circuit Models

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Equivalent Circuit Models

Lecture 3: Electrochemical Energy Storage
MIT Student

In this lecture, we will learn some examples of electrochemical energy storage. A general
idea of electrochemical energy storage is shown in Figure 1. When the electrochemical energy
system is connected to an external source (connect OB in Figure 1), it is charged by the source
and a finite charge Q is stored. So the system converts the electric energy into the stored
chemical energy in charging process. When the system is connected to an external resistive
circuit (connect OA in Figure 1), it releases the finite Q and drives a current through the external
circuit. The system converts the stored chemical energy into electric energy in discharging

Stored Discharging
chemical I
energy A B
(finite Q)

Figure 1: Electrochemical Energy Storage

A simple example of energy storage is capacitor. Figure 2 shows the basic circuit for
capacitor discharge. Here we talk about the integral capacitance. The capacitance is defined as a


The current is


Lecture 3: Electrochemical energy storage 10.626 (2011) Bazant

The voltage applied to the external resistance is


Plug (1) and (2) into (3) and use the total resistance , then we get


Apply the initial condition , we can solve the equation

The relation between stored charge and time is shown in Figure 3, where is called decay

C Rint

-Q +Q


e- I


Figure 2: Basic Circuit for Capacitor Discharge


0 τ = RC Time

Figure 3: Stored Charge vs. Time for Capacitor

Lecture 3: Electrochemical energy storage 10.626 (2011) Bazant

In the following sections, we will introduce some practical examples of electrochemical

energy storage.

1. Supercapacitors

A supercapacitor (or ultracapacitor) is an electrochemical capacitor that has an unusually

high energy density when compared to common capacitors, typically on the order of thousands
of times greater than a high capacity electrolytic capacitor. In general, supercapacitors improve
storage density through the use of a nano porous material, as shown in Figure 4. Two very high
surface area porous electrodes are soaked in electrolyte. The charge is stored in electrochemical
double layers. E le c tr o ly te

Carbon aerogel


Rext B

Figure 4: Basic Structure of Supercapacitor

Φ=0 Metal
Separator Φ(x) Pores

Figure 5: Equivalent Circuit of Supercapacitor

Lecture 3: Electrochemical energy storage 10.626 (2011) Bazant

A supercapacitor can be modeled as an RC transmission line, shown in Figure 5. Assume a

symmetric situation of two identical porous electrodes of thickness L, and thus focus on only
one, in the region 0 < x < L. The electrolyte-filled pore space has a constant volume-averaged
resistance per length r and constant capacitance per unit length c. Neglect any resistance in the
porous electrode or the thin gap between the electrodes. The mean potential in the pores satisfies
a linear diffusion equation


If we apply a sudden change of voltage V for t>0 at x=0, the current response can be estimated

2. Primary Batteries

A primary cell is any kind of battery in which the electrochemical reaction is not reversible.
Primary batteries can produce current immediately on assembly. A primary cell is not
rechargeable because the chemical reactions are not reversible and active materials may not
return to their original forms. Leclanche cell is a typical primary battery. The modern
commercial Leclanche cell packaging and the basic structure are shown in Figure 6. The
detailed reactions are

Anode (oxidation reaction, produces electrons):

Cathode (reduction reaction, consumes electrons):

Net reaction:

Lecture 3: Electrochemical energy storage 10.626 (2011) Bazant

Image by MIT OpenCourseWare.


Zn ZnO Mn2O3 MnO2

Anode Cathode



Figure 6: Basic Structure and Packaging [1] of LeClanche Cell

3. Secondary Batteries

Secondary batteries are also known as rechargeable batteries because their electrochemical
reactions are electrically reversible. Li-ion battery shown in Figure 7 is a typical example of
secondary battery. Li ions move from the negative electrode to the positive electrode during
discharge, and reversely when charging. During discharge the negative electrode is the anode
where oxidation takes place and during charge it turns into the cathode where reduction takes
place. The half-reactions of discharging are

Anode (oxidation reaction, produces electrons):

Cathode (reduction reaction, consumes electrons):

Lecture 3: Electrochemical energy storage 10.626 (2011) Bazant

e- Li

Anode Cathode


Figure 7: Basic Structure of Li-ion Battery

Discharging and charging of a simple secondary battery can be modeled as Figure 8.

1) Discharging (connect OA in Figure 8):

2) Charging (connect OB in Figure 8):

where R is the total resistance .

Lecture 3: Electrochemical energy storage 10.626 (2011) Bazant

Ca Va 0 Rint Vc0 Cc

-Qa +Qa

Rext A


Figure 8: Equivalent Circuit of Rechargeable Battery

The relation between V and Q of Li-ion battery is often highly nonlinear, as shown in Figure
9. The detail will be discussed in Lecture 9.


I<0, charging
I<0, charging

I>0, I>0,
discharging discharging
0 Qmax Q 0 Qmax Q

(a) LixCoO2 (b) LixFePO4

Figure 9: Nonlinear V vs. Q Relation of Li-ion Batteries

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10.626 Electrochemical Energy Systems

Spring 2014

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