Process Control and Instrumentation: B.Tech. (Chemical Engineering) Seventh Semester (CBS)
Process Control and Instrumentation: B.Tech. (Chemical Engineering) Seventh Semester (CBS)
Process Control and Instrumentation: B.Tech. (Chemical Engineering) Seventh Semester (CBS)
b) What is pure capacitive system? Derive the transfer function for the same relating head 8
in the tank with inlet flow rate at steady state.
2. a) Consider ‘n’ first order non – interacting multi capacity control systems in series 8
represented as follows.
3. a) Determine the overall transfer function C(s) / R(s) for the system shown below. 8
R + + +
G1 G2 G3 _ G4
b) Derive the step response equation for second order system to which step input is 8
incorporated. Consider the damping coefficient 1 for this case.
AHK/KW/19/2562 1 P.T.O
4. a) With neat labelled diagram explain the mechanism of proportional Integral Derivative 8
Controller. Also derive the transfer function for the same.
b) Explain the functions of different modes of control with neat sketch. In a P1 controller 8
with integral time I = 1min , the sensitivity of controller k c = 1 . The error is subjected to
linear change of 3º C / min . Obtain the response equation of the controller.
5. a) What is offset of Controller? Determine the offset of the proportional controller for servo 8
mechanism control problem for following control system.
R + + + 1 C
_ G (s)
s +1
b) The unity feedback control system is given a step change of magnitude one to the set point. 8
Determine the offset and the maximum value of response if overall transfer function for
the system is,
C(s) 0.7
R(s) s 2 + 0.6s + 1
6. With neat labelled diagram explain the direct digital control of following : 16
a) Top of distillation Column.
b) Extraction Column.
i) Multiplexer
8. With neat labelled diagram explain the construction & working of following instruments. 16
i) Radiation Liquid Level Indicator.
ii) Laser Liquid Level Indicator.
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