Process Control and Instrumentation: B.Tech. (Chemical Engineering) Seventh Semester (CBS)

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(Chemical Engineering) Seventh Semester (CBS)

Process control and Instrumentation
P. Pages : 2 AHK/KW/19/2562
Time : Three Hours *1544* Max. Marks : 80
Notes : 1. All questions carry marks as indicated.
2. Due credit will be given to neatness and adequate dimensions.
3. Assume suitable data whenever necessary.
4. Illustrate your answers whenever necessary with the help of neat sketches.
5. Use of non programmable calculator is permitted.
6. Solve any five questions.

1. a) The hot junction of a thermocouple is at a temperature of 30ºC. The thermocouple is placed 8

in a bath of 80ºC. Calculate the time needed to attain 63.2% of the total applied magnitude
of step change. The time constant of thermocouple is 6 sec.

b) What is pure capacitive system? Derive the transfer function for the same relating head 8
in the tank with inlet flow rate at steady state.

2. a) Consider ‘n’ first order non – interacting multi capacity control systems in series 8
represented as follows.

G1(s) G2(s) Gn(s)

X1 X2 X3 Xn Xn+1

Prove that generalized overall transfer function can be represented as

X (s)
G overall (s) = n +1 = G1(s) G 2 (s).....G n (s)
Consider the case of two tank system.

b) A second order system is observed to exhibit an underdamped response having the 8

ultimate value of the response is 16, the minimum value of response is 10. If the value of
damping parameter are 0.6, 0.4, 0.2, 0.1, Determine the overshoot and maximum value of
response for each damping parameter.

3. a) Determine the overall transfer function C(s) / R(s) for the system shown below. 8

R + + +
G1 G2 G3 _ G4

b) Derive the step response equation for second order system to which step input is 8
incorporated. Consider the damping coefficient   1 for this case.

AHK/KW/19/2562 1 P.T.O
4. a) With neat labelled diagram explain the mechanism of proportional Integral Derivative 8
Controller. Also derive the transfer function for the same.

b) Explain the functions of different modes of control with neat sketch. In a P1 controller 8
with integral time I = 1min , the sensitivity of controller k c = 1 . The error is subjected to
linear change of 3º C / min . Obtain the response equation of the controller.

5. a) What is offset of Controller? Determine the offset of the proportional controller for servo 8
mechanism control problem for following control system.
R + + + 1 C
_ G (s)
s +1

b) The unity feedback control system is given a step change of magnitude one to the set point. 8
Determine the offset and the maximum value of response if overall transfer function for
the system is,
C(s) 0.7
R(s) s 2 + 0.6s + 1

6. With neat labelled diagram explain the direct digital control of following : 16
a) Top of distillation Column.
b) Extraction Column.

7. Write short notes on following : 16

i) Multiplexer

ii) Distributed Control System

iii) Programmable Logic Controller (PLC)

iv) Supervisory Control.

8. With neat labelled diagram explain the construction & working of following instruments. 16
i) Radiation Liquid Level Indicator.
ii) Laser Liquid Level Indicator.


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