Control Theory 2010
Control Theory 2010
Control Theory 2010
Q.1 (a) Using the block diagram reduction techniques, find the closed loop transfer 08
function of the system whose block diagram is given in Fig. 1.
(b) Write short notes on open loop control systems and closed loop control 06
systems. Discuss their advantages and disadvantages.
Q.2 (a) Sketch the root loci of unity feedback control system on a graph paper using 07
a suitable scale, whose open-loop transfer function is given below.
Determine the range of gain for stability and the point at which it crosses the
imaginary axis. Determine the value of gain K at the breakaway point.
(b) Draw signal flow graph of the system shown in Fig.1. Obtain overall system 07
transfer function using Mason’s gain formula.
(b) (i) Find the number of roots in the right half of the s-plane using R-H 07
criterion, for the characteristic equation given below:
Q.3 (a) Write definitions of state and state variables. Derive expression of transfer 06
function of the system which is represented in the following standard state
space form:
(b) Obtain the transfer function of the system defined by following state-space 08
Q.3 (a) Derive expression of response, c(t), of second order unity feedback system 08
whose closed-loop transfer function is given below, for a unit step input as a
function of time t and damping ratio ζ. Derive expression of c(t) for ζ=0
and ζ=1.
(b) Derive expressions of (i) Rise time, tr (ii) Peak time, tp and (iii) Peak 06
overshoot, Mp for the system of above Question 3(a).
Q.4 (a) Consider the first order system with a controller as shown in Fig. 2. 07
(i) Find the steady state error ess with unit step input using a proportional
controller with gain Kp. (see Fig. 2a)
(ii) Find the steady state error ess with unit step input using an integral
controller gain Ki. Comment on the results. (see Fig. 2b)
(b) Define thermal resistance and thermal capacitance. Explain thermal systems. 07
Q.4 (a) (i) A system has open-loop transfer function as given below. 06
Find gain margin of this system without a sketch of Bode plots.
Q.5 (a) Comment on the stability of a system with an open-loop transfer function as 07
given below, using Nyquist stability criterion.
(b) Using the Bode plots obtained in the above problem; draw G(jω) on Nichols 07
chart. Find bandwidth and resonant peak magnitude and the frequency at
which it occurs. Sketch the closed-loop response on the same semi-log paper
used for above problem. You may please use a different scale for magnitude
if required.
R(s) C(s)
G1 G3
Figure 2a. [Q.4 (a) (i)] Figure 2b. [Q.4 (a) (ii)]