DMIT Concept
DMIT Concept
DMIT Concept
1. Intrinsic potential
2. Multiple Intelligence Distribution
3. Dominant and Preferred Learning Style
4. Learning Communication Character
5. Allocation of various abilities
6. Psychological & Planning Capability
7. Learning Sensitivity
8. Innate Work - Management style
I will no w introd uce you to M ultip le Intelligen ce con cept in b rief
A bo ut M u ltip le In tellige nce The ory
As y ou are aware, a co mmon , yet faulty method o f checkin g the intelligence
lev el o f a child is an IQ test. H o wever it uses only langu age, maths and lo gic as
a base to find the IQ lev el. It co mpletely overlo oks talen ts in areas lik e sp orts,
music, art fo rms, commu nication etc.
A bout Dermatoglyphics
1. Derm atoglyp hics (fro m an cient Greek derma = skin, glyp h = carving) is
the scientific stu dy of fingerprin ts. The term was coin ed by Dr. Haro ld
Cu mmins, the father o f American fingerprin t analysis. Th e p rocess of
fin gerp rint iden tificatio n h ad been u sed for several hu ndred years n ow.
2. Scien tists researched skin rid ge patterns an d estab lished that the
fin gerp rint pattern s actually develop in the wo mb an d are fully formed
by th e fou rth mon th of pregnancy
3. The main th rust o f scientific Dermatoglyphics research has b een directed
into gen etic research an d the diagno sis of chromo so mal defects. Over
the last th irty years or so, m ore th an four thousand med ical resea rch
papers have been written on th e significance of skin-rid ge p atterns!
4. Sign ificant in vestigatio ns have b een carried ou t into the
Derm atoglyp hics in dicato rs of congenital h eart d isease, cancer,
intestin al disord ers, A lzh eimer's disease, schizoph renia, au tism as well as
other fo rms of mental illnesses. Most o f th is research h as only been
pu blished in International med ical jo urnals.
Yo u have to take t he necess ary steps to enhance and empo wer in your capability t o
exc el. MIND TECH gave you a shorter JOURNEY; relax able & happy learning mode,
unders tanding yo ur characteristics and a confirmatio n of YOU.
Being lousy in it doesn’t mean yo u can’t excel in it anymore or that you are bo rn stupid.
The MIN D TECH is to determine and confirm o f your c apability in your area of
intelligences instantly. The Reaso n you are lousy is bec ause you do not have eno ugh
neuron-co nnections in your brain for this purpose. Do not waste time test ing with all
reso urces then confirm of yo ur weaknesses later on. R emember, we are in t he 21st
century; everyone is mo ving in lightning speed. Can you afford to waste time!
I will no w introduce you to Multiple intelligence concept in brief.
Examples to be used
1). We have seen many times in our house or neighborhood that some children like
to study while keeping some music on, or walk and roam around while reading; but
parents feel that they are wasting time and will not be able to concentrate. Most
parents fail to understand that children with high Musical Intelligence might prefer
light music when studying, and those with high Kinesthetic Intelligence can get
restless if made to sit and study in a quiet corner.
The music and physical activity increases their concentration and they can study
2). During a MI Test in Indonesia, we found that a child was high in Naturalistic &
Musical Intelligence. But he was not getting good grades in school, which was
causing immense stress in the child. He used to get irritated and angry often. So we
suggested that his parents use wallpapers in his room, depicting natural scenes,
wildlife etc. and also install small speakers to play light music. Once these changes
were done, he could focus better and after a few months, the parents reported
tremendous change in his behavior, which was now more relaxed and calm. His
grades also improved gradually.
3). We can find many examples in our society, an excellent one being Sachin
Tendulkar, to prove that formal education is not the only way to success in life. He
has not completed formal education even till 12th grade, but he is excellent in his
chosen field. His parents identified his talent at an early age and nurtured it, but how
many parents do this?
May be you were not that lucky but your child is. Now you have a way & technology
to recognize his/her talent at early age and nurture it to help them achieve what they
are best at.
4). You might have seen many doctors/engineers who are very successful in their
careers, so we feel that our child should also choose these high paying professions.
But we ignore the fact that there are many unsuccessful and frustrated
doctors/engineers around us too. They face each day at work without enjoying what
they do. Isn’t it better to identify the special and unique talents of your child, and
help him choose an appropriate profession?
Let’s not make our childrens’ lives stressful. Let’s help them discover their hidden
It Can Kill Your Brain’s Growth and Buried Your Talents by Saying “I DON”T