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FORM 3: LAC Session Report: For Example, If You Disagree or Strongly Disagree, Please Indicate Why.)

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FORM 3: LAC Session Report

This form should be accomplished by the LAC Facilitator at the end of every LAC session.


September Barahan NHS/Face to face Session
Number of members present (attach attendance document):
Materials and resources:

aSelf-Learning Module
a Activity sheets
a Digital resources
a Online resources
___ Smartphone
a PC
a LAC session guide
___ Others. Please specify:

Part A
Please indicate the extent to which you agree with each of the following statements by
ticking the appropriate box.

(SD = Strongly Disagree; D = Disagree; N = Neutral; A = Agree; SA = Strongly agree)

Comments / Remarks
(For example, if you disagree or
strongly disagree, please indicate
SD D N A SA why.)
1. All of the members came They were all prepared
a because a day ahead, we
prepared for the LAC
session have conducted an
orientation virtually.
2. All of the members had an Healthy discussions among
opportunity to share and the members were
discuss their assignment, a maintained throughout the
insights, and ideas session.
3. Members listened to each a All participants respect the
other’s insights and ideas. thoughts of each other.
4. The members’ assignments They accomplished all of
showed an understanding of their assigned task in
the lessons in the SLM. accordance to the
objectives of all lessons.
5. The members demonstrated All participants were
engagement in and/or eagerly doing their task.
enthusiasm for the learning a
tasks during the session
(including providing feedback
on each other’s assignment).
6. I managed the sharing and Since I have a copy of the
discussion during the LAC module, the lesson
session by keeping the a assigned to me was well
discussion focused on the delivered.
lesson or topic.
7. I encouraged all the members If parts of the lesson do
to actively participate in the not seem that clear, I ask
LAC session (i.e., for the a all participants to share
teachers to share their work their interpretation on it.
and ideas/ insights).
8. I provided useful feedback on I commented
the teachers’ assignments. a constructively to the
participant's outputs.

Part B
Please provide the information requested.

1. The best part of the session (i.e. what went well):

The best part of the session are the improvements that are planned for the new normal
education in our Individual Professional Commitment Review.

2. Problems or challenges encountered and how they were resolved:

There were no issues directly experienced during my time but as a whole we experienced
power interruption. Since we all have the module copy, facilitators turn to reading and
clarifying the topic assigned to them.

3. Other topics discussed apart from the recommended topics, if any:

4. Recommendations/Plans for next LAC session:

Next time, I would suggest giving us enough time before we hold the LAC Session, so
that every facilitator can review the lesson well assigned to him / her.

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