Class Notes - Advanced Soil Mechanics

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CE 6310 Advanced Soil Mechanics (3 Credits)

Instructors: Prof. Sireesh S

Contact: Faculty office # 302,, 040 2301 6066

Class Hours: Tue: 2:30 -4:00 pm (

Fri: 4:00 – 5:30 pm (

Course Contents:

Chapter 01 Introduction to soils and Rocks

Soil; Geology of soils and rocks; Soil particle sizes, shapes, and grading; Clays and clay-water
system; soil indices and phase relationships.
Chapter 02 Stresses and Strains in Soils
Soil as a continuum; deformation of soil; effective stress principle; stress analysis; strain
analysis; Mohr’s circle; dilatancy angle; zero-extension line; stress paths (p’-q’ space, s-t space).
Chapter 03: Stress and Strain Paths and Invariants
Stress paths; Invariants of stress; Strain paths; Invariants of strain; Volumetric strains
Chapter 04: Laboratory Testing of Soils
Requirements of soil loading tests; boundary conditions; control of loading, pore pressure and
drainage; triaxial tests, oedometer tests etc.
Chapter 05 Compression and One-dimensional Consolidation
Compression-Consolidation; Secondary compression; Isotropic compression of clay; over
consolidation; theory of one-dimensional consolidation; time factor, average degree of
Chapter 06: The critical state line and Roscoe surface (NC Clays)
Families of undrained tests; families of drained tests; critical state line, Roscoe surface
Chapter 07: Behavior of Overconsolidated soils
Drained tests; Hvorslev surface; critical state line; complete stage boundary surface

Text Books:
1) J.H. Atkinson and P.L. Bransby, “The mechanics of soils and Foundations, Tylor and Francis,
Second Edition.
2) R. D. Holtz, W. D. Kovacs and T. C. Sheahan, “Introduction to geotechnical engineering”, 2nd
Ed., Prentice-Hall
3) T. W. Lambe and R.V. Whitman, “Soil mechanics”, Wiley Publisher
4) B.M. Das, “Advanced soil mechanics”, 2nd Edition, Taylor & Francis

III. Grading Policy

Mid-semester exam-35%, Final-35%, Assignments-20%, Attendance- 10%, Class interaction 5%.

NOTE: If the students are found copying during an assignment or an exam, both the students involved in
sharing and copying will be given an ‘F’ grade for the course.

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