A / The / Zero Article Part II: L Intermediate Grammar
A / The / Zero Article Part II: L Intermediate Grammar
A / The / Zero Article Part II: L Intermediate Grammar
Un / una / uno El / La -
1. Primera mención (no se sabe de 1. Segunda Mención o cosas / personas 1. Cosas o Personas en General
quién o de qué se está hablando específicas (se sabe de quién o de qué se está ○ I don’t drink milk
especificamente) hablando especificamente) ○ I like coffee.
○ I saw an old woman with a dog ○ A man and a woman sat in front of me.The ○ Women drive more cautiously than men.
in the park. man was British, but I think the woman wasn’t. 2. Comidas (breakfast, lunch, dinner)
2. Descripciones u ocupación ○ Where are the kids?’ ‘They’re in the garden.’ ○ Dinner is served at 8.
○ Paula is a teacher. ○ I sat on the chair in the corner. ○ I always have breakfast with my children.
○ Paris is an interesting city. ○ I don’t like the milk John brought. 3. Años, meses y días
○ When I was a teenager, I 2. Cosas únicas (moon, sun, capital, president, ○ Friday is my favourite day of the week.
enjoyed sleeping. Internet, universe, sky, radio, etc) ○ I think 2021 will be an excellent year.
3. Para frecuencias, ratios y ○ The manager must be really rich. 4. TV
velocidades ○ The moon looks beautiful today. ○ I watched it on TV.
○ I work 6 hours a day 3. Lugares comunes (bank, park, cinema, library, ○ I don’t watch TV.
○ The rent is €500 a month. supermarket, zoo, gym, station, theatre, airport) ○ But: Turn off the TV. I’ve bought a new TV.
○ We were driving at 70 km an ○ I’m going to the bank. 5. Idiomas y Materias de escuela o universidad
hour. ○ I found Peter at the station. ○ He doesn’t speak English but he speaks J apanese
4. What a/such a + singular ○ I’m at the library. ○ I study biology. I hate history
countable noun 4. Superlatives (the - est) 6. Next, last (Después o antes de ahora)
○ What a fantastic idea! ○ This is the best restaurant in town. ○ The meeting is next Thursday.
○ What a beautiful day! 5. Instrumentos musicales ○ I saw him last week.
○ Yesterday was such a horrible ○ Margaret plays the guitar and I play the flute. ○ Last year we spent one week in London.
day! 6. Nombres de rios, océanos, mares y canales: ○ But: We really loved London.The last day we were
○ This is such a difficult problem! (The Mediterranean, the Atlantic, the Amazon, really sad.
○ Thanks, you are such a good the Panama canal, the Nile) 7. Cuando hablamos sobre (home, work, bed, hospital,
friend. ○ The Nile is the longest river. school, university, prison) en general.
7. Nombres de Países que contienen ○ David isn’t at school this morning.
sustantivos plurales (the Netherlands, the ○ She has been in bed all morning.
Bahamas,The Philippines) o incluye palabras ○ BUT: I found the keys under the bed. I’m going to
como “State or Republic, or Kingdom” (the the school to pick up my children.
US - the United States, the UK - the United 8. Name + number.
Kingdom, the Czech Republic) ○ He is in room 15.
○ Go to page 86.
9. Con la mayoría de nombres lugares como
continentes (Europe, Africa), países (Spain, China),
ciudades o pueblos (Rome, Bangkok), montañas
(mount Everest, Annapurna)
Subject Pronouns Object Pronouns Possesive Adjectives Possesive
Reflexive Pronouns (RP)
(SP) (OP) (PA) Pronouns (PP)
She Ella her a ella her Su __ de ella. hers De ella herself ella misma
It* Eso it a eso its Su __ de eso. its De eso itself eso mismo
They* Ellos them a ellos their Su __ de ellos theirs De ellos themselves ellos mismos
Interesting Interested
Interesante Interesado
(produce interés) (se siente con interés en algo)
boring bored
ser aburrido estar aburrido
(produce aburrimiento) (se siente aburrido)
confusing confused
confuso confundido
(produce confusión) (se siente confundido)
surprising surprised
sorprendente sorprendido
(produce sorpresa) (se siente sorprendido)
disappointing disappointed
decepcionante decepcionado
(produce decepción) (se siente decepcionado)
annoying annoyed
molestoso molesto
(produce molestia) (se siente molesto)
So & Neither
Yo tambien vs Yo tampoco
Speaker A Speaker B
S+V So + Aux + S S + Aux + too S + V + too S + V(-) Neither + Aux + s S + Aux(-) + either S + V(-) + either
I am tired So she I am too I am tired too I am not tired Neither am I I am not either I am not tired either
I like soccer So do I I do too I like soccer too I don’t like soccer Neither do I I don’t either I don’t like soccer either
I was at home So was I I was too I was at home I wasn’t at home Neither was I I wasn’t either I wasn’t at home either
I went to bed So did I I did too I went to bed too I didn’t go to bed Neither did I I didnt either I didn’t go to bed either
Sally has found it So have I I have too I have found it too Sally hasn’t found it Neither have I I haven’t either I haven’t found it either
I will be late So will I I will too I will be late too I won’t be late Neither will I I won’t either I won’t be late either
He can speak So can I I can too I can speak too He can’t speak Neither can I I can't either I can’t speak either
You should go So should I I should too I should go too You shouldn’t go Neither should I I shouldn’t either I shouldn’t go either
She always runs So do I I do too I always run too *She never runs Neither do I I don’t either I never run either
nor = neither
.However, +S+V Sin embargo We didn’t like the hotel. However, we had a good time.
Although it was raining, we had a good time.
Even though +S+V Aunque
Contrast Even though he studied a lot, he didn’t pass the test.
… so that +S+V para que He studied so that he could pass the test
+ Noun He studied for the test.
for por (algo)
+ Ving She lost control for drinking alcohol
S: Subject / V: Verbo (en cualquier tiempo) / Noun: Sustantivo / Vb: Verbo base
Intensifiers II
too + Adj/Adv This cake is too sweet / Homework is too difficult.
UN: Uncountable Nouns / P: Countable Plural Nouns / S: Countable Singular Nouns
Quantifiers II
Quantifier (+) (-) (?) Example
1 a/an + S (+)(-)(?) un/una I have a cat / I don’t want an apple.
8 Much + UN
(-) mucho They don’t have m
uch homework
(?) cuánto How much homework do you have?
A little/ a bit of + UN (+)(-)(?) un poco de He has a little/ a bit of time to study.
Little + UN (+)(-)(?) casi nada de He has little time to study.
Either… or … Either Mike or John has been here.
(+) Cualquiera ✔ Either + Sing You can fish from either side of the river.
Either Singular
(-) Ninguno Either of the + P Either of the cars is a good purchase.
Either of + them/us/you Either of them is OK.
(+) Ving / (-) not + Ving (+) To Vb / (-) not + To Vb (+) Vb / (-) not + Vb
forget + to Vb Olvidar hacer algo que ● I think I forgot to lock the door when we left.
+ Ving Olvidar algo del pasado ● I’ll never forget walking on that amazing beach for the first time.
Recordar hacer algo que ● He didn’t remember to turn off the heating after class.
+ to Vb
tenemos que hacer ● Please, will you remember to close the windows if you leave?
Recordar algo del ● I remember eating on this same chair the day I graduated.
+ Ving
pasado ● I remember mentioning the issue to Elisabeth last week.
Parar de hacer algo para ● We had been driving for hours, so we had to stop to eat something
+ to Vb
empezar otra and go to the toilet. (=We stopped driving in order to eat.)
● Could you stop biting y our nails?
+ Ving Parar de hacer algo
● I need to stop smoking once and for ever.
Tag Questions
Conditionals - Alternatives to If
Suppose Suponiendo que ● Supposing I got a job, I wouldn’t be able to travel with you next summer.
Suppossing (2,3) ● Suppose she didn’t believe you, what would you do then
En caso de que
4 In case ● I’ll take my umbrella in case it rains. (=because it might rain)
as long as
● I’ll tell you what really happened as long as you keep the secret.
provided (that) Sólo si
● I’ll lend you the money provided (that) you pay me back next month.
5 providing (that) Con la condición
● They will speak to the press on condition (that) they remain anonymous sources.
on condition (that) (1)
● We will invest the money, but only if you can prove that it’s a safe investment.
only if
● Should you find the answer, please let me know as soon as possible. (=If you find the answer)
Usado en 1st
Should + S + (not) Vb ● Should y ou not wish to retake the test, you must let us know before the end of June. (NOT
6 Conditional
(=If + S + Vb) Shouldn’t you wish)
● Should you change your mind, you know where to contact us. (=If you change your mind)
● Were we to announce the truth, we would receive a lot of criticism. (=If we announced …)
Were + S + (not) to Vb Usado en 2nd
8 ● Were t hey to buy a new house, they would need to sell the old one first. (=If they bought …)
(=If + S + Past Simple) Conditional
● Were y ou not my brother, I would call the police. (NOT Weren’t you)
Comparatives Superlatives
# Silabos Comparamos 1 objeto / persona con otro. Comparamos 1 objeto / persona frente a los demás
My grades are worse than your grades This is the worst weather I’ve ever seen
Comparatives Examples
...than + OP (me, you, him, her, them, us) My sister is taller than me.
1 ...than + PP (mine, yours, his, hers, theirs) My barbie is taller than yours.
...than + S + Aux My sister is taller than I am.
3 less + Adj-b (than) (Menos … que) He is less hardworking than she is
(-) Any + Comparative Your performance wasn’t any better than mine.
(+) no + Comparative =Your performance was no better than mine.
More + Adv-ly She speaks more quietly than her boss. (quietlier)
(adverbios que terminen en “ly”) He cooks well, but more slowly than them (slowlier)
Superlatives Examples
2 Superlative + S + has/ have + ever + P.P This is the best movie I’ve ever
(que yo alguna vez he hecho) watched.
Causative Form
Hacer que algo sea hecho Tener a alguien que haga algo
(por alguien más) (por nosotros)
Indirect Questions
We normally use indirect questions, when we want to be more polite
1 2 3 4
Where am/is/are I -
When He
Why She
What do/ does It
What time did You
How long has/ have We Vb?
How many They
How Modals
1 2 3 4
whose + N cuyo possession She is the woman whose baby was born yesterday.
why for which porqué reason It was late. That's why I didn’t call you.
Relative Clauses
Defining Non-Defining
No commas Commas
● This is the music which was used at ● This music, which I really like, was used
the show. at the show.
● Have they found the prisoner who ● My sister, who I truly admire, is coming
escaped last week? for Thanksgiving
Passive Voice
Present Simple They take the photos The photos are taken
Present Continuous They are taking the photos The photos ae beingr taken
Present Perfect They have taken the photos The photos have been taken
Past Simple They took the photos The photos were taken
Past Continuous They were taking the photos The photos were being taken
Past Perfect They had taken the photos The photos had been taken
Future They will take the photos The photos will be taken
Be going to They are going to take the photos The photos are going to be taken
Es importante que alguien haga algo
USE: Es una estructura formal usada en situaciones de gran importancia o urgencia, expresados por alguien con cierto grado de
autoridad o en un manuscrito formal. Es usado con verbos o adjetivos que expresan urgencia, obligación o recomendación.
Should + Vb: El uso del Subjunctive es común en el Inglés Americano que en el Británico, donde
se usa SHOULD + Vb
Unreal Wishes
I wish : Desearía
If only: Si tan sólo
Past perfect (had + P.P): cosas que ● (I wish / If only things) I hadn’t quit m
y job two
pasaron en el pasado y nos years ago.
lamentamos de haberlo o no hecho. ● (I wish / If only things) we hadn’t wasted all
Usado para criticas o Lamentaciones that money.
Note: that we can use “were” instead of “was” with “I/he/she” after I wish/if only.