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Communicative Styles: Module in English 9

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Module in English 9
First Quarter



Department of Education Schools Division of Tabuk City

Republic of the Philippines
Cordillera Administrative Region
Dagupan Centro, Tabuk City

Published by:
Learning Resource Management and Development System


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This material has been developed for the implementation of K-12 Curriculum through
the Curriculum Implementation Division (CID)—Learning Resource Management and
Development System (LRMDS). It can be reproduced for educational purposes and
the source must be acknowledged. Derivatives of the work including creating an edited
version, an enhancement or a supplementary work are permitted provided all original
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This module is a project of the Curriculum Implementation Division particularly

the Learning Resource Management and Development Unit, Department of
Education, Schools Division of Tabuk City which is in response to the implementation
of the K to 12 Curriculum.

This Learning Material is a property of the Department of Education- CID,

Schools Division of Tabuk City. It aims to improve learners’ performance specifically
in English.

Date of Development : June 2020

Resource Location : Tabuk City National High School

Northern Tabuk District 2

Learning Area : English

Grade Level :9

Learning Resource Type : Module

Language : English

Quarter/Week : Quarter 1

Learning Competency/Code : Employ the appropriate communicative styles for

various situations (intimate, casual, conversational,
consultative, frozen) /EN9G-lle-20 (MELC 2020)


The developer wishes to express his gratitude to those who helped in the
development of this learning material. The fulfillment of this learning material would
not be possible without these people who gave their support, helping hand and





Department Head VI Master Teacher 1


Project Development Officer II Librarian II


Division Illustrator



Principal IV EPS, English Public Schools District Supervisor, NTD 1



OIC, Schools Division Superintendent

OIC, Assistant Schools Division Superintendent

Chief Education Supervisor, CID

Education Program Supervisor, LRMDS



Cover Page………………………………………………………………………. i
Copyright Notice…………………………………………………………………. ii
Preface……………………………………………………………………………. iii
Acknowledgement……………………………………………………………….. iv
Table of Contents………………………………………………………………… v
Title Page…………………………………………………………………………. 1
What I Need to Know……………………………………………………………. 2
Learning Objectives……………………………………………………… 2
What I Know………………………………………………………………………. 3

Lesson Proper
What’s In…………………………………………………………………............. 5
What’s New………………………………………………………………………. 7
What’s It…………………………………………………………………………… 7
What’s More
Activity 1…………………………………………………………………… 10
Assessment 1……………………………………………………………... 11
Activity 2…………………………………………………………………… 13
Assessment 2…………………………………………………………….. 13
What I Have Learned…………………………………………………………….. 15
What I Can Do…………………………………………………………………….. 16
Post-Assessment…………………………………………………………………. 17
Additional Activities……………………………………………………………….. 19
Answer Key………………………………………………………………………... 20
Reference Sheet………………………………………………………………….. 21


Module in English 9
First Quarter



Department of Education Schools Division of Tabuk City

What I Need to Know

Good day! This part will give you a brief orientation on what
are expected from you after going over this module. Read and
understand the objective. Stay on track!

Communication is very important in our day-to-day transactions. Without

communication, the world around us can possibly in chaos.

However, it is not enough to know how to communicate with other people

around us. We should know the appropriate communicative styles to use in different
settings or situations.

Knowing the appropriate communicative styles in different situations will not

only give us the confidence to use the language but also helps to develop our
interpersonal or social skills.

The module on communicative styles will start with a pre-assessment which will
determine your prior knowledge on the topic. Series of activities and discussions will
follow to encourage you to explore and learn about the topic.

The objective of going over this module is listed below:

• Employ the appropriate communicative styles for various situations (intimate,

casual, conversational, consultative, frozen)

• Enhance skills in constructing correct sentence structures.

What I Know
Greetings! How are you doing? I hope you are doing just fine
despite the challenges you are facing. Stay positive!
In this part of the module, you are tested on what you already
know about the lesson on Communicative Styles. Try to answer the
questions as honestly as possible.

Instruction: Choose the LETTER of the BEST answer. Write your answer on the
BLANK provided before each number. If you got a perfect score, skip this module. If
you got 50%-99%, proceed with this module.

_____1. Which is TRUE about communicative styles?

A. it is a type of communication
B. form of language used by speakers which is characterized by level of formality
C. formal language used in specific formal occasions
D. communication that is used in different settings

_____2. Which among the following is a communicative style usually used when you are
talking with your classmate?

A. frozen B. formal C. casual D. consultative

_____3. Which communicative style is often used in formal ceremonies like a speech
of a speaker during graduation rites?

A. formal B. intimate C. consultative D. frozen

_____4. A salesman from a cellphone store talks to a costumer about the terms and
conditions of home credit. Which communicative style is being employed?

A. frozen B. casual C. formal D. intimate

_____5. Which communicative style is known as the third level of language which
uses listener participation and feedback?

A. frozen B. consultative C. casual D. intimate

_____6. Which communicative style uses language in general?
A. intimate B. frozen C. casual D. consultative

_____7. ‘Hi’, ‘Hello’, ‘How your day?’, ‘How’s life?’, ‘What’s up!’ – which
communicative style uses these common conversational words?

A. intimate B. casual C. formal D. frozen

_____8. Which communicative style is usually used by people who are very close
with each other because they have known each other for a long time and shared
maximum backgrounds?

A. casual B. consultative C. intimate D. formal

_____9. Which communicative style has the feature where the listener participates
continuously which is less appropriate for writing?

A. intimate B. formal C. casual D. frozen

_____10. Which communicative style is also known as ‘fixed speech’?

A. formal B. frozen C. consultative D. casual

_____11. Which of the following is TRUE about formal communicative style?

A. usually used in gatherings where the audiences come from different walks of
B. uses formal words and expressions and is mostly seen in writing rather than
C. uses language that is only known by some groups of people or individuals
D. it is not applicable in social gatherings

_____12. Which is unique about intimate communicative style?

A. It has the highest chance of non-verbal communication.

B. It has the highest chance of verbal communication.
C. It has rules to follow.
D. It has specific language to use.

_____13. You are asking your mother money to buy stuff for your home study. Which
communicative style is used in that situation?

A. frozen B. formal C. consultative D. intimate

_____14. Your teacher asked you to join the teleconference for her discussion.
During the teleconference, there are questions that you raised which were answered
by your teacher. Which communicative style was present in that situation?

A. intimate B. consultative C. casual D. frozen

_____15. One of the tasks given to your during your online class is to upload a video
of yourself discussing the differences of communicative styles. In that setting, which
communicative style are you using?

A. frozen B. casual C. consultative D. intimate

What’s In

You are doing just fine!

Before going to the lesson proper, here is a review on the definition
of communications and its process.


The word communication means “intercourse by words or messages; an

interchange of thoughts and opinions”. Our daily activities are governed by
communication. When you speak to your brother or sister, when you call for tricycle
outside your house, when you buy coffee from the sari-sari store or even when you
yawn in front of your friends; communication is present.

Communication is not limited to letters or words. We also communicate

through actions or gestures and even the way we dress up can tell something.
However, there are instances where our styles in dealing with other people change
depending on the situation.

In this photo, is there an
evidence that
communication has

What are the things that

you can see to prove that
there is communication
going on?

Was the definition of

communication fulfilled
by this photo?

Photo by the Developer

We communicate every day. Our actions are accompanied with appropriate

communicative styles. Since communication’s purpose is to establish commonness
and understanding, as well as expression of our thoughts, it is important to review
the simple communication process.




In the simple communication process, a person (as a sender) gives a message

which then is transmitted (through a channel or any means to transfer message like
cellphone). After the message reaches the receiver (person who will try to decode or
understand the message), he/ she will give a response (feedback), which is again
transmitted through a channel until the receiver receives the feedback.

The concept of the communication process is carried in this module which will
give a deeper understanding on the communicative styles.

What ‘s New

Getting bored? Try this activity! This activity will give you a
glimpse on the terms we are going to discuss as we go along the
different communicative styles.

Discover the 5 COMMUNICATIVE STYLES by answering the crossword

puzzle below. Clues are given.

1. very personal or private in
nature 3
2. following or according with
established form, custom, or rule
2 5
3. of, relating to, or intended for,
consult 4

4. incapable of being changed,

moved or undone
5. occurring without regularity

What is it

Now, for the real deal…

This is the lesson proper. Read carefully and with full
understanding. You may use your dictionary and other references
should there be terms that you can not comprehend. You may seek
the help of your teacher as well through the contact information
provided or through messenger.

Communicative Style

A speech style, according to Martin Joos (1976), a linguist and German

professor, refers to the form of language that the speaker utilized which is
characterized by the level of formality.

For example, as a student, you will not talk to your teacher or to the principal
the way you talk to your best friend or your brother. The way we talk to someone is
based on how we are related with each other as well as considering the setting
(situation when the communication is taking place) and position (are you talking to a
boss, a cousin, a police officer?) of that person.

Observe the diagram below and try to answer the questions that follow. Keep
your answers in mind and confirm them after going over this part.

Hey dude! How’s

yah goin’?
Oh! It’s been a
while lil’ bro’!

Who do you think these people are talking about?

Who do you think are these people? What are their affiliations?
What do you think is their relationship with each other?
How were you able to tell their relationship?

Communicative styles can also reveal how people are related with each other.
Depending on the level of formality, the less formal the communication, the more
intimate relationships are.

Joos also identified the communicative styles into five types: frozen, formal,
consultative, casual, and intimate.

In many references, communicative style is also referred to as communication

styles or speech styles. To avoid confusion, the term ‘communicative styles’ was
used all throughout this module.

1. Frozen style
• This style is also called fixed speech
• This is the highest form of communicative style which is often used in
respectful situations or formal ceremonies
• It uses the complex grammatical sentence structure
• Uses vocabulary or words that are only known and understood by
specific group of people.

2. Formal Style
• This type uses formal words and expressions
• It is mostly seen in writing rather than speaking
• It is expected to use complete sentences and specific word usage
• It also disallows the use of ellipsis (omissions), contractions (joining
of words like couldn’t, don’t, won’t and can’t), and qualifying modal
adverbial (like probably, possibly, evidently, surely, certainly and
subjectively markers)

3. Consultative Style
• The third level of language.
• It is basically unplanned speech since the speaker uses the
participation and feedback of the listener
• The speaker will supply background information, while again, the
listener participates continuously
• It is a communicative style that is less appropriate in writing

4. Casual Style
• Also known as informal style
• It is usually used between, friends, or even insiders who have things to
• In this type, there is a free and easy participation of both speaker and
• The use of language in this style is general
• It is suitable to use casual style in situations where speech is
improvised and not prepared ahead of time
• It is also used when someone wants to get to know someone on a more
personal level, or wants that person to feel at ease
• It allows the use of slang (street language), profanity (bad words), and
unconventional English words
• The diction or vocabulary is informal (colloquial) – Some of the
vocabulary used only in casual situations are: – “dude” (a person) –
“freaking out” (getting scared) – “nope” (no)

5. Intimate Style
• The last type is used in talks between two very close individuals or
knew each other for quite a long time
• It is described by an economy of words, with a high chance of
nonverbal communication.
• Uses highly nonverbal communications like gestures, eye contact, facial
expressions, tone of voice and so on
• Like casual, there is also a free and easy participation of both speaker
and listener
• It is far more elliptical than casual communication

What’s More

Having a difficult time? Answer the activities that follow to

deepen your understanding on communicative styles. These
activities will stir your understanding and as well gauge how far
have you gone with this module.

Activity 1.

SHOWING WHAT I GOT. Creatively illustrate your understanding of the five

communicative styles. You may use charts, drawings, graphic organizers, or
infographics. Label the sender and receiver of message then using an arrow,
show the direction of the message. Fit your drawing or illustration inside the
given boxes

Assessment 1.

Instructions: Choose the LETTER of the BEST ANSWER that answers the given
question. Write the letter of your choice on the blank space provided.

_________1. What communicative style is applied when the teacher opens up a

discussion where students can ask clarifications and questions?
A. Frozen B. Consultative C. Formal D. Intimate

_________2. President Rodrigo Duterte’s speech on COVID 19 update is aired via

live stream on a daily basis. What type of communicative style is this?
A. Intimate B. Formal C. Frozen D. Casual

_________3. When Presidential Spokesperson Harry Roque gives press release

before the different media entities or reporters, what communicative style is being
A. Intimate B. Casual C. Formal D. Consultative

_________4. Which communicative style is the most appropriate if DepEd Secretary

Leonor Briones wants to send her message to all the teachers in the field?
A. Formal B. Casual C. Frozen D. Intimate

_________5. Which of the following communicative styles uses the most non-verbal
A. Intimate B. Frozen C. Formal D. Casual

_________6. Which of the following is allowed in formal communicative style?

A. For example… B. That’s correct.
C. Like for example… D. That is correct.

_________7. ‘To the panel, I speak before you to present my arguments regarding
my rebuttal on the Anti-Terror Bill.’ What communicative style is being used in the
A. Intimate B. Frozen C. Casual D. Formal

_________8. Which of the following words are strictly not used in formal
A. come to the class B. highly probable
C. let’s go D. high probable

_________ 9. Which of the following is the best example of casual style?

A. Ms. Carpio kindly pass your requirements on time.
B. Ms. Carpio, you’re a great learner!
C. Hey! I heard you were praised by the teacher!
D. I heard you were praised by the teacher.

_________10. Identify the communicative style in the given example.

The City Mayor reports to the public the expenditures of the City during
the community quarantine.
A. Frozen B. Intimate C. Casual D. Formal

_________11. Identify the communicative style in the given example.

The school principal gives her message during the online graduation
ceremony of the school.
A. Intimate B. Frozen C. Casual D. Formal

_________ 12. The doctor asked Martha about her travel history. The doctor also
asked if she had a fever, shortness of breathing and cough. In this situation, what
communicative style is employed?
A. Consultative B. Casual C. Intimate D. Frozen

_________ 13. If you would like to ask a favor from your sister or brother to help you
with the module you are answering, what communicative style would you probably
A. Casual B. Frozen C. Formal D. Intimate

_________ 14. You met your classmate along the way to the market after the long
days of quarantine. You asked each other about your activities during those days.
What communicative style was used?
A. Formal B. Intimate C. Casual D. Frozen

_________ 15. The barangay tanod asked you to present your quarantine pass. He
checked the number if it is your day to go out. What communicative style is present
in this situation?
A. Casual B. Formal C. Frozen D. Consultative

Activity 2.

MATCH THE CATCH. Match the people in column A with the appropriate
communicative style in column B, then the setting in column C. Use arrows to
connect your answers.


1. student frozen with the mother

2. vendor intimate in the court hearing

3. lawyer formal in the classroom

4. researcher casual in a colloquium

5. a month old baby consultative in the public market

Assessment 2.

THE REAL WORLD. List TWO instances where the communicative style is being
used. Give a short explanation why do you think the situation falls under that specific







Communicative style is the form of language that the speaker utilizes
which is characterized by the level of formality. It can also tell the relationship of
the speaker and the listener or audience.
Are there any clarifications about the lesson? If so, please feel free to
contact your teacher through the contact information provided.

What I Have Learned

What did you learn from this module? Summarize what you
have learned through answering the activity below.

Instructions: Complete the concept map. Write at least four key words for each
communicative style to help you remember their qualities.






What I Can Do
Your mind also needs an exercise! Apply what you
have learned in this module with other artistic ideas that you
have. Do the activity below. Good luck!

This ‘new normal’ thing had changed our way of lives. One thing that changed
is the education system which requires you to answer modules or have online class
or other modalities.

Create an infographic on how students should manage their time to make

sure all modules are done and submitted on time. You may apply any type of
communicative style in your infographic characters. Use a separate sheet of paper
for this activity.

Note: An infographic is a collection of imagery, charts, and minimal text that gives an
easy-to-understand overview of a topic.

Here are examples:

Images from DOH Philippines Advisory.

10- Creativity (including but not limited to color combination, art application)
15- Informativeness (Information is helpful and reliable)
5 -Use of appropriate symbols
15- Application of communicative styles


Congratulations for reaching this far! How was your experience? I

hope that you enjoyed learning because learning is a never-ending
process. In this juncture, test what you have learned throughout the
lesson and activities. Answer the questions as honest as possible and
compare your score in the pre-test. If you have a higher score than the
pre-test, clearly, you have learned something. If your score is lower, go
over this module again.

Instructions: Choose the LETTER of the BEST answer. Write your answer on the
BLANK provided before each number.

_____1. What are the three basic elements for communication to take place?
A. message-channel-feedback C. sender-message-receiver

B. receiver-feedback-channel D. channel-feedback-noise

_____2. Which statement is TRUE about communicative style?

A. Communicative styles are determined according to its formality.
B. Communicative styles are optional.
C. Communicative styles are important in the classroom.
D. Communicative styles depend on how a person wants to use it.

_____3. Which communicative style is most appropriate if you are buying vegetables
in the public market?
A. frozen B. formal C. casual D. intimate

_____4. Which communicative style is most appropriate if someone is writing an
application letter?

A. formal B. casual C. frozen D. intimate

_____5. Intimate communication is elliptical in nature. Which of the following fulfills

the definition?
A. there are less words used B. there are more words used
C. nonverbal is dominant D. gestures are hardly used

_____6. Which among the communicative styles allows the use of street language?
A. casual B. formal C. intimate D. frozen

_____7. The guidance counselor asked you to join the meeting to clarify what really
happened during the fight. What type of communicative style will likely take place?

A. formal B. frozen C. consultative D. casual

_____8. You applied for a summer job. You were called for an interview. What
communicative style will likely take place?

A. formal B. consultative C. frozen D. casual

_____9. One of your classmates was not able to understand the instructions in the
module. She asked you for instructions and you gladly taught her. Which
communicative style took place?

A. intimate B. frozen C. consultative D. casual

_____10. Which communicative style is said to be the third level language due to the
use of vocabulary?
A. formal B. consultative C. frozen D. casual

_____11. Which is the correct arrangement if the communicative styles are arranged
from the most formal to the most informal?
A. frozen-casual-formal-consultative-intimate
B. frozen-formal-consultative-intimate-casual
C. frozen-consultative-formal-casual-intimate
D. frozen-formal-consultative-casual-intimate

_____12. While walking home, a passer-by asked you the way going to Lubuagan.
Which communicative style will likely take place?

A. consultative B. intimate C. casual D. formal

_____13. Which is proper when you are presenting your research before a panel?
A. Hey guys, thanks for accepting my research.
B. Hello, I am presenting my research today hope yah’ll listen.
C. Good morning. The title of my research is Solar Rice Field Irrigator.
D. Hello. Good morning. Please do not mind the grammar.

_____14. After a long exposure to cold drinks, you got coughs and colds. The doctor
asked you about your travel history to make sure you’re not a COVID-19 suspect.
After answering several questions, the doctor prescribed some medicine. Which
communicative style transpired in that situation?

A. formal B. casual C. consultative D. intimate

_____15. Using more nonverbal that verbal communication, which communicative

style is the most informal?

A. consultative B. intimate C. casual D. formal

Additional Activities

Should you want additional discussions on the lesson,

you can browse the given links below.

For deeper understanding on the process of communication and its types, you may
check the following short discussions on Youtube:

How the Communication Process Works


Types of Communication

Speech Styles

1. C
2. A
3. C
4. A
5. A
6. A
7. C
8. A
Answers may vary. Use rubrics for 9. C
10. B
grading. 11. D
12. A
13. C
What I Can Do
14. C
15. B
Assessment 2
Answers may vary.
1. B
2. C
3. D
4. A
5. A
6. D
7. B
8. C
9. C
10. A
11. B
12. A
13. D
14. C
15. A
Activity 2 Assessment 1
Activity 1
Answers may vary.
What’s More
1. B
I 2. C
N 3. D
C O N S U L T A T I V E 4. C
I 5. B
6. C
7. B
F C A S U A L 8. C
O T 9. A
F R O Z E N 10. B
M 11. B
A 12. A
13. D
14. A
15. A
What’s New What I Know

Philnews.ph. 2020. 5 Types Of Speech Styles. [online] Available at:

[Accessed 5 June 2020].

Gabitanan, L., 2020. Types Of Speech Styles. [online] Slideshare.net. Available at:
<https://www.slideshare.net/_Scl_/types-of-speech-styles> [Accessed 4 June

Speech Styles — ELCOMBLUS.(2020) [online] Available at:

and-examples/> [Accessed 7 June 2020].

How the Communication Process Works. Accessed 2020.


Types of Communication. Accessed 2020.


Speech Styles. Accessed 2020.


For inquiries or feedback, please write or call:

Department of Education – Schools Division of Tabuk City

City Hall compound, Dagupan Centro, Tabuk City

Email Address:lrmds.depedtabukcity@gmail.com

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