Technote #34 Rotalign: Rotalign Ment of Cardan Shafts Using Cardan Bracket Ali 2.893set
Technote #34 Rotalign: Rotalign Ment of Cardan Shafts Using Cardan Bracket Ali 2.893set
Technote #34 Rotalign: Rotalign Ment of Cardan Shafts Using Cardan Bracket Ali 2.893set
This technical note describes the alignment of two Precise alignment reduces the rotational irregularities
machines joined via a cardan spacer shaft. No mean of the cardan shaft to a minimum, so that the un-
feat by conventional methods, accurate cardan shaft even bearing loading during cardan shaft rotation is
alignment is made easy by the ROTALIGN laser-opti- also minimized, the service life of the components is
cal alignment system in conjunction with the Cardan extended and the chance of unexpected machine
Bracket ALI 2.893SET. failure is reduced.
Cardan shafts are normally installed with the spacer The amount of offset measured between the two
shaft set at a considerable angle (usually 4° to 6°) in sensors can be included as alignment target values
order to ensure sufficient lubricant circulation, which so that the standard ROTALIGN displays corrections
in turn prevents the universal joints from seizing. Ex- based purely upon angularity misalignment, which is
cessive misalignment of such a configuration leads to the only concern with cardan shafts. ROTALIGN PRO
rapid fluctuation of the driven shaft RPM during op- features a special cardan shaft alignment function
eration, which holds particularly grave consequences which does not require this alignment target entry.
for electronically-controlled synchronous and asyn-
The measurement procedure described in this note
chronous AC drive motors.
allows precise measurement even when a large
amount of offset is present between the two ma-
chines – even over great measurement distance (up
to 10 m / 33 ft.).
to be
Cardan shaft ROTALIGNment: the laser receiver is mounted on the non-rotatable coupling using the ALI 2.893SET bracket.
PRÜFTECHNIK AG - Shaft alignment
ROTALIGN® TechNote - page 2
1) Mount the faceplate on the coupling using the
bolts supplied. The bracket is usually mounted on
the coupling face of the non-rotatable shaft, for
example, the roll in a paper mill. Center
Two different mounting arrangements are available:
1a) If the shaft end or coupling face has a threaded
hole in its center, the easiest and most rigid mount-
ing method is to use the large center bolt as shown
at right. A thread adapter may be used as shown to adapter
fit the center bolt to larger bores.
1b) The coupling bolt holes may be used for three- Faceplate mounting using the center bolt
point mounting using the square-headed M10 bolts
as shown at right. If the coupling face has a raised
rim, the precision machined spacers are used as
shown in order to separate the bracket faceplate Washer Spacer
from the coupling face. (Without the spacers, there
would be no direct contact between the faceplate
and the coupling surface surrounding the bolt holes
– exactly the location where the faceplate and cou-
pling are being joined.)
The washers prevent the nuts from marking the cou-
pling surface when tightened.
See the parts list for exact sizes supplied with the
bracket kit.
vertical offset
inclination = arctan
horizontal offset
Mount the slide (1), then lock the faceplate levers (2).
PRÜFTECHNIK AG - Shaft alignment
ROTALIGN® TechNote - page 3
Shaft offset is not a consideration for cardan shaft
alignment, and so only angularity corrections are
needed. With the standard ROTALIGN, the front foot
correction values must be copied from the results
screen and entered as desired alignment targets; the
results screen will then show only the corrections
needed to correct angular misalignment between
the two machines.
For example, if the standard ROTALIGN displays the
results shown at right:
Note the values 1.78 and -0.21 for coupling offset in
the vertical and horizontal, respectively.
970 mm / 38"
Faceplate spacers
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