Ministry of Defence Defence Procurement Agency, ADRP2 Abbey Wood Bristol BS34 8JH

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Ministry of Defence
Defence Procurement Agency, ADRP2
Abbey Wood
BS34 8JH


All DTD specifications were declared obsolescent from 1 st April 1999. All DTD 900
series approvals also lapsed at that time. The standards will no longer be updated but
will be retained as obsolescent documents to provide for the servicing of existing

Further Guidance

The aim in declaring the specifications obsolescent is to recognise that the

documents are not being updated and thus should be used with care by both
purchaser and supplier. For example, a specification could contain valid technical
information but may also contain type approval clauses that contradict procurement
policy and/or use materials that do not comply with environmental legislation. The
obsolescent specification can still be used as a basis for a purchase provided that the
supplier and purchaser agree suitable changes to the specification within the
purchase order/contract.
For the DTD 900 system, each specification has provided an MoD approved
material and process. For these items, the declaration of obsolescence will constitute
the termination of both the extant MoD approval and the continuing MoD assessment
that had underpinned those approvals. Again, the technical content of the document
remains valid and can be used by both purchaser and supplier as a basis for a
contract but an acceptable (to the parties) approval/assessment procedure would be
D.T.D. 5124
(Superseding D.T.D. 5074A)
April, 1973

Aerospace Material Specification

(Solution treated and precipitation treated)
(Zn 5.8, Mg 2.5, Cu 1.6, Cr 0.16)

NOTE 1. This specification is one of a series issued by the Procurement Executive, Ministry of Defence to
meet a requirement not covered by an existing British Standard for aerospace material.
NOTE 2. This specification, formerly D.T.D. 5074A, has been re-numbered because the mechanical pro-
perties specified for some sizes of material differ from those specified originally in D.T.D. 5074.


This specification shall be used in conjunction with the relevant sections of British Standard L.100 as
Bars for machining and extruded sections Sections 1 and 5
Bars for machining and extruded sections
for highly stressed structures Sections 1 and 6

The material shall be made from aluminium and alloying constituents, with or without approved scrap,
at the discretion of the manufacturer.

The chemical composition of the material shall be:

Per cent
Min. Max.

Copper 1.2 2.0

Magnesium 2.1 2.9
Silicon 0.4
Iron 0.5
Manganese 0.3
*Nickel 0.05
Zinc 5.1 6.4
*Lead 0.05
*Tin 0.05
Titanium plus Zirconium 0.2
Chromium 0.10 0.25
Aluminium The remainder

*Subject to the discretion of the Inspecting Authority, determination of these

elements need be made on a small proportion only of the samples analysed.

4.1 Bars and extruded sections. Unless otherwise agreed and stated on the order in accordance with
British Standard L.100, Section 5, bars for machining and extruded sections shall be supplied solution
treated, straightened and subsequently precipitation treated, but not controlled stretched.
4.2 Bars and extruded sections for highly stressed structures. Unless otherwise agreed and stated on
the order in accordance with British Standard L.100, Section 6, bars for machining and extruded sections
for highly stressed structures shall be supplied solution treated, controlled stretched and subsequently pre-
cipitation treated.
2 D.T.D. 5124

The material shall be heat treated as follows:
(1) Solution treat by heating at a temperature of 460±10°C and quenching in water or oil.
NOTE. Material that has not to be subsequently stretched shall be quenched in water at a
temperature of not less than 85°C or in oil.
(2) Precipitation treat by heating at a temperature of 135±5°C for not less than 12 hours.

6.1 Tensile test
6.1.1 Controlled-stretched material. Unless they are required by British Standard L.100 to be fixed by
agreement between the manufacturer and the purchaser, the mechanical properties obtained from test pieces
selected and prepared in accordance with the relevant requirements of British Standard L.100 shall be not
less than the following values :

Elongation on
Diameter or minor sectional gauge length of
dimension of the bar or 0.2% Tensile
extruded section proof stress strength
50mm 5.65 √ S0

mm MPa MPa % %

Over Up to and including

480 540 4
10 100 520 580 4 4
100 150 490 550 4

NOTE. Conversion factors: 1 MPa= 1 N/mm2 = 0.102 kgf/mm2=0.065 tonf/in2. Information on SI

units is given in BS 3763 ‘The International System of units (SI)’; see also BS 350 ‘Conversion factors and

6.1.2 Non-controlled stretched material. The mechanical properties shall be agreed between the manu-
facturer and the purchaser.

6.2 Hardness test. The value of X shall be as shown in the following table :

Tensile strength of test piece* Value of X

MPa %
ft to less than ft + 15 5
ft + 15 to less than ft + 30 7.5
ft + 30 to less than ft + 45 10
f t + 45 and over 12.5

*f t = minimum value for the particular size of material as specified

in 6.1.1, or agreed in accordance with 6.1.2.

Approved for issue,

Director of Research Materials 2.

© Crown copyright 1973

Printed in England by Willsons Printers (Leicester) Ltd.
and published by
H E R M A J E S T Y ’S S T A T I O N E R Y O F F I C E
5p net

Dd.503680 K11 6/73 WPL455 SBN 11 470726 X

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