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Uddeholms Ab Safety Data Sheet: UDDEHOLM (BRUSH WELLMAN) Alloys: Moldmax®HH/LH and Weldpak®

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UDDEHOLM (BRUSH WELLMAN) Alloys: Moldmax®HH/LH and Weldpak®

Issued: 2010-01-04 Revised: 2010-08-08 Page: 1 (8)


1.1. Product identifier

Moldmax®HH/LH and Weldpak®
1.2. Relevant identified uses of the substance or mixture and uses advised against
Metal alloys for further processing
1.3. Details of the supplier of the safety data sheet

Importer Manufacturer
S-683 85 HAGFORS Brush Wellman Inc.
Sweden Product Stewardship Department
Phone: +46 563 170 00 6070 Parkland Boulevard
Fax: +46 563 174 61 Mayfield Heights, Ohio 44124
Internet: www.uddeholm.com Phone: (800) 862-4118 or (216) 486-4200
Fax: (216) 383-4091
Contact: Lars Sundström. E-mail: lars.sundstrom@uddeholm.se
1.4. Emergency telephone number
Emergency phone number: 112


2.1. Classification of the substance or mixture

Metallic product which poses little or no immediate hazard in solid form. If the material is involved in a fire;
pressure-demand self-contained breathing apparatus and protective clothing must be worn by persons
potentially exposed to the airborne particulate during or after a fire.
2.2. Label elements
Alloys in massive form do not require labelling under current chemical product classification and labelling
regulations, if they are not classified as hazardous to health and environment. However the manufacturer
recommends that the product will be labelled with a label as the one in section 16.
2.3. Other hazards
Metallic product which poses little or no immediate hazard in solid form. If the material is involved in a fire;
pressure-demand self-contained breathing apparatus and protective clothing must be worn by persons
potentially exposed to the airborne particulate during or after a fire.
Processes which generate particulates from the working of alloys can cause hazards to health or
environmental effects. May cause an allergic reaction on contact with skin or by inhalation. The alloys do not
meet the criteria for PBT or vPvB in accordance with EU Directive 1907/2006 (REACH) Annex XIII.

3.1. Substance
Alloys are considered as special preparations only when they are remelted, otherwise they are classified as
articles. For information on each substance in the alloys, see text below.
UDDEHOLM (BRUSH WELLMAN) Alloys: Moldmax®HH/LH and Weldpak®
Issued: 2010-01-04 Revised: 2010-08-08 Page: 2 (8)

3.2. Mixture
The substances in the special mixture are as follows:
Substance EINICS-Nr. Symbol Hazard CAS-Nr. Index-Nr. Symbol R-phrases*
(CLP) statements
Copper (Cu) 231-159-6 GHS09 H410 7440-50-8 - Xn, N R20-50-53
Beryllium (Be) 231-150-7 GHS06 H300 7440-41-7 004-001-00-7 T+ R49-26-25-
GHS08 H315 48/23-
Danger H317 36/37/38-
H319 43
Cobalt (Co) 231-158-0 GHS08 H317 7440-48-4 027-001-00-9 Xn R42/43-53
Danger H334

*For complete wording of R-phrases and hazard statements see section 16.

Substance(weight %) Moldmax®HH/LH Weldpak®

Copper (Cu) 97.7-98.2 97.7-98.2
Beryllium (Be) 1.6-2.0 1.6-2.0
Cobalt (Co) 0.2-0.3 0.2-0.35


4.1. Description of first aid measures

Show this safety data sheet to the doctor on duty.
4.1.1. Relevant routes of exposure
If dust, fumes or mist inhaled, remove patient to fresh air, allow to rest and keep warm.
Breathing difficulty caused by inhalation of particulate requires immediate removal to fresh air. If breathing
has stopped, perform artificial respiration and obtain medical help
Beryllium: The beryllium in this product is not known to cause acute health effects. Inhaling particulate
containing beryllium may cause a serious, chronic lung disease called Chronic Beryllium Disease (CBD) in some
Cobalt: May cause asthmatic attacks due to allergic sensitization of the respiratory tract. May cause asthma
and shortness of breath.
Copper: Inhalation of particulate containing metallic copper can cause ulceration and perforation of the nasal
Skin contact
Thoroughly wash skin cuts or wounds to remove all particulate debris from the wound. Seek medical attention
for wounds that cannot be thoroughly cleansed. Treat skin cuts and wounds with standard first aid practices
such as cleansing, disinfecting and covering to prevent wound infection and contamination before continuing
work. Obtain medical help for persistent irritation. Material accidentally implanted or lodged under the skin
must be removed.
UDDEHOLM (BRUSH WELLMAN) Alloys: Moldmax®HH/LH and Weldpak®
Issued: 2010-01-04 Revised: 2010-08-08 Page: 3 (8)

Beryllium: Particulate that becomes lodged under the skin has the potential to induce sensitization and skin
Cobalt: Prolonged and/or repeated contact may cause dermatitis.
Copper: Particulate may cause a greenish-black skin discoloration.
Eye contact
Avoid getting finely divided particles in the eyes. Immediately flush eyes with plenty of water for at least 15
minutes, lifting lower and upper eyelids occasionally. Get medical attention immediately.
Copper: Particulate in the eyes may cause discoloration.
Alloys in massive form are not hazardous, but should be kept out of the mouth. Finely divided particles may
be easily ingested along with food, drink or smoking. If large quantities ingested, seek medical advice. Induce
vomiting immediately as directed by medical personnel. Never give anything by mouth to an unconscious
Beryllium: The health effect of ingestion of beryllium in the form found in this product is unknown.
Cobalt: May cause gastrointestinal irritation with nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. May cause allergic reaction.
Copper: Copper ingestion causes nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, metallic taste, and diarrhea. Ingestion of
large doses may cause stomach and intestine ulceration, jaundice, and kidney and liver damage.
4.2. Most important symptoms and effects
The alloys in themselves or particles from the alloy are not judged as acute toxic. From the medical point of view,
there is no evidence to indicate an absolute or a sharp distinction between harmful and non harmful content. An
average content in the air of a single substance at the level of the limit considered, with current knowledge,
generally not present any risk of injury or discomfort. It is nevertheless important to strive to keep all air pollutants
as low as possible during the exposure limit. A particularly important situation is that if someone is exposed to
multiple air pollutants simultaneously or exposed to air pollution related to heavy work. Keep dust levels below the
limits mentioned in section 8.1.
4.3. Indication of any immediate medical attention and special treatment needed
There is no indication of immediate medical attention or special treatment documented for the alloys.


5.1. Extinguishing media

Flash Point Non-combustible as a solid. No ignition as layer of sub 44 micron particles of
Explosive Limits Not applicable to solids. No ignition as cloud of sub 44 micron particles of nominal
Extinguishing Media This material is non-combustible. Use extinguishing media appropriate to the
surrounding fire.
Unusual Fire and Do not use water to extinguish fires around operations involving molten metal due
Explosion Hazards to the potential for steam explosions.

5.2. Special hazards arising from the substance or mixture

Finely divided copper in contact with chlorates or iodates explode in heat or shock. Copper can react with
chlorine, chlorine trifluoride, fluorine, sulfuric acid, kaliumdioxid. Sensitive to air exposure.
Finely divided beryllium reacts with carbon tetrachloride or trichlorethylene and other halons, and with
oxidizers, acids and strong bases. Finely divided copper in contact with chlorates or iodates explode in heat
or shock. Copper can react with chlorine, chlorine trifluoride, fluorine, sulfuric acid, kaliumdioxid. Sensitive
to air exposure.
UDDEHOLM (BRUSH WELLMAN) Alloys: Moldmax®HH/LH and Weldpak®
Issued: 2010-01-04 Revised: 2010-08-08 Page: 4 (8)

5.3. Advice for fire-fighter

Pressure-demand self-contained breathing apparatus must be worn by firefighters or any other persons
potentially exposed to the metal fumes or dust released during or after a fire.


6.1. Personal precautions, protective equipment and emergency procedures.

If this material is a particulate, establish a restricted entry zone based on the severity of the spill. Persons
entering the restricted zone must wear adequate respiratory protection and protective clothing appropriate
for the severity of the spill (see Section 8).
6.2. Environmental precautions
Prevent particulates from entering watercourses or drains. Avoid formation of dust clouds.
6.3. Methods and material for containment and cleaning up
Cleanup spills with a vacuum system utilizing a high efficiency particulate air filtration system followed by
wet cleaning methods. Special precautions must be taken when changing filters on the vacuum cleaners used
to clean up hazardous materials. Be careful to minimize airborne generation of particulate and avoid
contamination of air and water. Do not use compressed air, brooms, or conventional vacuum cleaners to
remove particulate from surfaces as this activity can result in elevated exposures to airborne particulate.
6.4. Reference to other sections
See also section 8.2.7.


7.1. Precautions for safe handling

Extraction should be used when working with particulate material (dust, fumes, mist). Avoid prolonged
inhalation of dust. Wear gloves to avoid contact with skin (see Section 8).Working areas should be provided
with extraction. Check ventilation equipment regularly to ensure it is functioning properly.

Machining operations are usually performed under a liquid lubricant/coolant flood which assists in reducing
airborne particulate. Prevent coolant from splashing onto floor areas, external structures or operators’
clothing. Utilize a coolant filtering system to remove particulate from the coolant.
Factories should be kept clean to avoid any unnecessary contamination.
Do not to eat, drink and smoke in work areas and wash hands/shower when leaving the working areas.
7.2. Conditions for safe storage, including any incompatibilities
Store in a dry environment.
7.3. Specific end use(s)
See section 13.


8.1. Control parameters
All over 8 hour period unless otherwise stated. Monitoring procedures are not required.
Cobalt UK *WEL 0.1mg/m3 total
Sweden *NGV 0.05mg/m3 total
2mg/m3 respirable
Copper UK WEL 0.2mg/m3 fume
1mg/m3 dusts and mist
Sweden NGV 1mg/m3 total
Beryllium UK WEL 0.002mg/m3 total
Sweden NGV 0.002mg/m3 total
*Workplace exposure limits in UK and Sweden.
UDDEHOLM (BRUSH WELLMAN) Alloys: Moldmax®HH/LH and Weldpak®
Issued: 2010-01-04 Revised: 2010-08-08 Page: 5 (8)

8.2. Exposure control

Always check the applicability of any protective equipment with your supplier. Always wear protective
clothing when handling dusts and other particulates. Conduct an exposure risk assessment of processes to
determine if conditions or situations exist which dictate the need for additional controls or improved work
8.2.1. Eye/face protection
Always wear eye protection when handling dusts and other particulates, eg safety glasses with side
protection, safety goggles or visor.
8.2.2. Skin protection
Always wear protective clothing when handling dusts and other particulates. Wear hand protection, eg leather
gloves when handling alloys with sharp edges to avoid cuts.
Protective over garments or work clothing must be worn by persons who may become contaminated with
particulate during activities such as machining, furnace rebuilding, air cleaning equipment filter changes,
maintenance, furnace tending, etc. Contaminated work clothing and over garments must be managed in a
controlled manner to prevent secondary exposure to workers of third parties, to prevent the spread of
particulate to other areas, and to prevent particulate from being taken home by workers.
8.2.3. Hand protection
Wear hand protection, eg leather gloves when handling alloys with sharp edges to avoid cuts. Always wear
disposable nitrile or vinyl gloves when handling particulate material to avoid skin contact. Where necessary
wear the disposable gloves under work gloves to protect against both types of hazard.
8.2.4. Respiratory protection
Alloys in delivered in solid form give no health risk through inhalation. In case of prolonged or frequent
exposure to particulates, wear particle filter mask (P3).
8.2.5. General hygiene measures
Wash hands well with soap and water after handling dusty materials. Wash contaminated clothing to avoid
secondary contamination or contamination of other personnel.
8.2.6. Thermal hazards
Ensure adequate ventilation to keep levels of air-borne particles below occupational exposure limits given
above. Working areas should be provided with extraction. Factories should be kept clean to avoid any
unnecessary contamination.
8.2.7 Environmental exposure control
Avoid letting dust and fumes entering the outside air.


9.1. Information on basic physical and chemical properties

Product names Color Melting point Density
Moldmax®HH/LH Brass 871°C, 8,4 g/cm3, 0.302lb/in3
9.2. Other information
No other physical or chemical parameters are necessary for the alloys.


10.1. Reactivity
Alloys are stable. Any reaction should not take place under normal circumstances.
10.2. Chemical stability
Alloys are stable. Corrosion should not take place under normal circumstances.
UDDEHOLM (BRUSH WELLMAN) Alloys: Moldmax®HH/LH and Weldpak®
Issued: 2010-01-04 Revised: 2010-08-08 Page: 6 (8)

10.3. Possibility of hazardous reactions

See section 5.2.
10.4. Conditions to avoid
No special conditions need to be avoided for the alloys, however keep dust and fumes from entering the
10.5. Incompatible materials
Reacts with some acids and caustic solutions to produce hydrogen gas. Hydrogen gas can be an explosion
hazard. Powdered aluminum and chlorinated hydrocarbons may react with explosive violence.
10.6. Hazardous decomposition products
None under normal conditions of use.


11.1. Effect on humans

Alloys contain cobalt which carries a risk of producing an allergic reaction following prolonged contact or in already
sensitised persons. Particles from the alloy are not judged as acute toxic. No further toxicological data available for
the alloys. See below for LD50 or LC50 for the individual substances, since no LC50 or LD50 has been established for
the mixture as a whole.
Cobalt: Oral LD50 rat 1500 mg/kg bodyweight (toxic)
Beryllium: Oral LD50 rat 9.7 mg/kg bodyweight (very toxic at ingestion)

Copper: LC50 Fish 96h 0,017 mg/l species: Oncorhynchus mykiss (copper ion)


12.1. Toxicity
Alloys contain metals which are considered to be very toxic towards aquatic organisms. Finely divided alloys
are therefore considered harmful to aquatic organisms.
12.2. Persistence and degradability
The alloys consist of elements that can not degrade any further in the environment.
12.3. Bioaccumulative potential
Alloys contain heavy metals which bioaccumulate in the food chain. The following figures are the
bioconcentration factor (BCF) for the substances on their own.
Cobalt, BCF: 4000
Copper, BCF: 29
12.4. Mobility in soil
Metal alloys are not soluble in water or soil. Particles formed by working alloys can be transported in the air.
12.5. Results of PBT and vPvB assessment
Neither the alloys in itself or the substances that it consist of, meet the criteria for PBT or vPvB in accordance
with REACH, Annex XIII.
12.6. Other adverse effects
In massive form alloys present no hazards to the aquatic environment. Particles and ions can, never the less,
enter the aquatic compartment by means of dusts or smoke, or by liberation due to erosion thereby
introducing metals into the ground or water.


13.1. Waste treatment methods
The unused product (massive alloy) is not classified as hazardous waste. Dispose in accordance with
appropriate government regulations. When recycled (used in a process to recover metals), this material is not
UDDEHOLM (BRUSH WELLMAN) Alloys: Moldmax®HH/LH and Weldpak®
Issued: 2010-01-04 Revised: 2010-08-08 Page: 7 (8)

classified as hazardous waste under federal law. Seal particulate or particulate containing materials inside
two plastic bags, place in a DOT approved container, and label appropriately.

When spent products are declared solid wastes (no longer recyclable), they must be labeled, managed and
disposed of, in accordance with federal, state and local requirements.


14.1. UN number
Alloys in massive form are not classified as dangerous goods for transport and has no UN number.
14.2. UN proper shipping name
Alloys in massive form are not classified as dangerous goods for transport and has no UN proper shipping
14.3. Transport hazard class(es)
Alloys in massive form are not classified as dangerous goods for transport.
14.4. Packing group
There are not any special precautions with which a user should or must comply or be aware of in connection
with transport or conveyance either within or outside his premises.
14.5. Environmental hazards
The alloys are not environmentally hazardous according to the criteria of the UN Model Regulations (as
reflected in the IMDG Code, ADR, RID and ADN) and/or a marine pollutant according to the IMDG Code.
14.6. Special precautions for user
There are not any special precautions which a user should or must comply or be aware of in connection with
transport or conveyance either within or outside his premises of the alloys. No national or international
restrictions on the beryllium copper alloy casting. There is no requirement for labelling, but the supplier urge
to label the alloys according to section 16.2.
14.7. Transport in bulk according to Annex II of MARPOL73/78 and the IBC Code
Alloys in massive form do not subject under MARPOL73/78 and the IBC Code.


15.1. Safety, health and environmental regulations/legislation specific for the substance or mixture
The cast alloys are as preparations / special preparations for the EU's preparations ISD 1999/45/EC,
Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 (REACH) and mixtures according to the Regulation (EC) 1272/2008 (CLP / EU-
GHS) and do not need to be labeled.

Classifications mentioned in table 3.2 concerns substances in their crushed form. Alloys in massive form do
not require labelling under current chemical product classification and labelling regulations, if they are not
classified as hazardous to health and environment. Contains cobolt and beryllium. Alloys in particulate form
eg dust, fumes, mist may cause an allergic reaction on contact with skin or if inhaled.
15.2 Chemical Safety Assessment
No chemical safety assessment has been carried out for the product.


16.1. Modifications since previous version
Version 2: name change of company
The information has been updated in all sections.
UDDEHOLM (BRUSH WELLMAN) Alloys: Moldmax®HH/LH and Weldpak®
Issued: 2010-01-04 Revised: 2010-08-08 Page: 8 (8)

Key literature references and sources for data

The manufacturers MSDS has been a source of information. For this version has http://kemi.prevent.se/ (a
chemical substances database which is a compilation of data from numerous sources) been used for
information on individual substances.
Full text of R-phrases used in Section 3
R20 Harmful by inhalation
R25 Toxic if swallowed
R26 Very toxic by inhalation
R36/37/38 Irritating to eyes, respiratory system and skin
R48/23 Toxic: danger of serious damage to health by prolonged exposure through inhalation
R49 May cause cancer by inhalation
R50/53 Very toxic to aquatic organisms, may cause long-term adverse effects in the aquatic environment
R53 May cause long-term adverse effects in the aquatic environment
Full text of Hazard statements used in Section 3
H300 Fatal if swallowed
H315 Causes skin irritation
H317 May cause an allergic skin reaction
H319 Causes serious eye irritation
H330 Fatal if inhaled
H334 May cause allergy or asthma symptoms of breathing difficulties if inhaled
H335 May cause respiratory irritation
H350 May cause cancer
H372 Causes damage to organs through prolonged or repeated exposure
H410 Very toxic to aquatic life with long lasting effects
H413 May cause long lasting harmful effects to aquatic life
Moldmax®HH/LH and Weldpak® are registrated trademarks of Brush Wellman. For any further information,
see www.brushwellman.com or contact:
UDDEHOLMS AB Tel.: +46 563 170 00
S-683 85 HAGFORS Fax: +46 563 174 61
Sweden web: www.uddeholm.com

The following label is attached to the product during transportation from Uddeholms AB.
The label can vary in size and has black text and frame on a yellow background.


This product contains beryllium and may contain
nickel. Overexposure to beryllium by inhalation may
cause a serious chronic lung disease. If processing
or recycling produces particulate, use exhaust
ventilation or other controls designed to prevent
exposure to workers. Examples of such activities
include melting, welding, grinding, abrasive sawing,
sanding and polishing. Any activity which abrades
the surface of this material can generate airborne
particulate. Copper beryllium, in solid form and as
contained in finished products presents no special
health risks.

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