1 General Data: Porplastic P270 Technical Data Sheet

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PORPLASTIC P270 Technical Data Sheet

Product 02227001
1-COMP-PU PRIMER for sports surfaces, moisture curing

1 General Data
(A) Technical Data
Application Fields
PORPLASTIC P270 is used for elastic sports surfaces as
primer for non-porous substrates such as asphalt and Liquid
concrete, on polyurethane coatings in order to achieve
1. Density (23°C) (DIN 53217) 1.00 g/cm2
an optimal intercoat adhesion or for an intermediate prim-
ing between two installation parts of PUR-based elastic 2. Viscosity (23°C) ca. 150 mPas
mats. 3. Packing size 200 kg drum

Product Description 4. Colour transparent

PORPLASTIC P270 is an unpigmented and solvent con-
taining single component PUR-based Primer for sports 5. Shelf life / Storage 6 months at 10–25°C,
surfaces. avoid direct sunlight
Due to its low viscosity and therefore high capillary action 6. NCO content (DIN 53185) ca. 7 %
PORPLASTIC P270 exhibits an outstanding adhesion to
non-porous substrates. It is easy to apply and produces a 7. Substrate and application tem- 10-35°C (min. 3°C
resistant, tough elastic film with excellent mechanical perature above dew point)
properties. 8. Permissible relative humidity min. 40% – max. 90%
PORPLASTIC P270 is moisture curing.
9. Application of next layer after 4 - 8 hours
(20 °C + 50% rel. LF)
Tested Sports Surfacing Systems 10. Material consumption 0.15 – 0.2 kg/m2
Suitable for all common sports surface systems. On as-
phalt it is sometimes possible to work without primer. Ac-
curate testing of the substrate is recommended in this

Technical Support
For detailed descriptions of PORPLASTIC systems see
PORPLASTIC system data sheets or contact our techni-
cal support.
Phone: +49 (0) 7472-937970
E-Mail: info@porplastic.de

VIACOR Polymer GmbH, Graf-Bentzel-Str. 78, D-72108 Rottenburg, Tel. +49/7472-94999-0, info@viacor.de, www.viacor.de

page 1 of 2 revision no. 5 date 02.02.2016

PORPLASTIC P270 Technical Data Sheet
Product 02227001
1-COMP-PU PRIMER for sports surfaces, moisture curing

2 Processing Instructions

Substrate Preparation Safety Instructions

The dry and load bearing substrate (asphalt or concrete) For health and safety protection, transport regulations
has to be clean and free of loose and brittle particles and and waste management please consider the Material
substances which impair adhesion such as oil, grease, Safety Data Sheet. Users are advised to wear gloves and
paint or other contaminants. The bonding strength of the eye protection when mixing or applying PORPLASTIC
substrate must be at least 1.0 N/m², the moisture content P270.
must not exceed 4% and the temperature of the substrate PORPLASTIC P270 is non-hazardous in its cured
must be at least 3°C above the current dew point. condition.
For achieving an optimal adhesion between the elastic
mat and the substrate it is necessary to apply POR-
PLASTIC P270 as primer (imperative on concrete). Disclaimer
All information in this technical data sheet is based on our
Processing current knowledge and experience. This does not release
The required amount of PORPLASTIC P270 is poured the applicator from performing their own tests as many
from the drum into an application container and applied application factors, beyond our control, affect the
immediately. Avoid mixing in air. Processing temperature application of our product. No guarantee of characeristics
should be between 15 – 25oC. or suitability for a special purpose can be derived from
this information. All present data, descriptions, drawings,
PORPLASTIC P270 is applied onto the pre-treated sub- photos, ratios, weights etc. are subject to change without
strate by roller or brush but best application method is prior notice and do not represent contracted characteritics
spraying, using an airless equipment. Avoid puddles and of the product.
apply a thin and uniform layer with 0.15 – 0.20 kg/m² ma- Due to different materials, sub-bases and working
terial consumption. Exceeding this rate can cause foam- conditions, no guaratee of an application result or any
ing and a very slow curing of the material. liability claims can be derived from these details or from
an unwritten technical advice except for liability claims
The next layer can be applied when the primer gets based on:
sticky. The installation of the rubber granule mat should -damage to life, body or health resulting from a negligent
then be realized 4 – 8 hours after the priming in any case violation of obligations or a deliberate or negligent
within the following 24 hours. If exceeding this interval, a vialation of obligation of a legal representative or
new coat of PORPLASTIC P270 has to be applied to assistant and
avoid poor adherence. -if we are charged with intention or gross negligence.

At low temperatures and humidity, the speed of reaction The user has to test the products for their intended use.
is reduced resulting in a longer pot life, re-coating interval The user is responsible for following existing laws and or-
and open time. The speed of reaction is accelerated at ders and for observing third party trade mark rights.
high temperatures and humidity and the converse is true.
Direct sunshine shortens the time frames considerably. As all PORPLASTIC data sheets are updated on a regular
basis it is the users responsibility to obtain the most recent
After application, the primer has to be protected from di- issue (see www.porplastic.com or contact us directly).
rect contact with water in order to avoid intercoat adhe-
sion problems.

VIACOR Polymer GmbH, Graf-Bentzel-Str. 78, D-72108 Rottenburg, Tel. +49/7472-94999-0, info@viacor.de, www.viacor.de

page 2 of 2 revision no. 5 date 02.02.2016

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