The First Woman: Hinemoa and Tutanekai

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The first woman

According to Maori legend, the world as we know it was formed when Tane Mahuta – the
god of the forest – prised apart Ranginui, the father of the sky, and Papatuanuku, the mother
of the earth. Afterwards, Tane Mahuta and his brothers slowly went about making all things
on earth and in the sky. When they were done, they had created a dazzling and beautiful
world, but there were no people to enjoy it.

Tane Mahuta went about convincing the gods that they should make a woman, who could
then go on to have children. The gods agreed, so Tane Mahuta took red earth from
Papatuanuku, and shaped it into the form of a woman. Impressed, Tawhiri Matea, god of the
winds, whispered “take my breath. Give her life”. And so Tane Mahuta bent over the woman
he had created, placed his nose against hers, and breathed deeply. Her chest moved, and she
sneezed – “Tihei!”

The gods were ecstatic, and together they gave her the gift of life – mauriora – and the first
woman, Hineahuone, was made.

Today, the hongi is the traditional greeting of the Maori people. It is known as the ‘breath of
life’, and is performed by pressing noses – just like Tane Mahuta did to breathe life into
Hineahuone. This greeting makes the visitor at one with the tangata whenua, or hosts.

Hinemoa and Tutanekai

Hinemoa was a beautiful and high-ranking young maiden, the daughter of an influential
chief. Her family lived at Owhata, on the eastern shores of Lake Rotorua. Because of her
rank, Hinemoa was declared sacred; her family and the elders of her tribe would choose a
husband for her when she was old enough. Many men wanted to marry her, but none gained
the tribe’s approval.
Tutanekai, who lived on Mokoia Island in Lake Rotorua, was the product of an affair
between his married mother and a chief from another tribe.
At one of many meetings between their two tribes, Hinemoa and Tutanekai met and
eventually fell in love. But due to Tutanekai’s background they knew her family would never
approve. Tutanekai would often sit on the shores of Mokoia Island and play his flute. The
music wafted across the lake to where Hinemoa sat, sad because she knew she could never
marry anyone but Tutanekai.
She headed for Waikimihia, a hot pool near Tutanekai’s house, to warm up when she got to
the island. She then remembered she was naked and was too shy to approach Tutanekai.
Just then Tutanekai’s slave arrived to fetch water. The slave had to pass near where Hinemoa
sat. As he passed the pool, a gruff voice called out to him ‘Mo wai te wai?’ (For whom is the
water?) When the slave said it was for Tutanekai Hinemoa smashed the calabash on the side
of the pool.
When this happened again Tutanekai became angry and went to the pool himself.
He challenged Hinemoa to show herself, but she stayed hidden beneath a rock. Tutanekai
grabbed her by her hair and pulled her out.
“Who are you? Who dares annoy me?” he cried.
“It is I, Hinemoa, who has come to you,” Hinemoa answered.
Tutanekai couldn’t believe his ears. He wrapped her in his cloak and took her home with him.
The next morning Tutanekai’s people noticed he was sleeping in. When his father sent a slave
to wake Tutanekai up, the slave recognized four feet and there was Hinemoa.
“It is Hinemoa. It is Hinemoa who lies with Tutanekai,” he cried.
No one believed him till Tutanekai stepped from his house with Hinemoa on his arm, and
then people noticed canoes heading toward the island. Knowing it would be Hinemoa’s
family, they feared war. But instead there was rejoicing between the tribes, and peace was
forged. Hinemoa and Tutanekai were married and their descendants keep their story alive
today, through the song Pokarekare Ana.

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