Particle Physics: Non-Relativistic QM (Revision)
Particle Physics: Non-Relativistic QM (Revision)
Particle Physics: Non-Relativistic QM (Revision)
P+ P+
e- e+ e- e+
P- P-
P+ P+
e- e+ e- e+
P- P-
Non-Relativistic QM (Revision)
• For particle physics need a relativistic formulation of quantum mechanics. But
first take a few moments to review the non-relativistic formulation QM
• Take as the starting point non-relativistic energy:
which gives the time dependent Schrödinger equation (take V=0 for simplicity)
•The SE is first order in the time derivatives and second order in spatial
derivatives – and is manifestly not Lorentz invariant.
•In what follows we will use probability density/current extensively. For
the non-relativistic case these are derived as follows
(S1)* (S2)
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•Which by comparison with the continuity equation
(KG2)* (KG4)
We now know that in Quantum Field Theory these problems are
overcome and the KG equation is used to describe spin-0 particles.
These problems motivated Dirac (1928) to search for a
different formulation of relativistic quantum mechanics
in which all particle densities are positive.
• Hence for the Dirac Equation to be consistent with the KG equation require:
Immediately we see that the and cannot be numbers. Require 4
mutually anti-commuting matrices
Must be (at least) 4x4 matrices (see Appendix I)
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•Consequently the wave-function must be a four-component Dirac Spinor
A consequence of introducing an equation
that is 1st order in time/space derivatives is that
the wave-function has new degrees of freedom !
and its Hermitian conjugate
•The probability density and current can be identified as:
•Unlike the KG equation, the Dirac equation has probability densities which
are always positive.
• In addition, the solutions to the Dirac equation are the four component
Dirac Spinors. A great success of the Dirac equation is that these
components naturally give rise to the property of intrinsic spin.
• It can be shown that Dirac spinors represent spin-half particles (appendix II)
with an intrinsic magnetic moment of
(appendix III)
NOTE: it is important to realise that the Dirac gamma matrices are not
four-vectors - they are constant matrices which remain invariant under a
Lorentz transformation. However it can be shown that the Dirac equation
is itself Lorentz covariant (see Appendix IV)
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Properties of the J matrices
•From the properties of the and matrices (D2)-(D4) immediately obtain:
•The full set of relations is
Pauli-Dirac Representation
•From now on we will use the Pauli-Dirac representation of the gamma matrices:
•In terms the adjoint spinor the four vector current can be written:
We will use this expression in deriving the Feynman rules for the
Lorentz invariant matrix element for the fundamental interactions.
eq. (D10)
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Two spin states with E>0 Two spin states with E<0
•Therefore (D12)
•Solutions can be obtained by making the arbitrary (but simplest) choices for
i.e. or
where N is the
giving and wave-function
•If any of these solutions is put back into the Dirac equation, as expected, we obtain
To identify which solutions have E<0 energy refer back to particle at rest (eq. D11 ).
• For : correspond to the E>0 particle at rest solutions
correspond to the E<0 particle at rest solutions
So are the +ve energy solutions and are the -ve energy solutions
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Interpretation of –ve Energy Solutions
The Dirac equation has negative energy solutions. Unlike the KG equation
these have positive probability densities. But how should –ve energy
solutions be interpreted? Why don’t all +ve energy electrons fall into
to the lower energy –ve energy states?
Dirac Interpretation: the vacuum corresponds to all –ve energy states
being full with the Pauli exclusion principle preventing electrons falling into
-ve energy states. Holes in the –ve energy states correspond to +ve energy
anti-particles with opposite charge. Provides a picture for pair-production
and annihilation.
.. .. ..
.. .. ..
e 23 MeV 6 mm
e 63 MeV
e– (E<0) e+ (E>0)
e+ e-
E>0 E<0
e– (E>0) e– (E>0)
NOTE: in the Feynman diagram the arrow on the
anti-particle remains in the backwards in time
direction to label it an anti-particle solution.
At this point it become more convenient to work with anti-particle
wave-functions with motivated by this interpretation
Anti-Particle Spinors
•Want to redefine our –ve energy solutions such that:
i.e. the energy of the physical anti-particle.
Where E is understood to
be negative
Í The Dirac equation in terms of momentum for ANTI-PARTICLES (c.f. D10)
•Proceeding as before:
etc., …
•The same wave-functions that were written down on the previous page.
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Since we have a four component spinor, only four are linearly independent
Could choose to work with or or …
Natural to use choose +ve energy solutions
which for the desired 2E particles per unit volume, requires that
Charge Conjugation
• In the part II Relativity and Electrodynamics course it was shown that
the motion of a charged particle in an electromagnetic field
can be obtained by making the minimal substitution
this can be written
But and
•Define the charge conjugation operator:
we see that the spinor describes a particle of the same mass but with
opposite charge, i.e. an anti-particle !
particle spinor anti-particle spinor
•Now consider the action of on the free particle wave-function:
Under the charge conjugation operator the particle spinors and
transform to the anti-particle spinors and
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A spin-up hole leaves the
In the hole picture: -mc2 negative energy sea in a spin
down state
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Summary of Solutions To Dirac Equation
•The normalised free PARTICLE solutions to the Dirac equation:
Spin States
•In general the spinors are not Eigenstates of
(Appendix II)
are Eigenstates of
Note the change of sign
of when dealing with
antiparticle spinors
z z
Spinors are only eigenstates of for
The component of a particles spin along its direction of flight is a good quantum
Define the component of a particles spin along its direction of flight as HELICITY:
where and are right and left handed helicity states and here is
the unit vector in the direction of the particle.
•The eigenvalue equation:
(For helicity )
particles anti-particles
•Under the parity transformation:
•Expressing derivatives in terms of the primed system:
Pre-multiplying by
With the Dirac equation: forced to have two positive energy and two
negative energy solutions
Feynman-Stückelberg interpretation: -ve energy particle solutions
propagating backwards in time correspond to physical +ve energy
anti-particles propagating forwards in time
(using commutation relation)
We can now show that the matrices are of even dimension by considering
the eigenvalue equation, e.g.
Therefore (A.1)
Hence the angular momentum does not commute with the Hamiltonian
and is not a constant of motion
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and hence
Consider the x comp:
the commutation relationships for are the same as for the , e.g.
. Furthermore both S and Sz are diagonal
Multiplying (A.2) by
where kinetic energy
•In the non-relativistic limit (A.3) becomes
which leads to
•The operator on the LHS of (A.4):
•Considering each value of
The product is therefore a Lorentz invariant. More generally, the
product is Lorentz covariant
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Now consider
where we used
•Rearranging the labels and reordering gives: