Data Elements and Interchange Formats - Information Interchange - Representation of Dates and Times - Part 2: Extensions
Data Elements and Interchange Formats - Information Interchange - Representation of Dates and Times - Part 2: Extensions
Data Elements and Interchange Formats - Information Interchange - Representation of Dates and Times - Part 2: Extensions
ISO/WD 8601-2
ISO/TC 154/WG 5
Secretariat: SAC
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ISO/WD 8601-2
Contents Page
1 Scope .......................................................................................................................................................... 1
2 Normative references .......................................................................................................................... 1
3 Terms and definitions .......................................................................................................................... 1
4 Date and Time Extensions .................................................................................................................. 2
4.1 General ....................................................................................................................................................... 2
4.2 Uncertain and/or approximate date .......................................................................................................... 2
4.3 Unspecified ................................................................................................................................................ 4
4.4 Before or after ............................................................................................................................................ 5
4.5 Enhanced time interval .............................................................................................................................. 5
4.6 Year exceeding four digits .......................................................................................................................... 6
4.7 Significant digits ......................................................................................................................................... 7
4.8 Divisions of a year ...................................................................................................................................... 7
4.9 One of a set ................................................................................................................................................ 8
4.10 Multiple dates .......................................................................................................................................... 8
4.11 Decade ..................................................................................................................................................... 9
5 Repeat rules for recurring time intervals ..................................................................................... 9
5.1 Means of specifying repeat rules ............................................................................................................... 9
5.2 Separators and designators ..................................................................................................................... 10
5.3 Repeat rules ............................................................................................................................................. 10
5.4 Frequency rule part .................................................................................................................................. 10
5.5 Divisional rule part ................................................................................................................................... 10
5.6 Time interval rule part ............................................................................................................................. 10
5.7 By rule parts ............................................................................................................................................. 11
5.8 Complete representations ....................................................................................................................... 13
5.9 Representations other than complete ..................................................................................................... 13
Annex A (normative) EBNF notation ................................................................................................... 14
Annex B (normative) ISO 8601 profiles ............................................................................................. 19
B.1 Statement of the problem ....................................................................................................................... 19
Annex C (informative) The Extended Date/Time Format - A Profile of ISO 8601 (Parts 1
and 2) ............................................................................................................................................................ 21
C.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................................................. 21
ISO/WD 8601-2
ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national
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carried out through ISO technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a
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ISO 8601 consists of the following part, under the generic title Data elements and interchange formats —
Information interchange - Representation of dates and times:
— Part 2: Extensions
ISO/WD 8601-2
To be developed during the Committee Stage
1 Scope
This International Standard is applicable whenever representation of dates in the Gregorian calendar,
times in the 24-hour timekeeping system, extending ISO 8601-1:2016. It includes
— calendar dates expressed in terms of calendar year, calendar month and/or calendar day of the
— combination of date and time of day including local time based upon the 24 hour timekeeping system
and the difference from Coordinated Universal Time;
— time intervals ;
— Divisions of a year ;
This International Standard does not cover dates and times where words are used in the representation
and dates and times where characters are not used in the representation.
This International Standard does not assign any particular meaning or interpretation to any data element
that uses representations in accordance with this International Standard. Such meaning will be
determined by the context of the application.
2 Normative references
The following documents, in whole or in part, are normatively referenced in this document and are
indispensable for its application. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated
references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
date whose source is considered dubious
date which is an estimate whose value is asserted to be possibly correct, and if not, close to correct
Note 1 to entry: Where 'close to correct' means "close enough, for the application".
part of a date which is unstated, which could be because it has not (yet) been assigned (it might be
assigned in the future), or because it is classified, or unknown, or for any other reason. The unspecified
part may be the year, year and month, month, month and day, or year and day.
For features described in this part of ISO 8601, Clause 4, only the extended format (YYYY-MM-DD) is
used. Basic format (YYYYMMDD) is not to be used.
4.1.2 Levels
For the extension features, two levels are defined: level 1 and level 2. Each major subsection of section 4
covers a general feature; some functions covered by that feature are level 1 and some are level 2. These
levels are defined for the purpose of profiles, which may refer to the levels when specifying
conformance to the profile. Profiles are described in Annex B.
The character '?' (question mark) is used to mean "uncertain". The character '~' (tilde) is used to mean
"approximate". The character '%’ (percent) is used to mean “both uncertain and approximate".
4.2.1 Level 1
For level 1, ‘?,’ ‘~’, or ‘%’ may only occur at the end of the date string, and it applies to the entire date.
ISO/WD 8601-2
For level 2, the characters ‘?’, ‘~’, and ‘%’ may be used to qualify a portion of the date (not necessarily
the whole date).
• One of the three characters may occur immediately to the right of one of the date components,
in which case it applies to that component as well as any components to the left.
For example if it occurs immediately to the right of the day, it applies to the day, month, and
year (i.e. the entire date string). If it occurs to the right of the month, it applies to the month and
year (but not the day). If it occurs to the right of the year, it applies to the year only.
o 2004?-06-11
uncertain year; month, day known
o 2004-06~-11
year and month are both approximate; day known
o 2004-06%-11
year and month are both uncertain and approximate ; day known
• One of the three characters may occur immediately to the left of one of the date components, in
which case it applies only to that component.
For example if it occurs immediately to the left of the day, it applies only to the day (and not to
the month, or year). If it occurs to the left of the month, it applies only to the month (and not to
the year or day). If it occurs to the left of the year, it applies only to the year (and not to the day
or month)..
o 2004-?06-11
uncertain month; year and day known
o 2004-~06-11
approximate month, year and day known
o 2004-%06-11
month uncertain and approximate, year and day known
o ?2004-06-?11
uncertain year and day, month known
o ?2004-06-~11
Year uncertain, month known, day approximate
• The above two features may be combined
o 2004-06?-~11
Year and month uncertain (because ‘?’ is to the right of month meaning that it applies to
month as well as components to the left of month) and day approximate
o 2004?-06-~11
Same meaning as ?2004-06-~11 (earlier example): Year uncertain, month known, day
There are cases where more than one string has the same meaning.
For example:‘
1. ‘2015-02?-31’ has the same meaning as ‘ ?2015-?02-31’ . In this case, the first form is preferred
because there are less special characters.
2. 2015?-02-31 has the same meaning as ?2015-02-31. In this case the second form is preferred,
because it may simplify parsing.
3. 2015-02?-31’ has the same meaning as ‘ 2015-?02?-31’ . In this case, the first form is preferred
because the ‘?’ in “?02” in the second form is redundant.
4. 2015-02%-31?’ has the same meaning as ‘2015-02~-31?’ . In this case, the first form is preferred
because it is simpler.
4.3 Unspecified
The character 'X' may be used as a replacement character, in place of a digit to indicate that the value of
that digit is unspecified.
4.3.1 Level 1
The replacement character ‘X’ may be substituted for the right-most digits in the following cases:
• Year and month specified, day unspecified.
• Year specified, day and month unspecified.
• Entire date unspecified
Format: YYYY-MM-XX Example: 1985-04-XX
YYYY-XX-XX Example: 1985-XX-XX
4.3.2 Level 2
For level 2 the character ‘X’ may be used as a replacement for any character in the string.
156X-12-25 December 25 sometime during the 1560s
15XX-12-25 December 25 sometime during the 1500s
15XX-12-XX Some day in December in some year during the 1500s
1560-XX-25 The 25th day of some month in year 1560.
1560-X2 The month of either February or December of the year 1560.
1XXX-XX Some month during the 1000s
1XXX-12 Some December during the 1000s
1XXX Some year during the 1000s
1XX3 Some year ending in 3during the 1000s
ISO/WD 8601-2
A date may be qualified to indicate “before or on” or “on or after” the date.
4.4.1 Level 1
4.4.2 Level 2
For level 2, the dot notation “..” (two dots) may be used before a date to denote “before or on the date”
or after a date to denote “on this date or after:
An enhanced time interval extends the specification of time interval in Part 1 of this standard (start and
end date separated by ‘/’) by indicating that the start or end date is:
• Unknown. Start or end date unknown. The character ‘*’ (asterisk) may be used for the start or
end date to indicate “unknown”.
• Open Start or date open. The start or end date may be left blank, either because there is none
or for any other reason.
The following are allowed but should be used only with caution:
• ‘*/* start and end both unknown
• ‘/’ start and end date both open
• ‘*/’ Start unknown, end open
• ‘/*’ . Start open, end unknown
4.5.1 Level 1
• 1984~/2004-06
beginning approximately 1984 and ending June 2004
• 1984/2004-06~
beginning 1984 and ending approximately June 2004
• 1984?/2004%
beginning is uncertain but thought to be 1984; end is uncertain but thought to be approximately
4.5.2 Level 2
Part 1 of this standard allows a year to exceed four digits (a year after 9999 or before -9999) however it
requires mutual agreement of the partners in the information exchange.
Presented here is an alternative method, which does not require mutual consent. It may be used only
for dates where only the year is significant, not the month or day.
4.6.1 Level 1
'Y’ may be used at the beginning of the date string to signify that the date is a year, when (and only
when) the year exceeds four digits, i.e. for years later than 9999 or earlier than -9999.
Format: “Y”YYYYY….. Example: Y170000002 (the year 170000002)
“Y-”YYYYY….. Example: Y-170000002 (the year -170000002)
4.6.2 Level 2 (needs reconsideration)
Level 2 presents an alternative, exponential form. 'E' is used to mean "times 10 to the power of" thus
17E8 means "17 times (10 to the eighth power)", or 170000000000. (And as in level 1.'Y' at the
beginning of the string indicates "year”.)
• y17E7
the year 170000000
• y-17E7
the year -170000000
ISO/WD 8601-2
When a year is followed by ‘S’, followed by a positive integer, the integer indicates the number of
significant digits for the expressed year.
4.7.1 Level 1
4.7.2 Level 2
For level 2 this feature may be used for any of the following three ways to express a year:
• Four-digit year
• Year longer than four digits expressed as an integer.
• Year expressed in exponential form.
• 1950S2
Some year between 1900 and 1999 , estimated to be 1950.
• Y171010000S3
Some year between 171000000 and 171999999, estimated to be 171010000 .
• Y17101E4S3
Same meaning as previous example.
4.8 Divisions of a year
For a year-and-month expression (e.g. 1984-04) the month component may take on values of 21 or
above (in place of a month value, 01 through 12). These values signify a division of a year (e.g. “the
season Spring”).
4.8.1 Level 1
The values 21, 22, 23, 24 may be used to signify ' Spring', 'Summer', 'Autumn', 'Winter', respectively.
Format: YYYY-SS Example: 2001-21 (Spring, 2001)
4.8.2 Level 2
Square brackets enclosing a list of dates are used to mean “one of these dates”. This feature may be used
for example to express “Year of Publication”, when it is known that the year is one of a set of years, for
example 1984, 1986, or 1988.
4.9.1 Level 1
4.9.2 Level 2
For level 2 double-dot notation may be used. double-dot indicates all the values between the two values
it separates, inclusive. Double-dot at the beginning or end of the list means "on or before" or "on or
after" respectively; see the second, third, and fourth example below. Different elements of a list may
have different precisions, as in the fifth example.
Curly braces may be used to wrap an inclusive list (all members included).
For example {1960,1961,1962,1963} might be used to indicate the years of publication of a book - it
was published in each of 1960, 1961, 1962, and 1963. Different elements of a list may have different
precisions, as in the second example.
4.10.1 Level 1
4.10.2 Level 2
• {1667,1668,1670..1672}
All of the years 1667, 1668, 1670, 1671, 1672
• {1960, 1961-12}
The year 1960 and the month December of 1961.
ISO/WD 8601-2
4.11 Decade
A string consisting of three digits represents a decade, for example “the 1960s”. It is the ten-year time
interval of those years where the three specified digits are the first three digits of the year.
Representation of a decade must be exactly three digits, leading zeros, if any, must be included. Thus the
time interval 200 through 209 is represented as ‘020’ and NOT ‘20’; the latter would represent the time
interval 2000 through 2099. Furthermore, ‘196’ is not to be confused with the year 196, that would be
represented as ‘0196’.
4.11.1 Level 1
4.11.2 Level 2
All features in this section are defined at level 1 for the purpose of profiles, which may refer to the levels
when specifying conformance to the profile. (Profiles are described in Annex B.)
The section is based on the [RFC 5545:2009] “Internet Calendaring and Scheduling Core Object
Specification (iCalendar), Section 3.3.10, Recurrence Rule” to ensure easy migration and transition
between the two standards.
Repeat rules for recurring time intervals shall be expressed in one of the following ways.
a) By a number of recurrences (optional), a start and end of the time interval, and repeat rule. If the
number of recurrences is absent, the number of occurrences is unbounded.
b) By a number of recurrences (optional), a duration and repeat rule. If the number of recurrences is
absent, the number of occurrences is unbounded.
c) By a number of recurrences (optional), a start and duration of the time interval, and repeat rule. If
the number of recurrences is absent, the number of occurrences is unbounded.
d) By a number of recurrences (optional), a duration and end of the time interval, and repeat rule. If
the number of recurrences is absent, the number of occurrences is unbounded.
Repeat rules for a recurring time interval is expressed according to the following structure.
All representations start with the designator [R], followed, without spaces, by the number of
recurrences, if present, followed, without spaces, by a solidus [/], followed, without spaces, by the
expression of a time interval as per ISO 8601-1:2016, 4.4.1, without spaces, by a solidus [/], followed,
without spaces, followed by the repeat rule as per 5.3. For the representations 5.1 a), 5.1 b), 5.1 c) and
5.1 d) the time intervals as per ISO 8601-1:2016, 4.4.1 a), 4.4.1 b), 4.4.1 c) and 4.4.1 d) shall be used,
A repeat rule [RRULE] shall be expressed as a structured component consisting of a list of one or more
repeat rule parts. Each rule part is defined by a name=value pair. The rule parts are separated from
each other by the semicolon [;] character. The rule parts are not ordered in any particular sequence.
Individual rule parts must only be specified once.
The “Frequency” [FREQ] rule part identifies the type of recurrence rule. This rule part MUST be
specified in the repeat rule unless the “Divisional” [DIVI] is present, only one of the two can be used.
Valid values include SECONDLY [SE], to specify recurring time intervals based on a time interval of a
second or more; MINUTELY [MI], to specify recurring time intervals based on a time interval of a minute
or more; HOURLY [HR], to specify recurring time intervals based on a time interval of an hour or more;
DAILY [DY], to specify recurring time intervals based on a time interval of a day or more; WEEKLY [WE],
to specify recurring time intervals based on a time interval of a week or more; MONTHLY [MO], to
specify recurring time intervals based on a time interval of a month or more; and YEARLY [YR], to
specify recurring time intervals based on a time interval of a year or more.
The “Divisional” [DIVI] rule part identifies the type of recurrence rule. This rule part MUST be specified
in the repeat rule unless the “Frequency” [FREQ] is present, only one of the two can be used. Valid
“Division of a year” values are defined in section 4.8.2.
The “Time interval” [INTR] rule part contains a positive integer representing at which time intervals the
“Frequency” or “Divisional” rule part repeats. The default value rule is "1", meaning every second for a
SECONDLY rule, every minute for a MINUTELY rule, every hour for an HOURLY rule, every day for a
DAILY rule, every week for a WEEKLY rule, every month for a MONTHLY rule, every year for a YEARLY
rule, and a single repeat for each DIVISIONAL rule.
For example, used with the FREQUENCY rule value of DAILY rule, a value of "8" means every eight days:
Used with a DIVISIONAL rule value of SUMMER, a value of “2” means every second summer:
ISO/WD 8601-2
“By rule parts” [BYXX] modifies the repeats in some manner. By rule parts for a time interval of the
same length or longer than the frequency generally reduces or limits the number of occurrences of the
repeats generated.
FREQ=DA;BYMO=1 reduces the number of repeat instances from all days (if By Month rule
part is not present) to all days in January.
By rule parts for a time interval shorter than the frequency generally increases or expands the number
of occurrences of the repeats.
FREQ=YE;BYMO=1,2 increases the number of days within the yearly repeat set from 1 (if By
Month rule part is not present) to 2.
The “By Second” [BYSE] rule part specifies a comma-separated list of seconds within a minute. Valid
values are 0 to 59.
The “By Minute” [BYMI] rule part specifies a comma-separated list of minutes within an hour. Valid
values are 0 to 59.
The “By Hour” [BYHR] rule part specifies a comma-separated list of hours of the day. Valid values are 0
to 23.
The “By Day” [BYDY] rule part specifies a comma-separated list of days of the week; MO indicates
Monday; TU indicates Tuesday; WE indicates Wednesday; TH indicates Thursday; FR indicates Friday;
SA indicates Saturday; and SU indicates Sunday.
Each By Day value can also be preceded by a positive (+n) or negative (-n) integer. If present, this
indicates the nth occurrence of a specific day within the MONTHLY or YEARLY "RRULE".
For example, within a MONTHLY rule, +1MO (or simply 1MO) represents the first Monday within the
month, whereas -1MO represents the last Monday of the month. The numeric value in a By Day rule
part with the FREQ rule part set to YEARLY corresponds to an offset within the month when the By
Month rule part is present, and corresponds to an offset within the year when the By Week No or By
Month rule parts are present. If an integer modifier is not present, it means all days of this type within
the specified frequency. For example, within a MONTHLY rule, MO represents all Mondays within the
month. The By Day rule part MUST NOT be specified with a numeric value when the FREQ rule part is
not set to MONTHLY or YEARLY. Furthermore, the By Day rule part MUST NOT be specified with a
numeric value with the FREQ rule part set to YEARLY when the By Week No rule part is specified.
The “By Month Day” [BYMD] rule part specifies a comma-separated list of days of the month. Valid
values are 1 to 31 or -31 to -1. For example, -10 represents the tenth to the last day of the month. The
By Month Day rule part MUST NOT be specified when the FREQ rule part is set to WEEKLY.
The “By Year Day” [BYYD] rule part specifies a comma-separated list of days of the year. Valid values
are 1 to 366 or -366 to -1. For example, -1 represents the last day of the year (December 31st) and -306
represents the 306th to the last day of the year (March 1st). The By Year Day rule part MUST NOT be
specified when the FREQ rule part is set to DAILY, WEEKLY, or MONTHLY.
The “By Week No” [BYWN] rule part specifies a comma-separated list of ordinals specifying weeks of
the year. Valid values are 1 to 53 or -53 to -1. This corresponds to weeks according to week numbering
as defined in ISO 8601-1:2016. A week is defined as a seven-day time interval, starting with a Monday.
Week number one of the calendar year is the first week that contains at least four (4) days in that
calendar year. This rule part MUST NOT be used when the FREQ rule part is set to anything other than
YEARLY. For example, 3 represents the third week of the year.
Note: Week 53 can only occur when Thursday is January 1 or if it is a leap year and Wednesday is
January 1.
The “By Month” [BYMO] rule part specifies a comma-separated list of months of the year. Valid values
are 1 to 12.
If multiple By rule parts are specified, then after evaluating the specified Frequency and Time
interval rule parts, the By rule parts are applied to the current set of evaluated occurrences in the
following order: By Month, By Week No, By Year Day, By Month Day, By Day, By Hour, By Minute
and By Second; then number of recurrences and duration are evaluated.
First, the "INTR=2" would be applied to "FREQ=YR" and be evaluated as "every other year". Then,
"BYMO=1" would be evaluated as "every January, every other year". Then, "BYDA=SU" would be
evaluated as "every Sunday in January, every other year". Then, "BYHO=8,9" would be evaluated as
"every Sunday in January at 8 AM and 9 AM, every other year". Then, "BYMI=30" would be evaluated as
"every Sunday in January at 8:30 AM and 9:30 AM, every other year". Then, lacking information from
"RRULE", the second is derived from "Time interval Start" value, to end up in "every Sunday in January
at 8:30:00 AM and 9:30:00 AM, every other year". Similarly, if the By Minute, By Hour, By Day, By Month
Day, or By Month rule part is missing, the appropriate minute, hour, day, or month will be retrieved
from the "Time interval Start" value. Finally, the time interval duration is defined by the “Duration”
value, which in this case is 15 minutes.
ISO/WD 8601-2
When the application identifies the need for a complete representation of a recurring time interval with
repeat rules, it shall use an expression in accordance with 5.2, combining any complete recurring time
interval representation as defined in ISO 8601-1:2016, 4.5.3 with the repeat rule.
Example: R12/20150929T140000/20150929T153000/FREQ=WE;INTR=2
R12/20150929T140000/P1H30M0S/ FREQ=WE;INTR=2
R12/P2H30M0S/ 20150929T153000/ FREQ=WE;INTR=2
Example: R12/2015-09-29T14:00:00/2015-09-29T15:30:00/FREQ=WE;IINTR=2
R12/P1H30M0S/ 2015-09-29T15:30:00/FREQ=WE;INTR=2
A representation other than complete of a recurring time interval with repeat rule shall be an
expression in accordance with 5.1 and 5.2, where the time interval is represented in accordance with
ISO 8601-1:2016, 4.4.5.
Annex A
EBNF notation
(* Base definitions *)
monthDay = ("01" | "03" | "05" |"07" |"08" |"10" |"12"), "-", OneThru31
| ("04" | "06" | "09" | "11"), "-", OneThru30
| "02-", OneThru29 ;
month = oneThru12 ;
day = oneThru31 ;
positiveDigit = "1" | "2" | "3" | "4" | "5" | "6" | "7" | "8" | "9" ;
ISO/WD 8601-2
(* 4.1.1 Levels *)
(* Reduced accuracy *)
(* Reduced accuracy *)
startEndOpenOrUnknown = [yearMonthDay],["*"],"/",["*"],[yearMonthDay] ;
ISO/WD 8601-2
ISO/WD 8601-2
Annex B (normative)
ISO 8601 profiles
The W3C defined date and time formats to begin to address these concerns: These formats are based on 8601, and they have
proved invaluable for the interoperability of Web data. These formats have their roots in what we call a
“profile” of ISO 8601: Date and Time Formats. which states
“This document defines a profile of ISO 8601, the International Standard for the representation of dates
and times. ISO 8601 describes a large number of date/time formats. To reduce the scope for error and the
complexity of software, it is useful to restrict the supported formats to a small number. This profile defines
a few date/time formats, likely to satisfy most requirements.
The W3C Note, submitted in 1997 by Reuters, was never endorsed by the W3C, but it did provide the
original impetus for the development of the very useful and successful W3C date and time formats.
This document attempts to expand and generalize the concept of an ISO 8601 Profile.
A Profile of ISO 8601 is a specification developed by a particular community which explains how ISO
8601 is to be used, to carry out a particular function or group of functions relevant to that community.
2. In cases where there are multiple methods specified in 8601 to support a particular function,
the profile may select a single method.
3. In cases where there are different interpretations of a particular function, the profile may select
a single interpretation, or provide clarification.
4. It might list features that are not relevant and need not be supported.
At minimum, a profile should state what an implementer must implement in order to claim
conformance to the profile. If there are multiple levels specified, it should state conformance
requirements for each level.
Different communities may define different profiles. In fact any given community may define multiple
profiles. “Community” is used loosely to mean a group with a common interest in 8601. It is not
intended that 8601 profiles be approved by any formal body; any person or community can develop a
profile. There should however be a unique name for every profile so that it may be referenced. The
registration agency for ISO 8601 should register profiles upon request, and help to assure uniqueness of
names. It is hoped that there will be mechanisms developed to provide interoperability between
profiles however that is beyond the scope of this document.
This document provides one (draft) profile (section 2), and it is expected that additional profiles will be
A product may implement several profiles. Here we distinguish between static support and dynamic
Suppose profile X specifies features A, B, and C, and excludes feature D. If a product claims to support
profile X that does not mean that it cannot support feature D. A different profile – profile Y – might
specify features C, D, and E. And there is not, nor should there be, anything inherent in the profile
concept that would preclude a product from supporting as many profiles as it chooses to support.
On the other hand suppose there are two communication parties, P1 and P2, exchanging ISO 8601 data.
P1 uses a product that supports profile X (only) while P2 uses a product that supports profiles X and Y.
In order for P1 and P2 to interoperate they must operate under profile X, because it is the only profile in
common supported. (Thus P2 must be able to suppress features excluded by P1.)
The process by which two communicating parties agree to operate according to a particular profile is a
complex area which needs further study. It is not fully addressed by this document and is to a certain
extend outside the scope of this document. Three possible approaches:
1) Specified by Protocol. The exchange of ISO 8601 data might be done under the control of a
protocol, which could be used to negotiate a particular profile. (8601 itself is a data format, not
a protocol, and could not be adapted to accomplish this task.)
2) Specified by Format.Two parties might be exchanging data of a certain type, for example
bibliographic data. The definition of the bibliographic format could specify that date/time data
conform to a specific profile.
3) Specified by datatype. For exchange of date serialized into XML, or RDF (any RDF
serialization), date and time data can carry its datatype, for example xs:date, which, as noted
above, corresponds to the W3C profile.
ISO/WD 8601-2
Annex C (informative)
The Extended Date/Time Format - A Profile of ISO 8601 (Parts 1 and 2)
C.1 Introduction
The Extended Date/Time Format (EDTF) profile of ISO 8601 was developed by the bibliographic
community along with the participation of communities with related interests.
This profile specifies three levels: level 0, level 1, and level 2. Level 0 specifies features of ISO 8601 Part
1. Levels 1 and 2 specify features of Part 2/level 1 and Part2 /level 2 respectively.
C.1.1 Compliance
An implementation of this specification must support all of the features listed for Level 0, and the
vendor should state one of the following:
Two communication parties that agree to operate according to this profile must suppress, during their
communication, any ISO 8601 features that are not included in level 0.
All features in this profile use extended format: hyphens separating date components and colons
separating time components. Basic format is not used.
C.1.3 Level 0
In order to claim support for level 0 of this profile, an implementation must support date (year only,
year and month, and year, month and day), date and time, time interval, and century, as specified in
C.1.3.1 Date
Year must be four digits. (Years longer than four digits are covered in levels 1 and 2.)
A year may be positive, negative, or year zero. (This specification assumes astronomical numbering,
which includes the year zero. )
A date/time string is composed according to one of three representations as illustrated in the following
three examples:
• 2001-02-03T09:30:01
• 2004-01-01T10:10:10Z
• 2004-01-01T10:10:10+05:00
Zone-offset may be omitted or included. Time zone designation consists of either a 'Z' to indicate UTC,
or a '+' or '-' to indicate "ahead of UTC" or "behind UTC", followed by a 2-digit hour, followed optionally
by a colon and the 2-digit minutes.
A time interval, as represented by a start date and an end date (separated by a forward slash), is a time
interval beginning sometime during the start date and ending sometime during the end date. The actual
instants at which the time interval begins or ends can be narrowed down only to the precision of the
start or end date. The start and end dates are both as prescribed in 2.3.1. Either endpoint may be a year,
year-month, or year-month-day. The end endpoint must be later than or equal to the start endpoint.
• 1964/2008
A time interval with year precision, beginning sometime in 1964 and ending sometime in 2008.
• 2004-06/2006-08
A time interval with month precision, beginning sometime in June 2004 and ending sometime in
August of 2006.
• 2004-02-01/2005-02-08
A time interval with day precision, beginning sometime on February 1, 2004 and ending sometime
on February 8, 2005.
• 2004-02-01/2005-02
A time interval beginning sometime on February 1, 2004 and ending sometime in February 2005.
Note that the start endpoint has different precision than the end endpoint (day/month) and
therefore the precision of the time interval at large is undefined.
• 2004-02-01/2005
A time interval beginning sometime on February 1, 2004 and ending sometime in 2005. The start
endpoint has day precision and the end endpoint has year precision. Similar to the previous
example, the precision of the time interval at large is undefined.
• 2005/2006-02
A time interval beginning sometime in 2005 and ending sometime in February 2006.
So for example, the time interval ‘1956/1967’, depending on the application, means either
a) The time interval beginning sometime in 1956 and ending sometime in 1967; or
ISO/WD 8601-2
b) The event in question occurred during one of the years 1956, 1957, …., 1967
In a similar sense, the time interval ‘1956-01/1967-06’ has month precision, and ‘1956-01-15/1967-
06-20’ has day precision.
C.1.3.4 Century
Two digits may be used to indicate the century which is the hundred year time interval consisting of
years beginning with those two digits.
For example ‘19’ may be used to indicate the time interval represented by ‘1900/1999’.
Note: For purposes of this profile, a “century” is a 100-year time interval. For example, ‘1866/1965’ is a
century. ‘1900/1999’ and ‘1901/2000’ are also centuries, and although the latter is sometimes referred
to as the “18th century”, this specification DOES NOT address named centuries such as the “18th century”
nor does it take a position on the meaning of a named century. The profile addresses centuries of the
form nn00/nn99 only, where ‘nn’ is any two–digit number, for example ‘1900/1999’.
C.1.4 Level 1
• Level 0, and
• all of the features of Level 1 of ISO 8601 Part 2, with the exception of recurring time intervals
(section 5).
C.1.5 Level 2
[2] ISO 80000-3:2006, Quantities and units -- Part 3: Space and time
[3] ISO/IEC 646:1991, Information technology — ISO 7-bit coded character set for information interchange
[4] ISO 19018:2004, Ships and marine technology — Terms, abbreviations, graphical symbols and concepts on
[5] IEC 60050-112:2010, International Electrotechnical Vocabulary — Part 112: Quantities and units
[6] IEC 60050-113:2011, International Electrotechnical Vocabulary — Part 113: Physics for electrotechnology