Succeed in CAE 2015 Test08 PDF
Succeed in CAE 2015 Test08 PDF
Succeed in CAE 2015 Test08 PDF
For questions 1-8, read the text below and decide which answer (A,B,C or D) best fits each gap.
There is an example at the beginning (0).
0 Amake Btake Cdo Dhave
0 D
"Scramjet" - the future of flight technology
A new (0) . . . . . ...... on high-speed flight has (l) with a jet aircraft smashing all records by reaching seven
times the (2) .. ........ of sound - fast enough to get from London to Sydney in two hours. The global race to create the
world's first "scramiet" was won by the United States recently, with NASA comparing the moment with the Wright
brothers'achievements of a century ago. The (3).. . . . flight - in which the jet reached 5,000 mph - lasted eleven sec-
onds and ended with a splashdown of the X-43A into the Pacific Ocean, never to be seen again.
"To put this into perspective, a little over 100 years ago a couple of guys from Ohio flew for l20ft in the first controlled
powered flight. Today we did something similar in the same amount of time." Lawrence Huebner, NASAs lead propul-
sion engineer, said, "but our vehicle under air-breathing power went over l5 miles." The significance of the (4) .............
is underlined by the margin between the X-43A and the world's (5) ......... . .. fastest jet, Lockheed's Blackbird. That two-
man reconnaissance aircraft, painted black to avoid radar detection, served the United States for 25 years until the Cold
War (6) .......... in 1990. lts fastest speed was 2, 193 mph. The X-43A is unmanned but NASA predicted that the inaugural
flight would inspire business, industrT and the military to (7) .............. in its "hypersonic" revolutionary propulsion system.
A scramjet would (8) an aircraft which had already reached supersonic speeds. The US military is considering
using the technology to create a warplane that could bomb targets anywhere on the globe in a matter of hours.
Part 3
For questions 17-24, read the text below. Use the word given in capitals at the end of some of the lines to
form a word that fits in the gap in the same line. There is an example at the beginning (0).
Write your answers lN CAPITAL LETTERS.
Example: 0 | ctvtlrsATroN
Part 4
For questions 25-30, complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using
the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between three and six words, including the
word given. Here is an example (0).
Example: 0 George should have worked harder if he wanted to pass the exam. succeeded
Had George worked harder, . passing the exam.
25 After what you've been through, it's only right that they help you out. least
The ............ ........ help you after all you've been through.
26 The accident resulted in the serious injury of many of the passengers. left
The accident ................. injured.
27 John is unlikely to get the job that he applied for. prospect
There the job that he applied for.
28 lcy road conditions are thought to have caused the accident. brought
The accident seems to ............... the icy road conditions.
29 I don't intend to reply to his rude letter. no
I have ......... ......... to his rude letter.
30 Andrew has been thinking about it all day, but he hasn't made a decision yet. mind
It's ............. all day, but he hasn't made a decision yet.
CAE Practice Test 8 Paper I - Reading and Use of English
Part 5
You are going to read a newspaper article about exam technology. For questions 31-36, choose
the answer (A, B, C or D) which you think fits best according to the text.
Lrke it or not, technology is already an established there was room for doubt in an answer you could
part of the exam process and the only argument still make a judgement call based on previous responses.
to be fought at this year's e-assessment conference It's much harder to do that now."
and exhibition, taking place in London this week, is just
how much further in that direction we should go. "There are also limits to what you can easily read on
screen", he adds. "ln my experience, most examiners
At one end, little has changed. Students still, by and end up printing out the long essays and working from
large, take exams in much the same way as they a hard copy, which is both time-consuming and slightly
always have. They walk into a room full of desks with self-defeating." The danger, as Tattersall concedes, is
an invigilator on hand to tell them when to start and that schools end up teaching only what technology is
stop and to make sure no one is texting anyone else, capable of assessing. "Rather, we have to look at how
and everyone is ticking the right boxes, or writing out lT is used in the classroom to improve teaching and
the answer in longhand if required. lt's once the ink has learning and base our exams on that model", she says.
dried that the real change in the system kicks in.
lnstead of divvying up the scripts between the thou- It is certain that we are only halfway through the elec-
sands of markers, they are now scanned into a central tronic revolution. ln the coming years, more and more
computer and the markers then access them online. exams will be completed - as well as marked - online,
and the government and the Qualifications and
The benefits are obvious. lt's quicker, cheaper and Curriculum Authority will have to think hard about
more efficient. The really dull components, such as ways of maintaining standards.
multiple choice or simple questions such as "name four
things that contribute to global warming", can be By far the easiest form of online testing to implement
marked automatically or by less experienced markers, is multiple choice. A student can take the test online
whereas questions requiring a more nuanced, longer and it can be automatically marked instantaneously;
answer can be left to the old hands. Your best mark- this system is almost foolproof. The downside is that
ers don't have to be wasted on the straightforward most people associate multiple choice with dumbing
stuff. down, on the grounds that anything that can be
reduced to a yes or no, right or wrong answer is
Students can also benefit. "Markers can now give bound to be over-simplified.
much more precise feedback", says Kathleen
Tattersall, who chairs the lnstitute of Educational "Not true", says Stevie Pattison-Dick, head of commu-
Assessors. "We can tell someone almost exactly what nications for Edexcel. "Some multiple-choice exams
he or she needs to do to improve a grade because we may be quite straightforward, but if they are, they
can show them what they got right and wrong. This is only reflect the level of knowledge a student is
particularly useful for anyone looking to resit a expected to attain. There's nothing inherently simple
January exam in the summer, because teachers can about multiple choice. We've become very sophisticat-
tailor individual revision plans for all their students." ed in our question setting and are able to cross-refer-
ence the answers, so an examiner can now tell
For all its advantages, no one reckons that this whether someone just got lucky by ticking the right
assessment model is the finished article. "There are box or actually understood the process on which he or
difficulties that need to be ironed out", says Martin she was being assessed." One of the final exams a
Walker, a former English teacher and a principal exam- medical student has to pass before qualifying as a
iner for one of the main boards. "Because markers are doctor is multiple choice, so this method of assess-
now often only given a few questions from each paper, ment has to be extremely rigorous.
it's hard to get an accurate feel of exactly what a stu-
dent does and doesn't know. When you had an entire
exam script in front of you, you could build up a pic-
ture of the candidate's range of knowledge, so when
CAE Practice Test 8 | - Reading and Use of English
A. retired examiners
B. experiencedexaminers
C. examiners who have reached a certain age
D. mature students
Part 6
You are going to read four reviews of a rock concert. For questions 3740, choose from reviews
A-D. The reviews may be chosen more than once.
A c
"lT'S MDIOHEAD NIGHT!" shouts the menu poster "Hello. My name's Lady Gaga." Thom Yorke's intro-
outside the bar'n'grill just inside the 02 Arena's doors. duction to Radiohead's first British audience in four
At first you just roll your eyes at the crater-sized dis- years, w:rs happily and tellingly unpredictable.
connect between knee-jerk corporate food marketing Saturday's sell-out show at 02 Arena, one of only
and the ethos of the band whose name is being taken three UK dates following a more substantial swing
in vain, in block caps. Even when Radiohead were a across the US, served as delayed support for another
conventional outfit, singing grunge-pop ditties such as creative left turn in the form of 20 I I 's The Kng of
Creep, their image was that of haughty refuseniks, not limbs. That album dispensed with the more
shirtless Lotharios lairily gnawing buffalo wings. Thom conventional textures of its predecesson ln Roinbows.
Yorke had publicly aligned his band with the aesthetically ln came a new fascination with samples and program-
disaffected, the creeps and the weirdos. Twenty years ming, leading to a hyper-physical kind of electronica that
on, Radiohead remain one of the biggest bands in the Yorke likened to the wildness of nature. He certainly
world, one uncommonly in control of their own had a point. There's a tendency to over-rationalise the
destiny. They are label-less and immune to corporate music of Radiohead, but this gig proved that the
pressure. The last laugh is very much theirs. There is Oxford five-piece band are more than capable of
no little heroism in the fact that the Oxfordshire delivering on a gut level. Seporotor, for example, was
five-piece can come to giant sheds like these and sell an impressionistic space ballad given real heft by
them out with their iazz-tinged electronic rock, sung punishing dance beats, while the riot of grooves that
in falsetto by a nervy mendicant type sporting a beard shunted Feral out into drill'n'bass territory was
and a top-knot. symptomatic of their entire approach.
It's a decade and a half since OK Computer catapulted By rights, Radiohead should have been here to relive
Radiohead to global superstardom. They've now been the good old days. 1998 was the height of the British
one of the biggest bands in the world for so long that art-rock outfit's third album, OKComputer, making
it's easy to forget how curious and unique their situa- them a very big deal indeed. Their heyday alas is now
tion is: in a world where rock and pop is not much long gone. However, that magnum opus, OK
given to overestimating its audience, here is a band Computer, still casts a long and glorious shadow over
whose music long ago abandoned any pretensions to their career and in fan memories - as was witnessed
commerciality capable of filling out the kind of venues to the response to two of its tracks, Airbog, up early,
where Rihanna or Coldplay normally ply their trade. and the symphonic Poronoid Android,last song in the
Anyone requiring a reminder of the incongruity of first encore, by the sold-out 02 arena crowd. But this
Radiohead's position, needs only to step inside the 02 wasn't a greatest hits show lt wasn't even pushing
arena. Jauntily yellow-jacketed stewards are flogging their recent offering, 20 I l's Kng of Limbs, too much,
soft toys, emblazoned with the words VAMPIRES with maybe half a dozen tracks in the two-hour two-
SUCK MY BLOOD in gothic script. ln one of the O2's encore show. Which might have left many present a
numerous chain restaurants, menus announce that it's bit non-plussed at no dusting off of breakthrough hit
Radiohead Night; quite how the dread-filled, agitated Creep, or anything off second big-chorus anthemic album
sound found on their last album, Kng Of Limbs, Ihe Bends.
squares with bourbon-glazed baby back ribs and the
Calun spiced chicken sandwich, remains open to ques-
tion, but you can't blame them for trying.
CAE Practice Test 8 Paper I - Reading and Use of
Which reviewer
uses the food vendors at the 02 arena, like reviewer A, to illustrate a point
about the band's attitude towards money? tT_l
conveys the idea that people may over-analyse the music of Radiohead?
disagrees with the other three reviewers, in believing that Radiohead have
had their day?
like reviewer A, suggests that Radiohead avoid being a mainstream pop band?
CAE Practice Test 8 Paper I - Reading and Use of English
Part 7
You are going to read an article about robotics. Choose from the paragraphs A-G the one which
fits each gap (41-46). There is one extra paragraph which you do not need to use.
Her father was a mechanical engineer, so it was in the family. However, there are still many problems with the whole project.
As a child she immersed herself in science fiction: "l never Funding is the main one. Murphy often struggles to gain funding
really identified with the heroes" she says. "l always thought from the usual channels due to her lack of an academic back-
the scientists who built things for these guys were far more ground which tends to put off a lot of potential sponsors.
interesting." She earned her Master's degree in computer sci- They seem to ignore the fact that her achievements have
ence at Georgia Tech., won a fellowship and worked for a pro- more than made up for any official qualifications that she may
fessor with expertise in artificial intelligence and within two be missing. lt remains to be seen if this will, in the end, be the
months, she was on her way to her Ph.D. cause of the demise of her work.
At first, the USF contingent had trouble getting through the The workshop is full of innovations. Nearby, a team from the
police lines. "The fire and rescue teams were a bit suspicious, University of Minnesota displays its robot named Scout - a
because when they think of robots, they think of big explosive tiny tube with two wheels and an antenna. One of the inven-
ordnance devices," she says. But eventually they were able to tors picks Scout up and tosses it on the pavement. No prob-
get close enough to help, and the smaller robots proved lem. lt keeps rolling. "People are starting to see what robots
remarkably effective. Murphy has moved at an intense pace can do", Murphy says. "One thing we're trying to do is help
ever since, working to become even more effective in the rescue workers learn what's possible."
event of another terrorist attack.
c She was featured for her advances with rescue robots, in par-
Applause fills the breezy morning air. Some 50 scientists are ticular the work she and several graduate students performed
impressed by the brief demonstration of the VGTV, Variable at the World Trade Centre. With a cadre of robots packed in
Geometry Tracked Vehicle. They have come from universities, the back of her husband's van, they arrived on September 12
industry, the military and countries as far away as Japan, 2001 and stayed for eleven days. A handful of the small VGTV
Sweden, ltaly and England. They have left their classrooms, robots squeezed deep into the collapse, helped identify five
computers and academic theory behind to get their hands a victims, and transmitted many detailed videos and photos.
little dirty: to see an array of search-and-rescue robots per- "But", she says, "we weren't in Discover just because we were
form in simulated conditions. And they are all here because of at the World Trade Centre. lt's what we've done since."
Professor Robin Murphy.
Murphy and her students don't actually build the robots. What
they do, in essence, is take models made by companies and
create the software programmes to adapt them to search
and rescue. The little VGTV that performed so effectively in
the rubble of the twin towers collapse had been built to
explore air-conditioning ducts. They gave it a new brain and
figured out ways to transport it in a backpack and deploy it
at a moment's notice.
CAE Practice Test I Paper I - Reading and Use of English
Part 8
You are going to read some reviews for different novels. For questions 47 - 56, choose from the
reviews (A-F). The reviews may be chosen more than once.
Book reviews
A Gifts - Ursula Le Guin D Babylon - Richard Calder
Gffs is a coming-of-age story, intended, at a guess, as a Babylon has a lush feel to it. Calder writes erudite and
book for young teenagers, and as such has to be written richly detailed prose which situates the characters first in
with scrupulous care. ln this respect it is exemplary. the Victorian London of Jack the Ripper and later in the
Tightly-plotted, there isn't a word out of place. crumbling metropolis of a modern Babylon existing in a
Quintesseniial Le Guin, in fact. parallel dimension. The book is strong on atmosphere and
This book is set on a world which might be Earth but there are some marvellously melodramatic set pieces in
could just as easily not be, in what is almost a default which major plot shifts are played out. I get the impres-
fantasy land, with a scrape-an-agricultural-living uplands, sion that Calder knows his material and wants the reader
and towns sufficiently far off that they barely impinge on to be able to visualise his world clearly but this enthusi-
the main narrative. asm for detail is also one of the novel's drawbacks. The
pages are cluttered with facts and at one point I began
The book is not quite a Wizard of Earthsea but it gets
to feel some sympathy with the character who shouts
very close and as is usual with Le Guin's work, G/fs,
out that she doesn't know anything.
despite its quota of disputes, conflict and death, is a life-
affirming experience, well worth reading by adults of all Whilst the book jacket promises blood and gore and
ages. there are intimations of ravishment scattered throughout
the first part of the novel, the second and third parts
B Soul Purpose - Nick Marsh deliver little of either and the melodramatic quality of the
It shouldn't happen to a vet. Alan Reece, human wreck, is set pieces seems increasingly at odds with the cerebral
called out one night in late December to tend to a preg- working out of the novel's conclusion.
nant cow, but the calf rs born transparent. This is but the
first in a global outbreak of transparent births, and Alan E Against Gravity - Gary Gibson
finds himself at the centre of the oncoming apocalypse. ln 2088, following a terrorist nuclear strike on Los Angeles,
Actually this book reminds me not a litile of that book America's political dissidents are rounded up and sent to
about exploding sheep from a few years ago. lt's not a the Maze, a top secret research facility, to provide exper-
very bad book, it's just not a brilliant book either. The imental hosts for military nanotech. This is a densely
prologue is terrible; the epilogue is surprisingly good; in packed Science Fiction thriller, and for all the twists and
between it averages out. action the pace felt quite sedate to me. I think it might
be all the flashbacks - Gallon is the only viewpoint char-
This isn't the first metaphysical comedy adventure book
acter, and his story is intercut with lengthy scenes of his
l've read this year, so possibly it's arrived at the right
time in the Maze, which he has escaped from. This mate-
time to take advantage of a trend of some sort.
rial is well depicted, particularly the gruesome failed
However, "memorable" and "original,' are two words I
experiments and the survival-of-the-fittest tests.
can't, in all sincerity, use to describe it.
Against Gravity is a good futuristic action novel, but the
C The Space Eater - D. Langford tagline "Live long enough and this could be your future" on
Wormhole travel is possible but only up to a diameter of the front cover tells me Gibson intends this novel first and
1.9cm. Through one such spyhole, the government discov- foremost as a comment on the world we live in today.
ers that a distant colony world is developing weaponry
based on Anomalous Physics which could endanger whole F The New World Order - B. Jeapes
star systems. Send in the marinesl Oh no, wait, they don't ln Ben Jeapes'latest novel invaders arrive on Earth to
make 1.9cm tall Marines. Enter Ken Jacklin, one of a team find the locals already at war; with their superior technol-
of soldiers trained to charge headlong into death and be ogy, the invaders hammer both sides indiscriminately but
grown back in regeneration tanks, even when blown to a end up uniting the humans against them. Except that
pulp. Accompanying him is Rossa Corman, a woman who these invaders not only come armed with machine guns
can send messages coded in pain back to Earth by jab- and airships but also with witchcraft, their special wise
bing herself in the arm. cadre tapping the Earth's lay energy. This is a lively and
intelligent novel from Ben Jeapes. A section at the end
The premise that someone can be remade - body and
caps the story with historical notes and a revelation that
mind - from jam hours after their death is a litfle hard to
you may guess before, but which you should still find
swallow, but in general it's very hard to fault this novel.
The characters are rounded and engaging, the story is
lively and well told with intrigue aplenty, and the science,
however out there it may be, is explained in accessible
and thought-provoking terms. A very rewarding read.
CAE Practice Test 8 Paper 2 - Writing
WRITING - Part 1
You must answer this question. Write your answer in 220-26O words in an appropriate style.
l. You have listened to a debate about which new school facilities should receive money from local authorities.
You have made the notes below:
Write an essay discussing two of the facilities in your notes. You should explain which facility is more
important for local authorities to give money to, giving reasons in support of your answer.
You may, if you wish, make use of the opinions expressed in the discussion, but you should use your own
words as far as possible.
WRITING . Part 2
Write an answer to one of the questions 24 in this part. Write your answer in 22O-26O words in an
appropriate style.
2. You serye on your local town council. You have been asked to write a set of recommendations for the
board and citizens to consider in order to improve the living conditions in your area.
lnclude in your proposal ideas for education, transportation, public services, tourism and entertainment.
Write your proposal.
3. A friend of yours has just bought a new computer and has high-speed lnternet connection for the tirst time.
Write them a letter telling them about the advantages of having the lnternet.
Tell them about interesting websites that you have visited. You should also warn them of any security
dangers and disadvantages ofthe lnternet.
4. An online tourism publication has asked you to write a review of a local scuba diving school in your area.
You will hear three different extracts. For questions 1-6, choose the answer (A, B or C) which fits
best according to what you hear. There are two questions for each extract.
Extract One
You will hear two people who are waiting for a friend.
I The man seems to think that Pam is
neurotic. trTl
2 What does the woman think?
has reached its peak.
has a long way to go before it can be really useful.
has the potential to produce evidence that we can't yet find.
4 The man worries that
a false conviction is still possible.
many police officers aren't trained well enough to use DNA as evidence.
criminals can get access to personal information on police computers.
Extract Three
You will hear two people talking about their son.
5 What worries the man?
A The people that his son talks to on the lnternet.
B The amount of time his son spends on the lnternet.
c The cost of his phone bills because his son is using the lnternet. lil]
The woman accuses the man of being
You will hear a radio report about a new security body scanner. For questions 7-'14, complete the
Operators of the machines will be carefully checked to ensure they are not being il
Air passengers will no longer need to be physically checked by t2
The scanner has enabled officials to see t4 that have been hidden in lorries at ports.
You will hear part of a radio interview with a literary critic about Huxley's novel, Brave New World.
For questions 15-20, choose the answer (A, B, C or D), which fits best according to what you hear.
l5 Professor Protheroe believes that people l8 When Huxley went to the United States
enjoy science fiction because he
A they want to do all that they can A felt too nervous to stay there.
to protect their ancestors. B found people to be very unfriendly.
B they wish they could be immortal. C was offended by American art.
C they are naturally curious about the future. D disliked what he saw
D they dream about escaping from their
own tedious life. t9 To Huxley, America was
A a warning of what might happen.
16 ln the 1930s, Huxley B violent.
A was trying to launch his career as a writer. C a place to make his fortune.
B was known for his observations on social D an exciting symbol of the future.
C could not settle happily in any country. 20 Huxley seems to have been
D could not decide what kind of writer A a man who embraced great change.
he wanted to be. B biased against all nations other than
his own.
17 ln writing Brave New World, Huxley was C something of a puritan.
A trying to outdo Wells. D arrogant when comparing himself to other
B tackling a dangerous topic. writers.
C stealing Wells' ideas and pretending
they were his own.
D going against the grain in literary trends.
CAE Practice Test 8 Paper 3 - Listening
You will hear five short extracts in which people are talking about inventions.
While you listen you must complete both tasks.
For questions 21-25, choose from the list A-H the person who is speaking.
A an actor
B a pensioner
Speaker I
C a social worker Speaker 2
an unemployed person
an artist
Speaker 3 til]
F a postal worker Speaker 4 trT_l
a gardener
a farmer
Speaker 5
For questions 26-30, choose from the list A-H what each speaker is expressing [which statement
most accurately reflects what the speaker saysl.
I'm really tired of my job.