Model Question Paper - 2006 National Certification Examination Energy Managers & Energy Auditors
Model Question Paper - 2006 National Certification Examination Energy Managers & Energy Auditors
Model Question Paper - 2006 National Certification Examination Energy Managers & Energy Auditors
21 The force field analysis in energy action planning deals with barriers having
a) Positive forces only b) negative forces only
c) Both negative and Positive forces d) no forces
22 In force field analysis of energy action-planning, one of the actions below do not fall under
positive force?
1) high price of energy 2) energy efficient technology available
3) top management commitment 4) lack of awareness
23 The support for energy management is expressed in a formal written declaration of
commitment. This is called
a) Company policy b) Management policy
c) Energy policy d) Energy efficiency policy
24 The term “Energy is a relatively high component of product cost”, which motivates plant to
take measures for energy conservation? This is a positive force in a field analysis towards
achievement of goal. State True or False?
25 “An integrated energy purchase and energy management budget should be developed as
part of the energy management action plan”. This statement holds good for the company’s
a) Safety b) Accountability c) Reliability d) Stability
26 Simple pay back period is equal to:
a) Ratio of First cost/net yearly savings b) Ratio of Annual gross cash flow/capital cost
27 Which of the following equation is used to calculate the future value of the cash flow?
a) NPV (1 – i)n b) NPV (1 + i)n
c) NPV + (1 – i)n b) NPV/ (1 + i)n
28 The cost of replacement of inefficient compressor with an energy efficient compressor in a
plant was Rs 5 lakh. The net annual cash flow is Rs 1.25 lakh. The return on investment is:
a) 15% b) 20% c) 25% d) 19.35%
29 The broad indicator of the annual return expected from initial capital investment is __
a) NPV b) IRR
c) ROI d) Discount factor
30 The factor that reflects the risk of the project while evaluating the present value of the
expected future cash flow is ________________
a) Life of the project b) Discount rate
c) Capital cost d) All the above
31 Project financing is the first step of project management- State True or False
33 The contract in which project specifications are provided to a contractor who procures and
installs equipment at cost plus a mark-up or fixed price is called
a) Extended Financing terms b) guaranteed saving performance contract
c) shared saving performance contract d) Traditional contract
34 CPM predicts the time required to complete the project— State True or False
35 The path through the project network in which none of the activities have slack is called
a) start time b) slack time c) critical path d) delay time
36 Which of the following statements about critical path analysis (CPA) is true?
a) The critical path is the longest path through the network
b) The critical path is the shortest path through the network
c) Tasks with float will never become critical
d) The network should remain constant throughout the project
37 The network model that allows for randomness in activity completion times is called
(a) CUSUM (b) CPM (c) PERT (d) Gantt chart
2 A 250 W sodium vapor lamp is installed on a street. The supply voltage for a
street light is 230 V and it operates for around 12 hours in a day. Considering
the current of 2 amps and power factor 0.85 calculate the energy
consumption per day
Energy consumption = V x I x Cos ǿ x no. of hours
= 230 x 2 x 0.85 x 12
= 4692 watts or 4.692 kW
3 What are the few comparative factors need to be looked in to for external
benchmarking used for inter-unit comparison and group of similar units?
Few comparative factors, which need to be looked into while benchmarking externally
∑ Scale of operation
∑ Vintage of technology
∑ Raw material specifications and quality
∑ Product specifications and quality
∑ It fails to consider the time value of money. Cash inflows, in the payback
calculation, are simply added without suitable discounting. This violates
the most basic principle of financial analysis, which stipulates that cash
flows occurring at different points of time can be added or subtracted only
after suitable compounding/discounting.
The payback criterion prefers A, which has a payback period of 3 years, in comparison
to B, which has a payback period of 4 years, even though B has very substantial cash
inflows in years 5 and 6.
∑ Despite its limitations, the simple payback period has advantages in that it
may be useful for evaluating an investment.