Model Question Paper - 2006 National Certification Examination Energy Managers & Energy Auditors

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Model Question Paper – 2006



Duration: 3 Hrs. Max. Marks: 150

Section-I: OBJECTIVE TYPE Marks: 1×50 = 50

i) Each question carries one mark

ii) Put a (√ ) tick mark in the appropriate box in the answer book

1 Which of the following is commercial energy source?

a) Electricity b) Nuclear Energy c) Hydel d) Solar
2 Which country has the largest share of the global coal reserves?
a) Russia b) China c) USA d) India
3 World oil reserves are estimated to last over
a) 45 years b) 60 years c) 200 years d) 75 years
4 The global primary energy consumption (2002) was equivalent to
a) 21,842 Mtoe b) 15,360 Mtoe c) 9405 Mtoe d) 12,396 Mtoe
5 The world average per person energy consumption is equivalent to _____tonnes of coal
a) 3 b) 2.2 c) 4.5 d) 1.0
6 The type of energy possessed by the charged capacitor is
a) Kinetic energy b) Electrostatic c) Potential d) Magnetic
7 Active power consumption of motive drives can be determined by using one of the
following relations.
a) ÷3 x V x I b) ÷3 x V2 x I x cosj
c) ÷3 x V x I2 x Cosj d) ÷3 x V x I x Cosj
8 The portion of apparent power that doesn’t do any work is termed as
a) Apparent power b) Active power
c) Reactive Power d) None of the above
9 kVA is also called as
a) reactive power b) apparent power
c) active power d) captive power
10 The ratio of maximum demand to the connected load is termed as
a) Load factor b) Demand factor
c) Contract demand d) none of the above
11 “The judicious and effective use of energy to maximise profits and enhance competitive
positions”. This can be the definition of:
a) Energy conservation b) Energy management
c) Energy policy d) Energy Audit

12 The objective of energy management includes

a) Minimising energy costs b) minimising waste
c) Minimising environmental degradation d) all the above
13 Replacement of steam based hot water generation by solar system is an example of
a) matching energy usage to the requirement
b) maximising system efficiency
c) Energy substitution
d) Performance improvement
14 The benchmarking parameter for air conditioning equipment is
a) kW/Ton of Refrigeration b) kW/ kg of refrigerant handled
c) kcal/m3 of chilled water d) Differential temperature across chiller
15 Which instrument is used to monitor O2, CO in flue gas?
a) Combustion analyzer b) Power analyzer
c) Pyrometer d) Fyrite

16 The objective of material and energy balance is to assess the:

a) input-output b) conversion efficiency
c) losses d) all the above e) none of the above
17 In material balance of a process, recycle product is always considered as
a) input to process b) output to process c) both (a) and (b) d) none of them
18 Sankey diagram shows in graphics ___.
a) energy input b) energy output c) energy balance d) all the above
19 In a furnace, the lower the exhaust temperature ____ is the furnace efficiency.
a) lower b) moderate c) higher d) none of above
20 In a heat treatment furnace the material is heated up to 800 °C from ambient temperature
of 30 ° C considering the specific heat of material as 0.13 kCal / kg °C. What is the energy
content in one kg of material after heating?
a) 150 kCal b) 250 kCal c) 350 kCal 4) 100 kCal

21 The force field analysis in energy action planning deals with barriers having
a) Positive forces only b) negative forces only
c) Both negative and Positive forces d) no forces
22 In force field analysis of energy action-planning, one of the actions below do not fall under
positive force?
1) high price of energy 2) energy efficient technology available
3) top management commitment 4) lack of awareness
23 The support for energy management is expressed in a formal written declaration of
commitment. This is called
a) Company policy b) Management policy
c) Energy policy d) Energy efficiency policy
24 The term “Energy is a relatively high component of product cost”, which motivates plant to
take measures for energy conservation? This is a positive force in a field analysis towards
achievement of goal. State True or False?
25 “An integrated energy purchase and energy management budget should be developed as
part of the energy management action plan”. This statement holds good for the company’s
a) Safety b) Accountability c) Reliability d) Stability
26 Simple pay back period is equal to:
a) Ratio of First cost/net yearly savings b) Ratio of Annual gross cash flow/capital cost

c) d) All the above

27 Which of the following equation is used to calculate the future value of the cash flow?
a) NPV (1 – i)n b) NPV (1 + i)n
c) NPV + (1 – i)n b) NPV/ (1 + i)n
28 The cost of replacement of inefficient compressor with an energy efficient compressor in a
plant was Rs 5 lakh. The net annual cash flow is Rs 1.25 lakh. The return on investment is:
a) 15% b) 20% c) 25% d) 19.35%

29 The broad indicator of the annual return expected from initial capital investment is __
a) NPV b) IRR
c) ROI d) Discount factor
30 The factor that reflects the risk of the project while evaluating the present value of the
expected future cash flow is ________________
a) Life of the project b) Discount rate
c) Capital cost d) All the above
31 Project financing is the first step of project management- State True or False

32 The term ‘energy services contract’ in a project comes under

a) Financing b) contracting c) monitoring d) evaluation

33 The contract in which project specifications are provided to a contractor who procures and
installs equipment at cost plus a mark-up or fixed price is called
a) Extended Financing terms b) guaranteed saving performance contract
c) shared saving performance contract d) Traditional contract

34 CPM predicts the time required to complete the project— State True or False

35 The path through the project network in which none of the activities have slack is called
a) start time b) slack time c) critical path d) delay time

36 Which of the following statements about critical path analysis (CPA) is true?
a) The critical path is the longest path through the network
b) The critical path is the shortest path through the network
c) Tasks with float will never become critical
d) The network should remain constant throughout the project
37 The network model that allows for randomness in activity completion times is called
(a) CUSUM (b) CPM (c) PERT (d) Gantt chart

38 Performance is done after implementation. State True or false

39 In project management system, Critical Path Method CPM) allows for randomness activity
completion time deterministic method while Programme Evaluation Review Technique
(PERT) uses fixed time estimate for each activity. State True or False.
40 Which of the following does not belongs to project planning technique?
a) CPM b) PERT
c) Gantt chart d) IRR (internal rate of return)
41 Energy monitoring and targeting is built on the principle of “ _____”.

a) “production can be reduced to achieve reduced energy consumption”

b) “Consumption of energy is proportional to production rate”

c) “You cannot manage what you do not measure”

d) None of the above.

42 Which of the variable does not contribute to energy consumption?

a) Production b) Hours c) Climate d) none of the above

43 Level of production may have an effect on specific energy consumption. State True or False
44 The empirical relationship used to plot production Vs Energy consumption is (Y= energy
consumed for the period; C = fixed energy consumption; M = energy consumption directly
related to production; X= production for same period).

a) X=Y+MC b) Y=Mx+C c) M=Cx+Y d) None of above

45 1 kg LPG = _____ kcal.

a) 12,000 kcal b) 8000 kCal c) 6000 kCal d) 4000 kCal

46 The spread of the ‘Stratosphere’ above the Earth’s surface is______
a) Below 15 km b) 10 to 50 km c) above 50 km d) above 100 km
47 The ozone layer in the stratosphere acts as an efficient filter for ____
a) Solar UV- B rays b) X-rays c) Gamma rays d) UV-A
48 The compounds that can easily break ozone molecules are______
a) Chlorine b) Bromine c) Both a & b d) None
49 The main source of CFCs in household sector is___________
a) Televisions b) Refrigerators c) Washing machines d) All
50 Global warming is due to release of
a) SO2 b) greenhouse Gases c) inert gases d) free chlorine
Section-II: SHORT QUESTIONS Marks: 5×10 = 50

i) Answer any TEN of the following

ii) Each question carries FIVE marks
iii) Each answer should not exceed more than 8 lines ( ½ page)

1 Classify the types of the energy available on the earth?

Energy can be classified into several types based on the following criteria as:
∑ Primary and Secondary energy
∑ Commercial and Non commercial energy
∑ Renewable and Non-Renewable energy

2 A 250 W sodium vapor lamp is installed on a street. The supply voltage for a
street light is 230 V and it operates for around 12 hours in a day. Considering
the current of 2 amps and power factor 0.85 calculate the energy
consumption per day
Energy consumption = V x I x Cos ǿ x no. of hours
= 230 x 2 x 0.85 x 12
= 4692 watts or 4.692 kW

3 What are the few comparative factors need to be looked in to for external
benchmarking used for inter-unit comparison and group of similar units?
Few comparative factors, which need to be looked into while benchmarking externally
∑ Scale of operation
∑ Vintage of technology
∑ Raw material specifications and quality
∑ Product specifications and quality

4 What is the purpose of material and energy balance?

The basic purpose of material and energy balance is
∑ to quantify all the material, energy and waste streams in a process or a system.
∑ to find out the difference between calculated/designed values and measured/actual
values thereby making it possible to identify previously unknown losses and

5 What are the vital elements for a successful energy management

The four vital elements for a successful energy management program are:
s Top management support
s Well charted strategy plan
s An effective monitoring system, and
s Adequate technical ability for analysing and implementing energy saving options

6 Why organizations hesitant to invest money on energy conservation

i. Organization typically gives priority to investing in what they see as their core or
profit-making activities in preference to energy efficiency
ii. Even when they do invest in saving energy, they tend to demand faster rates of
return than they require from other kinds of investment.

7 Briefly explain shared saving performance contract.

Shared Savings Performance Contract is the contractor, which provides the financing and
is paid an agreed fraction of actual savings as they are achieved. This payment is used to
pay down the debt costs of equipment and/or services.

8 Why CUSUM technique is most useful?

CUSUM technique is a simple but remarkably powerful statistical method which

highlights small differences in energy efficiency performances. Regular use of the
procedure allows energy manger to follow his plant performance and to spot any trends
at an early date.

9 Write the importance of ozone layer?

The ozone layer is highly beneficial to plant and animal life on earth filtering out the
dangerous part of sun’s radiation and allowing only the beneficial part of reach earth.
Any disturbance or depletion of this layer would result in an increase of harmful
radiation reaching the earth’s surface leading to dangerous consequences.

10 How do you relate plant maintenance to achieve energy efficiency in a plant?

There is a clear dependence relationship between energy efficiency and maintenance.
This operates at two levels:
v Initially, improving energy efficiency is most cost-effectively done in existing
facilities through normal maintenance procedures
v Subsequently, unless maintenance is regularly undertaken, savings from installed
technical measure, whether in new-build or existing facilities, may not be realized.

i) Answer any FIVE of the following

ii) Each question carries TEN marks
iii) Each answer should not exceed more than 20 lines ( 1 page)

1 List the strategies for better energy security of the nation?

Some of the strategies that can be used to meet future challenges to Nation’s energy
security are:
∑ Building stockpiles
∑ Diversification of energy supply sources
∑ Increased capacity of fuel switching
∑ Demand restraint
∑ Development of renewable energy sources
∑ Energy efficiency
∑ Sustainable development

2 What is heat transfer? Briefly explain three primary modes of heat

The rate of energy transfer is called heat transfer.
Heat is transferred by three primary modes:
o Conduction (Energy transfer in a solid)
o Convection (Energy transfer in a fluid)
o Radiation (Does not need a material to travel through)
The conduction of heat takes places, when two bodies are in contact with one another.
If one body is at a higher temperature than the other, the motion of the molecules in
the hotter body will agitate the molecules at the point of contact in the cooler body and
consequently result in increase in temperature.
The transfer of heat by convection involves the movement of a fluid such as a gas or
liquid from the hot to the cold portion.
Thermal Radiation
Thermal radiation is a process in which energy is transferred by electromagnetic
waves similar to light waves. These waves may be both visible (light) and invisible.
3 Give a typical energy audit reporting format.
After successfully carried out energy audit energy manager/energy auditor should
report to the top management for effective communication and implementation. A
typical energy audit reporting contents and format are given below. The following
format is applicable for most of the industries. However the format can be suitably
modified for specific requirement applicable for a particular type of industry.
s Acknowledgement
s Executive summary - Energy audit options at a glance and recommendations
s Introduction about the plant
s Production process description
s Energy and utility system description
- List of utilities
- Brief description of each utility
s Detailed process flow diagram and energy and material balance
s Energy efficiency in utility and process systems
s Energy conservation options and recommendations
- List of options in terms of no cost / low cost, medium cost, and high investment
cost, annual energy and cost savings, and pay back
- Implementation plan for energy saving measures / projects
s Annexures

4 Explain in brief the “position of energy manager” and “Energy committee”

in an organisation? In your own words, explain what do you expect as
support from top management?

The energy management function, whether vested in one “energy manager or

coordinator” or distributed among a number of middle managers, usually resides
somewhere in the organization between senior management and those who control
the end-use of energy. Exactly how and where that function is placed is a decision that
needs to be made in view of the existing organisational structure.
Because energy concerns different departments within a firm, an effective energy
management programme must involve a number of people. In many companies, a
committee is formed to include representatives of important departments.
It can encourage communications and the sharing of ideas amongst various
departments throughout the company. It can serve to obtain agreements on energy
conservation projects, which affect more than one department. It can provide a
stronger voice to the top management than a single manager normally could. The
composition of the energy committee will vary from one company to another,
depending on the existing management structure, the type and quantity of energy
used and other company-specific factors.
One of the roles of the top management is to publish a formal statement of its energy
policy, which can be used to define company activities in energy matters for its
Further, top managements must,
∑ Involve in all energy committee meetings.
∑ Empower those given with responsibility for implementing the energy management
∑ Ensure resources of manpower, budgets etc.
∑ Encourage discussion on energy in Staff/employee meetings

5 Explain the limitations with ‘Simple Payback Period’ technique with an


The limitations are:

∑ It fails to consider the time value of money. Cash inflows, in the payback
calculation, are simply added without suitable discounting. This violates
the most basic principle of financial analysis, which stipulates that cash
flows occurring at different points of time can be added or subtracted only
after suitable compounding/discounting.

∑ It ignores cash flows beyond the payback period. This leads to

discrimination against projects that generate substantial cash inflows in
later years.

To illustrate, consider the cash flows of two projects, A and B:

Investment Rs. (100,000) Rs.(100,000)

Savings in Year Cash Flow of A Cash flow of B
1 50,000 20,000
2 30,000 20,000
3 20,000 20,000
4 10,000 40,000
5 10,000 50,000
6 - 60,000

The payback criterion prefers A, which has a payback period of 3 years, in comparison
to B, which has a payback period of 4 years, even though B has very substantial cash
inflows in years 5 and 6.

∑ It is a measure of a project’s capital recovery, not profitability.

∑ Despite its limitations, the simple payback period has advantages in that it
may be useful for evaluating an investment.

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