USDA Grant Mattes 2016

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NO: 2015-05916
START: 01 JAN 2016 TERM: 31 DEC 2016 FY: 2017
GRANT AMT: $30,000 GRANT YR: 2016
AWARD TOTAL: $30,000




NON-TECHNICAL SUMMARY: The topic of high intensity sweeteners (HIS)

and health is not new, though interest is particularly high now and continues to
grow. The resurgence in interests has stemmed largely from recent findings
that sweet "taste" receptors are located throughout the body, include the GI
tract where they are located on enteroendocrine cells. This has prompted
rethinking about whether the various HIS, once considered inert, may actually
exert important biological effects with a wide spectrum of health
outcomes.The issue of high intensity sweeteners and health has been
addressed in sessions at multiple scientific meetings. However, often only one
side of the issue is presented. In other instances, opposing views are
showcased. This is fine if the goal is to disseminate perspectives, but neither
approach serves the purpose of critically reviewing the evidence and drawing
reasoned, science-based conclusions. To achieve this end, it is necessary to
move beyond presenters, to the science itself. This proposed conference is
designed for that purpose.We propose to hold a highly structured international
conference with invited presenters and discussants. The unique design of the
program aims to highlight the state of the science stripped from hyperbole and
innuendo. In addition to presentations related to the ecology of sweet taste,
mechanisms of sweet taste and trends in high intensity sweetener use, the
specific topics often linked to health concerns that will be considered are, HIS
use and A) gut digestive, endocrine and absorptive function B) microbiota; C)
brain reward pathways; and D) appetite, food intake and energy balance.
Impressions of the science by all attending the meeting will be tracked with
real-time computer polling. However, the greater impact of the meeting will
likely be achieved through publication of the proceedings in a special issue of
Physiology & Behavior (option already confirmed).The goal of the conference
is to highlight the science related to the heal effects of HIS so that policy
makers, clinicians and consumers can make informed decisions about their

OBJECTIVES: This funding is to support an international conference. The

goals areto hold the conference and publish the proceedings.

APPROACH: We will host a conference. Speakers will submit manuscriptson

their topic. These willbe peer-reviewed and included in the proceedings.
Additionally, thediscussion following presentations will be
recorded,transcribed and included in the proceedings.

PROGRESS: 2016/01 TO 2016/06
Target Audience:We were funded to host a conference. It was advertised
widely to many diverse audiences including: scientists in industry and
academia, students, consumers, clinical professionals (e.g. dietitians,
physicians), government employees, and lay members of the community. The
proceedings of the conference will be published in a peer-reviewed journal
where the primary target audience is comprised of scientists, clinicians and
policy makers. Changes/Problems: Nothing Reported What opportunities for
training and professional development has the project provided?The
conference was hosted by the Ingestive Behavior Research Center at Purdue
University. Numerous students in the Center volunteered to help organize and
host the conference. They gained considerable understanding of the steps
required to host an international meeting. The students also held a poster
session attended by all speakers and attendees where they received
constructive feedback on the research they are conducting. The students also
interacted socially with established scientists and gained insights on
professional behavior. Finally, they were active participants in the conference
and participated in the question and answer sessions. How have the results
been disseminated to communities of interest?The conference was a venue to
share ideas and new knowledge. The proceedings will further disseminate
state-of-the-art knowledge on the topic of low calorie sweeteners and health.
What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the
goals?We expect the proceedings to be published in the next few months so
there will be no additional funding period.

IMPACT: 2016/01 TO 2016/06
What was accomplished under these goals? The conference was held
September 22-24, 2015. All speakers presented at the conference and
submitted manuscripts on their assigned topic. At this point, several
manscripts have been published ahead of print (the citation provided is only
for the introductory manuscript to the full proceedings), several are being
revised in response to reviewer comments and one paper is still undergoing
review. All will be published as a special issue of the journal, Physiology &
Behavior. Allare on track to meet all of the stated goals.

PUBLICATIONS (not previously reported): 2016/01 TO 2016/06

Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Under Review Year
Published: 2016 Citation: Mattes RD. Low Calorie Sweeteners: Science and
Controversy Conference proceedings. Physiology & Behavior

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