04 - 1HOJA DE PRÃ - CTICA - Multiwords Students
04 - 1HOJA DE PRÃ - CTICA - Multiwords Students
04 - 1HOJA DE PRÃ - CTICA - Multiwords Students
Read the sentences and work out from the context the alternative that best replaces each phrasal verb in boldface.
1) A good friend is someone who stands by you when you need them.
remains loyal to walks out on confronts
2) Charlie is such a bully! He is always picking on everyone here. I can’t stand him anymore.
treating fairly choosing treating unfairly
6) Randall doesn’t get on with most people here. He is a very unsociable person.
get away go out get along with
10) Mr. Collins broke down when he learned he had lost his fortune.
quit collapsed broke up
11) If I tell the police I was with you that day, will you back me up?
cheat on me put me down support
Material de trabajo (Inglés Profesional)
What’s a friend?
Laurie: “To me, a friend is someone who stands by you when you need them, someone who
cares. Not like your parents, though. Parents are either picking on you or telling you off, so
sometimes it’s a pain. To a friend you can always open up. That’s another way they’re
different from your parents.”
Angela: “I agree with Laurie, but personally I don’t think a friend has to be physically around
all the time. I have friends that I haven’t seen in years, but I know, if we get together, we’ll
pick up right where we left off.”
Frank: “I think a friend is that old pal you’ve always gotten on with. I often
look back on my schooldays and I think of the funny things my friends and I did together. As I
see it, the friends you make in youth are friends to keep for a lifetime.”
Gary: “Well, what are friends for? My friends and I talk about movies, sports or politics. I
don’t go round telling them my troubles and I don’t particularly want to hear theirs. I believe
that if you don’t expect too much from people, you won’t be let down.”
Burt: “I just wanna say I used to agree with Gary. I had buddies, not
friends, until my wife and I split up. That was the worst thing that had ever
happened to me, and I don’t know how I’d have gotten through it without a couple of my
fellows, who suddenly turned into friends. I certainly wasn’t a very good company, but
they spent a lot of time with me. I felt I would have broken down if they hadn’t backed
me up.”
Written Practice
Rewrite the following sentences replacing the words in boldface with a suitable phrasal verb from the list.
Pay attention to the verb tenses.