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Webinar Planning Guide: Process, Documentation, and Provisioning

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Webinar Planning Guide

Process, Documentation, and Provisioning


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Webinar Planning Guide

Table of Contents
Schoology Access Code........................................................................................................................2
Webinar Website Link.........................................................................................................................2
Naming Convention.............................................................................................................................2
Project Contact Information................................................................................................................2
What’s involved?.........................................................................................................................................3
Webinar Planning Process Map...................................................................................................................4
Milestones and Benchmarks Checklist........................................................................................................5
Content Status.............................................................................................................................................6
Documentation Checklist.........................................................................................................................6
Webinar Website/Schoology Checklist....................................................................................................6
Planners and Templates..............................................................................................................................7
Defense Connect Online (DCO) Support Website Review Questions Template......................................7
Initial Webinar Planning Template..........................................................................................................8
Goals Per Session Template.....................................................................................................................9
Training Plan Template..........................................................................................................................10
Training Plan Example...........................................................................................................................13
Read Aheads/ View Aheads Template...................................................................................................20
Post Readings/Viewings Template.........................................................................................................21
End-of-Webinar (EOW) Evaluation Template........................................................................................22
Time Zone Chart Template....................................................................................................................23
Agenda Template..................................................................................................................................24
Email Notification Template..................................................................................................................25
After-Action Report Summary Template...............................................................................................27
Practice Webinar Sessions.........................................................................................................................29
Documentation Availability...................................................................................................................29
Final Checklist............................................................................................................................................30
Information and Communication..........................................................................................................30
Practice Sessions and Provisioning........................................................................................................30

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Viewing Tip in Word

Please click the tool at the top, View, and then check the box – Navigation Pane. Now look to the left
and you will see the table of contents (TOC) for the Navigation. This will make it easier to find
information in this document.

Please review the content in this document in its entirety. Then complete the required templates. You
and the ID will meet on a regular basis to review the status of each section.

Schoology Access Code

To facilitate this webinar, you are required to have a group in Schoology. All of the information and
supplemental documentation for this webinar will be available in your Schoology group.

Webinar Website Link

The link to the webinar website will be available in your Schoology group.

Naming Convention
Each time you edit the Webinar Planning Guide (this document); resave it using the following naming

planning_webinar_guide_last name_v1 (version control number)



Project Contact Information

Requesting Client
First and Last Name:

Work: Phone/extension:


Instructional Designer
First and Last Name:

Work: Phone/extension:


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What’s involved?
Planning an effective webinar requires pre-planning and provisioning. Following the steps in this guide will ensure that you are successful in
delivering a meaningful webinar where participants are actively engaged and experience no technical disruptions.

Post Webinar
Live Webinar Information
Session Tips
Practice &
Notification to
Participants &
Group Access
& Training

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Webinar Planning Process Map

The information below will help hosts plan and deliver a successful webinar. Start planning EARLY! The ultimate goal is to provide an engaging, interactive virtual environment for participants.

1 2 3 4 5
Planning Templates & Notification to Participants & Live Webinar Session Post Webinar Information & Follow
Practice & Rehearsal Sessions
Training Plans Schoology Group Access Recommendations Up Steps

Complete the planning templates Notify participants in advance of the Practice & Rehearsal sessions will Webinars should not exceed 1 hour. After the webinar has adjourned,
and the training plans. During re- date & time of the webinar. help hosts and presenters of the Open the webinar 15 to 30 minutes provide specific post webinar
occurring planning meetings, you Organize information in a Schoology webinar become competent in using in advance of the Start Time for information, and make it available in
and the ID will review the content & group. Use Schoology to provide the webinar tools. This will prevent participants to set up their audio Schoology immediately while
identify revisions as needed. communication updates. technical difficulties. devices. Record the webinar! participants are interested.

Planners & Templates include: Your Schoology Group will have: Practice Sessions include: Tips during the webinar include: Post-webinar information includes:

 DCO Website Review  Announcements/ Updates  Initial Practice Session  Stick to the Agenda topics &  End-of-Webinar Evaluation
 Initial Planning  Specific Dates & Times (Host, ID) allotted times results
 Goals Per Session  Webinar Access Link  Technology Check Session  Have a co-host serve as a  Answers to the questions
 Training Plan  How to Join Webinar (DCO) (Host, Participants, ID) technical assistant asked during the webinar
 Training Plan Example  Read/View Aheads  Full Rehearsal Session  Mute all audio except the (FAQs)
 Agenda  Agenda (Host, Presenters, ID) person speaking  Recorded video of the live
 End-of-Webinar Evaluation  Content Per Session  Have a Chat Pod available webinar
 Read/View Aheads  End-of-Webinar Evaluation Review the Last Minute Checklist to  Provide time for Q & A  Post Readings/Viewings
 Post Readings/Viewings  Virtual Parking Lot make sure everything is complete  Conduct polls as needed  Next steps or follow up
 Time Zone Charts  Post-Webinar information and ready to go!  Provide variety in content actions
 Email Notification delivery such as demos  After-Action Report
 Practice Sessions  Conduct an EOW Evaluation Summary (if applicable)

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Milestones and Benchmarks Checklist

The chart below includes specific items that will be used in planning and delivering your webinar. Each item is covered in detail within this guide.

Who What When (Date)

Client, ID Kickoff Meeting
Client Defense Connect Online (DCO) Support Website Review Questions Sign Off
Client DCO Account; Webinar Link; (email the webinar link to the assigned ID)
Client Initial Webinar Planning Template
Client Agenda
Client Training Plan
Client Read/View Ahead Template (Optional)
Client Post Reading/Viewing Template (Optional)
Client Slide Deck Presentation
Client Time Zone Chart/Schedule
ID Website (html) (if needed)
Client/ID Schoology (Client request a group and sends ID the group access code; ID will organize group.)
Client Email Notification to Participants (at least 2 weeks in advance)
Client End-of-Webinar Evaluation
Client, ID Initial Practice Session (required)
Client, ID, Facilitators Full Practice/Rehearsal Session (required)
Client, ID, Participants Technology Check Session (optional)
All Live Webinar Session(s)
Client After-Action Report Summary (if applicable)
ID Recorded Webinar
ID, Client Answers to questions asked during webinar (FAQs)

Content Status
The content used in the webinar must be completed below. For large scale webinars, you will be required to have the DoDEA Editor review your
documentation and submit it into SACP. The documents below are required per webinar session.

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Documentation Checklist
Needs DoDEA Editor DoDEA Editor SACP Approving
Supporting Documentation Missing Final
Reviewing Submission Date Completion Date Submission Date Official
Read/View Aheads (Optional)
Post Reading/Viewings (Optional)
Time Zone Chart
Slide Deck PPT
End-of-Webinar Evaluation

Webinar Website/Schoology Checklist

Needs DoDEA Editor DoDEA Editor SACP Approving
Navigation Menu Title Missing Final
Reviewing Submission Date Completion Date Submission Date Official
Introduction (Welcome)
Essential Questions
Learner Outcomes
Target Audience
Before the Webinar
Dates and Meeting Links
Read/View Aheads
During the Webinar
Documents for Participants
End-of Webinar Evaluation
After the Webinar
Post Readings/Viewings

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Planners and Templates

Defense Connect Online (DCO) Support Website Review Questions Template

In order to understand and confidently deliver a webinar, clients requesting webinar support from the DoDEA
Virtual School are required to preview the Defense Connect Online (DCO) Support Website at
https://content.dodea.edu/VS/21st_century/web/dco/index.html. Then answer the following questions:

How will you make your webinar interactive and engage your participants?

What questions do you have about DCO?

What general questions do you have about webinar conferencing?

Submit this document to the Instructional Designer (ID) assigned to this project.

________________________________________ ______________________________

Name of Requesting Client Date

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Initial Webinar Planning Template

Pre-Planning Webinar Overview

Webinar Title:

Webinar Team Members:


Webinar Dates:


Author of Report:

Date of Report:

Webinar Overview

General Description:
Deliverables (if applicable):

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Goals Per Session Template

Enduring Understandings
Enduring understandings are statements summarizing important ideas and core processes that are central to a discipline and have lasting value
beyond the learning event. They synthesize what learners should understand—not just know or do—as a result of engaging in a particular
learning event.

Essential Questions
Essential Questions lie at the heart of a subject or concept and promotes inquiry and uncoverage of a subject or concept. They contain no simple
“right” answer, provoke and sustain inquiry, address conceptual or philosophical foundations, raise other important questions, and stimulate
vital, ongoing rethinking.

Learning Outcomes
Learning outcomes are statements of what a learner is expected to know, understand and/or be able to demonstrate after completion of a
process of learning. Learning Outcomes are measureable, include very specific and active language – and verbs in particular – that make
expectations clear.

Title of Session Date Enduring Understandings Essential Questions Learning Outcomes


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Training Plan Template

Session Information:
Date Time Title of Session

Enduring Understanding:
Enduring understandings are statements summarizing important ideas and core processes that are central to a discipline and have lasting value beyond the
learning event. They synthesize what learners should understand—not just know or do—as a result of engaging in a particular learning event.

Essential Question(s):
Essential Questions lie at the heart of a subject or concept and promotes inquiry and uncoverage of a subject or concept. They contain no simple “right”
answer, provoke and sustain inquiry, address conceptual or philosophical foundations, raise other important questions, and stimulate vital, ongoing rethinking.


Learning outcomes are statements of what a learner is expected to know, understand and/or be able to demonstrate after completion of a process of learning.
Learning Outcomes are measureable, include very specific and active language – and verbs in particular – that make expectations clear.

By the end of the session, participants will have:

Per Breakout Group

Trainers :
Date/Time/Location Trainers Support

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Time Process Content Slides/Material















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Training Plan Example

Session Information:
Date Time Title of Session
Thursday, January 15 8:10 – 11:00 Professional Learning Plan for School Year 2015 - 2016

Enduring Understanding:

DoDEA will thoughtfully provide macro and micro professional learning when implementing DoDEA’s College and Career Ready Standards. We
will work to have the professional learning deepen content knowledge and pedagogy, occur at school as often as possible, occur over a sustained
period of time, occur in collaborative teams in which members share learning goals, link teacher learning to teacher practice and student
learning, provide support to transfer learning to practice, and measure success through student achievement results for students.

Essential Question(s):

1. How do we build the capacity of Area, district and Instructional Leaders to operationalize the use (instruction and measurement) of the
DoDEA CCR Standards for Mathematics?
2. What non-negotiable "must have information" should we include, specific information, for all Pre-K - grade 5 teachers during a full day
introduction to DoDEA CCR Standards?
3. What training content should be linked between the orientation day at the end of the school year, and the two days early return at the
start of the ensuing school year?
4. What do you think teachers must learn in three days (orientation + 2 days early return) to be using the DoDEA CCR Standards for
Mathematics during instruction on day 1 school year 2015-2016?
5. On-going job embedded training will continue alongside the use of the DoDEA CCR standards for mathematics during SY 15-16. What do
you anticipate will be needed to motivate, sustain and develop instructional practice with our teachers during this freshman year
experience (4 sessions)?
6. What strategies, inspirations, models, gaps, can HQ provide/create to systematize regular intervals of teacher learning (weekly/bi-
weekly) throughout the SY 15-16 to increase collaborative learning and shared understanding of the DoDEA CCR standards? Horizontal
& vertical by grade levels?

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By the end of the session, participants will have…

 Debriefed Slicing the Layers of Learning in order to process the differences between “traditional and reform-oriented professional
 Heard, and be able to articulate the key features of, the proposed Professional Learning Plan for the DoDEA CCR Standards for
Mathematics over 16 months (February 2015 – June 1016).
 Provided support for at least one component, or offer a creative solution, for the proposed Professional Learning Plan for the DoDEA
CCR Standards for Mathematics over 16 months (February 2015 – June 1016).
 Recommended and shared considerations, thoughts, and modifications to the components of the initial DoDEA CCR Standards for
Mathematics Professional Learning Plan.

Per Breakout Group

 Whiteboards per breakout group  Article Slicing the Layers of Learning

 PowerPoint  First Turn/Last Turn protocol
 Group facilitator  Count down timer

Date/Time Trainers Support
Thursday, 15 January Michael Kline, Melanie Henson, Paul Salatto Dawn Corley

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Time Process Content Slides/Material
8:10 – 8:55 Protocol: Small Opening – Anticipatory Set
Group Discussion
Participants will work in groups (number of groups depend on size)
Whole Group: to use the First Turn/Last Turn protocol to process Slicing the
sharing Layers of Learning. After groups have worked through the protocol,
one person from each group will share summarizing thoughts.

Facilitator Note: Groups should be ready to share at 8:45

The purpose of this debrief is to form a common goal for how

DoDEA should analyze, design, develop, and evaluate professional
learning for the College and Career Ready Standards. It provides
research to guide participants’ thinking as they give input to our
current professional learning plan later in the session.


1. Slicing the Layers of Learning

2. First Turn/Last Turn protocol

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8:55 – 9:00 Whole Group Share Enduring Understanding, Essential Questions, and Outcomes

HO: PowerPoint packet

9:00 – 9:30 Whole Group Share current professional learning plan

February Math ISS Training

March/April District Network Team Meetings

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May Orientation Training

July/August Two-Day Early Return Training

Quarterly Professional Learning

Focused Collaboration

Focus is on sharing HQ’s current thinking. Time will be given for

input during breakout sessions. Questions should focus on

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9:30 – 9:45 Break

9:45 – 10:30 Breakout Groups Breakout Sessions

Group One (Breakout Room 1) – February Math ISS Training and

March/April District Network Team Meetings (Facilitator: Michael)

Group Two (Breakout Room 2) – May Orientation Training and Two-

Day Early Return Training (Facilitator: Melanie)

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Group Three (Breakout Room 3) – Quarterly Professional Learning

and Focused Collaboration Time (Facilitator: Paul)

Participants will count by 3s to determine which group they are in.

Groups will go to their breakout rooms and use whiteboards to

chart responses to:

Considerations and Thoughts

Content Recommendations

Facilitators should select a presenter from each group

Chart paper

10:30 – 11:00 Whole Group Each group is given 10 minutes to share their responses with the S:
full group. The whiteboards per breakout room will be maintained
and used as we work on these developments in the future.

HO: Completed Charts

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Read Aheads/ View Aheads Template

Optional: The template below will help participants actively engage in the Read/View Aheads prior to the scheduled webinar session. If you have
any Read/ View Aheads, complete the information below and then submit this form to the ID assigned to this project.

Link (url) or Why do you Probing Questions

Title What is it? How can you use it?
Attachment recommend it? (1-3)
Web Link: If you have a Title of the Read/View What is the purpose of Why is this Read/View How can participants What are 1 to 3 Probing
website you want the Ahead here. providing this Ahead useful or use this Read/View Questions for
participants to view, Read/View Ahead to important to Ahead in their current participants to focus
paste the link here. participants? participants? educational setting? their attention while
interacting with this
Attachment: If you Read/View Ahead?
have the resource
saved on your local
computer, email it to
the ID.

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Post Readings/Viewings Template
Optional: The purpose of any Post Reading/Viewing information is to deepen or extend the understanding of the material (content) you
presented to your participants during the live webinar. Participants should engage in this information after the webinar has ended. If you have
any Post Readings/ Viewings, complete the information below and then submit this form to the ID assigned to this project.

Link (url) or Why do you Probing Questions

Title What is it? How can you use it?
Attachment recommend it? (1-3)
Web Link: If you have a Title of the Post What is the purpose of Why is this Post How can participants What are 1 to 3 Probing
website you want the Reading/Viewing here. providing this Post Reading/Viewing useful use this Post Questions for
participants to view, Reading/Viewing to or important to Reading/Viewing in participants to focus
paste the link here. participants? participants? their current their attention while
educational setting? interacting with this
Attachment: If you Post Reading/Viewing?
have the resource
saved on your local
computer, email it to
the ID.

End-of-Webinar (EOW) Evaluation Template

An EOW evaluation is required for each webinar session. To help you develop an effective EOW evaluation, it is recommended that you contact
the Research and Evaluation Branch at DoDEA HQ.

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Research and Evaluation Branch
Dr. Sandra Embler, Chief of Research and Evaluation Branch, DoDEA HQ
Office Location: 06F04-02 | Phone: 571-372-6006 | E-mail sandra.Embler@hq.dodea.edu

EOW Evaluation Questions

End of Webinar Evaluation
Outcomes: Outcome Question(s):
(At least one question should measure one of the (Align your question(s) to measure an important outcome)
outcomes of your webinar.)
Paste your Outcomes here.

Examples of other questions:

1. How would you rate this webinar? 1 being the lowest and 5 being the highest.
2. What was the most valuable learning gained during the webinar?
3. What suggestions do you have for improving subsequent webinars?

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Time Zone Chart Template

The Time Zone chart must be completed for each webinar session and disseminated to all participants at
least two weeks in advance of the scheduled webinar. Please click the link below to access the World
Clock International Meeting Planner.


Note: It is recommended that each webinar session not exceed 1 hour.

Time: EDT (Spring/Summer) or EST (Fall/Winter)
Meeting Link:


Time: EDT (Spring/Summer) or EST (Fall/Winter)
Meeting Link:

Washington D.C. EDT Pacific

Date: EDT Date: JST
EDT ChST (Guam)
JST (Mainland)
JST (Okinawa)
KST (Korea)

Time: EDT (Spring/Summer) or EST (Fall/Winter)
Meeting Link:

EDT (GA, Ft. Knox, KY, NC, NY, VA, SC)

CDT (AL, Ft. Campbell, KY)
AST (Puerto Rico)
CDT (Cuba)

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Agenda Template
The template below is an example. Edit as needed. (1 hour agenda is recommended!)

Date Time Title of Webinar


By the end of the webinar session, participants will have:

 Articulated
 Identified
 Explained

Time Content/Process Who

5 minutes Set-Up
 Welcome and introductions
 Review outcomes/agenda
 Purpose

5 minutes Technology Check

 Roll Call and Sound Check
 Webinar Norms

5 minutes Overview
 Overview of the webinar
 Walk-through of documentation (if needed)

10 minutes Part 1 (Title of Topic)

 Deliver/Discuss
 Online Engagement Interaction (OEI)
15 minutes Part 2 (Title of Topic)
 Deliver/Discuss
 Online Engagement Interaction (OEI)
10 minutes Part 3 (Title of Topic)
 Deliver/Discuss
 Online Engagement Interaction (OEI)
5 minutes Wrap Up
 Answer any questions
 Next Steps

5 minutes Meeting Closure

 Complete the End of Webinar Evaluation

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Email Notification Template

Type an introductory message here. Be sure to include the purpose and outcomes of the webinar.


The purpose of this webinar is to…


By the end of this webinar, participants will have…

Schoology Group
All of the information regarding this webinar is available in our Schoology group. Please sign into
Schoology at https://learn.dodea.edu/ and use the access code below to join our group.

Schoology Access Code: __________________

Schedule: Dates and Times


Time: EDT (Spring/Summer) or EST (Fall/Winter)
Meeting Link: (Available in the Schoology Group)



Time: EDT (Spring/Summer) or EST (Fall/Winter)
Meeting Link: (Available in the Schoology Group)

Washington D.C. EDT Pacific

Date: EDT Date: JST
EDT ChST (Guam)
JST (Mainland)
JST (Okinawa)
KST (Korea)

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Time: EDT (Spring/Summer) or EST (Fall/Winter)
Meeting Link: (Available in the Schoology Group)

EDT (GA, Ft. Knox, KY, NC, NY, VA, SC)

CDT (AL, Ft. Campbell, KY)
AST (Puerto Rico)
CDT (Cuba)


Type a closing paragraph here…

Sincerely yours,


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After-Action Report Summary Template

The template below is optional. Use it if your webinar is large scale and involved DoDEA High Priority items.

Webinar Overview

Meeting Title

Meeting Participants

Meeting Location

Meeting Dates


Author of Report

Date of Report
Date of Distribution of Report
(To Whom/When)

Agenda Summary
General Description:

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Recommendation Actions Taken / Next Steps
The goals of the week were to:

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Practice Webinar Sessions

The practice sessions below serve as a mechanism to ensure that all team members and presenters
participating in the webinar are fully trained in using the tools and features in the webinar interface.
Prior to the “LIVE” webinar, the following practice sessions must occur:

Pre-Session Required Audience Date Webinar Link

Initial Practice Session Host, ID
Full Rehearsal Session Host, ID, Presenters
Technology Check Session Host, ID, Participants (optional)

Documentation Availability
Are the documents below available to participants?

Note: The access code to join the Schoology group, the Read/View Ahead Template and the Time Zone
Chart must be made available to the participants at least 2 weeks in advance of the Live Webinar
Session. This will give them adequate time to read and understand the materials BEFORE the webinar.
Advance notice will also give participants a chance to schedule time for the live webinar on their
calendars and make any necessary adjustments to their daily schedule.

Document Increment Date Available

Schoology Access Code Before (2 weeks)
Read/View Aheads (if applicable) Before (2 weeks)
Time Zone Charts Before (2 weeks)
Email Notification Before (2 weeks)
Agenda During
Slide Deck Power Point Presentation During
End-of-Webinar Evaluation Purpose and Questions During (Adjourn)
Post Readings/Viewings (if applicable) Post Webinar

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Final Checklist
Review the checklist below to make sure you are ready to deliver your webinar.

Information and Communication

Have you completed and provided critical information to your participants?

Yes/No Item
DCO Webinar Website (if using DCO)
Initial Webinar Planning Template
Goals Per Session Template
Training Plan Template
Email Notification to Participants
Uploaded the following information in Schoology Group
Webinar Link
Provided information to participants about how to join the webinar (DCO)
Time Zone Charts
Slide Deck Presentation
Read/ View Aheads
End-of-Webinar Evaluation
Post Readings/Viewings

Practice Sessions and Provisioning

Have you conducted the following?

Yes/No Session
Initial Practice Session
Technology Check Session
Full Rehearsal Session

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