Project Design Draft

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Project design

The design consists of five phases that use to plan and implement training. The steps in the
process are:

1. Analyze,
2. Design,
3. Develop,
4. Implement and
5. Evaluate.

The steps work in conjunction with one another, which saves companies time and money by
allowing revisions to be made throughout the process rather than after the training is launched.

Use these techniques to design training for individuals or groups.


Identify and define the need for training


Design the training plan

Define and develop the training materials

Training Implementation for targeted group

Evaluate the training
3.1. Project Period

The training will give by two rounds for each module, and the timing will be as follows the table

Table: specify number of trainees and Training days

Target Number of trainees Date of Training

No Training Modules
Group Round 1 Round 2 Starting date End Date
Project Management
1 Selected from 40 40 ? ?
Digital marketing target group 1
2 40 40 ? ?
basics and 2
3 ERP Basics 40 40 ? ?

4. Implementation, Monitoring and evaluation System

Once a project has been planned and financial support been secured, the most important part
begins - implementation. The Training Program will cover for all West Gondar and Central
Gondar Zone selected Woredas’ TVET and University graduates on Project Management Basics,
Digital marketing basics, ERP Basics. And the main Training Program will be delivered through
practical training limited to 35 participants (in exceptional cases 40 people) with two rounds of
individual modules, in order to ensure a high rate of active participation by all trainees. The
duration of training day should be 10 days, 8 hours per a one-hour break at lunch time and two
times 15 minutes breaks.

The series of training to be conducted under this training program have been divided into the
following modules:

 Module (A): Project Management Basics

 Module (B): Digital marketing basics
 Module (C): ERP Basics
4.1. Project Implementation Plan

By under considering the analysis part, the information gathered from the need & skill
requirement for the identified target group on the identified training courses, the training outlined
as follows:

• Presentation about the core concepts of the training concept

• Practical demonstration

For those training sessions for the above selected target audience, the following suppletory
preparation has been made in advance as:

• Audio visual aid and power point presentation

• Practical demonstration manual/trainee guide

The training will be on University of Gondar and Resources that are required for the proposed
training will be

No Resources UoG Trainer Trainee

1 Training place/room 

2 Interactive smart board 

3 Computer Lab 

4 Training manual 

6 Audio visual aid and ppt 

8 Internet connection 

9 Training Tools/Software 

4.2. Project Implementation Plan table

Table: Implementation Detailed Timeline: Training Implementation and Management
No Phase Tasks, Milestones and/or Deliverables Start Date End Date Responsible Role
1 Implement Readiness Activities or preparing action plan
2 Prepare for Roll-Out
3 Secure Training Facilities
4 Purchase or Print Session Materials
5 Contract Trainers
6 Prepare Trainers (“Train-the-Trainer” Sessions)
7 Create Training Schedule
8 Create and Distribute Marketing Materials
9 Register Participants
10 Create Rosters, Tent Cards, etc.
11 Hold Training Sessions
12 Evaluate Training at intervals

4.3. Project Monitoring and Evaluation System

4.3.1. Monitoring
Training monitoring involves the preparation of trainers, marketing and advance awareness of
upcoming opportunities for training to the proposed audience, obtaining facilities and materials
for the sessions, scheduling and registration, as well as holding training sessions and evaluating
them afterwards for effectiveness.

The proposed monitoring steps as followed:

3. Trainer Selection and Preparation

4. Training Facilities
5. Advance Awareness and Marketing
6. Session Scheduling
7. Participant Registration
8. Hold Training Sessions
9. Follow-up the session based on evaluation plan.

4.3.2. Evaluation Plan

Training evaluation is the systematic process of collecting information and using that
information to improve the training. Evaluation provides feedback to help to identify if the
training achieved the intended outcomes, and helps to make decisions about future trainings.
The program evaluation will be collected immediately following training to ascertain trainee
reaction and also comments will be evaluated and corrections made as possible during future
training sessions.

There are five steps to the training evaluation process:

Step 1: Identify the Purposes.

 Before developing evaluation systems, the purposes of evaluation must be determined.

 Why do we want to evaluate training programs?

Step 2: Select Evaluation Method.

 Kirkpatrick’s four levels of evaluating training programs

 Reaction, learning, behavior, and result

Step 3: Design Evaluation Tools.

 Questionnaire
 Pre/Post Test
 Impact Survey

Step 4: Collect Data.

 Who, when, how to collect data?

Step 5: Analyze and Report Results.

 Evaluation data analysis

 Reporting

5. Risk of the Project

All projects have risks. If a potential risk of the project is not identified early, then the project
will be at a high risk to complete as per schedule, within budget and to meet the expected quality
[3]. before a project even gets started, it is essential that any potential risks are identified and a
strategy for managing such risks developed. One of the best ways to do this is by learning from
past experience either your own experience, or those of the organization as a whole [4].

In this project the possible risks could be lack of willingness to accept the service from the
concerned bodies that they assume we may create another problem, lack of potential budgets to
buy the components to be replaced, this risk happens when improper plan of the project budget
with the activity done in the project, the other risk may be there are computer totally crashed or
didn’t maintain easily.

We may face shortage of budget to implement every planned task will be another top list of risk
in our project and there may be risks to recover files if the system is totally dead.

If the above-mentioned potential risks happen, we will ready to minimize or mitigate those
potential risks by analyzing the requirement and resource needed for the project. Since the
executive and stakeholder commitment in project implementation are things needed to
accomplish the project, we will create awareness on the importance of the service and related
issues. So we are ready to solve such problem by creating willingness for executive and
stakeholders during project implementation.

We are also plan and mitigate the project budget risk by proper budget plan for each project
activity. In addition to this, we will reshape our project any potential risk that will happen in
project during implementation.

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