Addresses of Offices To Submit OCI Applications Applicants Outside India

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Addresses of offices to submit OCI applications

Applicants outside India

Can submit applications to:

i. The Indian Mission /Post having jurisdiction over the

country of which applicant is a citizen; or
ii. If he/she is not living in the country of his/her citizenship, to
the Indian Mission /Post having jurisdiction over the country of
which the applicant is ordinarily resident.

Applicants in India

Applicants in India can submit the applications in person or by

Speed Post/ Registered Post only to following FRROs according to
their Jurisdictional control as mentioned against each FRRO.

Sl. FRROs Office States/UTs Remarks


1 FRRO Delhi, Delhi, Haryana,

East block-VIII, Level-2, Rajasthan, Himachal
Sector-1, R.K. Puram, New Pradesh, Uttarakhand
Tele. No.011-26711384
2 FRRO , Amritsar, D-123, Punjab, J&K,
Ranjeet Avenue, Amritsar, Chandigarh
Tele No.0183-2500464
3 FRRO, Lucknow, CCS UP, Bihar, Jharkhand
Airport, Lucknow Tele.
4 FRRO, Kolkata, 237, A.J.C. West Bengal, Sikkim,
Bose Road, Kolkata. Tele Assam, Arunachal
No.033-22900549 Pradesh, Mizoram,
Nagaland, Manipur,
Meghalaya, Tripura

5 FRRO, Hyderabad, SBI Odisha, Andhra

Hyderabad, Beside Kendrya Pradesh, Chattisgarh
Sadan Hyderabad (AP)
Tele. No.040-
6 FRRO Chennai, Shastri Tamilnadu,
Bhawan Annexe, 26, Puducherry, Andaman
Haddows Road, Chennai. & Nicobar
Tele No.044-23454970
7 FRRO Bangalore, No.5, Karnataka
Double Road, (Near ESI
Hospital, Indira Nagar
Tele. No.080-25202053,
8 Ms. Aswati Dorje , Maharashtra, M.P., States/UTs
FRRO Mumbai, Gujarat, Daman & Diu under the
Annex-II Bldg., 3rd Floor jurisdiction of
Badruddin Tayyabji Marg,
Behind St.Xavier’s College,
C.S.T., Mumbai- 400001 (The would also be
Landmark is near C.S.T. dealt by FRRO,
railway station and the Mumbai for OCI
office is in the lane beside matters till
the Times of India building.) further orders.
For Enquiries on
Registration and Visa
Services Phone
Enquiry For PIO/OCI Phone
FRRO Respective Excluding
9 Thiruvananthapuram jurisdiction, jurisdiction of
(Trivendrum) SIB, L &M Islands & Kerala other FRROs
Thiruvananthapuram ,572
Montford House, Thycad,
Thiruvananthapuram. Tele.
10 FRRO Kozhikode(Calicut), Respective jurisdiction Excluding
Intn. Airport, Malappuram & Kerala jurisdiction of
Kerala-673047 other FRROs
Tele. No.0483-2717198
11 FRRO Kochi (Cochin), 2nd Respective jurisdiction Excluding
floor, Airlines Building, & Kerala jurisdiction of
Kochi Intn. Airport Kochi- other FRROs
Tel. No.0484-2611277
12 FRRO, Goa Goa, Dadra & Nagar Till further
Near Hotel International Haveli orders, FRRO
Escola, Building, Tonca, Mumbai will
Caranzalem, Goa. look after the
Tele. No.0832-2462202 OCI work of this

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