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Chapter 2

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2.1 Description of a Domestic Airport
Domestic airport manages flights within the country. It shares a deal in improving country’s economic
growth (Florida, Richard. N.d.). It catches aircrafts, common in the Philippines, such as Airbus 19,
Airbus 20, Airbus 21, Turbo Propeller Q350, and etc. which transits people to their desired place inside
the country.
The design of Domestic Airport must help the region in terms of its economy. The design of Domestic
Airport has factors to consider:
1. Airspace radius from the neighboring airports and airways.
2. Topography and wind direction of the selected site.
3. Statistics of population around the selected site.
4. Passenger and aircraft movements of the existing airport to develop.
5. Environmental constituents that will be affected once the design is established on the
selected side.

2.2 Geophysical Structures

This section will be accomplished once the researchers obtain the data from CAAP (Civil
Aviation Authority of the Philippines) and DOTr (Department of Transportation). The data will be
obtained as soon as the scheduled meeting with the said departments are settled.
Wind Direction (nung location)

2.3 Preliminary Data

This section will be accomplished once the researchers obtain the data from CAAP (Civil
Aviation Authority of the Philippines) and DOTr (Department of Transportation). The data will be
obtained as soon as the scheduled meeting with the said departments are settled.
2.4 Design Inputs and Considerations (isama ditto yung hand-out ni sir billy)
Bird Sanctuary
This section will be accomplished once the researchers obtain the data from CAAP (Civil
Aviation Authority of the Philippines) and DOTr (Department of Transportation). The data will be
obtained as soon as the scheduled meeting with the said departments are settled.
2.5 Design Methods
This section will be accomplished once the researchers obtain the data from CAAP (Civil
Aviation Authority of the Philippines) and DOTr (Department of Transportation). The data will be
obtained as soon as the scheduled meeting with the said departments are settled.
2.6 Other Design Considerations
This section will be accomplished once the researchers obtain the data from CAAP (Civil
Aviation Authority of the Philippines) and DOTr (Department of Transportation). The data will be
obtained as soon as the scheduled meeting with the said departments are settled.
2.8 Design Layout
2.8 Review of Related Foreign and Local Literature
Related literature has information and facts connected to the design. It serves as references to expand
the possible inputs, processes, and outputs of the design. The following foreign and local literatures
used in the design are cited as follows.
The International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) defined that an "aerodrome" is an established area
on land or water (including any buildings, installations, and equipment) intended to be used either
wholly or in part for the arrival, departure and surface movement of aircraft. The term includes small
airfields of private transport aviation, large business airports, and army airbases.
An airport, a type of aerodrome, is a site for the departure and landing of an aircraft for commercial
purposes. It has more extended facilities than other aerodromes such as terminals for passengers and
There are two (2) categories of airport – domestic airport and international airport. According to
Balasubramanian Kailasam (n.d), the two (2) categories differ in flights, facilities, and services.
Domestic flights carry passengers within a country or a region unlike international flights that carry
passengers outside a country. Domestic airports have shorter runways as it accommodates lesser
number of passengers than international airports. Also, domestic airports don’t have immigration and
customs facilities that international airports have. by the reason that an international flight takes longer
route which consumes more time and fuel – International journeys cost more price than domestic
According to theconstructor.org (2019), there are seven (7) main components that an airport must
have. These are runway, taxiway, apron, terminal building, control tower, hanger, and parking. A
runway is a strip of paved land where landing and take-off operations of airliner take place. A taxiway is
a path that connects the ends of the runway with the other airport facilities such as terminal area,
hanger, apron, etc. An apron is the parking lot of airliners. A terminal building is where the airport
check-ins happen. The control tower is an elevated place where air traffic control is being done. A
hanger is a place where the maintenance and reparation of airlines occur. Parking is a lot provided for
passengers and staff vehicles.
In aviajoin.com (n.d.), there is a discussion that airport facilities can be classified as landside or airside
facilities. Landside facilities are to be accessed by passengers (i.e. terminal building and parking).
While airside facilities are for aircraft operations which are tightly controlled and only accessible by
exclusive staff (i.e runway, taxiway, apron, control tower, and hanger)
Figure 2.7.a Parts of an Airport
(Source: greenvilledowntownairport.com)
In the presentation entitled Airport Terminal Design by Sarah Shuchi (2018), there are basic types of
terminal configurations: Finger Pier, Satellite, Linear, Transporter, and Midfield. In designing the
configuration, passenger numbers and number of aircrafts must be considered. Also, to prevent
financial loss and major operational problems, the design must consider variety of traffic, need of
several stakeholders, and commercial services. The designers considered three (3) of the types of
terminal configurations to be the transportation trade-offs for the design.
2.7.1 Finger Pier Terminal
A finger pier is a narrow extension to a central passenger facility. From the top view, finger piers bear a
resemblance to fingers attached to the palm of a human hand. This design positions aircraft gates on
both sides of the building while extending away from the central core. A finger pier has the advantage
of placing some plane gates close to the central facility, thus making these more favorable for the
passengers than going to the gates at the end of the terminal. The main struggle with finger pier
terminal is that, at large airports with many gates, these lead the passengers to long walking distances
(de Neufville and Odoni, 2003).
According to Tateng K. Djajasudarma (2017), this kind of configuration has a central area where the
main facilities are located with an extended “finger” that has gates leading to the aircraft. This kind of
terminal configuration has efficiency and clear orientation between the terminal and gates. Placing
facilities and shops is a huge advantage for the airport to be economical – this kind of terminal
configuration can easily provide places for those.
According to Dr. Sarah Shuchi (n.d.), Pier Terminal Configuration is widely adopted and introduced in
1950s. It has high aircraft capacity and simplicity in design. This type of terminal configuration is
preferable when the transfer traffic is low. However, it adds constraints to the mobility of the aircraft
movement in the apron due to having tight space.
Figure 2.7.1.a Finger Pier Terminal Configuration
(Source: https://transportgeography.org/)

2.7.2 Satellite Terminal

Satellites are the logical extensions of T-shaped finger piers. Gates on this type are concentratedly built
at the end of the finger. Other designs put the finger underground, making it concealed. Satellites with
subterranean connections to the central building have one advantage. This allows aircrafts to maneuver
around the satellite without hindrances (de Neufville and Odoni, 2003).
In the presentation Airport Planning and Terminal Design , advantages of Satellite Terminal are
explained by Eileen Poh (2007). This terminal has centralized resources such as people, conveniences,
and facilities. For future aircraft design development, more satellites can be established to
accommodate larger aircrafts.
The disadvantages of this kind of terminal are also explained by Eileen Poh (2007). Satellite Terminal
requires high technology for the subterranean transportation system. Due to this reason, this terminal
faces high cost of maintenance and capital. Also, capability of having terminal expansion is limited.
Terminal expansion of this kind is difficult and requires long time to be finished.
Figure 2.7.2.a Satellite Terminal Configuration
(Source: educatererindia.blogspot.com/2017/06/airport-planning-and-development.html)
2.7.3 Linear Concourse
A linear concourse is a lengthy building with aircraft with each end. It is spacious in the middle to
accommodate the people mover station, provide a profitable area, and shelter bigger aircrafts with their
myriad passengers. Usually, it is bounded by two (2) major parallel taxiways that grant aircraft to move
between their gates and the runways with minimum number of turns and delays (de Neufville and
Odoni, 2003).
In the presentation Airport Planning and Terminal Design , advantages of Linear Concourse Terminal
are discussed by Eileen Poh (2007). It provides clear orientation – runways must be oriented according
to the direction of wind. It is easier and simpler to construct than other configuxrations. It offers the
shortest walking distances for passengers among the other types of configurations. Lastly, cost of
baggage systems is low by using decentralized systems.
Disadvantages can also be seen in this type of configuration as discussed by Eileen Poh (2007). This
kind of configuration has a lot of terminal facilities and duplication of terminal amenities occurs often. It
gives less flexibility in terminal and apron for future development in operations such as design, and
airlines. Lastly, minimum connecting time between airlines and airport authorities is much longer.
Figure 2.7.3.a Linear Concourse Terminal Configuration
(Source: educatererindia.blogspot.com/2017/06/airport-planning-and-development.html)
As to designing the floor of the terminal building, the designers consider three (3) slab types: Steel
Deck, Reinforced Concrete Slab, and Flat Slab. These slab types are further discussed on the following
2.7.4 Steel Deck
Steel deck is an element of the structural panel which acts as a floor or roof surface. It is shaped from
sheet steel of structural consistency and designed to stretch over joist or purlins (idealroofing.ca, 2001).
Composite slabs built of steel and concrete are lighter and stronger than most traditional slabs
combined with the extensive strength of the concrete. Thus, it provides versatile protection for a better
all-round base (raisedfloor.co.uk, 2018).
Reinforced Concrete slab structures can be used on steel decks to save time and expense. The
advantages are replacing the traditional wood shaping and reinforcing bars. Such designs don’t need
the use of reinforced steel for structural resistance. Negative reinforcements will prevent stress cracks
from forming due to flexure when it was continuously stretch (The Aberdeen Group, 1974).
It is important for each steel deck that has its own specific shear transfer mechanism to test it’
performance. The goal is to provide data for the equations in strength design with a series of tests are
particularly needed to provide ultimate shears for linear regression analysis of related parameters that
affects the shear-bond efficiency (Missouri University of Science and Technology, 1975).
2.7.5 Reinforced Concrete Slab
A reinforced concrete slab is a type of structural feature that is used in buildings to provide flat surfaces
such as floors and ceilings. It is divided into one-way slab or two-way slab based on the reinforcement
given beam support and span ratio (Theconstructor.org, 2019).
A one-way slab characterized as a flexural component with a small depth relative to other dimensions,
gravity loads applied to and above its surface, stretching in one direction between parallel supports,
and reinforced in that direction only for flexure (Hoffman et.al,1998).
The two-way slab is a slab that is generally supported all sides of walls or beams and has a length to
width ratio of less than two, twisting or bending in both directions when moving loads to walls or beams
(Gharpedia, 2019).
Steel fibers and some polymeric fibers were used in concrete to provide spontaneous crack protection
after it reached a hardened state. The use of both concrete materials offers benefits for both plastic and
hardened state. (American Concrete Institute 360R-06, 2006)
A strong bond between concrete and reinforcement can help to control the width of cracks, or their
location (at joints). This allows for the transfer of the tensile forces (which concrete has a very low
resistance) to the reinforcement. (Cement and Concrete Aggregates, 2002)
2.7.6 Flat Slab
According to civiltoday.com (n.d), a flat slab is a two-way reinforced concrete slab. Usually, it doesn’t
have girders and beams. Due to this reason, loads are directly transferred to the concrete columns
supporting the slab.
Flat slabs are built monolithically with supporting columns. Without the beams, height of the building
can be reduced. Setting-up of sprinklers are easier than other slab types. Construction time of flat slabs
are lesser compared to other types of slabs. However, this kind of slab is not possible to be lengthy. In
masonry, Flat slabs are not advisable to be used for supporting frail partitions. To be durable, flat slabs
need more thickness to resist loads which makes the work less economical (Kishor Chauhan, 2017).

a. Mehta, Pooja (n.d.) Airport Transport: Advantages and Disadvantages. Retrieved from

b. Azote, Jelene T. (2018, August 01). Socio-Economic Benefits of the Future Domestic Airport in
the Tourism Industry of San Juan, Batangas, Philippines. Retrieved from

c. WorldNow Travel (2018, February 02). International Airports vs. Domestic Airports. Retrieved
from https://worldnowtravel.com/international-airports-vs-domestic-airports/

d. The Constructor (Civil Engineering Home) (n.d.). Components of an Airport. Retrieved from
e. Aviajoin (n.d.). Landside and Airside of an Airport. Retrieved from https://aviajoin.com/airport/

f. Shuchi, Sarah (2016, August 29). Airport Terminal Design. Retrieved from

g. Architecture, Wiratman (2016, November). Airport Design. Retrieved from


h. Poh, Eileen (2007, April 9). Airport Planning and Terminal Design. Retrieved from

i. De Neufville, Richard & Odoni, R. Amadeo (2013). Airport Systems: Planning, Design, and
Management. Retrieved from https://soaneemrana.org/onewebmedia/AIRPORT%20SYSTEMS

j. The Constructor (Civil Engineering Home) (n.d.). Concrete Slab Types – Construction, Cost,
and Applications. Retrieved from https://theconstructor.org/practical-guide/concrete-slab-

k. Quora (n.d). “What is a two-way slab?”. Retrieved from https://www.quora.com/What-is-a-two-


l. ACI 360R-06 (n.d.). Designs of Slabs-on-Ground. Retrieved from


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