Landasan Akademis Aerocity

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Konsep Dasar Peran Aero City / Aerotropolis Tahapan Pengembangan Jenis Kegiatan di Aero City/Aerotropolis Konsep Rencana Tata Ruang Dasar Pertimbangan Pengembangan Pola Ruang Tantangan Pengembangan Pembiayaan

Konsep Dasar Definisi

An aerotropolis is an urban complex whose layout, infrastructure and economy are centered on an airport.

Analogous in shape to the traditional metropolis made up of a central city and its rings of commuter- heavy suburbs, the aerotropolis consists of an airport city core and outlying corridors and clusters of aviation-linked businesses and associated residential developments.

Sumber : Aerotropolis: The Way Well Live Next? Interview with John D. Kasarda, ATLANTIS - MAGAZINE BY POLIS - PLATFORM FOR URBANISM, #22.3 December 2011).

Jenis Aerotropolis
1. Airport-lead land use planning exercise In the case of these Aerotropoli, an airport owned vast tracts of land adjacent to its facility or within the fence of its facility. At some point, the Airport decided that it must create an intelligent development model for its land and facilities in order to maximize value. Communities in which airports lead their Aerotropolis effort include Dallas- Ft. Worth, Denver, Huntsville, Indianapolis, Jacksonville, and Tulsa. Chamber of Commerce-lead economic development efforts In an attempt to enhance the economic competitiveness of the community that they serve, various chambers of commercehave identified their airport as an economic engine that would benefit from Aerotropolis coordination. Chambers of Commerce coordinate the Aerotropolis development in Memphis, Jacksonville, Kansas City, Piedmont Triad, Phoenix-Mesa, and St. Louis. Private carrier hub cities Certain communities are fortunate to be major hubs or headquarters of private air cargo carriers. These communities experience many spin-off commercial benefitsfrom the presence of such carriers, though with some external coordination of the Aerotropolisexists. These communities include Huntsville (Panalpina), Louisville (UPS), and Memphis(FedEx). Traditional port communities Certain communities have traditionally been hubs of transportation activity, primarily being developed along railroads or waterways. Thesecommunities have maintained a legacy of transportation employment and activity, and as such,have attempted to leverage these assets into air cargo development near their airports. Thesecommunities include Chicago, Detroit, Duluth, Jacksonville, Kansas City, Louisville, Memphis, and Toledo. 3




Sumber : Aerotropolis Governance Case Study Analysis, Aerotropolis Governance Comparison and Case Study Analysis, Prepared by Jim Tarantino, The Gateway to Milwaukee.

Konsep Dasar Aerotropolis Schematic

Konsep Dasar Kegiatan di Dalam dan Luar Bandara di Aerotropolis

Konsep Dasar Taoyuan Taiwan version of Airport City Schematic

Peran Aero City/Aerotropolis Gateway to Accelerate Regional Economic Development

Peran Aero City/Aerotropolis Dampak Ekonomi dari Penerbangan Komersial

Sumber : Looking in all the wrong places? Catalytic effects in the context of product cycle theory. Stephen J. Appold and John D. Kasarda

Tahapan Pengembangan

Faktor Utama Pengembangan Aero City/Aerotropolis Airport City Success Factors

Sumber : Sustainable Airport Region, Managing Airport Cities: Benchmark Study 2008, Stephanie Betz


Faktor Utama Pengembangan Aero City/Aerotropolis Key Factors That Facilitate Airport-Centric Development

National Airspace System - Airport-centric Development


Faktor Utama Pengembangan Aero City/Aerotropolis Rangkuman Faktor-Faktor Penggerak Perkembangan Aero City
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Long-haul jet aircraft connecting people, products, and enterprises world-wide. Supply chain processes where parts and components are manufactured in a half-dozen different countries, assembled in a seventh country and distributed to a multitude of others. The growth of world tourism. Must have it now consumer age. Air cargo was the primary driver. Rapid passenger and cargo growth. New economy products (typically small, light, compact, high value-to-weight parts, components and assembled products) are increasingly shipped internationally by air in a fast and agile manner. The huge volume of time-critical products (including perishables) such as micro-electronics, pharmaceuticals, medical devices and aerospace equipment traversing international boundaries by air annually has resulted in air cargo accounting for approximately 35% of the value of todays world trade. In order to gain a competitive advantage through the speedy global supply-chain connectivity that air cargo provides, high-tech manufacturers and other time-critical industries are locating at sites around or accessible to well-connected airports. As their suppliers and logistics providers co-locate, they drive additional investment and employment growth in airport regions. 12




Jenis Kegiatan di Aero City/Aerotropolis

Example of Air and Surface Connectivity Benefitting Manufacturing, Repair, and Training


Jenis Kegiatan di Aero City/Aerotropolis Synopsis of Logistics Clusters


Jenis Kegiatan di Aero City/Aerotropolis Kegiatan Terkait Keberadaan Bandara

1. Core aeronautical activities are part of the 1. Kegiatan inti technical operation of the airport, directly penerbangan. supporting the air traffic function. 2. A relation to air-freight or air-passenger movements, (e.g., logistics and distribution activities or terminal retail and hotels). Their competitiveness and/or business revenues are closely tied to the scale of air traffic.irport-related activities have a direct 3. Airport-oriented activities choose the airport area because of the image of the airport and its typically excellent ground accessibility. The price of land and surface connectivity, rather than relation to air traffic, are key the factors in determining those activities locating in the airport area. 2. Kegiatan terkait dengan bandara yang berhubungan dengan pergerakan penumpang dan barang. 3. Kegiatan berorientasi bandara.


Jenis Kegiatan di Aero City/Aerotropolis Rantai Keterkaitan Aktivitas Ekonomi


Konsep Rencana Tata Ruang Konsep Struktur Ruang

Analogous in shape to the traditional metropolis made up of a central city core and its rings of commuterheavy suburbs, the aerotropolis consists of an airportcentred commercial core (airport city) and outlying corridors and clusters of aviation-linked businesses and associated residential development.


Konsep Rencana Tata Ruang Konsep Pola Ruang

1. 2. The Aerotropolis incorporates aviation-linked business and industrial clusters at and around airports and along airport access corridors. The aerotropolis has both spatial and functional forms. Its spatial form consists of aviation- oriented businesses and their associated residential developments which cluster around airports and outward along connecting transport corridors generating observable physical features. The functional form consists of a more diffuse airport-integrated economic region whose businesses are as closely linked to distant suppliers, custom ers, and enterprise partners as they are to those in their own region. Corporate headquarter functions. The full-range of office services and business support staff of a traditional corporate complex are available, including meeting rooms, computers and advanced telecom, secretarial and tech assistance. Retail mall concepts have been merged into passenger terminals. Airport property beyond the terminal is being developed with hotel and entertainment facilities, conference and exhibition complexes, shopping centers, office buildings, and logistics and free trade zones. Airports also frequently offer complementary sets of facilities for airport and airline employees (such as day care centers and health clinics), as well as commercially serve residents in the local market area. Cluster, rather than strip development, should be encouraged along airport transportation corridors with sufficient green space between clusters. Residential mixed-use developments for airport area workers and frequent air travelers should be designed to human scale, encouraging social interaction and sense of neighborhood. In short, aerotropolis development and smart growth should go hand-in-hand.





Konsep Rencana Tata Ruang Konsep Sistem Transportasi 1. Air cargo hub. 2. Multimodal air logistics hub. 3. Good surface transportation accessibility exists to the airport area. 4. Rapid ground connectivity to much of the region and beyond is provided by the inter city rail station underneath the complex. 5. Dedicated airport expressway links (aerolanes) and high-speed airport express trains (aerotrains) should efficiently connect airports to business and residential clusters, near and far. Special truck-only lanes should be added to airport expressways, as should improved interchanges to reduce congestion.


Dasar Pertimbangan Pengembangan Pola Ruang Isu Pengembangan Pola Ruang

1. Isu Kebisingan 2. Isu Keamanan dan Keselamatan

a. Tall Structures (Bangunan Tinggi) b. Visual Obstructions and Electronic Interference (Gangguan Pandangan dan Pengaruh Elektronik)
1) Debu 2) Silau 3) Pancaran Cahaya 4) Asap, Uap dan Kabut

c. Serangan Burung dan Satwa Liar


Tantangan Pengembangan Hal-Hal Yang Harus Diwaspadai

Aerotropolis has to be more than a build it and they will come airport dream. Success rests on market realities and adequate air service.

The opportunities or constraints to aerotropolis roll-out are determined by natural ecological factors, surface transportation infrastructure, ownership of land parcels, labor force characteristics, and local governance structures.


Tantangan Pengembangan Persoalan Terkait Pola Ruang

Lack of alignment between airport, city and regional planning; Lack of integrated forward-looking spatial planning and joint-agreements; Lack of coordination between different levels of government and other stakeholders; Blighted conditions where small-scale older uses have been disenfranchised from wider improvement coalitions; Competition, conflict and confusion between local authorities over development philosophies and planning controls; Equitable financing of infrastructure provision; Traffic congestion at airports stimulated by airport-related commercial activity; Uncertainty regarding optimal character of on- and near-airport commercial development; and Resistance from high street traders and local municipalities to expansion of retailing at airports.

Sumber : The planning of airport regions and National Aviation Policy Issues and challenges in Australia 2008-2009, Robert Freestone and Douglas Baker.

Tantanga Tantangan

Alternatif Pembiayaan Tahapan Pengembangan Berdasarkan Sumber Pembiayaan

He advises them on how to achieve the Airport Citys Triple Bottom Line. The first point is that major airports now receive more of their revenue from nonaeronautical sources than from aeronautical sources. Secondly, rapid commercial development at and around major airports transforms them into leading urban growth generators as airport areas become significant employment, shopping, and business destinations in their own right. The airport area finally develops a brand image attracting even non-airport linked businesses. Thus, Kasarda is advocating for nothing less than creating whole new airportthemed urban zones within regions.
Sumber : Aerotropoli, The Logic of Globalization and the Rise of Dr. John Kasarda, By John Patrick Good Globalization Spaces Final Research Paper December 18, 2007


Alternatif Pembiayaan Funding Sources

1. Airport-lead, Airport-funded For those communities whose Airport has taken a lead role in the creation of an Aerotropolis, those efforts are also primarily, if not entirely, funded by that Airport. These Aerotropolis communities have benefitted from vast tracts of available, developable land and the participation of a few real estate developers. These developers have privately financed large scale communities, business parks, industrial facilities, and logistics parks where there once was desert or farmland. 2. Combination of Public and Private sector financial contributions In those communities where private sector involvement is strong and available land is at a premium, companies and units ofgovernment have made financial contributions to the Aerotropolis organization operating in that community. 3. State and Federal grants/tax incentives For a number of Aerotropolis communities, the ability to offer tax incentives or the award of grant money has been given by the State or Federal Government. 4. Other omissions include communities with large marine port activities as federal funding for channel and dock improvements is common among all marine ports.
Sumber : 2013 AIRPORT ECONOMICS & HUMAN CAPITAL CONFERENCE, Airport City Real Estate Development Opportunities & Challenges


Alternatif Pembiayaan Non-Airline Revenue Target

Sumber : 2013 AIRPORT ECONOMICS & HUMAN CAPITAL CONFERENCE, Airport City Real Estate Development Opportunities & Challenges


Alternatif Pembiayaan Hierarchy of Airport Participation

Sumber : 2013 AIRPORT ECONOMICS & HUMAN CAPITAL CONFERENCE, Airport City Real Estate Development Opportunities & Challenges


Alternatif Pembiayaan Thinking Like Developers

Sumber : 2013 AIRPORT ECONOMICS & HUMAN CAPITAL CONFERENCE, Airport City Real Estate Development Opportunities & Challenges


Alternatif Pembiayaan Denver International Airport

Public Sector
City and Country of Denver, City of Aurora Brighton, Commerce City Bennet, Adams County State of Colorado

Quasi Governmental
Metro Denver EDC, Commerce City ED, Adams County ED Front Range Airport, E-470 Highway Authority DRCOG, RTD, DTP et al

Land Owners


I.C. Fulenwider LNR, A&C, Smith The Pauls Corp. Prologis, Oakwood Homes Majestic Realty Corp. et al

End Users
Developers, Investors, Tenants, Customers, et al
Sumber : 2013 AIRPORT ECONOMICS & HUMAN CAPITAL CONFERENCE, Airport City Real Estate Development Opportunities & Challenges


Alternatif Pembiayaan Denvers Economic Clusters

Sumber : 2013 AIRPORT ECONOMICS & HUMAN CAPITAL CONFERENCE, Airport City Real Estate Development Opportunities & Challenges


Alternatif Pembiayaan Airport City Denver & Economic Clusters

Sumber : 2013 AIRPORT ECONOMICS & HUMAN CAPITAL CONFERENCE, Airport City Real Estate Development Opportunities & Challenges


Alternatif Pembiayaan Airport City Denver & Economic Clusters

Sumber : 2013 AIRPORT ECONOMICS & HUMAN CAPITAL CONFERENCE, Airport City Real Estate Development Opportunities & Challenges


Alternatif Pembiayaan Implementation & Governance

Sumber : 2013 AIRPORT ECONOMICS & HUMAN CAPITAL CONFERENCE, Airport City Real Estate Development Opportunities & Challenges


Alternatif Pembiayaan Airport Management/Development Models

Sumber : 2013 AIRPORT ECONOMICS & HUMAN CAPITAL CONFERENCE, Airport City Real Estate Development Opportunities & Challenges


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