Lesson 7
Lesson 7
Lesson 7
Design Design Digital Digital
Technologies Technologies Technologies Technologies
Knowledge & Process & Knowledge & Process &
Understandings Production Understandings Production
Skills Skills
ACTDEP01 Resources
6 Introduction TWLH chart in science journal
ACTDEP01 Students will complete third section of their TWLH
7 Chart
Move into project groups
Students will take modified sketches and create
final prototype using provided materials and/or
materials sourced from home
After completion of product groups will need to
work on their product pitch speech for the ‘big
company’ need to include
- Overview to the issue
- Introduction to their product describing what it is
and how it will help minimise water pollution Materials for prototypes
- The cost effectiveness of the product (how much - Cardboard
funding they will need and how much they plan to - Aluminium
sell it for) - String
- Practical application of product (how it can be - Cloth
implemented into the community) - Toilet rolls
- Why the ‘big company’ should invest in their - Paper
product - Pop sticks
Conclusion - Toothpicks
- Other reusable materials
Complete a ‘how I feel’ exit slip about their
- Home sourced materials
presentations next lesson
Exit Slip (Circle feelings that apply)