Beekeeping Guide 2

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Information for honey packers 2010 edition Guide 2 Annex 1 useful Addresses page 26

Name Type of organisation and Contact address

services offered
The Uganda National A membership apex TUNADO
Apiculture Development organisation representing the Plot 76 Buganda road,
Organisation apiculture sector in Uganda. P.O. Box 8680,Kampala,Uganda
Source of advice,sector Tel : +256-414 258 070
coordination and information Email :
Bees for Development UK based NGO providing Bees for Development,1 Agincourt street,
information to apiculture Monmouth, NP25 3DZ, UK
industries in developing Tel: +44-1600- 714 848
countries. Email :
ApiTrade Africa Co. Ltd Regional membership ApiTrade Africa Secretariat
organisation, working to Plot 2117, Ntinda Town 2nd Floor, Velocity
develop honey trade in Africa Mansion, P.O. Box 23441, Kampala, Uganda
Tel: +256- 414 288 616
Chemiphar (Uganda) Ltd Chemiphar (U) Ltd. is an Located on plot 224- 226, Acacia road,
independent analytical Kansanga
laboratory, internationally P.O. Box 25525, Kampala Uganda
accredited to test quality Tel: +256- 268 832
assurance of honey and other Email :

Enterprise Uganda Business support service. Enterprise Uganda

Services include Plot 38 Lumumba Avenue, Nakasero
entrepreneurship training; P.O. Box 24581, Kampala ,Uganda
business advisory and Tel: +256- 414 251810
counseling services; Email :
information and planning.
Green and white Enterprises Supplies apiculture and Plot 2117, Velocity Mansion, Ground Floor
agricultural equipment P.O. Box 16627, Kampala
Tel: +256- 414581138

Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Government department Alice Kangave

Industry and Fisheries responsible for policy Chief Apiculture officer (MAAIF)
(MAAIF) development, regulation and P.O.BOX 513, Entebbe, Uganda
information. Tel: +256- 712273059
National Agricultural Advisory Facilitates the provision of (NAADS) Plot 5 Kyadondo road,
Service ( NAADS) extension services to farmers Block B, Legacy Tower, Nakasero
through district coordinators. P.O.B 25235, Kampala, Uganda
Tel: +256- 312 345060
Website :
Swiss contact Uganda Swiss NGO in Uganda Located on plot 19/20 off Martyr’s way, Ntinda,
facilitating beekeepers to Kampala
access productivity enhancing P.O. Box 21153 Kampala Uganda.
technologies and markets for
their products.
Trias Uganda Belgium NGO based in Trias Uganda, Kiwafu road, Kansaga
Uganda to elevate the social P.O.Box 5617, Kampala, Uganda,
economic security and well Tel : +256- 414266371
being of family farmers and Email :
small entrepreneurs by
supporting their membership
Uganda Export Promotion Public body promoting growth UEDCL Tower, Plot 37 Nakasero
Board through export. Services P.O. Box 5045, Kampala, Uganda
include export services, Tel: +256- 414230233
market research and trade Website:
Uganda National Bureau of (UNBS) is a statutory UNBS plot 2-12 Bypass Link, industrial and
Standards ( UNBS) organisation which develops business pack, Kyaliwajala road
national standards for industry P.O. Box 6329, Kampala, Uganda
regulation. Tel : +256- 417333250
Email :

Training organisations
Adra Agricultural college Agricultural training college Franciscan brothers Agricultural
offering short courses in college Ofaka, Arua district,
beekeeping. P.O. Box 135, Nebbi, Uganda
Tel: +256- 784 444 910
Email :
Africa Institute for Strategic Training programme at college of Makerere University veterinary
Animal Resource Services and veterinary medicine Makerere complex
Development (Afrisa) University offering trainings in Tel : +256- 312 514 068
beekeeping Email :
Bulindi Zonal Agricultural Offers training in beekeeping Bulindi
Research and Development P.O.Box 101, Hoima, Uganda
institute Tel: +256-772439886
John Kadu Bee equipment supplier John Kadu kawempe ,
P.O. Box 2061
Tel: +256- 71567395
Nyabyeya Forestry College The only forestry college in Located in Masindi at the fringes of
Uganda offering formal Budongo forest.
beekeeping training programmes Tel : +256- 392 301 114
at both Diploma and Certificate Email :

Market access for beekeepers (p21) guide 1 second edition

Unit cost of materials and running costs
Item Cost/yield
Local style hive UShs 20,000
Top bar hive UShs 100,000
Smoker UShs 40,000
Bee suit UShs 150,000 for one ( UShs
750,000 each sharing the cost)
Bucket UShs 20,000
Average yield from a colony in 12 kg per year
top-bar hive
Average yield from a colony in 8 kg per year
local style hive

Projected profit and loss account for a farm beekeeping business using local style hives (page 22)
Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4
Costs unit no total cost unit cost no total cost unit No. total unit cost No. total cost
cost cost
local 20,000 5 100,000 20,000 5 100,000 20,000 5 100,000 20,000 5 100,00
smoker 40,000 1 40,000
bee suit 150,000 150,000
buckets 20,000 2 40,000 20,000 2 40,000 20,000 2 40,000 20,000 2 40,000
other 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000
total 200,000 310,000 160,000 160,000
income price kg price per kg price kg price per kg
per kg kg per kg kg
sale of 5,000 32 160,000 5,000 64 320,000 5000 96 480,000 5000 128 640,000
PROFIT -40,000 10,000 320,000 480,000

Working out yield for each year

Year 1 5 hives x 8 kg per hive x 80% = 32 kg
Year 2 10 hives x 8 kg per hive x 80% = 64 kg
Year 3 15 hives x 8 kg per hive x 80% = 96 kg
Year 4 20 hives x 8 kg per hive x 80% = 128 kg

Total yield, 4 years 320 kg

Total profit, 4 years 770,000
All currency in Ugandan shillings
Total number of hives after 4 year 20
Projected profit and loss account for a farm beekeeping business using top- bar hives (page 23)
Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4
costs Unit No Total Unit cost N Total Unit cost No Total Unit cost No. Total cost
cost cost o cost
top-bar 100,000 5 500,000 100,000 3 300,000 100,000 2 200,000 100,000 2 200,000
smoker 40,000 1 40,000
bee suit 150,000 150,000
buckets 20,000 2 40,000 20,000 2 40,000 20,000 2 40,000 20,000 2 40,000
other 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000
total 600,000 510,000 260,000 260,000
income Price kg Price kg Price per kg Price kg
per kg per kg kg per kg
sale of 5,000 48 240,000 5,000 7 385,000 5000 96 480,000 5000 115 640,000
honey 7
total 240,000 385,000 480,000 640,000
PROFI -360,000 - 220,000 380,000
T 125,000

Working out yield for each year

Year 1 5 hives x12 kg per hive x 80% = 32 kg
year 2 8 hives x12 kg per hive x 80% = 77 kg
Year 3 10 hives x12 kg per hive x 80% = 96 kg
Year 4 12 hives x12 kg per hive x 80% = 115.2 kg

Total yield, 4 years 320.2 kg

Total profit, 4 years 115,000
All currency in Uganda shillings
Total number of hives after 4 year 12
Annex 2 running a collection centre as a business (market access for beekeepers second edition page 24)
Example costs of materials and running costs
Item Cost / No. / Amount
no. of 30 kg buckets of comb honey delivered 330
no. of kg of comb honey delivered 9,900 kg
cost of one bucket of honey UShs 150,000
yield per 30 kg bucket of comb honey 2 kg wax, 25 kg honey, 3 kg waste
total wax yield 660 kg
total honey yield (liquid) 8,250 kg
sale price 1kg of wax UShs 15,000
buying price per kg of comb honey UShs 5,000
selling price per 1kg liquid honey UShs 10,000
fixed costs per year (bills, management, book UShs 7,000,000
keeper, repairs buckets, meetings)
casual labour (2 people for 6 months at 150,000 per UShs 1,800,000

Example profit and loss account for one year of a commercial collection centre
COSTS Cost in UShs No. Total in UShs
buckets of honey 150,000 330 49500,000
casual laborer 900,000 2 1,800,000
fixed costs 7,000,0000
total costs 58,300,000
INCOME price per kg, in UShs kg total in UShs
bulk honey 10,000 8,250 82,500,0000
wax 15000 660 9,900,000
total income 92,400,000
TOTAL PROFIT 34,100,000

GUIDE Two page 30 and 31 second edition (information for honey packers)
Annex 3 example of profit and loss account
bucket of honey purchased in a year 500
kg per bucket 30 kg
kg purchased per year 15,000 kg
honey yield per bucket after processing 25 kg
wax yield per bucket after processing 2 kg
wastage per bucket 3 kg
jars of honey which can be obtained from one 3 kg
kg per jar 0.5 kg
cost of one bucket of comb honey UShs 150,000
sale price of 0.5 kg jar of honey (wholesale) UShs 5,000
sale price of 1kg (wholesale) UShs 15,000
kg of processed honey sold per year 12,500 kg

Profit and loss account

item cost in UShs No. in a year total in UShs
bucket of honey 150,000 500 75,000,000
jar 510 25000 12,750,000
label 200 25000 5,000,000
labour per person 1,000,000 2 2,000,000
fixed costs 1000,000
all cost 95750,000
item price in UShs No. in a year total in UShs
packed honey (500g 5000 25000 125,000,000
wax, kg 15000 1000 15,000,000
Total income 140,000,000
Total profit 44,250,000
Profit margin per bucket 88,500

Guide 2 page 26 and 27 processes for export

What one needs to consider in order when exporting bee products particularly honey in Uganda, the export
process requires a number of documents that the exporter needs to prepare to ensure that the goods reach
their destination.
Export documentation for honey and other bee products
Preferential markets
When your honey is ready for export to the EU market, obtain a generalised system of preference (GSP)
Certificate from Uganda Export promotions board (UEPB). Previously one would need a Euro 1 certificate.
If you are exporting to non- EU countries (e.g. Australia, Canada, Japan, Switzerland, USA), you will need
a generalised system of preference (GSP) Certificate from UEPB. UEPB certifies the consignment after
proper declaration is made by the exporter. The GSP certificate costs about US$ 1.4 (UShs 5,000) per
consignment. Declare your consignment by submitting the form to the customs department of Uganda
revenue authority at the point of exit. For customs declaration the exporter must have a health certificate /
certificate of origin, packing list and commercial invoice in addition to the customs declaration form.
A health certificate is needed to accompany every consignment. This certificate is obtained from the
Ministry of Agriculture, Animal industry and Fisheries (MAAIF) department of health and entomology at a
fee of US$12 (UShs 42,000) per consignment.
Some buyers also request for a certificate of analysis of product issued by a competent laboratory as an
indicator that the product meets the required standards. This is issued by Uganda National Bureau of
Standards (UNBS).
When exporting to countries under the East African community (Kenya, Tanzania, Rwanda or Burundi) you
need an EAC certificate of origin which is issued and certified by Uganda Revenue Authority (URA) after a
proper declaration by the exporter. EAC certificate of origin costs about US$ 1.4 (UShs 5,000)
When exporting to any country within the common market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA)
region, you need a COMESA Certificate of origin which is issued and certified by UEPB after a proper
declaration by the exporter. COMESA certificate of origin costs about US$1.4 (UShs 5000). Other
documentation is the same.
When exporting to china and Morocco, there are special certificates of origin issued and certified by UEPB
in the same way as others certificates.
Non preferential markets
When exporting to countries where Uganda does not have any preferential treatments e.g. Pakistan, Brazil,
Ghana, Israel, Dubai, India, South Africa, a special certificate of origin is issued and certified by Uganda
National Chamber of Commerce and Industry (UNCCI). The other documentation is the same.
Other documents required from the exporter include a commercial invoice, packing list and bill of landing
/Airway bill.
Summary of necessary documentation for exporting honey
Document Responsible agency Cost estimated in US$ Target market
Certificate of URSB Depends on the nature All
Incorporation Uganda Registration of business and startup
Service Bureau capital
Customs declaration Uganda Revenue All
form Authority (URA)
GPS certificate (also UEPB 2 EU, Japan, USA,
known as Form A) Canada, Australia,
Denmark, France and
Finland etc
COMESA certificate UEPB 2 COMESA countries
EAC Certificate URA 2 EAC countries
Certificate of origin for UEPB 2 China, India, South
preferential tariff for Africa and Korea
LDCs- also known as UEPB 2 Morocco
annex 111
Certificate of origin (non- UNCCI 4 Other LDCs e.g.
preferential ) Pakistan, Ghana and
Veterinary / Health MAAIF Department of 12 All markets
certificate Entomology
Certificate of analysis or UNBS 50- 150 Optional: may be
quality certificate Chemiphar requested by the buyer
Organic certificate UgoCert ltd Seek advice from EU, USA, Japan,
certifiers Australia, and other
Fair Trade certificate Fair trade labeling Seek advice from EU, USA, Japan and
organisation certifiers other markets

Data about export and honey brands first edition guide two page 5
Uganda exports an average of three metric tons of honey per year to the EU market and non EU countries
such as Middle East (formal statistics from government UEPB/UBOS 2015). However, there is a lot of
informal cross border trade that the government has failed to tap, estimated to 1000MT.
According to the honey market report 2013 the study indicated that 75% of honey brands on the shelves
were Ugandan .

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