1990 - Inoue - Practical Repetitive Control System Design PDF
1990 - Inoue - Practical Repetitive Control System Design PDF
1990 - Inoue - Practical Repetitive Control System Design PDF
Tadashi Inoue
T \
upon one of the three basically equivalent representa-
tions shown i n Fig.1 (a) (c). Here, P stands f o r a
controlled object, and D f o r a dead-time element. For a
Fig.2. repetitive control system
discussed in the paper.
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Fig.4. Example of stable Nyquist diagram.
the reference input and the disturbance a r e harmonic, Fig.5. Gain f o r non-harmonic disturbance
t h e steady-state response in e,(t) has period L and the plotted on complex plane f o r C G ( e x p ( j u ) ) .
difference 6 (t)=es(t)-e,(t-L) disappears. T h i s explains
the effect of the repetitive control. The loop i n t h e last To simplify t h e discussion, consider a disturbance with a
part of the diagram governs the stability. To apply constant power spectrum S," like that of a white noise.
Nyquist's stability condition t o this loop, consider the Then the power of the control e r r o r averaged over one
frequency response period of etp(-juM) is given by
G,(exp(ju)) = exp(-jul\l)-Il C G ( e x p ( j u ) ) l , (2)
which is given by substituting z i n the loop gain
G,(z) = z - ~ l{- C ( z ) . G ( z ) } (2)' For a quantitative discussion, assume that CG(exp(ju)) is
by e x p ( j u ) , where U is a normalized frequency. The constant over the averaging interval. T h i s makes a close
Nyquist's criterion then tells us that, i f the loop trans- approximation if M is large because the interval length
f e r function (2)' is stable, the amplitude of G , ( e x p ( j u ) ) becomes small. Then we have
must become less than unity each time its phase angle
crosses ( 2 k + l )x (k=O, + 1 , &2, -) w h i l e U is varied from - K K2(u)= A a 2 ( u ) - S a 2 ,
t o X . In the case t h a t the dead time L (and conse- where
quently, M) is very large, the phase varies very rapidly,
crossing ( 2 k + l )x very many times. T h i s makes a sufficient
condition on t h e amplitude,
The contour plot of AdZ(u)on the complex plane for
I 1 - CG(exp(ju)) I < 1, ( -E < U I X) (3) C G ( e r p ( j u ) ) is shown i n Fig.5. The power is greater than
nearly necessary for stability. In many applications unity i n the stable region, which means t h a t the control
including t h e examples cited in this paper, t h e dead time e r r o r is increased by t h e repetitive control if distur-
is expected t o be much larger than the dynamical lags bance is non-harmonic. If C G ( e x p ( j u ) ) = l , the average
and delays in the basic servo. Thus, a stabilizing com- power of t h e control e r r o r is doubled. If such increase
pensation based upon (3) is meaningful. is not tolerable, the amplitude ICG(exp(j u ) ) I must be
decreased. A t an fixed amplitude, the average e r r o r is
The condition requires t h a t the Nyquist plot f o r minimized by making the phase shift zero.
CG(exp(ju)) be contained i n a circle of radius 1 centered
a t l + j O , as is shown i n Fig.4. Most basic servo systems 3. STABIUZATION WITH AN INVERSE PHASE SYSTEM
alone do not satisfy this. Thus, one has t o stabilize the The results obtained i n the preceding section sug-
repetitive system with C(z). One may think of using an gest t h a t the phase shift i n G ( e z p ( j u ) ) should be
inverse system f o r G(z) as C(z) t o let the l e f t hand side cancelled out by C(exp(j u ) ) . The amplitude ICG(exp(j u ) )1
of (3) vanish. Then a deadbeat repetitive control takes can be used t o find a compromise between the response t o
place. It is easily seen t h a t the tracking e r r o r t o r(t) harmonic and non-harmonic components. If the amplitude
vanishes a f t e r t h e first cycle of r(t)has been applied t o is identical t o unity, harmonic components in control
t h e system. However, t h e discrete-time transfer function e r r o r decay very quickly. If the amplitude is small, the
G ( z ) may have unstable zeros. The differentiating nature amplification of non-harmonic disturbance is insignifi-
of a inverse system may amplify high-frequency distur- cant. The importance of t h e two factors may differ from
bances. Hence, the stabilizing compensator should be one frequency range t o another. The signal d(t) stands
sought from a wider class of components f o r a disturbance appearing a t the output of a
closed-loop servo. Thus its spectrum, which may have
Along with the tight stability condition, t h e re- non-harmonic components, would concentrate a t high fre-
sponse t o non-harmonic disturbances is another problem quencies whereas the reference input, which is always
t o consider i n designing a repetitive control system. The harmonic, would have its principal components a t low
frequency response of the control e r r o r e(t) t o t h e frequencies. Then, low-pass characteristics would be
dibturbance d( t) is given by agreeable. Low-pass gain characteristics together with a
zero phase shift may seem t o be unreasonable.
1-exp(- juM)
Gd(exp(Ju)) = l+{CG(erp(j u ) ) - 1} e x p (-juM) ' (4)
The s t r u c t u r e of the control system that C ( z ) is
As we expect, l G d l becomes zero a t a harmonic frequency, placed i n series with the dead-time element makes this
u=2k z /M. The response t o a non-harmonic signal differ possible. The configuration of a stabilizing compensator
from frequency t o frequency. In (4), exp(-juM) is a peri- is shown i n Fig.5. Here, t h e output signal is synthesized
odic function of U. The period length is given by 2x/M. from v ( t ) and its future values available i n the dead-time
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element. The transfer function from v ( t ) t o u , ( t ) is then IF(exp(ju))l < 1, t h e radius is larger than 1 and allows
the Nyquist plot f o r CG t o encircle the origin. The
effect of t h e repetitive control is weakened because t h e
final value f o r the harmonic components in t h e control
This brings about leading phase characteristics in e r r o r do not become zero. Usually, uncertainty in t h e
C(ezp(ju)), which can be used t o cancel out t h e phase lag basic servo appears i n its high-frequency character-
in C(ezp(ju)) so t h a t condition (3) is satisfied with the istics. To avoid unnecessary loss of accuracy, one should
widest possible margin, and the effect of non-harmonic use a low-pass filter with dc gain 1 and a suitable
disturbances is minimized. bandwidth. I have recommended t o use a linear phase
filter[3]. Hara e t al. have pointed out t h a t the repet-
The weighting sequence {wk} can be determined in itive compensator has t o be band-limited in a
the manner that C(ezp(ju)) approximate G,(u)/G(exp(ju)), continuous-time control system so t h a t t h e system be
where a real function G,(u) represents a desired fre- stable[l], and discussed a case in which a 1st-order lag
quency response f o r C(z)-G(z),
in the sense t h a t filter was used i n t h e place of F(z).
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Consider a FIR f i l t e r of order 2P+1 with linear phase
shift characteristics. The phase characteristics are
equal t o that of a P-stage delay. This f i l t e r and a M-P
stages of unit delay in series connection produce a
transfer function ~ - ~ e F ( z )where
F(z) = a, + C ak.( zk + z - ~
) (13) ?. 5 10
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t h e signal was 10.24 seconds. The control e r r o r waveform Because non-harmonic response can be improved by
in the first (b), the second (c) and the 3rd cycle (d) were t h e smoothing, C(z)G(z) is allowed t o be identical t o
rapidly decaying. For each period, the rms value f o r the unity. Then the response of the repetitive control
control e r r o r voltage was evaluated. The value rested a t system t o a harmonic signal settles (at a constant vector
0.8mV rms. A s the filter F was removed, a high-frequency value) a f t e r J periods from the s t a r t of the operation.
oscillation was excited i n the servomechanism.
If one considers the case t h a t the disturbance is a
5. SMOOTHING OVER PERIODS ripple consisting of a single frequency component within
If the frequency of non-harmonic component i n dis- the interval of u,[O,x), and assumes t h a t the ripple
turbance is unknown, is varying, o r i f such components frequency U, and power pn a r e probabilistic variables,
appear a t wide range of frequencies, the effect of a whose joint distribution function is given by f(un,pn),
repetitive control must be moderated by slowing down its then the expected value f o r the power of t h e control
response. Most simply, it is done by reducing the e r r o r due t o the ripple is given by
amplitude of CC(exp(ju)) a t a l l frequencies. A smoothing
element may be put into t h e repetitive compensator,
instead. Then, the smoothed response can be optimized i n
some sense. A smoothing function can be designed i n the
following way. where C,(exp(ju)) is given by substituting z by ezp(ju) in
Consider a series of a discrete-time variable, xl,xz. the transfer function relating control e r r o r t o the
xk, and organize the samples into M-tuples,
-e, disturbance,
( /{ ~ + z - ~ Bz )( (C(z ) *G(z) -1) }.
G, (Z)=( ~ - z - ~ Bz)) (21)
NO)= [XI, xz, , xw1=,
z(1) [XM-rlv XM+Z? 5ZM1T, It may be f u r t h e r assumed t h a t U, and p , a r e mutually
independent and t h a t un is uniformly distributed on t h e
interval [0, x). Then (20) reduces t o
E(P=) I.E(Pn), (22)
Then, the vector z(i) is constant a s i varies if the time
sequence is harmonic. If the vector varies with i, there
a r e non-harmonic components i n the variable. The
variation can be reduced if one uses a weighted sum of t h e 0
- J-1 If CG(exp(ju))=l a t a l l U, I is simplified t o
Z(i) = bk,,.Z(i-k), (16) J
k=O I = 1 + Cbk2.
It is easily seen here t h a t an even weighting (bk 1/J)
minimizes I (and,thus.E(p,)) under t h e restriction (17).
in place of z ( i ) . The consideration can be applied t o u(t), A high-gain PID feedback around a standard
the output of the repetitive compensator. voltage-output triangular c a r r i e r PWM inverter may
bring about an oscillation a t a frequency much higher
If we define than the c a r r i e r frequency. Such oscillation is trouble-
some because it increases switching loss i n t h e inverter.
If we consider a transistor-output inverter whose
c a r r i e r lies, say, a t 3kHz. it is difficult t o make t h e
we have, as the the frequency response f o r the smoothed feedback bandwidth exceed 1kHz. Because of t h e integral
repetitive compensator i n Fig. 11, term, the loop gain increases at low frequencies. But a
loop gain higher than 20dB, f o r example, can be expected
exp(- jMu) .B(ezp( ju))/{ 1-exp(-jMu) .B(exp(ju))} (19) only a t frequencies lower than 100Hz.
If (17) holds, the amplitude of the frequency response is To remove such a limit, I have applied t h e repetitive
infinitely large a t uk given by (12). and the stability control t o a PWM inverter. A smoothed version w a s used
condition (3) applies t o the control system. Thus, the because there could be non-harmonic disturbances such
smoothed repetitive compensator is a direct generali- a s interference with the ripples in the dc power source
zation of the compensator i n Fig.6(a), not of the t o t h e inverter. The c a r r i e r frequency was 4kHz and the
compensator (b). sampling clock i n t h e controller w a s a t 1kHz. To avoid
aliasing of the c a r r i e r frequency component in t h e
output pulse into the control, feedback detector was
equipped with a demodulator and a LPF. Because the
voltage-output inverter had little smoothing transfer
characteristics, the response t o t h e discrete-time
control could be discontinuous. To prevent this, the
controller output U(t) was linearly interpolated.
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experiment was made with J=4, bk=0.25(const.). The power
spectrum f o r the output pulse voltage was measured a s
the response t o a sinusoidal reference input a t 31.244Hz
The spectrum shown in Fig.l3(a) was improved t o (b) by
the repetitive control. Next. a sinusoidal signal of
effective value 5.0V was added t o the output voltage.
The amplitude of the control e r r o r was measured w h i l e c,
the frequency was varied from the 2nd t o the 3rd a
harmonic frequency. The result is shown i n Fig.14. With
the original (not smoothed) version of the repetitive
control, the harmonic e r r o r vanished but, a t the the
middle o f the harmonic frequencies, the e r r o r is doubled. Fig.12. Step response f o r
With a smoothed version, the e r r o r voltage was leveled loop transfer characteristics.
a t non-harmonic frequencies
I t has been pointed out i n the above discussion t h a t
a harmonic variation i n a time series makes the corre- U
sponding vector constant-valued. A harmonic variation i n
t h e sampling interval T also keeps t h e vectors of -2 0
sampled variables constant, and keeps the description of
the repetitive control system time invariant. Further, -4 0
t h e interval of time a t which t h e control e r r o r is
sampled and t h a t of time a t which control action takes -6 0
place may vary indebendently of each other. T h i s freedom
makes it possible t o provide a repetitive control with [dBl
unique function s w h a s forcing a servo system, the 0
parameters of which a r e not exactly known, a sequence of
t r u l y finite-time c3ettli;ig point-to-point motions [7]. -2 0
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