Agri-Enterpreneurship-New Book PDF
Agri-Enterpreneurship-New Book PDF
Agri-Enterpreneurship-New Book PDF
Manjusha Verma, Lalit Arya, Poonam Kashyap and Ruchi Tyagi
Entrepreneurship is one of the key drivers for economic
development. During an economic crisis, the importance of entrepreneurship
development increases. Entrepreneurship has been linked to improved
growth, increased wealth and quality of life. In developing countries like
India, planning and implementation for development of entrepreneurial
programmes are essential for raising the living standard of the vast majority
of the backward regions because of their over-dependence on agriculture
for employment (Uplaonkar and Biradar 2015). Thus, entrepreneurship
development appears to be the best substitute to find employment
opportunities, income generation, poverty reduction and improvements in
nutrition, health and overall food security in the national economy.
Agriculture is considered as the main economic activity which adds
to the overall wealth of the country. In the past, agriculture was seen as a
low-tech industry dominated by numerous small family firms, which are
mostly focused on doing things better rather than doing new things. However,
over the last two decades, this situation has changed dramatically due to
economic liberalization and a fast changing society. Agricultural companies
have to adapt to the erratic demands of the market, varying consumer
habits, stringent environmental regulations, new requirements for product
quality, food safety sustainability, and so on. These changes have opened
the way for new entrants, innovation, and portfolio entrepreneurship.
Farmers, researchers, agricultural business and governments have
recognized this and emphasized for a more entrepreneurial environment in
the farming business (De Lauwere et al., 2002; McElwee, 2008; Pyysiäinen
et al. 2006). Agricultural entrepreneurship has a significant impact on
business growth and survival (Verhees et al., 2011). Therefore, it calls both
small scale and large scale farmers to practice entrepreneurial agriculture.
The entrepreneurial skills of farmers need to be developed and
addressed by all stakeholders in the agricultural socio-economic network.
There are various strategies available to farmers for survival and changing
their economic environment which results in business growth. For example,
the farm enterprise may be expanded through tourism or other forms of
non-agricultural business, or by integration of the value chain by engaging
in food processing, direct marketing, or through organic production. The
social and economic environment of farming should not be underestimated
when studying and promoting the development of entrepreneurial skills.
Entrepreneurship can only be improved when the entire agricultural socio-
technical network is involved in the process. Thus, strategies to stimulate
and strengthen the entrepreneurial culture of the farming business and
sustainable development in rural areas are needed. In this chapter we will
discuss the role of agri-entrepreneurs in agriculture development, its scope,
opportunities, importance and success stories of agri-entrepreneurs.
Entrepreneurship is the capability to develop ideas and attain success
with them. Innovation, ability to accept change and risk and the organization
of resources are some of the factors involved in creating a sustainable
enterprise. The entrepreneurial spirit is responsible for generating
employment, competitiveness and the ability to exploit any sector or business
(European Communities, 2003). Entrepreneurship is a feasible approach
for upward mobility, as a 1% increase in entrepreneurial activities decreases
the poverty rate by 2% (Singh, 2014). Entrepreneurs with successful
businesses are self-employed.
The word entrepreneurship means a dynamic process of creating
progressive asset (Shailesh et al., 2013). This asset is produced by individuals
who take the major risks in forms of equity, time and career obligation of
giving worth to some product or services. There are chances that the product
or service may or may not be new or unique but value must be inculcated
by the entrepreneur. Simply we can say that entrepreneurship is the use of
energy for commencing and building an enterprise (Mishra et al., 2010).
Consequently, entrepreneurship is a fascinating notion, widely used and
defined as a creative and innovative response to the environment
(Chandramouli et al., 2007).
Agri-entrepreneurship is the call of hours to make agriculture a
more attractive and profitable business enterprise. Agriculture has great
scope for entrepreneurship and this can be harnessed only by effective
management of agri elements such as – soil, seed, water and market needs.
Agriculture and domestic businesses provide about 50% of employment in
half of all jobs in developing countries (World Bank, 2012) but do not produce
adequate income to raise people out of poverty. Thus, entrepreneurial actions
associated with agriculture generate a solution for growing household
incomes. The good managerial skills and entrepreneurial expertise infuse
with government measures would facilitate accomplishment of the growing
needs of agri-business. An individual who is confident, risk bearer, honest,
visionary and innovative can prove to be a right agri-entrepreneur. Agri-
entrepreneurship contributes to the national income along with direct
employment and income to the larger and especially rural areas. Value-
added products offer entrepreneurs with larger return-on-investment and
profit. Therefore, entrepreneurs have to take benefit of change in consumer
demand and satisfy consumers’ needs with value-added products, such as
organically grown coffee.
Agnete Alsos G, Ljunggren E and Pettersen L. 2003. Farm-based entrepreneurs: what
triggers the start-up of new business activities? Journal of Small Business and
Enterprise Development. 10: 435-3.
Altieri M A, Funes-Monzote F R and Petersen P. 2012. Agro-ecologically efficient
agricultural systems for smallholder farmers: contributions to food sovereignty.
Agronomy for Sustainable Development. 32:1-13.
Andersén J. 2012. A resource-based taxonomy of manufacturing MSMEs. International
Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior and Research. 18:98-122.
Bairwa S L, Kalia A, Meena L K, Lakra K and Kushwaha S. 2014b. Agribusiness management
education: a review on employment opportunities. International Journal of Scientific
and Research Publications. 4(2): 1-4.
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of Scientific and Research Publications. 4(3):1-4.
Bansal A. 2011. AGRI-BUSINESS IN INDIA–VISION 2020. International Journal of
Multidisciplinary Research. 1(2):62-72.
Bernier L and Hafsi T. 2003. The changing nature of public entrepreneurship. USA,
Midwest Political Science Association Conference.
Boehlje M, Roucan-Kane M and Bröring S. 2011. Future agribusiness challenges: strategic
uncertainty, innovation and structural change. International Food and Agribusiness
Anil Kumar, Poonam Kashyap, A.K. Prusty and A. S. Panwar
The word entrepreneur originates from the French word,
entreprendre, which means “to undertake”. In a business context, it means
to start a business. The Merriam-Webster Dictionary presents the definition
of an entrepreneur as one who organizes, manages, and assumes the risks
of a business or enterprise. An entrepreneur has been defined as “a person
who starts, organizes and manages any enterprise, especially a business,
usually with considerable initiative and risk”. Peter F. Drucker (1985) defines
an entrepreneur as one who always searches for change, responds to it
and exploits it as an opportunity. Innovation is the specific tool of
entrepreneurs, the means by which they exploit change as an opportunity
for a different business or service. The entrepreneur is commonly seen as
an innovator - a designer of new ideas and business processes. Management
skills and strong team building abilities are often perceived as essential
leadership attributes for successful entrepreneurs. Political economist Robert
Reich (2002) considers leadership, management ability, and team-building
to be essential qualities of an entrepreneur. The entrepreneurial activity is
governed by varying combination of socio-economic, psychological, cultural
and other factors like caste/religion, family background, level of education,
level of perception, occupational background, migratory character, entry
into entrepreneurship, nature of enterprise, investment capacity and ambition/
moderation. Entrepreneurship has been described as the “capacity and
willingness to develop, organize and manage a business venture along with
any of its risks in order to make a profit”.
An entrepreneur is a person who takes the risk of setting up his
own venture for perceived reward. He is a person who initiates the idea,
formulates the plan, organizes resources and puts the plan into action to
achieve his goals. Being an entrepreneur requires specific characteristics
and skills that are often achieved through education, hard work, and planning.
Desire to succeed: An entrepreneur has a strong desire to succeed in life.
Their dreams are not just limited to achieving one single goal but they
constantly work to achieve higher goals.
Vision: An entrepreneur has a dream and he visualizes the ways and means
to achieve the dream. In doing so he visualizes market demands, socio-
economic environment and technological environment based on which, he
visualizes a future for his business venture.
Technical knowledge: An entrepreneur has full knowledge about all the
technicalities of his business- be it technological, operational, financial or
market dynamics. Entrepreneurs like to know how things work. They take
the time and initiative to pursue the unknown.
Innovativeness: Entrepreneurs do not follow the conventional rules of
thumb. They have a constant desire to introduce something new to the
existing business. They imagine solutions to problems that encourage them
to create new products and generate ideas.
Independence: An entrepreneur’s desire for control and the ability to make
decisions often makes it difficult for them to work in a controlled environment.
An entrepreneur needs independence in work and decision-making. They
don’t follow the rules of thumb but make their own rules and destiny.
Moderate Risk taker: Risk is an inherent and inseparable element of
entrepreneurship. Begley and Boyd concluded that the entrepreneurs who
take moderate risks earn higher returns on their assets than those who take
no risks at all or who take extravagant risks. The entrepreneur assumes
uncertainty of future and minimizes risk through research, planning, and
skill development. An entrepreneur guarantees rent to landlord, wages to
employees and interest to the investor in the hope of earning more than the
expenses in future.
Leadership: Gary Yukl (1994) defines leadership as “the process of
influencing others to understand and agree about what needs to be done
and how to do it, and the process of facilitating individual and collective
efforts to accomplish shared objectives”. Entrepreneurs exhibit the qualities
5. Social Entrepreneur: Social entrepreneur is a person who undertakes
a venture to address some social problems like illiteracy, child marriage,
drug abuse, environmental issues, terrorism, etc. Often such
entrepreneurs do not have profit making motive.
The position of the entrepreneur in modern production is like that of
the director of a play. Modern economic development is closely linked with
production which is highly complex in nature. The role of an entrepreneur
in modern economic development has at least three aspects:
1. The entrepreneur co-ordinates the other factors of production. This
involves assembling of the factors and ensuring their best combination
for the production process.
2. The entrepreneur takes risks. It is an important function of the
entrepreneur since the quantum of profit he receives is directly
proportionate to the risks he takes. Risks are generally based on the
anticipation of demand.
3. Finally, the entrepreneur innovates. Innovation is different from
invention. Invention is the work of scientists. Innovation implies the
commercial application of an invention. As an innovator, the entrepreneur
assumes the role of a pioneer and an organizational leader.
Every country tries to achieve maximum economic development,
which depends on human resources to a large extent. But human resource
alone will not produce economic development, there must be dynamic
entrepreneurs. Entrepreneurship is one of the most important inputs in the
economic development of a country. Entrepreneur plays a pivotal role not
only in the development of industrial sector of a country but also in the
development of farm and service sector. The major roles played by an
entrepreneur in the economic development of the country are described as
1. Employment Generation: Growing unemployment particularly
educated unemployment is an acute problem of the nation. If a hundred
persons become entrepreneur, they not only create a hundred jobs for
themselves but also provide employment to many more. These
4. Company
Written business plan.
Focus on a unified, connected product line or service line.
Competition based on a dimension other than price (e.g., quality or
Early, frequent, intense and well-targeted marketing.
Tight financial controls.
Sufficient start-up and growth capital.
Corporation model, not sole proprietorship.
Business is all about taking risks since nothing is certain in business
and an entrepreneur has to take chances or risks to earn profit. These risks
can at times give fruitful result and at times may lead to losses. Given
below are some of the major risks faced by an entrepreneur:
1. Operational risk: Since the entrepreneur is fully responsible for the
business, its success or failure entirely rests on him or her only. The
entrepreneur should acknowledge the production costs and make sure there
is no waste of time and money in order to create and maintain efficient
2. Strategic risk: New entrepreneurs or competitors coming into the
market often prove to be the good replacement for products or services of
an unrecognized firm. Hence, the entrepreneur has to adopt an excellent,
creative and innovative strategy in order to be successful in the market for
long time.
3. Technological risk: In the new venture, there occur several unexpected
developments which need to be tackled effectively in order to sustain in the
business. Many a times, a new and more efficient technology renders the
old technology as redundant. Therefore, the entrepreneur has to keep vigil
on the technological developments and adapt to the changing technologies.
4. Financial risk: Many new businesses don’t make much money in the
beginning, so the entrepreneur has to bear the risk of income during the
initial period. Sometimes, government policies, taxation laws and fluctuating
currency exchange rate significantly alter the profit from the business.
5. Loss of leisure time: It is not unusual for entrepreneurs to work a lot
not dragged into business. They use their talents for non-economic end. On
the other hand, certain societies encourage innovations and novelties, and
thus approve entrepreneurs’ actions for profit-making, acquisition of prestige
and attainment of social status.
It is said that in the nineteenth century in Russia, the upper classes
did not like entrepreneurs. For them, cultivating the land meant a good life.
They believed that land belonged to God and the produce of the land was
nothing but god’s blessing. Russian folk-tales, proverbs and songs during
this period carried the message that making wealth through business was
not right. Similarly, strict compliance of non-violence in Jainism induced its
followers to take up business and leave farming.
4. Political Support: Entrepreneurs flourish in a social setting where there
is ample support from the administrators and policy makers. Peaceful social
environment and supportive taxation policies trigger motivated individuals
to start up a business. Tax holidays and soft loans announced by the
government encourage the entrepreneurs to start new venture or expand
the existing ones. On the other hand, the societies marked by law and order
problems like crime, riots, etc. seldom witness entrepreneurial endeavors.
These phenomena can easily be observed across different states of India.
Psychological Factors:
Many entrepreneurial theorists have propounded theories of
entrepreneurship that concentrate especially upon psychological factors.
These are as follows:
1. Motives: Motives impel men to action. Entrepreneurial growth requires
proper motives like profit-making, acquisition of prestige and attainment of
social status. Ambitious and talented men would take risks and innovate if
these motives are strong. Cole is of the opinion that besides wealth,
entrepreneurs seek power, prestige, security and service to society. Stepanek
points particularly to non-monetary aspects such as independence, persons’
self-esteem, power and regard of the society. Rostow has examined inter
gradational changes in the families of entrepreneurs. He believes that the
first generation seeks wealth, the second prestige and the third art and
2. Need Achievement: The most important psychological theories of
entrepreneurship was put forward in the early 1960s by David McClelland.
According to McClelland ‘need achievement’ is social motive to excel that
tends to characterise successful entrepreneurs, especially when reinforced
by cultural factors. He found that certain kinds of people, especially those
R.K.Naresh, Peyush Punia, Vivek and Sunil Kumar
India is predominantly an agrarian economy with 55% population
driving its livelihood from agriculture. In the last two decades, powered by
the Government policies and strong engagement of the industry and
institutions, agriculture is rapidly evolving into agribusiness in terms of
approach and structure. However, in the last one decade, the sector has
been thronged by the stream of educated youth, fired by the ideas, passion
and innovations to launch newer kinds of technology and business models
to lift the face of agriculture from primitive to hi-tech one. These start-ups
are providing missing links in the agri value chain and delivering efficient
products, technologies and services to the farmers on one hand and the
consumers on the other hand. Entrepreneurial development is a systematic
and a controlled development of a person to an entrepreneur. The
development of an entrepreneur refers to inculcate the entrepreneurial skills
into a common person, providing the desirable knowledge, getting higher
the technical, financial, marketing and managerial expertise’s, and building
the entrepreneurial approach. Entrepreneurial development programmes
may be defined as a program designed to help an individual in strengthening
his entrepreneurial motive and in acquiring skills and capabilities necessary
for playing his entrepreneurial role effectively. This situation can be changed
by generating employment opportunities for them in rural areas itself. Agro
entrepreneurship can be used as paramount medicine for the solution of
this complexity. Developing entrepreneurs in agriculture will solve the entire
problem by following means:
There is a difference between farm business management and
entrepreneurship. Farm business management is about better planning,
implementation, control and managing risk. Entrepreneurship is about looking
forward – identifying opportunities, creating a vision of how the business
will grow, innovating and taking risks. A farmer who thinks of the farm as a
business that has potential to grow and develop is an entrepreneur.
Entrepreneurial farmers look at their farms and see ways to make them
more profitable; they develop ideas and then translate them into action.
They need self motivation, perseverance and confidence with an ability to
plan and organize the farm business. These qualities enable entrepreneurial
farmers to seek-out business opportunities, conceptualize and initiate new
business ideas and guide the farm business to accomplish the goals set.
Entrepreneurs need more than just their personality or personal
traits. They need ideas, opportunities, and resources. Knowledge allows
farmers to make informed choices. It puts them in a better position to
compare the current practices being used with alternatives. Farmers obtain
knowledge through experience and observation - from listening to and
learning from other farmers, observing how things are done and then
practicing it themselves. Extension workers are another source of
knowledge. Information and its communication is an important aspect of
knowledge creation and accumulation.
Farmers need knowledge in each of the key areas of farm
management: planning, implementing and controlling. They also need
information about primary production, harvesting, processing, wholesaling
and retailing and about input supply, financial services, and transport,
packaging, promotion and advisory services.
Entrepreneurial Competencies
There are nine key entrepreneurial competencies for a farmer-
entrepreneur: initiative, ambition, focused problem-solving, creative thinking,
taking risks, flexibility and adaptability, interpersonal abilities, networking
and readiness to learn. With these competencies, farmers will be more able
to compete in this new environment and make profits by taking advantage
of new market opportunities. These competencies can be acquired through
practice, experience and training.
Technical Competencies
In addition to being entrepreneurs, entrepreneurial farmers must
also be excellent farmers. This requires technical competencies particularly
in three areas: managing inputs, managing production and managing
Managerial Competencies
Entr epreneur ial and technical competencies need to be
Characteristics of an entrepreneur
It is the characteristics that enables entrepreneurial farmers to seek-
out business opportunities, conceptualize and initiate new business ideas,
gather the physical, financial, and human resources needed to start the
business, set goals and guide the farm and all it resources to accomplish
those goals. Not all farmer-entrepreneurs have all of these traits to the
same degree. But they will have all of them to some degree. Without their
core values of trustworthiness and honesty, their problem-solving nature,
their flexibility, their drive, the sense competition and their confidence, they
would not really be entrepreneurs.
In order for good farm managers to become truly entrepreneurial
they will need to utilize their entrepreneurial qualities and managerial skills
in effective way by following means:
support from extension workers to organize the group and facilitate linkages
along the value chain. The challenge is to know when to stop their support
and hand overall management and entrepreneurship functions to the group.
Managing farm businesses according to a long-term plan
Daily pressures on the farm business require farmers to make many
immediate decisions. These decisions need to be made within a broader
vision that guides the development of the business. Farmers must ensure
that they are managing their farm businesses with a long term plan for the
business so that it stays on course and its direction is not determined by
day-to-day decisions.
Trustworthiness: Worthy of trust and confidence. Includes such
values as integrity, keeping promises, loyalty, dependability and
reliability. Actions are consistent with words.
Truthfulness: Honest and true in all business dealings.
Respect: Regard for the dignity, worth, independence and essential
equality of all people. Treating people with courtesy, politeness and
kindliness. Tolerance of others.
Responsibility: Acknowledging and performing duties to others.
Being self-disciplined and accountable for one’s actions.
Fairness: Making decisions based on appropriate factors. Being
impartial; avoiding conflicts of interest. Being reasonable and
consistent. Playing fair.
Caring: Having regard for the well-being of others. Being kind,
compassionate, considerate, unselfish and charitable.
Social responsibility: Recognizing and living up to community
and social obligations. Being law-abiding. Doing one’s share.
Contributing to the betterment of society.
Market-specification contracts: the farmer agrees to produce
to an agreed quality.
Production management contracts: the buyer participates in
production management through inspecting production processes
and specifying input usage.
Small Enterprises
Long Term Irrigation Fund for Farmers to Build Irrigation Canals
National Livestock Mission for rearing of Pigs, Poultry, Buffalos
and Rabbits.
Funding for Setting up Food Processing Units and Food Parks
Capital Subsidy-cum-Refinance Scheme for Installation of Solar
GoI Scheme – Dairy Entrepreneurship Development Scheme
7.4 Related Schemes of other Agencies:
Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana (PMKVY)
National Horticulture Board (NHB)
National Horticulture Mission (NHM)
Small Farmer Agri-Business Consortium (SFAC) assistance to cold
Agricultural and Processed Food Products Export Development
Authority (APEDA) assistance for cold chain
Development Commissioner Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises
Food Processing Unit
Venture Capital by Small Farmer Agri-Business Consortium (SFAC)
Venture Capital by SIDBI Venture Capital Ltd. (SVLC) Funds
Details of SVLC.
Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprise.
Bairwa SL, Lakra K, Kushwaha S, Meena LK, Kumar P. (2012). Agripreneurship
Development as a Tool to Upliftment of Agriculture. Int. J. Sci. Res. Pub, 4 (3): 1-
Chandra shekhra, P. (2003). Third wave in Indian agriculture: introduction to Agriclinics
and agribusiness centre scheme. MANAGE Ext. Res. Rev., pp. 10-20
David Kahan (2012). Entrepreneurship in farming. (FAO, Rome)
Drucker (1985). Innovative and Entrepreneurship, Practice and Principles. Harper & Row
Global Agrisystem (2010). Evaluation Study of Agriclinics and agribusiness center Scheme,
Global Agrisystem Private Limited, New Delhi
Pandey, R. K. (2009). Perspectives on Agripreneurship and Rural Development. Banaras
Hindu University.
Sandeep Saxena (2012). Problems Faced By Rural Entrepreneurs and Remedies to Solve It
IOSRJBM. 3(1): 23-29.
Since time immemorial, timely information and communication have
mattered in agriculture. Ever since man began cultivating land, rearing
livestock and catching fish, he has sought information on the best farming
strategies, improved seeds and feed, and how to realize the best prices for
their produce in the market. Farmers may have planted the same crop for
centuries, but weather patterns, soil conditions, and pests and diseases have
changed over time, and this makes agriculture-related timely information
all the more pertinent for the stakeholders. Farmers rarely find the answers
to their queries easily, while similar uncertainties arise season after season.
Updated information allows the farmers to cope with and even benefit
from these changes. Providing such knowledge can be challenging, however,
because of the highly localized nature of agriculture that information must
be tailored specifically to distinct conditions.
With the background of these challenges, the arrival of Information
Communication Technology (ICTs) is well-timed. The benefits of the green
revolution greatly improved agricultural productivity. However, there is a
demonstrable need for a new revolution that will bring lower prices for
consumers (through reduced waste and more efficient supply chain
management), contribute to “smart” agriculture, and incentivize farmers
(for example, through higher income) to increase their production. Public
and private sector actors have long been on the search for effective solutions
to address both the long- and short-term challenges in agriculture, including
at Madras. Farm Schools on AIR soon became very popular and studies
carried out by various agencies revealed its considerable impact on the
cropping pattern of the area.
2.1 Doordarshan: Doordarshan had a modest beginning as an experimental
telecast starting in Delhi on 15 September 1959, with a small transmitter
and a makeshift studio. Regular daily transmission started in 1965 as a part
of All India Radio. Krishi Darshan started telecast on Doordarshan on 26
January 1967 and is the longest running program on Indian television.
The television service was extended to Bombay (now Mumbai)
and Amritsar in 1972. Up until 1975, only seven Indian cities had a television
service and Doordarshan remained the sole provider of television in India.
Television services were separated from radio on 1 April 1976. Each office
of All India Radio and Doordarshan was placed under the management of
two separate Director Generals in New Delhi. National telecasts (DD
National) were introduced in 1982. In the same year, colour TV was
introduced to India. Now, Doordarshan transmits through a network of
nearly 1,400 terrestrial transmitters. There are about 46 Doordarshan studios
producing TV programmes that currently reach 92 percent of the Indian
Population, and it telecasts programmes on agriculture and rural
development. The DD National programme also telecasts 30-minute
agricultural programme, Krishi Darshan, in Hindi, six days a week. It
covers various aspects of agriculture and related activities such as
horticulture, animal husbandry, dairy and rural life. The narrow casting
kendra’s produce locally relevant programmes in local language and dialect
and these 30-minute programmes are telecasted 5 days a week.
2.2 Television: In the nineties, private TV channels like E-TV started
telecasting daily programmes on agriculture. E-TV currently telecast
agricultural programmes in Telegu, Kannada and Marathi languages every
day. Similarly, most of the private regional TV channels telecast agricultural
programmes at least once a week. Newspapers (especially local language
dailies) and farm magazines are important sources of information for
farmers. Newspapers, especially those in local languages, provide at least
one page every week for news and articles on different aspects of agriculture.
Special farm magazines also reach a large number of farm households.
India has one daily on agriculture, Agrowon, in Marathi published from
Maharashtra. Agrowon has a circulation of 100,000 copies and the
readership is estimated as 15,00,000. However there is a wide variation
among states in this regard and there is a lot of potential for using print
media in those states and districts where literacy levels are higher.
2.3 Kisan Call Centre: The Ministry of Agriculture (MoA) initiated the
“Kisan Call Centre” (KCC) scheme in January 2004 to provide information
to farmers seeking information on telephone, by the local agricultural
specialists in their local language. Farmers could call the nation-wide toll
free number of 1800-180-1551 and the calls are picked up in 25 KCCs
located across the country by agricultural graduates at Level-I, with provision
of escalation to Level II and Level III. Until July 2010, 49.32 lakh calls
have been received from the farmers in the KCCs. (Chandragowda, 2010).
It uses a backend data support system, which is inbuilt into the overall MIS
(Management Information System). The MIS software captures callers’
details and specifications of the query which helps in analysing area-wise
and crop wise details within a time space framework and provides preventive,
advance action solutions. Lack of adequate experience of fresh graduates
at level I and difficulties in contacting concerned experts staff at level II
and III (who are located elsewhere and are not often available to answer
queries) is currently constraining the implementation of KCCs (Sulaiman et
al 2011).
2.4 Mobile Internet: The internet and mobile phones arrived in India in
1995 but it took almost a decade for both mediums to make a real dent. It
took even more time for both internet and mobile phones to make their
presence felt in rural India. It was not before 2010 that mobile phone sales
in rural areas started increasing. According to Telecom Regulatory Authority
of India, currently there are 499 million mobile subscribers in rural India
(June, 2017) of which 109 million users own smartphones. Furthermore, 47
million use mobile internet (IAMAI and Kantar IMRB’s Mobile Internet
Report 2016). As brands take the mobile route to reach and engage their
target audience in rural areas, it is clear that innovation is the need of the
hour. The availability of affordable smart phones and feature phones and
better internet connectivity at affordable rates by telecom providers have
played a significant role in the adoption of mobile internet in the last one
year. According to a report published jointly by the Internet and Mobile
Association of India (IAMAI) and KANTAR-IMRB in early 2018, mobile
internet penetration in rural India remains as low as 18%. The figure for
urban India stands at 59%.
The number of mobile internet users has gone up by 17.22% from
December 2016 to December 2017. The rate of mobile internet adoption
will continue to increase and is estimated to reach 478 million in 2018.
Urban India witnessed an estimated 18.64% year-on-year rise, while rural
purchase fertilizer).
Greatly increased data storage capacity and the ability to access
data remotely and share it easily have improved the use of ICT in agriculture.
Sharing knowledge and exchanging data have created opportunities to
involve more stakeholders in agricultural research—involvement facilitated
by an improved e-learning environment and networking capacity. Advances
in data storage and sharing have improved the ability to exchange
information—for instance, between departments and levels of government—
and avoid costs associated with data transmission charges.
Improvements in data storage and sharing have underlying causes.
The capacity of hard drives and the speed of microprocessors have continued
to rise, making it dramatically cheaper to store data. Cloud computing offers
access to numerous shared computing resources through the Internet,
including sharable tools, applications, and intelligently linked content and
data. These advances address some of the information and communication
constraints of agricultural research institutions, government offices,
cooperatives, and development organizations. Benefits of enhanced data
capacity range from more accurate targeting of agricultural development
programs to better preparation for handling surpluses or scarcities at the
farm level.
To start an ICT venture in agriculture, it is important to understand
the agricultural value chain. An entrepreneur can provide services to various
customer segments and stakeholders besides farmers. An ICT solution
could be created to improve the efficiency of input suppliers, cooperatives,
processors, exporters or point-of-retail-sales, yet many entrepreneurs do
not consider all of these existing gaps. Young entrepreneurs who wish to
venture into e-agriculture service provision should carefully consider specific
areas and value-chain and stakeholder segments that they could target in
order to offer unique value propositions. Entrepreneurs generally develop
ideas by either connecting with a problem they have encountered or by
identifying existing needs in a given community. Ideas are then generated
in response to the needs observed. An initial solution is conceived in order
to respond to the demand or need identified. Market analysis is then
conducted to gather information about the demographic composition (age,
sex, education level, civic associations, profession/job etc.) and trends in
the community to determine the target market and its nuances. Funds would
needs and the ability to address customer values. Using ICTs in emerging
markets requires a broad view of what technology will be used, its availability
and whether there are adequate devices within the target population. Table
1 lays out a number of options for mobile-based services.
Table 1: Options for Mobile-based Services
Minimum Delivery Method Requirements Minimum Device Requirements
Basic: sms Basic: Basic mobile phone
Intermediate: Interactive Voice Response (IVR) Intermediate: Basic mobile phone
Advanced: Mobile and web-based applications Advanced: Feature phone, Smart
phone, Tablet
at both private sector and government level (where already limited youth-
oriented finance schemes that spur entrepreneurial ventures do not consider
the specific nature of the agriculture sector). In the private sector, agriculture
is conceived as a high-risk enterprise and so loan requirements (collateral)
and terms (interest, repayment period and general conditions) are onerous
(beyond the means of both young and older farmers).
Uptake of technologies at market prices in a sector that has
traditionally been heavily subsidized remains challenging, but farmers are
prompt to identify what works in their interest and are ready to pay for it.
Digital technologies offer the potential to achieve the necessary conditions
for scale, with distributed low cost and customized delivery, creating a unique
opportunity for private enterprise and innovation to thrive. The challenge
before India lies in balancing high growth with inclusive growth; leveraging
technology to achieve these twin goals will be a fascinating journey to
On the whole, it can be concluded that ICT may be used effectively
for a plethora of activities ranging from creation of entrepreneurial skills to
successful rural development. The use of ICT and Knowledge Management
in the context of rural development has taken a great start from the last one
decade and the time is not very far when it will serve as a light house for
agripreneurship and rural development in the entire world.
Chandragowda, M.J (2010). Policy Framework for Reorienting Agricultural Extension
System in India, Paper presented in the NAARM-IFPRI Workshop on Redesigning
Agricultural Extension in India: Challenges and Opportunties”, August 20-21, 2010.
Dalberg. 2013. Impact of the Internet in Africa: Establishing Conditions for Success and
Catalysing Inclusive Growth in Ghana, Kenya, Nigeria and Senegal. Dalberg, New
York, USA. Available at:
Rahman, R. and Fong, J. 2016. Innovate for Agriculture: Young ICT Entrepreneurs
Overcoming Challenges and Transforming Agriculture. The Technical Centre for
Agricultural and Rural Cooperation (CTA), Wageningen, The Netherlands.
Sulaiman VR, Kalaivani NJ, Nimisha Mittal and Ramasundaram P (2011a), ICTs
andEmpowerment of Indian Rural Women What can we learn from on-going
initiatives?, CRISP Working Paper 2011-001. Available at:
docs/CRISP%20Working%20PaperICTs%20and%20Empowerment %20of%2
Sulaiman V R, Hall A, Kalaivani NJ, Kumuda Dorai and Reddy T S V (2011b), Necessary
but not sufficient: Information and communication technology and its role in putting
research into use. RIU Discussion Paper 16, June 2011. Available at:http://
Woodard, J., Weinstock, J. and Lesher, N. 2014. Integrating Mobiles into Development
Projects. United
States Agency for International Development (USAID), Washington, United States. Available
World Bank. 2015. Doing Business 2016: Measuring Regulatory Quality and Efficiency.
World Bank, Washington DC, UnitedStates. Available at: http://www.doingbusiness.
Ritesh Sharma and Pramod Kumar Tomar
Indian economy is based on agriculture where more than 60 percent
population depends on agriculture direct or indirectly. Total agricultural export
from India was Rs. 236402/- Crore and Basmati rice and non Basmati rice
export share was Rs. 27598/- Crore and Rs. 20336/- Crore, respectively,
during 2014-15. The size of the global food trade is about USD 650 billion
and India’s agricultural export is about USD 10 billion only (1.50% sharing).
India has one tenth of world’s arable land with diverse agro climatic zone
with more 50 major crops, one fifth of worlds irrigated land, 3rd largest
producer of agri. commodities. India is No. one producer of Tea, Mango,
Banana, Cashew, Cauliflower, Okra, Pulses, and Milk etc. India is largest
producer, consumer and exporter of spices also and in horticulture products,
India has certain competitive advantages. Therefore, India has more
opportunities to increase own agriculture export through development of
entrepreneurship in agriculture sector and also play a vital role to increase
the farmer income and target may come true for “Doubling the Farmer
Income by 2020”.
WTO regime provides great opportunity for exports and India’s
entrepreneur can avail more benefit from export of high value products like
Basmati rice. Our volume of Basmati export is increasing year by year and
crossed 4.0 Million MT. Presently Basmati rice got GI Tag and the
competition is not too much globally. Only Pakistan which has 14 districts
of Punjab is the competitor and the demand of Basmati is from all over the
world. Therefore, Indian farmers and young youth who develop their own
business in Basmati GI areas, they have great opportunity in this field.
2.1 Type of exporters
Merchant Exporter:
Merchant exporter does not have own manufacturing unit/
processing unit.
Procure and process raw material at his factory and exports finished
Service Provider:
One who provides export service like health care, consultancy,
software, hotels etc.
In India, anyone can be registered as exporter; it is a very simple
procedure for registration with Directorate General of Foreign Trade
(DGFT) based on Import Export Code (IEC) issued by DGFT.
2.1.1 DGFT (Directorate General of Foreign Trade)
DGFT is an organization under ministry of commerce & industries,
first and foremost work is to formulate foreign trade policy and its
implementation. DGFT also organize training of entrepreneur through
“Niryat Bandhu Scheme” and runs various incentivize schemes for the
exporters also issues IEC (Import Export Code) which is PAN Based 10
digit code IEC is the basic requirement for commercial trade. For IEC
form ANF2 can be filled both offline and online at webpage of
2.2 Starting export
For starting as an export company, you need to name your company
with logo and website. After issuing IEC you may become an exporter and
may export any goods but for agricultural export, the registration with
APEDA, Ministry of Commerce & Industries, Government. of India is
mandatory. APEDA is established by an Act of Parliament in 1986 having
head quarter at New Delhi and 5 Regional offices at Mumbai, Bangalore,
Hyderabad, Kolkata and Guwahati. The mandate of APEDA is promotion
of export oriented quality production; facilitate Market Access, development
of Infrastructure, market development and promotion and financial
has 14 districts only and India has 93 districts in GI area for Basmati rice
production. These 93 district belong to seven state; J&K, Himachal
Pradesh, Punjab, Haryana, Delhi, Uttarakhand and West Uttar Pradesh.
India is the leading exporter of the Basmati rice to global market. From
India, Basmati is exported to Saudi Arbia, UAE, European Union countries,
Bhatt, B.P. (Edited Book), 2018. Doubling Farmers Income through Sustainable and
Harmonious Agriculture. Jaya Publishing House, Delhi, India.
Sharma, Jag Paul (Edited Book), 2017. Organic Crop Production, Principals and Practices.
Volume II- Crop Specific Organic Production Package, Kalyani Pablication, New
Delhi, India.
Sharma, Ritesh. 2014. ‘Niryat yogya Basmati Dhan Utpadan ki Vegyanic Taknik” (Hindi).
Basmati Export development Foundation (APEDA), Modipuram, Meerut, India.
Surekha,K., Lakshmi, V. Jhansi., Kumar, R. Mahender., Rao, K.V and Viraktamath. 2011.
‘Organic Rice Farming, Status and Research Experiences’. Directorate of Rice
Research, Hyderabad, India.
Arun Kumar MB and Sherry Rachel Jacob
Agricultural entrepreneurship is a dynamic sector which flourished
with the liberalization movement, in both developed and developing countries.
India too has gained significantly from the entrepreneurship opportunities
created up by the open global market, in the past few decades. With more
than 60% of the population dependent on agriculture sector, the emergence
of agricultural entrepreneurs and related ventures were inevitable and our
country currently has a commendable number of such enterprises. Within
the agricultural sector, seed industry serves as a major catalyst for boosting
agricultural production and productivity. The Indian seed sector is today
valued at around Rs 20, 000 crores, with significant contribution from both
public and private organizations. The major public sector organizations that
are involved are the National Seed Corporation, State Farms Corporation
of India and the 13 State Seed Corporations (SSC). They mainly deal with
high yielding varieties of food crops that define the national production
targets. The major players in the private sector are the Indian subsidiaries
of 15 multinational companies, but the largest number belongs to unregistered
small firms that function locally. The fact that both public and private sectors
have prioritized and established themselves in separate components of the
seed industry (Public sector gives thrust on high volume crops whereas, the
private industry dominates the low-volume, high-value seed sector), has
also facilitated a no-conflict modus-operandi in this industry, due to which
there is a positive entrepreneurial environment.
Hence, it offers a most viable arena for entrepreneurial ventures. The diverse
requirement of varieties in every locality helps in accommodating any level
of competition.
Seed processing:
The post harvest handling of seed material is the most crucial stage
for maintenance of seed quality. It requires knowledge, skill and suitable
infrastructure, which is specific to the geographic location and the crops
that are to be processed. This step is also important in the context of value
addition. A proper scientific support and liaison with research organizations
will help in incorporating technologies for enhancing the quality of the seeds
and thereby fetching premium price in the market. For example, by including
techniques like seed coating, seed priming, polymer film coating etc., the
entrepreneur can create a brand value for the product and thereby occupy
a niche market space.
Seed storage cum marketing hub:
Our tropical climatic conditions do not permit safe storage of seeds
under ambient conditions and it is important to have regulated temperature
and humidity conditions for storing the seed material. Such facilities are
currently inaccessible for the small and marginal farmers, whose produce
is channelized in a very fragmented manner, in the market. A regional seed
storage facility, which is linked to the local market, is the need of the hour.
It can serve the two-way- purpose of storing the produce of contract seed
production ventures in that region and also, serve as a safe storage for
processed products that are mobilized from different sources. In this era of
cloud based technologies, such seed storage enterprises can adopt strategies,
maybe on a smaller scale, from the likes of Amazon, Flipkart etc and convert
the storage facility into a warehousing venture that can deliver seeds to
farmers’ door-step, based on demands placed over phone.
Seed information hub:
All seed related activities require an efficient knowledge-support
system which is not easily available to the farmers in every corner of our
country. Timely dissemination of information has been mostly hindered due
to the insufficient number of extension personnel who can effectively convey
technical information to farmers in each locality or due to lack of availability
of proper scientific information. All these drawbacks can be compensated
by using latest technologies where communication in any regional language
can be done from a centralized location. The farmers may just have to give
a missed phone call and they can obtain the required information over a
returned phone call. A tie up with the private telephone service providers is
essential in this case.
Input delivery enterprise:
As in the case of seed storage warehouse, a more extensive input
delivery service can also be a promising venture. It can include seeds,
pesticides, minor farm machinery, packaging material etc. Many of such
essential items are generally not available in every local market and hence
small and marginal farmers compromise by using low-grade inputs. By
utilizing cloud based technologies, the entrepreneurs can establish and
operate from any place and yet, ensure a wide market, by accepting demands
made online or through phone calls.
Community seed banks:
This venture is more of an ethical responsibility, rather than a
commercial enterprise. With the entry of high yielding varieties, there is a
sharp decline in the crop diversity and varietal diversity in every agro-
ecological zone. Local landraces, traditional varieties and farmers varieties
are no longer available in the fields. These resources are very important in
the context of breeding for pest and disease resilience. Several minor
crops like minor millets, pseudo-cereals and unique indigenous legumes
which are highly nutritious have vanished from fields and from our cuisine.
A targeted effort need to be made to sensitize farmers in re-introducing
these crops in their farms and such community seed banks will be the ideal
hub for supply of seeds and maintenance of seed stocks. Since only a
nominal charge can be taken from farmers, there need to be a tie-up with a
proper funding source. Since firms like ITC, Infosys etc have forayed into
rural ventures; there is a high probability of finding potential collaborators.
By incorporating an organic production system, there will be an added
possibility of an export tie-up.
In India, the agricultural universities produce a large number of
professionally qualified graduates, who find it difficult to get employed in
their skilled areas. Only a minor percentage of this huge manpower pursues
higher education or gets absorbed by the state agricultural department. The
rest of these trained human resources are currently spread out in diverse
career areas, where their knowledge and skills are mostly underutilized.
These agricultural graduates are the most potential candidates for such
entrepreneurial ventures. They can form groups where they can involve
people with experience in specific seed sector areas by virtue of their
Mushrooms have been recognized as valuable health food and
contain almost all essential components of a balanced diet. They are rich in
highly digestible lysine rich protein (12-37% on dry wt. basis), vitamins and
minerals, dietary fibers, lacking fat and low in carbohydrates (low calorie
food). The mushroom protein contains almost all essential amino acids in
balanced proportions as denoted in FAO reference proteins (Chaube,1995).
Mushrooms are rich in vitamin B (folic acid, thiamine, riboflavin, niacin,
biotin, pantothenic acid etc.), C, D and K. Their alkaline nature and presence
of dietary fibers protect from digestive ailments and strengthening the human
immune system. Some mushroom species contain complex polysaccharides
(β-1,6 glucan etc.) which provide anti-tumor and immune-modulating
properties. Mushrooms are also used for several medicinal purposes right
from tonic food to anti-cancerous and anti-aids medicines (Bhanu et al.,
Mushrooms are very fit food supplement for resource poor peoples
as a high protein food and also for rich peoples as a low calorie, cholesterol
free food. The incorporation of mushrooms in the diet will be very helpful in
overcoming protein malnutrition in the developing countries like India, where
nutritional security is still a big challenge particularly among small farmers
and other resource poor peoples. As the increasing population imposes
more and more pressure on pulses, milk, fishery and meat sectors for fulfilling
its protein requirements, the mushrooms have very great potential to bridge
the protein gap in Indian diet. This high protein production potential of
mushrooms lies in the fact that, by utilizing vertical space, one can produce
100 times more protein in the form of mushrooms than the conventional
agriculture or animal husbandry (Singh, 2011).
The world production of mushrooms was 3.41 million metric tons
in 2007 and China being the highest producer accounting 46% (1.57 million
metric tons) of total world mushroom production. Other leading countries
were USA, Netherlands, Poland, Spain, France, Italy, Ireland, Canada, UK
and Japan. The major mushroom species include Agaricus spp., the button
mushroom (31.8%), Lentinula (25.4%), Pleurotus spp., the Dhingri
mushroom (14.2%), Auricularia spp. (7.9%), Flammulina sp. (4.6%) and
Volvariella spp., the straw mushroom (3.0%). A India which was producing
about 40,000 metric tons of mushrooms in 1996-97 is now showing a great
jump with more than 1 lakh metric tons mushroom production per year
(Wakchaure, 2011; Tewari and Sharma, 2010). However, the majority of
mushroom production in India is contributed by the export oriented industrial
scale units. These units perform forced cultivation mainly of white button
mushroom with temperature and humidity control at very high production
cost. Only three species Agaricus spp. (100683 Metric tons), Pleurotus
spp. (6399 Metric tons) and Milky mushroom, Calocybe indica (920 Metric
tons) are grown at commercial scale in the country. There is tremendous
scope for boosting the mushroom production in the country by involving
marginal and small farmers with location specific mushroom species and
production technologies on the line of China. Looking for the diverse
Agroclimatic conditions in the country, there is tremendous scope for
increasing mushroom production by diversifying mushroom species especially
the specialty mushrooms as prevalent in China.
Advantages of mushroom production (Mycoculture)
bulk pasteurization tunnels with short method. Metallic wire racks with 4-5
tiers are used for polythene cropping bags. Around 20 tons of compost is
accommodated in each crop room. The yield varies from 18-20kg per quintal
of compost within a harvesting period of 40-42 days. This system is
harvesting maximum yield potential of mushroom with high degree of
cleanliness and hygiene and very less pest and disease attack. Big growers
are mainly export oriented units with their own canning or processing and
spawn production units.
The marginal and small growing systems have great potential for
diversification of farming system through increased emphasis on specialty
mushrooms (species other than button mushroom) along with button
mushroom. Since button mushroom cultivation is fit only to Northern parts
of the country during winter season, the inclusion of specialty mushrooms
(with high bioconversion efficiencies: 100-150%) will give a round year
production system for entire agro-ecological zones of the country. The
location specific technological interventions for growing specialty
mushrooms will be very helpful in increasing the income of farmers,
generating round the year employment and finally livelihood security which
are main concerns with resource poor small and marginal farmers. The
plenty of labour force with these systems can be utilized for mycoculture at
a cottage level along with their traditional farming systems.
India has vast potential for mushroom production due to abundant
availability of lignocellulosic agrowastes, cheaper manpower and input
resources and diversified agroclimatic conditions which is flexible for growing
a variety of mushroom species. The potential of mushrooms in the country
can be emphasized under following heads:
4.1 Recycling of agro-wastes
India produces about 600 million tons of lignocellulosic agricultural
wastes annually and majority of it is either decomposes naturally or used
for fuel wood for cooking or burnt in situ (Table1). These activities also
pose the problems of environmental pollution. On the utilization of only 1%
of these agro-industrial-wastes India can produce about 3.0 million tons of
mushrooms annually which will be a major share to the total world production
of mushrooms. An additional 15 million tons of compost will also be produced
which can complement the crop production through improved manuring.
Table 1: The agro-wastes production in India, their major uses and potential for
mushroom cultivation
Crop Grain- Annual Major uses Potential as substrate for
straw production mushroom species
ratio (million
Rice 1:1.5 85 Animal feed, Button, Dhingri, paddy
thatching straw, milky, wood’s ear
Wheat 1:1.5 130 Animal feed Button, Dhingri, wood’s
ear, milky, reishi
Maize 1:1.0 30 Animal feed, Dhingri, wood’s ear
thatching mushrooms
Pulses 1:1.0 13.14 Animal feed, Dhingri, wood’s ear
thatching, fuel wood mushrooms
Sugarcane 1:0.2 186 Fuel wood Button, Dhingri, wood’s
(bagasse) ear mushrooms
Oil seeds 1:2.0 25.58 Fuel wood, thatching Dhingri, wood’s ear
Other agrowastes include millets straw, cotton waste, wastes of coconut and jute, tea
wastes, saw dust, forest woods and other agro-industrial wastes which are suitable for
production of various mushroom species
(From Bhanu, 2000; Tarafdar and Yadav, 2009; Tewari and Sharma, 2010)
4.2 Use of vertical space for cropping and suitability for landless
and marginal farmers
Mushroom cultivation is highly economical on land, area and time.
It does not need arable land, since it is not cultivated in soil and hence non
productive lands can be efficiently utilized for its cropping. Cultivation of
mushrooms is done in tiers, utilizing vertical space, thus it is a fit component
for small and marginal systems and particularly in hilly, tribal, plateau and
other unproductive areas. The production per unit area of mushrooms is
many times higher than the field crops. Due to shorter cropping duration of
most of mushroom species, it highly productive per unit time and economical
in terms of water, labour and energy requirements. Obviously, this enterprise
is an ideal activity for landless, marginal and small systems.
4.3 As an economic activity for livelihood security
Mushroom production is an economically viable enterprise in the
Compost/substrate producers
20-22 days
Spawning (mixing of seeds) and spawn run
Dip substrate in 100 lit. water+7g Bavistin+100ml formalin for 18-20 hrs.
Spawning @2% , filling in polybags and spawn run for 15-20 days
Remove polybags
Dip substrate in 100 lit. water+7g Bavistin+100ml formalin for 18-20 hrs.
Drain excess water for 4-5 hrs. or pasteurize untreated wet straw
Spawning @4% , filling in polybags and spawn run for 12-14 days
Poonam Kashyap, Kiran Bhagat, Sanjay Kumar Singh, Deepa Samant,
Vijay Singh Meena , A. S. Panwar and A. K. Prusty
The horticulture has gained importance in recent years as a
significant component of agriculture in India. It is distinguished from
agriculture by scale of production, specialization, and commercialization.
Horticulture sector which includes a wide variety of crops such as fruits,
vegetables, spices, plantation crops, floriculture, medicinal and aromatic
plants, cashew etc. is at present, recognised as an important sector for
potential diversification and value addition in agriculture. The new momentum
towards the development of the horticulture, particularly for growing fruits
and vegetables is getting upcoming demand of the demand and supply chain
in Indian market. Horticulture is a mother for many axillary industries like
canning industries and processing industries etc. Several agro industries,
based on horticultural products are being established there by solving the
unemployment problem to some extent, for example-rubber, coir (Coconut)
and sago (Tapioca) industries. It has been recognised that growing horticulture
crops is now an ideal option to improve livelihood security, enhance
employment generation, accomplish income and food security, and increase
income through value addition.
In the present situation, farmers are required to develop themselves
as entrepreneurs for deriving greater benefits from their agriculture.
Horticulture sector, thus, provides an immense scope in improving the present
situation of unemployment. The marketed surplus will remains small, keeping
in view the holdings acquired by the farmers in the state. Small farmers
having small surplus, appeared to be reluctant in marketing their produce,
as the net returns, they could attain would not cover even the cost of
marketing. The new generation of educated farmers and unemployed rural
youth has an opportunity to become entrepreneur and adopt horticulture as
a business enterprise. A farmer does not become an entrepreneur only by
adopting new agricultural technology but he becomes an entrepreneur only
when he comes to be an operator of farm business. The marketing cost of
fruits and vegetables is almost 50% of the total cost of production which
tends to be increased further with more wastage and loss of produce.
‘Assembling’ is a marketing function that can solve this problem in
horticultural marketing, but we need entrepreneurs who can manage and
save the resources for themselves and for the country. Infrastructure like
roads and markets are building in a phased manner and will surely
complement the horticultural marketing. Wastage of produce on farmers’
fields should be minimized for promoting horticulture in becoming an important
source of gainful employment. There is a long term need to remove the
distortions in the present supply chain and create better integration between
different links of the supply chain. Entrepreneurship development among
farmers is an important way of achieving that integration for bringing net
gain to producers, consumers and to the nation. E n t r e p r e n e u r s h i p
contributes to development of a country in several ways, viz., assembling
and harnessing the various inputs, bearing the risks, innovating and imitating
the techniques of production to reduce the cost and increase its quality and
quantity, expanding the horizons of the market and co-ordinating and
managing the manufacturing unit at various levels. During the Eleventh
Plan period, 16.7 lakh ha of land was brought under horticultural crops in
India (Boruah et al., 2015). Production of vegetables and flowers is
significantly influenced by the seasonality and weather conditions. The
extents of abundance and deficiency in production cause considerable
fluctuations in the prices and quality of vegetables and flowers. Vegetable
production, at present, is also characterized by a strong dependence on
chemical plant protection with its all-inherent environmental and health
hazards, both, for the grower and the consumer. Striking a balance between
all-season availability of high-quality vegetables with minimum environmental
impact, and still to remain economically competitive in this time of
globalization, is a major challenge for the modern technology of crop
The crop productivity is influenced by the genetic characteristics
of the cultivar, growing environment and management practices. Under
open field cultivation, while the other factors could be taken care of, it is
not possible to effect control on the environment around the plant. The
plant’s environment can be specified by five basic factors, namely, light,
temperature, humidity, carbon dioxide and nutrients. The main purpose of
protected cultivation is to create a favourable environment for the sustained
growth of plant so as to realize its maximum potential even in adverse
climatic conditions. Greenhouses, rain shelters, plastic tunnels, mulches,
insect-proof net houses, shade nets etc. are used as protective structures
and means depending on the requirements and cost-effectiveness. Besides
modifying the plant’s environment, these protective structures provide
protection against wind, rain and insects. Protected cultivation offers several
advantages to produce vegetables and flowers of high quality and yields,
thus using the land and other resources more efficiently. This becomes
relevant to growers in India who have small land holding, say less than one
hectare. They would be interested in a technology, which helps them to
produce more crops each year from their land, particularly during off-season
when prices are higher. However, growing vegetables under protected
conditions requires comparatively high input cost and good management
practices, which have direct bearing on the economic viability of the
production system. Even if the protective structures are cost effective,
proper planning, management and attention to details are needed to achieve
maximum benefits. Growing vegetables and flowers under location-specific
suitable structures may accumulate substantial benefits even to small
Protected cultivation is the technique of providing favourable micro-
climate surrounding the plant body and is controlled partially or fully as per
the requirement of the horticulture crops grown during their period of growth.
In short, it is the modification of the natural environment to achieve optimum
plant growth. Protected cultivation may also indicate comprehensive system
of controlled Environmental agriculture in which all aspects of the natural
environment are modified for maximum plant growth and economic return.
There are many challenges in open field condition:
• Rising of healthy seedling
• Isolation management
• Seed production of parental line
• Promotion of hybrid seed production
Fig. 1. Rainout shelter with automatic version alongwith sensors and sprinkler facility
There are two main designs for rainout shelter- static and movable
(Fig.1). Within the moveable design there are automatic/motorized and
manual versions. The automatic version is a signalled to move over the
protected plot by a rain sensor and an electric drive system. The manual
version is moved either by manually switching the drive on (manually driven)
or by manually pushing it (manually pushed) over the protected plot. The
‘manually pushed’ must by lightweight and hence it is cheaper and can
cover a limited land area.
The manual version is moved from its parking spot onto the protected
plot whenever a rain is expected and not when the rain begins. It is moved
into the parking space whenever rain is expected to cease completely.
Good weather forecasting service is therefore important. If forecasting is
unreliable, better have the shelter over the protected plot more time than
expected. Therefore, the shelter construction must allow sufficient light
inside as well as some ventilation. The direction of the protected plot and
the parking place of the shelter should be designed so that the parked shelter
will not shade the plot in the morning or the evening and that the direction
of the wind would not allow rain to blow under the shelter. The shelter
parking place cannot be used for growing experimental plots. Hence, many
automatic rainout shelters have become more popular even it is little costlier
than manual one. Automatic rainout shelter has installed with rain sensors,
and therefore, the shelter moves to the experimental site automatically once
the signals receive from rain sensors. It overcomes the problem of better
weather forecasting.
3.2 Shade Houses
A shade house is a structure which usually consists of a metal
frame that supports shade cloth - a type of screen that provides some
passive environmental control e.g. shading the plants from excessive sunlight
and wind. In warmer climates shade houses are useful for growing a range
of plants that grow well in cool to temperate regions but do not cope with
the amount of hot direct sun. In a cold snap, more elaborate shade houses
can be heated to prevent frost damage to the plants. A shade house is
important in plant production for gaining maximum growth, allowing plants
time to acclimatize to outdoor conditions and “harden off”. There are a
number of benefits in using a shade house:
Protect plants from wind, hail and pests
Protect plants from extreme hot weather
Protect plants which are cold or frost sensitive over winter
dissembled, move throughout the farm and work with the contour of the
land. Plastic covered low tunnels provide crops with several degrees of
protection against outer atmosphere. There are many advantages of low
It is made up of light structure
Cost is less
Installation is quite easy
It is easy to uninstall and rebuilt to other places.
3.5 Greenhouse
A greenhouse is a structure with a glass or plastic roof and
frequently glass or plastic walls. Its roof and sides have to allow light to
penetrate. The greenhouse heats up because incoming solar radiation from
the sun warms plants, soil, and other things inside the building faster than
heat can escape the structure. Greenhouses can also protect plants from
wind, rain and animals. There are different types of greenhouse structures:
a) Ground to ground
Free-standing greenhouse (ground to ground greenhouses), because
of their cost, are one of the most popular styles of greenhouse structures.
The free-standing greenhouse, ground to ground greenhouse can be designed
as a high tunnel or as an environmentally controlled greenhouse. Free-
standing greenhouses come in a wide variety of lengths and widths; most
popular is the 30 ft wide ground to ground greenhouse. The ground to
ground greenhouse often is the built with short sidewalls. It is a free-
standing greenhouse structure popular in reforestation for over-wintering;
ground to ground greenhouse can also be designed with environmental
controls and can be purchased with a number of different coverings.
Moreover, ground to ground, free-standing greenhouses are popular in every
b) Gable
A gable attached greenhouse is designed to look like an original
part of your architecture. Pick your favorite greenhouse design, glazing
and color and we will remove the gable wall to attach to your location. We
can place doors in the sidewalls or the gable end and increase sidewall
height to maximize available floor space. Convenient access to water and
power is great for those wanting to extend the season and enjoy the view
into the garden.
c) Quonset
The Quonset, arch, clear span greenhouse is the most popular
greenhouse style for gutter connected poly or polycarbonate structures in
the world. They are available in many different widths and lengths. They
are available in roll form, round or square galvanized pipe, designed to meet
many loads. This Quonset style greenhouse is the one that is efficiently
made from virtually indestructible Kee-Klamp fittings is the one that you
need to put your money, and your trust, into building right for the very first
and very last time. The main advantage of Quonset style greenhouses are
their freestanding architecture, which lets in the greatest amount of sunlight
of any greenhouse design, including ridge and furrow greenhouses, ground-
to-ground greenhouses, and gutter-connected, arch greenhouses. This
extremely high amount of solar radiation is the best for cultivating your
crops from seedlings into full-grown, mature plants.
d) Tunnels
High tunnels are an increasingly popular trend for growers and a
proven technology for crop production. The term “high tunnel” is a loosely
defined phrase for growing fruits and vegetables in greenhouses, although
some high tunnels are used for cut flower production. High tunnels may be
used to extend the growing season by providing protection for early- or
late-season production, or they may be used for year-round growing. High
tunnels are becoming increasingly popular due to the low start-up cost and
quick rate of return on investment. High tunnels were originally greenhouses
with high sidewalls to enable tractors and tillers to easily enter and exit
greenhouses from either end. These greenhouses were simple in design,
with usually just one layer of poly, roll-up curtains and no electricity. Some
of these greenhouses only had poly on them for a few weeks before the
warmer weather allowed the cover to be removed safely without any
damage to the crops. High tunnel greenhouses enabled local growers to
produce crops during all four seasons and helped combat the forces of
unpredictable weather, particularly in the early spring.
e) Lath house/ Seran house
A lath house is a valuable asset in raising seedlings, rooted cuttings,
and young rhododendron plants prior to setting them out in the garden.
Properly used, it will modify the environment in which they are growing by
offering protection from hot, drying summer winds, reducing the intensity
of the sunlight, lowering temperatures, and by maintaining a higher humidity.
f) Lean to greenhouse
A lean-to greenhouse is a type of greenhouse that is built against
the side of another structure. Therefore, it has only one sloping roof and
shares a wall with another building with a different intended use. It is
considered as traditional structures, dating back to the Victorian period.
They are extremely tough and wind resistant. Lean-to greenhouses can
also be considered sun rooms when they are built against a residential
property, and can be used for both edible crops and ornamentals. There are
several factors to take into account with the lean-to greenhouses. The
height must be carefully checked, along with any metal base plinth, to make
sure that the ridge does not clash with any obstacles such as windows or
drain pipes. If the lean-to greenhouse is going over a door on the house, it
must be glazed with toughened safety glass. Another crucial point to
remember is that if there is a flue from a boiler exiting the wall, it must not
be discharged into the greenhouse. Majority of lean-to greenhouses are
built on a solid brick or concrete stem wall. They are often made with a
stone veneer that helps to retain heat as night sets in. Leaning against a
wall, which generally stores heat through the day and slowly releases it at
night, helps reduce the range of temperature fluctuations inside the
greenhouse, leading to a steadier overall temperature.
Cladding materials used for greenhouses:
There are wide varieties of materials that can be used and available
for greenhouse construction at present. With the current explosion of interest
from both commercial farmers and backyard gardeners, the options for
materials are constantly expanding. Some of the common selections by
farmers/ entrepreneurs are:
FRP (Fibre Reinforced Plastic)
Polythene (Poly Venyl Chloride)
Polycarbonate sheets
Silpauline sheets
A plant grows best when exposed to an environment that is optimal
for that particular plant species. The aerial environment for the plant growth
can be specified by the following four factors: i) Heat or temperature; ii)
Light; iii) Relative humidity; and iv) Carbon-di-oxide (Malik and Sehrawat,
2015). While plants have precise optimum environmental conditions for
best growth, most are tolerant to variations in these conditions within some
limits. However, permanent damage would occur when they are exposed
to conditions outside these limits. At the same time, plants are subject to
attack by pests and diseases. Greenhouse crop production provides
protection against adverse environmental conditions and allows pests and
diseases to be excluded or controlled. Besides providing a protective
enclosure, a greenhouse also acts as a ‘heat trap’. It admits solar radiation
and converts this energy into heat by raising the temperature of the
greenhouse air. While this is the basis of the greenhouse’s ability to perform
its tasks, it also affects other environmental factors (Malik and Sehrawat,
2015). Environmental conditions inside the greenhouse can be modified
suiting to the potential growth of plants. The extent of climate modification
will, however, depend on the design of greenhouse and is generally related
with its cost. Higher the capability of greenhouse to modify its climate,
higher is the cost of its construction.
The selection of structures to be utilized for seed production depends
on the type of seed crop and local environmental conditions like sunlight,
maximum and minimum temperature, wind speed, humidity, rainfall, snowfall
etc. Simple plastic covered net houses may be enough to produce hybrid
seeds in rainy or winter seasons in many parts of south India. But it is
difficult to raise sweet pepper seed crop in summer months in such net
house because of very high temperature and very low humidity inside the
net house. In case of fan and pad cooled green house sweet pepper seed
production can be taken up throughout the year. Plastic houses with top
ventilation can be used for seed production of temperate vegetable crops in
the hills of north India. Computer controlled European type high tech glass
house are very expensive and economically not viable for seed production
under north Indian conditions (Tomar, 2015).
The cultivation of fruits plants per unit area of land provides a
comparatively larger volume of employment opportunities to the people
than the cultivation of field crops. A significant level of increase in the
labour absorption in fruit cultivation over the few years also reflects the
importance of horticulture for the overall development of the area (Nain et
al., 2013). The wealth may be created by individuals who take the major
market scenario of big cities, and therefore, it has the right time to call the
attention of the vegetable growers for diversification from traditional way
of vegetable production to protected cultivation. Protected cultivation has
great potential in augmenting production and quality of vegetables, flowers
and in some fruit crops in main and off season and maximizing water and
nutrient use efficiency, under varied agro- climatic conditions of the country.
Since, it can be profitably used for growing high value vegetable crops like,
tomato, cheery tomato, colored peppers, parthenocarpic cucumbers, flowers
like cut flowers, chrysanthemum, lilium fruits like strawberry, grapes etc.
and for off season cultivation of vegetables and their healthy and virus free
seedlings, this technology has great potential especially in peri-urban
agriculture in near future (Malik, 2015). Protected cultivation in partially
modified environment structure is useful in combating both biotic and abiotic
stresses directly affect the productivity and quality of horticultural crops.
Therefore, protected cultivation needs proper precaution with an effective
planning and attention including timing of production and harvest so that the
entrepreneurs get higher market prices and choice of varieties adopted to
the off season environment. All the farmers who are living in urban adjacent
areas of the country can successfully diversify their traditional cultivation
practices by adopting or using various levels of protected cultivation
technologies for production of horticultural crops looking to their resources,
availability of emerging market of usual and unusual off season horticultural
produce, year round demand of high value vegetables like slicing tomatoes,
coloured peppers and parthenocarpic cucumbers etc. High quality nursery
raising in vegetables is the other area, where complete diversification in the
traditional system of nursery raising is required. All kind of protected
technologies may not be economical and useful to the farmers in India,
because of their very high initial, running and maintenance cost, but some
protected technologies are simple and highly profitable under Indian
conditions and more specifically for peri-urban areas, which can be adopted
by Indian farmers for production of different horticultural crops in the
following manners.
The improved high-quality seedlings through good quality seeds at
right time and at appropriate place is one of the cheapest but most important
ways to ensure high productivity and high quality of the produce.
Traditionally, most of the Indian farmers raise the seedlings of vegetables,
flowers and fruits like papaya seedlings under open field conditions. The
raised seedling through such types of traditional methods are always the
problem of inferior quality, as the seedlings are infected with virus when
raised in open during rainy and post rainy season. On one side soil borne
fungus and nematodes create severe problem for raising the seedlings in
soil media in open fields during hot summers and rainy season but on the
other hand the very high cost of hybrid seeds in vegetables has also warranted
the farmers to improve or change their traditional nursery raising method to
increase the productivity and quality of vegetables (Malik, 2015). A large
number of virus free healthy seedlings of different vegetables can be raised
in a small area of green house in plastic pro-trays by using soil-less media
for growing vegetables either for main season or for their off season
cultivation. With the use of this technology it is now almost possible to raise
healthy vigorous seedlings of different cucurbits, otherwise it was not
possible in the traditional system of nursery raising. The farmers or
unemployed agriculture graduate youths of our country can very successfully
start nursery raising as a small scale industry in major vegetable growing
pockets of the country. By this way the vegetable growers will get the virus
free or off-season healthy nursery as per their requirement and it will also
generate some employment in agriculture sector. Therefore, this is the
foremost to encourage the new generation entrepreneurs to help in
diversification in horticulture through protected cultivation with proper
guidance by providing the awareness of determine potentially successful
crops for each area based on climate, crop requirements, technology level
required, and market price potential. It is also essential to work out and
identify niche markets, domestic and export, that could generate sufficient
revenue to recover the upfront costs of protected cultivation.
Any attempt to promote the farmers perceptions towards fruit
cultivation could improve their practice. Rural farmers including their family
members are in fact soldiers who implement and improve sustainable
agriculture, so promoting their knowledge, improving their perceptions and
also increasing their practice are all the important prerequisite of sustainable
fruit production (Nain et al., 2013). Strategy emphasizes much on long-
term decision making with regard to the future of the farm. Strategies for
keeping up with business demands is related to the entrepreneur’s focus on
commercial relations, the branch and direct business relations (customers
and suppliers) and on informal contacts with fellow entrepreneurs. These
contacts are important in retrieving relevant information that will help to
keep up with business demands (Bosma et al., 2000). Proper use of the
knowledge infrastructure helps the entrepreneur to react effectively to any
new developments (Schilden and Verhaar, 2000). Nain et al. (2012)
emphasized that researcher need to be active participant in the early adoption
Manoj Kumar Mahawar, Bibwe Bhushan, Srinivas Girjal, Kirti
Jalgaonkar, Vijay Singh Meena and Bharat Bhushan
Agro-industries are those enterprises that process agricultural raw
materials into edible or consumable form. In that process, agro-processing
wastes may also be utilized for extraction of natural bioactive compounds
so as to be used in pharmaceutical and other industries. An agro-processing
plant can open up new opportunities to the farmers facilitating income and
employment generation. However, the industries dealing with fruit or
vegetable processing are characterized by seasonality, perishability and
variability of raw materials. In such industries, the raw materials can only
be procured in particular season while processing operations may continue
for the off season. For the processing of raw materials by the agro-industries,
greater speed in handling, storage and distribution is required. The raw
materials obtained for processing vary in their quality as well and hence the
emphasis must also be given towards post-processing management also.
Such characteristics make the procurement rather restrictive and the
industries are amenable and move viable to the locations nearer to the
source of raw material.
India is known as fruit and vegetable basket of the world. It is the
second largest producer of overall fruits and vegetables production in the
world, after China and one of the centers of origin of fruits and vegetables
with the total production of 81.285 million metric tonnes of fruits and 162.187
million tonnes of vegetables till the year end 2013 (NHB, 2013). It has the
potential to be the world’s largest food producer which is bestowed with
one of the best natural resources in the world and several factors like
Increasing urbanization, nuclear families, working women, disposable income
and changing lifestyles are gearing up the Indian food supply chains for a
better future. Organized retail and Private label penetration, demand for
functional food, and increased spend on health food are major drivers for
the growth of this sector (Viswanadham, 2007). As the population is
increasing, the demand for such food is also increasing.
India has a strong raw material base for the food processing industry.
India is one of the largest producers of certain fruits, vegetables, pulses,
cereals and dairy products such as mangoes, papaya, potatoes, onions, ginger,
check peas, rice, wheat, groundnuts, milk and eggs among others. Over
time, there has been a continuous increase in the production of food
processing industry. The total value addition of the food processing sector
as a share of GDP manufacturing was 9.8 percent in 2012-13. Yet in India
the sector suffers from several bottlenecks leading to an estimated wastage
of 25-30 percent of agriculture produce (Chari and Raghavan 2012). India
lacks agricultural raw materials of processable quality. Only 7 percent of
the total Indian perishable produce is processed, which is extremely low
compared to countries such as the US (65 percent), Philippines (78 percent)
and China (23 percent).
Food and grocery is the largest segment in India‘s retail sector,
with a share of more than 60 percent in India‘s total retail market in 2014.
The vast production base offers India tremendous opportunities for export.
During 2015-16, India exported fruits and vegetables worth Rs. 8,391.41
crores which comprised of fruits worth Rs. 3,524.50 crores and vegetables
worth Rs. 4,866.91 crores.
The food-processing sector employs about 13 million persons directly
and about 35 million persons indirectly. India’s agricultural production base
is quite strong but at the same time wastage of agricultural produce is
massive. Processing is very low at around 2.20% in fruits and vegetables,
35% in milk, 21% in meat and 6% in poultry. Value addition is only to the
tune of 20% Food processing sector contributed about 14% of manufacturing
Gross Domestic Product. India’s share in world trade in respect of processed
foods is only 1.6 percent and India was ranked 27th in 2006 in terms of
trade performance of Processed Food Products. (APEDA, 2015)
estimated losses are 5.8 to 18% for fruits and 7.5 to 13% for vegetables,
respectively. The food processing sector surrounds with plentiful
opportunities for the entrepreneurs, nevertheless the industry is forced to
revamp the overall value and speed of its innovations. Significant progress
of entrepreneurship in food processing segment will create work
opportunities for rural youth and thereby augmenting the living standard of
the people across the country (Negi, 2013).
3.1 Role of government
The government must create conducive business environment and
promote financial help via venture capitals, investors and business houses.
The ideal role for the government to be the enabler and provide adequate
infrastructure, ease in taxation, raising of fund, attract investments etc.
The MSME sector has taken few initiatives in this regard,
Udyog Aadhar Memorandum- to promote ease of doing business
Employment exchange for industries
ASPIRE (Promoting innovation and rural entrepreneurs)- setting
up a network of technology to promote startups for innovation and
entrepreneurship in rural and agriculture based industry
3.2 Agricultural and Processed Food Products Export Development
Authority (APEDA)
This agency was established in December 1985 with its head quarter
at New Delhi. The main objective of the organization is to promote and
develop the exports of various processed products including the fruits and
vegetables. It plays a very important role in promotions of agricultural
commodities export from the country. APEDA has established cold storage
facilities at metropolitan cities of the country. It has also developed standards
of marketing for processed products. APEDA acts as a platform to take
the products to various national and international fairs and exhibitions. It
also arranges many seminars and conferences where experts are invited to
address the entrepreneurs regarding the different aspects of processing of
F & V’s and their export (Choudhury and Barua, 2006).
3.3 Indian Institute of Entrepreneurship (IIE)
This was established in the year 1993 by the Ministry of Industry
with its head quarter at Guwahati (Assam). The institute undertakes training,
research and consultancy activities in the field of small scale industry and
entrepreneurship. The institute also acts as catalyst for entrepreneurship
security so on. These changes have paved the way for new participator,
innovation, and portfolio entrepreneurship in agriculture and its allied
segments such as horticulture and its allied sectors (including fruits and
vegetables, plantation crops, flowers, spices, aromatic and medicinal plants).
India bestowed with a varied agro-climate and is highly favorable
for growing a large number of horticultural crops which includes fruits and
vegetables. It is the second largest producer of fruits and vegetables.
Entrepreneurial development through the fruits and vegetable mainly lies in
the rural India, where development agencies look into rural entrepreneurship
as an enormous employment potential, farmers take it as an instrument for
improving farm earnings and women see it as an employment possibilities.
With respect to fruits and vegetables, there are plenty of
opportunities in processing and value addition sector. Processing of
commodities (F & V’s) which are cheaper along with abundant availability,
results in higher profit margin for entrepreneurs. A brief description of such
fruits and vegetables with relevant information on number of valorized
products that can be prepared is described below:
4.1 Aonla
Aonla is amid such category of fruits which is available at a very
low price during its peak production season and a variety of value added
products can also be prepared. It has been in use for jam, jelly, segments,
pickle, preserve, chavanprash, candy, juice, squash, mouth freshner etc.
There are established machineries for different unit operations of aonla
processing with variable capacity and efficiency. The major unit operations
include grading, pricking, shredding, juice extraction and drying. There are
machineries available for each of the unit operation. Few tools/machineries
were fabricated and few were procured and arranged sequentially under
pilot plant facility at ICAR-CIPHET Abohar (Punjab). Description of the
machineries is as follows:
Table 1: Machineries to be used for aonla processing
S Machine Specifications Picture
1. Aonla harvester Consists of a stainless
steel pipe with a hook type
structure and a net structure
composed in such a way that
it surrounds the tree system
The hook on the top of
harvester is mired to the branch
and shaken vigorously
-Rotary cylinder Grader (Reel grader)
-Roller Grader
-Regular slotted corrugated board box:\
-Telescopic corrugated board box
-Plastic crates: (18-20 kg capacity)
-Labeling and sealing equipment
-Quality inspection tables
-Fork lift: used for lifting of crates, bags or packed kinnow boxes
Mukesh Kumar, Madhu Bala, Kiran Bhagat and
Anant Kumar
Floriculture is the segment of horticulture concerned with
commercial production, marketing, and sale of bedding plants, cut flowers,
potted flowering plants, foliage plants, flower arrangements, and
noncommercial home gardening. Floriculture crops include bedding plants,
flowering plants, foliage plants or house plants, cut cultivated greens, and
cut flowers. As distinguished from nursery crops, floriculture crops are
generally herbaceous. Bedding and garden plants consist of young flowering
plants (annuals and perennials) and vegetable plants. They are grown in
cell packs (in flats or trays), in pots, or in hanging baskets, usually inside a
controlled environment, and sold largely for gardens and landscaping.
Geraniums, impatiens, and petunias are the best-selling bedding plants.
Floriculture is an ancient farm activity with immense potential for generating
remunerative self-employment among small and marginal farmers. Flowers
are being cultivated in India from time immemorial. Since ancient times
ornamental plants have been an integral part of life with gardens, flowers,
and ornamental horticulture being noted in most of our historical references.
Now a day’s floriculture is one of the commercial businesses which
not only provides a handsome profit but also provides ample employment
opportunity. In order to encourage floriculture business both central and
state government has accorded export-oriented status. In India floriculture
is considered as an industrial activity comprises flower trade, production of
nursery plants, potted plants, seed and bulb production. Flowers were
cultivated for aesthetic purposes as also for their fragrance, perfumes and
medicines. Changing life style of people has led to the commercialization of
flower cultivation. The huge demand for flowers coinciding with various
occasions has led to growth of market for flowers. Though, India has
controlled climatic condition for floriculture states like Maharashtra,
Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, West Bengal is leading state on flower
production. Hence floriculture business is one of the profitable
entrepreneurial opportunities of our country.
Floriculture as an industry began in the late 1800s in England, where
flowers were grown on a large scale on the vast estates (Wikipedia, 2009).
The industry continues to advance since that period. It is a profitable agri-
business throughout the world. The present day floriculture industry is very
dynamic and fast growing. In the 1950s, the global flower trade was less
than US $3 billion (The flower expert, 2008). It has been reported that the
world production of floriculture products was valued at US $40 billion (Getu,
2009). The Netherlands, Japan, and United States of America (USA) account
for nearly half of the world flower trade. In the 1990s, a niche market was
developing for field-grown cut flowers, perhaps because many specialty
cut flowers can be field-grown (Armitage and Laushman, 2003; Starman
et al., 1995). The increasing interest in the production of specialty, field-
grown cut flowers (Kelly, 1991) and their developing market (Starman et
al., 1995) helped create the new niche for U.S. growers. Niches are
specialized markets. Starman et al. (1995) identified specialty cut flower
species that can be field-grown and profitable, provided a niche market
exists. Floriculture is a lucrative industry in many parts of the world. The
advancement of scientific techniques in flower cultivation has given a
tremendous impetus to the growth of this industry. India has yet to cash-in
on the production, marketing and export potentials in this field. Both domestic
market and export potentials are prodigious. Floriculture sector, all over the
world is experiencing rapid changes. Growing of flowers and ornamental
crops is rapidly expanding dynamic global enterprise in to-day’s world
(Bhattacharjee, 2006).
Floriculture, a $40 billion global business, is engaged in the struggle
to transform something “natural and unspoiled” into a mass produced,
transportable product, says Amy Stewart, bestselling author of Flower
Confidential: The Good, the Bad, and the Beautiful in the Business of
Flowers. This transformation relies on an extensive network of breeders,
throughout the year. Some of the major developing country producers and
exporters of cut flowers and plants are Colombia, South Korea, Kenya,
Israel, Ecuador, Poland, Ethiopia, Costa Rica, Thailand, India, China,
Zimbabwe, and Mexico. The economies of some of these countries are
even dependent on floriculture industry, such as Colombia and Kenya,
China (286,068 ha) and India (161,000 ha) having the majority of the world
acreage under cut flowers and plants production, the Asia-Pacific region
has the major share (75 percent) of the total world area under floriculture
production. Europe has a 10 percent share in the world area under
floriculture. The acreage under flower cultivation in Africa is very small
(1.5 percent). With around 2200 ha, Kenya is the largest producer of flowers
and plants in Africa, followed by South Africa and Zimbabwe both growing
over 1000 ha of flowers. Latin America has an 8 percent share in the world
area under floriculture, with Mexico having the largest area under flower
production (21,129 ha).
It is seen that the Netherlands is the world leader. Total world
export of floriculture products stands at USD 9,784,525,000 and Netherlands
claims 47.7% of total world exports. The other major countries are
Colombia, Ecuador, Kenya, Ethiopia and Belgium. India is in 14 position in
exporting floricultural products (Fig-1). In the year, 2007, worldwide export
value of cut flowers and foliage amounted to US$ 8.41 billion. Europe still
maintains its position as the leading exporter in the world with a share of
over 60 percent of total exports of cut flowers and foliage. However,
European exports of cut flowers and foliage (US$ 5.06 billion) are largely
intra-European in nature with only about 11 percent exported to other non-
European countries. The share of non-European countries in the worldwide
export value of cut flowers was about 25 percent in 1994, which has gone
up to around 30 percent in 2007. Re-exports are very common from some
of the leading European exporting countries such as the Netherlands and
Italy. The world exports of live plants, bulbs and cuttings are estimated to
be about US$ 8.58 billion in 2007. This is more than the three times the
value of flowers exported in 1994 (US$ 2.8 billion). As in the case of cut
flowers, Europe is the leading exporter of live plants, bulbs and cuttings,
supplying predominantly to the European countries.
During the year 2003-2007, The Netherlands was the largest cut
flower producer in Europe. The production value of flowers and pot plants
in the Netherlands increased by 10 percent annually, amounting to Euro
3,901 million in 2007. In USA, the total production area under floriculture
crops declined by 2.5 percent in 2007 compared to 2006. The flower industry
in the United States is undergoing a period of consolidation. The large
operations account for 96 percent of the total value of floriculture crops.
Annuals and perennials are the largest selling items accounting for 32 percent
of the total floricultural sales in 2007. The wholesale value of sales of
floricultural products in 2007 was estimated at US$ 3.9 billion, registering
an increase of 2 percent over the year 2006. In Canada, the area under
cultivation increased by 10 percent over the five years between 2001 to
2006. Total number of operations, both farms and nurseries, declined to 11
percent and 16 percent respectively between 1981 to 2006. The flower
industry in Canada is generally concentrated in Ontario, British Columbia,
and Quebec, which together account for about 85 percent of total production.
Japan is one of the largest flower growing countries in the world. Around
47 percent of land area under flower cultivation is currently, under protected
cultivation such us greenhouses and covered structures. Chrysanthemums
are the most important flowers cultivated in Japan. Japan is one of the
largest consumers of cut flowers and potted plants. Japanese cut flower
retail market is estimated to be worth US$ 9.3 billion. Japan is the tenth
largest flower importer in the world. Only 7 percent of the cut flower
consumption in volume terms is imported by Japan. The country Ecuador
has around 3,500 ha under floriculture, of which, 2,500 ha is under rose
cultivation. Other flowers grown in Ecuador are Chrysanthemum and
Carnation. The sector employs around 60,000 people directly and over
100,000 people indirectly. Israel’s cut-flower industry is regarded as one of
the most advanced flower industries in the world by virtue of the technologies
used in production of large varieties of flowers in the desert-like conditions.
Flowers and ornamental plants account for 8.0 percent of Israel’s total
agricultural production. Israel’s flower sector is relatively small by
international standards, but is highly profitable. Flowers are Israel’s leading
agricultural export item (29 percent). Israel ranked 12th amongst world
exporters of floriculture products and its share in world exports was around
1.5 percent (US$ 259 million) in 2007. In Kenya, the flower industry employs
around 100,000 people directly and around 2 million people indirectly. Kenya
is currently, the world’s seventh largest exporters of flowers accounting for
2.6 percent share in world exports. Kenya has the largest market share in
European flower imports (51 percent) compared to other Sub Saharan
African country exporters. The Ethiopian flower industry took-off in 2005,
and currently, ranks 22nd amongst world exporters of floriculture products,
with a share in world exports of around 0.51 percent. There are over 70
flower farms in Ethiopia. Ethiopia grows Roses, Carnations, Chrysanthemum
and Statice. The sector generated employment for over 50,000 persons
(permanent and temporary), and has become one of top five foreign
exchange earning products of the country. In Ethiopia, about 40 percent of
the farms are fully foreign owned, 23 percent are joint ventures, and 36
percent are fully domestic owned. China’s ornamental plants growing area
was only about 3,000 ha in 1985; which has currently crossed over 700,000
ha. In 2007, China ranked 17th amongst world exporters of floriculture
products with a share in world exports of around 0.76 percent. It is the third
largest supplier of floriculture products to Japan. Thailand covers about
6,000 acres, mainly in Bangkok and nearby provinces, namely Nakhon
Pathom, Samut Sakhon, Ratchaburi, Pathum Thani, Ayutthaya, Suphan Buri,
and Chon Buri. The flowering season in Thailand usually takes place during
the rainy season, from July to October. There are more than 1,000 species
of Orchids in the country.Besides Orchids; over 30 types of flowers are
commercially cultivated in the country, which include Roses, Carnations
and Chrysanthemums.
India’s, commercial floriculture has gained momentum in the 1990’s.
The development of Indian commercial floriculture has centered around
the production of rose, marigold, gerbera, chrysanthemum, gladiolous,
anthurium, carnation, orchid, tuberose, lilium, alstroemeria etc. In India,the
area under flower cultivation has more than doubled from 53,000 hectares
(1993-94) to 1,61,000 hectares ( 2007- 08) and has been growing at a
CAGR of 8. 26 per cent. Out of which, 500 ha of production is in greenhouse;
around 5 percent of greenhouse production is domestically consumed and
the remainder is exported. In 2007-08, flower production in the country
was estimated at 870,000 MT of loose flowers and 4,342 million (numbers)
of cut flowers. It is seen that the growth rate has drastically changed during
the year 1995-96, 2003-04, 2011-12 and it is decreased in the year 2012-
2013 and again increased in 2013-14 (Fig-2). Indian floricultural products
have been attaining to the world floriculture trade by increasing the
productivity. The Agricultural and Processed Food Products Export
Development Authority (APEDA) manages for developing and promoting
agri-exports including flowers. India’s exports of floricultural products in
the year 2007-08 decreased by 48 percent to US$84.5 million (Rs. 340
crores), from US$ 144 million (Rs. 653 crores) in 2006-07, which further
decreased by 5.18 percent in the year 2008-09 to US$ 80.31 million.
However, in rupee terms there was a marginal increase of 8.4 percent
from Rs. 340 crores in 2007-08 to Rs. 368.8 crores in 2008-09. It is also
observed that from 2006-07 production quantity as well as value slowly
Fig- 1: World’s leading cut flowers and buds exporting countries Source: ITC
Trade Map- International Trade Statistics, 2014
Fig- 3: Yearly production quantity of important Indian loose flowers (MT) and cut
flowers (Million nos) Source: Indian Horticulture Database, 2008 and 2014
Fig-4: Export of the floricultural products from India in quantity (MT) and value
Source: APEDA 2000-01 to 2014-15
in Japan is the highest, followed by Europe and USA. The European Union
(EU) consumes over 50 percent of the world’s flowers, and includes many
countries, which have a relatively high per capita consumption of cut flowers.
Germany is the major consumer, followed by the UK, France and Italy, in
the order of importance (Fig- 6). In 2006, per capita consumption of
floricultural products was highest in Switzerland followed by Norway,
Denmark, The Netherlands, Sweden, Germany and Austria. Currently, the
per capita expenditure in East European countries on flowers and plants
amounts to approximately Euro 7 to Euro 8 per person per year. Flowers in
EU are sold mostly in auctions at the Netherlands and also some through
direct sales. The Netherlands auctions are generally considered as indicator
for the best sold cut flower species in the EU. Rosa is the most important
cut flower traded at the Netherlands auctions, followed by Dendranthema,
Tulipa, Lilium and Gerbera.
cut flower industry. Belgium is also cut flower producers in the world,
holding 3% of the total global market share for cut flower exports. Ethiopia
holds a 2% share in the global flower export market and it is predicted that
by the end of 2016 the country will be earning $550 million from annual
exports of cut flowers. Malaysian cut flower exports account for 1% of the
global market share of these products. 1% of the global market share of
cut flowers today is held by Italy. Germany occupying 1% of the global
market share in flower export and Israel is holding a 1% share of the global
market in terms of cut flower exports (Fig. 7).
Fig- 7: World’s largest cut flower export countries, 2005 vs. 2015
Sources: UN-Comtrade, Royal FloraHolland, Rabobank, 2016
Methods of dehydration
Press Drying : The flowers and foliage are kept in blotting sheet/news
paper and pressed dried with the help of “Plant Press”. The plant press
has been specially designed in a very simple way. The plant press is made
up of two wooden board fixed with nuts and bolts at four corners. The size
of plant press may vary (6" X 12" to any desired size). Collected leaves and
flowers are kept between blotting sheets and one type of leaves/flowers
are always pressed in one sheet. All blotting sheets containing leaves/flowers
are kept between two ply boards and tightened with nut and bolt. The
materials may be kept at room temperature for dehydration. Blotting sheets
are changed every 3rd and 5th day to avoid fungal effect/ contamination.
This helps maintenance of original colour of flowers and leaves. For quick
drying, the pressed materials may be kept in hot air oven at 60o C.
Embedding and Drying: Flowers are embedded either in sand or in silica
gel in earthen/plastic/tin/glass pots and pots are kept for dehydration in hot
air oven / micro wave oven / solar cooker. The hot air oven is thermostatically
Hot air oven : In hot air oven, the temperature is maintained 40 – 450C.
Microwave oven: Flowers are dehydrated within 5 – 10 minutes. Pots
after taking out from micro wave oven are kept for two hours at room
temperature for setting
Solar Cooker : Flowers can be directly embedded in the container of
solar cooker and it can be dried under sun. The time of exposure vary
according to day temperature. The solar cooker can also be operated
electrically. Solar cooker will be most suitable for rural women. They can
cook their food in solar cooker and rest of the time can utilize for dehydration
Suitable methods of drying and dehydration of flowers and foliage
Press drying: Candytuft, Chrysanthemum, Euogirua keyciceogakam,
Lantana, Ixora, Mussaenda, Galphimia nitida, Pentas carnea, Grasses,
Foliage of cassica biflora, Golden fern, Silver fern etc.
Hot Air Oven drying : Helpterum roseum, chrysanthemum, Candytuft,
Gerbera, Gomphrena globosa, Helochrysum bracteatum, Euphorbia,
leucocephala, Delphinium ajacis, Rose, Zinnai linearis, Bougainvillea,
Narcissus, Dahlia, Gladiolus, Tagetes petula, Tagetes erecta, Nymphaea
taken together is about 250,000 tons. The global export of these oils, perfumes
and flavours increased from US $ 2149 million in 1986 to US $ 8254 million
during 2002. Imports recorded an increase from US $ 2008 to US $ 5316
during the same period. On the production side, the total worldwide
production of essential oils is estimated at about 1,00,000 to 1,10,000 tonnes.
The production of geranium essential oil alone is estimated to be nearly 400
tonnes per annum, with a value of US $ 20-30 million. The world’s largest
importer of aromatic materials is the USA followed by Japan (Verma et al.,
Indian: India ranks 26th in import &14th in respect of export in world in
the trade of essential oil. India holds around 0.7% of import & 1.1% of
export. Jasmine and tuberose concentrate from South India have created a
marks in world marked. The major buyers of Indian essential oil are Former
USSR, USA, France, UK, Netherlands, UAE and Saudi Arabia. Growth in
perfumery is higher i.e., 15% in India compared to 7% in America and 5%
in Europe (Verma et al., 2012).
Opportunities in the essential oil industry:
Manufacture of perfumes, creams, aftershave lotions, soaps,
detergents, agarbattis, incense, shampoos, bath oils, hair oils, talcum powder
and other cosmeceuticals. Flavouring all types of food products like candies,
beverages, tobacco, soups, chewing gum, sauces, desserts, cake mixes,
etc. As therapeutics, antiseptics, bactericides or germicides and are also
used in making balms, tooth pastes, mouth washes, antiperspirants,
deodorants, insecticides and aerosols. For protecting fur, wool, silk clothing
and for making shoe polish, and also as solvents in the paint and varnish
industry. Manufacture of paper, plastics, textiles, paints as well as synthetic
odour and flavours.
Aromatherapy: It is a form of alternative medicine that uses volatile plant
materials, known as essential oils, and other aromatic compounds for the
purpose of altering a person’s mind, mood, cognitive function or health.
Different oil extraction methods for flowers
There are six methods of extracting essential oil from flowers;
i. Distillation:There are three types of distillation used: Water or Hydro
distillation; Water and steam or wet steam distillation; and Direct steam or
dry steam distillation.
ii. Enfleurage: This process is useful to extract delicate floral scents from
flowers that produce essential oils even after being picked (for example;
determined the variability in the content of oil and main fatty acids in hips of
all native rose species of section Caninae. Katsukawaet al., (2011) identified
geraniol and citronellol, the major chemical components of rose oil, as
suppressors of COX-2 expression and activators of PPAR and this may
be important in understanding the anti-inflammatory and antilifestyle-related
disease properties of these chemicals.
Essential oils as food preservatives
Lodhia et al., (2009) tested the anti-bacterial activities of essential
oils extracted from flower petals of palmarosa, evening primrose, lavender
and tuberose against gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria. Palmarosa
oil showed the highest activity against both bacteria among the tested
essential oils.
Today, a significant growth in Indian floriculture is observed and a
significant increase in acceptability of Indian flowers in the global market is
perceived. Indian floriculture is slowly progressing towards becoming globally
competitive with the new global trade rules under the WTO regime. The
growing urbanization and changing lifestyles have given a boost to the per
capita consumption of flowers and plants and as a result flower retail shops
and boutiques have mushroomed all over the cities and towns. Thus, Flora
Industry in India is shining and holding great promise with immense
investments and employment opportunities along with several challenges.
Here, pockets in Maharashtra, West Bengal, South Gujarat, are fast
approaching towards becoming ‘A hub of Floriculture’ in near future and
soon may become a candle of inspiration for the entire India. Also, a large
number of export-oriented units have created facilities of precooling
chambers, cold stores and reefer vans and their produce coming for
domestic market sales are also, thus, of good quality and have longer vase
life, and fetch higher price. Further, research based on postharvest and
transportation problems observed in cut flower trade need to be focused
and innovative approach and ideas among growers need to be encouraged.
Efforts are needed to popularize cut flower use among the high income
group in the country and indigenous flowers outside the country. Further,
nursery industry need to be given boost and should be considered as a
major component of floriculture as it is being excluded so far. In view of the
unorganized set up, it is difficult to estimate the size of flower trade, both in
terms of volume and value. Realizing the importance of floriculture’s
contribution to national agricultural economy, the Government of India has
introduced many developmental programmes through the schemes of
Starman TW, Cerny TA, Mac Kenzie A J. (1995). Productivity and profitability of some
field-grown specialty cut flowers. Hort Sci, 30(6):1217- 1220.
The Flower expert (2008). Looking to flowers to a special someoneÿ2711 enterville red
120, 2711.W ilmington. DE .www. the flower
13th July, 2009
Verma, A.K.; Gupta, A.; Kumar, D. and Dhiman, M. (2012). Post Harvest Technologies
for Commercial Floriculture. New India Publishing.
Wikipedia (2009). Floral Industry. Floral_industry. (Accessed
2nd June, 2010)
Varij Nayan and Anuradha Bhardwaj
Agriculture has been the mother of humanity. Agriculture including
the animal agriculture has shaped the landscape of various civilizations for
thousands of years and the world as we see it today, is unimaginable without
it. In India, animal husbandry is not only complementary to agriculture but
also plays an important role in its economy by providing livelihood to
unemployed and rural youth and women. Agriculture and animal husbandry
can be heralded as an opportunity for “cultivated thought”. No doubt, there
has been a significant revolutionary development in small farm management
in respect of all the sub-sectors, i.e., crops, animal husbandry and fisheries.
This process needed to be encouraged to provide ‘the power of mass
production to production done by the mass of small farmers’. The challenges
that India’s agriculture faces in the coming years are also enormous. In
fact, the agricultural setting has also transformed considerably in modern
era and a second green revolution is needed in the ignored and lesser
privileged parts of our country with radical and novel measures and
technologies. The economic scenario in India is also undergoing a sea-
change, with Indian economy slated to remain as the top three world
economies by 2050 (Chateau et al., 2011; Hawksworth and Chan, 2013,
Nayan, 2015).
In this context, it is important to realize that livestock sector is
contributing more than 4 percent of the total Indian GDP since last three
decades and is well set for bigger roles with inputs of right policy initiatives.
The percentage contribution of agriculture in total gross value added (GVA
cent while the non-descript and defined cattle breeds constitute the rest of
the population. Out of the 79.19 per cent, the non-descript cattle constitutes
nearly 74.90 per cent of the total indigenous population while the rest 25.10
per cent covers the defined indigenous cattle breeds. The cattle breeds viz.
Sahiwal, Gir, Red Sindhi, Tharparkar and Rathi, are known for their milking
prowess. The Kankrej, Ongole and Hariana, belong to dual breeds that
have both milch and draught qualities. The rest are pure draught breeds.
Each of the breeds of cattle are important and needs attention based on
their geo-climatic adaptation to a particular region. Though, the cattle
population has decreased by 4.1 per cent from year 2007 to the year 2012
as per the 19th livestock census, the cattle breeds of India are playing a
momentous role in meeting the national demand of milk and milk products
due to the consumer preference. There has also been renewed consumer
and academic interest in the sacred cow and the ancient ways and
relationship between the Bos indicus and the Homo sapiens.
2.2 The Buffalo
The domestic water buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) has an important
role in the agricultural economy of India and recognized as a triple purpose
animal providing milk, meat and draught power. It is also used in some
Mediterranean and Latin American countries as a source of milk and meat
for specialized markets. Buffaloes are now very important in India’s
contribution to milk and meat. Buffaloes are emerging as the “Black Gold”
or “Black Platinum” with great potential as the “Bank on Hooves” for
Indian agrarian community and entrepreneurs. India is a breeding tract
and home not only for the world famous Murrah and Nili-Ravi Buffaloes,
but also for other buffalo breeds such as Bhadawari, Jaffarabadi, Surti,
Pandharpuri and Mehsana, which are well known for their milk producing
ability. There are 13 registered breeds of buffaloes (Figure 4 and Table 1).
High productivity of Indian buffaloes is evident by their contribution to total
milk pool, which is about 10% more than that contributed by cattle.
Resultantly, India now occupies the pride position of being the highest milk
producing country in the world. About 56% of milk and 16% of meat
produced in India are from buffaloes. Owing to their multifaceted
contribution, buffaloes are increasingly becoming a preference among Indian
livestock entrepreneurs and farmers as indicated by a consistent increase
in buffalo population from 84.21 million in 1992 to 105.34 million in 2007
(Taneja, 2012). As per 19th livestock census, the buffalo population has
increased by 3.19 per cent in year 2012 from the year 2007. This particular
livestock species has immense potential for poverty alleviation and rural
entrepreneurship. It can be visualized with the fact that milch buffalo
8. Pandharpuri Maharashtra
9. Surti Gujarat
10. Toda Tamilnadu
11. Banni Gujarat
12. Chilika Odisha
13. Kalahandi Odisha
cattle welfare, including feed and fodder and last but not the least the
transportation. Production includes activities of producing various types of
liquid milks like the conventional whole, toned and standardized as well as
innovative like milk with extra nutrition for children, pregnant mothers, the
aged and the infirm and low fat milk for the calories- conscious. The key is
to sale milk also as a fun product and not merely as something, which is
good for health. Processing of products such as butter and cheese spread,
pre-sliced butter and cheese, dairy whiteners, milk beverages (Plain and
Carbonated), butter oil as a cooking medium, whip-and-serve milk shake
powders, wet and dry kulfi and ice cream mix, high protein whey drinks for
sports man, milk sweets, Shrikhand, dried condensed milk, dried khoa and
many more can be added the list. The promotion covers activities like brand
promotion, setting up of dairy parlours, buying milk in bulk and repacking to
sell, distribution, devising attractive packaging and other such activities,
which will result in building an image either nationally or even regionally
and enhance the marketing of the products.
3.3.2 The meat, meat and livestock products:
Globally livestock products account one-fifth of global trade of
agricultural products, however, India does not have significant presence in
global livestock trade. It shares only 0.3% world exports and 0.4% imports.
In India, bovine meat has been a major export commodity with around 70
per cent share in the total livestock exports value. Also, its value share has
increased more than twice in 2016 than that in 2001. Buffalo meat export
has lion share. In addition to fetching 4 billion US $ foreign exchange,
employment intensive meat sector provides job to about 14.44 million people.
It also associates with development of sectors-such as leather sector
(increased quantity of quality hide); poultry sector (with supply of quality
protein and energy feed ingredients as meat and bone meal and tallow);
and a number of other sectors such as soap, textile, which utilize different
by-products. This sector also has great potential for agri-entrepreneurship
3.3.3 Businesses related to bovine farming:
The dairy farming is not just about cows, buffaloes, their milk and
meat. There are several businesses related to dairy farming like selling
fodder, transportation of milk, processing, selling cow-comforts like rubber
mats and cubicles, selling medicines for the cattle and buffaloes, and the
most profitable one –breeding of cattle and buffaloes. The agri-entrepreneur
can breed the bovines and sell them when they start milking. Proper record
keeping of their milk production potential including those of their parents
can also maximize the economic returns in terms of their selling prices.
Understanding the whole value chain of the dairy Industry can provide
great opportunities to the agri-entrepreneurs. The whole story can be
enriched with incorporation of different feeding regimes including selling of
green fodder, silage and area specific mineral mixture with the help of local
NGOs, universities and research institutes. There is severe derth of semen
availability too in most of the parts of our country. The agri-entrepreneurs
can utilize the vast potential available in the area of frozen semen production
by setting of their own semen station within the framework of extant rules
and regulations. Apart from this, the services rendered as trained artificial
inseminators are also the need of hour for livelihood generation and improved
conception rate in their own farms and nearby areas.
It is heartening to see that the livestock sector especially the bovines,
viz. cattle and buffaloes are contributing much in the domestic GDP and
poised for great leap with right policy initiatives. Simultaneously, it also
provides opportunities for development of agri-entrepreneurs utilizing the
tenets of farming practices employing these bovines. Gone are the days
where the farmers treated their livestock such as cattle and buffalo as a
non-essential commodity of their livelihood. The era of the “Urban Dairy
Farmer’s model” has come and with right vision, willingness and support of
the policy-makers and funding agencies new breed of agri-entrepreneurs
will willingly enter in this field. The entrepreneurship development through
bovines has great potential in reducing migration of agrarian community to
cities and also facilitating the reverse-migration too.
Chateau, J., Rebolledo, C. and Dellink, R. (2011). An economic projection to 2050: The
OECD “ENVLinkages” model baseline. OECD Environment Working Papers. 41:
OECD Publishing.
Hawksworth, J. and Chan, D. 2013. World in 2050-The BRICs and beyond: prospects,
challenges and opportunities, PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP.
Kahan, D. (2012). Entrepreneurship in farming. Food and Agriculture Organization of the
United Nations, Rome.
Kular, I.K., Brar, A.S. (2011) Transforming Indian Agriculture through Agripreneurs. Indian
Journal of Marketing. 42(3).
Nayan, V. Peptide based functionalization of gold nanoparticles for sensing buffalo
Yash Pal, Parvati Sharma, Anuradha Bhardwaj, RA Legha and
BN Tripathi
Approximately, 98% equine in India contributes to the employment
and income of the poor farmers and landless labourers under unorganized
sector who primarily depend on livestock. The remaining about 2% of the
equine population as organized sector is owned by elite sections of society
and is used for sports such as racing, polo and for national security purpose
by military and paramilitary forces. Indigenous horses like Marwari,
Kathiawari and Manipuri have been utilized for equestrian events, polo and
ceremonial events. Equine being an important animal for draught and
transport plays a significant role in rural economy and constitute main source
of income for sizeable underprivileged section of society in many parts of
the country. The major aspects of Agri-Entrepreneurship development
through equines lies with the application of farming in connection with
marketing of byproducts or value added products. There are limitations on
economics for development of market with equines and the end users and
clientele is very limited.
India has about 2% of the total World’s equine population or 5% of
Asian equine population (Chauhan, 2005). As per last livestock Census
(2012), the total population of equids in India is 1.13 million, comprising of
0.19 million mules and 0.32 million donkeys (Table 1). Major population of
equidae viz., donkeys, mules and ponies provide livelihood to the rural
societies living in arid, semi-arid and hilly regions, especially in the foot hills
Kathiawari breed of horses is considered to be the oldest equine
breed in India (Gupta et al., 2014).The breeding tract of Kathiawari horses
is Rajkot, Bhavnagar, Surendranagar, Junagarh and Amreli districts of
Gujarat and in parts of Rajasthan adjoining Gujarat. This breed is believed
to have evolved from the wild horses of Kathiawar of Gujarat State and
Arabian horses which happened to land on sea shore after the crash of a
ship in Arabian sea. The prevalent colours of this breed are mainly chestnut,
bay, brown, grey, piebald, skewbald and cream. These animals measure
about 14-15 hands in height and weigh about 380 kg. The ears are of medium
length located on 90° axis and can rotate at 180°. As compared to Marwari
breed the ears of Kathiawari are smaller in length, less in width, broad
forehead and mandible, large expressive eyes, small muzzle, big nostrils,
shorter face and shorter back with concave profile.
Kachchhi- Sindhi
This indigenous horse breed is inhabitant to Kachchh district of
Gujarat and Jaisalmer and Barmer districts of Rajasthan. Total population
is about four thousand only. Unique features include roman nose fascia of
face, ears curved at tips but not touching each other, 56 to 60 inch height,
squat back, short pastern bone length, broader hoof for better grip and
compliant temperament. Coat colour is mainly bay. These horses are famous
for its ‘Rewal chal’ as it performs with great speed and stamina covering
long distance. The horse possess admirable drought and heat tolerance
capacity in arid & semi arid region.
These animals were supposed to be bred from Punjab to Bhutan in
the foot hills of Himalayas. Kaura et al. (1961) had linked Bhutia ponies
with Punjab area which is very close to home tract of Marwari horses.
Recent finding have indicated that there is some link between Bhutia ponies
and Marwari horses (Gupta et al., 2014). .It is quite possible that some
Marwar animals might have migrated long back from plane to hilly area
with Indian army.
The prevailing colours are usually grey, iron grey, occasionally
chestnut and roan. The height of Bhutia ponies is 13 to 13.2 hands and
weighs about 270 kg. These ponies have a short neck, with low withers, a
straight back, sloping quarters, deep chest, straight shoulders, and a well-
set tail. Their mane is long. They are similar to the Spiti pony and the
Tibetan pony, as these breeds have been interbred for years. The Bhutia
Pony can live on much smaller food rations than other ponies of its size.
Population of Bhutia breed has decreased drastically from 5436 in 1997 to
546 in 2007. Thus, immediate attention and efforts are required to conserve
this precious breed of ponies in India.
The breeding tract of Spiti horses is Kaja subdivision of the Lahul
and Spiti district and the Yanthang area of the Kinnaur district of Himachal
Pradesh in India. They are reared as pack animals at high altitude. The
mane is long and has hairs of 25 to 40cm in length. The body colours are
grey, brown, black and piebald. On an average, Spiti ponies stand 129cm
height, 100cm body length, 148cm heart girth and weigh about 320 kg.
Generally, they are hardy, surefooted and used mainly for riding and also as
pack animals in cold hilly regions. These horses are capable of tolerating
extreme cold conditions very easily as their legs are covered with coarse
and long hairs. It has also been ascertained from various sources that their
number is declining rapidly. Therefore, an urgent need is felt to conserve
this breed taking important and quick steps.
Manipuri ponies are well known as Polo ponies. These are bred
and found in State of Manipur and are considered as descendant of both
the Mongolian wild horse and the Arab. On genetic analysis these were
clubbed with Spiti and Zanskari ponies (Gupta et al., 2014). The prevailing
colours are not specific, but brown or reddish brown is common. These
horses have small sized body with a fairly long face and well known for
elegance, endurance and speed. The height of Manipuri horses is about 11
to 13 hands and they weigh about 300 kg. The legs of these animals are of
fine quality, knees and hocks are strong and pasterns possess a gradual and
proportionate slope. Ears are alert and almond shaped. Head is light and
well proportionate with straight profile. Withers are moderately built, neck
well formed with a full mane, chest deep, back straight and shoulders nicely
sloping. Since the population of this breed has drastic decreased, its
conservation is quite important along with other pony breeds (Gupta, 2012)
These are bred in Leh Laddakh region of Jammu and Kashmir.
Common body colours are grey, bay and black. These horses are known
for their hardiness and ability to work at high altitude. Their tail is long
which touches the ground. Body hairs are fine, glossy and long. The height
of the animal of this breed is between 13.2-14.7 hands. Hair coat of Zanskari
ponies is thick and quite similar to that of Spiti ponies. Special mention is
made of equines of this region for their exceptional ability to survive and
perform under very harsh climatic conditions of their high altitude habitat
(between 3000 to 5000 meters). As per information received from local
people, only a few hundred horses at present exist in Zanskar and other
valleys of Laddakh. For breed improvement and conservation through
selective breeding, Govt of Jammu & Kashmir has specially established a
Zansakri Equine Breeding farm at Chuchot, Leh, Ladhakh (Gupta et al.
3.2 Donkeys
The Donkey is a domesticated version of the wild ass. The donkey
was domesticated about 5,000 years ago in Egypt, Iraq and Iran and was
important, along with horses and camels in the development of trade and
mobility. They were an important pack animal for the Roman legions who
introduced the donkey to Britain. Genetic fingerprints indicated that wild
African asses were the ancestors of domestic donkeys, making donkeys
the only important domestic animal known to come from Africa. Donkey
DNA analysis showed that there were 2 distinct populations of domestic
donkey (Science Vol 304, p 1781): one descended from the Nubian wild
ass Equus asinus africanus and the other being similar to the Somalian
wild ass Equus asinus somaliensis (http://www.arthurgrosset. com/
mammals/donkey.html, retrieved August 21, 2010). The Indian donkeys
are not much studied animals using molecular genetics tools. However,
based on the phenotype, the Indian donkeys have been grouped under “Large
White” or “Small Grey” categories. There are no breeds assigned to donkeys
(Varshney and Gupta, 1994) except Spiti donkeys (INDIA_DONKEY_
0600_SPITI_05001). The total Donkey population in the country has
decreased by 27.22% over the previous census and the total donkeys in the
country are 0.32 million numbers in 2012.
Poitou Donkeys
Breeding tract of Poitou donkeys is in Europe (France). These
donkeys were imported from UK in 1990 for superior quality mule production
and breed improvement of indigenous donkeys. Good quality donkey jacks
and jennies of exotic breed obtained from France and other European
countries are maintained by NRCE, State Animal husbandry Deptt. of
Haryana and Uttar Pradesh, and at Equine Breeding Farms of the Army.
Indian Donkeys
Indian donkeys range from white to grey or black in colour. They
usually have a dark stripe from the mane to the tail and a crosswise stripe
on the shoulders. The mane is short and upright and the tail has long hair
only at the end. The very long ears are dark at the base and tip. The
different breeds of donkey vary greatly in size and shape but the average
donkey stands 40 inches (102 cm) at the shoulder, the Sicilian donkey stands
24 inches (61 cm), the large ass of Majorca stands at about 62 inches (158
cm), while the American ass may reach a height of about 66 inches (168
cm) (http.//, retrieved May 13, 2009).
(a) Large white Donkey
These donkeys were earlier abundant in Punjab, Haryana and
Gujarat state. But, now they are localized to parts of Gujarat state only.
The larger size donkeys are light grey to almost white in colour. The average
height at withers is 110cm and weighs about 150 kg. These donkeys are yet
to be characterized. Population of these donkeys has decreased drastically
due to preference of end users is small size donkeys.
(b) Small Grey Donkey
Donkeys of this type prevail in almost all parts of northern India.
The smaller size ones are dark grey in colour. They usually have a dark
stripe from the mane to the tail and a crosswise stripe on the shoulders.
The average height at withers is 90cm and weighs about 120 kg. The donkeys
of this breed are yet to be characterized.
(c) Spiti Donkey
Donkeys of this breed are found in Spiti valley of Himachal Pradesh.
These donkeys are of dark brown to black in colour. These donkeys look
like exotic donkeys (Poitou) in appearance and colour. The height at withers
varies from 80-95cms of Spiti donkeys. Ears are long. The donkeys of this
breed are yet to be characterized at phonotypic and genotypic levels.
Donkey Population Trend
The great majority of donkeys in the world (probably over 95%)
are kept specifically for work. Their most common role is for transport,
whether riding, pack transport or pulling carts. In most countries, donkeys
can be owned and used by either men or women. Children are frequently
given responsibility for working with donkeys. Some farmers keep donkeys
for guarding sheep. Since donkeys are seldom owned and maintained unless
they are worked, estimates of national and regional donkey populations
provide useful indicators of donkey work worldwide. Overall population
figures cannot provide information on the frequency of donkey use.
Saroj K Swain, Sunil Ail1, Mukesh Kumar Bairwa, A. K. Prusty
and Peyush Punia
Aquaculture is a big platform which provides vast opportunities to
become a successful entrepreneurship and ornamental aquaculture is a
limited risk business. The scope differs with investment varying from
minimal capital of Rs. 50,000 to Rs. 50,00,000 roughly. A beginner has to
learn the skills with limited facilities and later on venture into expansion.
The business is built on market of around 300 exotic fish species and their
variants. There are around 100 indigenous ones catering to the needs of
export and domestic market. Creation of new varieties and introduction of
new attractive species into the market is the key to this profession.
Ornamental fishes are nature’s wonderful creation. They create a
peaceful and relaxing ambience that’s why they are often referred as Aquatic
Jewels. Keeping the ornamental fish is the second most important hobby in
the world followed by photography. There is a steady increase in aquarium
fish trade and more and more people are entering in the farming and trade
as there is a great demand of ornamental fish and aquarium accessories
among the hobbyist. Ornamental fish farming is one of the most lucrative
business opportunities within aquaculture which creates ample opportunities
in terms of growth and expansion. FA0 (2014) estimates the size of the
world trade of ornamental fish to be US $ 362 million. So far India has only
explored only a minor fraction of the international market potential. But in
recent times, the sector has shown tremendous growth due to the efforts of
(i) Egg-scatterers
Zebra fish (Zebra danio) which is considered as an egg scatterer,
lays non-adhesive eggs. The larger ones are grouped under the genus Danio
and other smaller varieties are under genus Brachidanio. The important
varieties of danios include the giant danio (Danio aequipinnatus), pearl
danio (Brachidanio albalineatus) and zebra danio (Brachidanio rario).
Since the egg scatterers and often drives the egg do not show parental care
and eat their own eggs, the spawning tank has to be set in such a way that
the eggs fall out of the reach of spawning parents.
For breeding such fishes the male and female ratio should be
maintained at 1:1 or 2:1. Around 40-50 l capacity tank is sufficient for
spawning for most eggs scatterers. The female is introduced in the breeding
tank one day earlier than the males. But it is very difficult to know whether
the female has already laid the eggs because of the smaller size of eggs
that may remain hidden behind the pebbles. Sometimes the brood fishes
are kept in a mesh net happa from where the eggs drop to the bottom. If
the temperature is favourable, the eggs require two-three days hatching
time. As soon as the tiny hatchlings are seen in the aquarium tanks the
parents are to be removed. The hatchlings take 2-3 days to absorb their
yellow yolk sac. Then they are fed with infusorians for 4 days followed by
rotifers and smaller zooplanktons for a week, after which they can be
provided powdered formulated feed along with zooplankton.
The egg scatters laying adhesive eggs are mostly the Gold fishes,
Carassius auratus. When secondary sexual characters appears (by
observing the maturity condition), the male and female gold fish are selected
and kept in glass tanks or ferro-cement tanks. Since gold fish eggs are
sticky in nature, they require some surface for adhesion. With various types
of natural submerged aquatic plants such as Hydrilla can be used after
treatment for this purpose. Artificial nests can be prepared by making split
plastic ropes with one end tied or burnt to make it blunt. Even polythene
strips have been found suitable for the purpose.
The female and male in the ratio of 1:2 are released into breeding
tank during late evening hour. The male chases the female, presses its
operculum against female’s abdomen and fertilizes the eggs while swimming
beside her. Egg laying usually takes place within 6-12 hrs of releasing the
broods. After spawning the nest is transferred to a different container, or
alternatively, the parent fish transferred from the breeding tank. If this is
not done, the parents are most likely to eat away the eggs to compensate
the post-spawning loss of energy.
days. At this stage the tiny hatchlings should be fed infusorians and newly
hatched brine shrimp. As they grow bigger they should be fed zooplankton.
They can also be bred by another method by putting the gravid brood fish in
a mesh net through which eggs are dropped to the bottom and hatching
takes place.
(iii) Egg-burriers
These species usually inhabit waters that dry up at some time of
the year. The majority of egg burriers are Killifish which lay their eggs in
mud. The mature parents lay their eggs before dying when the water dries
up. The eggs remain in a dormant state until the fresh rains which stimulate
hatching. These fishes are Aplocheilius lineatus, A.panchax A. dayi and
A. parvus. some breeders prefer a peat-moss substrate for egg-burying
species . In order to initiate hatching, the stored peat can be immersed in
soft water.
(iv) Nest-builders:
Nest builders build the nest for their eggs. The nest is usually in the
form of bubble-nest formed with plant debris and saliva-coated bubbles
(labyrinth fish), or an excavated pit in the substrate (cichlids). Nest builders
practice brood care. Therefore, they should be provided with a wide leafy
material with which to build their nests and the tank should have no water
current to disturb the nest. good nest builders are Gouramies ( Colisa lalia,
C fasciata ) and fighter fish (Betta splendens).
For breeding such fishes the sexes are kept separately for few
weeks. As the abdomen of female becomes grossly distended with eggs it
is transferred to a smaller breeding tank containing few floating plants with
water level of 5-6" at a temperature of 28-30oC. After one or two days a
good male is introduced in the breeding tank. A transparent perforated
plastic sheet or a glass is covered over the tank to keep the humidity and
temperature at high level and help to maintain the bubble nest in good
condition. The male soon begins building a bubble nest. This is possible by
taking a large gulp of air at the water surface and converting it into many
smaller bubbles that are passed into gill chamber and coated with an anti-
burst agent before release. During and after making the nest, the male
displays to the female which usually ends with both fish embracing near the
nest resulting in the deposition of a large numbers of eggs in the nest. After
making the bubble nest if the female do not lay eggs then the male become
very aggressive and may kill the female. After breeding, the female is
removed. The male guards the eggs which remain attached to the floating
bubble nest. Within 24 hours, hatching takes place. The moment, the fry
begin leaving the nest, the male is also removed from the tank. After 36
hours, the young ones remain in free swimming stage, they are provided
with infusorians as starter feed. After a week the fry starts taking small
zooplanktons. During this stage the fry require vigorous feeding.
Subsequently when they grow little bigger they can be stocked in larger
cement tanks for further growth.
(v) Mouth-brooders:
These are species that carry their eggs or larvae in their mouth.
Mouth brooders can be divided into ovophile and larvophiles groups. Ovophile
or egg-loving mouth-brooders lay their eggs in a pit, which are sucked up
into the mouth of the female. The small number of large eggs hatches in the
mother’s mouth, and the fry remain there for a period of time. Fertilization
often occurs with the help of egg-spots, which are colorful spots on the
anal fin of the male. When the female sees these spots, she tries to pick up
the egg-spots, but instead gets a mouthful of sperm, fertilizing the eggs in
her mouth. Many cichlids and some labyrinth fish are ovophile mouth
Larvophiles or larvae-loving mouth-brooders lay their eggs on a
substrate and guard them until the eggs hatch. After hatching, the female
picks up the fry and keeps them in her mouth. When the fry can fend for
themselves, they are released. Ovophile mouth-brooders can be bred in the
main aquarium because the eggs are protected in the mouth cavity. However,
it is better to separate mouth-brooders with eggs because of their potentially
aggressive behavior. There are no special breeding tank requirements other
than the usual tank set-up for the species. Larvophile mouth-brooders should
be placed in a breeding tank because the eggs are not protected in the
mouth, but laid on a surface where they are open to predators. For mouth
brooders, open cement cisterns of 2 feet water depth with planted long
leafed plants are generally used for commercial production.
A large number of the exotic ornamental fishes are accepted by
the hobbyist and are enlisted in Table 1. The fishes that are acclimatized in
captivity range from cheap guppies to costly neon tetra, discuses and other
expensive fishes, are bred by the aqua-culturists and available with retailers
at every city and town. But for commercial production, the infrastructures
needs to develop are a number of cement tanks of various sizes, aerators,
overhead tank, bore well, electric/diesel pump, a hatchery shed and other
necessary items. For the same one may require Rs 80,000 to few lakhs of
rupees depending on the production capacity.
Table 1. Important exotic ornamental fish traded in India ( Swain 2010)
Category /Common name Scientific Name Family Remarks
1 Red velvet swordtail Xiphophorus helleri Poecillidae PE
2 Black swordtail Xiphophorus helleri Poecillidae PE
3 Marvel swordtail Xiphophorus helleri Poecillidae PE
4 High-fin tangerine swordtail Xiphophorus helleri Poecillidae PD
5 High-fin lyre tail Xiphophorus helleri Poecillidae PD
6 pineapple swordtail Xiphophorus helleri Poecillidae PE
7 Tuxedo swordtail Xiphophorus helleri Poecillidae PE
8 Tangerine swordtail Xiphophorus helleri Poecillidae PE
9 Orange pineapple swordtail Xiphophorus helleri Poecillidae PE
10 Green swordtail Xiphophorus helleri Poecillidae PE
11 Black molly Poecilia spenops Poecillidae PE
12 Spotted molly Poecilia spenops Poecillidae PE
13 Chocolate molly Poecilia spenops Poecillidae PE
14 Silver molly Poecilia spenops Poecillidae PE
15 Albino molly Poecilia spenops Poecillidae PE
16 Albino lyre-tail molly Poecilia spenops Poecillidae PE
17 Sail fin molly Poecilia latipinna Poecillidae PE
18 Veil-tail molly Poecilia latipinna Poecillidae PE
19 Lyre-tail molly Poecilia latipinna PE
20 Neon guppy Poecilia reticulata Poecillidae PE
21 Cobra guppy Poecilia reticulata Poecillidae PE
22 Butterfly guppy Poecilia reticulata Poecillidae PE
23 Mixed guppy Poecilia reticulata Poecillidae PE
are not available in an area, one can think of rearing healthy smaller
fish in to brood stock.
Brood stocks can be allowed to breed for not more than two years.
Fresh stocks from different source may be added in every two
years to the selected parent stocks to improve the breeding efficiency
and produce healthy offspring.
The small fish breeder should concentrate preferably on one species
so that it helps the breeder to develop expertise on the particular
species and good quality fishes can be produced as per the market
The availability of agro-based byproducts facilitates the preparation
of pelleted diet for the fish. For preparing a pelleted diet, a mini
pelletiser may be a requirement.
The breeding and rearing unit may be established preferably nearer
to an airport/railway station, bus stand etc. for easy transportation
for export and domestic market
The breeders should develop market relations with pet/ retail shops,
potential farmers, vendors dealing with ornamental fish, marketing
network, etc. to facilitate the process of selling/procuring new brood
A committed entrepreneur should always ensure regular contact
with the recent research developments in the field and attend training
and have exposure visits.
All new incoming fishes should be quarantined from resident stock.
Movement of fishes should be restricted from a suspected or
unknown disease status area.
Few quarantine tanks are required little away from the unit so that
proper observations can be made on heath aspects.
If any abnormal behaviour is observed in any culture tanks then
the fishes needs to be isolated immediately. If mass mortality occurs,
express opinion has to be sought as the lead fish as well as
equipments water be dispersed.
5.1 Launching of Network project by ICAR
By keeping the Indian trade and export in concern, Indian Council
of Agricultural Research has come out with a network project taking all the
expertise of ICAR fisheries research Institutes like CMFRI, CIFA, CIBA,
CIFE, CIFRI and DCFR, irrespective of Marine, brakishwater, coldwater
and freshwater indigenous species for development of captive breeding
technology besides linking the entrepreneurs for production of ornamental
fish. The productions of high value exotic ornamental fishes were also
taken in to the consideration. The net work project was launched at CMFRI,
Cochin on 25th July2018 for coming 4-5 years.
5.2 Aquatic rainbow technology park, Chennai
Now with the the facility developed by Fisheries College and
Research Institute (FCRI), Ponneri in Tamil Nadu, the second largest exporter
of ornamental fish after West Bengal. After its completion, the technology
park would be handed over to breeders and farmers of ornamental fish on
lease for three years. the concept is being developed by Fisheries College
and Research Institute in Ponneri (Tamil Nadu) with MPEDA as part of
the steering committee for the project. It is expected to cater to the needs
of 200 to 250 ornamental fish culturists, providing advanced infrastructure,
and modern production technologies for ornamental aquaculture, besides
offering assistance in skill-development.
The project’s components are multispecies ornamental fish hatchery
(10 units), indoor raceway systems (10 units), outdoor raceway cum RAS
systems (10 units), live feed culture nit (1 unit), disease diagnostic laboratory,
and quarantine (2 units). An exclusive mall of about 50 retail shops selling
both indigenous and exotic ornamental fish species will come up on the
campus, and the CM had laid the foundation for that as well. It is expected
to compete with Singapore, which remains on top of the ladder in terms of
the sale of ornamental fish.
5.3 CIFA- The gateway of ornamental fisheries
CIFA has successfully bred and standardized the successful rearing
of 16 indigenous ornamental species from NEH, Eastern and Southern
Western ghat region. They are barbs, danios, rasboras, catfish, eel, black
carp and chameleon fish. Recent achievement of captive breeding technology
of an endangered fish Dawkinsia tambraparniei has been successful at
CIFA leading to commercial production. Larval rearing of Ompak pabda
is successfully done by the Kalyani centre of CIFA leading towards
commercialization as some of their food fishes also have ornamental value.
The catfish, Mystus vittatus, tyre truck eel, Mastocembalus armatus,
yellow or sun catfish (Horabagrus brachysoma) which are successfully
There are two types of production system existing in any aqua-
farming practice. First type is production through breeding and larval rearing
up to 2-3 months and that could be possible by constructing cement tanks
of various sizes meant for breeding and larval rearing. The second type is
culture/ farming to produce fish from larvae to marketable size for a period
of 3-6 months of rearing either in cement tanks or in pond culture system
depending upon the species. The farmer may go for any one of the above
production system for better result. Accordingly, the farmer or entrepreneur
Say 5500
2. Total Expenditure
Recurring expenditure 2,52,000
Depreciation (10% of capital cost) 1,90,000
Interest on capital cost (12%) 2,28,000
Interest on recurring expenditure (12% for half yearly) 15120
Total 6,85,120
3. Gross Income
Fish sale (for 6,48,000 nos. @ Rs 3.00/piece) (Considering 90% survival
from 7,20,000 seed produced from 4000 female in 3 times in a year) 19,44,000
4. Net Income (Gross income-Total expenditure) 12,58,880
5. Monthly income 104906
Say 1,00,000
Table-5. Economics of large-scale ornamental fish breeding and rearing unit for
Egg layers
Species maintained: goldfish (Red cap, Oranda, Subhunkin and Black moor)
1. Investment Amount
a. Fixed Capital (Land requirement 1.5 ha) 7,50,000
Shed with electrical supply (5000 sq. ft.) 10,00,000
Broodstock tank (Brick walled 6’x3’x2’ @Rs. 2500/tank; 30 nos.) 75,000
Breeding tanks (Brick walled, 5’ x 3’ x 2’, @ Rs. 2000/tank; 30 nos) 60,000
Larval tank (Brick walled 3’ x 2 x1’ @Rs.1000/tank; 50 nos.) 50,000
Rearing tank (Brick walled, 8’x 4’x2’ @ Rs. 4000/tank; 60 nos.) 2,40,000
Earthen ponds (0.05 ha 2 nos)/large brick walled tanks (50 sq. m 6 nos) 3,00,000
Pump, overhead tank and water supply facility 2,00,000
Air blower and other aeration systems 2,00,000
Generator, gas cylinder and other requisites 1,50,000
Sub-total 30,25,000
b. Recurring expenditure
Broodfish (3000 female, 4000 male @ Rs. 50.00 /pc) 3,50,000
Feed (1,500 kg/year @ Rs. 50/kg) 75,000
Nets and other materials 50,000
A successful economic enterprise requires lot of dedication, hard
work, sincerity and timely marketing of the produce. So also in ornamental
fish, the success depends on the investment, species selection, demand,
and proper marketing. The model economic analysis of the various types of
the ornamental fish farms presented here are indicative, and average
estimation. The actual profitability varies from the place to place depending
on the condition and efficiencies in the operation and management of the
farm. As the enterprise involves live specimen, the involvement of the risk
is higher. At the same time, the ornamental nature of the product provides
opportunity to harvest comparatively higher prices then food fishes. The
demand creation and arousal of the interest of the people can fetch the
entrepreneurs’ higher prices. Therefore it is always advisable to make a
proper viable project prior to establishing any ornamental fish breeding unit
with due consultation.
Considering the proven success of involvement of women in
development of backyard enterprise in farming of ornamental fish in West
Bengal and Kerala, it is necessary that due encouragement is given for
creation of women SHGs for such enterprise. It may be interesting to note
that, Malaysia with similar climatic condition like that of India has been
able to grow the industry only with small backyard units at individual levels.
Thus, development of ornament fish farming in any region, not necessarily
requires very large-scale enterprises, but a few successful clusters of back
yard units in different regions. In this regard special packages may be
provided to these SHGs and unemployed youths or Ex-service men for
establishment of such enterprise.
Devashish Kar, A.V. Nagarathna, T.V. Ramachandra and S.C. Dey. (2006) Fish diversity
and conservation aspects in an aquatic ecosystem in north eastern India. Zoos’
Print Journal 21(7): 2308-2315
FAO (2005-2013). Fisheries and Aquaculture topics. Ornamental fish. Topics Fact Sheets.
Text by Devin Bartley. In: FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Department [online].
Rome. Updated 27 May 2005. [Cited 5 March 2013].
Jain A.K., Saini V.P. and Kaur, V.I. (Ed.), 2016. Best Management Practices for Freshwater
Ornamental Fish Production, NFDB, Hyderabad, India. pp-171.
Singh Tarlochan and V.K. Dey. 2006. Trends in World Ornamental Fish Trade. pp-09 -18,
Souvenir· International Seminar on Ornamental Fish Breeding, Fanning and Trade.
05 -06 February, Cochin, Kerala.
Singh, T (2005), Emerging trends in world ornamental fish trade, Infofish international,
number, 3, May/June, pp.16.
Swain S. K., Bairwa M.K. and Sahoo P.K. 2017. Training manual on “Recent Advances in
Ornamental Aquaculture” (12-16 September, 2017). ICAR- Central Institute of
Freshwater Aquaculture, Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India. pp. 1-146.
Swain, S. K. and Bandyopadhyay, P (2002) Commercial Live bearing Ornamental fish
breeding: A Beginners Delight, Fishing Chimes,(June issue), Vol.22. No.3,56-60p
Swain, S.K and Das, B. K (2001). Captive mass breeding of dwarf Gourami Colisa lalia in
the cement cisterns, NBFGR-NATP Publication No. 3, Paper No. 10.
Swain, S.K, K.Madhu,Rema Madhu,G.Gopakumar (2011) Ornamental fish breeding &
culture,In: Hand book of Fisheries and Aquaculture,ICAR,NewDelhi,500-532pp.
Swain, S.K, Rajesh, N. and A.E. Eknath (2010) Captive breeding and conservation of
Indian freshwater ornamental fish-Experience of CIFA:National seminar on
technology and trade prospects in ornamental aquaculture (Proceedings) Edt. Felix.
S pp 39-48
Swain, S.K.,D.Mallik,S.Mishra,B.Sarkar and P.Routray,(2007).Ornamental fish-a model
animals for biotechnological research. In environmental Biotechnology (Ed.Mishra
and Juwarkar) APH publ. corp. Delhi. pp-293-328.
Swain, S.K.,N.Sarangi and S. Ayyappan2010. Ornamental fish farming, DIPA (ICAR),
Swain,S.K.,(2012) Freshwater ornamental fish farming and trade: A roadmap for India, In:
Anna Mercy et. Al (Eds) Ornamentals Kerala, Dept of Fisheries, Govt. of Kerala,
India, Souvenir, xiv-pp.102
Swain,S.K.,S.K.Singh,P.Routray and N.K.Barik 2008.Indigenous ornamental fishes: Status,
Issues and Strategies for propagation and conservation. e- planet, 6(2): 2, 20-22.
Swain,S.K.,Sahu,P.,Jena,J.K.and Eknath,A.E.,(2011) Development of ornamental fish
village-a success story at Landijhari (Barkot Block).Aquaculture Innovators, CIFA,
ICAR, PP. 93-99.
S. Malik and Sunil Kumar
Poultry industry is one of the fastest growing industry in India and
registered average growth rate of 5-6% in layer and 10-15% in broiler
production during the last decade. India, with poultry population of 729.21
million (2012) and estimated more than 74,752 million eggs production (2013-
2014), ranks third largest egg producer in the world. The total poultry meat
production of the country was 1.917 million tones (2013-2014) and India
ranks 5th in broiler production in the world. Broiler chicken industry has
now occupied the second place in volume in the world just after pork. The
chicken meat represents 25 % of total meat production from farm animals.
FAO predicted that 42% of meat will be chicken meat consumed worldwide
by 2020, overtaking pork and beef.
The annual per capita consumption of egg and meat in India is only
63 and 1.56 kg., respectively (2013-2014), which is very low as compared
to world average 124 eggs and 5.9 kg. meat consumption per year. Moreover,
the recommendation of Nutritional Advisory Committee of Indian Council
of Medical Research is 180 eggs and 11.0 kg poultry meat per capita per
annum. India’s 75% of egg produce is consumed by the 25% population
living in urban and semi-urban areas. It is indicated a wide gap in availability
and demand of egg and meat, which can not be fulfilled only by the
commercial poultry sector contributing nearly 70 % of the total output. So
there is need of joint effort to establish more poultry unit in rural as well as
in commercial sector to fulfill this gap and develop poultry as profitable
venture to improve the livelihood of rural household and commercial business
enterprises, respectively.
According to resources, demand and purpose, the poultry unit may
be established as rural poultry unit or commercial poultry unit. Under rural
poultry, the unit may be established as backyard, semi intensive or small
scale intensive poultry unit, may be under integrated farming system or
purely backyard system. In commercial system, it is always intensive poultry
unit specific to layer or broiler unit or may be both.
Poultry based Integrated Farming Systems:
1. Crop-livestock-Poultry-Fishery
2. Crop-Horticulture-Livestock-Poultry
3. Poultry-Fishery-horticulture
4. Poultry-fishery-Crop
Rural poultry farming may be divided into following categories as
given in table 1.
Table 1: Types of Rural Poultry Farming:
Traditional Backyard S emi Small Scale
free range poultry Intensive Intensive
Flock size 01-10 10-50 50-200 100-500
Type of breeds Indigenous Indigenous/ Improved Layers/
crossbreds broilers
Feed Resources Scavenging Scavenging & Local/ Commercial
supplementation commercial
Egg production (nos.) 30-50 50-150 80-160 250-300
(ii) Backyard System: The improved layer varieties have the potential
of producing 160-200 eggs in a laying year at the organized farm
conditions and 140-170 eggs in a laying year in free range
conditions. The birds have on average 1.5-2.0 kg body weight in
females and 2.5-3.5 kg. body weight in males. List of improved
varieties of poultry for egg purpose is presented in table 2.
Table.2: Improved egg purpose varieties developed for rural poultry production.
S.No. Name of the Variety Name of the Organization Breeding methods used
for the development
1. Gramapriya PDP, Hyderabad Crossing an exotic breed
with a synthetic
2. Krishna J. JNKVV, Jabalpur Synthetic cross
3. CARI Gold CARI, Izatnagar (U.P.) Exotic breed cross
4. CARI Nirbheek -do- Crossing an indigenous
breed with an exotic
5. CARI Shyama -do- -do-
6. CARI Hitcari -do- -do-
7. CARI Upcari -do- -do-
8. Gramalaxmi KAU, Mannuthy Exotic breed cross
9. Kalinga Brown CPDO, Bhubneshwar Exotic breed cross
Table 3: Improved dual and meat purpose varieties developed for rural poultry production.
S.No. Name of the Variety Name of the Institute developed variety Purpose
1. Vanaraja PDP, Hyderabad Dual
2. Krishi- Bro PDP, Hyderabad Meat
3. CARI Dhanaraja CARI, Izatnagar (U.P.) Meat
4. CARI Devendra CARI, Izatnagar (U.P.) Dual
5. Giriraja UAS, Bangalore Dual
6. Swarndhara Vety Ani. & Fishery Univ., Habbal (Karnataka) Dual
7. Nicorock CARI, Portblair Dual
8. Nishibari CARI, Portblair Dual
9. Nandanam – 1 & 2 TANUVAS, Chennai Dual
10 Krishnapriya KAU, Mannuthy Dual
11. Gramashree KAU, Mannuthy Dual
12. Kuroiler Kegg Farms, Delhi Dual
13. Satpuda Deshi Yashwant Agro Tech, Jalgaon Dual
at a time.
(ii) Artificial hatching: By this method, incubators are used for hatching
of eggs. Incubators are more efficient and suitable for large scale
chick production.
In incubators system the total incubation and hatching period is
divided into two parts. The first period is called incubation period, which is
18 days and second period is called incubation and hatching period, which
is 3 days long. The requirements of temperature and humidity for both the
periods are slightly different. For successful hatching four factors are very
(i) Temperature (ii) Humidity
(iii) Gaseous environment (iv) Turning of eggs
Incubation period: The temperature in incubation period is maintained in
between 99.5 – 100.5ºF (37.5 to 38.0ºC). Very high or low temperatures
reduce hatchability by increasing embryonic mortality, weak and deformed
chicks. The relative humidity should be 60 % during incubation period. Dry
and wet bulbs thermometers are used to determine humidity. The reading
of the wet bulb should be around 85. The oxygen concentration should be
21 %, which is generally available in normal air. More or less oxygen
concentration decreases hatchability. On average the CO2 concentration
should not go beyond 0.5 %. The oxygen and CO2 concentrations are
maintained by proper ventilation and exhaust system in the incubator and
hatcher. Turning of the eggs should be done at least 4 times in a day. All the
incubators are provided mechanism for automatic turning of eggs, 8 times
in a day. Turning of eggs is essential during incubation in order to prevent
the embryo from adhering to the shell membrane in the early stage of
incubation and in later stage of incubation to avoid adhesion between yolk
and allantois. Turning of eggs improve hatchability.
Incubation and hatching period: The eggs are transferred to a separate
machine called Hatcher during this period. The eggs with live embryos are
only transferred to the hatcher. The temperature of the hatcher is maintained
at 98ºF (37.0ºC) and relative humidity is maintained at 70- 80%. The oxygen
and CO2 requirement is same as in the case of incubation period. The turning
of eggs is not required during this stage.
For small scale chick production, machines are available in which
incubation and hatching (21 days) can be performed in the same machine.
Eggs are set in upper trays for incubation during first 18 days and shifted in
lower trays during the last three days for hatching. However, hatchability is
slightly lower in comparison to separate incubator and hatcher.
2.4 Candling of Incubated eggs:
The eggs should be candled on 7th day to remove infertile eggs and
on 18 day to remove dead germs. Candling is performed in dark room
using Egg Candler fitted with electric bulb, and according to behavior of
light, the eggs can be classified into fertile and infertile eggs as follows.
Transparent eggs - Infertile eggs
Translucent eggs - Dead germ
Opaque eggs - Live embryo
Eggs only with live embryos should be transferred into the hatcher
2.5 Brooding of chicks:
Brooding is the care and management of new born chicks for
successful rearing without hen. During this initial phase of brooding, young
chicks can not regulate their body temperature so they require artificial
heat to sustain body temperature. The young chicks needs shelter /brooder
house upto 6 weeks of age to save from predators viz. crow, rats, snake,
fox, stray dog and raccoon. Brooder house should be separate from other
houses. There should be adequate ventilation in the brooder house to maintain
the balance of oxygen and carbon dioxide. Direct and chilled wind of high
speed should be avoided.
Brooder house should be thoroughly cleaned and disinfected with
a disinfectant solution (kohrosolin/Phenyle) much before arrival of chicks.
All the equipments, feeders, waterers and hovers should be thoroughly
cleaned and kept in working order. Poultry diseases are highly contagious
therefore movement of workers should be restricted in brooder house. There
should be 2-3 inches thick layer of dry saw dust /rice husk or other locally
available material in the brooder house. The moisture of the litter should be
20-25%, higher moisture may create ammonia problem, which cause ill
effect on chicks.
Optimum temperature of brooder house maintains good growth
rate and reduce mortality in chicks. The starting temperature should be
95°F during the first week and it should reduce 5.0°F per week during the
successive week till 70°F. The heat source of 2 watts /chick is adequate
upto 6 weeks of age. The season of brooding also define the requirement
Protein Sources:
The protein of the feed supply amino acids to the body. The quality
of the protein of particular ingredient is dependent on the composition of
amino acids in the ingredient. So the amino acids are divided into two groups’
viz. essential amino acids and nonessential amino acids. The maximum
protein synthesis occurs, when all the essential amino acids are present in
the feed in proper proportions as required for growth and production. The
excess of the amino acids goes waste as the amino acids are not stored in
the body.
Vegetable Protein Sources:
All the dicotyledonous crops (mainly pulses and oil seeds) are the
good source of protein. Soybean cake, Ground nut cake, Mustard cake,
Cotton seed cake, Maize gluten meal, Maize gluten feed, Cluster bean
meal, Sesame meal, Sunflower meal, Ram til cake, Linseed meal and
Penicillin mycelium waste.
Several vegetable protein sources have anti-nutritional factors.
Antitrypsin in Soybean meal, thioglucoside (sinigrin) and erucic acid in
mustard meal, gossypol and cyclopropenoid fatty acids in cotton meal, and
antipyridoxine factor and cyanogenic glycoside in the linseed meal are most
potent examples. The vegetable protein sources in common are deficient in
both the limiting amino acids (lysine and methionine).
Animal Protein Sources:
Fish meal, Meat meal, Meat cum bone meal, blood meal, liver residue
meal, hatchery by product meal, feather meal and silk worm pupae meal.
The animal protein sources contain higher levels of limiting amino
acids (lysine and methionine) than vegetable protein sources. The animal
protein sources are good source of calcium and phosphorus and supply
vitamin B12 through natural sources. Lysine requirement is more for growth
than for egg production and a deficiency in diets not much affecting egg
production. Fish meal is chief source of all the required amino acids and
good source of riboflavin, pantothenic acid, choline, vitamin B12, calcium
and phosphorus.
Mineral Supplements:
Oyster shell meal (38% Calcium), Bone meal, Ground limestone
(Calcium) and Di-calcium phosphate. Do not give much salt, a little is put in
the feed if required, too much can become poison for poultry.
1. Broken Rice, deoiled rice bran or broken rice can be mix in place
of maize as a principle source of energy upto 80 %.
2. Groundnut meal can be replaced with Til cake (100%), sunflower
(100%) or mustard (50%).
3. Rice polish can be replaced with rubber seed cake, tapioca or mango
kernel cake.
4. Rice bran (deoiled) can be replaced upto half with by products
from pine apple pulp, banana peel, tea garden waste, cabbage waste,
jack bean, apple waste, orange pulp.
1. Broken Rice, deoiled rice bran or broken rice can be mix in place
of maize as a principle source of energy upto 80 %.
2. Groundnut meal can be replaced with Til cake (100%), sunflower
(100%) or mustard (50%).
3. Rice polish can be replaced with rubber seed cake, tapioca or mango
kernel cake.
4. Rice bran (deoiled) can be replaced upto half with by products
from pine apple pulp, banana peel, tea garden waste, cabbage waste,
jack bean, apple waste, orange pulp.
nitrogen level and no ammonia formation occurs. The litter is most important
component, which after one year can convert into very good compost,
which will be very useful to fertilize crops and vegetables. One poultry
shelter consisting of 10 birds can produce approx. 300 kg. poultry manure
in a year.
The other advantages of poultry litter:
(1) Litter maintains its own temperature in all weather so that it helps
to maintain the bird temperature uniformly and acts as insulator.
(2) Birds and eggs are safe with enclosed condition.
(3) Part of the feed requirement of poultry comes from the litter. The
well built up litter supplies animal protein factor (Vitamins B12) as
in fish meal, meat meal and high in riboflavin (Vitamin B2) content
so there is no need to supplement feed for these factors. It can be
mixed at high proportion into cattle feed (McArdle and Panda,
(4) Saving of labour because there is no need to clean floor daily.
(5) Some diseases are controlled by its action. Dry litter-reducing
coccidiosis than the base floor sheds. Birds control body lice by
dust bathing in the litter.
(6) It produce rich manure, has the value 3 times the cattle manure
viz. 3% Nitrogen, 2% Phosphorus, 2% Potash, 0.68% Magnesium,
0.68% Sodium and 2.70% calcium plus trace elements. Nitrogen
to organic matter ratio is approx. 1 to 33.
8-12 kg. Grains can be increased by the use of only one kg of
nitrogen; an extra 6-8 kg grains for each kg of phosphorus and
an additional 4 kg of grain for each kg of potash.
40 birds supply one ton of deep litter in a year, which is enough
fertilizer to meet the full fertilizer needs of one acre of paddy or maize or 2
acres of sorghum or about ½ acre intensively cultivated crops, such as
vegetables. An extra ton of paddy per acre is possible from one ton of deep
litter from 40 birds.
2.8 Vaccination and Health Management:
The vaccination of birds is very essential to save the birds from
deadly viral diseases because there is no medicine for viral diseases except
The poultry rearing can be used as a tool for higher income,
employment generation, nutritional security as well as poverty alleviation in
the country. Poultry still has good scope for development, considering the
gap in availability and demand of the poultry products. For the sustainable
development of poultry the following steps are suggested. Firstly Breeding
technologies should be used for the development of the quality poultry
products, not only the improvement in quantity. Secondly, availability of
poultry feed is major problem in some areas of the country so formulations
of cheaper balance ration using locally available feed ingredients should be
developed on regional basis so that poultry industry can develop uniformly
in the country. Thirdly, development of thermostable vaccines for viral
diseases in small doses particularly for Ranikhet disease is essential for
avoiding the cold chain system, which is difficult to maintain in the country.
Alalade, O.A. and Iyayi, F.A. (2006) Chemical composition and the feeding value of Azolla
(Azolla pinnata) meal for egg type chicken. Int. J. Poult. Sci. 5(2): 137-141.
Das, K.C., Malik, S., Prabhakaran, P. And Kalita, H.C. (2005) Performance of broiler
chicken as affected by replacement of starter ration with mixed tree leaves meal.
Ind. J. Poult Sci. 40:128-131.
Fasenko, G.M., Robinson, F.E., Danforth, B.L. and Zelter, I. (2000) An examination of
fertility, hatchability embryo mortality and chick weight in double verses single
yolked broiler breeder eggs. Canadian J. Anim Sci. 80:489-493.
Malik, S. And Singh, N.P. (2009) Strategy for sustainable rural poultry production in NEH
Region. In: Food Security and Sustainable Agriculture. PP-278-288, Published by
U-Day Publishers and Advertisers, New Delhi.
Malik, S. (2013) Rural Poultry Production: The need and strategy for sustainable
development. Westville Publishing House, New Delhi.
McArdle, A. Allan and Panda, J.N. (1970) A poultry guide for the villager. Department of
Brijesh Kumar, M Sarkar and Vikrant Singh Chouhan
The yak (Bos grunniens or Poephagus grunniens) must be
regarded as one of the world’s most remarkable multipurpose ruminants as
it thrives in conditions of extreme harshness and deprivation while providing
a livelihood for Highlanders. The major yak distribution areas in the Hindu
Kush Himalayan (HKH) lie in the high mountains in the border areas
between India and neighbouring countries. Over the past 10,000 years or
so, the yak developed on the HKH region extending over about 2.5 million
sq km. In India, yak-rearing states are Jammu and Kashmir, Arunachal
Pradesh, Sikkim, Uttarakhand, and Himachal Pradesh. The yak rearing
tract included bordering the southern slopes of the Himalayas, have a cold,
humid climate (Arunachal Pradesh, Sikkim & Uttarakhand), while the two
northerly states are cold and arid (Himachal Pradesh and J&K). Yaks are
reared on a pastoral system at 3,000- 6,000 m above MSL on alpine pastures
and grasslands throughout the Indian Himalayan regions. Yak population in
India is 76,237 in 2012 (19th Livestock census), which is declined by 7.6 %
as compared to the previous census; distributed in Ladakh region of J & K
( 54 398), Arunachal Pradesh (13,758), Sikkim (4,036), Himachal Pradesh
(2,895) and Darjeeling part of West Bengal (1,088). Various social and
ethnic groups of pan-Himalayan India are associated in yak rearing. In the
Ladhak region of J & K state, yaks are raised mainly by the Buddhist as
milk is rich in protein, fat, lactose, mineral elements and essential amino
acids. (Jain and Yadav, 1985; Nivsarkar et al., 1997).The total dry matter is
17 -18 % during the main lactating period, whereas fat and total proteins
are 6.9-8.9 percent (average 7.5 per cent) and 5.9 per cent respectively.
The total dry matter is 1.2-1.4 times more than that of a cow. Yak milk is
more concentrated than cow milk.
Churpi is delicious items from yak milk prepared by traditional
method in an indigenous cylindrical churner made of wood and bamboo
strips. Dry-matter percentage of churpi ranges from 24 to 52. Consistency
ranges from soft, hard and slightly hard; colour is white to dark pale colour;
taste is sour and odour pungent; pH is from 5.97 to 7.0. Whey is the by-
product of churpi- making process. It is boiled until it becomes a dark and
thick concentrate called doja. Some of this is applied immediately (with a
small tuft of wool) on the face while rest is stored in a can or wooden box.
Originally the packaging of the products was done in animal skin bags
utensils of wood and bamboo and tree leaves (Kataktalware et al., 2008).
Bag of skin and internal organ like the dried stomach are used for storing
milk product like butter and churpi, a type of cheese. Off let a gradual shift
to packaging in poly ethane bags has gained the popularity because of their
exposure to the general marketing trends and consumer preferences.
Because of growing demand and popularity of hard cheese, it is now
commercially available in small sachets in the Gangtok of Sikkim.
3.2 Meat product
Yak meat is excellent cooking qualities. It is fine textured and scarlet
in colour. It is regarded as very palatable, but muscular and marbling is
poor. It is rich in myoglobin and has a flavour akin to that of wild animals
(Sharma, 2004). Among local people, yak meat is highly prized above that
of ordinary cattle since ancient time. Dressing percentage is 42 to 62
(Sharma, 2004). Yak meat is used for making various products. Yak meat is
preserved using various types of traditional methods. Surplus meat is either
smoked immediately on kitchen earth driers or kept deep frozen under
In Arunachal Pradesh during Losar festival period, prior to winter,
herdsmen cut yak meat in long narrow strips (approximately, 4-5 cm wide
and 30 cm long) and dry these suspended from woven–hairs ropes. These
can be kept for 1-2 years either hung or in hiding bags. In this method, meat
can be stored longer than naturally frozen meat. Meat sausages are encased
in the large intestine. Fresh meat is minced into small pieces, and a mixture
of 50 percentage yak meat, 25percentage visceral fat and 25 percentage
blood is used as filling material. Salts and condiments are added to this
mixture before filling in the casing (Nivsarkar et al., 1997). Bhattacharya et
al., (2003) reported about sausage, prepared from yak meat by incorporating
pork and fat (in the ratio of yak meat 60 percentage, pork 20 per cent and
pork fat 20 percentages).
In Sikkim, many yaks are slaughtered every year and this is normally
done when the animals are in their best condition, before the onset of winter.
Some of the meat is consumed fresh and much else is frozen in nature’s
own “deep freeze” and stored that way. Meat is also dried and can be
stored longer in hanging state through the roof of a house than when frozen.
The herders and their families eat meat mostly for the four to five months
following slaughter. Yaks are not slaughtered deliberately in spring or early
summer because they are in poor condition and very lean at that time –
through a few yaks may die or be killed as casualties. Meat is obtained
mostly from animals slaughtered before the onset of winter when they are
in good condition, but animals that die accidentally are rarely used. Meat is
eaten fresh around the time of slaughter, but over a more prolonged period
after being naturally frozen. Meat is also preserved by drying. Dried meat
keeps longer than frozen. Sausage is made both from meat and from blood
or from a mixture of the two. Some parts of the viscera are eaten; others
are used as casings for sausage or as storage containers for other products.
Hooves, after canning, have become a popular and nutritious food in pastoral
areas and other places (Kumar et al., 2015) of Sikkim.
3.3 Yak hair skin and horns
Yak produce two type of fibres, viz. coarse outer hair and a fine
down fibre, the later grow prior to the onset of winter as additional protection
against cold. The down fibre is like pashmina or mohair of goats. Shedding
of down coat in young animals, intermediate and down coat in adult yak
starts from May and continue through July. Shearing is done mostly once in
a year in the month of May or June. Better yield and quality can be obtained
by combing out the down first with a wire comb and shearing a few days
later. An Indian yak yields 4 to 5 kg of coarse hair and about 0.4 to 0.6 kg
wool annually (Kataktalware et al., 2008)
The skin and hair of yaks are used in making like leather mats;
jacket and hairy tails being used as treasure. The hides are processed simply
and dried before tanning locally. The leather has many different uses. Pelts
of calves that have died are also processed and made into coats and tanned
skin used for storage of ghee/ cheese. The coarse hair and the fine down
hair find many uses from making ropes to garments to tents. The hair from
the yak’s tail is used ceremonially and as a fly-whisk. Horns form house
decorative pieces and chopped horns with mild trimming are used for salt
and medicine drenching of the yaks and its heads and tails are also made
into ornaments and sold as gifts.
3.4 Dung
The nutrient resource of the soil pool is the most important basis
for the growth and maintenance of the alpine vegetation. Any small change
in this soil nutrient pool will have a profound effect on other components in
the system. The dung of yak is an important source of fuel for highlanders
as no other alternative available there. Yak faeces are used principally as
fuel, after drying or, in some localities, used by the herdsmen in building
walls. The manure out of yak dung acts as a good source of fertilizer helps
in maintaining soil fertility and rejuvenates vegetation.
3.5 Yak as a pack animal
The yak is considered as the backbone for the Highlanders and
widely used for drought purposes where it makes its home and not only as
the pack animal for much publicized Himalayan mountaineering expeditions,
known worldwide. The yak has strong limbs, small solid hooves with hard
and slightly sharp edges and a narrow hoof fork. This attributes the yak to
walk in dangerous places and over marshland and to climb over steep
mountains. It can open up a path with its head and its hooves for people to
follow, and it can swim across the water rapidly (Hanah et al., 2016). In
difficult terrain, it is said to be safer to ride on a yak than on a horse, as the
yak will not readily panic, for example in swampy ground. Since ancient
times, the yak has been known in the mountainous region of China and
surroundings as the “Boat of the plateau”. In the semi-agricultural area,
yak is also used for ploughing and other cultivation. Yak has great endurance
for example; carry loads over long distances for two or three days without
water or feed. In other circumstances, the yak may be required to carry
loads during the day, with the opportunity to graze only at night, for as long
as a month at a stretch. Most the yak used for drought are steers. Male F1
hybrids (yak-cattle) are also chosen (as they are sterile and cannot be used
for breeding). The drought animals are used mainly for riding and as pack
animals. Yak races are one of the games at folk festivals much loved by
Tibetan people. In the semi-agricultural area, yak is also used for plaguing,
thrashing and other cultivation.
As far as India is concerned little work has been done regarding
the load carrying capacity of yak as pack animals. Kataktalware, et al.,
helps in seed dispersal, pollination and seed germination because some plant
seed with very hard coating requires priming which is sometimes fulfilled
by the Tibetan sheep and yak. Occasionally sheep and yak calves are also
hunted by canines of the high altitudes. The sheep and yak hooves are stiff
cloven-footed animals and graze in the group and walk in multiple rows
fashion which forms mini tracks and micro ridges and rills on hill slopes
which prevents soil erosion, especially from wind, as these areas experience
high wind velocity throughout the year.
4.1 Agri-based diversification
As ICAR-Sikkim Centre, Gangtok, has taken lead role in agricultural
diversification with introduction and strengthening of cultivation of high
altitude leafy vegetables, reddish and vegetable pea with special emphasis
on potato production with improved variety on naturally farm terraces and
abandoned yak/sheep enclosures and also enclosures not in use during
migration as these soil posses very high soil fertility leads to a boost in
organic vegetable production improve income of herders. Furthermore,
ICAR-Sikkim Centre, Department of A.H.L.F. and V.S. in collaboration
with National Research Centre on Yak, Arunachal Pradesh, have distributed
100 kg concentrate feed, solar light, gumboot, raincoat, umbrella, solar light,
silpaullin, tripal, rope bundle and other human amenities useful in working at
higher altitude along with essential veterinary medicines have been
distributed in yak rearing area and also training and awareness were imparted
regarding improved yak husbandry. This particular experimentation showed
that yak-based high altitude vegetable farming not only increases the
nutritional security of highlanders but also efficient utilization and recycling
of the resources which prolong vegetable availability and nutritional security
of the Highlanders.
4.2 Hair fibres value addition
Similarly, a joint intervention by NRCY, Dirang and NIRJAFT,
Kolkata, sets fabric machinery for the weaving of yak wool product blended
with other fibre is installed at NRCY, Dirang. Though yak wool sale does
not take much percentage in herder income portfolio, it is an interesting
product in terms of its export potential for both herders and processors. On
the other hand, many herders do not use yak wool for commercial use, so
they have an opportunity to step further to increase their income by selling
yak wool. Although yak produced sufficient wool per individual, herders
use wool only for their own use, like for making ropes and making into
yarn. As the market price for yak wool is cheap and no scientific intervention
is introduced herders shows the least interest in this avenue, instead of
many of them just use for domestic purposes like making some household
items including belly support belt, bags, mattresses and blankets. This
initiative will bring new prospect for value addition of coarse yak wool by
blending other fibres which are already standardized. Carpets, Jacket,
Sweater, wall hanging etc. from yak wool have been prepared and evaluated
for quality. NRCY has also taken an initiative for a cooperative business
framework as well as disseminating scientific know-how for making yak
wool as a commercial entity to traditional yak farming system for the overall
economic development of yak herdsmen.
5.1. Economic of yak farming
The husbandry, in one hand, is highly remunerative with the cost-
benefit ratio (B: C ratio up to 4: 1 in Arunachal Pradesh; Maiti et al., 2012),
on the other hand, it is facing several constraints. Challenges of
transhumance system of farming in all yak rearing states of India are major
concerns of this husbandry. Lack of scientific management practices,
reproductive disorders, improper nutrition, lack of degradation of the natural
grassland, inbreeding, weak marketing linkage and non-adoption of
technologies for value addition of yak products are reducing the profit
margins of yak reares. And due to these difficulties, the youth of yak rearing
communities are abandoning the yak husbandry (Ramesha and
Bhattacharya, 2008)
5.2 Economics of Yak Rearing
Yaks are reared under rangeland system. Cost of adult breedable
female yak (with calves) is taken as at Rs 20, 000 and male at Rs 15000.
Average herd size observed under field conditions is 55-60. Hence it is
proposed to have a herd of 55 adult animals with 39 breedable female (26
in different stages of lactation and 13 pregnant heifers), 5 breedable males
and 15 male calves. Salary paid to Brokpa towards grazing of animal one
year under the traditional system is @ Rs 5000/month (normal one young
male with family, cloth and other accessories also provided by the yak
owner). Tenant herding or contractual grazing is common. The cost towards
pasture royalty per year is Rs 15000-20000. Cost towards transit encloses
prepared with the biodegradable material and types of equipment for making
2. Recurring Cost Rs. 468100 Rs. 466100 Rs. 464100 Rs. 462100 Rs. 461000
3. Depreciation cost 10% N.A. Rs. 89000 Rs. 89000 Rs. 89000 Rs. 89000
4. Total expenditure Rs. 148100 Rs. 765100 Rs. 763100 Rs. 761100 Rs. 760000
5. Returns Rs. 1539000 Rs. 1539000 Rs. 1539000 Rs. 1539000 Rs. 1539000
6. Net profit Rs. 130000 Rs. 7,73,900 Rs. 7,93,900 Rs. 7779000 Rs. 779000
The highlander’s rear yak for meat, milk, wool and hide purpose;
while interacting with them it was found that lack of regulated market and
transport linkage were the main constraints, apart from shrinkage of pasture.
A product from highlands could be certified as “Organic” or “Mountain
meat product” as it is produced from chemical and fertilizer free pasture
and while the animals are treated with naturopathy. Agricultural produce
from yak rearing area and product derived from yak itself can fetch good
income provided Government should facilitate marketing linkages and also
provide transport and storage facilities to Highlanders. Local markets also
activated since the area, blessed with so many scenic beauties and attract
a lot of tourists.
The yak plays a major role in the Indian economy of the tribal
population living difficult terrains of foothills of Himalayas as it provides
milk, meat, hair fibres and dung for fuel. Products made from these materials
used for household consumption and also for sale. However, a large quantity
of coarse yak fibres remained underutilized, except its usage in the form of
rope and tent. Chemical treatment of yak hairs in the presence of bleaching
agent and alkali, its colour changed from black to golden yellow, a very
similar colour to jute fibres. Additionally, the fibres to the metal coefficient
of friction was found to improve from 0.280 to 0.368 in the untreated to
treated samples, respectively. Like other woollen textiles, the jute/yak fibres
blended textiles would be used for winter/warm garment as a jacket,
overcoat, and blazer. Therefore, such type of intervention required at a
larger scale for efficient utilization of yak hairs and overall improvement of
livelihood of yak herders. The high altitude agriculture practices evolved
around yak and sheep husbandry along with the very limited cultivation of
potatoes, rayasag, high altitude radish and millet on naturally form terraces
in traditional ways which quite insufficient to fulfill the household demand.
Therefore, it needs to strengthen high altitude horticultural components by
providing hands-on training, a supply of improved varieties, awareness apart
from that periodic animal health camp and improved husbandry practices
to reduce calves mortality for making yak husbandry more ruminative. The
major threats at present are the growing number of feral dogs which use to
attack yak calves leading to severe mortality almost 20 to 30 % sometimes
it goes to 50 % in Sikkim. Winter fodder scarcity, the prevalence of
haemoprotozoan and ectoparasitic diseases during down migration are major
challenges before sustainable yak husbandry. Effective marketing channels
from the domestic market to international market, development of
ecotourism, yak riding, yak safari, trekking are the additional activities to
make yak husbandry more sustainable and improve the economic status of
White yak
Breeding bull
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Hussain, M., Bhattacharya, D., Das, P.J. and Deori, S. ICAR-NRC on Yak,
Dirang, India.Pp 37-40.
Deb, S.M. 2016. Strategies to conserve yak genetic resources in India. In: Compendium of
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Bhattacharya, D., Das, P.J. and Deori, S. ICAR-NRC on Yak, Dirang, India. Pp. 1-
Hanah, S.S., Bam, J., Rina, T., Deori, S., Medhi, D. and Hussain, M. 2016. Yak as pack
animal: Scope and prospect. In: Compendium of Fourth interface meeting on Holistic
approaches to sustain livelihood of yak reares through scientific interventions in
India. Eds. Deb, S.M., Medhi, D., Hussain, M., Bhattacharya, D., Das, P.J. and
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Jain, Y.C. and Yadav, R.S.1985. Yield and composition of milk of Himachali yak, yak
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Kataktalware, M.A. Pourouchottamane, R., Rajkowa, J., Barua, K., Sarkar, M. and
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Maiti, S., Bam, J., Bera, A.K., Biswas,T.K. and Baruah,K.K. 2012. Socio-economic status
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Nivsarkar, A.E., Gupta, S.C. and Gupta, N. 1997. Yak production. ICAR Publication,
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Ramesha, K.P. National Research Centre on Yak, Arunachal Pradesh. Pp 137-139.
Sharma, D.K. 2004. Status and recent development in yak products research and technology.
Pp 82-89. In: yak farming. Ramesha, K.P. and Sharma, D.K. (Eds), NRC on Yak
publication, Dirang, Arunachal Pradesh, India.
Nihar Ranjan Sahoo
Animal husbandry is an integral component of Indian agriculture
supporting livelihood of the rural population. They are the natural capitals
acting as living banks with offspring as interest and act as an insurance
against income shocks of crop failure and natural calamities. Livestock
employes about 9 % of the agricultural work force although it varies widely
from 3% to 40-48% from state to state. Livestock sector did not receive
appropriate policy and financial attention it deserved. Hence the time has
come to think rationally to make it as growth engine of agriculture.
Furthermore, while the goals for agriculture in our country have shifted
from food security to nutritional security, the role of food proteins has
increased many folds. In this context, pork being the quality animal protein
with low cost of production draws the attention of the entrepreneurs. The
pork is an energy packed and the most widely consumed meat till today,
almost in all major parts of the world. It is a rich source of proteins and
fats. This meat being used to make sausages, ham and bacon is an essential
part of people’s daily nutrients requirement in many countries. Pork a
calorific value of 458.0 per 100 gm which has a high mineral content of
Phosphorus, Selenium, Sodium, Zinc, Potassium and Copper. This contain
good quantities are Iron and Magnesium, while Calcium and Mangnese are
found in traces only. This is a rich source of Vitamin B whereas Vitamin A
and Vitamin E are found in very small amounts. Consumption of Pork is
good for skin, eyes, nervous system, bones and mental performance. This
Sikkim 60.0
Punjab 58.5
Manipur 52.1
All India 40.62
Source: Basic AH Statistics, 2014-15
and faster growth rate are used effectively. The key to success here is
how to reduce the feed cost using locally available ingredients without
affecting the growth rate of fatteners. The disease prevention measures
are also important. The scope is very high as there is a tremendous gap
between demand and supply of pork in our country and the rise of paying
capacity of people has increased many folds since last decades.
Pig breeding unit: Another area where there is tremendous shortage is
production of quality piglets. This opportunity needs bit more expertise of
breeding management and piglet management and consequently can fetch
more profit than the fattener unit. The main purpose is to supply piglets for
the fattener units. Here the prolificacy or rapid rate of multiplication of the
species is encashed. The litter size and frequency of farrowing are the
keys to success for this enterprise.
Backyard farming unit: This unit are more of a livelihood approach rather
than an industrial form. Here there is low input production system traditionally
maintaining pigs with kitchen waste and low cost agro-industrial byproducts
employing family members for self sustainance. The units are generally
consists of 2-10 number of sows. They have both breeding and fattening.
Retail pork outlet: This is an ancillary area of piggery sector which needs
attention for hygienic pork marketing. This can fetch a good number of
employment opportunities. As there are pork eaters across the country the
cold supply chain with hygienic pork retail units can be established.
Modern slaughter house and pork processing unit: The humane,
ethical and hygienic slaughter facilities are not available in sufficient numbers
across the country. A significant constraint in this area is lack of investment
and lack of requisite skill for large scale slaughter and processing. There
are lots of scope for various food industries to invest and consequently
employment generation.
Byproduct utilization and value addition: The utilization of byproducts
like fecal materials and bristles in indigenous pigs can fetch some
employment opportunities. Although, the contribution of India to global pork
production is about 0.5%, the country ranks second in bristle production.
The harvesting and processing for export can be done commercially which
is relatively less explored. Another area of waste utilization is bio-gas
production using pig dung.
India has a big market for pork and pork products. The demand
and supply gap is widening day by day due to rise in demand. Here
lies an opportunity for development of industrial piggery.
Since pig is a prolific breeder achieving the targeted growth in
meat sector is another opportunity through this. A very good
opportunity exists for year round employment generation for tribal
youth in this sector even better than the rainfed agriculture that
give engagement to a maximum of 7-8 months in a year.
Utilization of otherwise waste items in an environment friendly
There has been tremendous improvement in transport system which
can be utilized for reviving the marketing network of live pig as
well as pork and products.
Deficiency in concentrate feed sources is a threat to the pig industry
which compete human for grains.
Recurrent natural calamities as well as outbreak of diseases are
potential threats.
Unavailability of sufficient number and doses of vaccines and
diagnosis for swine diseases.
The commercial piggery units can be established with financial
support from the banks. For obtaining bank loan the farmers / entrepreneurs
should apply to the nearest branch of a Commercial, Co-operative or
Regional Rural Bank in the prescribed application form, which is available
in the branches of financing bank. The bank examines the proposed scheme
for its technical feasibility and economic viability. The scheme should include
all relevant information on the number of and types of animals to be
purchased, their breeds, production performance, cost and other relevant
input and output costs with their description. Based on this, the total cost of
the project, margin money to be provided by the beneficiary, requirement of
bank loan, estimated annual expenditure, income, profit and loss statement,
repayment period, etc. can be worked out. The relevant information can be
obtained from NABARD website ( However,
one small scheme of 10+2 units of pig for small pig rearers is being discussed
here for better understanding.
13. Production cycle of the herd for calculating cash inflow and
Sl. No. Kinds of stock Years
1 Foundation Stock (Boar + Sow) 12 12 12 12 12
2 Number of piglets born 200 200 200 200 200
3 Number of piglets weaned and reared 160 160 160 160 160
4 Male and Females retained for replacement 03 03 03 03 03
5 Marketable Pigs for sale 150 150 150 150 150
6 Adult Breeding Pig for sale 03 03 03 03 03
Economic analysis:
I. Fixed Investment: (in Lakhs Rs.)
1. Cost of building (1200 sq. ft. @ Rs. 350/ sq.ft.) = 4.200
2. Cost of equipments (12 adults @ Rs. 1000/ adult) = 0.12
3. Cost of 10 females (@ Rs. 4000 each) and 2 males (@ Rs. 5000)
= 0.50
Total investment on fixed capital = 4.82
(NB: Cost of foundation stock and materials for shed may vary from
place to place)
II. Annual fixed cost (in Lakhs Rs.):
1. Interest on fixed investment @ 15% per annum = 0.73
2. Loan payment of 5.0 Lakhs in 5 years @ 1 Lakh per annum = 1.00
3. Insurance charges @ 7% = 0.22
Total Fixed cost annually = 1.95
III. Variable cost (in Lakhs Rs.) annually:
1. Feed
a. Concentrate
(i). Breeding stock @ 1 Kg x 12 pigs x 365 days @ Rs.15.00 per Kg
= 0.66
(ii) Piglets (2 months weaning age) @ 0.75 Kg x 160x240 days x Rs. 15.00
= 4.32
b. Kitchen wastage/ vegetable wastage
(i). Breeding stock @ Rs. 2.50 x 12 pigs x 365 days = 0.11
(ii) Piglets (2 months weaning age) @ Rs. 2.00 x 160 x 240 days
= 0.76
2. Veterinary expenses @ Rs. 300.00 per adult = 0.04
@ Rs. 50.00 per piglet = 0.08
3. Electricity charges @ Rs. 200.00 per month = 0.03
Total Variable cost annually = 6.00
A. Total annual cost in Lakhs (1.95 Lakhs + 6.00 Lakhs)
= 7.95
IV. Returns annually (in Lakhs):
1. Sale of 160 pigs per year of 80.00 Kg live weight @ Rs. 100.00 per Kg.
= 12.80
2. Value of manure = 0.10
3. Sale of gunny bags = 0.05
4. Sale of replacement 3 breeding stock of 230 Kg each @ Rs. 80.00 per Kg
= 0.55
Total return annually = 13.5
Net Income / Profit per year = 13.5-7.95 = 5.55 Lakhs
Profit per month = Rs. 46250.00
Note: The balance value of the adult stock in hand after five year, if
added to income, it would increase the profit.
1. Input availability and support system: In piggery enterprise
one important aspect is input availability i.e availability of piglets,
feed, vaccine and medicine etc. The piglets are supplied from the
AICRP on Pig as well as Mega seed centers across the country
along with the state government farms. Besides several private
breeder farms also supply improved quality piglets. The vaccines
P K Rout, M. Verma and A. Kumar
Livestock rearing is one of the most important economic activities
in the rural areas and contributes significantly to the national economy.
Livestock contributes 30% of total protein requirement of world. The rapidly
growing livestock market provides an opportunity for global trade; and
imparts income generating opportunity for livestock farmers. India holds
agricultural land spreading up to 297 million hectare and contributes 16.6%
to GDP. Livestock products (90% of the production) are consumed locally
and 70% of the produce is sold informally. In India, 70% of milk and 82%
of meat are produced by small holders. Small holder livestock production
system can be transformed by
More value addition- more return
Should be sustainable, equitable and healthy manner
Carbon foot print / environmental foot print management
Goats are best animal component in arid, dry land and rain fed
agro-climatic zones, providing livelihood to over 5 million households in India.
Goat keeping has been a traditional activity and a primary source of livelihood
for small holders. Goats have distinct social, economic, managerial and
Fig. 3. Different kind of shelter for rearing and managing goats made from various materials
Fig 5. Erection of elevated platform for protection from parasites and dampness and
shelter made of wooden flooring
E. Health management:
A wide range of bacterial, viral, parasitic infections causing higher
mortality in the form of disease outbreaks results huge economic losses to
goat farming system. Thus, serious and meticulous efforts are needed for
early identification of diseases and confirmatory diagnosis of goat disease
in order to increase opportunities for international trade in goats. Infectious
diseases like FMD, Goat pox, PPR (Peste-des-petits Ruminants),
pasteurellosis, coccidiosis and parasitic infestation are responsible for higher
mortality in goats. Some of the important diseases of bacterial, viral, and
parasitic, origin which need proper prevention to check high mortality among
Organising health camps, disease awareness camps and providing
medicines and measures for medicine transportation along with first aid
trainings is a good option for start-ups. Vaccine production and marketing
can also be taken up in collaboration with experts. Developing various mobile
applications for health management a good option for entrepreneurship.
F. Milk, meat and other products
The market for goat products is invariably huge and offers scope
and choices to the beginners (Fig. 7, 8). Goat meat and milk quality: Goat
meat is leaner with less fat, high in iron and high in B12 with balanced
amino acids and lower n6:n3 ratio with conjugated linoleic acid. Likewise,
goat milk is the most humanized milk with small fat globule size and is a
food for infant and other people. It is a rich source of calcium and other
minerals and holds various health beneficial properties like hypoallergenicity,
Fig.7. Changes in global goat meat production (Almost 200% increase from 1980
Fig.8. Changes in global goat milk production (Almost 120% increase from1980)
7.1. Political
Government is committed for livelihood security, social justice and
fulfilling the objective of “Inclusive growth” in our society. At the same
time providing safer products for consumers and taking measures for animal
welfare are at priority.
7.2. Economy
Livestock sector contributes 25% to the agricultural GDP in our
country. However the contribution of livestock to agricultural GDP is
estimated to be 40% in semi-arid and 70% in arid regions, where goat is the
major livestock species reared. Livestock sector provides employment to
about 20-22 per cent of the population thereby would be a major sector for
reducing unemployment and alleviating poverty and provides food and
nutrition security.
7.3. Socio-cultural
Technology should be linked with the socio-economic status of the
farmers for its adoption. For this development of value added products
looking into the changing food habits is very essential.
7.4. Technological
Development of cost effective technology and its adoption by
farmers are both very crucial. Production of superior germplasm of Indian
goats for economic traits like meat, milk and fiber production needs to be
done under on-station and on-farm condition. Augmentation in meat and
milk production can be done using physiological approaches and reproduction
biotechnology. Economic feeding system and feed processing technologies
should be developed for small holders and commercial goat farmers.
Development of preventive and control measures for economically important
diseases of goats are required.
Commercialization of goat farming for integrated small, ruminant
management and production system is needed. Farming system research
under integrated rural development programme with special reference to
goat improvement is needed. Processing technologies should be developed
for value added meat, milk and fiber products from goats. Training
programme should be conducted on goat production technology for national
and international farmers, entrepreneurs, Scientists and other personnel
and technology competitive for both domestic and international market.
7.5. Environmental
No scientific evidences are there to show that goat is not detrimental
to environment. Shortage of measurements to reduce green-house gas
emission from goats and implementation of appropriate bio-security measures
to address the zoonotic and trans-boundary diseases affecting livestock
economy is requisite. Appropriate adaptation and mitigation strategies to
address the impact of climate change and stress in goats need to be realized.
Technologies for animal waste management for efficient carbon reduction
have to be developed.
7.6. Legal
Need for developing quality database on environmental pollutants,
heavy metals and pesticides residues in feed and animal products so as to
bring in appropriate legislation for maintaining quality standard. Quality
standards are to be put in place for animal feeds, vaccines and other biological
products to meet the sanitary and phyto-sanitary standards.
The goat rearing using improved management practices undertaken
for profit maximization from their enterprise considered as commercial goat
farms. Since last decade, a number of commercial goat farms have come
up in different parts of the country. Some of these farms have adopted
improved goat technologies for better returns.
Technical aspects of goat farming play an important role to asses
cost and returns in goat farming. Increasing human population, increasing
income, changing food habits due to improving standard of living are some
important factors responsible for high demand for goat meat. Goat meat
fetches best price among all types of meat available in domestic market.
Low initial investment and sustaining on low grade ration and better returns
have made this enterprise more profitable. It can be started on less productive
or non- cultivable waste lands. Commercial goat farming has an important
option in order to bridge the gap between demand and supply of goat meat
and other products. In the present example of technically feasible and
economically viable project has been given of a farm starting with 100
(does) and 5 (bucks) of Barbari breed under semi-intensive/intensive system
for 5 years under following assumptions:
Goat farming assumes special significance in extreme ecology,
particularly in arid, semi-arid and in dry land areas, where farming of other
livestock species may not be that profitable and sustainable. Small-scale
goat production is of significant benefit to families living in a wide variety of
climatic conditions. Resilience of goat production to harsher environmental
conditions offer amicable solutions to alleviate the vulnerability of the small
and marginal farmers at the time when crop production fails due to adverse
climatic conditions and where the natural resources are limited. Prevailing
goat production system is all set to be transformed in the coming years due
to emerging market trends on account of strong consumer preferences
towards quality animal foods. Responding to the market signals, the goat
production system in India has been gradually moving from extensive to
intensive system of management for commercial production.
Goat being an adaptable livestock, active in various agro-climatic
zones becomes a selection for agri-preneurs. Low cost management and
investment are the major reasons goats are chose by poor farmers. Goat
production management is remunerative and offers steady and sustainable
growth to farmers. Goat farming provides remarkable opportunities to
entrepreneurs to take up as business initiative. Moreover, the commercialized
goat farming is capable of providing better turnovers compared to many
other agro-industries. The productivity and profitability of the goats rearing
system can be improved through different technological innovation, better
Morand-Fehr P, Boutonnet JP, Devendra C et al. 2004. Strategy for goat Farming in the
21st Century. Small Rumin Res 51:175-183.
Morand-Fehr P, Boyazoglu J. 1999. Present state and future outlook of the small ruminant
sector. In: Haenlein, GFW, Fahmy MH (Eds.), Proceedings of the Eight World
conference on Animal Production, Seoul, Korea, June 28-July 4, 1998.
Small Rumin Res 34:175-188 Ethiopia, October, IFS Province Report No. 14, pp79-109
Pasha, SA. 1990. Sustainability and viability of small marginal farmers with reference to
animal husbandry and common property resources. National Institute of Rural
Development, Oct 8-10, Hyderabad.
Research in Goats Indian Experience. (Ed. Bhattacharyya, NK, Singh, K). 1992. (Director,
Central Institute for research on Goats)
Rout PK, Kumar A, Mandal A et al. 2010. Characterization of casein gene complex and
genetic diversity analysis in Indian goats. Animal Biotech 21(2):122-134.
Rout PK, Singh MK, Roy R, Sharma N, Haenlein GFW. 2004. Jamunapari-a diary goat
breed in India, Dairy Goat Journal (USA) 82(3):37-39
Rout, PK, Khan, BU, Roy, A. Goat: contribution for sustainable development in India.
Indian Journal of Small Ruminants 8(1): 1-9, 2002.
RTF. 1987. Report of task force to evaluate the impact of sheep and goat rearing in
ecologically fragile zones, 1987, Govt. of India, Ministry of Agril., Dept. of Agril.
and cooperation, New Delhi.
Sastry, NSR. 1995. Livestock sector of India: Regional aspect. International Book House,
Verma, AR. And Prasar, GC. 1991. Goat keeping for profit. Indian Farming, 41(2) 31-34.
Ravinder Kumar, Amit Kumar Verma, Rajbir Singh and A.K. Das
India’s livestock sector is one of the largest in the world. Total
livestock population in India is 512.05 million. Contribution of cattle is 190.9
million (37.28%) and buffalo is 108.7 million (21.23%). India is producing
about 176.35 million tons of milk annually. India ranks first in milk production
in the world. About 20.5 million people depend upon livestock for their
livelihood. About two third rural community get its livelihood from the
livestock. .Livestock contributed 16 percent to the income of small farm
households as against an average of 14 percent for all rural households. It
also provides employment to about 8.8 per cent of the population in India.
India has vast livestock resources. Livestock sector contributes about 4.11
percent of total GDP (Gross Domestic Products) and 25.6 percent of total
Agriculture GDP (19th Livestock Census, 2012). Milk plays an important
essential food for human life, since babyhood to end of elderly life. Milk is
an important source of food for neonatal life. Apart from energy, it provides
passive immunity to young ones in the form of colostrums, which protect
the babies from pathogens. Milk contains all the vital nutrients almost in
balanced proportion . Milk is a rich source of calcium, magnesium, selenium,
riboflavin, vitamin B12 and pantothenic acid (vitamin B5), hence play a key
role in maintaining our health and wellness. Due to increasing population of
the country, the demand of dairy base product will be increase. However,
nearly 33% of the gross Domestic population from agriculture and has
66% of economically active population, engaged in agriculture. The share
are generally unaware about this due to ignorance, poor extension education
programmes by the government. Thus, for establishing the dairy farm in
economic way, there is utmost requirement of hardwork, proper care and
management of animals,. In India, one of the family member generally the
homemaker of the family is responsible for caring the animals. But in
commercial dairy farming, there is requirement of experienced professionals.
If one take care of these constraints, then he may be able to run the
commercial dairy farm in profit by continuously visiting the other dairies
establishment run by public and private sectors..
Central and state governments have launched various livestock
development programmes in the country by implementing the modern
technologies in animal breeding, reproductive management and healthcare
management. Many research organizations like National Dairy Research
Institute (NDRI), Karnal, Indian Veterinary Research Institute (IVRI),
Izatnagar, Central Institute of Research on Buffaloes (CIRB), Hisar, Central
Institute of Research on Cattle (CIRC), Meerut, Central Institute of
Research on Goats (CIRG), Mathura and various state agriculture /
veterinary Universities (SAUs/SVUs) are devoted to sustainable basic and
advance research in the concerned field. Government is also focusing on
the possibilities of production and use of sexed semen in small holders’
dairy production system. CIRC and CIRB are continuously working on
indigenous breed improvement for Sahiwal, Gir, Crossbred (Friewal) cattle;
Murrah and Nili Ravi buffalo breeds. However, for sustainable development
in dairy sector, there is an acute need of development and implementation
of suitable farm level policies keeping in view the ensuring socio-economic
dynamics and the existing competitive resource advantages. A strong effort
is desired in linking the milk producers to the organized supply chain to
ensure stable milk prices within the reach of consumers. The Indian dairying
is maintaining its milk production growth at an even rate to meet its domestic
needs but with the faster economic development, it has to be in better way
to cope with increasing demands.. There is challenges in small holder dairy
farming, which cane be solved by increasing the productivity and linking
the production with the consumer demand. Wholehearted efforts are
required in the areas of nutritional management, improved breeding and
animal health care systems, financial inclusion, dedicated extension services
for dairy farmers and development of procurement infrastructure with ICT
support. Capacity building of small livestock owners, particularly women,
and promotion of collective farming is essential for development efficient
value chains. One of the major constraint has been the feed prices which
are quite high relative to the milk prices. There is great opportunity to exploit
the world markets provided India is able to take care of its constraints and
strengthen its value chain to deliver quality milk.
Due to migration of population in urban area and less interest in
animal rearing, a large rural market gap and quantity of available milk for
processing will increase day by day. Fast growing economy and
diversification, large market and investment will provide golden opportunity.
Moreover, increasing income of consumers, changing life style and
preference for milk and milk products, more number of adult consumers,
untapped indigenous milk products market and exports are also increasing.
On the other hand, there are some challenges for low cost human resource
and employment generation for rural population. India need to immediate
focus on this sector related issues like food safety, unhygienic practices by
farmers at farm. Injudicious use of medicines particularly antibiotics on
milch animals should also be controlled. Unfriendly WTO regime and Imports
from other countries also a factor and we have need to manage through
better govt. policies.
One of the emerging trend in India is commercial dairy farms in
the urban and peri-urban areas of the metros and big cities. These dairies
mainly cater to the needs of the urban consumers in the from of liquid raw
milk. Thus, there is ample scope of organized & modernized dairy farming.
Commercial dairy farming is much different from villagers who rear few
cows. Later does not employ labor, cultivates most of the green fodder
needs on his own land with own labor, does not have to pay bank interest
and above all invest too low in infrastructure facilities. Though a profitable
business venture dairy farming in India requires hard work, proper planning,
active and very alerts managers and supervisors. We all have heard many
success stories in dairy farming. In today’s technological world there have
been many advances in modern dairy farming. Everything from feed for
dairy cows to milk processing equipment has added tremendous scope to
the dairy farming industry.
Main objective of model dairy farming: The main objective is safe and
quality milk produced from healthy animals using good management practices
that are sustainable from an animal welfare, social, economic and
environmental perspective.
Why commercial/model dairy farming?
Beside the employment benefit, so many factor directly provides
excellent opportunity to start this business as given below:
Opportunity for export of milk and milk products
Organized and well planned project.
Better management and operations of project.
Better climate control.
Cost effective.
Healthy and happy animals.
More production with better hygiene.
Better return to investment and profits.
Opportunity for export of milk and milk products
Free antibiotics milk which is suitable for infants to elderly people
Safe, Health and hygiene of milk will increase the shelf life of milk
Considerable advance practices of a model dairy farming:
At a model dairy farm, animal health, milking, hygiene, nutrition
(feed & water), animal welfare, environment, socioeconomic management
etc are the major practices, which should be followed properly for
sustainability of the farm.
a) Uniqueness in management system:
1. Animals need to be healthy and an effective health care programme
should be in place
2. Milk should be stored under hygienic conditions
3. Provides feed and water in suitable quantity and of good quality
4. Animals should be kept according to the following simple principles:
Freedom from hunger, thirst, discomfort, pain, injury and disease
Freedom from fear to engage in relatively normal patterns of
animal behavior
zoonotic diseases should not be mixed with bulk tank. If the milker found
any case of mastitis, then immediately report to concerned staff engaged in
animal health, so that proper treatment can be started as early as possible.
. After completion of milking, keep all the machinery and equipments
sanitized as per the manufacturer’s specification and Grade A Standards of
the Public Milk Ordinance.
Milking Related Activities: The other milking related activities like bring
in and out the cattle to milking shed, maintain milk records, animal
identification by tags and other activities as directed by farm manager, is
also required. These responsibilities may include, but are not limited to the
following responsibilities:
Care of springers and animals at the time of calving
Feeding and care of calves
Feeding, cleaning and care of milking herd
Maintenance of free-stalls
Heat detection, Artificial Insemination
Record keeping
Cleaning and maintenance of office building
Maintenance of grounds, pasture, fences
Maintenance of vacuum pumps
Selection of site for dairy farming:
Farmers should consider greatly for selection of sites to build the
dairy farms with new structures. He should be aware of location of the
dairy farms such as nearby neighbours and public areas, environmental
issues like water quality, odours and files, litter management, electrical supply
etc. and laws and regulations that affect farming operations.
Criteria for site selection: Some of the parameters like soil type, elevation,
topography, sunlight, protection from wind, marketing, durability, labour,
accessibility and surrounding etc should be considered before the
establishment and construction of a new dairy farm. .
Due to high ambient temperature, productivity and efficiency of
dairy animals goes down drastically during the summer season particularly
mounted on side walls can also help in reducing heat stress during July to
Fogger system-Sprinkling water with air draft or wind from fan on heat
stress vulnerable animals helps to decrease their body temperature and
respiratory activity.
Other Managemental strategies: Avoid transporting livestock in hot
weather. Reduce biting flies populations (with improved sanitation, repellents
and traps) which tend to cause cattle to bunch together. Reduce parlor
walking distance. Reduce time in holding area. Improve ventilation. In areas
of extreme heat, it is even more important for cows to give birth in good
body condition because after parturition their dry matter intake will be
lowered by heat stress, as well as the usual low intake immediately after
calving. Under these conditions dairy farmers must go for artificial
insemination rather than using natural service of heat stressed bulls. Teat
dipping with germicidal dips is recommended. Handling cattle can elevate
their body temperature by as much as 3.5°F. Therefore, avoid unnecessary
handling of animals during intense heat.
Production performance of the animal will also be affected when it
is too cool because increased proportion of energy will be consumed in
maintaining the body temperature and productivity depends on the ability of
the animal to keep normal and stable body temperature.
Protective measures to prevent the effect of cold stress:
Increase barn temperature- Calves are more susceptible for winter. Supply
of heat during winter will be helpful in keeping the calf healthy, less chances
of calf pneumonia, diarrhea and reducing the calf mortality. Reduce humidity
to ensure beer ventilation, preventing excessive moisture in sheds, roof
dripping and ground freezing phenomenon. Ventilation should be carried in
afternoon. Less water should be used in winter barn to wash the ground
and dry cleaning should be followed. In the afternoon sunlight cattle should
be kept out of the barn. Bedding should also be provided to animals for
their protection from the cold floor. Waterers or water tanks should not be
frozen. Provide lukewarm water to the animals for drinking purpose. Cold
weather increases feed needs of cows. Hay provides more heat during
digestion than concentrate feeds.
Cows need dry, draught-free resting area. During winters, provision of
dry, clean bedding keeps the animal dry and insulates the udder against cold
temperatures and pathogens. Having dry teats when the cow leaves the
parlor is important. One way to lessen the risk is to dip the teats, allow the
dip of about 30 seconds and then blot dry using a paper towel. Protect the
animal from frostbite. Such practice helpful in mastitis control also.
Effect of cold stress on calves: calves born in winter and early spring as
well as wet and cold calves are more prone to cold stress or hypothermia.
Precipitation adds to the negative effect on calf survival when temperature
drops, so it is important to combat cold stress (hypothermia) in newborn
Signs of cold stress:Rectal temperature is the most accurate method of
determining if a calf is experiencing hypothermia.
Mild hypothermia- Body temperature drops below 100°F; Severe
hypothermia- Body temperature drops below 94°F.
Vital organs are cold and impaired brain function results.
Calf shivers to increase heat production and shunt blood from body
extremities to the body core.
Protective measures: These include warm water bath, warm air or heat
lamps and warm blankets. Blankets are most useful for calves less than 3
weeks of age that are not yet eating grain. Warm blankets should not be so
hot that they cause skin burns or sweating during the day. Thick, dry straw
or sawdust at resting area should be provided for better insulation. Wind
drafts must be avoided because they encourage heat loss. Young dairy
calves have very little stored fat they can use for warming themselves. So,
extra energy by feeding fat rich diet is necessary to cope with cold stress
Additional amount of feed (starter, milk replacer, or milk) that a calf would
need to eat to compensate for extra energy used to keep warm during cold
weather. Repeated changes in the calf’s diet should not be done. Calves
less than 3 weeks of age require extra energy, thus increase the amount of
milk or milk replacer to provide extra energy. Calves that are eating starter,
especially those over 3 weeks of age and can more easily cover their
increased energy needs by voluntarily eating more grain is beneficial in
terms of generating heat. In cold weather, provision of warm water three
times per day for a minimum of 30 minutes each time in order to ensure
calves have ample opportunity to drink.
Closing air inlets restricts the ventilation rate and causes moisture
to accumulate in the shed. As moisture accumulates, it will begin to condense
on cold surfaces, and if the surfaces are below freezing, frost will form. In
severe cold weather and during blizzard conditions, air inlets can be partially
closed to reduce airflow blowing into the barn. The minimum inlet opening
during severe cold weather is one-half inch for each 10 feet of building
width. (There should be an inlet on each long side of the building.). When
normal winter weather conditions return, eave inlets should be reopened to
the standard one inch per 10 feet of building width on both sides of the
building. Of course, eave inlet adjustments are much easier if the inlets
have been designed to be adjusted. Boards on hinges are the most common
type of adjustable eave inlet.
In a dairy farm, the primary objective is to produce the quality milk
and sell the same with profit. Therefore, routinely some activities or
operations are carried out to meet this primary object.
Weaning- Weaning is defined as the separation of young calves from their
mother after birth. In dairy animals, weaning may be followed either just
after birth called as weaning at birth or zero day weaning, or after colostrum
period i.e. 3-4 days after birth. Weaner calves are fed milk @8-10% of
their body weight.
Milking practices- Milking is the most important daily routine activity in
dairy farm. Milking is done commonly twice in most dairy farm morning
and evening. However, if milk productivity of animal and labour availability
is more then go for three times milking per day i.e. early morning, at noon
and evening in high yeilders keeping the duration of milking interval equal.
Milking should be conducted gently, quietly, quickly, cleanly, completely and
at regular intervals.
Feeding- Feeding activity is most important daily routine operation and
proper understanding of nutrient requirement and feeding management will
reduce the expenses. Dairy animals are generally allowed for free access
to roughages but measured amount of concentrate is given based on body
weight for maintenance, milk yield, milk fat percent, pregnancy and growth.
The roughage and concentrate are generally given separately; during milking
only concentrate is given. The daily requirement of dairy cattle and buffaloes
are calculated based on daily dry matter intake. Cattle generally eat @2-
2.5 kg dry matter per 100 kg body weight. As a thumb rule up to 4-5 liter
milk yield no concentrate is needed if sufficient green fodder is available. If
a cow giving 10 lit milk with approximately 400 kg body weight then give
20-25 kg greens, 3-4 kg dry fodder and 5 kg concentrate.
volume is reduced by almost 50%, many pathogens and weed seeds are
destroyed, and a useful, potenially marketable product is produced. Major
component of dairy farm waste are cattle manure, spoiled hay and feed,
bedding of animal etc. There are various techniques used like composting,
biogas production (anaerobic fermentation), aerobic oxidation in ditches/
Lagoons/lakes, direct application in field. Use as fish feed in fish ponds and
growing algae (diluted slurry) at a farm.
Composting: In composting pile of solid waste is collected in pit 1.5 m
deep and 3×4 meter dimension or large as per requirement (3 cubic meter/
adult animal units) as per (Allnutt design described by R.G. Linton). This
design has two pits with walls on all three sides covered on top with
temporary roof to prevent desiccation, and alternative filing and emptying
has been suggested. The front side should have a gutter which should be
filled with cresol and water to control fly breeding and the front side should
have a vertical sliding shutter to prevent debris falling into the gutter. The
manure should be dumped and well packed in each compartment separately.
While one is filled and packed, fermentation and decomposition occurs in
the other which was filled earlier. The manure should be turned periodically
to ensure uniform decomposition; this also enhances the destruction of
larvae of parasites that are normally present in the dung. During composting
frequent mixing of waste is required. The manure from other livestock
farms like sheep, goat, pig and poultry can be decomposed in the similar
manner. After piling within 24 hours temperature rises to 50°C and within
3-8 days it reaches to 70°C. Thereafter it falls to 50°C. C: N ratio and
moisture are important in this process.
Biogas Production (Anaerobic fermentation): In this process organic
matter is converted into volatile fatty acids which is in turn by the action of
anaerobic bacteria (methanigenic bacteria) is converted to CH4 and CO2.
The slurry is valuable product for using in fields.
Aerobic Oxidation: Slurry can be disposed by keeping it in shallow ditches,
lagoon, and lakes. BOD (Biological oxygen demand) per acre is generally
20 for proper oxidation. Large areas are required and periodically solid
sludge has to be removed. Upper water is used for irrigation after mixing
with fresh water or directly also.
Liquid Form by Means of Lagoon: Lagoon is a body of water like a
small pond where in liquid manure is discharged and digested by bacterial
action. In this method fertility value of manure is wasted but helps in saving
of equipment and labor which may compensate the loss. Pens are scraped
and washed daily with water under pressure 75 Ibs./sq” inch and 500 gallons
water per hour. This is run into lagoon which should hold at least one week
accumulation of manure @ 20 kg/cow/day.
1. Vaccine purchase- Consultation with veterinarian before
purchasing vaccine is helpful in determining the vaccine required
in dairy farm. Check expiration dates, cold chain of the vaccine at
the time of purchase or receiving the vaccine. Purchase vaccine
in small-dose vials to minimize wastage.
2. Storage of vaccination- Read and follow label instructions. Discard
any vaccine that freezes or expired. Store vaccine that will expire
first near the front of the refrigerator and use it first. Do not
overstock vaccine and most important is train employees, family
members and others on proper vaccine handling.
3. Handling of vaccine at field level- Pre-cool the cooler for at
least 1 hour prior to placing the vaccine inside. Use enough ice or
cold packs to maintain a steady temperature, 35-45°F. Take enough
vaccine for the morning or for afternoon, not for both. Keep the
cooler out of sunlight. Identify any leftover unopened bottles of
vaccine and use them first the next time. Do not use the same
vaccine gun for different vaccines. Do not mix modified live
vaccines if won’t be able to use them within 1-2 hours reconstituting
them. Discard bottle of killed vaccines that have been opened for
more than 2 days because vaccine can be contaminated by repeated
introduction of air and needles.
4. Injection of vaccine- Give injections in front of the shoulder in the
middle neck region. Avoid giving injections in the nuchal ligament
of the neck region. Remove air from syringes or guns prior to
injecting vaccine. Use the correct gauge and length of needle as
specified by the label. Change needles every time before filling the
syringe or vaccine gun. Change needles that become blurred, bent,
or broken. Never straighten and reuse a broken needle. Space
multiple injections 4 inches apart on the animal to avoid mixing
different products. Use a new needle each time syringes are filled.
5. Disposal of vaccine- Follow if any disposable instructions provided
on the label. Do not place the unused vaccines on water sources.
Unused or empty vaccine container should be banned either through
burn barrels or incinerators.
Cattle Insurance
It can be applicable to indigenous, cross breed and exotic cattle
owned by/ belonging to private owners or financed by the various financial
institutions i.e. bank-, military dairy farms, Co-operative/Corporate dairies
etc. Cattle means and Include - Milch cows and Buffaloes, Calves/Heifers,
Stud Bulls, Bullocks/He buffaloes and Mithuns.
Age Group
a) Milch cows 2 years or age at first calving to 10 years
b) Milch Buffaloes 3 years or age at first calving to 12 years
c) Stud bulls 3 years or earlier age at sexual maturity to 8 years
d) Bullocks/He buffaloes 3 years to 12 years
e) Calves/Heifers 4 months upto date of 1st calving
(No relaxation in upper age-limits is allowed)
Valuation- Valuation based on market value as on date and place and to be
decided on the basis of recommendations of the local veterinary surgeon.
Scope of Cover-The policy shall give indemnity only for death of cattle
due to:
1) Accident (inclusive of fir lighting, flood/inundation, cyclones, tornado,
tempest, storm, hurricane, famine) or any other fortuitous
circumstances (Fortuitous means accidental in origin).
2) Diseases (Inclusive of Rinderpest, Black Quarter Haemorrhegic
Septicemia, Foot and mouth disease subject to vaccination against
these diseases).
3) Surgical operations.
4) Strike, Riot and Civil Commotion risk & Terrorism
5) Earthquake
1. Theft or clandestine sale, missing of insured animal.
2. Malicious or willful injury or neglect/ intentional slaughter.
3. Transport by air or sea or beyond 80 km by rail or road.
4. Partial disablement of any type, whether permanent or temporary.
butter, ice cream, and flavoured milk. Many consumers are willing to pay a
premium for locally produced, high-quality and farmstead dairy products.
India’s demand for milk and its value added products is increasing twice as
fast as the production of milk. The market is also witnessing a consumer
shift towards healthier products such as UHT milk, probiotic drinks,
processed cheese, curd, butter, milk and ghee etc.
Classification of Indian traditional dairy products:
1. Heat and acid coagulated milk products: Paneer is an unaged, acid-
set, non-melting farmer cheese made by curdling heated milk with lemon
juice or other non-rennet food acid, and then removing the whey by pressing
result into a dry unit. Chhena is like paneer, except some whey is left and
the mixture is beaten thoroughly until it becomes soft, of smooth consistency
and soft but firm Sandesh is a confection made from chhena mixed with
sugar then grilled lightly to caramelize, but removed from heat and molded
into a ball or some other shape. Rasagolla is confec_tion made from mixture
of chhena and semolina rolled into a ball and boiled in sugar syrup.
2. Fat rich dairy product: Ghee - Ghee is prepared by simmering butter,
which is churned from cream (traditionally made by churning yogurt),
skimming any impurities from the surface, and then pouring and retaining
the clear, still liquid fat, while discarding the solid residue that settled on the
bottom. Malai - It is made by heating non-homogenized whole milk to
about 80°C (180°F) for about one hour and then allowing to cool. A thick
yellowish layer of fat and coagulated proteins forms on the surface, which
is skimmed off. The process is usually repeated to remove most of the fat.
3. Cultured dairy products: Yogurt and Dahi are dairy foods that are
used and consumed widely. A notable difference between these two is that
yogurt is prepared by pasteurizing milk, whereas Dahi is prepared by boiling
milk, then cooling it to room temperature, and finally adding the previous
day’s mild acidic curd to it. Mishti doi is dahi (Indian Yogurt) mixed with
sugar. Shirkhand is strained yogurt mixed with sugar, and often flavourings
such as cardamom, saffron, or fruit.
4. Heat desiccated products: Kulfi is made from slowly freezing
sweetened condensed milk. In comparison to ice Cream, kulfi is not whipped
or otherwise aerated. Khoa or Mawa is made by reducing milk in an open
pan over heat. Rabri is a sweet, condensed-milk-based dish made by boiling
the milk on low heat for a long time until it becomes dense and changes its
color to pinkish. Sugar, spices and nuts are added to it for giving it flavor. It
is chilled and served as dessert. Basundi is a sweetened condensed milk
made by boiling milk on low heat until the milk is reduced by half.
First aid: First aid includes any emergency care given to an injured or ill
patient before medical assistance arrives. Due to the often hazardous nature
of farming and isolation, all the people working on the farm should be trained
in basic first aid.
Basic supplies: Basic supplies to this first hand kit include: adhesive medical
tape, antibiotic ointment, antiseptic solution, gauze in assorted sizes, bandages
including elastic wraps, cotton balls, instant cold packs, duct tape, plastic
bags for disposal of contaminated items, sterile eye wash, thermometer,
scissors (for cutting bandages or clothing), tweezers, soap or instant hand
sanitizer, latex gloves and a first-aid manual.
Emergency contacts: A card inside an emergency kit should include
numbers for an ambulance, hospital or fire department and have written
directions on how to get back to the farmstead, field or work area. Numbers
for poison control and emergency road service should also be included.
Additional safety measures: Check the farm safety kits every three
months to make sure supplies are not expired and that they fit the current
season. Safety kits are important tools to have on the farm, but additional
training could also be beneficial in responding to emergencies. Consider
getting training in first aid or other important topics to assist when first
responders can’t be on the scene immediately.
Individual needs: Make sure the kit includes personal medications and
medical information for those who require special attention. Drugs to treat
allergic reactions and any other personal medications that don’t require
refrigeration should be included. The name and a phone number of the
family doctor should also be included.
1) Amul Industries Pvt Ltd: Amul Industries Pvt Ltd was founded
in the year 1946 and its headquarter is located in Anand, Gujarat,
India. It is one of the top dairy companies in India. It is offering a
product range includes paneer, butter, cheese, ghee, ice-cream,
chocolate, milk powders etc. The leading dairy company is managed
by the co-operative body, the Gujarat Co-operative Milk Marketing
Federation Ltd. It is one of the leading food brands in India. Amul
apart from being Asia‘s largest milk brand is a vehicle for economic
Farmer / Entrepreneur
Some other private dairy industries are:
Kwality Dairy Ltd.
Amrut Industries Ltd.
D.V. Singh, Rajendra Singh, Anuj Bhatnagar, Umesh Kumar and
D. Vamsi Chandrasekhar Reddy
The human being knows usefulness of beekeeping since time
immemorial by the introduction and establishment of Italian honey bees
(Apis mellifera. L.) during 1960’s. It has gained momentum for commercial
beekeeping in north western states of the country. Honey bees are main
flower visitor of crops and useful in cross pollinated crops. They collect
nectar from flowers for the production of honey. They also collect pollen
from the flowers for protein, where as some nectar serves as carbohydrate
source to honey bees and their brood. Apart from collecting pollen and
nectar bees also render crops pollination services. Thus play a vital role in
enhancing the productivity of vegetables, fruit, plantation and field crops to
the extent of 20-25 percent. According to FAO, 2010, Honeybees are mainly
known for the production of honey, which is unparalleled natural product
both medically and nutritionally.
Though, its composition is well known, it has not been synthesized
in any part of the world. Honey composed of vital minerals like potassium,
iron, copper, manganese, phosphorus, protein, vitamins enzyme and natural
sugars were absorbed and assimilated directly into blood streams. Honey
has got count less medicinal use in Indian homes. It is a good laxative, a
blood purifier and an antiseptic and has been extensively used in ‘Ayurvedic’
and Unani system of medicines for the cure of various ailments. It is used
as a preventive measure against cold, cough, fever and curative for sore
eyes, ulcers, sore throat and burns. The wax is extensively used in candles,
utilizing the local plant resources and adapting to the local climatic conditions.
Modern beekeeping makes heavy use of beekeeping equipment and honey
processing plant. This results in high efficiency and also ensures the quality
of the processed honey. Seasonal management of bee colonies varies in
different parts of the country although the basic management methods are
the same. Flow management, dearth management, provision of feeding,
control and cure of bee disorders, bee diseases, pests and enemies, are
some of the routine measures to keep bee colonies healthy and strong.
There are special management techniques like queen rearing, migration for
honey production or for colony multiplication, which the beekeeper takes
up after he gains sufficient knowledge and experience in handling bee
Benefits brought about by beekeeping
Beekeeping is of vital importance in rebuilding and kick starting
rural economic activity, especially that of women and youth. An
enhanced economic activity would address socio-economic
problems such as HIV/Aids, unemployment and poverty.
In beekeeping, a diverse range of by-products is produced apart
from the main product-honey. These are beeswax, propolis, royal
jelly and bee venom. These products are not only rich in
carbohydrates, proteins and vitamins, but also have medicinal
(healing) properties.
In arable farming, bees are also known to improve crop yields
through increased efficiency in pollination.
Beekeeping diversifies agriculture as it can be integrated with other
agricultural activities like arable and pastoral farming, as well as
agro forestry. Furthermore, bees do not compete for resources
with other agricultural enterprises. Bees obtain their food from the
wild, cultivated and wasteland areas.
Specializing in Selling Local Honey, Beeswax, Lip Balm, Candles,
Pollen, Pollination Service, Swarm Catching, etc. For many of us making
some extra money on a regular basis can make a big difference in our
everyday lives. Aside from simply enjoying the benefits of having your own
honey supply, there are a number of ways to make money by keeping
honey bees.
Creation of employment
Selling your excess honey from your home or at small local stores.
You can get a higher price then what it is sold for in your nearby supermarket
because it is locally produced honey. Many people believe that eating local
honey is very helpful to reducing the negative effects of allergies as it has
minute particles of pollen in it from flowers in the area.
Excess beeswax can be used to make candles. Package them
attractively wrapped by the pair with an attractive ribbon. These can be
sold to friends and neighbors or through a local store. Recipes are available
on the internet for making your own lip balm using beeswax and a couple of
other easily obtainable ingredients. You can melt beeswax and make small
bars of pure beeswax. Some people just like the feel and smell of the
beeswax but it also can be used as a lubricant for the bottom rails of bureau
drawers. You can buy small molds and use these to make any number of
beeswax knickknacks. One can make a number of beeswax animals, etc.,
to sell.
Some folks collect pollen from the bees to sell in jars as a health
food. The equipment to do this is available at any number of beekeeping
equipment supply companies. Another big opportunity, if you are so inclined
is to make yourself available to deal with swarms of bees. Collect a healthy
swarm and bring it home to start a new beehive relatively free of cost.
Packages of honey bees used to start new bee hives are sold by beekeeping
supply companies for about $65 per a three pound box. Removing bees
from inside house walls or ceilings affords a great opportunity to add one’s
income as a beekeeper. There is also the opportunity presented by raising,
packaging and selling Queen Bees.
Advantages of beekeeping as an income generation activity
Bee keeping requires less time, money and infrastructure
Honey and beeswax can be produced from an area of little
agricultural value
The Honey bee does not compete for resources with any other
agricultural enterprise.
Beekeeping has positive ecological consequences. Bees play an
important role in the pollination of many flowering plants, thus
increasing the yield of certain crops such as sunflower and various
Cloth: To protect our eyes and nose from stings at the time of
work near the apiary.
Knife: It is used to loosen the top bars and to cut of the honey
Feather: To sweep the bees from the comb.
Queen Excluder
Match box
Beekeeping with Apis cerena Indica and Apis mellifera: The KVIC
since 1952 promotes A. cerena indica, the Asian honey bee. The colony
number of this bee in India is about 0.96 million which yielding 6300 metric
tonnes of honey with an average yield of 6.7 kg per hive.
Using the Correct Species for Beekeeping: The Italian honeybee is
acclaim choice for commercial beekeeping, throughout world. However
the controversy regarding the suitability of the species i.e. Asian honeybee,
Apis cerena indica and the European bee, A. mellifera for beekeeping in
India which has been going on for the last three decades gave a severe
Availability of Genetically Superior Queens for Increased Honey
Production: It is essential to have requisite infrastructure for the production
of large volumes of genetically superior queens for supply to the beekeepers.
Lack of technical knowledge for efficient management of colonies
for high honey yields: This is a major constraint. Beekeepers are not
aware of international methods of efficient management.
Some of the wrong practices followed by beekeepers are: Few
beekeepers use queen excluders. Further the excluders that are locally
available get rusted and damage the bees. Efficient swarm control is not
practiced by beekeepers and they are most unaware of these techniques.
Most beekeepers just divide colonies to prevent swarming. Maximum yields
from A. mellifera are obtained when the colonies go up to 3 to 4 chambers
with populations of 50 000 to 70 000 bees. Beekeepers do not know the
concept of the food chamber as a measure of colony build up and mostly
maintain colonies on a single chamber leading to weak colonies that die in
dearth periods. Few beekeepers change queens every season before the
honey flow leading to loss of queens during the crucial honey flow. Some
beekeepers even do not use full comb foundation sheets and only use strips
of wax sheets for the frames which lead to excessive drone comb
construction besides wasting the time and effort of bees in making extra
comb. Therefore there is a great scope for improvement.
Lack of Infrastructure at the grass roots and National level for
There is no concept of beekeeping inspectors or trainers in
beekeeping, at the village or even district level. Beekeeping by its nature
has seasonal crises of disease management and so on. There should be a
hierarchy of beekeeping experts and trainers in the village blocks, Tehsils,
Districts and then finally in the universities to be able to have effective feed
back to and from the beekeepers.
Marketing Constraints
You are most likely to get market constraints, whether you become
an independent beekeeper or a trader after completing this course. Let us
discuss these constraints in detail.
Lack of access to suitable containers for storing, transporting and
marketing honey.
Poor diversity of retail packaging materials.
Lack of roads.
Lack of transport.
Lack of communication possibilities.
Lack of bargaining power.
Lack of organizational support.
Lack of training and technical advice or poor quality training.
Poor market access.
Lack of appropriately-trained support personnel or information
Low product prices.
Few social linkages with other producers.
Few social linkages with potential buyers
This is a very important aspect of beekeeping and needs to be
stressed on. Some beekeepers extract honey from brood frames by which
damages the brood and the honey extracted is of poor quality. All beekeepers
do not maintain separate super chambers for the production of honey. Many
beekeepers do not use queen excluders. The queen lays eggs in the honey
chamber thereby lower the honey quality. Honey only develops the flavor
which is particular to each flower source if it is allowed to stay in the hive
a little more after the bees seal the frames. Beekeepers do not use the
technique of keeping supers in warm rooms with a forced airflow before
In case, unripe honey is extracted, it is high in moisture content and
lacking in colour, flavor and quality. Honey is also poorly stored by
beekeepers. The honey in contact with the old tin plate becomes blackish in
colour and loses flavor. Food grade plastic containers need to be developed
for storing honey.
Honey bees belong to Phylum- Arthropod, Class- Hexapoda /
Insecta, Order- Hymenoptera and Family- Apidae. There are five species
of honey bees which are of great economic importance.
(i) Apis dorsata (Giant / Rock honey bee)
(ii) A. florea (Little/ Dwarf honey bee)
(iii) A. cerana (Indian/Asian / Eastern honey bee)
(iv) A. mellifera (Italian/ European honey bee)
(v) Trigona iridipennis (Stingless bee/ Dammer bee)
The first three species are indigenous, while the fourth species A.
mellifera was introduced in India in 1962 from European country. A. dorsata
and A. florea are wild bees as they construct nest in open and cannot be
domesticated in wooden hives. Trigona sp. is wild but is rear in peculiar
bee hive. Whereas A. cerana and A. mellifera are hive/ domesticated
bees as they can be hived inside the wooden hives.
Castes of bees
Worker bees
The workers are sterile females which developed from fertilized
Workers are smaller than the drones and have yellowish and dark
brown abdominal stripes.
The workers are the main group in a colony, with 60,000 –70,000 in
an Apis mellifera colony and 25,000 –30,000 in an Apis cerana
They have specialized structures, such as hypopharyngeal glands,
scent glands, wax glands, and pollen baskets, which allow them to
perform all the labors of the hive.
All the work in a honeybee colony is performed by the worker
bees, including honey and pollen collection, brood rearing, building
combs, feeding the drones and queen, cleaning the hive, and
defending the colony.
The specific activities are defined by the age of the bee, with tasks
inside the hive for the first 3 weeks after emergence (comb building,
brood care, hive cleaning, thermoregulation, queen care, honey
ripening) and then outside (foragers and scouts).
Under special circumstances, workers can perform any kind of
task irrespective of age as per the need of the colony.
When the colony is active in spring and summer, worker bee may
live as long as 5- 6 weeks. During inactive period in winter a worker
bee lives five months or more.
Queen bee
Each colony has a single queen bee irrespective of the colony size.
The queen bee is larger than the worker and drone bees, has a
black and shiny cylindrical and longer body, and a round and
comparatively small head.
She is the only perfectly developed female and is the mother of the
Her primary function is reproduction. She produces both fertilized
and unfertilized eggs. During peak production, queens may lay up
to 2000-2500 eggs per day. One queen may produce up to 250,000
eggs per year and possibly more than a 10, 00000 in her lifetime.
The second major function of a queen is secreting pheromone known
as queen substance, required for the stability of the colony including
ovaries inhibition of Worker bees.
The average productive life span of queen is 2 to 3 years.
Drones (male bees) are the largest bees in the colony and are
blackish and hairy.
A colony will usually have a few hundred drones.
They develop from unfertilized eggs and complete their life cycle
in 24 days.
They lead a life of leisure, doing no work while being fed by the
Their sole purpose is to mate with a new queen and also useful to
reduce the temperature of the colony by wing beating. They die
after mating, or are expelled from the hive as winter approaches.
Certainly you might have tasted delicious honey many times. But,
do you know there are other bee products also which has many health
benefits. Let us know about them:
(i) Honey: Honey is the natural sweet substance produced by honey bees
from the nectar of blossoms, which honey bees collect, transform and
combine with specific substances of their own, store and leave in the honey
comb to ripen and mature. Bees normally take about 3-4 weeks for storing,
ripening and sealing of honey in comb cells. The colour of honey varies
from nearly colour less to dark brown. It also indicates quality, because
honey becomes darker during storage or if it is heated. Honey contains a
good amount of digestible sugar, minerals, vitamins, enzymes, water, etc.
The aroma, taste and colour of honey are determined by the plants from
which the bees have gathered nectar. For example, nectar collected from
sunflowers give a golden yellow honey. Honey absorbs moisture very quickly
and should be kept in air tight containers.
(ii) Pollen: When bees visit flowers, pollen sticks to the fine feather-like
hair which covers the body. Bees remove the pollen from the hairs using
the pollen comb; a structure on the hind legs. Then she forms the pollen into
small pellets with the pollen press, and sticks it into the pollen basket to
carry it back to the hive. Pollen is stored in cells immediately surrounding
the brood nest where it is readily available for feeding brood and for
consumption by the nurse bees.
(iii) Beeswax: It is a complex mixture of organic compounds secreted by
four pairs of special glands on the worker bee’s abdomen. It is used for
rural areas and out of which 63% is depend on agriculture. Honey, beeswax
and products made from them, such as candles, wine and food items have
cultural value in many societies and may be used in rituals for births,
marriages, funerals and religious celebrations. Beekeepers are generally
respected for their craft. Bees and beekeeping have a wholesome reputation.
Images of bees are used as symbols of hard work and industry, often by
banks and financial institutions. Beekeeping products such as pollen, propolis
and royal jelly can be harvested and marketed, although special techniques
and equipment are needed for some of these products. The doubling of
farmers income by 2020 is only be possible when farmers will adopt bee
keeping as a part of agriculture/ horticulture.
Honey industry in the country becomes a major foreign exchange
earner if international standards are met. Beekeeping is an age-old tradition
in India but it is considered a no-investment profit giving venture in most
areas. Of late it has been recognized that it has the potential to develop as
a prime agri-horticultural and forest-based industry. Honey production is a
lucrative business and it generates employment.
The informal sector is providing up to 70% of the honey & bees
wax market in India. Indian honey has a good export market. With the use
of modern collection, storage, beekeeping equipment, Honey processing
plants and bottling technologies the potential export market can be tapped.
The problem is one of quality honey production. From a buyer’s point of
view, quality honey is essential.
But India, he said, is lacking on that front. There is a need to look specifically
at how to promote quality production and develop an export market. Indian
honey offers tremendous export potential. For tapping its potential, there is
need to chalk out suitable export strategy. Some of the points which merit
attention of the policy makers in this respect include:
Application of advanced technology for collection, and processing
of honey
Adhering strictly to the quality standards including health regulations
laid down by markets such as the European Union, Japan and the
Recognition of bee keeping as agro-industry
Priority allocation and concessions to be made applicable for material
needed for beekeeping, like wood for bee boxes, sugar for
Renu Jethi, Pratibha Joshi, Ankita Kandpal and Poonam Kashyap
Agricultural sector alone is incapable of creating additional
employment opportunities in the wake of increasing population, limited land
resources and climate change. As a result, the impetus for achieving
sustained development in rural areas has to focus on expanding the base
off-farm activities. Many studies reported that income from rural off-farm
enterprises greatly exceeded the value of farm wage income (Reardon et
al., 2007). If such activities are encouraged and comprehensive planning
approach can be evolved it could provide the solution to the problems of
rural areas such as poverty, unemployment and out-migration of the rural
work force. Obinna (2014) described off- farm activities to constitute of all
the income generating activities that a farmer embarks on in addition to
farming. Off- farm activities contribute to household food security by
providing cash for food and other household purchases and equally, in
agricultural assets acquisition. Babatunde et al (2010) also, reported that
off- farm activities are risks minimizing strategies that safeguarded farmers
against crop and market failures. Economic status of women is very weak
and pathetic in rural areas of India and opportunities of earning are very
less and risky. In this scenario, off farm entrepreneurship activities through
formation of Self Help Groups (SHGs) can paved the way for economic
independence of rural women (Sharma et al. 2012).
Figure 1: Share of various income sources of agricultural households in their total income
in 2012-13 and 2015-16.
Overall, for all the agricultural households in the country, the share
of cultivation is highest, thought it has been decreased from 48 percent to
35 percent from 2012-13 to 2015-16 (Fig. 1). Similarly, share of income
from livestock rearing also declined from 12 to 8 percent in this period.
However, there has been increase in share of wages/salaries and non-farm
business in the total income of agricultural households from 32 to 34 percent
and 8 to 23 percent, respectively. This trend indicates growing importance
of other sources of income for achieving better living conditions and livelihood
security for farmers.
Entrepreneurship is a key factor for the survival of any small-scale
farming in an ever-changing and increasingly complex global economy.
Entrepreneurship plays a significant role in the economic development of a
country and is a most powerful weapon to fight against poverty and
Table 1: Sources of income of agricultural households during 2012-13 and 2015-16
Sources of Wages/Salary (Rs.) Cultivation (Rs.) Farming of animals Non-farm business Total income
income (Rs.) (Rs.)
Year/ Size of 2012-13 2015-16 2012-13 2015-16 2012-13 2015-16 2012-13 2015-16 2012-13 2015-16
land (ha)
less than 0.01 2902 3508 30 566 1181 1345 447 2717 4561 8136
(63.63 %) (43.12 %) (0.66%) (6.96%) (25.89%) (16.53%) (9.8%) (33.39%) (100%) (100%)
0.01-0.4 2386 2932 687 1488 621 517 459 1713 4152 6650
(57.47%) (44.09%) (16.55%) (22.38%) (14.96%) (7.77%) (11.05%) (25.76%) (100%) (100%)
0.41-1 2011 3044 2145 2501 629 624 462 2001 5247 8171
(38.33 %) (37.25 %) (40.88%) (30.61%) (11.99%) (7.64%) (8.81%) (24.49%) (100%) (100%)
1.01-2 1728 2777 4209 4485 818 763 593 1965 7348 9990
(23.52 %) (27.8%) (57.28%) (44.89%) (11.13%) (7.64%) (8.07%) (19.67%) (100%) (100%)
More than 2 1751 3340 10363 7572 1298 978 674 2792 14085 14682
(12.43 %) (22.75%) (73.57%) (51.57%) (9.21%) (6.66%) (4.79%) (19.02%) (100%) (100%)
Source: NSSO 70th round report (Key Indicators of Situation of Agricultural Households in India); NABARD’s All India Rural Financial Inclusion
Survey 2016-17
Note: Data in percentage in the parenthesis shows share of income source in the total income in various land size categories.
women also can do and can create new designs and items through
Considering the benefits of Entrepreneurship development in farm
and off-farm sectors, various initiatives have been taken by the government
of India through Industrial Policies and Five-Year Plans specifically focusing
on the growth of small scale sector, setting up of Special Economic Zones
(SEZs), setting up of Entrepreneurship Institutions, organizing
Entrepreneurship Development Programmes (EDPs) and various
Government Programmes and Schemes for the promotion of
entrepreneurship. Responding to the increasing trend of women opting for
entrepreneurship, many organizations have come up with the idea of special
training for women interested in setting up their own enterprise. Government
provides many types of incentives to entrepreneurs for motivating and
increasing their productivity.
Implementation of various policies and programs for providing
infrastructure and support services to small enterprises is undertaken through
its attached departments such as Small Industries Development Organization
(SIDO), statuary bodies and other organizations such as Khadi and Village
Industries Commission (KVIC), COIR Board; a public sector undertaking,
National Small Industries Corporation (NSIC), training institutes such as
National Institute of Small Industry Extension Training (NISIET) Hyderabad,
National Institute for Entrepreneurship (NIE) Guwahati and National Institute
for Entrepreneurship and Small Business Development (NIESBD), New
The primary responsibility of promotion and development of Micro,
Small and Medium Enterpreneurships is of the State Governments. However,
the Government of India, supplements the efforts of the State Governments
through various initiatives. The role of the Ministry of MSME and its
organizations is to assist the States in their efforts to encourage
entrepreneurship, employment and livelihood opportunities and enhance the
competitiveness of MSMEs in the changed economic scenario. The
schemes/ programmes undertaken by the Ministry and its organizations
seek to facilitate/provide:
i) adequate flow of credit from financial institutions/banks;
ii) support for technology upgradation and modernization;
iii) integrated infrastructural facilities;
iv) modern testing facilities and quality certification;
a-IDEA (Association for Innovation Development of Entrepreneurship in
Agriculture), is a Technology Business Incubator (TBI) hosted by ICAR-
National Academy of Agricultural Research Management, Hyderabad
(ICAR-NAARM) & Department of Science & Technology, Govt. of India
(DST, GOI). a-IDEA has been housed in the Centre for Agri-Innovation at
ICAR-NAARM for fostering innovation and entrepreneurship in agriculture
in India. a-IDEA aims to help entrepreneurs ideate, incubate and accelerate
their innovative early stage startups that are scalable to become competitive
food and agri-business ventures through capacity building, mentoring,
networking and advisory support.
Financial assistance from banking sector
MUDRA Bank : Micro Units Development Refinance Agency
(MUDRA) Bank has been set up on 8th April 2015 for development
of micro units to encourage entrepreneurship in India and provide
the funding to the non-corporate small business sector Main objective
is to provide loan to small businesses. MUDRA Bank provides
refinance to Banks, MFIs, NBFCs etc. for loans to micro units
having loan requirement from Rs 50000 to Rs. 10 lakh. Under
MUDRA Yojana, MUDRA Bank has launched three products
named Shishu, Kishor and Tarun to signify the stage of growth and
funding needs of entrepreneurs.
Stree Shakti Package for women entrepreneurs: This scheme
is offered by most of the SBI branches to women who have 50%
share in the ownership of a firm or business and have taken part in
the state agencies run Entrepreneurship Development Programmes
Bharatiya Mahila Bank Business Loan: This loan acts as a
support system for budding women entrepreneurs looking to start
new ventures in the fields of the retail sector. Bhartiya Mahila
Bank launched in 2013, offers loan against property, MICRO loans,
and SME loans. The maximum loan amount under this loan goes
up to ¹ 20 crores in case of manufacturing industries and also a
concession is available to the extent of 0.25% on the interest rate
and interest rates usually range from 10.15% and higher.
Additionally, under the Credit Guarantee Fund Trust for Micro and
Small Enterprises (CGTMSE), there is no requirement of collateral
security for a loan of up to ¹ 1 crore.
National Skill Development Agency, (2014).
contentindexpage.html?name=Introduction [Retrieved on 24- Sep- 2018].
National Skill Development Corporation, (2015).
profile [Retrieved on 25- Sep- 2018].
National Skill Development Corporation, “Pradhan Mantri Kaushal VikasYojana
(PMKVY)”, Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship, Government
of India, New Delhi, 2015.
Obinna, L. O. (2014): Assessing the Benefits of Non- farm and Farm Activities Among
Rural Dwellers in Ohafia and Umuahia Agricultural Zones of Abia State, Nigeria.
Nigerian Journal of Agriculture, Food and Environment 10 (4) 106 – 111.
Obinna, L. O. and Onu S.E (2017) Contributions of rural women entrepreneurs in non-
farm and off farm enterprises of households poverty reduction in Abia state. Journal
of Agricultural Extension. 21(3): 143-151.
Reardon, T.; Berdegue, J.; Barrett, C. B. and Stamoutis, K. (2007). Household Income
Diversification into Rural Economy: Opportunities and Threats in the Developing
World, pp 141 - 182
Sidhu, K. and Kaur, S. (2006). Development of entrepreneurship among rural women, J.
Soc. Sci., 13(2): 147-149
Rajeev Ranjan, N. Ravisankar, A. K. Prusty, M. Shamim and
A. S. Panwar
Agriculture is the primary occupation for most people in the country.
70% of its population depends directly or indirectly upon agriculture. India
ranks second in the economic contribution of agriculture. The Green
Revolution which started in India in the early 1960s, led to an increase in
food grain production. This landmark agricultural revolution transformed
the nation from chronic dependence on grain imports into an agricultural
powerhouse that is now a net exporter of the world. Gross Value Added by
agriculture, forestry and fishing is estimated at Rs 17.67 trillion (US$ 274.23
billion) in FY18. This provides huge opportunity for new entrepreneurship
opportunities in the sector. In this endeavor, Startup India is a flagship initiative
of the Government of India, intended to build a strong eco-system for
nurturing innovation and Startups in the country that will drive sustainable
economic growth and generate large scale employment opportunities. The
Government through this initiative aims to empower Startups to grow through
innovation and design.
A startup is a newly established business, usually small, started by
1 or a group of individuals. What differentiates it from other new businesses
is that a startup offers a new product or service that is not being given
elsewhere in the same way. The keyword is innovation. The business either
develops a new product/ service or redevelops a current product/service
into something better. Any new company is considered as a startup company.
It can be incorporated as either a Proprietorship Firm (Singly hold), Private
If you are an agriculture student you can start the discussion with
your dean of the college on various prospects so that once you are in your
final year, mobilizing towards the same can be done easily without wasting
There are many resources and facilities which are made available
to startups in agriculture and food sector. DARE/ICAR is running Zonal
Technology Management (ZTM) in various ICAR institutes & Agrinnovate
which is the commercializing handle for agricultural related technologies of
ICAR. For deciding details of the technologies available, you should search
them, get connected, get the list of technologies available, choose as per
your expertise and future market demand, know the details of the licensing
the technology. Every technology has its own prerequisites before licensing
it to an entrepreneur, so try to give a personal visit to understand the details
if you consider to license an existing technology for commercialization.
What’s next?
It is advisable to connect to an agriculture incubator which is nearest
to you as per the relevancy of your products or services. Some of the
agriculture and social incubators are NAARM, MANAGE, NIAM,
NIFTEM, IARI and other ICAR’s Zonal Technology Management Units,
Nexus (US Embassy), Xlr8AP, ICRISAT ABI, IITs Startup Cell, State
Agriculture University’s Incubators; Incubators under ATAL Innovation
Scheme, State Departments and good universities in the states. After
selecting few of them, talk and schedule a meeting to discuss in details and
introduce yourself. It must be noted that, it is not a one way approach that
an incubator selects a startup; it is a two way approach where you should
also decide if the incubators is capable enough to guide and handhold you
toward a successful venture. So you should ask all the questions in your
mind. After than apply for an incubation support in 5-10 incubators till you
may get selected in one or two based on the relevancy of your technologies.
Once you are incubated and registered your company, go for Startup India
recognition via online mode. Register your entity by filling the online form
on the website. After submission in few days you will get the recognition
certificate with allotted number from Dept. of Industrial Policy and Promotion
(DIPP), Ministry of Commerce.
There are many benefits which can be availed once you are
registered under Startup India Scheme. Some of the benefits are subsidy in
protecting your intellectual property rights (IPR) where government fast
tracks your patent application by subsidizing the cost and startup bears on
the main fee. You also get benefits and relaxation in Labour and
Environmental Laws where startups are provided with facility of self
certification. The details for environmental laws can be read under various
notifications in startup India portal. Startup also gets relaxation in norms of
procurement in public sector companies or state/central government. Further
the recognition certificate from startup India also helps in getting investment
especially from the Funds of Fund and tax exemption to selected startups
for three years.
The initial funding is mostly through you, friends and family. Later
after receiving some business in your startup you can show the traction and
growth of your organization to raise funds. Some of the source of the funds
is government grants under various schemes of DST, DBT, CSIR, BIRAC,
MSME etc. Apart from government other source of funds are private
investors whom you or your family might know, angel investors, various
funds under social initiatives run by various organization in the country.
Public sector banks also provide finances under various startup schemes of
Mudra or StandUp India or their own banks schemes. It’s important to
show confidence to the bank about your growth so that they are convinced
to allot you funds for expansion of your business. MSME & NSIC is one
place where a startup should meet the relevant nearest offices and discuss
the various schemes which is relevant for your product marketing and
promotion. They provide lots of marketing and promotion assistance which
could be helpful to give your business a needed push. A startup should
understand the entire ecosystem first, and then target the relevant institutions
for fund raising.
India is expected to achieve the ambitious goal of doubling farm
income by 2022. The agriculture sector in India is expected to generate
better momentum in the next few years due to increased investments in
agricultural infrastructure such as irrigation facilities, warehousing and cold
storage. Furthermore, the growing use of genetically modified crops will
likely improve the yield for Indian farmers. With recent technological
developments in multi facet areas of agriculture coupled with policy support
by govt. and private entities, the sector provides ample of opportunities for
setting up startups opening avenues for entrepreneurship development.
For Startup India Scheme visit
For applying Export-Import Certificate visit
For Marketing and Promotion read MSME, KVIC and NSIC website comprehensively
For self declaration visit
For government marketing-selling portal visit
For ICAR technologies |
Challenges and Opportunities
Poonam Kashyap
A. K. Prusty
A. S. Panwar
Sunil Kumar
Peyush Punia
N. Ravisankar
Vipin Kumar
Published by
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