Arema Specifications For Special Trackwork 100-08 For Rails 115 Lb. and Heavier

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The document outlines specifications for special trackwork for tee rails weighing 115 lb or heavier per yard. It covers general instructions, testing, material specifications, and workmanship requirements.

The specifications cover general instructions, testing and workmanship requirements, and detailed material specifications relating to the purchase and manufacture of special trackwork for tee rails weighing 115 lb per yard and heavier.

The specifications reference the latest AREMA Manual for Railway Engineering, ASTM standards, SAE specifications, and ANSI standards. It also references any trackwork plans and requirements in the order/contract that are not expressly shown in the drawings or specifications.


For Rails 115 lb. and Heavier Page 1

1 Scope 5.2 For track structures for which no plans have been adopted, or for proprietary
1.1 This Specification covers general instructions, testing and workmanship trackwork items, the manufacture shall, when requested, submit detail drawings
requirements and detailed material specifications relating to the purchase and for approval.
manufacture of special trackwork for tee rails weighing 115 lb. per yard and
heavier. 6 WORKMANSHIP
6.1 Workmanship shall be in accordance with good commercial practice.
2 Applicable Documents
2.1 The latest specifications in the AREMA Manual for Railway Engineering, the 6.2 Accuracy of workmanship for completed frogs and switches shall be within the
American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) Book of Standards, the permissible variations prescribed in Plans No. 1020 to 1029.
Society of Automobile Engineers (SAE) specifications, the American National
Standards Institute specifications (ANSI), where indicated, covering a particular 6.3 Bends shall be made accurately in arcs of circles and without injury to the
component or material shall apply. material.

2.2 The trackwork plans in the Portfolio shall be part of these specifications 6.4 Heating of the rails for bending shall be done in a manner so as to have a
minimal adverse effect on the metal. When the nature of the bend permits, rails
2.3 Requirements not shown on the drawings, but which are mentioned in the shall be bent cold.
specifications, or vice versa, or anything not expressly set forth in either, but which
is specified in the order or contract, shall apply. Should anything be omitted from 6.5 Machining shall be true and all abutting surfaces shall fit accurately.
the drawings or specifications that is necessary for a clear understanding of the
work, or should any error appear in either the drawings or specifications affecting 6.6 All sharp edges and corners shall be eliminated by grinding or machining to a
the work, the manufacturer shall notify the purchaser and shall not proceed with suitable chamfer or radius wherever the rail section is altered by a machining.
the work until instructed to do so.
6.7 A radius of 5/8” (15.9 mm) shall be provided (where possible) at the gage
2.4 Any variations from the requirements established in 2.1, 2.2 and 2.3 shall be corners where wheel contact will occur.
detailed in the inquiry contract and order.
6.8 All grinding shall be carefully performed, in a manner that will not develop
3 Definition of Terms grinding cracks.
3.1 The AREMA definition of terms relating to trackwork switches, frogs, guard rails,
crossings and turnouts appear in the Foreword. 6.9 Running surfaces of manganese steel parts shall be ground to a surface
comparable to that of rolled rail. Manganese steel portions fitting into rails or
other parts shall be ground or machined to a suitable fit.
4 Basis of Purchase
4.1 The purchaser will furnish the manufacture specifications and drawings giving rail 6.10 Drilling shall be done accurately, at an angle where necessary.
sections, joint drilling, angles, alignment, general dimensions and such special
details as may be required. 6.10 1 All holes in carbon steel shall be drilled.

5 Manufacture 6.10.2 The burrs, fins and sharp edges of trackwork components, formed, sheared or
5.1 Construction, design and details shall conform to the specified Portfolio Plan cut by machine, shall be removed by grinding or machining a chamfer.
adopted by AREMA as recommended practice.
Page 2 For Rails 115 lb. and Heavier
6.10.3 All holes for turned pins or bolts and for tight fit of rough bolts in other than rail 7.2.2 Rivets shall have standard button or cone heads of uniform size for the same size
steel parts shall also be drilled. rivet.

6.11 Punching shall be permitted only in mild steel parts for rivets, loose rough bolts 7.2.3 Rivet heads shall be concentric with the holes.
and spikes, except where such bolts come so close together or close to the
edge of the piece that the metal between the holes or between hole and edge is 7.2.4 Countersunk rivets shall be flush with the surface and fill the counter sink, except
less in width than the thickness of the material, in which case holes shall be that rivets through base plates and tie plates may have a crown of not more than
drilled. 1/8” (3.2 mm) below the lower surface of the plate.

6.12 All bolt holes in all trackwork components regardless of how manufactured 7.3 Spike Holes
(drilled, punched, cut or forged) must be chamfered. Trackwork requires a 7.3.1 Spike holes shall be punched 3/4” (19 mm) square except those holes at rail base
minimum 1/32” (0.8 mm) chamfer. Rail hole drilling requires a minimum 1/16” edges which shall be 3/4” (19 mm) wide by 13/16” (20.6 mm) long. These holes
(1.6 mm) chamfer +1/32” (0.8 mm) - 0” (0 mm). shall be located nominally 1/16” (1.6 mm) (1/8” (3.2 mm) maximum, 0” minimum)
under the edge of the rail base or into the rail seat at the plate shoulder.
OTHER PHYSICAL ATTRIBUTES 7.3.2 The edge of the spike holes shall not be less than the thickness of the plate plus
7.1 Fit of Bolts 1/4” (6.4 mm) from the ends or sides of plates, except for hook twin tie plates, or
7.1.1 Main bolts in bolted frogs and bolted rail crossings shall have a tight fit in where necessary to match spike holes in fittings or to clear structural members.
properly aligned holes.
7.4 Gage, Track and Guard Face
7.1.2 Where a tight fit of bolts in the hole is not required, drilled or punched holes shall 7.4.1 All gage measurements shall be made at the level of the gage line 5/8” (16 mm)
be not more than 1/16” (1.6 mm) greater in diameter than the bolts, except that below the tread surfaces.
bolts in rail at an angle are to have their holes drilled per Section X-X, Plan
1021, Part II. 7.4.2 Track gage in completed crossings may be 1/16” (1.6 mm) under or 1/16” (1.6
mm) over that specified.
7.1.3 Cored holes in other than manganese castings shall not be more than 1/8” (3.2
mm) greater in diameter than the bolts. 7.4.3 Guard face gage in completed crossings will be in accordance with Plans 790,
791, 792A, 792B and 793.
7.1.4 Holes in manganese castings for frogs and crossings may be up to 5/16” (8 mm)
greater in diameter than the bolts except that the holes for body bolts in rail 7.5 Flangeways
bound frogs and crossings, and for the internal joints of solid manganese 7.5.1 All flangeway measurements, except depth, shall be made at the level of the gage
crossings shall be oval; the larger or horizontal dimension shall not be more line 5/8” (16 mm) below the tread surfaces.
than 3/4” (19 mm) greater than the diameter of the bolts.
7.5.2 Flangeways in completed frogs shall not vary more than plus or minus 1/16” (1.6
7.1.5 Bolt heads and nuts shall have square bearings. mm) from the specified width.

7.2 Pins 7.5.3 Flangeways may be widened, either in design, or as a permissible variation in
7.2.1 Pins shall be of the full diameter called for on the plans, and the holes for them manufacture by machining not more than 1/8” (3.2 mm) from the side of the guard
shall be 1/16” (1.6 mm) greater in diameter. rail head.
For Rails 115 lb. and Heavier Page 3

7.5.4 Flangeways in completed crossings will be in accordance with Plans 790, 791, 11 MATERIALS
792A, 792B and 793. 11.1 Selection
11.1.1 The type and/or grade of material to be used in the production of the various
7.5.5 Flangeways shall be not less than 1-7/8” (47.6 mm) deep, as measured from the parts of special trackwork shall be as indicated in the particular material
top of tread surfaces. specifications detailed herein.

8 Marking 11.1.2 Should two or more types or grades of material be acceptable for production of
8.1 Finished trackwork units shall be plainly marked as indicated in 8.2 through 8.5. a particular part, and a preference has not been indicated by the purchaser in
Only hot stamping shall be permitted on rail or rail components. the contract or order, the selection shall be optional with the manufacturer.

8.2 The manufacturer’s name or initials, section, weight of rail, and month and year of 11.1.3 The type or grade of material used in the production of products shall be at the
manufacture shall be stamped in letters of appropriate size on a separate rust option of the manufacturer.
proof plate secured to the web of the rail.
11.2 Conformance
8.3 Letters and figures 3/4” (19 mm) in height may be stamped on a portion of the 11.2.1 Any material entering into the manufacture of special trackwork or parts thereof
structure other than the rail, in a visible location, not exposed to wear. and which is covered by specification contained (or referred to) herein, shall
conform to the requirements of such specifications, except that:
8.4 Loose parts or fixtures shall be similarly stamped with suitable size letters and
figures. 11.2.2 The paragraphs under 12, 13 and 14, cover Test, Claim and Inspection
conditions for materials used in the production of special trackwork and take
8.5 Frogs shall be marked with the frog number. precedence over, or add to, any similar coverage contained in the various
established specifications for material referred to in 15, Material Specifications
8.6 All or part of the identity shall be cast on molded parts. and Details.

9.1 Welding shall not be permitted on rails or surfaces of other parts exposed to wheel 12.1 All tests shall be performed at the place of manufacture prior to shipment,
wear. unless otherwise agreed, and shall be so conducted as not to interfere
unnecessarily with the operation of the works or the progress of the work on the
9.2 Where welding is permitted on other portions, as indicated on the drawings or in purchaser’s order.
the material specifications, such welding shall be done with an approved process.
12.1.1 Chemical and mechanical tests may be made at a testing laboratory outside of
10 PAINTING the manufacturer’s works and is to be agreed upon between the manufacturer
10.1 Paint, tar, or other covering shall not be applied unless specified by the purchaser and the purchaser.
in the order or contract.
12.2 The records of any test made by the manufacturer on materials used in the
10.2 Such covering, when specified, shall not be applied before final inspection. production of the purchaser’s order shall be made available to the inspector
representing the purchaser.
Page 4 For Rails 115 lb. and Heavier
12.3 For materials or parts of the order taken from stock or purchased from other 15 MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONS AND DETAILS
producers, the trackwork manufacturer shall, when required by the order or 15.1 Scope
contract, certify that the material conforms with the requirements of the 15.1.1 Rails, castings, forgings, rolled shapes, washers, and fasteners used in special
specifications. trackwork ordered to the plans in the Portfolio, shall be produced in
conformance with specifications indicated, modified in some instances, but in
12.3.1 Should the purchaser desire any chemical or mechanical tests of these any case subject to details offered herein, and to the conditions set forth in
materials, the purchaser shall be responsible for the expense of such tests, 11.2.2.
unless the materials fail to meet the specifications, in which case the trackwork
manufacturer shall be responsible. 15.1.2 Trackwork to be manufactured to plans other than those in the Portfolio may be
ordered produced in conformance with general conditions, material
12.3.2 The manufacturer shall, when required by the order or contract, supply the specifications and detailed requirements of the AREMA Portfolio of Trackwork
purchaser with a certificate of inspection from the rail manufacturer for rails used Plans.
in the order.
15.1.3 The specifications contained (or referred to) herein are based as far as possible
13 CLAIMS on established specifications of various national associations and societies with
13.1 The acceptance of any material by an inspector shall not prevent subsequent such modifications as are necessary to adapt the material to the manufacture of
rejection if found defective after delivery. special trackwork.

13.2 A claim for defective material and/or trackwork shall cover only such defects as M1. Steel Rails
will impair the service life of the material. Refer to AREMA Manual for Railway Engineering, Chapter 4.

13.3 Claims for replacement of defective material and/or workmanship shall not be M2. MANGANESE STEEL CASTINGS
recognized unless made promptly and based on defects appearing within 90 M2.1 Material Covered
days from date of installation, and in any event within two years from date of M2.1.1 Manganese steel castings for solid steel track structures, or wearing parts of
shipment. fabricated steel track structures.
13.4 No guarantee of specific length of service will be required. M2.2 Manufacture
M2.2.1 Austenitic manganese steel castings shall be produced in conformance with the
14 INSPECTION latest issue of ASTM A128, Specification for Austenitic Manganese Steel
14.1 The manufacturer shall afford the purchaser’s inspector all reasonable facilities Castings, Grade A, except that the chemical requirements shall be modified as
necessary to satisfy him that the material is being produced and furnished in follows:
accordance with this specification. Mill inspection by purchaser shall not
interfere unnecessarily with the manufacturer’s operations. All inspections shall Percent
be made at the place of manufacture, unless otherwise agreed to. Element
Minimum Maximum
Carbon 1.00 1.30
Manganese 12.00 -
Silicon - 1.00
Phosphorus - 0.07
For Rails 115 lb. and Heavier Page 5

M2.2.2 All castings shall be heat treated as prescribed in the ASTM Specification A128. M2.4.7 If the bend test representing any lot of castings fails to meet the requirement
specified, the lot of castings may be reheat treated, but not more than twice.
M2.3 Heat or Cast and Product Analysis Bend test specimens shall not be reheat treated, but new specimens shall be
M2.3.1 Heat or cast analysis shall be made by the manufacturer, either chemically or substituted. Retests shall be performed in the manner prescribed for the
spectrographically, as required by the specifications, to determine the original test, but two specimens representing the lot of castings shall be
percentages of the elements specified in M2.2.1. tested, both of which shall meet the requirements of M.2.4.5.

M2.3.2 Product analysis may be made by the purchaser of a sample obtained from a M2.5 Workmanship
casting representing each heat cast in accordance with the conditions in the M2.5.1 The castings shall be true to the pattern and conform to the shape and sizes
specification. indicated by the Purchaser’s drawings in accordance with good foundry
M2.4.1 When specified in the purchase order or contract, one bend test shall be made
from each heat of steel in each heat treatment charge. M2.5.2 Large protrusions, sharp fins, sand holes and chills outside of the casting shall
be removed.
M2.4.2 The bend test specimens shall be nominally 1/2“ by 3/4” (13 by 19 mm) in cross
section and 12” (300 mm) long, pored in a separate mold, from the same heat or M2.5.3 Castings shall be free from hot tears, cracks and other injurious defects.
cast of steel as the lot of castings it represents. Castings shall be free of cold shuts that impair serviceability.

M2.4.3 The bend test specimen shall be heat treated with the castings it represents. M2.5.4 When specified, radiographic testing and/or sectioning will be used to qualify
When heat treated with castings of comparatively heavy section, the test bar castings for acceptance of internal soundness, by the manufacturer. To verify
may be protected from oxidation by enclosing it in a pipe or container with a radiographic testing, the qualification process may include sectioning of the
small amount of carbonaceous material, suitably sealed or luted to limit test bar castings.
contact with the furnace gases.
M2.5.4.1 Internal soundness of castings shall comply to radiographic testing quality
M2.4.4 The bend specimen shall be tested without being machined or ground except as standard levels as specified in Plans 1012, 1013, 1014, 1015, 1016 and 1017.
may be necessary to remove decarburization or surface irregularities, or to
separate it from the runner or sprue through which it was poured. M2.5.4.2 Radiographic testing shall be done in conformance with the latest issue of the
following ASTM specifications:
M2.4.5 The test specimen shall withstand cold bending by any method preferred by the
manufacturer, through 150° around a pin I” (25.4 mm) in diameter without E – 94 Recommended Practice for Radiographic Testing
breaking. Surface cracking that does not go deeper than halfway through the E – 446 Reference Radiographs up to 2 inches in Thickness, (0“–2”)
test specimen midway between the edges shall be acceptable. E – 186 Reference Radiographs for Heavy Wall Steel Castings, (2”-4-1/2”)
E – 280 Reference Radiographs for Heavy Wall Steel Castings, (4-1/2”- 12”)
M2.4.6 If any test specimen reveals internal defects during bending and does not
conform to the requirement, it shall be discarded and another specimen from the M2.5.4.3 The continued frequency of radiographic testing and surface area coverage of
same lot of castings substituted for testing. components for castings meeting soundness qualification standards will be
specified by the purchaser.
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M2.5.5 Where testing, in accordance with M2.5.4 through to M2.5.4.3 is not specified, M2.6.2 Only electric arc repair welding utilizing the proper technique and electrodes or
castings shall be free from sand holes, gas pockets, and other imperfections, semi-automatic wire shall be employed as provided under “Welding of
unless these imperfections are in locations where they will not appreciably Manganese Castings in Special Trackwork”, Chapter 5 of the AREMA Manual
weaken the casting or impair its wearing qualities. for Railway Engineering.

M2.5.6 Where testing, in accordance with M2.5.4 through to M2.5.4.3 is not specified, M2.7 Depth Hardening
castings shall be free from all shrinkage cracks unless they are of the size and M2.7.1 When specified, the impact areas described on the Trackwork Plans shall be
in such locations that they will not adversely affect the service life of the hardened to a minimum surface Brinell hardness number of 352 for areas within
casting. Shrinkage cracks will not be permitted at any part of the tread 1” (25.4 mm) of the gage lines and minimum Brinell hardness number 321 for
surface. the balance of the hardened area.

M2.5.7 As cast tread surfaces within 2-1/2 (63.1 mm) of the gage line and flangeway M2.7.2 The hardening method to be employed, if not otherwise specified, shall be at the
walls 1” (25.4 mm) down from the tread surface shall be free of imperfections option of the manufacturer.
unless they are so small that they will be practically removed by the finish
grinding. M2.7.3 Unless otherwise specified, one hardness reading only shall be required on
each hardened area. This reading shall be taken at the intersection of lines 1”
M2.5.8 Castings shall be free from twist and reasonably true, both as to general (25.4 mm) from, and parallel to, the gage or guard lines.
surface and alignment, and shall not show signs of straining or undue denting
from the straightening operation. M2.7.4 In case any hardening measurement does not meet the specified requirements,
two additional measurements shall be made, one on either side of the original
M2.5.9 The bottom part of the casting which rests on plates or ties shall be impression, about 1” (25.4 mm) distant and parallel with the gage or guard line.
reasonably straight and without twist, and shall be free of surface irregularities If both of these measurements meet the requirements, the original reading shall
or imperfections that would prevent a good bearing. be discarded, and these reading are to be recorded in its place.

M2.5.10 Castings shall be without sharp corners at the base, having minimum radii of M2.7.5 Castings failing to meet the hardness requirement will be acceptable provided
1/4” (6.4 mm) at the intersection of the inside vertical wall and the bottom, and the fee for the hardening process is not assessed.
1/8” (3.2 mm) at the intersection of the outside vertical wall at the bottom.
M2.5.11 Bolt holes in castings shall not be enlarged by cutting or reaming with an oxy- M3.l Material Covered
acetylene torch, unless specifically approved by the purchaser. M3.1.1 Carbon steel castings for solid track structures, or parts of track structures
exposed to wheel wear, which are required to be heat treated and mechanical
M2.6 Repair by Welding properties are specified, including yokes for guard rail clamps, operating parts
M2.6.1 Defects that will not ultimately impair the strength of the casting may, with the for switch stands, special joint bars, and blocks in toe and heel joints. These
consent of the purchaser’s inspector, be welded by an approved process were formerly designated as Grade H-1 or Class “B” Hard castings.
which meets the requirements of M2.6.2.
For Rails 115 lb. and Heavier Page 7

M3.1.2 Steel castings for general service in trackwork for which mechanical properties M3.4.2 The content of carbon, manganese, silicon, and other alloying elements shall be
and heat treatment are not specified, including appurtenances and fittings, selected by the manufacturer to obtain the mechanical properties specified for
corner braces, rail braces, washers, spring housings, separator and end blocks the grade 80-40 steel heat treated castings.
for guard rails, adjusting wedges, for guard rail clamps, parts for switch stands,
and other parts not exposed to wheel wear. These were formerly designated as M3.4.3 An analysis of each heat of steel shall be made by the manufacturer to
Grade N-3 castings. determine the percentages of the elements specified.

M3.2 Manufacture M3.4.4 An analysis may be made by the purchaser from a test specimen or from a
M3.2.1 Heat treated carbon steel castings described in M3.1.1 shall be produced in casting. The chemical composition thus determined shall conform to the
conformance with the latest issue of ASTM A148 Specification for High Strength specified requirements.
Steel Castings for Structural Purposes, Grade 80-40.
M3.5 Mechanical Requirements
M3.2.2 Carbon steel castings described in M3.1.2 shall be produced from AISI/SAE M3.5.1 Mechanical property requirements are not specified for other than the grade 80-
number 1040 steel prescribed in M3.4.1, but as an alternate may be produced 40 steel castings.
from steel of lesser carbon content at the option of the manufacturer, unless
otherwise specified in the order or contract. In the absence of a standard M3.5.2 The tensile properties for the grade 80-40 steel castings, determined in
specification covering the requirements for this particular group of castings, the accordance with the test coupon, method of test, number of tests, and retest
castings shall conform in workmanship, finish and general character to the conditions established in the ASTM A148 or ASTM 214 specification, shall meet
requirements of the latest issue of ASTM A148 specification. the following specified values:

M3.3 Heat Treatment and Stress Relieving Property psi Percent

M3.3.1 Grade 80-40 steel castings shall be heat treated by full annealing, normalizing, Tensile Strength, Minimum 80,000
quenching, tempering or combinations of these heat treatments, at the option of Yield Point, Minimum 40,000
the manufacturer in accordance with ASTM A148 specification. Elongation in 2” (50 mm), Minimum 18
Reduction of Area, Minimum 30
M3.3.2 Castings of 1040 steel and those with carbon content over 0.30 percent shall be
stress relieved, but may be annealed, normalized or otherwise heat treated at M3.5.3 Bend tests shall not be required for carbon steel castings.
the option of the manufacturer, in accordance with ASTM A148 specification.
Castings with carbon content over 0.30 percent need not be treated unless M3.6 Workmanship and Finish
otherwise specified in the order or contract. M3.6.1 The castings shall conform substantially to the shape and sizes indicated on the
patterns and drawings.
M3.4 Chemical Requirements
M3.4.1 The steel shall conform to the following as to chemical composition: M3.6.2 The castings shall be free from injurious defects.

Percent M3.7 Welding Repairs

Carbon Manganese Phosphorus Sulphur M3.7.1 Minor imperfections which do not impair the strength or wearing qualities of the
A148 Grade 80-40 See M3.4.2 0.050 Max. 0.060 Max. castings, except those located on the tread surface within 1.5” (38.1 mm) of the
AISI/SAE Number 1040 0.37–0.44 0.60-0.90 0.040 Max. 0.050 Max. gage line may be welded with an approved method.
Other - - 0.050 Max. 0.060 Max.
Page 8 For Rails 115 lb. and Heavier
M3.7.2 Imperfections shall be considered minor when the depth of the cavity prepared M5.5.2 At the option of the purchaser or his representative, a casting may be tested to
for welding is not greater than 20 percent of the actual wall thickness, but in no destruction, or otherwise broken up to determine the presence of any
case greater than 1” (25.4 mm). manufacturing condition which may be detrimental to the serviceability of the
M3.7.3 With the consent of the purchaser, imperfections other than minor may be
repaired by welding with an approved process. M5.5.3 When so specified by the purchaser in the order or contract, the castings shall
be subject to the tensile test prescribed in the particular ASTM specifications
M3.7.4 All minor welds shall be given a suitable stress relief or heat treatment referred to in M5.2.1 and M5.2.2.

M5. MALLEABLE AND DUCTILE IRON CASTINGS M5.5.4 The iron as represented by tensile test specimens obtained, prepared and
M5.1 Material Covered tested in accordance with the applicable specifications, shall conform to the
M5.1.1 Malleable or ductile iron castings for fittings and appurtenances for trackwork, following minimum requirements as set forth in the specification:
braces, washers, switch clips, spring housings, and foot guards which may be
produced from either type of iron at the option of the manufacturer. Malleable Iron, ASTM A47 Ductile Iron, ASTM 536
Mechanical Property Grade 32510 Grade 65-45-12
M5.2 Manufacture psi MPa Percent psi MPa Percent
M5.2.1 Malleable iron castings shall be produced in conformance with the latest issue Tensile Strength, Min. 50,000 345 65,000 448
of ASTM A47, Specification for Malleable Iron Castings, Grade 32510. Yield Strength, Min. 32,000 224 45,000 310
Elongation in 2” (50 mm), Min. 10.0 12.0
M5.2.2 Ductile iron castings shall be produced in conformance with the latest issue of
ASTM A536, Specification for Ductile Iron Castings, Grade 65-45-12. M5.6 Workmanship and Finish
M5.6.1 The castings shall conform substantially to the dimensions on the drawings or to
M5.3 Heat Treatment the patterns supplied by the purchaser.
M5.3.1 Malleable iron castings shall be properly annealed. Any casting rejected for
improper annealing may be re-annealed. M5.5.2 The castings shall be reasonably smooth and free from injurious imperfections.

M5.3.2 Ductile iron castings shall generally be as-cast, but may be heat treated at the M6. STEEL FORGINGS
option of the manufacturer.
M6.1 Material Covered
M6.1.1 Mild carbon steel forgings for corner braces, fillers, and other parts of trackwork
M5.4 Chemical Requirements
and track specialties not exposed to wheel wear.
M5.4.1 It is the intent of the specification to subordinate chemical composition to
mechanical properties. The quantities of any chemical elements in either the
M6.1.2 Higher carbon steel forgings for riser blocks, switch tongues, and other parts of
malleable or ductile iron shall be at the option of the manufacturer, except where
trackwork which are exposed to wheel wear, as well as parts of trackwork and
the elements may be specified by special agreement between the purchaser
track specialties not exposed to wheel wear if produced to this class at the
and the manufacturer.
option of the manufacturer.
M5.5 Mechanical Requirements
M5.5.1 Mechanical property tests are not normally required for malleable or ductile iron
For Rails 115 lb. and Heavier Page 9

M6.2 Manufacture 6.5.2 When specified by the purchaser in the order or contract, higher carbon, Grade
M6.2.1 Mild steel forgings described in M6.1.1 shall be produced in conformance with C, trackwork forgings shall be tested in accordance with the ASTM A668
the latest issue of ASTM A668, Specification for Forging, Carbon and Alloy specifications, and the properties shall conform to the specified following
Steel, for General Industrial Use, Grade B. requirements:

M6.2.2 Higher carbon steel forgings described in M6.1.2 shall be produced in Mechanical Property psi MPa Percent
conformance with the latest issue of ASTM A668, Specification for Forging, Tensile Strength, Minimum 75,000 515
Carbon and Alloy Steel, for General Industrial Use, Grade C. Yield Strength, Minimum 37,500 260
Elongation in 2” (50 mm), Minimum 20
M6.2.2.1Forgings in Grade C may also be produced from rail steel which meets the Reduction in Area, Minimum 33
requirements of M1.2.1 and M1.3.1.
M6.5.3 Any testing in addition to that prescribed in M6.5.2 shall be a matter of
M6.3 Heat Treatment agreement between the manufacturer and the purchaser and shall be required
M6.3.1 Mild steel, Grade B trackwork forgings need not be heat treated unless so only when specified in the order or contract.
specified in the order or contract.
M6.6 Workmanship and Finish
M6.3.2 After forging and before reheating for heat treatment, Grade C forgings shall be M6.6.1 The forgings shall conform to the sizes and shapes specified by the purchaser.
cooled below the transformation temperature or to approximately 1000°F
(538°C), and must not be permitted to cool below 500°F (260°C), without slow M6.6.2 The forgings shall be free from injurious imperfections.
M6.3.3 Higher carbon, Grade C trackwork forgings may be annealed, normalized,
M7.1 Material Covered
normalized and tempered, or quenched and tempered to meet the mechanical
M7.1.1 Rolled mild steel bars, bar size and structural shapes, and plates hammered,
requirements in ASTM A668 and as indicated in M6.5.2.
pressed, cut or machined for fittings and appurtenances, reinforcements, switch
rods, clips, braces, slide and turnout plates, base and special tie plates, hold
M6.4 Chemical Requirements
down housings, stops, heavy joint bars for internal joints of solid manganese
M6.4.1 The steel shall conform to the following chemical requirements, except when rail
steel crossings, corner braces, etc., but not including standard tie plates.
steel is utilized (see M6.2.2 and M6.2.2.1):
M7.2 Manufacture
ASTM A668 Composition, Percent M7.2.1 Bar and bar size shape stock shall be produced in conformance with the latest
Grade Carbon Manganese Phosphorus Sulphur Silicon issue of ASTM A663, Specification for Merchant Quality Hot-Rolled Carbon
Grade B 0.15-0.25 0.30-0.60 0.045 Max. 0.050 Max. -- Steel Bars, Grade 60 or ASTM A36, Specification for Structural Steel.
Grade C 0.40-0.55 0.60-0.90 0.045 Max. 0.050 Max. 0.15
M7.2.2 Structural shape and plate stock shall be produced in conformance with the
6.5 Mechanical Requirements latest issue of ASTM A36, Specification for Structural Steel.
6.5.1 Grade B trackwork forgings are generally not specified to mechanical property
Page 10 For Rails 115 lb. and Heavier
M7.3 Chemical Requirements M8.3 Heat Treatment
M7.3.1 The steel shall conform to the following chemical requirements: M8.3.1 When specified in the order or contract, the bars shall be heat treated to provide
the minimum hardness specified in M8.5.1.
Element Percent
Phosphorus 0.04 Max. M8.4 Chemical Requirements
Sulphur 0.05 Max. M8.4.1 The steel shall conform to the following chemical composition:
Copper (when copper steel is specified) 0.20 Min.
M7.4 Tensile Requirements Minimum Maximum
M7.4.1 When specified in the order or contract, one tensile test representing the Carbon 0.35 0.60
material employed shall be made in accordance with the test specimen and
procedure set forth in the respective specifications. M8.5 Hardness Requirement
M8.5.1 When the filler bars are specified in the order or contract to be heat treated, they
M7.4.2 The material represented by the tensile test specimen shall conform to the shall have a minimum Brinell hardness of 277 after heat treatment.
following requirements:
M8.6 Workmanship and Finish
Minimum Maximum M8.6.1 The bars shall be smooth, straight and within the dimensions specified in M8.6.2
Tensile Strength of: through M8.6.4. It may be necessary to machine as rolled filler bars to meet
psi MPa psi MPa
A663 Grade 60 60,000 415 72,000 495 these requirements in the case of certain rail sections.
A36 58,000 400 80,000 550
M8.6.2 The fishing height of the as rolled bars shall not vary from that called for by the
M7.5 Workmanship and Finish rail section specified by more than 1/64” (0.4 mm) over or 1/32” (0.8 mm) under
M7.5.1 Permissible variations in the size and the dimensions of as rolled finished bars, the nominal dimensions.
shapes and plates shall be as provided in the specifications referred to in M7.2.
M8.6.3 The width of the as rolled filler bars between the rail web contact faces shall not
M7.5.2 Completed articles shall be accurately finished for the purpose intended, and vary more than 1/16” (1.6 mm) over or under the dimensions specified.
shall be free from injurious imperfections.
M8.6.4 The depth of the flangeway groove shall not vary by more than 3/16” (4.8 mm)
M8. ROLLED STEEL FROG FILLER over or 1/16” (1.6 mm) under the dimension specified.
M8.1 Material Covered
M8.1.1 Rolled steel bars of a shape to be fitted as a spacer into the fishing area M9. HELICAL SPRINGS
between two standard tee rail sections. M9.1 Material Covered
M9.1.1 Helical springs for spring rail frogs and spring switch operating mechanisms.
M8.2 Manufacture
M8.2.1 Filler bars shall be hot rolled from steel produced by any acceptable steel M9.2 Manufacture
making process. M9.2.1 Springs hot-coiled from hot-rolled steel bars 3/8” (9.5 mm) and larger in
diameter shall be produced in conformance with the latest issue of ASTM A125,
Specification for Heat Treated Steel Helical Springs.
For Rails 115 lb. and Heavier Page 11

M9.2.1.1 As provided in ASTM A125 specification, the springs shall be made from M9.5 Mechanical Requirements
carbon steel bars conforming to the requirements of the latest issues of ASTM M9.5.1 The mechanical requirements, number of tests, and test procedures are
A689, Specification for Carbon and Alloy Steel Bars for Springs, and ASTM detailed in ASTM A125 specification for hot-coiled and heat treated spring
A29, General Requirements for Steel Bars Carbon and Alloy, Hot–Rolled and steel, and in ASTM A228 for cold-drawn, and ASTM A229 for the oil-tempered
Cold-Finished. spring steel wire.

M9.2.2 Springs may also be made from cold-drawn or oil-tempered wire less than M9.6 Physical Requirements
1/2” (12.7 mm) in diameter and produced in conformance with the latest issue M9.6.1 Measurements, permissible variations from drawings, and physical tests on
of ASTM A228, Specification for Steel Wire, Music Spring Quality, or ASTM finished springs shall be as detailed in ASTM A125 specification.
A229, Specification for Steel Wire, Oil-Tempered for Mechanical Springs,
respectively. M9.7 Workmanship and Finish
M9.7.1 The surface of hot-coiled springs shall be in the as-quenched and tempered
M9.3 Heat Treatment condition.
M9.3.1 Hot-coiled springs produced in accordance with Specification A125 must be
quenched and tempered after forming to meet the hardness requirements of M9.7.2 The surface of all springs shall be free from injurious imperfections.
the specification.
M9.3.2 Springs manufactured from pre-hardened wire produced in accordance with Refer to AREMA Manual for Railway Engineering, Chapter 4.
Specifications A228 or A229 are not heat treated after forming.

M9.4 Chemical Requirements

M9.4.1 Unless otherwise specified, ASTM A125 specification provides that the M11.1 Material Covered
springs shall be made from hot-rolled carbon steel bars conforming to the M11.1.1 For steel track bolts refer to AREMA Manual for Railway Engineering, Chapter
chemical composition requirements of the latest issue of ASTM A689, 4.
Specification for Carbon and Alloy Steel Bars for Springs. AISI grade
designation 1095 steel is most commonly used. M11.2 Manufacture
M11.2.1 Heat treated steel bolts as defined in M11.1.2 and M11.1.3 shall be produced
M9.4.1.1 Due to hardenability limitations of carbon steel, it is suggested that the bar in conformance with the latest issue of SAE J429, Specification for
diameter be limited to 1-5/8” (41.8 mm) maximum in order to withstand the Mechanical and Material Requirements for Externally Threaded Fasteners, to
maximum test stress requirements of ASTM A125 specification. a Grade 5 designation.

M9.4.2 The chemical composition for cold-drawn and oil-tempered wire for springs M11.2.2 Where specified by the purchaser, heat treated steel bolts as defined in
shall conform to the requirements provided in the respective ASTM A228 and M11.1.2 and M11.1.3 shall be produced to a Grade 8 designation, in
A229 specifications. conformance with the latest issue of SAE J429, Specification for Mechanical
and Material Requirements for Externally Threaded Fasteners.

M11.2.3 Medium carbon steel nuts as defined in M11.1.2 and M11.1.3 shall be
produced in conformance with the latest issue of SAE J995, Specification for
Mechanical and Material Requirements for Steel Nuts, to a Grade 5
Page 12 For Rails 115 lb. and Heavier
M11.2.4 Where specified by the purchaser, medium carbon heat treated steel nuts M11.4.5 The bolts shall have unthreaded shanks within the limits of ANSI B18.2.1, for
as defined in M11.1.2 and M11.1.3 shall be produced to a Grade 8 Square Head Bolt Requirements, but not less than the minimum major
designation, in conformance with the latest issue of SAE J995, Specification diameter of the threads.
for Mechanical and Material Requirements for Steel Nuts.
M11.4.6 Bolts shall be equipped as shown on the detailed plans with head locks,
M11.2.5 The Grade of steel of the nut shall correspond to the Grade of steel of the spring washers and flat or beveled washers to provide proper bearing and to
bolt. permit tightening of the nuts with a standard track wrench. Bearing shall be as
defined in ANSI B18.2.1 specification.
M11.3 Chemical and Mechanical Requirements
M11.3.1 Chemical and mechanical requirements, and tests when specified by the M11.4.6.1 Torque values to be applied to grades of bolt defined by this specification
purchaser in the order or contract, shall be in accordance with those shall be as per the appropriate table below. Values shall be selected from the
indicated in the specifications for the particular Grade of material utilized, tables depending upon the steel grade of the bolt, the diameter of the bolt and
except that the minimum carbon content of medium carbon steel nuts shall the surface condition of the bolt (i.e. lubricated or non-lubricated).
be 0.40 percent.
Recommended Torque Values in ft.-lb. to Produce the
M11.4 Dimensions and Other Physical Attributes Minimum Specified Tension in SAE Grade 5 Bolts
M11.4.1 The heat treated bolts and medium carbon steel nuts, other than track bolts, Bolt
Min. Tension - lb. Lubricated Condition Non-Lubricated Condition
shall conform to the details of M11.4. Diameter
1/2” 12,000 80 105
M11.4.1.1 Main bolts or bolts through the body and filers of frogs, guard rails, and 5/8” 19,000 155 210
crossings of special trackwork and applicable nuts shall be 1-3/8” in 3/4” 28,000 275 370
diameter. 7/8” 39,000 450 600
1” 51,000 670 890
M11.4.1.2 The diameter of bolts and applicable nuts, other than those defined in 1-1/8” 56,000 825 1100
M11.4.1 and M11.4.1.1, shall be as specified in the detail plans. 1-1/4” 71,000 1165 1550
1-3/8” 85,000 1535 2040
M11.4.2 The dimensional data for bolts for special trackwork as defined in M11.1.2
and M11.1.3 shall conform to the latest issue of ANSI B18.2.1 specification, Recommended Torque Values in ft.-lb. to Produce the
for square head bolts, except where otherwise shown on detail plans. Minimum Specified Tension in SAE Grade 8 Bolts
Min. Tension - lb. Lubricated Condition Non-Lubricated Condition
M11.4.3 The dimensional data for nuts for special trackwork, shall conform to the Diameter
latest issue of ANSI B18.2.2 specification, for heavy square nuts. 1/2” 15,000 100 130
5/8” 24,000 195 265
M11.4.4 The bolt and nut threads shall conform to the latest issue of the ANSI B1.1, 3/4” 35,000 345 460
Unified Screw Thread Requirements, Course Thread Series, UNC, with 7/8” 49,000 565 750
tolerances and allowances in accordance with Class 2A for external threads 1” 64,000 840 1120
(bolts) and Class 2B for internal threads (nuts). 1-1/8” 80,000 1180 1575
1-1/4” 102,000 1675 2230
1-3/8” 121,000 2185 2910
Note: Lubricated torque values shall be achieved by applying a metal based lubricant to the bolt threads.
For Rails 115 lb. and Heavier Page 13

M11.5 Identification Symbols

M11.5.1 Heat treated steel bolts, as defined in M11.1.2 and M11.2.3, shall be identified
by marking symbols on the top of the head of the bolts. Identification markings
shall be as per the appropriate SAE Grade Marking for steel bolts.

M11.5.2 Medium carbon steel nuts as defined in M11.1.2 and M11.1.3, shall be
identified by markings as the manufacturer and grade in conformance with the
latest issue of ANSI B18.2.2, Specification for Heavy Square Nuts.

M11.6 Workmanship
M11.6.1 All bolts and nuts shall be free of imperfections that affect their serviceability.

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