Name /or6 Hay Karmal: Important Points For Assignment Submission

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Deadline: Communicated over email

Name /Or6 hay KarMal

Conduction Heat Transfer

Importantpoints for assignmentsubmission

T a k e a one-sided printout of the homework assignment (including this page) corresponding to

your name and roll numbers. And solve on the printout itself. Fill the front page before you submit.
You can attach additional sheets/ graphs etc. Feel free to give your rough work. You can also wnite
the question using a pen/pencil.

You can submit the assignment on before your Heat Transfer Mid-semester
exam. There is a strict penalty for submitting after the deadline (1/4th marks deducted for
every single day).

I f you feel that some required data is missing, feel free to consult your textbook engineering
toolbox on the web for necessary information. Cite the source of the information.

You are welcome to help your friends in solving the assignments. But, since each person has got a
different assignment, you can't hope to get much help. So, my advice is : Start early! I would
encourage you to help others with this assignment if you are approached by your classmates. This will
not only help them, but also you in becoming more broad-minded, something that will be very helpful
in your future professional and personal lives.

You will be graded first on your integrity, and later, for your precision. You will get a zero on the
assignment if you are not thoroughly honest in solving this assignment or if you falsely report the
facts or if you solve the assignment that you were not supposed to. Those who submit an assignment
are expected to remember their solutions. I may call some of you for a viva to explain your solutions
lf you fail to answer, you would prove yourself to be dishonest, by default.

I f you do not know an answer to a question, please mark I need help with this', preferably with a
red pen. In any case, do not resort to copying something without understanding it.

Your truthful testimony

How much time did you spend in solving this assignment? Elaborate.

AppHOK S howly.
Did someone help you in getting it done'? Name the people who were of help.
NO clcln Hake helb om anoner di d it
Did you help someone in solving this assignment? Name some
people you helped. To what

No Sir
Does this assignment boost your confidence in facing engineering questions on Heat Transfer?
0 The 'Gango-jalis'at City Palace,Jaipur
Contained within the Maharaja's City Palace in Jaipur are the two largest single items of sterling
silver, two huge water vessels known as Gangajalis. Each of the silver urns has a capacity of 4,091 L,
weighs 345 kg and stands at 1.6 metres, recognized by the Guinness Book of World Records as the
largest single object constructed from silver.

They were created over a two year period between 1894 and 1896 by two Jaipur silversmiths and
fashioned from a total of 14,000 silver coins. The pair of silver jars
water avoided the use of
soldering sections together, so they are considered as a solid single piece of silver. The silver urns
were constructed under the direction of maharaja Madho Singh ll's for his visit to London 1902 to
attend the coronation of Edward VII. These silver containers were filled with Ganges water, shipped
to Bombay and loaded on the ship which sailed to London. The sea voyage to London would have
taken around six months (one way)

Madho Singh ll was poised and a devout person wlio drank only Ganges water on his trip to England.
He knew that the Ganges water has the mystic and amazing potency of not getting spoiled or
infected even as you stored it in a closed container (If you do not believe it, try storing the ordinary
chlorinated tap water for a week vis-à-vis the Ganges water!). In addition, he knew that Ganges
water has other benefits which may even be beyond the exact explanations of the then modern

scientific understanding.

Assuming that these Gangajalis were kept on the ship deck exposed to the sunlight, the average
diurnal irradiation (for 8 hours) of the sun being 400 W/m. Further, as far as the exposed surface
area and thickness of the jar is concerned, it can be assumed to be that of an equivalent spherical
outer silver surface be assumed to have a
container holding the same volume. The shining

reflectivity of 89%. Given that the thermal conductivity of pure silver is 407 W/mK, estimate the
that given to the Maharaja to drink.
temperature of the Ganges water at the end of the day, was

A Siluet Uyn Capai uoqL

wesgt 34
Stards at -6 m

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o0x 1:5 +2S

s 0 - S8 +2S
200°C while the fourth side of 0.0 m length is
A plate ofsiae 0.3 m 1m has three of tho sides at
location P (0.16, 0,5) and ealoulate the amount of
held at 600°C. Determine the temporatures at
heat eondueted along the x direetion across the plano x 0475 botween the locations y 0.16
and y= 0.66


A copper oire 5 mm.dia corrying current generales 66. 76 W/m length
(01f the surface is xposed to air at 30°C with h = 26 W/m K. Determine the Burface

contact resistance of 0.02 mC/
un Ifa very thin eoating of varnish hike insulation with a
Wis added, determine the surface temperature

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Conuetion ReuManco: AX TNDODSA


G616 T-3o
30 T
Consider a slab of thickness
L = 0.25 m. One surface is kept at 100°C and the
other surface at 0°C. Determine the net flux across
the slab ifthe slab is madefrom pure copper. Themal
conductivity of copper may be taken as 387.6 W/m K.

L0 Sm
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loo'c ot
Kto38t6 wwmk
4 - f hoensiono
No h ead

So Acc. o tou1o' law

d1 - (19-)
1otlu9, 2-k
-321.6 (0- loo)
The outer diameter of a small engine eylinder is 56 mm. Determine the heat
dissipation by a circumferential fin of 4mm thickness and 40 mm length if k = 210 W/mK and
h = 115 W/m K The base temperature is 200°C and surroundings are at 35°C.

t ven

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1SY2w(L 4) «LTo-To)
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be mtnoo ledge did h
St w Ahe
NE&D +1LP 0 17 H 7THIS
Assume steady-state, one-dimensional heat conduction
through the symmetric shape shown

Assuming that there is no internal heat generation, derive

an expression for the thermal conductivity k(x) for these
conditions: A ) = (1 - ) , Ta) = 300(1 2 x - x),

and q= 6000 W, where A is in square meters, T in

kelvins, and xin meters.

AssUMPTIONS OSteadytede
One imenyio nal heot Conduhon thoouah
the Ay r m o e t i S h o b e t .

heot oeneakon.
N o Intena

Gven AT)- Cl-1)

T(D 30o (1-27 -
600o h)
So We ue tostoA Lau
En A d1

So0 (-2-3n) -300(t 31
K 6000-20

C1-0) Boo +3

(1-1) (8 +37)

A 3-mm-diameter and 5-m-long electric wire is tightly wrapped with a 2-mm-
thick plastic cover whose thermal conductivity is k= 0.15 W/m °C. Electrical
measurements indicate that a current of 10 A passes through the wire and there
is a voltage drop of 8 V along the wire. If the insulated wire is exposed to a
medium at T 30°C with a heat transfer coefficient of h= 12 W/m2.C, de-
termine the temperature at the interface of the wire and the plastic cover in
steady operation. Also determine whether doubling the thickness of the plastic
cover will increase or decrease this interface temperature.

ASS UMPT1ONS-OHeot Tantey is teady SHede

One fmenional.

GtvEN T loA K O: hm'cv=2V,

L- Sm
T 3 0 c, h:12N ,

VI 3 (1D) 80W (
Cab le
2TT(o 0o 30 (s) 0-109gm

So A 21L =

Tob Vie
Rodal Rodal RConu
RConu A 12(o 09) 1308 Sory

Rtonu O 169 'cW m

(s s ) O 7y19 0-1sew
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RAokel o46 340.IS O-9y c|

embeylCtltuwe Can be dele mined
TT+ 8 R
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103 12.C.
CstLical Radiw e huloion o blasAic Cove

He 2-Som
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InHeauehehicey ot plhCove w
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enhance f o d t t a n t e
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T COnen 8 l ouleAnt
T will dforeaue
shaft made of stainless steel 304 comes out
A long 20-cm-diameter cylindrical
6 of an oven at a uniform temperature
of 600°C .The shaft isthen al
chamber at 200C with an average heat
lowed to cool slowly in an environment
°C. Determine the temperature at the cen-
transfercoefficient of h=80 W/m. of the cooling process. Also, determine
ter of the shaft 45 min after the
shaft during this time period.
the heat transfer per unit length of the

ASSUMPTIONS O e- dimenuonala 0
Soll h Tmol Aomes
Jta long and hoUing-
abouut Centetind
Ot A r a t t senanl CoAGI
Thn emmal byopehe
tindstal Ahaft
tor y
G1VEN d 20c9, Ti60o c
-as C
t o r A u mintum:

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Juym be B: &O0: 0.S3

177-SX6oX1o 0+

Topot CT-T) (o-u)

To Tot 6.T To)
TTe bO
200 +0 (600-2c0)
we need o Caltubk
for a t a l teot tcarutey
chanteHed trom ylirdo
- V TY2 L 7900 Yglre )T (ore oy
Me282 t

nnaxe nn(påT m Cp (T-T) buz-2)(G uT1)

m a s U7,3s0 kJ

-ht B $34 (to1

. =-62

0.62 Gmo
0: 62(73so T)
9s6o KT
e a t Jonfo
eat Oafo
t o
uS mnede
So tht
the ah ot
: A thin electrical heater is inserted between a long circu-
lar rod and a concentric tube with inner and outer radii of
20 and 40 mm. The rod (A) has a thermal conductivity of
k 0.15 W/m K, while the tube (B) has a thermal

conductivity of kg 1.5 W/m K and its outer surface


is subjected to convection with a fluid of temperature

T=-15°C and heat transfer coefficient 50 W/m K.
The thermal contact resistance between the cylinder
surfaces and the heater is negligible.
(a) Determine the electrical power per unit length of
the cylinders (W/m) that is required to maintain the
outer surface of cylinder B at 5°C.
(b) What is the temperature at the center of cylinder A?
O1-Dimen sono
NoNo heot Gepetation,
TeYRAarce blu Cylinde heae -
Contact ngible
Thet ma
O1|UEN 20,St= uovm9

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elec (a7>r2) CT - T)
onu h

elerSO ¥2TTS-(-1)J 5wm

b) Tlo)= T() T

tor Ahe Cy imed


TM1T +2 Re =5to s ) n o2)

T11S +25 2.9

To) D SC
So ta Do anuence Ove To).

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