NURES Group4 (CU2)

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VIDON / GROUP #4 September 21, 2020

BSN3Y1 – 2


1. Identify your specific role in your research team and discuss the following:

A. How will you fulfil the assigned or chosen responsibility?

I will fulfil that chosen responsibility by doing it with all my will. I will be more honest and open with
my thoughts so that I can gain the trust of my group mates. I will do my best to do my part so we can get
better outcomes.

B. Clearly identify what are the challenges you may encounter and how will you resolve these
challenges as you collaborate with your team.

I think one of the biggest challenges for us that we may encounter since we are only communicating
through internet is miscommunication. Not all of us have a stable internet connection and that will
become the reason why it’s hard for us to discuss a certain problem or topic that we will be facing in this
research study. Other than that is lack of communication, not all of us shared and being open with their
ideas and thoughts that’s why it will create a misunderstanding. I think we can resolve that problem if
we become more open with our thoughts and ideas and if we respect each other decision.


2. From the top 3 topics of interest submitted, choose 1 topic that has a significant impact to you as a
researcher. Then, read at least 5-8 current (2010-2020) research study of the same topic about EBP
and nursing practice and answer the following:

A. Identify and state the problem/gap of the study.

B. Identify and state the argument/objective of the researcher.
C. Read and summarized the literature of the study
D. Discuss the methodology used in the study
E. Identify the state the findings of the study
F. In your own words, discuss how these researches contributed in current nursing practice.
G. Use the format below in submitting your assignment.
Research Title and Identified problem/gap in Study objective Research Methodology Study findings Contribution to the current
Reference the study nursing
1. Adolescent Sexuality Adolescent sexuality has After completing this article, Testing students in grades 8-10 It is important to address Nurses care for adolescents
https://pedsinreview.aap undergone many changes, readers should be able to: on measures of sexual these issues in a manner that in a variety of settings, with adolescents now Understand how sexuality knowledge, attitudes, behaviors does not stigmatize lesbian, including communities,
34/1/29? reaching physical maturity develops during adolescence. and perceived sexual confidence gay, bisexual, and schools, and public health
utm_source=TrendMD&u earlier, and a number of in negotiating sexual issues, both transgendered youth. The and acute care clinics, which
tm_medium=TrendMD& guidelines exist to help the Know the elements involved in before and after the semester- clinical encounter should be affords them many
utm_campaign=PedRev_ clinician deal with adolescent counselling parents about their long course; and finally, used as an opportunity to opportunities to improve
TrendMD_0 sexuality. children’s emerging sexuality implementing the 16 lessons, provide resources with adolescents’ sexual and
and how to educate them. adhering as closely as possible to accurate information. Ending reproductive health and
[Eljay Zaira Bautista] the integrity of the curriculum. In the encounter with questions reduce the rates of
Understand how clinicians can addition, we planned to survey leaves room for the unplanned pregnancy and
help their patients to the same students at 12, 24 and adolescent to open up sexually transmitted
understand and deal with their 36 months post intervention. regarding a possible concern infections. To ensure that
sexuality, including matters of (The students in 10th grade at that may not have been adolescents have access to
pregnancy and sexually baseline, who would have addressed. sexual and reproductive
transmitted diseases. graduated by the time of the 36- health care (which includes
month follow-up, were to be both preventive counselling
Know that adolescents who interviewed in their homes or by and treatment) in all nursing
have developmental delays or mail.) As of this writing, all steps practice sites, nurses need
chronic medical conditions have been completed, except the to gain the knowledge and
might require special 36-month follow-up. hone the skills required to
approaches when the clinician deliver evidence-based
deals with their sexuality. counselling and services to
adolescents and parents.
Understand the elements of
and approaches to emerging
homosexuality, including
knowledge of the implications
of transient heterosexual and
homosexual experimentation.
2. Sexuality Education in The problem of this study is This study assessed the level of They used a self-administered This study sought to examine Most of the parents of
Grade School: the parents receptive of receptiveness of parents and questionnaire, a survey was parental receptiveness and young generation don’t
Are Parents Receptive sexuality education for their the level of readiness of conducted in 5 selected grade teacher readiness regarding allow their child to learn this
and Are Teachers Ready? children? And are teachers teachers and the associations schools (3 private and 2 public) in sexuality education for grade kind of topic in their young
https://www.academia.e ready to carry out their of these levels with socio- Metro Manila. school children among a age. This kind of research
du/30182206/Sexuality_E responsibility? demographic characteristics. In the 5 schools, all grade school sample of respondents in will help the current nursing
ducation_in_Grade_Scho Since the government is Attitude towards sexuality teachers were asked to Metro Manila, Philippines. to be more careful with their
ol_Are_Parents_Receptiv facing various challenges, education was also examined. participate. One section each in sensitivity regarding this
e_and_Are_Teachers_Re therefore, to carrying out its Grades 3, 4 This study has shown that, in kind of topic. Since they are
ady sexuality education in grade and 5 was randomly chosen and general, respondents viewed young, it’s necessary to ask
schools. the parents of the pupils in those sexuality education in grade the parents before teaching
[Aubrey Rose A. Vidon] sections were requested to school in a highly positive them.
answer the questionnaire. sense.
Whether it Parents and teachers were
was the father or mother who both found to have a
answered the instrument was moderate to high level of
contingent upon parental readiness and receptiveness,
availability. respectively.

The survey instrument was pilot The results also showed the
tested on 65 teachers and 17 relationship between age
parents to determine its validity group and civil status and the
and reliability. level of the readiness of
teachers, such that older
teachers and unmarried
teachers were found to be
more ready than single ones.
3. A DESCRIPTIVE STUDY The problem remains that The design used in this study is The purpose of this study is to This study proves that many For me as a student nurse
OF THE EFFECT OF SEX the lack of sex education in descriptive design method. This further enhance the body of teenagers are not educated this kind of research helps
EDUCATION ON THE public schools in the United study sought to better knowledge on effective strategies about sex in school, in their student a lot by giving them
ATTITUDES OF YOUNG States has been reflected in understand and measure how for reducing teen pregnancies community or at home by some ideas and perception
PEOPLE AS IT RELATES TO the high rate of teenage the variable is determined. among high school aged youth guardians. This study also about sex education and
TEEN PREGNANCY pregnancy and risky sexual Pros to using descriptive design attending public schools. The proves that teenagers are also as a future nurse how behaviour The sex education are the relationship between study examines the quality, engaging in risky sexual can we educate a young
oad/pdf/20607256.pdf curriculum that is taught in the independent variable more availability, and behaviour. This direct student to this kind of
most public schools does sex education and dependent comprehensiveness of sex correlation is proven in Tables situation were student must
[Jerwin Villareal] not emphasize abstinence, variable attitudes of teen education in public schools. It when majority of participants gain their attention to this
safe sex practices, human pregnancy is measured. The also looks at young adults who agree that they or someone kind of topic and also for
growth and behaviour or external validity is strong due have made risky sexual behaviour they know have conceived their awareness of
emotional issues. to the high generalizability, decisions and the direct child or contracted Sexually increasing pregnancy rate in
involving race, ethnic group, correlation between that and the Transmitted Disease (STD). our country is there any
culture, region and level of sex education taken. This study also proves that effectiveness if we teach
background. The variables that with Cognitive-Behavioural young student about sex
affected the study include, Theory, learned behavioural education.
what individuals consider as changes can be affective in
sex education, what individuals changing attitudes of
consider as their beliefs, teenagers. The literature
religious beliefs, education in review states there is lack of
public or private schools and sex education in the school
what the research participants system. The results of the
were taught at home regarding survey shown in Table
sex education. indicates that sex more than
half of the teenage
participants have not
participated in sex education
and three-fourths of the
participants have participated
in human growth and
development course
4. Comprehensive Church This study aims to give benefits Questionnaires Teenage pregnancy affects Comprehensive
Sexuality Education: versus to parents and students as well & 5.99 percent of Filipino girls understanding in addressing
Developing responsible State: as researchers in having Surveys which is the second highest and possible actions that
youth vs rising risks Philippine Sex education comprehensive study with rate in Southeast Asia based must be taken of issues in regards to knowledge, on Save the Children’s Global the uprising rate of
ph/2018/08/04/compreh behaviors, and attitude Childhood Report (2019). An “Teenage Pregnancy” that
ensive-sexuality- towards sexual and estimated 538 babies are born will be used in the medical
education-developing- reproductive health. to Filipino teenage mothers profession. Maybe included
responsible-youth-vs- every single day, according to in Projects and medical
rising-risks/ Philippine Statistical Authority mission, even in (2017). rehabilitation of clients.

[Dina Mutya V. Ordinario]

5.. The effectiveness of The effects of the The present study consisted of The method used in this study is This review synthesized the School and family planning
school-based sex interventions in promoting a meta-analytic review of the qualitative descriptive studies it is findings from controlled sex nurses are well placed to
education programs in abstinent behaviour reported research literature on the a comprehensive summarization, education interventions promote high quality sex
the promotion of in 12 controlled studies were effectiveness of school-based in everyday terms, of specific reporting on abstinent education to children and
abstinent behaviour: a included in the meta- sex education programs in the events experienced by individuals behavior. The overall mean young people. Parents and
meta-analysis analysis. The results of the promotion of abstinent or groups of individuals. To some effect size for abstinent teachers are often seen as analysis indicated a very behavior implemented in the researchers, such a qualitative behavior was very small, close authority figures whereas
m/her/article/17/4/471/ small overall effect of the past 15 years in the US in the design category does not exist. to zero. No significant effect the nurse is an independent
590928 interventions in abstinent wake of the AIDS epidemic. The Unfortunately, this has forced was associated to the type of health professional.
behaviour. Moderator goals were to: other researchers, especially intervention: whether the Government guidelines
[Jeanella Ramos] analysis could only be (1) synthesize the effects of novices to the methods of program was abstinence- encourage liaison with
pursued partially because of controlled school-based sex qualitative research, to feel they oriented or comprehensive— teachers and this article--the
limited information in education interventions on have to defend their research the source of a major second in a series on sexual
primary research studies. abstinent behavior,(2) examine approach by giving it controversy in sex education health--gives examples of
Parental participation in the the variability in effects among ‘epistemological credibility.’ This —was not found to be such a collaboration, as well
program, age of the studies and (3) explain the has led to the labeling of many associated to abstinent as interviews with nurses
participants, virgin-status of variability in effects between research studies as behavior. Only two who use innovative methods
the sample, grade level, studies in terms of selected phenomenology, grounded moderators—parental to put their message across.
percentage of females, scope moderator variables. theory, or ethnography, when in participation and percentage Nurses are well-placed to
of the implementation and fact these studies failed to meet of females—appeared to be correct some of these
year of publication of the the requirements of such significant in both univariate myths.
study were associated with qualitative approaches. tests and the multivariable
variations in effect sizes for model.
abstinent behaviour in
univariate tests. However, Although parental
only parental participation participation in interventions
and percentage of females appeared to be associated
were significant in the with higher effect sizes in
weighted least-squares abstinent behavior, the link
regression analysis. The should be explored further
richness of a meta-analytic since it is based on a very
approach appears limited by small number of studies. To
the quality of the primary date, too few studies have
research. Unfortunately, reported success in involving
most of the research does parents in sex education
not employ designs to programs. Furthermore, the
provide conclusive evidence primary articles reported very
of program effects. limited information about the
characteristics of the parents
who took part in the
programs. Parents who were
willing to participate might
differ in important
demographic or lifestyle
characteristics from those
who did not participate. For
instance, it is possible that the
studies that reported success
in achieving parental
involvement may have been
dealing with a larger
percentage of intact families
or with parents that espoused
conservative sexual values.
Therefore, at this point it is
not possible to affirm that
parental participation per se
exerts a direct influence in the
outcomes of sex education
programs, although clearly
this is a variable that merits
further study.
Interventions appeared to be
more effective when geared
to groups composed of
younger students,
predominantly females and
those who had not yet
initiated sexual activity. The
association between gender
and effect sizes—which
appeared significant both in
the univariate and
multivariable analyses—
should be explored to
understand why females seem
to be more receptive to the
abstinence messages of sex
education interventions.

Smaller-scale interventions
appeared to be more effective
than large-scale programs.
The larger effects associated
to small-scale trials seems
worth exploring. It may be the
case that in large-scale studies
it becomes harder to control
for confounding variables that
may have an adverse impact
on the outcomes. For
example, large-scale studies
often require external
agencies or contractors to
deliver the program and the
quality of the delivery of the
contents may turn out to be
less than optimal (Cagampang
et al., 1997).
Interestingly there was a
significant change in effect

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