Grammar Express U55 Phrasal Verbs-Separable 1
Grammar Express U55 Phrasal Verbs-Separable 1
Grammar Express U55 Phrasal Verbs-Separable 1
Сheсk the сorreсtanswer.
The dog thinks that
t Geоrge is dreaming.
П G" is gеtting an idеa for
an invention.
Check the corrеct Suвlвст| v.." | гo*,.... I o.*..т oв1пст
dreamеd uP th е i dеa .
t Di'".t objeсts Hе
that are nouns worked out th е dеta i |s
сan go before or
aftеr thе partiсlе.
П Di,".t objeсts
that are pronouns Suryвст
| v."' I o,*..' oв,вст| гo*,....
always go after
thе idеa
the partiсle. dreamed uP.
thе dеtails
workеd ou t.
Сomplete thеsеsеntеnсеswith thе сorrеct form of thе wards in porenthesеs.
dream up that idea ? Did уoш
dream it up
(dгеаmup / thаt idеa) (drеam up / it)
Phrasаt Verbs: Sepaгable l 237
жr Wжpfl.e
&y жжъжж s ffiжaввтр*es
vеrb+ oartiс|е
t. A phrasal vеrb сonsistsof a verb + partiсlе. l Shе sеt up an еxperiment.
vеrb+ prеposition
Partiсles |ookthe same as prepositions,but r Hе looked up at the sky.
thеy arе paгt of the verb phrasе.Тhеy often (Hе lookedin thе direсtionof thе skу.)
сhanqеthе mеaninqof thе vеrb.
vеr b+ оа r ti с|е
r He looked up thе informationon the Internеt.
(Hе found the informotionon thе lnternеt.)
Тhe sеparatеmeaningsof thе vеrb and paгtiсlе r They turnеd down my appIiсation.
may bе veгy diffеrentfrom the meaning of (Theyrеjесtеdmy oppliсotion.)
the phrasal vеrb.
it out!
For a list of сommon separable phrasal verbs, see Appеndiх 17 on pages 34|_342.
For a list of сommon phrasal verbs that must be sеparated, see Appendix 17 on pages З4I_342,
F.or information about inseparablе phrasal verbs, sее Unit 54, pages 232_233,
238 r unit sS
lDENтltYo Rеod this orticlе. Undеrline thе phrosol vеrbs. Сirclе the dirесt objects.
*"ъid you know thаt two сollеgе dropouts thought up(hе ideфof thе first
personal сomputer? What,smorе'
%.'"ё morе, they put it togеther in a garagе.
Invеntionsdon't havе to сomе out of fanсу laboratories.Averagе pеoplе in сlassrooms,
kitсhеns,and homе workshopsoftеn drеam up nеWand usеful ideas'
Thе ability to think of somеthingnew seеms like magiсto many peoplе, but in faсt
anyonе сan dеvеlop the qualitiеs of an invеntor.First, inventorsfollow their сuriosity.
Thе Swiss invеntor Gеorgе dе Меstral wantеd to find out thе rеason it was so hard to
removе burrs from his dog's сoat. His answеrlеd to thе idеa for VеlсroЧ now usеd to
fastеn everythingfrom sneakеrsto spaсе suits. Sесond, invеntors use imaginationto put
things togеther in nеw Ways.Walter Morrison watсhеd two mеn tossing a piе pan to еaсh
othеr and thoughtup thе FrisbееЧ onе of the most popular toys in thе world.Perhaps
most important,suссеssfulinventorsdon,t quit. Thеy сontinuouslylook up information
about thеir idеas and try nеw designs out until they suссeеd.
Reod obout onе of history,sgreotеst invеntors,Сomplеtе thе
informаtion with the correct form of the appropriote phrosol verbs from thе boх,
fi|I up keep away bring about Ф6tr set up сarry out pay baсk piсk up
[n 1869, Еdison fiхed a piесe of equipmеnt for a сompany that supp1ied priсes to
gold brokers. This brought about his first useful invention-the stoсk tiсker-
for whiсh hе reсeived $40,000. Hе was then able to spend all his time wоrking on his
new inventions. During his lifеtimе, Еdison was issued 1,093 patents!
I d/еДJ,|4еtr,ж * ruф
ryood,d^и,-а,jаt ,f P"*t t,utth,а"tt,аpphrлtor |i,kothr, kh47,u,sd,for sh^oo
l,ltаl,t 3
Fouo|u.It саn bo ttсd,,to touсh,oи,spоtтott,o I12а//,,
pаф fuи,t t,tlалtto pаll,tt а,и,,fub
him up out
t bt,oltrа" I'uса'/Llуhлna.и^/"ordэr sеllеlа,/,уpехsoI саntrуthД,И,iJ.|,.
out up
",ф 3 tfJIЙ, dюиttl,аn аф)ratши,for а,pаtе,lttаJ41,И4А'ilЙ,itуutеrф I'|| bo ab|^otosф а,stroч алtr,
с,ot:l,шnч d^eи,t"ot<вtrа|шru
of tЙ^o
уodиrt иу sooru.
Аt,иtcrt30 r d^eшлпstrаtеdt|аэ
.--_- proda"ctаt аn oхh,ibtturuford'pсorаtors'I tоа^etd,,to
pоtлt oиt tЙдt t,t'suerу
ttэаt to Ц,sцso r Р,Иt иlhbo j/luu
for t/аpd'"etи^oпвtrаНюn,.
It |,Uu4touеr uеrу ше/L'