Bio-Engineering: BEG469 BE (Elective) Year:4 Semester II

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Year:4 Semester II
Examination Scheme
Schedule Final Total
Hours/week Marks
Theory Practical Theory Practical
L P T Duration Marks Duration Marks Marks Marks
3 0 2 3 80 -- -- 20 -- 100

Course Objective:
The aim of the course is to gain the knowledge of slope stabilization techniques using vegetation.
The student will be able to analyze the slope stability and the knowledge of bioengineering
techniques.They will also gain the knowledge of appropriate technology and its significance in
the development of rural infrastructure.

Course Content:
1.0 Introduction (2hrs)
1.1 Definition
1.2 Justification
1.3 Fields of applications and scope
1.4 Advantages and limitations

2.0 Site Investigation (8 hrs)

2.1 Geological study
2.2 Geomorphologic study of slope
2.3 Rainfall and its related hazards
2.4 Landslides
2.5 Triggering agents and mechanisms
2.6 Landslide mapping
2.7 Assessment of seriousness
2.8 Repair priorities

3.0 Basic Aspect of Vegetation (5hrs)

3.1 Plant types, plant forms and structures
3.1 Vegetation and plant community
3.2 Basic requirement of plants
3.3 Plants and soil
3.4 Plants and climate
3.5 Plant propagation

4.0 Role of Vegetation (4 hrs)

4.1 Hydrological effects
4.2 Hydraulic effects
4.3 Mechanical effects
4.4 Soil strength and stability analysis
5.0 Vegetative Stabilization Techniques (5hrs)
5.1 Plant engineering
5.2 Vegetative engineering systems
5.3 Design of vegetative systems

6.0 Small Scale Civil Engineering Systems (6 hrs)

6.1 Civil engineering systems
6.2 Design of civil engineering systems
6.2 Interaction between civil and vegetative systems

7.0 Selection of Plant Species (6 hrs)

7.1 Distribution of plants in Nepal
7.2 Criteria for plant type selection
7.1 Selection of plant species on the basis of Drought factor

8.0 Optimal Techniques (3hrs)

8.1 Site categorization
8.1 Selection of optimal technique

9.0 Nursery (3hrs)

9.1 Nursery establishment
9.2 Souring of plants
9.3 Nursery technique
9.4 Nursery management

10.0 Management (3hrs)

10.1 Programming
10.2 Quality assurance and quality control
10.3 Estimating and costing

 “Biotechnical and soil bioengineering slope stabilisation a practical guide for erosion
control”, Donald H. Gray, Robbin. B. Sotir, A Wiley Interscience publication, John
Wiley &sons,Inc., New York , 1995
 Use of vegetation in civil engineering byN.J.Coppin andI.G.Richards
 Soil erosion and conservation byR.P.C.Morgan
 Roadside Bio-engineering: site hand book
 Roadside Bio-engineering; Reference manual

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