Bio-Engineering: BEG469 BE (Elective) Year:4 Semester II
Bio-Engineering: BEG469 BE (Elective) Year:4 Semester II
Bio-Engineering: BEG469 BE (Elective) Year:4 Semester II
Year:4 Semester II
Examination Scheme
Schedule Final Total
Hours/week Marks
Theory Practical Theory Practical
L P T Duration Marks Duration Marks Marks Marks
3 0 2 3 80 -- -- 20 -- 100
Course Objective:
The aim of the course is to gain the knowledge of slope stabilization techniques using vegetation.
The student will be able to analyze the slope stability and the knowledge of bioengineering
techniques.They will also gain the knowledge of appropriate technology and its significance in
the development of rural infrastructure.
Course Content:
1.0 Introduction (2hrs)
1.1 Definition
1.2 Justification
1.3 Fields of applications and scope
1.4 Advantages and limitations
“Biotechnical and soil bioengineering slope stabilisation a practical guide for erosion
control”, Donald H. Gray, Robbin. B. Sotir, A Wiley Interscience publication, John
Wiley &sons,Inc., New York , 1995
Use of vegetation in civil engineering byN.J.Coppin andI.G.Richards
Soil erosion and conservation byR.P.C.Morgan
Roadside Bio-engineering: site hand book
Roadside Bio-engineering; Reference manual