Lesson 1 Activity 1: Polymeric Materials Advantages

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Lesson 1

Activity 1
1. Research and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the different
types of materials.

Polymeric materials Advantages

 Polymers are more resistant to chemicals than their metal counterparts.
 Polymer parts do not require post-treatment finishing efforts, unlike metal.
 Polymer and composite materials are up to ten times lighter than typical metals.
 Polymer materials handle far better than metals in chemically harsh environments.
This increases the lifespan of the aircraft and avoids costly repairs brought about
by corroding metal components
 Polymers are naturally radar absorbent as well as thermally and electrically
 In medical Facilities polymer and composite materials are easier to clean and
sterilize than metal.
 Polymer materials allow the oil and gas industry to explore deeper depths than
ever before by offering tool weight reduction without a loss of strength as well as
materials which offer superior sealing.

Polymeric materials Disadvantages

 Cannot withstand very high temperature as all plastics melt down very soon as
compared to metals.
 The strength to size ratio of polymer is less while for metals is more.
 Cannot be machined easily and limited speed for machining for it.
 Heat capacity of polymer is very less so cannot be used in heat applications.
 Heavy structure cannot be made by polymer as the structural rigidity is very less.
 The disposal becomes an issue as some polymer cannot be recycled but all metals
can be recycled.

Ceramic materials advantages

 Harder than conventional structure metals.
 Low coefficient of friction.
 Extremely high melting point.
 Corrosion resistance. 
 Low density.
 Extreme hardness.
 Inexpensive.
 Easily available.
 Glazed ceramic does not stain.
 Most of them have high hardness hence they are used as abrasive powder
and cutting tools
 They have high melting point which makes them excellent refractory material
 They are good thermal insulators this is another reason to use them as refractory
 They are high electric resistivity which makes them suitable to be used an
 They have low mass density which results in lightweight components
 They are generally chemically inert which makes them durable

Ceramic materials Disadvantages

 Dimensional tolerances difficult to control during processing.
 Weak in tension.
 Poor shock resistance.
 Can crack when hit with heavy items
 They are brittle in nature
 They have almost zero ductility
 They have poor tensile strength
 The show a wide range in the variation of strength, even for the identical
 They are difficult to shape and machine
Stainless steel, gold, cobalt-chromium alloy and nickel-titanium alloy are the most commonly
metals used as biomaterials. Applications include bone and joint replacements, dental implants
and pacemaker cases. The main advantages of metals are that they are strong and are resistant
to fatigue degradation. They have shape memory and can be sterilized easily before use. The
main disadvantage is that metal can corrode due to chemical reaction with the body enzymes
and acids. It also can cause metal ion toxicity in the body.
Polymers include collagen, nylon and silicones. They are used in tissue repair, heart valves and
breast implants. Polymers are widely used as they can be manufactured to adapt to their use.
They are easy to manufacture and modify. They are also biodegradable, which is both an
advantage and a disadvantage. Due to the intensive interaction with the body, they can leach,
leading to wear and tear. They also can absorb important nutrients and water from the blood.
Alumina, zirconia and pyrolitic carbon are some of the ceramics used as biomaterials in
applications such as orthopedic and dental implants. The main advantage is that they are strong
and chemically inert. They have high compressive strength, which is necessary for bone
implants. Some ceramic materials are also biodegradable. Difficulty in manufacturing forms
the main disadvantage. They also can minimize bone ingrowth. Sometimes, implants can
loosen over time and become dislodged.
Composites include bioglass-ceramic, allograft and xenograft. They are used in tissue
engineering and joint replacements. Because composites are made from two or more materials,
the final product combines the properties of all the materials used. The main advantage of
composites is that they are strong while being lightweight. They have  low density and also are
resistant to corrosion. The high cost involved in the manufacture of composites is a
disadvantage. In addition, their shape cannot be changed easily.

Advantages of Metal Fabrication

Like plastic fabrication, metal fabrication depends largely on the family and grade of metal used
in production. Some of the more commonly fabricated metals include steel, magnesium, iron,
aluminum, copper, and nickel, each with their own various grades. Metals generally provide the
following advantages over plastic fabrication:
Heat resistance: Metals typically have a higher melting-point and are less likely to degrade under
elevated temperatures.
Improved strength: Metal grades tend to be stronger, harder, and more durable than their plastic
Versatility: Metal can be fabricated through a wider range of processes, including casting, deep
drawing, welding, forging, soldering, and chipping.
Cost-effectiveness: Metal is usually a cost efficient option, particularly in high-volume or long-
term production runs.
Disadvantages of Metal Fabrication
Despite offering numerous benefits, metal is not ideal for every application. Some of the
disadvantages of metal fabrication include:
Secondary operations: Metal fabrication is more likely to require post-fabrication processes, such
as finishing, painting, and deburring, which can be time-consuming or costly.
Design limitations: The viscosity and molten flow behavior of some metals are not suited for
crafting highly complex geometries or shapes.
High start-up fees: metal tooling costs are typically more expensive than comparable plastic
fabrication tooling

Stiff per mass
Strong per mass
Cheap, for a metal
Magnetic (can be con)
Amazingly tunable (heat treat, alloy, cold work..)
Displays endurance limit behavior for infinite fatigue life.
Very manufacturable. Extrude, forge, cast, machine, roll, press, stamp, coin, draw, deep draw,
3D print, weld, braze,many others
Most studied metal, vast data available for empirical calculations, like fatigue life, or rules of
For non-stainless alloys, rusts readily in air/moisture. Rust is lower density than base alloy,
causing expansion, causing flaking causing mechanical failure
Dense, heavy.
Hard. Makes hobby/diy work more difficult
Magnetic (can be pro)
Infinite choices in composition and heat treating can lead time analysis paralysis
For a staggering number of applications, steel is over Engineering the component. For instance, a
tool box doesn't need the strength or rigidity if steel, but would love to be lighter. This is why so
many light duty tool boxes are now plastic.
Sparks. In certain environments, you can't risk a spark, and so steel is the wrong choice. This is
why tool catalogs will have brass mallets sold as “non sparking”
To make steel usable, often requires a secondary plating/paonting/coating to prevent rust. Think
chrome plated hand tools. Or painted hand rails.
You can't make shapes quite as intricate as injection molding so to get to the same basics shape,
often you stamp and weld. More steps is usually more expensive. (see point 6 about why this
could matter

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