Training-Induced Changes in Rapid Auditory Processing in Children With Specific Language Impairment: Electrophysiological Indicators

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published: 07 August 2018

doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2018.00310

Training-Induced Changes in Rapid

Auditory Processing in Children With
Specific Language Impairment:
Electrophysiological Indicators
Anna Dacewicz 1† , Aneta Szymaszek 1* † , Kamila Nowak 2 and Elzbieta Szelag 1
Laboratory of Neuropsychology, Nencki Institute of Experimental Biology of Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland,
Laboratory of Social Psychology, Department of Ergonomics, Central Institute for Labour Protection–National Research
Institute, Warsaw, Poland

The brain’s ability to recognize acoustic changes occurring in rapid temporal succession
is important for speech and successful language development. Children with specific
language impairment (SLI) are characterized by deficient dynamics of temporal
information processing (TIP) in the millisecond time range accompanied by disordered
language development. Furthermore, previous studies have found that intervention
based on amelioration of TIP resulted in improvement of both language and other
Edited by: cognitive functions. This study aimed to explain the changes associated with TIP
Deana Davalos,
training from the perspective of event-related potentials (ERPs). Thirty-six children
Colorado State University,
United States aged 5–8 years (26 boys, 10 girls) diagnosed with SLI underwent two types of
Reviewed by: intense audio-visual computer intervention: experimental TIP training targeted at the
Mireille Besson,
millisecond time range (n = 18) or control non-TIP training (n = 18). Paired 50 ms
Institut de Neurosciences Cognitives
de la Méditerranée (INCM), France tones of 1000 Hz and 1200 Hz were presented with inter-stimulus intervals (ISIs) of
Annalisa Setti, either 50 ms (Short ISI Condition) or 200 ms (Long ISI Condition). Auditory ERPs
University College Cork, Ireland
were measured in a passive oddball paradigm before and after each type of training.
Aneta Szymaszek The mismatch negativity (MMN) paradigm was applied as an electrophysiological indicator of the brain’s ability to automatically detect violations of regularity in paired

These authors have contributed tones presented in rapid succession. Moreover, the P3a component was also
equally to this work.
analyzed. After 24 sessions of temporal training (in the experimental group) MMN
Received: 20 October 2017 amplitude enhancement was observed in both ISI conditions, reflecting increased
Accepted: 16 July 2018 efficiency in perceiving changes in rapid auditory sequences. In both experimental
Published: 07 August 2018
and control groups, P3a amplitude was enhanced in both ISIs. This may be due to
Dacewicz A, Szymaszek A, Nowak K the improvement of involuntary attention shifting to the auditory events involved in
and Szelag E (2018) Training-Induced each training type. To conclude, temporal training, compared to non-temporal control
Changes in Rapid Auditory
Processing in Children With Specific training, improved the ability to detect changes in a rapid auditory stream in children
Language Impairment: with SLI.
Electrophysiological Indicators.
Front. Hum. Neurosci. 12:310. Keywords: specific language impairment (SLI), event related potentials (ERPs), temporal information processing,
doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2018.00310 temporal windows, cognitive training

Frontiers in Human Neuroscience | 1 August 2018 | Volume 12 | Article 310

Dacewicz et al. Auditory Temporal Training in SLI

INTRODUCTION children with expressive and/or receptive language difficulties

and reading problems. However in some studies, the beneficial
Temporal Dynamics of Cognitive Function effects of FFW were comparable to those of other computer-
In recent years, temporal information processing (TIP) has been based interventions (e.g., Cohen et al., 2005; Gillam et al., 2008;
emphasized as the neural basis of several mental functions, such Given et al., 2008). Previous research on intervention-related
as learning, memory, attention, decision making, motor control effects indicated a transfer of improvement from the trained time
and speech processing (Szelag et al., 2010). All these functions domain to untrained behavioral domains, i.e., speech, auditory
may be characterized by their specific temporal dynamics at processing and other cognitive functions. Moreover, changes in
different ranges of TIP. Two main ranges crucial to cognitive brain function associated with auditory discrimination of both
processes may be distinguished: millisecond and multisecond verbal (Lovio et al., 2012) and nonverbal stimuli presented in
ranges (Pöppel, 1997, 2004, 2009; Buhusi et al., 2018). The rapid sequences were reported (McArthur et al., 2010; Heim
temporal dynamics of these processes provide a framework for et al., 2013, 2016).
understanding the neural mechanisms underlying human mental This research approach was applied in the Dr. Neuronowskir
activity, including a structure for speech and any perceptual or computer program developed at our Institute (Szelag and
motor activity. Szymaszek, 2016). This program offers targeted training in
Furthermore, specific distortions of TIP have been millisecond TIP, sequencing abilities and duration judgment
found in various clinical populations (e.g., ADHD, autism and has been developed on the basis of our many years of
spectrum disorder, depression, schizophrenia), co-existing with research (for an overview, see Szelag et al., 2009). Using this
disordered psychological functioning; which may elucidate the intervention program in our previous study on children with
consequences of deficient timing (e.g., Davalos et al., 2003; SLI, we found significant improvements in behavioral measures
Teixeira et al., 2013; Vatakis and Allman, 2016). This line of of timing, language, attention working memory and executive
research is important as it may foster our understanding of the functions (Szelag et al., 2015).
‘‘timing—behavior’’ relationship and potentially contribute to
the remediation of psychological conditions. On this basis, one Time Perception Windows
cannot claim that certain disorders are due to time distortions As mentioned above, time perception can be considered on
per se, but deviations from the ‘‘normal’’ template seem critical to various time scales or processing units which are often called
everyday functioning and, hence, are a crucial factor for research ‘‘temporal windows’’ (Pöppel, 1997). Experimental support for
and rehabilitation. the existence of such time windows comes from a large
The number of experimental studies on the co-existence number of different paradigms (Pöppel, 1997; Szelag et al.,
of ‘‘deficient timing—deficient language’’ in children and 2004). At this point, the close association between TIP and
adults has grown rapidly. In this article, we concentrate speech is well established and has been the topic of long
on neurodevelopmental disorders, specifically on children discussions in modern neuroscience. This association may be
with specific language impairment (SLI). Children suffering rooted in the temporal dynamics of our verbal utterances
from SLI display problems with language acquisition (both which indicate the temporal constraints on different time
comprehension and expression), however, their general cognitive ranges. These ranges correspond to tens of milliseconds (single
functions and nonverbal intelligence remain in the normal phonemes), hundreds of milliseconds (syllables or prosodic
range. Furthermore, these problems cannot be explained in elements), or a few seconds (phrases or sentences). Speech
terms of hearing deficits, neurological and speech mechanism processing requires temporal decoding of the signal because the
abnormalities, or environmental factors. It is estimated that SLI speech stream is a wave of rapidly changing complex sounds
affects approximately 7% of the 5-year-old population (Tomblin (millisecond processing level). Furthermore, it is necessary to
et al., 1997). In children with SLI, the coexistence of language parse the perceived signal into manageable chunks (multisecond
difficulties and deficient TIP was first shown in an early article level).
by Tallal and Piercy (1973) and subsequently confirmed in more The concept of temporal characteristics of the speech
recent studies (Grondin et al., 2007; Szelag et al., 2015). These signal was proposed in ? (?) Asymmetrical Sampling in Time
findings raised the question of whether the improvement of hypothesis. This assumes that speech perception is associated
TIP of nonverbal information may induce subsequent gains in with processing within two different temporal windows—shorter
language skills. Hence, the funding of training programs based on and longer windows—corresponding to two levels of processing:
improvement of TIP to aid language competency has been given namely, phonological decoding and semantic parsing of the
a high priority. chunks of the incoming speech stream. Accordingly, the
The widely used computer-based remediation Fast short window (∼20–50 ms) is crucial for phoneme reception
ForWordr (FFW) has received a lot of attention in studies (e.g., rapid formant transitions, voice-onset-time), whereas the
on improving language development in children. The program is long window (∼150–300 ms) contributes to syllable processing,
based on the hypothesis that language impairments result from intonation contour and prosody. Speech perception thus requires
difficulties in rapid auditory processing (compare above). In the integration of auditory information within these two ranges,
the early studies of Tallal et al. (1996), as well as of Merzenich which are the topic of the present study.
et al. (1996), it was found that after performing FFW exercises, Existing data reveals that the length of such temporal
there was a significant improvement in the language skills of integration windows (TIWs) of sensory information may be

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Dacewicz et al. Auditory Temporal Training in SLI

related to developmental fluctuations (Fox et al., 2010). For with a history of language impairment (Benasich et al., 2002,
example, such TIWs are expected to be wider in children than in 2006).
adults (Horváth et al., 2007; Fox et al., 2010) because the latter
age-group can integrate information within shorter temporal Experimental Aim
segments than the former group. According to EEG studies, the This study aims to verify whether in children with SLI the
length of the TIW in adults is around 200 ms, while in children application of the experimental temporal training compared
of 5–8 years it is about 350 ms (Wang et al., 2005). It is also to the control non-temporal training may result in enhanced
postulated that the length of such TIWs may change in subjects electrophysiological responses in detection of changes in a
suffering from speech disorders. rapid auditory stimuli stream. Another goal was to gain an
understanding of the electrophysiological underpinnings of rapid
nonverbal auditory processing in both the shorter and longer
Mismatch Negativity (MMN) as an Indicator temporal windows. The application of the MMN paradigm
of “Genuine” Timing Efficiency allowed to concentrate on pure TIP, minimizing the influence of
Different methods for measurement of millisecond timing cognitive functions (attention, executive functions, etc.) involved
efficiency have been developed (Szelag et al., 2004). One can in the behavioral timing measures.
distinguish here the classical behavioral methods, such as the
detection of the temporal order of incoming events (Szymaszek
et al., 2009). In these tasks, two consecutive stimuli are presented MATERIALS AND METHODS
in rapid succession with a short gap in-between and the subject
must report the order of occurrence (left-right, low-high, short- Subjects
long, etc.). It is commonly believed that these tasks measure Participants were 36 children aged between 5 years and 8 years
the effectiveness of sequencing ability and temporal ordering of (26 boys, 10 girls) diagnosed with SLI according to ICD-10
incoming events on the basis of perceptual thresholds (auditory (World Health Organization, 1992). They were recruited from
or visual) for order detection. Such threshold values are usually either the Early Intervention Centre or the Children’s Memorial
of tens of milliseconds in young healthy subjects (Wittmann and Health Institute in Warsaw. The core inclusion criterion was a
Fink, 2004; Szymaszek et al., 2009). However, the efficiency of language development disorder, defined as an overall standard
TIP involves strong contributions from resources other than TIP, score or score on at least two standard subtests below or equal
e.g., attention, working and short-term memory and moreover, to the 4th sten according to the Test for Assessment of Global
inhibitory processes and decision making. Hence, behavioral Language Skills (TAGLS; Tarkowski, 2001), which constitutes
measures of temporal acuity are heavily influenced by these the screening assessment for language development in Polish
cognitive functions. children. The recruited children scored below the mean score
On the other hand, the mismatch negativity (MMN) for their age. Moreover, all participants had a normal level of
paradigm may be used as an electrophysiological indicator of nonverbal intelligence (IQ of 85 or higher, measured with the
timing efficiency in the processing of rapid auditory stimuli. Polish version of Raven’s Colored Progressive Matrices, CPM;
The power of such event-related potentials (ERPs) lies in that Szustrowa and Jaworowska, 2003) and normal hearing level as
they provide information about the sequencing, timing and in verified by pure-tone audiometry screening at 500 Hz, 1000 Hz,
some cases, location of neural activity elicited by particular 2000 Hz, 4000 Hz (using an AS208 audiometer), which covers
stimuli long before subjects produce an overt response. ERPs the sound frequency spectrum used in this study. All children
are increasingly used in developmental research because they were monolingual Polish native speakers and were right-handed,
are non-invasive and, in many cases, do not necessitate active based on the modified Edinburgh Handedness Questionnaire
subject participation, which is a huge advantage when dealing (Hill and Khanem, 2009). Participants had no neurological
with children or patients. or psychiatric diagnosis, autism spectrum disorder, attention
MMN is a fronto-central negative potential elicited by any deficits, or socio-emotional disorders as determined by a parent
discriminable change in a sequence of auditory stimuli (Winkler, questionnaire and clinician reports. Moreover, children did not
2007; Näätänen et al., 2011). MMN can be induced by unattended attend any other speech or cognitive therapy while participating
stimuli, unlike behavioral methods which require attention and in this study.
cooperation from a participant (Campbell and Davalos, 2015).
Therefore, MMN can be a useful tool for measuring ‘‘genuine’’ Ethical Approval
timing deficits in subjects whose behavioral measures may be The study protocol was approved by the Bioethics Committee
affected by attentional or other cognitive deficits. of the Medical University of Warsaw (permission no.
MMN obtained in response to auditory stimuli has been KB/162/2010). Written informed consent was obtained from the
proposed as a reliable objective method to measure sensory parents of all children before the study. The children provided
memory traces, as well as the effectiveness of rapid auditory verbal approval before each session.
discrimination processes (Davalos et al., 2003; Ervast et al., 2015).
Therefore, MMN has been recognized as a sensitive indicator Procedure
of auditory processing impairments in children with language This was a blind study in which children were randomly
difficulties (Davids et al., 2011), as well as in infants of parents assigned to two training groups using the RITAr software

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Dacewicz et al. Auditory Temporal Training in SLI

(Pahlke et al., 2004) according to their age, gender, non-verbal some indications that this has a positive impact on young
IQ and level of language development: the Experimental Group students (Dhir et al., 2013). Each child completed the training
(EG; n = 18; 13 boys, 5 girls) and the Control Group (CG; n = 18; individually and each therapy session was guided by a trained
13 boys, 5 girls). These two groups did not differ significantly consultant (speech-therapist, psychologist, special educator, or
in terms of age, non-verbal intelligence, or level of language psychology student). The training took place in a separate
development. Descriptive data for EG and CG are shown in room at the Nencki Institute or at the Early Intervention
Table 1. EG underwent the computerized Dr. Neuronowskir Centre.
intervention program (Szelag and Szymaszek, 2016), focused on In experimental and control training, both correct and
the enhancement of TIP in the millisecond time range. CG used a incorrect answers were followed by appropriate visual and
computer program which implemented classical speech therapy auditory feedbacks. The exercises in both interventions were
extended by 16 simple computer games. Thus, the intervention conducted using a predefined specific agenda which allocated
in EG and CG was matched in terms of the mental load, visual a comparable amount of time to training particular cognitive
appearance, motivational aspects and training protocol with the functions.
exception of TIP exercises which were only included in the
experimental training.
Experimental Training
The experimental intervention procedure was provided with the
Study Protocol Dr. Neuronowskir computer program developed at our Institute
Each participant underwent a pre-test electrophysiological (Szelag and Szymaszek, 2016). The software consists of 46 games
assessment. Afterwards, the children underwent either grouped into nine modules for improving particular cognitive
experimental (EG) or control training sessions (CG; Figure 1). functions (e.g., attention, non-verbal auditory processing, verbal
The duration of the whole intervention comprised 24 1-h short-term memory, executive functions, receptive language
sessions performed over 6 weeks (four sessions weekly). After and phonemic hearing). In addition, the majority of these
completing the training program, a post-test was conducted exercises involved millisecond TIP, sequencing abilities and
using the same electrophysiological assessment as applied in the duration judgment. The difficulty of particular exercises was
pre-test. adjusted individually on the basis of the actual level of a child’s
Audiovisual Training Programs The games mostly targeted the discrimination and
Both trainings were computer-based intervention programs identification of sounds, tones, syllables and words presented at
provided in several visually attractive exercises. To motivate a rapid rate, as well as recognizing the sequence or duration of
and increase the children’s commitment to the training, two sounds, reproducing sequences of sounds or word strings
exercises were conducted with the use of tablets because of and matching sounds and words.

TABLE 1 | Characteristics of the two groups of children with specific language impairment (SLI).

Experimental group (EG) Control group (CG) Between-group differences

n M (SD) min max n M (SD) min max t-valuea p-value

Gender (boys/girls) 13/5 − − − 13/5 − − − − −

Age (years) − 6.3 (1.0) 4.8 8.4 − 6.0 (0.8) 4.8 8.2 1.063 0.295
CPM (IQ) − 111.5 (12.7) 92.6 135.9 − 114.6 (16.8) 88.4 141.5 −0.619 0.540
TAGLS (sten) − 3.1 (1.7) 1 5 − 3.0 (1.5) 1 6 0.107 0.916

CPM, Raven’s Colored Progressive Matrices; TAGLS, Test for Assessment of Global Language Skills. a Two-tailed t-tests for independent samples.

FIGURE 1 | Schema of the experimental design.

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Dacewicz et al. Auditory Temporal Training in SLI

Control Training corresponding to the two inter-stimulus-intervals (ISIs) within

In contrast to the experimental training, none of the control paired-tones in standard and deviant stimuli. The ISIs were set at
intervention exercises involved TIP. The control training 50 or 200 ms creating the Short ISI Condition (Short ISI) and the
included three computer programs employing classical speech Long ISI Condition (Long ISI), respectively (Figure 2).
therapy and 16 simple computer games involving attention, In each condition, 600 standard and 150 deviant stimuli were
short-term and working memory and executive functions. presented (standard to deviant ratio was 75% to 25%) within
The games employing speech therapy targeted the six blocks (three blocks with Long ISI and three blocks with
identification and discrimination of syllables and words Short ISI) in two different orders randomized between subjects.
presented at a regular rate of exposition as well as reproducing In each block, 15 standards were presented at the beginning and
sequences of words or matching sounds and words. In the the distribution of deviants was quasi-randomized: a minimum
computer games, the tasks were to react as fast as possible to of 5 and maximum of 15 consecutive standards could be
particular objects, to remember the pairs of sounds or pictures presented in a row. At the end of data collection, 300 deviant
and to complete some logic puzzles. stimuli (150 for each condition) in four control blocks were also
presented. This gave us an opportunity to use the same stimulus
Electrophysiological Assessment method (see below for description).
Procedure Data Acquisition
In the electrophysiological assessment, children were exposed EEG data were recorded from 32 scalp electrodes (EasyCap,
to paired sinusoidal tones in a passive oddball paradigm. This Germany) with Ag/AgCl active electrodes (ActiCAP, Brain
means that they were asked to ignore sounds while watching Products) placed according to the 10-20 system of the
silent videos. The standard stimulus was a pair of identical tones BrainVision Recorder© v.1.10 software (Brain Products,
at 1000 Hz, while the deviant stimulus was a pair of tones Germany). The electrodes’ contact impedances were kept below
differing in pitch, at 1000 Hz and 1200 Hz. The duration of each 10 k. Data were referenced to the FCz electrode and a bandpass
pair of tones was 50 ms (with 5 ms rising and falling) with an filter of 0.1–100 Hz was applied.
intensity of 80 dB SPL, measured with a Brüel & Kjær sound
level meter. The time between consecutive tone pairs was 800 ms. Data Analysis
The schema of the passive oddball paradigm is presented in Offline analysis was performed using BrainVision Analyzerr
Figure 2. v.2.0 software (Brain Products, Germany). First, the data
Stimuli were delivered binaurally using Presentation Software were down-sampled to 256 Hz and re-referenced to
version 14.9 (Neurobehavioral Systems Inc., Berkeley, CA, USA) TP9 and TP10 electrodes. Butterworth zero-phase filters
via E·A·RToner 5A Insert Earphone headphones, inserted into were implemented with high-pass—1 Hz, low-pass—30 Hz
the right and left ear canal. We implemented two conditions (both 8 order), and notch filter—50 Hz. Next, artifacts were

FIGURE 2 | Schema of the passive oddball paradigm in two applied conditions.

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Dacewicz et al. Auditory Temporal Training in SLI

removed using Independent Component Analysis. The data deviant and control deviant stimuli to the training-induced
were segmented into the epochs extending from 200 ms before effects indicated by the MMN.
to 1000 ms after the stimulus (standard or deviant) onset. MMN and P3a amplitudes (or latencies) were obtained for
After baseline correction (from −200 ms to 0 ms), trials each child. MMN was the most negative value in the time
exceeding ±120 µV were excluded from the analysis. Epochs window between 195 ms and 395 ms after the first stimulus
were averaged for three stimulus types separately in the two onset (i.e., 95–295 ms after the onset of deviation) for Short
conditions: standards, regular deviants and control deviants ISI or between 360 ms and 530 ms (110–280 ms after the
(deviants presented in control blocks). onset of deviation) for Long ISI (e.g., Näätänen, 2000). The P3a
To obtain difference waves dissociated from physical component was the most positive value between 335–560 ms and
stimuli properties, the same stimulus method was used. 480–720 ms after the first stimulus onset for Short and Long ISI,
In this method, the control deviants were subtracted from respectively (e.g.,Escera and Corral, 2007). The maximum peak
the deviants. The control deviants were physically identical amplitudes for each participant were calculated in these time
to deviants presented in the oddball paradigm (regular), windows (Table 2).
whereas control deviants were presented alone in a row in For deviants (presented in oddball) and control deviants
separate control blocks (Figure 3). As suggested in Jacobsen (presented in separate blocks), P1-N2 and P1’-N2’ components
and Schröger (2003), a proper control block should control were identified on averaged waveforms, which differed in Short
for both the physical properties of the stimuli and the and Long ISIs (Čeponienė et al., 2005). For Short ISI, only
adaptation effect. Nevertheless, in this study the numerous one electrophysiological response (P1 and N2) was elicited
deviant repetitions in the control block did not fulfil the because of the integration of two tones within a pair. P1 was
equal probability control block criteria, which might bias the the most positive value, while N2 was the most negative
reported effects. We refer to this issue in the ‘‘Discussion’’ one in the particular time windows shown in Table 2 for
The main aim of this study was the analysis of MMN,
which usually has frontocentral topography; hence the following TABLE 2 | Time windows (in ms; from the onset of the first tone within a doublet)
identified for particular event-related potentials (ERPs) analyzed in the study.
analyses were performed only on FCz, Fz, F3, F4, FC1 and
FC2 electrodes. Condition ERP Deviant Control deviant Difference wave

Short ISI N2 170–450 180–420 −

Waveform Analysis: Amplitude and Latency MMN − − 195–395
The main analysis of data concerns ERPs identified on a P3a − − 335–560
difference wave, i.e., MMN and P3a, both before and after Long ISI N2’ 380–620 380–620 −
MMN − − 360–530
the interventions (experimental vs. control). Additionally, we
P3a − − 480–720
performed explanatory analyses comparing N2 elicited by

FIGURE 3 | Schema of the same stimulus method. Arrows indicate that the difference waves were obtained by subtraction of the control deviants from the deviants.

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deviants and control deviants. For Long ISI, on the other hand, In Stage 2, to understand the intervention-related changes
doubled electrophysiological responses were obtained, reflecting in MMN obtained in Stage 1, we examined the amplitudes (or
responses to two separate tones within a pair identified as P1-N2 latencies) of the N2 and N2’ waveforms observed for deviants and
and P1’-N2’ (e.g., Clunies-Ross et al., 2015). P1 and N2 were control deviants in the two groups, considering Short and Long
elicited by the first tone within the doublet, whereas, P1’ and N2’ ISI separately. The rationale was to clarify whether the training-
by the second tone. In this study, we analyzed only N2 and N2’ related MMN amplitude changes resulted from increased or
components (in Short and Long ISI, respectively) because they decreased amplitudes (or latencies) of N2 and N2’ elicited by
reflected the electrophysiological response to the second tone deviants or control deviants. In the former case, the increased
within a deviant doublet (change onset). For this second tone, amplitudes would correspond to higher sensitivity of deviant
we got the MMN by subtracting the control deviant from the detection in the oddball task, whereas in the latter case, the
deviant. For each participant, the maximum peak amplitudes and decreased amplitudes would result from repeated exposure. This
latencies for N2 and N2’ were analyzed in the particular time may reflect reduced resources involved in the perception of
windows (Table 2). a predictable auditory pattern. In Stage 2, the within-subject
Finally, the amplitudes of particular ERPs (in µV) were factors were: Session (pre-test vs. post-test), Block (deviants vs.
determined as the maximum peak in the particular time windows control deviants) and Group (EG vs. CG) as a between-subject
with regard to the baseline. The latencies of MMN and P3a factor.
in both conditions were obtained by subtracting time intervals
corresponding to the onset of stimulus change (i.e., 100 or 250 ms Stage 1—Difference Wave
for Short and Long ISI, respectively). Mean amplitudes for MMN and P3a are presented in
Figures 4, 5, 6.
Statistical Analyses ANOVA conducted on amplitudes revealed significant main
To analyze differences in amplitudes (or latencies) of particular effects of Condition and Session modified by Session × Group
components in the two conditions, we conducted mixed-design interaction (see Table 3, Figure 5). The other factors and
analysis of variance (ANOVAs). Greenhouse-Geisser correction interactions were nonsignificant.
was applied when the sphericity assumption was violated. After The amplitudes were higher (more negative, M = −4.41;
ANOVAs, post hoc analysis was performed with the Bonferroni SD = 2.25) in the Short ISI than in the Long ISI (M = −3.36;
correction adjusted for multiple comparisons. SD = 1.73), irrespective of the Session and Group. Increased
The data were analyzed in two stages. MMN in post-test was observed only in EG (p < 0.001). In
In Stage 1, we examined the components identified on the CG, the difference between MMN amplitudes in pre- and post-
difference wave, i.e., MMN and P3a for amplitudes (or latencies). test was nonsignificant (p = 0.387). The same pattern of results
In these ANOVAs, the within-subject factors were: Session (pre- was observed for Short and Long ISIs. Although in pre-test,
test vs. post-test), Condition (Short ISI vs. Long ISI), whereas the the two groups did not differ significantly in MMN amplitudes
between-subject factor was Group (EG vs. CG). (p = 0.674), in post-test they were higher (more negative) in EG

TABLE 3 | Results of analyses of variances (ANOVAs) with repeated measures: F-values, p-values and effect sizes (η2 ) for the mismatch negativity (MMN) (top) and P3a
(bottom) mean peak amplitudes (or latencies) including Session (pre-test vs. post-test) and Condition (Short ISI vs. Long ISI) as within-subject factors and Group
(experimental group, EG vs. control group, CG) as a between-subject factor.

MMN amplitude MMN latency

Effect F p η 2
F p η2

Session 13.635 0.001 0.286 1.790 0.190 0.050

Condition 7.600 0.009 0.183 3.934 0.055 0.104
Group 1.595 0.215 0.045 0.081 0.788 0.002
Session × Group 6.021 0.019 0.150 1.504 0.228 0.042
Session × Condition 0.855 0.362 0.146 0.154 0.697 0.005
Group × Condition 0.178 0.676 0.005 0.098 0.756 0.003
Session × Condition × Group 0.692 0.362 0.025 0.346 0.561 0.010
P3a amplitude P3a latency

Session 4.376 0.044 0.114 14.686 0.001 0.302

Condition 0.932 0.341 0.027 5.467 0.025 0.139
Group 0.166 0.686 0.005 0.181 0.673 0.005
Session × Group 1.754 0.194 0.049 0.177 0.676 0.005
Session × Condition 3.743 0.061 0.099 1.647 0.208 0.046
Group × Condition 0.088 0.768 0.003 0.178 0.676 0.005
Session × Condition × Group 0.028 0.868 0.001 0.002 0.962 <0.001

Significant effects are marked in gray background.

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FIGURE 4 | Grand average event-related potentials (ERPs) for all analyzed electrodes elicited in response to paired tones in (A) Short- and (B)
Long inter-stimulus interval (ISI) for difference waves (gray line), deviants (red line) and control deviants (blue line) in experimental group (EG) and control group (CG) in
pre- and post-test. The amplitudes of the waveforms are given in microvolts (µV) on vertical axes. Lower horizontal axes reflect the time distance after the change
onset, i.e., the onset of the first tone within a doublet, whereas the upper axes reflect the time distance after the second tone onset. Vertical dashed red lines indicate
the onset of the first and second tones within a doublet. Blue and red boxes (labeled by 1 and 2) reflect the first and second tones in the doublet.

than in CG (p = 0.031). Mean and SD for MMN amplitudes are ANOVA conducted on latencies revealed a tendency toward
presented in Table 4. significance (p = 0.055) for Condition with shorter MMN

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TABLE 4 | MMN (left) and P3a (right) mean peak amplitudes in µV (with SD) and latencies in ms in EG and CG in pre- and post-test and in Short and Long ISI Conditions.

MMN amplitude P3a amplitude

Condition Group Pre-test Post-test Pre-test Post-test

Short ISI EG −3.51 (2.41) −5.85 (3.74) 4.21 (2.20) 6.29 (2.02)
CG −4.22 (2.65) −4.08 (2.51) 5.08 (2.60) 5.96 (3.09)
Total −3.86 (2.52) −4.96 (3.27) 4.64 (2.41) 6.12 (2.57)
Long ISI EG −2.56 (2.17) −4.99 (2.47) 4.66 (1.48) 5.41 (2.10)
CG −2.38 (2.28) −3.48 (1.68) 5.23 (1.52) 4.99 (2.47)
Total −2.48 (2.20) −4.24 (2.21) 4.95 (1.50) 5.20 (2.27)
MMN latency P3a latency
Short ISI EG 212.87 (30.05) 193.28 (29.63) 365.30 (22.61) 340.35 (41.51)
CG 202.63 (36.54) 202.90 (35.00) 351.74 (4.49) 333.46 (30.75)
Total 207.75 (33.38) 198.09 (32.34) 358.52 (33.64) 336.91 (36.17)
Long ISI EG 200.15 (28.70) 189.87 (34.68) 400.70 (102.36) 348.24 (53.18)
CG 192.46 (30.18) 190.89 (37.53) 395.69 (104.95) 351.89 (73.91)
Total 196.31 (29.28) 190.38 (35.62) 398.19 (102.20) 350.07 (63.48)

latencies in Long ISI (M = 193.34; SD = 25.69) than in Short ISI nonsignificant (p = 0.644). Mean (with SD) for N2 amplitudes are
(M = 202.92; SD = 21.57). Mean (with SD) for MMN latencies are presented in Table 6.
presented in Table 4 and Figure 5. In ANOVA on N2 latencies, all effects were nonsignificant
(see Table 6).
ANOVA conducted on amplitudes (Table 3) revealed a N2’ (Long ISI Condition)
significant main effect of Session, with higher amplitudes in post- In ANOVA (Group × Session × Block) on amplitudes, the
(M = 5.00; SD = 1.63) than pre-test (M = 4.37; SD = 1.27), main effect of Session was significant (p = 0.005), whereas
independent of Group and Condition (p = 0.044). Block tended towards significance (p = 0.051). Two interactions,
In ANOVA on latencies (Table 3), main effects of Session and Session × Group and Group × Block, were observed (see
Condition were observed. Shorter P3a latencies were observed Table 5).
in post- (M = 343.49; SD = 41.12) than pre-test (M = 378.36; The Session × Group interaction resulted from higher
SD = 51.54; p = 0.001) and in Short ISI (M = 347.71; SD = 26.76) amplitudes in post- than in pre-test in EG (p = 0.001). In CG, these
than in Long ISI (M = 374.13; SD = 66.48; p = 0.025) in both differences were nonsignificant (p = 0.517). Mean (with SD) for
groups. Mean (with SD) for P3a amplitudes are presented in N2’ amplitudes are presented in Table 6.
Table 4 and Figure 6. Although the groups did not differ significantly in amplitudes
In summary, increased amplitudes in post-test in comparison for deviants (p = 0.083) or control deviants (p = 0.617), the
to pre-test were observed only in EG for MMN, but in both Group × Block interaction reflected higher amplitudes in EG in
groups for P3a. Shorter P3a latencies were observed in post- response to deviants (p = 0.005) than to control deviants. These
compared to pre-test and in the Short ISI than in the Long ISI differences in CG were nonsignificant (p = 0.904). Mean (with
Condition. SD) for N2’ amplitudes are presented in Table 6.
No significant effects in ANOVA on N2’ latencies were
observed (see Table 5).
Stage 2—N2 and N2’ In summary, enhanced N2 amplitudes post-test compared
N2 (Short ISI Condition) to pre-test were observed for deviants (presented in oddball),
In ANOVA (Group × Session × Block) on amplitudes, a main indicating increased deviant detection sensitivity. These
effect of Block modified by the Session × Block interaction was differences were nonsignificant for control deviants. In EG,
observed (see Table 5). N2 amplitudes were higher in post- enhanced N2 and N2’ amplitudes for both deviants and control
(M = −8.91; SD = 4.17) than in pre-test (M = −7.62; SD = 3.39) deviants were found in post-test. These amplitudes were higher
but only for deviants (p = 0.006). For control deviants, this in response to deviants than to control deviants.
difference was nonsignificant (p = 0.531). Moreover, only in post-
test were the amplitudes for deviants (M = −8.91; SD = 4.17) DISCUSSION
higher than for control deviants (M = −7.15; SD = 2.59;
p < 0.001). In pre-test, the amplitudes for deviants and control This study showed important training-related influences post-
deviants did not differ significantly (p = 0.676). test as compared to pre-test: (1) in EG in post-test increased
The Session × Group interaction resulted from higher MMN was accompanied by enhanced N2 and N2’ amplitudes
amplitudes in post- than pre-test in EG (p = 0.001, see Table 5). for deviants (in oddball); (2) in both groups post-test, higher P3a
In CG the difference between sessions was nonsignificant amplitudes and shorter latencies were observed. Additionally,
(p = 0.135). Moreover, in post-test in EG, amplitudes were higher in Short ISI, generally higher MMN amplitudes were observed
than in CG (p = 0.003). Pre-test between-groups differences were irrespective of training effect.

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FIGURE 5 | Mean mismatch negativity (MMN) amplitudes (in µV, with SD) in Short (left) and Long (right) ISI Conditions for EG and CG in pre- and post-test.

FIGURE 6 | Mean P3a amplitudes (in µV, with SD) in Short (left) and Long (right) ISI Conditions for EG and CG in pre- and post-test.

The applied MMN paradigm allowed the study of the Below, we discuss the observed relationships in terms of
‘‘genuine’’ timing, minimizing the influence of other cognitive training-induced effects and general rapid auditory processing.
processes which are highly involved in any behavioral task. It
is known that MMN is generated automatically, even without
overt attention being paid to the presented stimuli and it Training-Related Changes in Rapid
reflects the brain’s pre-attentive ability to detect any violation Auditory Processing
of the regularity of auditory stimulation (Näätänen and Picton, MMN
1987; Winkler, 2007). Due to its low cognitive demands (such After training, increased MMN amplitudes in both conditions
as attention, decision making, executive function, etc.) it is were obtained only in EG (Figure 4). This result is congruent
considered a reliable and objective measure in children. In our with data from other studies indicating increased MMN
study, the use of MMN allowed the verification of whether amplitudes after temporal-auditory interventions (Kujala et al.,
temporal training caused changes in electrophysiological 2001; Heim et al., 2016). For example, Heim et al. (2016) reported
responses as compared to the control non-temporal training. normalized ERP amplitudes and latencies of MMN in children

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TABLE 5 | Results of ANOVAs with repeated measures: F-values, p-values and effect sizes (η2 ) for the N2 (left) and N2’ (right) mean peak amplitudes (or latencies)
including Session (pre-test vs. post-test) and Block (Deviants vs. Control deviants) as within-subject factors and Group (EG vs. CG) as a between-subject factor.

N2 amplitude N2’ amplitude

Effect F p η2 F p η2

Session 1.858 0.182 0.052 8.859 0.005 0.207

Block 6.678 0.014 0.164 4.084 0.051 0.107
Group 3.936 0.055 0.104 1.279 0.266 0.036
Session × Group 12.465 0.001 0.268 4.203 0.048 0.110
Session × Block 11.400 0.002 0.251 3.696 0.063 0.098
Group × Block 0.196 0.660 0.006 4.812 0.035 0.124
Session × Block × Group 3.332 0.077 0.089 0.136 0.714 0.004
N2 latency N2’ latency

Session 0.010 0.922 <0.001 1.167 0.288 0.033

Block 1.263 0.269 0.036 3.141 0.085 0.085
Group 1.487 0.231 0.042 2.557 0.119 0.070
Session × Group 2.502 0.123 0.069 0.035 0.852 0.001
Session × Block 2.060 0.160 0.057 1.122 0.297 0.032
Group × Block 0.157 0.694 0.005 0.056 0.814 0.002
Session × Block × Group 0.215 0.646 0.006 0.352 0.557 0.010

Significant effects are marked in gray background.

TABLE 6 | N2 (left) and N2’ (right) mean peak amplitudes in µV (with SD) and latencies in ms in EG and CG, in pre-test and post-test and in Short and Long
inter-stimulus interval (ISI) conditions.

Short ISI condition Long ISI condition

N2 amplitude N2’ amplitude

Block Group Pre Post Pre Post

Deviants EG −7.71 (4.17) −10.75 (4.78) −4.71 (2.71) −6.60 (3.90)

CG −7.51 (2.51) −7.07 (2.40) −3.83 (1.80) −4.62 (1.75)
Total −7.62 (3.39) −8.91 (4.17) −4.27 (2.31) −5.61 (3.15)
Control deviants EG −7.78 (3.26) −8.40 (2.74) −3.46 (1.26) −4.66 (1.98)
CG −7.07 (2.90) −5.90 (1.74) −4.40 (1.81) −4.18 (1.76)
Total −7.42 (3.06) −7.15 (2.59) −3.93 (1.61) −4.42 (1.86)
N2 latency N2’ latency

Deviants EG 287.24 (44.38) 292.44 (38.10) 523.69 (81.90) 504.82 (87.81)

CG 316.82 (52.74) 293.44 (34.48) 508.11 (65.58) 482.41 (36.38)
Total 302.03 (50.32) 292.94 (35.82) 515.90 (73.55) 493.61 (67.21)
Control deviants EG 275.78 (39.20) 294.22 (56.58) 553.11 (89.88) 542.98 (109.09)
CG 293.76 (59.15) 296.26 (47.04) 518.43 (77.34) 523.74 (70.56)
Total 284.77 (50.29) 295.24 (51.29) 535.77 (84.49) 533.36 (91.07)

with language-learning impairment after the administration In our study, the training-related improvements indexed by
of FFW (see ‘‘Introduction’’ section). Nevertheless, they also MMN amplitudes in EG were post-test by both enhanced N2 and
found enhanced MMN post-test in healthy controls, probably N2’ amplitudes for the deviants, but not for the control deviants
due to task re-exposure. As in our study, increased MMN (see ‘‘Results’’ section, Stage 2). This may suggest increased
was only found in EG, excluding any effect of repeated temporal acuity after temporal training and better detection
measurement but suggesting, rather, that the changes were of the regular deviants. These relationships were not observed
training-related. Moreover, Kujala et al. (2001) found increased in CG.
MMN amplitude in response to paired tones following At this point, some conclusions can be drawn about the
14 sessions of auditory discrimination training in children with potential impact of the control block design on the obtained
dyslexia. They reported a correlation between increased MMN results. As mentioned before, our control block allows the
amplitude and improved reading skills. In contrast, in our study stimuli’s physical properties to be controlled while ignoring the
we did not find any statistically significant correlations between adaptation effect. One should agree that the reported MMN
enhanced MMN and improvement in behavioral measures amplitudes could potentially be artificially elevated because
reported in our previous article (Szelag et al., 2015). This lack of habituation due to repetition of the control deviants. As
of correlation in young children may be caused by the high significant differences between sessions for control deviant
variability of behavioral indicators which are highly cognitively amplitudes were not found, one may expect that the adaptation
demanding. effect modified both the pre- and post-test measurements in a

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similar way. Therefore, we expect that our control block design of attention to the presented auditory stimuli might be
will only have weakly influenced the training-related changes, enhanced, independent of the condition. Moreover, some
which were the main focus of our study. However, we would researchers have claimed that language improvement induced
recommend that future studies be more careful in designing by audiovisual trainings in children with language disorders
the control block, as suggested by, e.g., Jacobsen and Schröger may be moderated by attentional processes (Cohen et al.,
(2003). 2005; McArthur et al., 2010). Stevens et al. (2008) observed
The effects of our temporal training may be important enhanced ERPs associated with selective attention in children
for improving the rapid auditory processing of nonverbal with SLI after FFW administration resulted in receptive
information. There are convincing indications that such language improvement. Some support for this observation
processing is the neural basis of language and speech (see also comes from children with dyslexia showing diminished
‘‘Introduction’’ section). The training-induced improvements P300 amplitudes as well as better behavioral performance
in TIP may result in a transfer of the improvement from in a lexical decision task after audiovisual training (Jucla
the time domain to the language domain in which timing et al., 2010). The interpretation is that after such training,
is incorporated. Thus, improving timing in nonverbal attentional resources are more efficiently allocated during word
information may facilitate speech functions. This seems to recognition.
be crucial for future clinical applications of temporal training Regardless of the training approach taken, there is room to
procedures in speech therapy in subjects with language disorders create new intervention tools for children with language learning
(aphasia or SLI; Szelag et al., 2014; 2015; Szymaszek et al., impairments.
According to previous studies, other auditory trainings Two Temporal Mechanisms of Auditory
for children with language disorders (e.g., FFW, Earobics, Perception in SLI
phonological interventions) may induce changes on different Looking at the waveforms displayed in Figure 4 for deviants (red
levels of auditory processing. For example, Pihko et al. (2007), lines) and control deviants (blue lines), we can assume that two
in a MEG study, observed a stronger response to syllables, mechanisms of auditory processing were active depending on
as reflected in the enhancement of both the P1 component the duration of the ISI separating the two stimuli presented in
and MMN, corresponding to speech improvement indexed by rapid succession. This may be reflected in two different patterns
behavioral measurements in bilingual SLI children. Training- of neural responses. For Short ISI (paired tones separated
related changes were also observed in ABRs (auditory brainstem by an ISI of 50 ms), one electrophysiological response was
responses) in children with SLI or CAPD (central auditory elicited and indicated by a complex P1-N2 response which
processing disorders; Filippini et al., 2012) indicating that is dominant in children (Ervast et al., 2015). This reflects a
auditory processing may be enhanced at very early stages situation in which the response to the second tone within a
(subcortical stages). pair began before the termination of the response to the first
The transfer between improved auditory processing and tone, which is reported in studies using paired stimuli separated
language processing after auditory interventions (musical by a relatively short ISI (Figure 4). Evidence from previous
trainings) may be associated with enhanced sensitivity to acoustic literature has suggested the existence of a 200 ms long TWI
features creating a base for speech improvement (Besson et al., following the onset of the first sound, in which a unitary sound
2011). representation is formed (Näätänen and Winkler, 1999;Horváth
et al., 2007). In contrast, for longer ISIs (above 200 ms) two
P3a distinct neural responses were obtained: P1-N2 followed by
Some training-related changes were also observed in both groups P1’-N2’ for the first and second tone within a pair, respectively.
in the P3a component, which reflects involuntary attention The electrophysiological response to the second tone seemed
shifting (Escera and Corral, 2007). After both interventions, to appear after termination of the response to the first tone.
enhanced amplitudes and shortened P3a latencies were found, Similarly, two separated MMN potentials were elicited when the
irrespective of condition. Our results are similar to those stimulus onset asynchrony exceeded the duration of the TWI
obtained by Lovio et al. (2012) who reported P3a enhancement (Long ISI Condition; Figure 4).
after both the experimental (phonological awareness) and Such unitary sound representation has been reported in
control (math games) interventions, whereas MMN increment previous studies. For example, Wang et al. (2005) and Fox et al.
were observed only following the experimental intervention. This (2010) indicated the integration of two paired tones presented
pattern of training-related improvements is similar to that found with relatively short ISIs. Fox et al. (2010) obtained two distinct
in the present study, i.e., enhanced MMN in EG and increased neural responses in children aged 7–9 when paired tones were
P3a in both groups. separated by a 200 ms ISI. For ISIs of 25, 50 or 100 ms, only one
This training-related P3a increment in our study in both neural response was elicited. Furthermore, Wang et al. (2005),
groups may be caused by some features common to the two using the double deviant method in children aged 5–8, reported
interventions. These are: (1) similar attentional engagement; two separate MMN responses elicited by two kinds of deviant
(2) comparable mental load; and (3) involvement of auditory presented in a row differing either in pitch or intensity, but only
discrimination (compare the ‘‘Materials and Methods’’ section). when the separating ISI was 250 ms. At shorter ISIs (i.e., 50,
Thus, after both kinds of intense training, involuntary shifting 100, or 200 ms) they found only one MMN, indicating an

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integrated neural response to two different kinds of deviants. In cannot be compared directly. Considering the behavioral data
summary, the above research on temporal integration focused previously reported in children with SLI (Szelag et al., 2015), an
on an approximately 200 ms border interval known as the TIW. opposite relation of detection may emerge—i.e., shorter ISIs may
This research has clearly indicated the elicitation of one neural make the temporal ordering more difficult than long ISIs. Szelag
response when such an interval is short or near the TIW limit, et al. (2015) indicated that thresholds of temporal order for two
whereas, two distinct neural responses are observed when the sounds required an ISI of approx. 200 ms, whereas at shorter ISIs
time window following the onset of a sound exceeds the TIW. it was reported at a chance level. This suggests that longer ISIs
The important observation is that the children with SLI created an easier perceptual situation than shorter ones. Such
studied here presented the same pattern of responses as divergence between the electrophysiological results presented
their normally developing peers (reported in previous studies), here and the behavioral data published previously may be due to
i.e., one integrated MMN response at shorter ISIs and two the different mechanisms implemented in the sequencing of the
separate responses at longer ISIs. We may speculate that auditory stimuli presented with the various ISIs, i.e., perceptual
despite the TIP deficits in children with SLI evidenced in auditory streaming or identification of separate sounds.
behavioral methods, the neural basis of TIP seems preserved.
As reported in our previous studies (Szelag et al., 2015),
children with SLI displayed deteriorated perception of the CONCLUSION
temporal order of two sounds presented in rapid succession,
i.e., they displayed higher temporal order thresholds (values of In summary, using ERP we have demonstrated that temporal
approx. 200 ms) than their typically developing peers (approx. training may enhance the detection of changes in rapid
100 ms). Our results are promising as they show that the auditory streams in children with SLI. Improved temporal
neural mechanism of TIP evidenced in the electrophysiological resolution in two temporal windows was measured in terms of
method reported here is intact. One might expect that this increased MMN. Our study also indicated that intense cognitive
preserved neural base may constitute the framework for training (both temporal and non-temporal) in children with SLI
the efficacy of TIP training, resulting in improved language may ameliorate involuntary attention shifting as reflected by
skills. increased P3a amplitudes.
Results indicate that, not only in normal children (studied
Short vs. Long ISI Detection Reflected in by, e.g., Fox et al., 2010) but also in children with SLI, auditory
MMN perception of sequences of rapidly changing stimuli depends on
Higher MMN was observed in Short ISI as compared to Long the duration of the ISI separating the presented stimuli. At a
ISI (Figure 4). As higher amplitudes are usually observed in relatively short ISI (50 ms), one electrophysiological response
easier tasks than in more difficult ones (e.g., Näätänen, 2000), was elicited, whereas at a long ISI (200 ms) two separate
one may expect that for children with SLI, processing in Short electrophysiological responses occurred.
ISI was easier than in Long ISI. This was confirmed by greater
MMN amplitudes in the former case, irrespective of Session and
Group (see ‘‘Results’’ section, Stage 1, Figure 4). It seems that AUTHOR CONTRIBUTIONS
processing within the TIW (Short ISI) fosters easier detection
AD: subject recruitment, data acquisition, conducting therapy
of violation of regularities. Conversely, if the stimulus-onset-
sessions, analysis and interpretation of data, contribution to
asynchrony exceeds the TIW, smaller MMN (or even no MMN)
manuscript writing. AS: data acquisition, conducting therapy
occurred. The Long ISI Condition required a longer memory
sessions, analysis and interpretation of data, manuscript writing.
trace which made the detection of violation more difficult.
KN: conducting therapy sessions, analysis and interpretation
According to Näätänen (2000), MMN occurs when the
of data. ES: conceptualization and study design, analysis and
memory trace of the standard is still active during deviant
interpretation of data, manuscript writing. All authors: final
presentation, thus, MMN may depend on sensory memory
persistence. The overall duration of the paired-stimulus pattern
in Short ISI (150 ms) was twice as short as that in Long ISI
(300 ms), resulting in greater sensory memory load in the
latter case, creating more a difficult perceptual situation. On
the other hand, according to Winkler (2007), increased MMN This research was supported by grant INNOTECH-K1/IN1/
amplitude in response to the paired-tone patterns may indicate 30/159041/NCBR/12 from The National Centre for Research
the improvement of temporal grouping of incoming sounds, and Development (Narodowe Centrum Badań i Rozwoju) and
which seems crucial in the process of auditory object formation. Statutable to the Nencki Institute.
We emphasized the advantage of the MMN paradigm in
testing TIP in children as it does not require the participant to
actively perform the task or even to attend to the stimuli. In ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
this respect, this paradigm has a large advantage over behavioral
studies. It is worth mentioning that results of electrophysiological The authors would like to thank the neuropsychologists
and behavioral measurements examining the same phenomena and speech-language pathologists who recruited children

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Dacewicz et al. Auditory Temporal Training in SLI

with SLI for the study. We thank Elżbieta Chruścicka and of children. The authors would like to thank Anna
Monika Kastory-Bronowska from the Early Intervention Bombinska for her technical assistance during data
Centre in Warsaw for their assistance in the recruitment collection.

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