Ilusiones y SDT
Ilusiones y SDT
Ilusiones y SDT
Citation: Knotts, J. D., & Shams, L. (2016). Clarifying signal detection theoretic interpretations of the Müller–Lyer and sound-
induced flash illusions. Journal of Vision, 16(11):18, 1–4, doi:10.1167/16.11.18.
doi: 10 .116 7 /1 6. 11 .1 8 Received December 8, 2015; published September 30, 2016 ISSN 1534-7362
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Journal of Vision (2016) 16(11):18, 1–4 Knotts & Shams 2
Figure 1. Distributions of perceived line length under different illusion conditions in the Müller–Lyer simulation described in Witt et al.
(2015). The distance between distribution means (vertical bars) changes with each condition. Tails-in and tails-out distributions are
shifted left and right, respectively, by 13% of the means of the corresponding no-tails distributions. All distributions have a standard
deviation of 1.2 cm. Note that the no-tails condition was not simulated in Witt et al. (2015), but is included here for illustration.
Fechner law, where the magnitude of the illusion is Based on the results above, we conclude that the
proportional to the size of the visual stimulus. This most likely explanation for the discrepancy between
relationship is intuitive and has been supported the reported simulation design and the results in Witt
empirically in humans (Tudusciac & Nieder, 2010). et al. (2015) is that the authors did indeed model the
However, if this is the case, then the distance between effect of the Müller–Lyer illusion by shifting the two
the means of the two perceived length distributions will evidence distributions by the same constant. It is
be different between the different illusory conditions unclear whether the mistake was in the reporting or
(Figure 1). If we then consider that all simulated
distributions have a constant standard deviation of 1.2
cm, we should expect the results of the simulation to
show a change in d 0 between the tails-in and tails-out
conditions. Indeed, when we ran this simulation, a two-
tailed, paired-samples t test showed a significant
difference in d 0 between these two conditions (d 0 tails-in
¼ 1.43 6 0.14, d 0 tails-out ¼ 2.02 6 0.18, t(9) ¼ 9.499, p
, 0.001; Figure 2A). This raises the question of where
the discrepancy lies between our simulation and that of
Witt et al. (2015). Given that they reported a constant
standard deviation for all simulated distributions, it
follows from SDT that the only way to maintain a
constant value of d 0 while changing the criterion is to
shift the two evidence distributions by the same
constant. We modified our simulation to do this by Figure 2. Results from the simulation of the Müller–Lyer illusion.
shifting the means of the tails-out and tails-in (A) Modeling the effect of the illusion by shifting the two
distributions relative to the distributions in the no-tails evidence distributions by the 13% of their respective means, as
condition by 613% of 6 respectively, and the resulting described in Witt et al. (2015). (B) Modeling the effect of the
SDT measures matched those reported in Witt et al. (d 0 illusion by shifting the two evidence distributions by a constant.
tails-in ¼ 1.81 6 0.13, d 0 tails-out ¼ 1.69 6 0.18, t(9) ¼ The results in (B) match those presented in Witt et al. (2015).
1.55, p ¼ 0.16; Figure 2B). *P , 0.001.
the running of the simulation. In the former case, it is The real issue here is that we should expect different
left to be explained why the authors chose this less changes in SDT measures depending on which
intuitive model of the illusion, for which empirical conditions of the sound-induced flash illusion we
support in the literature is lacking. In the latter case, it choose to compare. This point is made clear by Figure
needs to be clarified that when the illusion is simulated 3, which provides an example of how d 0 and c change
as was reported, there in fact is a change in d 0 between between the three different auditory conditions (i.e.,
the tails-in and tails-out conditions. In either case, the zero beeps, one beep, and two beeps) in Rosenthal et
question is raised of whether or not the Müller–Lyer al. (2009). The fact that there is no significant change
illusion provides an appropriate example of an in d 0 between the two multisensory conditions does
experimental manipulation that can affect the criteri- not imply that the change in d 0 between unisensory
on without affecting d 0 . This is not to say that the and multisensory conditions is somehow not reflective
effect on the criterion should not be considered a of the sound-induced flash illusion. The two compar-
perceptual bias. We do not wish to undermine this isons are fundamentally different, and, in fact, it is
point, but rather to show that, in what may have been intuitive that d 0 should change between the latter and
haste to provide more convincing evidence for an not the former.
effect that supports the overarching message of their The purpose of comparing d 0 across the no-beep and
article, the authors have presented information that two-beep conditions in Rosenthal et al. (2009) was to
could potentially misguide future assumptions about track the magnitude of the perceptual component of
the way the perceptual processes underlying the the illusion that is due to multisensory integration. A
Müller–Lyer illusion are reflected in SDT measures. comparison between the one-beep and two-beeps
Given the pervasive use of this illusion in the study of conditions was not necessary for this purpose, and
visual perception, it seems crucial that this point be therefore it was left out of the analyses. This is not to
clarified. say that the change in c between the two multisensory
conditions cannot be reflective of perceptual process-
ing, but only that this particular measure was not of
primary interest to the goals of the study. We do agree,
The sound-induced flash illusion however, based on the central point of Witt et al.
(2015), that considering shifts in the criterion as
It is in the same vein that Witt et al. (2015) reflective of changes in perceptual processing could
oversimplified a signal detection theoretic explanation have potentially provided a more complete capture of
of the sound-induced flash illusion, and in doing so, the perceptual effect of the sound-induced flash illusion
misrepresented the SDT analysis provided in Rosen- between unisensory and multisensory conditions. Yet it
thal, Shimojo, and Shams (2009). Their discussion of stands to be corrected that, contrary to what was stated
the sound-induced flash illusion centers on a compar- in Witt et al. (2015), using d 0 to track perceptual effects
ison of the SDT measures computed for the one-beep of the sound-induced flash illusion is not, in and of
and two-beep conditions presented in Rosenthal et al. itself, an invalid method.
(2009). Comparing across these two conditions shows
exactly what the authors were looking for in their
simulation of the Müller–Lyer illusion: a change in
criterion, but no change in d 0 . Witt et al. (2015) Conclusion
criticized Rosenthal et al. (2009) for not comparing
these conditions in their SDT analysis and for instead In concluding, we wish to reiterate that the purpose
focusing on the change in d 0 between the no-beep and of this response is not to devalue the central point of
two-beep conditions. This analysis is implied to be Witt et al. (2015) concerning the misinterpretation of
erroneous as Witt et al. (2015) stated, ‘‘Theoretically, the signal detection theoretic criterion measure. There
the sound-induced flash illusion is an example of a is no doubt that this problem runs deep in the
perceptual bias, and therefore the illusion should literature, and their article is thus an important
present itself in the measure of c (or b), and not in d 0 ’’ warning to SDT users everywhere. Rather, our goal
(p. 3). If we take this statement at face value, are we to was simply to clarify specific supporting arguments
believe that the change in d 0 that occurs between the that we found to be inconsistent, or that we believed
unisensory and multisensory conditions in Rosenthal et were misrepresentative of previous work. The com-
al. (2009) is not a manifestation of the sound-induced mon thread in these arguments seems to be an
flash illusion? Clearly, this interpretation is unsatisfac- overreliance on the criterion measure in terms of
tory, as it is undeniable that the change in d 0 is at least explaining the perceptual processes associated with
somehow related to the multisensory conditions that each illusion, which may have arisen out of an
induce the illusion. eagerness on the part of the authors to provide
Figure 3. Signal detection measures approximated for each of three different auditory conditions in Rosenthal et al. (2009, experiment
1, feedback condition). Both d 0 and c show significant change between each pair of conditions, except in the case of d’ between the
two multisensory conditions. Note that we have modeled shifts in the criterion as perceptual biases according to Witt et al. (2015).
support for the idea that the criterion measure can References
reflect perceptual bias in addition to response bias. We
hope that showing the danger in making these types of
oversimplifying assumptions provides a gentle warn- Morgan, M. J., Hole, G. J., & Glennerster, A. (1990).
ing of its own to readers and others using signal Biases and sensitivities in geometric illusions. Visual
detection theoretic models of perception going for- Research, 30, 1793–1810.
ward. Raslear, T. G. (1985). Perceptual bias and response
bias in temporal bisection. Perception & Psycho-
Keywords: signal detection theory, Müller-Lyer illu- physics, 38(3), 261–268.
sion, sound-induced flash illusion
Rosenthal, O., Shimojo, S., & Shams, L. (2009). Sound-
induced flash illusion is resistant to feedback
training. Brain Topography, 21(3–4), 185–192.
Acknowledgments Tudusciac, O., & Nieder, A. (2010). Comparison of
length judgments and the Müller–Lyer illusion in
monkeys and humans. Experimental Brain Re-
Commercial relationships: None. search, 207(3–4), 221–231.
Corresponding author: J. D. Knotts. Witt, J. K., Taylor, J. E. T., Sugovic, M., & Wixted, J.
Email: T. (2015). Signal detection measures cannot distin-
Address: University of California, Los Angeles, Los guish perceptual biases from response biases.
Angeles, CA, USA. Perception, 44(3), 289–300.