Water Code of The Philippines Amended
Water Code of The Philippines Amended
Water Code of The Philippines Amended
Pursuant to the Water Code of the Philippines (the "Water Code") vesting upon
the National Water Resources Board (the NWRB) the administration and enforcement
of the provisions thereof, the following rules and regulations are hereby promulgated:
Appropriation and Utilization of Waters
SECTION 1. Water may be appropriated for the following descending
purposes and uses:
a. Domestic
b. Municipal
c. Irrigation
d. Power generation
e. Fisheries
f. Livestock raising
g. Industrial
h. Recreational, and
i. Other purposes
Use of water for domestic purposes is the utilization of water directly drawn
from a source by a household for drinking, washing, bathing, cooking, watering of
gardens or animals and other domestic uses.
Use of water for municipal purposes is the utilization of water for supplying the
water requirements of a community, whether by piped or bulk distribution for domestic
and other uses, direct consumption, the drawer or abstractor of which being the
national government, its subsidiary agencies, local government units, private persons,
cooperatives or corporations.
Use of water for irrigation is the utilization of water for producing agricultural
Use of water for power generation is the utilization of water for producing
electrical or mechanical power.
Use of water for sheries is the utilization of water for the propagation and
culture of fish as a commercial enterprise or any other aquaculture ventures.
Use of water for livestock raising is the utilization of water for large herds or
flocks of animals raised as a commercial enterprise.
Use of water for industrial purposes is the utilization of water in factories,
industrial plants and mines including the use of water as an ingredient of a nished
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Use of water for recreational purposes is the utilization of water for swimming
pools, bath houses, boating, water skiing, golf courses and other similar facilities in
resorts and other places of recreation. SEcTHA
Whenever necessary, the Board may exercise any of the above delegated
SECTION 3. Quali cation of Applicants for Permit/Authority . — Only the
following may file an application with the Board for permit/authority:
a) Citizens of the Philippines;
b) Associations, duly registered cooperatives or corporations organized
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under the laws of the Philippines, at least 60 percent of the capital of
which is owned by citizens of the Philippines;
c) Government entities and instrumentalities, including government-
owned and controlled corporations.
SECTION 4. Place of Filing Applications. — Except as otherwise provided in
these rules, application for water permit under Section 2 and permits to drill shall be
led directly with the Board or its deputized agents designated by the Board in the
province where the point of diversion or abstraction is situated in the case of
appropriation of waters or where the project is located in all other cases.
SECTION 5. Form and Requirements of Application. — All applications shall
be led in the prescribed form, sworn to by the applicant and supported by the
A. Water Permit for Municipal Use
1. Proof of land ownership of, legal title to, or right to use, the
property on which the water source is situated;
2. Certi cate of Registration from relevant agencies i.e
Department of Trade and Industry (DTI), Cooperative
Development Authority (CDA), Securities and Exchange
Commission (SEC) with Articles of Incorporation (for
Corporation or Association) including Corporate Secretary's
Certi cation on present capital structure stating the citizenship
and the number of shares of each stockholder;
3. Certi cate of Conformance from LWUA (for Water Districts
4. Certi cate of Registration (if Barangay Waterworks
Association, Rural Waterworks and Sanitation Association);
5. Vicinity Map/Location Plan with scale 1:10,000 or 1:50,000
showing the exact location of the point of diversion;
6. Subdivision Plan (if applicable);
7. Well Drilling Data (in case of existing groundwater source
authenticated by the well driller) including Physical and
Chemical analysis of water;
8. Sangguniang Bayan/Regional Development Council
endorsement (for LGU-managed water supply facilities);
9. Environmental Compliance Certi cate (for projects considered
as Environmentally Critical Projects or projects located in
Environmentally Critical Areas) or Certi cate of Non-Coverage
from DENR -Regional Office; and
10. Such other documents that may be required by the Board.
B. Water Permit for Irrigation Use
1. Proof of land ownership of, legal title to, or right to use, the
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property on which the water source is situated;
2. Certi cate of Registration from relevant agencies i.e
Department of Trade and Industry (DTI), Cooperative
Development Authority (CDA), Securities and Exchange
Commission (SEC) with Articles of Incorporation (for
Corporation or Association) including Corporate Secretary's
Certi cation on present capital structure stating the citizenship
and the number of shares of each stockholder;
3. Vicinity Map/Location Plan with scale 1:50,000 showing the
exact location of the point of diversion;
4. General layout of the system, including delineation of area
indicating hectarage for which water will be used and adjoining
lands and their corresponding owners duly indicated relative to
the point of diversion;
SECTION 28. Temporary Permits. — The Board may grant temporary permits
for the appropriation and use of water in situations such as the following:
a) Irrigation of an area pending the construction of a larger system to be
operated either by the government or by any irrigation association
which will serve said area. Such permit shall automatically expire
when water becomes available for the area from the larger system. In
cases where the supply from the larger system is not adequate, the
permit may be modified accordingly;
b) When there is need to use water for municipal purposes in emergency
situations pending the availability of an alternative source of supply as
provided in Article 22 of the Code;
c) For special research projects requiring the use of water for certain
periods of time;
d) For temporary use of water needed for the construction of roads,
dikes, buildings and other infrastructures; and
e) When there are unforeseen delays in the approval of the application
and appropriation of water is necessary pending the issuance of a
water permit, unless the application is protested.
f) Pending the submission of plans and speci cations of diversion
works, pump structure, water measuring device, and other required
structures and in addition for private sector projects, the
implementing schedules of construction and any additional
requirements as may be required by the Board.
Temporary permits shall specify the conditions and the period within which the
permit is valid. ACaTIc
Control, Conservation and Protection of Waters, Watersheds and Related Land
SECTION 29. Watershed Management, Protection and Rehabilitation. — The
NWRB, DENR and other appropriate agencies involved in watershed management shall
undertake watershed conservation, protection and rehabilitation and shall adopt
appropriate soil and water conservation, and protection measures to safeguard the
hydrological integrity of watersheds and help sustain the protection of water for
various purposes and uses. (i.e. DENR/Forest Management Bureau (FMB), Bureau of
Soils and Water Management (BSWM), Local Government Units (LGUs), Water District
(WD), private sector, etc.)
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SECTION 30. Prohibited Construction on Navigable or Floatable Waterways.
— Except when allowed under these rules, the Board shall recommend to the DPWH,
Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG) or appropriate government
agency or local government unit the removal of dams, dikes, or any structure or works
or devices that encroach into any public navigable or oatable rivers, streams, coastal
waters, waterways, bodies of water, or obstruct or impede the free passage of water or
cause inundation.
The rules and regulations of the Philippine Coast Guards pertaining to navigation
shall be suppletory to these rules. Rivers, lakes and lagoons may be declared by the
Board as navigable in whole or in part upon recommendation of the Philippine Coast
SECTION 31. Determination of Easements. — For purposes of Article 51 of
the Code, all easements of public use prescribed for the banks or rivers and the shores
of seas and lakes shall be reckoned from the line reached by the highest ood which
does not cause inundation or the highest equinoctial tide whichever is higher.
Any construction or structure that encroaches into such easement shall be
ordered removed or cause to be removed by the Board in coordination with DPWH, LGU
or appropriate government agency or local government unit.
SECTION 32. When Permit/Authority from the Department of Public Works
and Highways is Required. — A permit/authority shall be secured from the Department
of Public Works and Highways in the following instances:
a) Construction of dams, bridges and other structures in navigable or
floatable waterways;
b) Cultivation of river beds, sand bars and tidal ats upon clearance
from DENR;
c) Construction of private levees, revetments and other ood control
and river training works; and
d) Restoration of river courses to former beds.
SECTION 33. Place of Filing Applications of Permit/Authority. — Applications
for permit/authority under the next preceding section may be led with the Department
of Public Works and Highways District Engineering O ce in the province where the
project is to be undertaken.
SECTION 34. Form and Contents of Applications. — All applications shall be
filed in a prescribed form sworn to by the applicant and supported by the following:
A. For Cultivation of River Beds, Sand Bars and Tidal Flats
1) Location plan showing the river bed, delineation of the area to
be cultivated, the adjoining areas and the corresponding
lessees/permittees; and
2) Information showing the crops to be planted and the cropping
B. For Private Flood Control Works
1) Location plan showing the river channel, proposed control
works and existing works, if any, in the vicinity;
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2) Cross-sections of the river channel in the site;
3) Plans and specifications of control structures;
4) Construction schedule; and
5) Articles of Incorporation or Articles of Partnership in case
applicant is a private corporation or partnership, or Certi cate
of Registration in case of cooperatives.
C. For Restoration of River Courses to Former Beds
1) A davits of two disinterested persons attesting to the
circumstances of the changes in the course of the river or
stream, including the date when such change occurred;
2) Certi ed copies of the cadastral plans and technical
description of the lots affected by the river or stream, showing
the former course to which the river will be restored;aTADCE
SECTION 36. Limitation on Permits to Cultivate River Beds, Sand Bars and
Tidal Flats. — A permit to cultivate river beds, sand bars and tidal ats shall be non-
transferable and shall not be construed as authorizing reclamation of the area covered
by the permit, or as conferring upon the permittee a right of ownership thereof by
acquisitive prescription.
SECTION 37. Construction and Completion of Work. — The construction of
private ood control works and dams, bridges and other structures in navigable rivers
or streams shall be undertaken within the approved construction schedule; otherwise,
the permit shall automatically be cancelled unless a longer period is allowed.
Work for the restoration of a river or stream to its former bed shall be
commenced within the two (2) years from the date of change in the course of the river
or stream and completed within one (1) year from start of construction.
SECTION 38. Establishment of Flood Control Areas. — Whenever the DPWH
Secretary deems it necessary to declare ood control areas for the protection of ood
plain lands, he shall publish the same in three (3) newspapers of general circulation
setting forth the purpose of the declaration, the geographic limits of the declared
control area, and the regulations necessary to achieve the objectives.
SECTION 39. Inter-Agency Flood Plain Management Committee. — The
Secretary of DPWH shall form an Inter-Agency Flood Plain Management Committee for
each ood plain declared as ood control area, the members of which shall include, but
not limited to, representatives from the following:
a) Department of Public Works and Highways;
b) Department of Environment and Natural Resources;
c) National Disaster Coordinating Council through the O ce of Civil
d) Department of the Interior and Local Government;
e) National Economic and Development Authority;
f) National Hydraulic Research Center;
g) Department of Agriculture;
h) Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical Services
i) Concerned Local Government Unit/s;
j) National Water Resources Board
The functions of this Committee shall be:
a) To establish close liaison among national and local government
entities and promote the best interest and the coordinated protection
and management of ood plain lands for the mitigation of ood
damages viewed in a larger context to include other aspects such as
environmental quality and public health, safety and welfare;
b) To provide guidelines for local governments in the formulation of
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regulatory ordinances regarding flood plain use and occupancy;
c) To draft and recommend guidelines for ood plain management in a
particular ood control area in order to achieve the goals and
objectives thereof; and
d) To perform such other functions as the Secretary may direct.
SECTION 40. Storage and Rafting of Logs. — The Board, through its deputies,
may prohibit or control the rafting or storage of logs and other objects on rivers and
lakes when:
a) It causes pollution of waters used for domestic municipal purposes;
b) It causes danger to structures such as those for irrigation, power and
flood control.
SECTION 41. Prohibitions and Requirements on Water Impoundment. — The
Board shall, upon recommendation of the Department of Health, prohibit the
impounding of water in ponds or reservoirs when:
a) The water is found to contain excessive pollutants;
b) It will degrade its quality;
c) Public health is endangered; and
d) Such other similar situations.
Existing ponds or reservoirs falling under the aforementioned cases shall be
ordered drained by the Board or controlled by other approved methods.
SECTION 42. Reservoir Operations. — Owners or persons in control of a
reservoir shall submit to the Board the proposed reservoir operation rule curve
together with all pertinent data for approval which shall be followed except during
periods of extreme drought and when public interest so requires, wherein the Board
may change the operation during the period after due notice and hearing.
The Board shall review periodically or whenever necessary the rule curve for
possible revisions.
A rule curve is a diagram showing the minimum water level requirement in the
reservoir at a speci c time to meet the particular needs for which the reservoir is
Furthermore anyone who operates a reservoir shall submit to the Board his plan
for handling maximum discharges with a view to avoiding damage to life and property.
SECTION 43. Employment of Engineer in Dam Operations. — All operators of
storage dams exceeding 10 meters high or over ow dams exceeding 2 meters high
from the stream bed shall make arrangements for the periodic inspection of said
structures and its operating equipment by a registered engineer (civil/structural/dam).
A multipartite monitoring team shall be formed to monitor activities such as
status/conditions of dam structure for the purpose of identifying conditions which may
adversely affect the safety of the structures in giving advice to the operator on the
proper maintenance and operation thereof.
2 - 10 200
More than 10 - 20 400
More than 20 - 40 600
More than 40 1000
The Board may increase or decrease the above spacing requirements under any
of the following circumstances:
a) for low-income housing development projects where home lot size
will limit available spacing between homeowners' wells;
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b) where the geologic formation may warrant closer or farther spacing
between wells; and
c) where assessment of pumping test records on yields, drawdown,
circle of in uence, seasonal uctuations in water table and other
technical data on groundwater wells, drilling and operation indicate
possible closer or farther spacing between wells.
In modifying the spacing requirements the following criteria shall be applied:
a) No new well shall cause more than 2 meters of additional drawdown
to any existing well;
b) If the rate of withdrawal applied for a well will cause additional
drawdown of more than 2 meters to any existing well the rate of
withdrawal applied for shall be reduced to satisfy the drawdown limit;
c) The Board shall prescribe the maximum pump size and horsepower in
the water permit so that the rate of withdrawal shall not exceed that
d) Groundwater mining may be allowed provided that the life of the
groundwater reservoir system is maintained for at least 50 years.
SECTION 47. Minimum Stream Flows and Water Levels. — When the Board
deems it necessary to establish minimum stream ows for rivers and streams and/or
minimum water levels for lakes as provided under Article 66 of the Code, it shall notify
the public through newspapers that a public hearing shall be conducted for such
purpose. In the conduct of the hearing, the following shall be considered:
a) Adverse effects on legal appropriators;
b) Priorities that may be altered on the basis of greater bene cial use
and/or multi-purpose use;
c) Protection of the environment, control of pollution, navigation,
prevention of salt water damage and general public use; and
d) Other factors relevant to the situation.
In general, the Board shall consider the following criteria in the establishment of
minimum streamflows of rivers and streams and minimum water levels of lakes:
a) For water quality and environmental protection, the minimum stream
ow or lake water level shall be estimated based on the threshold
concentration of pollutant and environmental requirements in
cooperation with the DENR;
b) For navigation purposes, the minimum ow or water level to be
provided shall be such that the resulting stream ow or water level
shall remain navigable to the existing vessels that ply the river or lake;
c) For sh conservation, consideration shall be made such that the
resulting stream ow or lake level will not adversely affect the existing
sh habitat. The minimum ow/water level to be provided shall be
determined by the Board in consultation with BFAR; and
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d) In any case the minimum requirement shall be the observed or
estimated absolute minimum streamflow or lake level.
If any party fails to appear despite due notice, the Hearing O cer may proceed
with the reception of evidence in the absence of such party.
SECTION 74. Orders/Rulings. — Interlocutory orders/rulings made during the
proceedings are not appealable.
Motions for postponements or continuance shall be based on valid and
reasonable grounds and the grant or denial thereof rests upon the sound discretion of
the Hearing O cer, provided that not more than three (3) postponements may be given
to either party or a total of six (6) postponements in a given case, regardless of the
number of parties and provided further, that in no case shall any postponement last for
more than thirty (30) calendar days.
SECTION 75. Investigation Report. — The hearing o cer shall transmit to the
Board within thirty (30) days from the date of termination of the proceedings, his report
with the complete record of the case and a comprehensive sketch of the premises
involved. The report shall contain the following:
a) Names and postal addresses of the parties;
b) Nature of the controversy;
c) Summary of the allegations and proofs presented by parties;
d) Clear and concise statement of the ndings of facts borne by the
evidence and/or revealed in the ocular inspections;
e) The law and rules involved; and
f) Conclusion, comment and recommendation.
SECTION 76. Decision. — All disputes shall be decided within sixty days (60)
days after the parties submit the same for decision or resolution. Decisions shall be in
writing, stating clearly and concisely the cause or causes of action, ndings of facts
and the law or rules upon which they are based.
The Board shall have the power to issue writs of execution and enforce its
decisions with the assistance of national or local law enforcement agencies subject to
prior notice to the party concerned in accordance with Article 84 of the Code.
SECTION 77. Proof of Service. — Decisions, resolutions or orders of the
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Board shall be furnished to the contending parties through their counsel if represented,
or by personal/substituted service or registered mail with return card.
Personal/substituted service to the parties shall be acknowledged in writing, indicating
the date or receipt and the name of the person receiving. Should any person refuse to
receive the decision, resolution or order, a written statement to such effect duly signed
by the person serving shall be submitted. Decisions, resolutions or orders coursed
through the deputies/agents of the Board, shall in all cases, be served upon counsel, if
represented, or to the party within ve (5) days from the date of receipt by the O ce
SECTION 78. Appeal/Motion for Reconsideration and/or Reinvestigation. —
A. Appeal from the decision of the Board in accordance with Article 89
of the Code shall be made by the party adversely affected by ling a
Notice of Appeal with the Board and payment of appeal fee in an
amount to be prescribed by the Board within fteen (15) days from
receipt of the decision unless a motion for reconsideration or
reinvestigation is led with the Board within the same period. The
ling of said motion suspends the running of the 15-day period within
which to file an appeal with the Court.
B. Motion for reconsideration/reinvestigation shall be based on any of
the following grounds:
a) Fraud, accident, mistake or excusable negligence which
ordinary prudence could not have guarded against and by
reason of which the aggrieved party has probably been
impaired in his rights;
b) Newly discovered evidence which petitioner could not, with
reasonable diligence, have discovered, and produced at the
investigation and which if presented would probably alter the
result; and
c) Palpable errors in the ndings of facts and conclusions of law
or decisions that are not supported by the evidence adduced in
the investigation.
Only one motion for reconsideration/reinvestigation accompanied by proof of
service upon the other party shall be entertained. Resolution of motion for
reconsideration/reinvestigation shall be served upon the parties concerned in
accordance with Section 76 hereof. IaAHCE
SECTION 93. The Board may, from time to time, pass resolutions amending
speci c provisions of these rules, which shall take effect 15 days after its publication in
a national newspaper of general circulation.
SECTION 94. These rules shall take effect fteen (15) days after publication
in the Official Gazette and a newspaper of national circulation.
Republic of the Philippines
Pursuant to Executive Order No. 197 series of 2000 and per NWRB Resolution
No. 010-0305 dated 21 March 2005, the National Water Resources Board on its 29th
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Meeting approves the following fees and charges:
(in Pesos)
A. Application/Filing Fee
1. Water Permit
(a) Municipal 5,000
(b) Irrigation (1) National/Corporation 5,000
(2) Communal/Individual 500
(c) Power generation 5,000
(d) Fisheries 5,000
(e) Livestock Raising (1) Backyard 1,000
(2) Commercial 3,000
(f) Industrial 5,000
(g) Recreational 5,000
(h) Other Purposes 5,000
2. Transfer of Water Permit
(a) Municipal 5,000
(b) Irrigation (1) Communal/Individual 3,000
(2) National/Corporation 5,000
(c) Power generation 5,000
(d) Fisheries 3,000
(e) Livestock Raising (1) Backyard 1,000
(2) Commercial 3,000
(f) Industrial 5,000
(g) Recreational 5,000
(h) Other Purposes 5,000
3. Registration for Domestic Use 100
4. Registration as Well Driller & Renewal (annual)
(a) Sole Proprietor 1,000
(b) Partnership or 2,000
5. Certificate of Public Convenience (CPC)/Certificate of Public 3,000
Convenience and Necessity (CPCN)
6. Provisional Authority 3,000
7. Extension of CPC/CPCN Validity (Renewal) 3,000
8. Authority to Increase Capital Stock 2,000
9. Time Extension to Submit Annual Report of Operation 1,500
10. Authority to Charge Water Rates 2,500
11. Protests/Water Use Conflicts 3,000
12. Appeal Fee 1,000
13. Rate Adjustment/Increase 3,000
14. Sale/Transfer/Lease of Water System with CPC/CPCN 2,000
15. Donation of Water System with CPC/CPCN 2,000
16. Authority for Extension of Service 2,000
17. Re-Appraisal/Re-Evaluation of Assets 5,000
More than
CLASSIFICATION Base Not 10 lps but More than
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more not
Cost than 10 exceeding 50 lps
50 lps
NOTE: For declared critical areas in Metro Manila, the following rates shall apply:
a. In areas adequately serviced by MWSS concessionaires: 100% of water tariff of the
b. In areas not adequately serviced by MWSS concessionaires: 35% of water tariff of
the concessionaires
i) Charge for over P3,000 for every 1 lps or fraction thereof over
extraction for non-
critical areas
j) Other Charges
(j-1) Use of Water at its Natural Location for Fish Culture
(j-1-a) For surface Base Cost of P500 + P 110/ha.
< 15 has.
(j-1-b) For surface Base Cost of P500 + P1,650 for 15
area has. plus P0.65/ha. in excess of
> 15 has. 15 has.
k) Waterworks Supervision
(k-1) Supervising/ P0.50 per P100 capital stock
subscribed or paid or if no shares
Regulation Fee been issued, of the capital invested,
or of the property and
equipment, whichever is higher.
2. Certification Charge
a) Certification for Memorial Parks 3,500
b) Certificate of Water Availability
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c) Other Technical Certification 1,500
d) Certified photo copy
D. Penalties
1. Owner
(a) Operation of a System without a P5,000 per year reckoned from date
operation or five years whichever
first but not to exceed P25,000
(d) Refusal to have meters tested and Additional 20% of approved testing
sealed and
sealing fee for water meter times total
active connection per year
(e) Illegal extraction of groundwater More than P800 but not exceeding
per day of violation
2. Well Drillers