Water Technology: Natural Sources and Their Chemistry
Water Technology: Natural Sources and Their Chemistry
Water Technology: Natural Sources and Their Chemistry
Water Technology
1.1 Introduction
Water exists in three states: solid, liquid and gaseous. The important sources of water
are (i) rain water, (ii) ground water and (iii) sea water. Rain water carries all the
washed out minerals, salts and organic matter from the earth’s surface and it reaches to
water bodies such as ponds, lakes and rivers. Also, these impurities seep into
underground and are stored as ground water. Sea water is highly alkaline due to the
presence of dissolved salts.
The natural water contains numerous organisms and dissolved gases (ex:
oxygen), which is essential for aquatic organisms. The pure water is one which
is free from organisms. Water is required mainly for drinking and cooking, also for
industry, agriculture and many other activities. Pollution of water implies that it
contains a lot of inorganic and organic substances introduced by human activities,
which change its quality, not suitable for any purposes and also harmful for living
organisms. Any alteration in physical, chemical or biological properties of water, as
well as the addition of any foreign substance makes it unfit for health and which
decreases the utility of water, is known as water pollution. The major impurities
present in the water bodies are described below
1.1.1 Impurities:
1) Water takes up the impurities when it comes in contact with soil or ground
Water becomes impure when it comes in contact with sewage or industrial
2) Organic impurities in water are generally introduced by decomposition of
plants and animals.
1.1.2 Nature of impurities in water:
1) Dissolved gases: The water mainly contains carbon dioxide and oxygen. If
water contains ammonia, hydrogen sulphides and oxides of sulphur gives bad
smell and taste to water.
2) Suspended impurities: These are insoluble impurities, which can be removed
by filtration or settling. There are two types Clay, silica, oxides of iron are
inorganic impurities. Wood and disintegrated part of dead animals are organic
3) Microscopic matter: These consists mainly bacteria and other microorganisms
(algae and fungi). Generally responsible for water borne diseases
4) Dissolved mineral salts: These are the soluble impurities in water includes
carbonates, bicarbonates chlorides and sulphides of calcium and magnesium.
Oxides if iron lead etc.
5) Organic matter: It includes vegetable and animal matters i.e., decay plants and
6) colloidal impurities: They consisting of proteins, amino acids, ferric
hydroxides, clay and lumic acid etc.,
150 cm3 of waste water is taken in a BOD bottle; add 2ml of MnSO4 and 2 ml of alkaline
KI to the reagent bottle containing a known volume of water. Obtained Basic manganese
hydroxide Precipitation is dissolved using con H2SO4. Take a 50 cm3 of the above reaction
mixture into 250 cm3 conical flask. Add 4-5 drop of starch indicator and titrate the liberated
iodine against standard sodium thiosulphate, till the colour changes from blue to colour less.
Observation and calculation
Normality of Na2S2O4 solution= N1
Volume of Na2S2O3(Sodium thiosulphate) solution =V1 cm3
Volume of water take for titration=V2 cm3
N1 x V 1
Normality of the dissolved N2= V2
V 1 x N1 x 8
Water of dissolved oxygen per liter of water = V2 g
V 1 x N1 x 8
X 1000 ppm
= V2
The azide destroys the oxides of nitrogen due to this reason alkali is mixed with azide
The oxygen carrier in winklers method is basic manganic oxide MnO(OH)2
Starch is an adsorption indicator which is made of amyose and amylopectin.
Definition: “ The amount of oxygen required in milligrams for the biological oxidation by the
microorganism to bring about oxidation of biological compounds present in 1 dm3 waste water
over a period of 5 days at 20oC.”
The biodegradable impurities present in the waste water are oxidizes by aerobic bacteria,
using dissolved oxygen. Biodegradable matter such as carbohydrates, proteins, oils and facts
utilized by aerobic bacteria’s as source of energy.
Characteristics of BOD
It is expressed in parts per million (ppm) or mg/dm3.
Larger the concentration of decomposable organic matter, greater is the BOD and
consequently more is the nuisance value.
Strictly aerobic conditions are required.
Determination is slow and time consuming.
Some of the possible reaction during BOD estimation
CH3COO- + 2O2 CO2 + HCO3- + H2O
Note: 25 ml of waste water is diluted to 1000 ml, and divided in two BOD bottles (500 ml each)
Blank titration:
DO content of the one bottle determined immediately (Add 2ml of MnSO 4 and 2 ml of
alkaline KI to the reagent bottle containing a known volume of water. Obtained Basic manganese
hydroxide Precipitation is dissolved by the addition of 2 ml con H 2SO4 leading to give dark
yellow color. Take a 50 cm3 of the above reaction mixture into 250 cm 3 conical flask. Add 4-5
drop of starch indicator and titrate the liberated iodine against standard sodium thiosulphate, till
the colour changes from blue to colour less)
Sample titration:
The second bottle is incubated for 5 days at 20oC, after 5 days unconsumed DO is
determined as above procedure and it is found to be D2.
20 ml of sewage sample was diluted to 600ml and equal volumes were filled in two BOD
bottle. Do in one bottle was determined immediately and 200ml of the solution required 4.2 ml
of N/40 Na2S2O3 solution. The second sample was incubated for 5 days and in DO determined;
200ml solution required 2.2 ml of N/40 Na2S2O3 solution. Calculate BOD of the solution.
Volume of sample before dilution, A =20 ml
Volume of the sample after dilution, B = 600ml
Volume of Na2S2O3 solution required for blank = 4.2ml(V1)
Volume of Na2S2O3 solution required for sample after 5 days= 2.2ml(V3)
Normality of Na2S2O3 solution= N/40=1/40=0.025 N
Volume of water sample taken =200ml.(V2)
V 1 x N1 x 8
g /dm−3
Water of dissolved oxygen per liter of water = V2
4.2 X 0.025
= 200
D1 =4.2X10-3g/dm-3 = 4.2 mg/dm-3
V 3 x N1 x 8
g /dm−3
Water of dissolved oxygen per liter of water= V2 =
2.2 X 0.025
D2 =2.2X10-3 g/dm-3 =2.2 mg/dm-3
D1 −D2 4 . 2−2 .2
= xB mg/dm−3 X 600 =60 mg/dm− 3
Therefore= A = 20
1.5 Chemical oxygen demand:
Definition: “It is the amount of oxygen in milligrams required to complete oxidation of organic
and inorganic compounds present in one ldm3 of waste water by using strong oxidizing agent
such as K2Cr2O7.”
A known volume of waste water sample ifs refluxed with excess of K 2Cr2O7 solution in
sulphuric acid medium in the presence of Ag2SO4 and HgSO4. K2Cr2O7 acts as oxidizing agent in
acidic media which oxidizes all the oxadizable impurities present in waste water. The amount of
unreacted K2Cr2O7 is determined by titration with known strength FAS (Ferrous ammonium
sulfate). The amount of K2Cr2O7 consumed for the oxidation corresponds to COD of waste water.
In this titration Ferroin is used as indicator. This indicator is redox indicator which
contains Fe+2 ions. This indicator is red in colour. Oxidizing agents oxidizes the iron in the
indicator to +3 oxidation state which is in pale blue colour.
Pipette out 25 ml of waste water in to 250 ml conical flask and 1 ml and 1g of mercuric
sulphate and 1 g silver sulphate are added fallowed by the addition of 25ml of potassium
dichromate solution of known strength.
The above mixture is refluxed for two hours and cools the mixture. Titrated the mixture
against standard FAS solution, till the colour changes from green to brown using Ferrion
as a indicator.
Once again blank titration is carried out same procedure without waste water
Reaction involved
K2Cr 2O7 + 4H2SO 4 K2SO 4 + Cr 2(SO 4)3 + 4H2O + 3(O)
K2Cr 2O 7 + 6FeSO 4 + 7H2SO 4 K2SO 4 +Cr 2(SO 4)3 + 3Fe(SO 4)3 + 7H2O
Problem 2:
In a COD test, 28.1 and 14.0 cm 3 of 0.05 N FAS solution were required for blank and
sample titration respectively. The volume of test sample used is 25 cm 3. Calculate the COD
of the sample solution.
Volume of 0.1N FAS required to react with unconsumed K2Cr2O7=14.0 ml
Volume of FAS consumed in blank=28.1ml
Amount of K2Cr2O7 consumed to satisfy COD
in terms of FAS solution=28.1-14.0=14.1 ml
N1 V1 = N2 V2
0.5 X 14.1
Therefore, normality of COD Sample N1= 25
0. 5 X 14 . 1
X 8=0 . 225 .6 g/dm− 3 =225. 6 mg/dm−3
COD of the sample= 25
Problem 3:
25 ml of an effluent sample requires for oxidation 8.3 ml of 0.001 N K 2Cr2O7 . Calculate
the COD of the effluent sample.
Solution: (i) Evaluate the oxygen content
1000 cm3 of 1N solution of K2Cr2O7 = 48 gm of Oxygen
48 X 0.001 X 8.3
Unit of Hardness
Number of parts of hardness causing substance in 106 parts of water. Generally, it
is mg/dm-3.
Degree French
Number of parts of hardness causing substance in 105 parts of water.
Degree Clarke
Number of parts of hardness causing substance in 7 X 104 parts of water.
1.6.1 Calcium carbonate equivalence
Any sample of water contains various types of impurity in various amounts. The degree
of harness due to all these substances are unified in the forms of CaCO3
Reasons for representing in calcium carbonate equivalence
CaCO3 is water insoluble
CaCO3 doesn’t impart hardness
Its molecular weight is 100 which make calculation easy
Due to this reason harness is expressed in calcium carbonate equivalence
V 1 XM 1 X 100
106g of water contains = 1000 XV 2 X 106 ppm of CaCO3
Colour of metal-EBT complex is wine red
Colour of metal-EDTA complex colourless
Colour of free EBT indicator is blue
NH3-NH4Cl buffer is added to maintain the PH 10 because in this pH only the indicator
shows proper colour change.
NO 2
100 ml of a sample of water requires 18 ml of 0.01M EDTA for titration using EBT
indicator. In another experiment, 100 ml of the same sample of water was gently boiled and the
precipitate was removed by filtration. The filtrate requires 9.0ml of 0.01 M EDTA using EBDT
Indicator. Calculate the total hardness of the water sample, permanent hard water.
Volume of water taken=100 ml(V2)
Normality of EDTA = 0.01N
Volume of EDTA consumed =V1
Volume Of EDTA Consumed=V3
V 1 X M 1 X 100 X 106 18 X 0. 01 X 100 X 106
=180 ppm
Total hard water = 1000 X V 2 = 1000 X 100
V 3 X M 1 X 100 6
X 10 6
9.0 X 0.01 X 100 X 10
=90 ppm
Permanent hard water= 1000 X V 2 = 1000 X 100
Temporary hardness= Total hardness-Permanent hardness
Temporary hardness = 180-90=90ppm of CaCO3
1.6.2. Alkalinity
Alkalinity of water is due to the presence of the substance which increases the
concentration of OH- , either by hydrolysis or by dissociation. Alkalinity measures the acid-
neutralizing capacity of water sample. It is an aggregate property of water sample and can be
interpreted in terms of specific substance only when a complete chemical composition of the
sample is also performed.
The alkalinity of the water sample is due to carbonate (CO 32-),, bicarbonate (HCO3-) and
hydroxide (OH-), content. Alkalinity may also be includes contribution from borates, phosphates,
silicates (SiO32- ), or other bases. This alkalinity is very important parameter and it is very
essential for water to use in irrigation, industrial and domestic use.
OH- + H+ H2O
CO32- + H+ HCO3-
A known volume of water sample is pipette into 250cm 3 conical flasks and titrated
against standard hydrochloric acid using phenolphthalein as indicator. The disappearance of pink
color indicates the end point and titration continues using methyl orange as indicator until the
reappearance of pink color is the end point (The same solution is titrated against the standard
sulphuric acid using methyl orange as indicator).
Principle: In this method SPADNS molecule made to react with the zirconium chloride in
acidic media which forms a red coloured complex. When this red coloured comlex made to react
with fluoride present in the water sample then forms colourless ZrF 6 leaving behind SPADNS
which is of yellow in colour. As amount of fluoride increases red colour decreases and yellow
colour (absorption maxima is 570 nm) of SPADNS increases. By colorimetric estimation
absorption of yellow colour is measured and hence amount of fluoride can be calculated using
calibration plot method.
This follows Beers lambertz law which states that “when monochromatic light falls on
homogeneous absorbing medium rate of decrease on intensity of light with respect to the
thickness of the medium is directly proportional to intensity of incident radiation”.
SPADNS solution:
Dissolve 958 mg of SPADNS in 500 ml of distilled water
Zirconyl chloride solution:
Dissolve 133 mg of Zirconyl chloride octahydrate (ZrOCl2.8H2O) in 25 ml of distilled water.
Add 350 ml of conc HCl and dilute to 500 ml with distilled water.
Stock solution is prepared according to the table given below.
1 0 5+5 mL
2 1ml 5+5 mL
3 2ml 5+5 mL
1 drop each
4 3ml 5+5 mL
5 4ml 5+5 mL
6 5ml 5+5 mL
Sample solution is prepared in series of 25 mL standard flasks and each flask filled with 5+5 mL
of SPADNS + ZrOCl2 red coloured solution. Then each bottle is added with different concentration of
fluoride as mentioned in table. One drop of NaAsO 2 is added to avoid the hindrance of the chloride ion in
NaF solution. Then standard flasks are made up to the mark and then used for colorimetric estimation. As
concentration of the fluoride ion increases red colour decreases and yellow colour increases. The
increasing yellow color is measured calorimetrically. A graph is plotted concentration of fluoride ion
verses colorimetric reading and then unknown concentration of fluoride ion is determined using
calibration plot method.
Colorimetric reading
Volume of
unknown solution
Concentration of fluoride ions
2) Relatively insensitive to flow and total dissolved solids (TDS level and suitable for small
systems with a high degree of seasonal fluctuation in water demand,
3) RO operates immediately, without any minimum break-in period,
6) Operational simplicity and automation allow for less operator attention and make RO
suitable for small system applications.
1) High capital and operating costs,
2) Managing the wastewater (brine solution) is a potential problem,
3) High level of pre-treatment is required in some cases,
4) Membranes are prone to fouling and
5) Discharged Brackish is harder than the previous one
6) Produces the most wastewater at between 25-50 percent of the feed.
7) Colloidal silica is not removed by this process.
There are different methods of preparation of membranes are available in the literature
they are as follows
Precipitation in a non-solvent (typically water) induced, NIPS;
Solvent evaporation induced, EIPS;
Vapor phase induced, VIPS;
Precipitation by cooling-thermally induced, TIPS.
Generally, the membrane prepared using NIPS methods are used in high pressure RO
purification techniques. NIPS method
The preparation of polymer membrane in NIPS method involves following steps
Selection of suitable polymer (Eg: polysulfone, poly urethane)
Dissolution of polymer in polar solvents such as DMF (Dimethyl formamide) of
NMP (N-methyl pyrolidinone)
Pouring of this polymer solution on clean glass plate
Spreading of polymer solution uniformly on the glass plate using different
After partial drying the films are kept in the oven at high temp to remove the
Dipping the film along with glass plate in bowl containing pure water
Removal of pealed film and drying of film
When we dip this polymer film in water then solvent molecule present
in the films try to come to the upper surface of membrane by making a pore or void in the
polymer film which is essential in the RO method of water purification
The following figure represents the membrane prepared in NIPS method