KKKK Us4143016
KKKK Us4143016
KKKK Us4143016
The pH of 538.5 parts by weight of a 39% strength 3. A process according to claim 2 wherein melamine
and formaldehyde are reacted at a temperature of from
aqueous formaldehyde solution is adjusted to 7 with 45 to 55° C. .
sodium hydroxide solution in a 2 liter three-necked
4. A process according to claim 1 wherein the etheri
?ask. 224 parts by weight of methanol, 126 parts by ?cation is carried out at a temperature of from 30° to 40°
weight of melamine and 1.5 ml of 50% strength sodium C. .
hydroxide solution are then added and the contents of 5. A substantially monomeric methylolamine etheri
the ?ask are stirred at 55° C. for 3 hours, and a readily ?ed by methanol which contains, per mol of melamine,
stirrable slurry forms. The reaction mixture contains more than 5 mols of formaldehyde and more than 4
37% of water and 25.2% of methanol. mols of methyletheri?ed methylol groups and which
After cooling, 576 parts by weight of methanol are has a viscosity of less than 10 pa.s at 25° C. at a solids
added, and at 30° C. 37 parts by weight of 55% ‘strength content of at least 95%, when prepared by the process
nitric acid are added. The batch is then further pro according to claim 1. '
cessed as in Example 1. * ‘I! * * it