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United States Patent [191 [11] 4,143,016

Hiinel et al. [45] Mar. 6, 1979


674948 7/1952 United Kingdom ............. .. 260/67.6 R
[75] Inventors: Hans I-liinel, Frankfurt am Main; 1030268 5/1966 United Kingdom ...... ..... .. 260/67.6 R
Karlfried Keller, Bergen-Enkheim;
Walter Michel, Frankfurt ‘am Main; Primary Examiner-M. J. Welsh‘
Manfred Schiin, Rodgau, all of Fed. Attorney, Agent, or Firm-Connolly and Hutz
Rep. of Germany [57] ABSTRACT
[73] Assignee: Cassella Aktiengesellschaft, A process for the preparation of a substantially, mono
Frankfurt, Fed. Rep. of Germany meric methylolmelamine etheri?ed by methanol which .
contains per mol of melamine, more than 5 mols of
[21] Appl. No.: 875,307 _ formaldehyde and more than 4 mols of methyl-etheri
[22] Filed: Feb. 6, 1978 ?ed methylol groups which has a viscosity of less than
10 Pa.s at 25° C. at a solids content of at least 95%, said
[30] Foreign Application Priority Data process comprising reacting melamine and formalde
Apr. 9, 1977 [DE] Fed. Rep. of Germany ..... .. 2716006 hyde in a molar ratio of from 1 2 6.2 to l : 8, at a tempera
- ture of from 40 to 60° C., in the presence of a basic
[51] Int. 01.1 ............................................ .. C08L 61/28 catalyst in a reaction mixture which contains from 10 to
[52] us. or. .................... ....... .. 260/29.4 R; 528/239; 40% by weight of water and from 40 to 20% by weight
528/243; 528/254 of methanol thereby producing a suspension of me
[58] Field of Search ................... .. 260/67.6 R, 29.4 R; thylolmelamine, and then etherifying the methylol mel
528/243, 239, 254 amine in the presence of from 15 to 30 mols of methanol
[56] I References Cited per mol of melamine, at a temperature of from 25 to 50°
C., in the presence of a strong acid.
3,087,837 4/ 1963 Van Loo et al. ............. .. 260/67.6 R 5 Claims, N0 Drawings
out in this process must, however, be isolated prior to
PREPARATION OF MELAMINE DERIVATIVES the subsequent etheri?cation and either these intermedi
ate products must be dried (US. Pat. Nos. 2,998,410,
The invention relates to a process for the manufac 3,020,255 and 3,087,837) or the moist intermediate prod
ture of substantially monomeric methyl-etheri?ed meth uct must be subjected to an etheri?cation in two stages
ylol melamines which contain, per mol of melamine, (US. Pat. No. 2,998,411), in which case an entraining
more than 5 mols of formaldehyde and more than 4
agent, such as xylene or toluene, usually also has to be
mols of methyletheri?ed methylol groups and, at a added at the end of the ?rst etheri?cation stage. The
solids content of at leastv95%, have a viscosity of less necessary isolation of the intermediate product is a par
than 10 Pa.s“ at 25° C. 10 ticular disadvantage of these processes.
‘ In accordance with the SI-syster'n (Systems International d'Unité) the
dynamic viscosity unit is the Pascal-second having the unit symbol: Finally, a process for the manufacture of substantially
Pa.s. l Pascal-second equals the dynamic viscosity of a laminar-?owing,
homogeneous ?uid wherein between two plane layers thereof being monomeric methyl-etheri?ed melamine resins is also
parallel-arranged at l in interval and having a difference in speed of 1 known from British Patent Speci?cation No. 674,948,
m/s there exists I Pascal shearing stress. Between the Poise unit hitherto
used and the Pascal-second unit there is the relationship of 1 Poise = 0.] and in this process melamine is methylolated with 8
Pa.s. mols of aqueous formaldehyde solution per mol of mela
Melamine resins of this type are used, for example, as mine and then etheri?ed with methanol in the presence
so-called high-solid lacquer resins for the manufacture of a strong inorganic acid. The melamine resins manu
of lacquers. Because of their low viscosity, coupled, at factured by this process are, however, highly viscous at
the same time, with relatively high solids contents, the 25° C. and at a solids content of 95% and have a viscos
lacquersneed to contain only small amounts of volatile ity of more than 1,000 Pa.s.
solvents under the processing conditions. As a result, The object of the invention was, therefore, to avoid
the amounts of volatile organic solvents liberated dur the disadvantages of the previous processes for the
ing processing, for example during the stoving of manufacture of substantially monomeric methyl-etheri
sprayed-on stoving lacquers, are also only small, which ?ed methylolmelamines, which contain, per mol of
is highly desirable for protection of the environment. 25
melamine, more than 5 mols of formaldehyde and more
According to British Pat. Spec. No. 1,030,268, mela than 4 mols of methyl-etheri?ed methylol groups and,
mine resins of this type can be manufactured by methyl
at a solids content of at least 95%, have a viscosity of
olation of melamine with more than 10 mols of para
formaldehyde per mol of melamine in methanolic solu less than 10 Pa.s at 25° C. According to the invention,
tion in the presence of a basic catalyst and subsequent this object is achieved by reacting melamine and form
etheri?cation with excess methanol in the presence of a aldehyde in a molar ratio of l:6.2 to 1:8, at temperatures
strong inorganic acid. Since at most 6 mols of formalde of 40° to 60° C., in the presence of a basic catalyst in a
hyde are bonded per mol of melamine, either the form reaction mixture which contains 10 to 40% by weight of
aldehyde present in excess gives rise to a severe load on water and 40 to 20% by weight of methanol, to give a
the effluent and exhaust air, or the formaldehyde pres 35 suspension of methylolmelamine and then etherifying
ent in excess has to be worked up at additional cost. If, the latter in the presence of a total of 15-30 mols of
instead of the more than 10 mols of paraformaldehyde methanol per mol of melamine at temperatures of 25° to
mentioned in Example 1 of the above patent speci?ca 50° C. in the presence of a strong acid.
tion, 7 mols of paraformaldehyde are employed per mol The process according to the invention is preferen
of melamine, products are obtained which, as a result of 40 tially suitable for the manufacture of those substantially
a higher degree of condensation and lower degree of monomeric methyl-etheri?ed methylolmelamines
etheri?cation, are more highly viscous and, at a solids which contain, per mol of melamine, more than 5.5 mols
content of 95%, have a viscosity of more than 1,500 of formaldehyde and 4.3 to 5.1 mols of methyl-etheri
Pa.s. In addition, the melamine resins manufactured in tied methylol groups.
this way have only a lesser stability and a reduced com In the process according to the invention, formalde
patibility with hydrophobic components and, as a re hyde is employed in the form of the conventional aque
sult, are not very suitable as so-called high-solid lacquer ous or methanolic solution or of an aqueous-methanolic
resins. ' ‘ solution, optionally together with paraformaldehyde,
In US. Pat. No. 2,918,452, a process for the manufac and 6.2 to 8 mols, and preferably 6.5 to 7 mols, of form
ture of substantially monomeric methyl-etheri?ed mela 50 aldehyde must be present per mol of melamine.
mine resins is described, according to which methylola Inorganic or organic bases or compounds having a
tion with, for example, 7 mols of paraformaldehyde per basic reaction, such as, for example, triethylamine, al
mol of melamine in the presence of xylene and subse kali metal carbonates, such as, for example, potassium
quent acid etheri?cation with excess methanol, either in carbonate or sodium carbonate, alkali metal bicarbon
the presence of the xylene or after removal of the xy 55 ates, such as, for example, sodium bicarbonate, or alkali
lene, is possible. In addition to the use of paraformalde metal hydroxides, such as, for example, sodium hydrox
hyde, which is obtained in a technically involved man ide solution or potassium hydroxide solution, can be
ner by concentrating aqueous formaldehyde solutions, used as the basic catalyst for the methylolation. Sodium
disadvantages of this process which may be mentioned hydroxide solution is preferably used. Amounts of 0.1 to
are, in particular, the comminution of the crystalline 1% by weight, and preferably of 0.2 to 0.5% by weight,
methylolmelamine which is obtained as an intermediate of the base or compound having a basic reaction are
product and the use of xylene, which constitutes a ?re employed, relative to the weight of the starting compo
hazard and pollutes the environment, the use of xylene nents melamine and formaldehyde.
also lowering the space-time yield. According to the invention, water and/or methanol
In order to manufacture substantially monomeric 65 are added in an amount such that the reaction mixture
methyl-etheri?ed methylolmelamines it is also known to contains 10 to 40% by weight of water and 40 to 20%
react melamine with aqueous formaldehyde solutions. by weight of methanol during the methylolation. The
The methylolmelamine intermediateproducts separated ratio between water and methanol is so chosen that the
4,143,016 4
reaction mixture contains 50 to 60% by weight of the ticularly low viscosity are obtainable with amounts of
water/methanol mixture. from 6.5 mols of formaldehyde per mol of melamine; up
The methylolation is carried out at temperatures of to a molar ratio of melaminezformaldehyde of 1:7, end
40° to 60° C., preferably at 45° to 55° C., in the course products which do not pollute the environment and
of l to 5 hours and preferably of 2—4 hours. The reaction produce only a slight load on the ef?uent and exhaust
batch is stirred during the methylolation. air are formed.
According to the process of the invention, a readily The process according to the invention is a simple
stirrable suspension of highly methylolated melamine is and economical one-pot process which does not pollute
obtained which subsequently can be etheri?ed in the the environment and, in a single stage etheri?cation,
same reaction vessel without isolation and intermediate 0 gives substantially monomeric methyl-etheri?ed me
drying. thylolmelamines of low viscosity without the use of a
For etheri?cation, methanol is added to the resulting large excess of formaldehyde, without the addition of
suspension in an amount such that a total of 15 to 30 an inert solvent and without intermediate drying of
mols of methanol are present per mol of melamine. The water-containing methylolmelamines.
etheri?cation is carried out, whilst stirring, at tempera 5 The products obtained by the process according to
tures of 25° to 50° C., and preferably 30° to 40° C., in the the invention can be used, for example, for finishing
presence of 1 to 10% by weight of a strong acid, relative textiles and paper and also for the high-solid ?eld of
to the weight of the starting components. Suitable lacquer-coating in combination with alkyd resins, oil
strong acids can be mineral acids, such as, for example, free polyesters or acrylate resins for the production of
sulphuric acid, hydrochloric acid or phosphoric acid, high-gloss, scratch-resistant coatings which have very
carboxylic acids, such'as, for example, trichloroacetic good resistance to weathering, and also as adhesives. If
acid, or sulphonic acids, such as, for example, p-toluene the addition of solvents is necessary when the products
sulphonic acid. Nitric acid is preferably used. Depend are used, it is necessary to add only small amounts,
ing on the reaction conditions, the etheri?cation has because of the low viscosity of the products.
ended after 20 minutes to 2 hours maximum. After The examples which follow serve to illustrate the
etheri?cation has ended, a clear solution has formed. invention further. Percentage data are data in percent
Subsequently, the batch is worked up in a known ages by weight.
manner, that is to say, for example, neutralised or ren
dered slightly alkaline with sodium carbonate or potas EXAMPLE 1
sium carbonate, sodium hydroxide or potassium hy
droxide and the excess methanol, together with the Molar ratio melamine : formaldehyde : methanol
water contained in the batch, is distilled off in vacuo. 1 : 7 : 22
After all of the volatile constituents have been removed,
the melamine resin is ?ltered, for example through kie The pH of 159 parts by weight of a 39% strength
selguhr, in order to separate off the salt. 35 aqueous formaldehyde solution is adjusted to 7 with
If the methanol content of the reaction mixture is sodium hydroxide solution in a 2 liter three-necked
raised to more than 40% by weight during the methyl ?ask. 165 parts by weight of paraformaldehyde (90%
olation, more than 8 mols of formaldehyde per mol of strength, remainder water), 243 parts by weight of
melamine must be employed in order to manufacture methanol, 126 parts by weight of melamine and 1.5 m1
methyl-etheri?ed methylolmelamines of low viscosity, 40
of 50% strength sodium hydroxide solution are then
because of increased hemi-acetal formation. However, added and the contents of the ?ask are stirred at 50° C.
this procedure is uneconomical and not very favourable for 2 hours, during which time a readily stirrable slurry
in respect of environmental protection. A methanol forms. The reaction mixture contains 16.6% of water
content lower than 20% by weight of the reaction mix and 35% of methanol. After cooling, 461 parts by
ture during the methylolation gives rise to a highly weight of methanol are added, and at 30° C. 37 parts by
exothermic reaction at the start of the methylolation weight of 55% strength nitric acid are added. Etheri?
and to the formation of lumpy methylolmelamines cation is then carried out at 35° C. for about 25 minutes,
which subsequently can be etheri?ed only with dif? whilst stirring, and a clear solution forms; the pH of this
culty to end products having viscosities of less than 10 solution is immediately adjusted to 8.5 with sodium
Pa.s. The methylolmelamines manufactured by the pro hydroxide solution and the mixture is concentrated
cess according to the invention, the reaction mixture for under a waterpump vacuum until the internal tempera
which contains 40-20% by weight of methanol, are ture is 85° C. and is then filtered hot through kieselguhr.
obtained in the form of readily stirrable mixtures of low The resulting 95% strength methyl-etheri?ed me
viscosity which can be etheri?ed without dif?culty. thylolmelamine (the solids content is calculated from
The etheri?ed methylolmelamines manufactured by 55
the loss in weight which 2 g of the product undergo on
the process according to the invention have a viscosity heating for one hour at 120° C. in an aluminium dish)
of less than 10 Pa.s at 25° C. with a solids content of at
has a viscosity of 4.8 Pa.s at 25° C. and contains about
least 95%. This low viscosity is achieved by the use of 5.9 mols of formaldehyde and about 4.8 mols of methyl
at least 6.2 mols of formaldehyde per mol of melamine.
Methoxymethyl-melamines manufactured using more 60 etheri?ed methylol groups per mol of melamine.
than 8 mols of formaldehyde per mol of melamine do EXAMPLE 2
not have any improved properties compared with the
products manufactured within the molar ratios claimed.
Molar ratio melamine : formaldehyde : methanol
When less than 6.2 mols of formaldehyde are employed 1 : 6.5 : 25
per mol of melamine, more highly viscous melamine 65
resins are formed as a result of incompletely methylol
ated intermediate products undergoing a condensation The pH of 147 parts by weight of a 39% strength
reaction. Methyl-etheri?ed methylolmelamines of par aqueous formaldehyde solution is adjusted to 7 ‘with
' 5 6
sodium hydroxide solution in a 2 liter three-necked The resulting 95% strength methyl-etheri?ed me
?ask. 153 parts by weight of paraformaldehyde (90% thylolmelamine has a viscosity of 5.2 Pa.s at 25° C. and
strength, remainder water), 243 parts by weight of contains about 5.7 mols of formaldehyde and about 4.8
. methanol, 126 parts by weight of melamine and 1.5 ml mols of methyl-etheri?ed methylol groups per mol of
of 50% strength sodium hydroxide solution are then melamine. ' .

added and the contents of the ?ask are stirred at 50° C.

for 3 hours, and a readily stirrable slurry forms. The
reaction mixture contains 15.8% of water and 36.2% of
methanol. Molar ratio melamine : formaldehyde : methanol
1 : 7 2 25
After cooling, 557 parts by weight of methanol are
added and at 30° C. 37 parts by weight of 55% strength
nitric acid are added. The batch is then further pro The pH of 568 parts by weight of methanol-contain
cessed as in Example 1. . ing formaldehyde (37% of formaldehyde, 43% of meth
The resulting 95% strength methyl-etheri?ed me anol and 20% of water) is adjusted to 7 with sodium
thylolmelamine has a viscosity of 8.7 Pa.s at 25° C. and hydroxide solution in a 2 liter three-necked ?ask. 126
contains about 5.6 mols of formaldehyde and about 4.5 parts by weight of melamine and 1.5 ml of 50% strength
mols of methyl-etheri?ed methylol groups per mol of sodium hydroxide solution are then added and the con
melamine. tents of the ?ask are stirred at 55° C. for 5 hours, and a
readily stirrable slurry forms. The reaction mixture
EXAMPLE 3 20 contains 16.5% of water and 35.1% of methanol.
After cooling, 555.8 parts by weight of methanol are
Molar ratio melamine : formaldehyde : methanol
I added, and at 30° C. 37 parts by weight of 55% strength
1 : - 8 : 25 nitric acid are added. The batch is then further pro
cessed as in Example 1. -
25 The resulting 95% strength methyl-etheri?ed meth
The pH of 410 parts by weight of a 39% strength ylol melamine has a viscosity of ‘3.5 Pa.s at 25° C. and
aqueous formaldehyde solution. is adjusted to 7 with contains about 5.9 mols of formaldehyde and about 4.8
sodium hydroxide solution in a 2 liter three-necked mols of methyl-etheri?ed methylol groups per mol of
?ask. 88.7 parts by weight of paraformaldehyde (90% melamine. .
strength, remainder water), 298 parts by weight of What we claim is:
methanol, 126 parts by weight of melamine and 1.5 ml 1. A process for the preparation of a substantially
of 50% strength sodium hydroxide solution are then monomeric methylolmelamine etheri?ed by methanol
added and the contents of the ?ask are stirred at 45° C. which contains per mol of melamine, more than 5 mols
for 3 hours, and a readily stirrable slurry forms. The of formaldehyde and more than 4 mols of methyl-etheri
reaction mixture contains 28.1% of water and 32.2% of 35 ?ed methylol groups which has a viscosity of less than
methanol. After cooling, 502 parts by weight of metha 10 pascalseconds at 25° C. at a solids content of at least
nol are added, and at 30° C. 37 parts by weight of 55% 95%, said process comprising reacting melamine and
strength nitric acid are added. The batch is then further formaldehyde a molar ratio of from 1:62 to 1:8, at a
processed as in Example 1. temperature of from 40° to 60° C., in the presence of a
The resulting 95% strength methyl-etheri?ed me basic catalyst in a reaction mixture which contains from
thylolmelamine has a viscosity-of 7.4 Pa.s at 25° C. and 10 to 40% by weight of water and from 40 to 20% by
contains about 5.9 mols of formaldehyde and about 4.7’ weight of methanol thereby producing a suspension of
mols of methyl-etheri?ed methylol groups per mol of methylolmelamine, and .then without separating meth
melamine. ylol melamine from the suspension etherifying the
45 methylol melamine'in the presence of from 15 to 30
EXAMPLE 4 mols of methanol per mol of melamine, at a temperature
of from 25° to 50° C., in the presence of a strong acid.
Molar ratio melamine :' formaldehyde : methanol 2. A process according to claim 1, wherein melamine
l : 7 : 25 and formaldehyde are reacted together in a molar ratio
50 of from 1:65 to 1:7. _ .

The pH of 538.5 parts by weight of a 39% strength 3. A process according to claim 2 wherein melamine
and formaldehyde are reacted at a temperature of from
aqueous formaldehyde solution is adjusted to 7 with 45 to 55° C. .
sodium hydroxide solution in a 2 liter three-necked
4. A process according to claim 1 wherein the etheri
?ask. 224 parts by weight of methanol, 126 parts by ?cation is carried out at a temperature of from 30° to 40°
weight of melamine and 1.5 ml of 50% strength sodium C. .
hydroxide solution are then added and the contents of 5. A substantially monomeric methylolamine etheri
the ?ask are stirred at 55° C. for 3 hours, and a readily ?ed by methanol which contains, per mol of melamine,
stirrable slurry forms. The reaction mixture contains more than 5 mols of formaldehyde and more than 4
37% of water and 25.2% of methanol. mols of methyletheri?ed methylol groups and which
After cooling, 576 parts by weight of methanol are has a viscosity of less than 10 pa.s at 25° C. at a solids
added, and at 30° C. 37 parts by weight of 55% ‘strength content of at least 95%, when prepared by the process
nitric acid are added. The batch is then further pro according to claim 1. '
cessed as in Example 1. * ‘I! * * it

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