We Present A Method To Establish Inner Point Contacts Pre-Patterning The top-hBN
We Present A Method To Establish Inner Point Contacts Pre-Patterning The top-hBN
We Present A Method To Establish Inner Point Contacts Pre-Patterning The top-hBN
It has been theoretically proposed that the spin textures of surface states in a topological insulator can be directly transferred to graphene by means of the proximity effect, which is
very important for realizing a two-dimensional topological insulator based on graphene. Here we report the anomalous magnetotransport properties of graphene−topological insulator
Bi2Se3 heterojunctions, which are sensitive to the electronic coupling between graphene and the topological surface state. The coupling between the pz orbitals of graphene and the p
orbitals of the surface states on the Bi2Se3 bottom surface can be enhanced by applying a perpendicular negative magnetic field, resulting in a giant negative magnetoresistance at the
Dirac point up to about −91%. An obvious resistance dip in the transfer curve at the Dirac point is also observed in the hybrid devices, which is consistent with theoretical predictions
of the distorted Dirac bands with nontrivial spin textures inherited from the Bi 2Se3 surface states.
2. Realization of the quantum spin Hall effect in graphene devices has remained an outstanding challenge dating back to the inception of the field of topological insulators.
2. It has been theoretically proposed that the spin textures of surface states in a topological insulator can be directly transferred to graphene by means of the proximity effect, which is
Graphene’s exceptionally weak spin-orbit coupling—stemming from carbon’s low mass—poses the primary obstacle. We experimentally and theoretically study artificially
very important for realizing a two-dimensional topological insulator based on graphene. Here we report the anomalous magnetotransport properties of graphene−topological insulator
enhanced spin-orbit coupling in graphene via random decoration with dilute Bi2Te3 nanoparticles. Multi terminal resistance measurements suggest the presence of helical edge
Bi2Se3 heterojunctions, which are sensitive to the electronic coupling between graphene and the topological surface state. The coupling between the pz orbitals of graphene and the p
states characteristic of a quantum spin Hall phase; the magnetic field and temperature dependence of the resistance peaks, x-ray photoelectron spectra, scanning tunneling
orbitals of the surface states on the Bi2Se3 bottom surface can be enhanced by applying a perpendicular negative magnetic field, resulting in a giant negative magnetoresistance at the
spectroscopy, and first-principles calculations further support this scenario. These observations highlight a pathway to spintronics and quantum information applications in
Dirac point up to about −91%. An obvious resistance dip in the transfer curve at the Dirac point is also observed in the hybrid devices, which is consistent with theoretical predictions
graphene-based quantum spin Hall platforms.
of the distorted Dirac bands with nontrivial spin textures inherited from the Bi 2Se3 surface states.
2. Realization
The weak of the quantum
intrinsic spin-orbit coupling spin Hall effect
in graphene in graphene
can be devices
greatly enhanced byhas remained
proximity an outstanding
coupling. challenge
Here, we report dating
on the back to the inception
proximity-induced spin-orbitofcoupling
the fieldinofgraphene
topological insulators.
transferred by
Graphene’s exceptionally weak spin-orbit coupling—stemming from carbon’s low mass—poses the primary obstacle. We experimentally and theoretically study artificially
hexagonal boron nitride (hBN) onto the topological insulator Bi1.5Sb0.5Te1.7Se1.3 (BSTS) which was grown on a hBN substrate by vapor solid synthesis. Phase coherent transport
enhanced spin-orbit coupling in graphene via random decoration with dilute Bi2Te3 nanoparticles. Multi terminal resistance measurements suggest the presence of helical edge
measurements, revealing weak localization, allow us to extract the carrier density-dependent phase coherence length lφ. While lφ increases with increasing carrier density in the
states characteristic of a quantum spin Hall phase; the magnetic field and temperature dependence of the resistance peaks, x-ray photoelectron spectra, scanning tunneling
hBN/graphene/hBN reference sample, it decreases in graphene/BSTS due to the proximity coupling of BSTS to graphene. The latter behavior results from D’yakonov-Perel’-type spin
spectroscopy, and first-principles calculations further support this scenario. These observations highlight a pathway to spintronics and quantum information applications in
scattering in graphene with a large proximity-induced spin-orbit coupling strength of at least 2.5 meV.
graphene-based quantum spin Hall platforms.
4. The weak intrinsic spin-orbit coupling in graphene can be greatly enhanced by proximity coupling. Here, we report on the proximity-induced spin-orbit coupling in graphene transferred by
We present a method
hexagonal to establish
boron nitride (hBN) ontoinner point contacts
the topological Bi1.5Sb0
insulatorwith .5Te1.7Se1as
dimensions .3 small
100 was
nm grown
on hexagonal boron nitride
on a hBN substrate (hBN)
by vapor encapsulated
solid synthesis. graphene
Phase coherent transport
measurements,by pre-patterning
revealing the top-hBN
weak localization, allow usintoaextract
separate step density-dependent
the carrier prior to dry-stacking.
phase coherence length lφ. While
2- and 4-terminal fieldlφ
effect measurements
increases between
with increasing different
carrier density in the
lead combinations
hBN/graphene/hBN are reference
in qualitative
sample,agreement with
it decreases in an electrostatic
graphene/BSTS due to model assuming
the proximity pointlike
coupling of BSTScontacts. The
to graphene. Themeasured contact
latter behavior from D’yakonov-Perel’-type
resultsresistances are 0.5–1.5 kXspin
per contact,
scatteringwhich is quite
in graphene withlow for proximity-induced
a large such small contacts. By applying
spin-orbit a perpendicular
coupling strength magnetic
of at least 2.5 meV. field, an insulating behaviour in the quantum Hall regime was
observed, as expected for inner contacts. The fabricated contacts are compatible with high mobility graphene structures and open up the field for the
realization of several electron optical proposals.
We formulate a continuum model to study the low-energy electronic structure of heterostructures formed by graphene on a strong three-dimensional topological insulator (TI) for the cases of both
commensurate and incommensurate stacking. The incommensurability can be due to a twist angle between graphene and the TI surface or a lattice mismatch between the two systems. We find that
the proximity of the TI induces in graphene a strong enhancement of the spin-orbit coupling that can be tuned via the twist angle.
3. Itinsulators
Topological has been(TIs)
representproposed that thestate
a new quantum spin of
surface statesbyinrobust
a topological insulator
gapless states canthe
inside be insulating
directly transferred
bulk gap.to graphene
The metallicbyedge
means of the
states of aproximity effect, which is
very important for realizing a two-dimensional topological insulator based on graphene. Here we report the anomalous magnetotransport properties of graphene−topological insulator
(2D) TI, known as the quantum spin Hall (QSH) effect, are immune to backscattering and carry fully spin-polarized dissipationless currents. However, existing 2D TIs realized in HgTe
Bi2Se3 heterojunctions, which are sensitive to the electronic coupling between graphene and the topological surface state. The coupling between the pz orbitals of graphene and the p
and InAs/GaSb suffer from small bulk gaps (<10 meV) well below room temperature, thus limiting their application in electronic and spintronic devices. Here, we report a new 2D TI
4. It has been theoretically proposed that the spin textures of surface states in a topological insulator can be directly transferred to graphene by means of the proximity effect, which is
comprising aorbitals
grapheneof the
layersurface states on
sandwiched the Bi2two
between Se3 Bi
bottom surface can be enhanced by applying a perpendicular negative magnetic field, resulting in a giant negative magnetoresistance at the
2Se3 slabs that exhibits a large intrinsic bulk band gap of 30−50 meV, making it viable for room-temperature applications. Distinct
very important for realizing a two-dimensional topological insulator based on graphene. Here we report the anomalous magnetotransport properties of graphene−topological insulator
Dirac point up to about −91%. An obvious resistance dip in the transfer curve at the Dirac point is also observed in the hybrid devices, which is consistent with theoretical predictions
from previous strategies for enhancing the intrinsic spin−orbit coupling effect of the graphene lattice, the present graphene-based TI operates on a new mechanism of strong inversion
Bi2Se3 heterojunctions, which are sensitive to the electronic coupling between graphene and the topological surface state. The coupling between the pz orbitals of graphene and the p
of the distorted Dirac bands with nontrivial spin textures inherited from the Bi 2Se3 surface states.
between graphene Dirac bands and Bi2Se3 conduction bands. Strain engineering leads to effective control and substantial enhancement of the bulk gap. Recently reported synthesis of
orbitals of the surface states on the Bi2Se3 bottom surface can be enhanced by applying a perpendicular negative magnetic field, resulting in a giant negative magnetoresistance at the
smooth graphene/Bi2Se3 interfaces demonstrates the feasibility of experimental realization of this new 2D TI structure, which holds great promise for nanoscale device applications.
Dirac point up about −91%.
2. toRealization An quantum
of the obvious resistance
spin Halldip in the
effect transfer curve
in graphene at thehas
devices Dirac point is an
remained alsooutstanding
observed in challenge
the hybrid devices, which
dating back to is consistent
the inception with theoretical
of the field ofpredictions
topological insulators.
of the7.distorted Dirac bands
Graphene’s with nontrivial
exceptionally weakspinspin-orbit
textures inherited from the Bi 2Sefrom
coupling—stemming 3 surface states.
carbon’s low mass—poses the primary obstacle. We experimentally and theoretically study artificially
Enhancing spin-orbit
the spin−orbit coupling
interaction in graphene
in graphene, via via random
proximity decoration
effects with diluteinsulators,
with topological Bi 2Te3 nanoparticles.
could create aMulti
novelterminal resistance
2D system measurements
that combines suggest
nontrivial spin the with
textures presence of helical edge
high electron
2. Realization of the quantum spin Hall effect in graphene devices has remained an outstanding challenge dating back to the inception of the field of topological insulators.
mobility.states characteristic
To engineer practicalofspintronics
a quantum spin Hall phase;
applications thegraphene/topological
with such magnetic field and temperature dependence
insulator (Gr/TI) of the resistance
heterostructures, peaks,of
an understanding x-ray photoelectron
the hybrid spectra,
spin-dependent scanning
properties is tunneling
Graphene’s exceptionally weak spin-orbit coupling—stemming from carbon’s low mass—poses the primary obstacle. We experimentally and theoretically study artificially
essential.spectroscopy, and despite
However, to date, first-principles
the large calculations further support
number of experimental this
studies onscenario. These observations
Gr/TI heterostructures reportinghighlight a pathway
a great variety to spintronics
of remarkable and quantum
(spin) transport information
phenomena, applications
little is known in
enhanced spin-orbit coupling in graphene via random decoration with dilute Bi 2Te3 nanoparticles. Multi terminal resistance measurements suggest the presence of helical edge
about thegraphene-based
true nature of thequantum spinofHall
spin texture the platforms.
interface states as well as their role on the measured properties. Here, we use ab initio simulations and tight-binding models to determine the
states characteristic of a quantum spin Hall phase; the magnetic field and temperature dependence of the resistance peaks, x-ray photoelectron spectra, scanning tunneling
precise spin texture of electronic states in graphene interfaced with a Bi 2Se3 topological insulator. Our calculations predict the emergence of a giant spin lifetime anisotropy in the graphene
3. first-principles calculations further support this scenario. These observations highlight a pathway to spintronics and quantum information applications in
spectroscopy, and
layer, which should be a measurable hallmark of spin transport in Gr/TI heterostructures and suggest novel types of spin devices.
graphene-basedThe weak intrinsic
quantum spin Hallspin-orbit coupling in graphene can be greatly enhanced by proximity coupling. Here, we report on the proximity-induced spin-orbit coupling in graphene transferred by
8. hexagonal boron nitride (hBN) onto the topological insulator Bi1.5Sb0.5Te1.7Se1.3 (BSTS) which was grown on a hBN substrate by vapor solid synthesis. Phase coherent transport
measurements, revealing weak localization, allow us to extract the carrier density-dependent phase coherence length lφ. While lφ increases with increasing carrier density in the
The weak intrinsic spin-orbit coupling in graphene can be greatly enhanced by proximity coupling. Here, we report on the proximity-induced spin-orbit coupling in graphene transferred by
hBN/graphene/hBN reference sample, it decreases in graphene/BSTS due to the proximity
為了製作出能操縱電子自旋的量子元件,研發出同時擁有良好電子自旋鬆弛時間(spin coupling
relaxation of BSTS to graphene. Theorbit
time)與自旋軌道耦合(spin behavior results from D’yakonov-Perel’-type spin
hexagonal boron nitride (hBN) onto the topological insulator Bi1.5Sb0.5Te1.7Se1.3 (BSTS) which was grown on a hBN substrate by vapor solid synthesis. Phase coherent transport
scattering in graphene with a large proximity-induced spin-orbit coupling strength of at least 2.5 meV.
子學(Spintronics)團隊的主要目標。目前最主要的問題,在於市面上擁有良好性質的材料石墨烯(graphene)的自旋軌道耦合太弱,限制了它的自旋自由度(spin degree of
measurements, revealing weak localization, allow us to extract the carrier density-dependent phase coherence length lφ. While lφ increases with increasing carrier density in the
hBN/graphene/hBN reference sample, it decreases in graphene/BSTS due to the proximity coupling of BSTS to graphene. The latter behavior results from D’yakonov-Perel’-type spin
利用 pick up 的技術來堆疊石墨烯、拓樸絕緣體(topological insulator) 和氮化硼(hBN)製作凡德瓦異質結構(Van der Waals heterostructures) ,並測量它的磁場-電阻特性。
scattering in graphene with a large proximity-induced spin-orbit coupling strength of at least 2.5 meV.
我們期望在保有石墨烯原本高載子遷移率的情況下,同時加強石墨烯的自旋軌道耦合,使結構出現弱反局域效應(weak anti-localization)的現象。
Realization of Spin Hall effect in graphene devices is one of the main goal in Spintronics application.
To enhance weak intrinsic spin-orbit coupling in graphene, several theorical works has provided different manners to overcome this challenge .
Here we report the magneto-transport in graphene/Bi2Se3 heterojuction. In this device, we observed weak-localization suppression, an evidence of induced spin-orbit
interaction via proximity effect with topological insulator surface state, as theoretically proposed.
To improve such phenomenon , we present a pre-patterned hBN/graphene/Bi2Se3 heterostructure . These method holds great promise to study all kinds of graphene-
based heterostructure transport.
We expect this device can reveal novel phenomenon further, such as weak-antilocalization or spin Hall effect .