Individual Assignment: Submitted To
Individual Assignment: Submitted To
Individual Assignment: Submitted To
Submitted to
Nadia Ahmed
Department of Management
Dhaka University
Submitted By
ID: 3-20-44-043
Date of Submission
November 2020
Job stress is a real thing you have to acknowledge. Basically it’s a feeling of emotional and
physical tension of a person. It can creates from many events on work place and make the
employee stressed, frustrated, and angry or nervous. Stress can have both negative and positive
impact that depends on individuals mind set.
There are symptoms from where anyone can detect job related stress. These symptoms can be
physical, psychological and behavioral. Physical symptoms like fatigue, headache, insomnia,
heart problems. Psychological symptoms can be depression, anxiety, discouragement,
After using some data from primary sources I was able to detect reasons behind work related
stress. That can be organization culture, bad management practices, job content and demands,
physical work environment, relationships at work, change in management, lack of appreciation,
role conflict, trauma, long hours, harassment, boring work etc.
Employees who are dissatisfied responses in four ways. Some start to switch the organization.
Some start to wait silently for getting things better. Some left it as it is and make it worse. The
most loyal employees try to change the situation to make it a better organization for work.
There are benefits of prevent work related stress of the organization. Such as increased
productivity, greater job satisfaction, reduced cost to the employer, increased work engagement,
improved employee health and community well-being.
One can prevent work related stress by following some instruction and rules like doing work out,
yoga, taking break from work etc. If situation get worse one should consult with a psychiatrist.
Stress in work place is like a disease to the organization. It directly hits the productivity of the
organization. It slows down employees work performance. It make work environment less work
Job stress is a managerial problem. Management should deal with such things, there should a
human resources management team to deal with this. Proper grooming, training and motivation
can lessen employees stress.
Table of Contents
1. INTRODUCTION……………………………………………………………………………….
10. CONCLUSION…………………………………………….
11. REFERENCES…………………………………………………………………………….
Basically stress is a feeling of emotional and physical tension of a person. It can creates from any
events or though that makes a person frustrated, angry or nervous. Stress is a body’s reaction to
pressure or challenge. Stress can have positive and negative both impacts. There is currently
many disagreement about the meaning of job stress. Because it has roots on several diverse fields
including medicine, clinical psychology, engineering psychology, and organizational
For managers and HR managers job stress has become an important agenda and will remain in
future. There are many evidence that indicates that managers and employees feeling work related
stress and their present work environment making things worse day by day.
Working in any bank is now one of the challenging and dynamic professions in our country. In
any bank a large number of employees serving customer at competitive pressure. For that reason
stress level of employees are rising. And these are leading employees to negative consequences
like decreasing performance, absence from work place, medical expense, and employee turnover.
Despite the overwhelming evidence of the impact of job satisfaction on the bottom line, most
managers seems to be unconcerned about or overestimate worker satisfaction. Manager must
watch employee’s attitudes by warning of potential problems or they can influence behavior.
Managers should try to increase positive job attitude by making work more challenging and
interesting, only financial motivation is not enough.
Stress is inevitable feature of work and personal life. Some work place has low stress, good work
environment and where as some place is high stress environment that may leads company’s
employees to health risk.
Stress that are work related is a growing problem around the world that affects not only the
health and wellbeing of employees but also affects in productivity of any company or
organizations. Work related stress begin when employee has to participate various types and
combinations of work that exceed the person’s capability and capacity to cope up with. Work
related stress is the 2nd most reasons of employee’s health risk around the world.
Work-related stress can be produced by various events. For example, a person might feel under
pressure if the demands of their job (such as hours or responsibilities) are greater than they can
comfortably cope. Other sources of work-related stress include conflict with co-workers or
bosses, constant change, and threats to job security, such as potential redundancy.
To one person it seems stressful but however to other person it seems challenging. A person
experiences job stress depending on his/her job, psychology, makeup and other factors.
Physical symptoms: Physical symptoms are general medical condition. Here I am talking about
those particular physical symptoms that occurs due to job related stress.
1. Fatigue
2. Muscular tension
3. Headaches
4. Heart palpitations
5. Sleeping difficulties, such as insomnia
6. Gastrointestinal upsets, such as diarrhea or constipation
7. Dermatological disorders.
Psychological symptom: Here we can see how psychologically a person can be affected and what
the symptoms are that causes because of job related stress.
1. Depression
2. Anxiety
3. Discouragement
4. Irritability
5. Pessimism
6. Feelings of being overwhelmed and unable to cope
7. Cognitive difficulties, such as a reduced ability to concentrate or make decisions.
Behavioral symptoms: A person also begin to show behavioral symptoms due to job related
Organization Culture: Organizational culture is the group of values, expectations, and practices
that guide and inform the actions of all team members. Think of it as the collection of traits that
make any company what it is. A great culture of an organization that lead to developed
performance. This can be the reason of work related stress on any employees if there is bad
organization culture.
Bad Management Practices: Giving work from another department, forcing employees
to work for long hours without any break and extra payment. Changes of continuous
duties without proper training. These can also causes stress at any job place.
Job Content and Demand: Sometimes a job or a position of an organization itself can be
stressful. Like doing the same task all day and every day or tight deadline, waiting longer hours
to get the job done or perhaps waiting for everyone to leave to finish the task can be stressful.
Physical Work Environment: All surroundings things around your work place needed to be
suitable and comfortable to work promptly and efficiently. Lack of equipment, lack of proper
resources can also create stress on one’s mind.
Relationship at Work: Over supervision, harassment, discrimination, bad blood these can be
toxic for any work places. These can also causes stress at any job place on company’s
Change Management: Changing management frequently can create bad faith and employees
working for longer time in a company will be stressed out due to such incidents.
Lack of Support: Lack of support from management or supervisor can causes staff morale.
Employees can feel left out and in a result can be stressed out.
Role Conflict: Employees should know their task specifically and they should be aware of their
specific role or this might create conflict and also can leads them to job stress.
Exit: Highly dissatisfied employees become more destructive. They tend to leave company as
soon as possible that leads company to high turnover rate. It affects both company’s performance
and reputation. People outside company tends to think that this company is a bad place for work.
Voice: Some employees actively and constructively attempts to improve the present situation.
These employees mostly are working or the organization longer time. They tend to sticks with
the company.
Neglect: There will be many employees with dissatisfaction won’t be participating any attempt
rather they will allow these condition to get worse. They will simply ignore everything and will
keep it as it is.
Loyalty: These employees are loyal to the organization but they won’t be part of anything. They
will just simply wait for the condition to improve. They will work long time for any
Employees’ performance is connected with employees’ job satisfaction and job stress. There was
a time when management used to believe that a little bit of stress is a good way to boost
employees’ performance but this becomes a vague concept at present time. More the level of
stress, lower is the performance of an employee. Today it is believed that a little bit of stress can
disrupt employees work performance.
A little bit of stress can push away focus of an employee from the main goal and task.
Stress affects peoples reasoning, thinking and resulting poor performance on the job task
given by the company.
Even low job stress on employees can result in health risk of an employee that can lead to
absence from work or hamper in job performance. Mental health is really important to
have a sound body.
Any task that requires mental strength also can be hampered if the person is not mentally
stable. At a job place employees’ performance can be hampered if they are not mentally
A research found that as stimulation increases also performance increases initially, after a
point of time it starts to decrease. The more it becomes complicated the less is
stimulation. It effects on the job performance
Employees under job stress loses their creativity, innovativeness and that effects on
employees’ job performance.
Stressed colleagues or teammates can affect other employees on a work place and slow
down the work performance and productivity of a company.
Some people are different. They can work under stress really well. Even though they perform
better under stress. Challenge keeps them motivated, stress keep them driven towards the goals.
But these are not normal scenario. People who have exceptional skillset are always tend to
perform well in every scenario and even though stress also can slow them down when it reaches
their limit.
Increased Productivity: IF employees are stressed they one way or other way hamper
productivity and performance of the company they served. To increase productivity you have to
find a way to boost their moral.
Reduced Symptoms of Poor Mental and Physical Health: To run office work smoothly you
have to groom your employees to reduce symptoms of their poor mental and physical health.
Reduce Sick Leave and Absence: By reducing sick leave and absence of employee in the work
place you can boost your productivity. Preventing stress is the only way to get that opportunity
and boost productivity.
Greater Job Satisfaction: Job satisfaction boost employees to get loyal to the organization. A
loyal employee will always protect company’s interest over his own. By preventing job stress
you can get them greater job satisfaction.
Low Employee Turnover: High employee turnover is bad for any organization. Recruitment
process is both time consuming and expensive for an organization. High job stress means
probability of employee turnover is high.
Fewer Injuries Less Illness and Loss time: Again job stress can help you out to avoid these
sort of situation.
Increased Work Engagement: Satisfied employees are assets of an organization. They are more
focused in their goal and objectives. Increased work engagement boost productivity of any
Reduced Cost of Them employer: By reducing sickness, turnover rate you can easily reduce
organizational expenditure. That can be possible by preventing job stress of employees in a work
You can help yourself faster than anyone else. Person suffering from work-related stress can help
themselves in a number of ways if they really want to help themselves to get out of such
situation, including:
Think about the changes you need to make at work in order to reduce your stress levels
and then take action. Some variations you can manage yourself, while others will need the
assistance of others.
Talk over your concerns with your employer or human resources manager. They can give
you best solutions.
Make sure you are well prepared. List your tasks in order of importance. Schedule the
most difficult tasks of each day for periods when you are fresh, such as first thing in the morning
to begin.
Take care of yourself. Eat a healthy diet and exercise regularly. Try to work out for
mental peace. It really helps to strengthen your mind.
Consider the remunerations of regular relaxation. You could try meditation or yoga.
Make sure you have sufficient free time to yourself every week.
Try not to take out your stress on loved ones. Instead, tell them about your work
difficulties and ask for their support and recommendations.
Drugs, such as alcohol and tobacco, won’t lessen stress and can cause additional health
problems. Avoid extreme drinking and smoking.
Pursue professional counselling from a psychologist if things get out of your control.
If work-related stress remains to be a problem, despite your struggles, you may need to
consider another job or a career change. Seek advice from a career counsellor or psychologist.
That would be the best for you.
These are the methods on should follow to prevent work related stress from his /her system.
There is a proverb saying health is wealth. We should always thing about our own self before
anything else. No matter what you do just remember only you can get out of this situation by
your strong will. In a workplace you have to be focused and confident. Excessive level of stress
can tear you down, can break you into pieces. Help yourself, be strong, and be confident every
way of your life.
It is important for employers to identify work-related stress as a important health and safety
issue. A company can and should take steps to ensure that workers are not endangered to
unnecessary stress, including:
Work related stress is something we should not avoid to discuss. This is a real fact that we
should be concern for. To achieve an organizations goals and objectives a company should find
proper solutions to prevent work related stress. Good and loyal employees are assets of an
organization. Help them to feel secure in your work place. Help them to work smoothly.
Working for long hours consecutively all day every day without break is stressful. Employees’
performance is connected with employees’ job satisfaction and job stress. There was a time when
management used to believe that a little bit of stress is a good way to boost employees’
performance but this becomes a vague concept at present time. More the level of stress, lower is
the performance of an employee. Today it is believed that a little bit of stress can disrupt
employees work performance. A little bit of stress can push away focus of an employee from the
main goal and task. Stress affects peoples reasoning, thinking and resulting poor performance on
the job task given by the company. Employees can help them to get rid of this also organization
must perform some role to keep employees fully focused on their given role. It is important for
employers to identify work-related stress as a important health and safety issue. For managers
and HR managers job stress has become an important agenda and will remain in future. There
are many evidence that indicates that managers and employees feeling work related stress and
their present work environment making things worse day by day. Stress is inevitable feature of
work and personal life. Some work place has low stress, good work environment and where as
some place is high stress environment that may leads company’s employees to health risk.
1. Victoria,N., 2012. WORK RELATED STRESS, [online] Available at: web address
( [Accessed
17 November 2020].
2. Taylor, F., 2013. Job stress on performance, [online] Available at; [Accessed
17 November2020].
3. John, K.,2014. Occupational health: Stress at the workplace, [online] Available at: web
address (
workplace) [[Accessed 17 November 2020]