Proposed Sworn Statement For Accreditation Requirement OF RA 9298

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OF RA 9298

I, (name of person), single practitioner or Chairman / Managing Partner of (name of the

partnership), single/married/separated, of legal age and residing at (address of the
affiant), having been duly sworn in accordance with law, depose and say:

That, I, as a single practitioner or Chairman / Managing Partner and all my / our staff
members both CPAs and non-CPAs and partners (in case of a partnership), have:

1. I / we had three (3) years of meaningful experience in the scope of work covered
in the practice of public accountancy (detailed description of work experience to
be attached to the sworn statement);
2. I / we had a meaningful participation of our respective internal quality review
3. I / we had undergone adequate and effective training from organizations duly
accredited by the Board of Accountancy or its duly authorized representatives on
all current accounting and auditing standards, Code of Ethics, laws and its
implementing rules and regulations, circulars, memoranda, their respective codes
of good governance and other related documents that are required in the practice
of public accountancy to ensure professional, ethical and technical standards;
4. I / we are all of good moral character; and,
5. I / we had not been found guilty by a competent court and / or administrative body
of any case involving moral turpitude and / or unethical practices and that neither
I / any of us is a defendant in any case of similar nature pending before any
competent court and / or administrative agencies.

That, this affidavit is in compliance with requirement No. 8 of the amended list of
requirement issued by the PRC / BOA for accreditation to practice public accountancy;

That, I, as a single practitioner or Chairman / Managing Partner of (name of the

partnership), am executing this affidavit in support to my / our application to practice
public accountancy in the Philippines;

That, I, as a single practitioner or Chairman / Managing Partner of (name of the

partnership), know fully well that any false statement in this affidavit will lead to the
cancellation of the accreditation being sought for and / or the filing of charges against me
/ the partnership.
WITNESS MY HAND on this day of , 20 in
, Philippines.



SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN tome before this , 20 , the

affiant exhibited to me his Community Tax No. issued on .


Doc. No.
Page No.
Book No.
Series of

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