Exit Interview Handbook
Exit Interview Handbook
Exit Interview Handbook
Table of Contents
Senior Exit Interview Handbook
The Senior Exit Interview is a graduation requirement established by the Murrieta Valley Unified School
District in 2008 as a recommendation from the 21st Century Collaborative Ad Hoc Committee. This
district committee reviewed research and recommendations addressing 21 st century college and work
force requirements, and as a result Board Policy 6146.1(a) regarding district graduation requirements was
Students obtaining a diploma of graduation from a Murrieta Valley Unified School District high school
shall successfully complete a presentation on personal career/life goals. This presentation will exhibit the
student’s creative ability, critical thinking and communication skills while demonstrating a clear
understanding of the essential activities needed to achieve the career/ life goals.
The Senior Exit Interview process includes a written reflective essay, a problem based senior project, and
a culminating presentation.
What happens if the student does not complete the exit interview process/presentation?
Students who do not receive a successful evaluation will be given the opportunity to revise and present
again, prior to graduation. If the student does not meet the exit interview requirement, he or she will
not graduate.
Senior Exit Interview Handbook
Students today are preparing for jobs that don’t yet exist. The unimaginable is becoming commonplace,
and citizens of the world are no longer fixtures but designers. The exit interview will introduce them to
the skills needed to succeed in the 21st Century.
Overview: what will you encounter in your future, and how will you be a vital contributor for the world?
The senior exit interview emphasizes the student’s potential contribution for an ever-changing world after
graduation, which will help reveal how the student will be a vital asset to his or her chosen area of
interest. The interview panel could include district personnel, community members, and students. The
student will show the panel the process of investigating an appropriate post-high school career/life goal.
The exit interview is assessed as complete or incomplete based on a proficient score earned on the
district-approved rubrics.
The reflective essay is completed in the junior year and will be evaluated on the quality of critical
thinking and mechanics. Writing should be coherent, adequately organized, developed, and reflects an
awareness of audience and purpose. The language should demonstrate control of the conventions of
written English and be generally free of errors. The student will be required to gather information related
to his or her field of interest.
The oral presentation will be evaluated on structure and organization, vocal expression, non-verbal skills,
and overall impact. In addition to meeting the time requirement, the presentation should include an
introduction, main ideas, and conclusion which exhibit critical thinking. Vocal expression will be rated
on volume, pitch, articulation, and pronunciation. The oral presentation should include appropriate eye
contact, posture, gestures, movement, and attire. The presentation’s overall impact will be scored on
energy, enthusiasm, sincerity, and originality/creativity.
Project Demonstration: can you demonstrate how your contribution reveals your passion?
The project demonstration will be evaluated on understanding of purpose and audience, choice of media,
creativity, and relevance of career/life goals, which should create a convincing overall impact on a
professional audience/panel. The project should demonstrate a clear purpose and an appropriate
understanding of audience. Media should be ready to use, appropriate, and relevant to the student goals.
Creativity will be evaluated on clarity and originality. The student’s exploration of how to make a
personal contribution as a citizen for the world should demonstrate an understanding of how to plan for
and achieve both long and short-term goals. The student should exhibit enthusiasm and sincerity so that
the panel is left with a positive overall impact, confident that the student will be able to achieve any future
Senior Exit Interview Handbook
Senior Exit Interview Application: Submit to the exit interview coordinator no later than the end of first
Grade Component Description
Grade 9 Complete the Information Communication Technology/Careers
Grade 12 Complete the semester Senior Exit Interview Seminar course (if
necessary) to assist in the completion of the preparation for the
Senior Exit Interview presentation.
Your signature below acknowledges readiness to complete the Senior Exit Interview, which is a MVUSD
high school graduation requirement.
__________________________________________________________________ ___________
Student Signature Date
_______________________________________ ______________________________
Email Cell
Your signature below acknowledges your student’s readiness to complete the Senior Exit Interview,
which is a MVUSD high school graduation requirement.
__________________________________________________________________ ___________
Parent/Guardian Signature Date
________________________________________ ___________________________________
Senior Exit Interview Handbook
Email Cell
The Reflective Essay
In grade 11, students will complete the reflective essay requirement of the senior exit interview
process. The essay will be scored using a district-approved rubric. Special education students
will be allowed accommodations and modifications as determined by the IEP teams in
completion of this assessment. Students needing more guidance and mentoring may take the
semester-long Senior Exit Interview Seminar course to assist in the completion of the reflective
Reflective Essay Prompt
Directions for Writing: Write a reflective essay focusing on the senior exit interview. Describe
the process, struggles, and dilemmas you have experienced in your planning and preparation for
the senior exit interview. Use the rubric and the guidelines below in planning and developing
your essay.
Reflective Essay Guidelines
Structure: Include one paragraph on each of the following topics--
Introduction: Define the focus of your investigation into your personal career/life goals
through the exit interview process. Consider the following questions:
o What topic(s) have you investigated? You may talk about frustration you
experienced in trying to decide what to do. Why did you discard other topics in
favor of the one you chose?
o Why did you choose the topic you did?
o What were the goals of your investigation?
o What questions did you have at the beginning? Did you want to learn something
new? Career focus? Strong skill you possess?
o What did you learn from this investigation?
Body Paragraph 1--Work Completed: Describe in detail the steps you have taken and
work you have completed in this investigation thus far. Consider the following
o What did you accomplish during your 9th grade year? 10th grade year? 11th?
o What do you still need to accomplish?
Body Paragraph 2—Value/Impact: Reflect upon the value and impact of the work you
have completed in this investigation thus far. Consider the following questions:
o What was the single most important lesson you learned during this investigation?
o What level of impact did this investigation have on you?
o Would this investigation be worth repeating? Why or why not?
o Did you feel successful? How do you measure success?
o Did this investigation uncover new opportunities for you?
Body Paragraph 3—Problem Solving: Reflect upon the obstacles you encountered
during this investigation. Consider the following questions:
o What was a major obstacle you encountered during this investigation? Did you
anticipate the problem when you began? How did you attempt to solve this
problem? What worked/didn’t work?
Senior Exit Interview Handbook
o It is possible that we learn more from our failures than our successes. Why would
this be true? Do you have an example of this as it applies to your investigation?
o Can you give us an example of how a seemingly “small detail” grew into a much
larger issue? What did you do to “contain” it?
o If someone else were going to complete an investigation similar to yours, what
three things would you recommend he/she carefully consider in order to be
Body Paragraph 4—Accountability: Reflect upon your level of commitment and
accountability during this investigation. Consider the following questions:
o Knowing that this investigation and exit interview was a requirement for high
school graduation, do you feel that you devoted adequate time and energy in its
planning and follow-through?
o Did this investigation significantly impact other areas of your life (e.g.
schoolwork, job, family, social life)?
o What untapped resources could be helpful as you complete your investigation in
preparation for your exit interview?
Conclusion: Reflect upon what you learned from this investigation. Consider the
following questions:
o How would you evaluate your investigation?
o Were you successful in achieving the goals of your investigation? Explain.
o What things would you do differently if you had to do it again?
o How have you grown as a productive adult?
Due before spring break of the junior year
Submit hard copy (no digital formats) to the exit interview coordinator
Must be typed (double spaced, Times New Roman, 12 pt. font)
In order to complete this essay, you MUST have already started your project
Senior Exit Interview Handbook
Exit Interview Rubric: Part 1– Reflective Essay
EVALUATOR:_______________________________ DATE: _______
Demonstrates poor control over sentence Demonstrates adequate control of sentence structure In addition to meeting the proficient criteria
structure. with appropriate use of language and word choice. Demonstrates exceptional control of sentence structure with
precise use of language and word choice
Demonstrates inadequate control of sentence
Reflects fundamental control of the conventions of Reflects mastery of the conventions of written English and is
Mechanics structure with inappropriate use of language and
written English and is generally free of errors virtually free of errors
limited or incorrect word choice
Writing is ineffective with random or weak Writing is coherent, adequately organized and Writing is confident, coherent, clearly focused, well organized,
organization, poor development, and little or no developed, and demonstrates and awareness of thoroughly developed, and communicates insightfully with
awareness of audience or purpose audience and purpose consistent awareness of audience and purpose
Communicates little or no focus for the Communicates a clear and powerful focus for the investigation
Communicates a focus for the investigation
Describes with few or no detail the steps Describes in detail the steps completed in the
investigation Describes with rich detail the steps completed in the investigation.
completed in the investigation
Reflects ineffectively or insufficiently on the Reflects thoroughly and insightfully on the value and impact of the
Reflects on the value and impact of the investigation
value and impact of the investigation investigation
Content/ Reflects ineffectively or insufficiently on the Reflects on the obstacles encountered during the Reflects thoroughly and insightfully on the obstacles encountered
Critical obstacles encountered during the investigation investigation during the investigation
Reflects ineffectively or insufficiently on the
Reflects on the level of accountability and commitment Reflects thoroughly and insightfully on the level of accountability
level of accountability and commitment during
during the investigation and commitment during the investigation
the investigation
Additional Comments:
Senior Exit Interview Rubrics: Part 2 – Interview/Presentation
PROJECT PRESENTED: _______________________________________
EVALUATOR:_______________________________ DATE: _______
Media Features Materials detracted from content or Media/materials were appropriate and Project features a variety of highly
purpose of presentation or were of such enhanced project presentation effective, unique materials and media
low quality as to discredit presenter Equipment and visuals prepared and
ready to use
Creative Ability Shows lack of creative effort Creativity attempted in a unique and Creative approach effectively enhances
thoughtful manner the audience’s understanding of the topic
12 points required to
TOTAL pass.